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Diagnostic Analysis

The children were obviously more comfortable with the matching sections than any other section of the test. I can understand that it might have
been slightly overwhelming having to fill in so much information but observing these students this semester I felt they were capable. They were
a rambunctious group of children but intelligent. I hope to see better results on the summative assessment because right now, these students
are not knowledgeable of this topic.

Chart Key:
V = vocabulary,
E = explain
L = list
M = matching (there is a 1.1 and 2.1, and a 1.2, and 2.2, etc. because there were two matching sections).

Summative Analysis
The students performance was much more balanced on the summative assessment which is pleasing. The summative chart is not completely
aligned with the diagnostic chart because two students were absent the day of the summative assessment. There were still a few vocabulary
words that most of the children answered incorrectly but after reviewing the assessments, this was mainly due to terminology (meaning they did
not understand the term but did not ask any questions for explanation). The matching was almost perfect which is fantastic because it aligns
perfectly with my standards and objective! There was one explaining question that every student consistently missed and I believe this is due to
the fact that the day I taught lesson 3, it was picture day (distracting). Other than that, I am pleased with the summative results. Next time, I will
definitely use less written vocabulary. Perhaps a few fill in the blank vocabulary for the more difficult words would have been helpful. I wanted
this test to require higher level thinking but I overwhelmed some of the students instead.

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