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MIII-U2- Actividad 4.

Lectura: Dilogo sobre el turismo

Julie se encuentra en un lugar desconocido. Se encuentra con Brandon y le hace unas
Despus de leer la conversacin, contesta en un documento de word las preguntas que se
encuentran al final de este formato.

Julie: Excuse me, are you from around here?
Brandon: Yes, I am. Can I help you?
Julie: I heard that there was a legend about a church here, do you know it?
Brandon: Of course I do, it is famous. It is also one of our most popular tourist
Julie: Could you tell me how to get there?
Brandon: Sure thing, go straight for three blocks, then turn left at the first stoplight. You
will walk one more block and you cant miss it.
Julie: Would you recommend anything else?
Brandon: Well, if you like things that are exciting, try bungee jumping. But I think you are
out of your mind if you go!
Julie: I agree, I wouldnt dare!

Legend - leyenda
Famous - famoso
Popular - popular
Sure thing - claro que s
Cant miss it - es fcil encontrarlo
Be out of your mind - estar loco
Wouldnt dare - no me atrevera

Contesta Falso (F) o Verdadero (T) a las siguientes preguntas:


Julie wants to know where the famous church is. T/F

Many people go to see the church. T/F
Brandon does not want to give Julie directions. T/F
One of the directions that Brandon gives Julie is to turn left at the stoplight. T/F
The church is hard to find. T/F
Brandon thinks bungee jumping is relaxing. T/F
Julie wants to go bungee jumping. T/F

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

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