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"lements of Reads and Highways Refraction Seismic Method AA ophyscal method used for subsurface exploration called refaction seismic method relies onthe principle that, the sed of shock traveling tough te earth surface vanes, dex pending upan the kindof matenals. Shock waves tavel rough light loose soils at approximately 180 meters per second, and £6,000 mater per second on dense ae soi rock 1 the earth's crust i of ifm material for some depth, these time intervals are proportional t the distance fom the ‘ign of explosion. If the surface layer eof harder denser mac tenth time interval to a distant oii shortened, The shock ‘waves travel beneath the denser material along is upper mar= in, and then retuned to the recoding instrument ‘The records fr the time of wave travel against the shooting distance, the number and thickness ofthe diffrent undecying layers, ineluding the depth to bedrock can be prdite. Tis test is sel in determing the depth ofthe rock but could be deceiving on roughly ted stratified materials, The reftaction method was developed for exploration of underground conditions of roadway cuts The shock wave it ‘obtained by striking a 6 inches square steel plate with 4 hilo: ams sledged hammer. The testis dane by applying dct curs Fent to flow through the soil between two other supply loc: odes placed immediately atthe third points. The reaiivty changes where depth is produced, recording the resus at Yar ‘ous eecrode spacing This method is omen reliable although sometimes can not be totally depended on regarding the information as to the presence of solid rock. Is useflin area exploration when iis ‘sed to find localized sand ad gravel dopo, curren 3 ROAD MATERIALS $1 Aggregates mses mend force Bains (ama Po Ln! Sat coc pavements bof Gal halt in sane wah he requements of AASHTO standard orem Wo of he Deptt of Public Woks and Highways spec tations wc generally provides Dat / le pares or The aggregates shal const of hard curable p spoxmens sferished sion, crashed sag, or ershed rook 0” Aggregates to be classed good quality, mst underg9 various ts enumerate as flows “Test for strength “Test fr soundness. “Tet fr afinty and sv Test for shape and texture Test for resistance to polishing. 6 Degradation test, 1 ‘ Test for strength ‘ Angeles ‘The enterion for agaregatestregth test isthe Los Ange Rate Test (AASHTO 1-96) briefly conducted as follows atl est done i low inl at bah Cee ne ender menus 70 canines mie dame Bo cts ng proved th el shelf Tras Shay mara 9s cher moured with #8 Ss Silay on ssh and fastened atthe ends is ind 500 rotons at seed of 2010 how tha pss ough we et the amon of gt beens creas! eign dal he FHWA recommended tht agaegats for a dese aed axa shal bye 30 or i otc re However, peeeage may be an css here excl aussie ae anda vale ‘Test for Soundness Soundness refers to the resistance of materials to deteriora cn foe the effect of ng and thawing, The 1. A sample of fine or corse aggregate is dried, and then, immerod ina saturated soliton of sod or magnsinm sulfate, followed by draining, and oven drying The application of quid soltions will cause sping, crumbling, cracking o Making of the pariles surface The application k conducted in ive immersion and dry ‘After washing and drving, agaregate samples are exam- ined carefully and sieve 1 determine the changes inthe Dart sizes, The result is ecorded as percentage loss, Some rod agencies do not require soundnes tet for ag yepate intended for asphalt pavement particularly in ar os oles temperate he evens ed me all be Tow fcezing po Test for Affinity and Swell Srey uid Aub prone me har bine tat eed 3 sui’ from the aggepate, the pavement wil disintegrate onde afc Another reaction ofthe pavement ist pt when ageepas re pulled-off caused by running. wheels In the event tht pavement mixture swells We interlock and fiction between he Particles are destroyed resuking to collapse of the pavement sabi 1. Hydrophiic is the term wsed when the agaregate has ‘rater affinty for water than asphalt. Meaning, they like Water than asphalt in contrast to hydrophobic mich smeans fear, or against water 2. Than ageregate is hyo, the chemical bond between the aggregates and water is mich stronger than thoee be tween agarepaes and asphalt On the contrary, if the ag- aegate is hydrophobic, piaboles will develop on the as Dial and water ponte the surface ntl reaches the sasregates 3. Such water agergate interferences may devel Shasp edge of erushol particles and in de wil destroy the sgargate and asphalt od 4. Sometimes he stripped asphalt flashes to the eure of the pavement making it slcky, and afer sipping aggregates that are suscopuble to sweling wll expand ‘when moistened then derpe the pavement stu 5. The immersion compression test (AASHTO 165) indi- realy measure the tendency of aggregate to arp or swell ter the effets of wate, The stpping probe ofa sregate has long been perennial problem, altoueh, mony pericaced engineers knows wich of the aguregaies be {ng sed wil or wll at be aed a the Shape and Texture of Aggregates A relatively rounded smaoth agaregate pasties like natural vel recommended for Portland cement cores pavement Elements of Roads and Highways because the minaure is workable, Meaning, easly man aged and consolidated inside the forms The angular or cubical shape and rough surface texture aggregate has bom proven excellent mei for asphalt Dvernent because it has eronger interlocking action and ‘well adherence of asp binder to the parties [A thin or elongated pice of di i considered undesirable material fr ether asphalt or cones pavement The AASHTO Standard Specifications for asphalt pave ment aggregate has no specie stipulation as 10 the con ‘wal ofthe shape or surface texture, Test for Resistance to Polishing (One good citron for pavement design isthe high coti- Gent of tetion between the ie and the road surface ‘A good asphalt or concrete rsd design is when “the rub ber tire isin direct contact withthe aggregate and not with the Binder” measure under the following Consterations 1. fim so shor time, the agprepate surface ofthe road be- ‘comes plished and sticky, the cocficent Of fiction be- twomn the road surface and the tie wil be dangerously low. ‘The skid resistance has baring relation with the plishing ofthe agaregte, prompting the road agency to consider the skid resistance measurement on existing rad o bein ‘luded and part ofthe oad inventory ‘Aggregates produced fom limestone are practically sus- pile to polishing On the other hand, ifthe parent tocks are sarsistone or ine grain igneous ype, polishing Limestone coarse aggregate containing larger amount of ‘sand that are insoluble in dited hydrochloric acd, are Fond tobe resistance to polishing Road Materials 5. Likewise the fiction fctor between the te and the road surface will increase substantially if sca sand ism hod in he mine Degradation Test Some agprgates degrade in the presence of water. This i measured through mechanical agitation in water under designs thon tet -210 of AASHTO. 1. About 2.5 kilograms of coarse agaregate that is retained ‘ono. 4 seve are washed thoroughly and agitated fr 10 Sedimentation test ike the sand oquivalea est fo si is done on the sample passing the 0.075 mm (0.200) par ces gineratad The durability index res ranges ffom 0 to 100, but the FHWA. specications ct a minimum valve of 35, 2 Rar fe pp eget Os pes ie 075 eG) se, tet isthe same as the shove procedures except thatthe sample seis only 1/2 bloga 44 The sand equivalent testis performed afer 10 minutes to establish durability dex of 35, Particle Size syeyae ranges from couse to dust 2. For open graded pavement, - One of more layer ofthe couse rok of uniform siz is sed 3. For sheet agphalt. ~The mineral aggregate is x carflly sgaded snd ad neal st For agareats, the inherent variance in the materials, the rosion in sampling and testing, the segregation im the sample fix in banding aggregate of large volime will mean that Elements of Roads and Highways tleril acti incorpratd " 5-2 Aggregate for Bituminous Pavement Generally, for bituminous or asphalt pavement, the agro tates consiute $8% to 96% by weight or more than 75% by volume. AASHTO standard specications provides that The aggregates shall consist of hard, durable particles of Aagments of sane or gree and sno eter je mierl ‘particles free from vegetable mater and lamps or balls of clay ‘and of such nature that con be compacted realy fo form @ firm, sable ayer. 1 shall conform tothe grading requirements shown in table 51 when ested by AASHTO TI] ond 2? ‘TABLE'S1 GRADING REQUIRESIENTS ‘Te following materials are lasted under item 300 of the DDPWH standard specications, 1. Coarse aggregate materials retained on 2.00 mm No.10 sieve shall have a mass percont of wear by the Los Ange les Abrasion Test (AASHT T-36) of noc more than 5, Road Materials When crushed agaregate is specified, not less. than SO [mses permet of fhe pstccs esioed on the A75 1am (No 4) seve shal ave at lest one factuted face. The fraction pasing the 0.75 mm (No.200) sieve should not be rentcr than 2/3 ofthe faction pasting the 0.425 The faction passing 0425 mm (No. 40) seve shall have 3 uid mit not greater than 35 and plasticity index range of 410 9 whon tested by AASHTO T-89 and 7:90 respectively 53. Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement In order to obtain high quay concrete, road agencies have Imposed almost without exception Ut ll agarepates shall pass Appropriate tests Zor strength, roundness, weor or the combina thon ofthese dee 1. The presence of organic impure in the aggregates in tended for concreting oa paverent may cause slow or new-hardening of the concrete. Under AASHTO T-21 Standard tet the agavepate treated with a mixture of sodium hydrochloride solution, and when the Weatd 3g freete tums dark, organic materials ar sid to be pe sein he agsrgate ‘The strength of fine aggregate is measured by the cam pression tests of sand-cement mortar, Soundaess of fine aggregate is measured by the resistance to deterioration under the action of Sodom or Magne ‘Shrm Sulfste, The sodhum sulfate test five cytes, The ‘maximum loss under AASHTO speciation is 10%. For Coarse aggregate the requirement consists: of crushed stone, gravel, blast furnace, hg. oF approved inet mate nals of similar characterises or combination thereof a of Roads and Highways having hard, strong durable pieces fre from adhere AASHTO Fine Aggregate grading By Weight Percent pasing_ 38" sieve 100. No.4 sieve 95-100 No. I6scve 45-80 No. SOsieve 1030 No, 100 sieve 210 axe Aloble Pacem hy Wah Matis Pavements | Badge Deck (Cher 40 spac gity Coal and Ligne tay Lamps Sodium Slate Sounds Magnesium Sulfite | The Departmt of Public Works and highways Standard Specifications classify aggregate under item 703 and specific cally prowdes that 1. Aagreyate shall consist of hard, durable particles or fag ment of erushod sta, eshshig or ershed or natural sravel, Material that breaks up vwhenaltermatly weted and dad shal be discarded 3 i j E a 7 Road Materials Elements of Roads and Highways 2. Coarse Aggregate isthe material retained on the 20 sm (No.1) seve and shall have a persnage of water not more than 50 for sb-bate and not more than 45 fr bas and surg cours adie by AASHTO de Fine Aggregate is the material passing the No.0 sieve (2.00 mm) consisting of natural, crashed sand, and fine mineral particles. The jraction passing the 0.075 mm (No.200) sieve should nat be greater than 0.66 (23) of ‘he faction pasing the 0 425mm (Ne 40) seve For Base Course, the fraction passing the 0.428 mam (No.4) sieve shall have's guid int of nt more thin 28 and aplastic Index (Pl) not greater than 6 For sub bse ‘course, the liquid limit should no be greater than 38, and Past Index ot erstr than 12 For Surface Coarse the fraction passing the 0425 mm (No. 40) seve shall have quid lt not more than 38 and Plasticity Index not less than 4 nor exceed 9, 5-4 Mineral filler The strength of road pavement wil be increased if dso dltves which dense the graded mixture is aed called ier filler that redces the woid contents in the mixture. Ths dust ative isnot the ordinary dist that i being found a ot Moor or abies ust additive is classified into Finely powdered limestone Slag Heurated Lime Powlnd Cement Trap ook dust Flyash Road Materials ‘The DPWH Standard Specification relative to mineral file iy to flow freely and shall be essentially free from agalomera AASHTO M17 provides that: Percentage passing by sight shal be 2s follows No. 30(0.56mm) sieve 50 No SO(030mm) sie 95-100, No. 200(0 75am) sive 70-100 [AASHTO further stipulates that all minerals ether than y= raed lime ox Portland coment, the Plastic Index (PD value shal be 4 or less. 55 Bi Buminos melo Aspal nso a vss li sed a8 binder for agaregates in road consiructon. At nomnal cnperstre asphalt ether slighty thicker than water or hard ‘ut bile watcha that breaks under a hamoer blow when cold 1. Bitumingus material is in guid form when mixed or combined with aggregates. Ths liquid form may be pro duced ether by heating te bard asphalt, by dissolving in Solvent or by emulsifying in water. However, there are bir tuminous liquid materiale avoiabl ad ready for vse. “The action of asphalt binder depends on is type and the ‘agrezate itis combined with, The purpose ofthe asphalt binder isto resist the abrasive free brought about by heavy afi Blements of Roads and Highways OR SS Type an cde ot Ain cums nc) ee me iat emma AASHTO Ge Spc rT Rond Materils 3, If road pavement isthe open type, consisting entirely of coarse particles and asphalt, eavy binder is ntded re ‘quiring mote asphalt. On the other hand, i agareate in the pavement contain fine pares, coesion will be de veloped by surface tension im the thin asphalt film su Founding the fine pats, Hence, less viseous asphalt s required 5-6 Bituminous Binders Asphalt cement i used as binder for almost al high types of totuminous pavemnt. Aspllt cement isa sem soli hydrocar- bon retainod after fuel and Inbricating ols are removed fom rsrleum, The softest grade wed for pavement isthe 200300 enetration. The 60-70 penevations is the hardest ye. Penetration refers to the consistencies of aspalt cement as esribed under AASHTO-T49,Itisthe distance at a standard needle penetrates a sample under known condition of loading ne an temperature. Recently, the procedure used in grading ssp coment isthe Viseosity Test rather than the Penetra tion Test ese AASHTO 9-226 Specification for Transporta- sion Material). it Cutback or Liquid Asph 1. Liguid asphalt is a pevoleum product consisting of as pial coment wath a hqud dilate (eset, kerosene or xsl), The lest viscous asphalt contains diluents a it teas 13% 2, The use of cutback is being frome fortwo reasons a. Mtisausable fel , Itisan ai polltant 3. Cusback or liquid asp eclassifed iat: ‘Slow curing (SC) rod sil Medi curing (MC cutback asphalt © Rapid Curing (RC) cutback asphalt Elements of Roads and Highways Emulsified Asph ja kimi apa fica whine in lobules of asphalt ier i water Asphalt content a fom 55674 by wiht Eun cl sap o med 4 nomal tener, becaee when th Wate Const ‘rates, the asphalt remains, It has the following coerce 1 mused asphalt is exelent with vet sere tate le wr etn cai te ep es pel contac withthe parle suas 2. mule asphalt i an atemate te cutback cate cthack apa fo cry an comet sje. a ete tate in cooing elsropstive aggre. such a8 limestone Dut tnd pom sgrests wh igh ome te of alca for having song stone sf ‘charges. "7 3. The Cattote Emasion i very effective cn igh silcous aggregates but may sip fiom high allaline that cary strong postive surface change. 4. Refwenatng Agent is an. existed croukifed pevoleum resin sprayed over the surface of an old asphalt road that changes to asphaltenes causing th binder to harden and tracks. The rjvenating agent spayed over the pavement tnd soRening the binder Too much application however, produces ick pavement srfice 7 Oxidized Asphalt and Road Tar ridin apa sal ny fr fing and sina tlcatos Fipiy wed of ocd spat ime woke Prong of scr nd ing jot of conc paren Ron tri by podac of te tls he ilo proce fr Tar ate prodeed fom pour cal tar, cook oven at ae ‘water gas tar. 7 136 The AASHTO classification of coal tars includes RT-1 10 1-12 and RCTB-S to RTCB-S T-1 is suitable for aplication as Tack of Prime Coat at normal ermperature ‘Bitumen — Rubber Mixture “Te bitumen rubber mixture for road pavement was exper mented in Holland in the year 1929. Te was adopted in the ‘United States in 1947 and later, in European countnes. The as sesemene ofthe rad tates that: 1 The DPWH Specifications Classify Bituminous Tack Under tem 302 which provides that: Road Materials Bituminous materials shall be ether Rapid Curing Cot Back or Erulified asphalt “Tack Coat shal be applied only to ry surfices or sightly Thvist No Tack Coat shal be applied when the weather is tithe ony rainy ftamediasy prior to the application of Tack Coat the RY ure phy sprayed with water, but not to be saturated ‘Fhe rate of application of either the Rapid Curing, Cut Beck or Emulaiodasphalt is whin the range of 0.2 0 17 lier per square meter, Any exces of dis specified (tote shoul be Bloted by sand or removed ‘Flak Coat shall be sprayed only as far in advance onthe fret course at wll permit it 0 dry ina tacky condi- ‘Gon Trath shall be Kept off the Tack Coat until after fally dried ery litle improvement gained as far a8 coeficient of Tsim on newly lid pavement but expect higher advan tages afer sx months, Th analysis of the Bueas of Pub- Tie Roads states that: Elements of Roads and Highways Iubber to asphalt mst wait on farther observiion of the Behavior of experimental panement nde te uence of 2. According tothe report, powdered rubber foams added to ‘birumen has improved the stability of se but ct al Epoxy Resin as Binders Epoxy binders ate produced ina clear, da, rigid and lexi be form for application to ether conerté or aspalt pavement Hardening can be attained by mixing the resin and the catalyst. hardener prior to application. The resi called themeseting “Meaning it will not soften under the inflcoce of het of the action of solvent like water or petzoeum preducts The high ‘ost of resin has restricted ts se to bridge surfacing and oer special non-kid seal coating surface oly Test for Bituminous Binders 1. Test of consistency is subdivide into. Kinematics Viscosity test Soybole-Fural test a ‘AASHTO T-202 b © rgler spate gravity test a AASHTOT-72 AASHTO'T 54 AASHTO T-50 AASHTO T-49 AASHTO T-5 The lat est Softening point test 2. Test for durability Test for solblity 4. Dillion est AASHTO T's2 AASHTO T-44 AASHTO T-78 “Thin film oven test, AASHTO T-179 6. Flashpoint AASHTO T-489;79 Test for homogencty of petroleum asphalt AASHTO 102 Special test for Emulsion asphalt AASHTO T-59 ‘An appraisal of the real economic value of the addon of Road Materials ‘Test for demalsbility Test for setdement Sieve tet (Cement mixing test Particle charg and PH tests Misty and feeing est Problems Associated with Bituminous Binders The times of spl fl in the pavement, ranges ff O03 toO10 mun. Tet elt showed the thicker the sophal in, te leser sth process of aging, Where Faves ower percentage of voids, aging i also {eatvely low 2 Mires that arto dy, cack and breaks easly 3. Mgher asphalt comet and lower presage of vids tna cause instability ofthe pavemet. ; 4, Improper constuction proces can age asphalt proms iy One examples ining gpl wth an onthe turely OF 5, Sing the mixed materials, or an extended period of ‘noting, he temperature producer substantial reduction of yal pecan 6 Chit condons can svouly fet the behavior of at bin 2. Bian bal rsoure hs vay in evo, The Pay ene sap anes wi omer fom Sarof be oe + Ratopat mein pected pesto euiren 27 bat wth hgh zy temperate rat wal Be 2ame had ad bee te epee 5-8 Bituminous Pavement The bituminous pavement is 2 combination of miners ag Elements of Roads and Highways sregate and binders The mixture of rock material parties with supa fas crested 0 many names 0 Wit 1, Asphaktmacadam 6 Asphalt shost 2! Aapalic concrete 7. Road mix Mastic 8. Armor nat 4. National paving 9, Olmat ee 5. Pant mix Although several names were afised to bituminous pave tment, ye, there i only one thing fo remember tha, ll Bis rows roar are nothin more than a mixture of mineral a fregotes and arpholt Meaning, asphalt road is virtually Bie tminous Reed ‘Qualities of Asphalt Road “To consider an asphalt road in goo service, i must poses init fal if the folowing quai: 1. The surface must be fre fom cracks o raving du to shrinkage and ftgue flare Ie ust withstand weather condition, including the effect of surface water, heat, cold and oxidation 3, Itamist be resistant to intemal moisture such as water va 4, Trust posses a tight or porous impemmeable surfice as the care maybe stable to underlying base on sub-bae 5. Hemet be smooth riding and ski re surface The success of an asphalt pavement is or depends on the rnstrton quality ofthe subgrade, andthe base course. On 3 contrary, avert future would be considered a8 8 fore sone conclasion A satisfactory asphalt pavement could be aained under the following construction procures Viscous asphalt binder s heated toa fui contin and ried with ested aggregates. The inte then kad nl compacted while sl hot, Mixing gud or emulsion asphalt sith aggregates at normal temperate is ether by plant or rad mixing ‘The mixture i laid and compacted at normal tempera ture ‘before the solvent evaporates or the emulsion breaks, 3. Spread and compact the clan crashed sone, sprayed ‘oth oat or emulsified asphalt binder over it Cover the spayed pavement with fine agerepate. This process is elerred tas the "penetration method. 5-9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement The term Asphalt Cone surface made of hot mineral agsreites, mixed with hut asphalt and Iai at high temperature of about 275°F to 300°F_ Asphalt ‘concrete i te highest type of deas bituminous pavement sui able for the most heavy traveled roads. Apri costo fe 4opled ovr untreted and treated base before asphalt concrete #3 id Tes pega an) eee pets 6 te ba and likewie tas bond between the base and the pavement to

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