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sran01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla Thermal power station tren Wie te fe eet {A thermal power station ss powerplant in which the prime movers steam driven. Waer thst, tars no stam nd spine a steam turbine which drives an eletiealgenerator. Arie passes through te turbine, the seam i condensed in a condenser tna reycled to where twas heated; hiss known a 2 Rankine cele. The greatest variation i the design of thera power Stations i due to the ifrent fossil ue resources generally used lo heath water. Some peter o use the tex energy center besa sch fetes conver arms of heat energy int electrical energy" Certsn thermal power pln also are designe to ‘proce heat energy for indus! purposes of drt heating, o desalination of water, in adition to generating lets! Power Globally, fos used thermal power plants produce a args pat of man-made CO, emision lo the atospers, nd efforts to reduce these ae varied and widespread. Contents +L Types of thermal power statin #2 isory 1 3 Thema power generation Eficiency 1 A lceucity cost 1S Typical eal thermal power sation + 6Boller and steam eye ‘61 Feed water eating and desertion 1 62 Bolle operation 183 Boiler furace and steam dm + 64 Supercar 65 Steam condensing 1 Si Rebeater 1 ST Airpath 17 Steam nubite generator 8 Stack gs path and cleanup ‘ST Fly as collection + 82 Botom ash collection and disposal 9 Alay systems 9.1 oer make-up war treatment plant and storage 9,2 Pel preparation system 93 Baring gear 944 system 95 Generator cooling 96 Generator high-vatage system 9.7 Monitoring and alarm system. 98 Batery-spplied emerpency lighting and communication 9 Circling water system #10 Traneport of oa fuel ote and to trage 1 USeealeo 12 References 13 External links ‘Types of thermal power station Almost al coal, else, geotherms, solar thermal else, nd waste inineraton pans, swells many natal gas power plants ate thermal, Natur ga requemly combusted in gs turbines aswel blr, The wast he! fom a gas tarbine can be wsed to as team, in a combined cycle plant that improves oveal efficiency. Pawer plants burning col fel elo natural ts are often called foil, fel powerplants. Some biomassfuled thermal powerplants bae appeared also, Noo-nuclest ‘ermal power plats, particularly fossi-ueed plas, which donot se co-generation are sometimes refered toa conventional poser plans Commercial electie uty power stations are usally constacted on a lage Scale and designed for continuous operation, Elec power plats typically use three-phase eleuical generators to produce allematingeurent (AC) electric power at fRequency of 30 Hz or 60 Hz. Large companies of institutions may have their own powerplants to supply heating o electricity to thei faites, specially steam i rated anyway Tr other purposes. Steam-riven power plans have ben used in various large hips, but are now usually used in large aval sips. Shipboard power plants usally diel coupe the turbine othe ships propellers through gearboxes Power pani such shi lo provide steam to smaller turbines ving elec generators to supply electricity. Shiphoard steam powerplant can be either ol fel or ele Nacleae marine propulsion, with fee exceptions, used only in aval vetel. There have been peraps abouts dozen trbo-letie shi in whieh stam driven Turbine dives an electric generator which powers an elestse motor for propulsion Combined heat and powerplants (CHP plans), often called co-generation plans, produce bat lee power and heat foe process hea or space heating tcam and ot wate os eneay When pped over substamtial distance, so carting heat ence by Steam or hot waters ofen only worthwhile within a local arc, such 2a ship, indstial plant, or disuict heating of sarby buuldings History Fipllon wikipedia orgvikiThermal_power_staion Repblka Power Plan, sherman Mohave Grersing tion «1.380 MW ‘heal power att ne Lan, Nevada eld by em Toshi. Tew, 48 sran01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla “The inially developed reciprocating steam engine has been ued to produce mechanical power since the Ith Century, with notable improvements being made by James Witt Whea the fst commercially developed central electrical power stations were established in 1882 at Pear Stes tation in New Vork and Holbors Viaduct power station n London, reiprocating stam engines were we, The development ofthe scim frbine in T88S provided larger and more elicient machine desis for central senctatng stations. By 1892 the mine was considered a beter atemative to reciprocating cagines!l tise offered higher speeds, more compact machinery, and stable ed rgultion allowing for parallel synchronous operation of generators on ecommion bus. Aer about 1905, bins ently paced reciprocating engines i age central power stations. ‘The lagstecprocting engine-gencrater ses ever bllt were completed in 1901 fr tbe Manbetan Elevated Railway. Hach of seventeen units weighed about S00 tons and was ated 6000 Klowats; 2 contemporary turbine set of similar rating would have weighed abou 20% as much ‘Thermal power generation Efficiency ‘The energy efficiency of conventional thermal powtr station, considered salable energy produced asa percent fhe heating va th ul conrad pial $39 to 4%, Ae wih al ea engines, effcy Timed, and governed by te ner of hemodytamiet. By comperion, mom tydropoweresionsin te nied | LiKe State rab 90 percent fet in envering th energy of lng water int ect ae Se “Too cnergy of heal ot lsd n power proton ms eave te plat inh fom of et the | FT o environment This waste est can go trough a condenser and be disposed of with cooing water oi cooling towers. Ifthe wate heats nsteaduslized for disict heating, iti ealed co-generation. An important las of ‘thermal power station ae associated with desalination facilis; thos re typically found is desert counts wit age supplies of natural gas and in these plants, eshwater production and elects ate equally important corroducs, ‘The Carot efficiency dictates that higher efficiencies canbe attained by increasing the temperature of the steam. Sobcrtica fos cl powerplants can achieve 340% eicincy. Super vical designs have tMficiences inthe low to mid 40% rage, with aew "lca rica!” designs using pessres of 440 ps (303 MPa) and mip stage rehett reaching sou 4% efficiency, Above the ens pnt for ater of 105 “F (674°C) and 3212 psi (22.06 MPa, there no phase ranston fom water to stem, but nly a grad decrease in dens CCateily most ofthe nuclear power plans must operate below the temperatures an pressures thal coal-fired Plants do, since the pressurized vse is very large and comains the entre bundle of ucla fel ods. The ize f¢the reactor ints the pressure at canbe reached. This tar, Limits thet thrmedynanc efficiency to 30 52%, Some advanced reactor designs being studio, uch as the very high temperature feactr, advanced gs cooled eater and supereitica water reactor, would opeat a temperatures and pressures ssa to curzeat, SS Eaten eal plans, producing omparablethermodybamic eficincy seers ‘Rankine jl wih ato- sage stam bie ad sine Electricity cost frat wer Pee “The direct cost of electric energy produced bye thermal power station isthe esl of cot f is, apt cost forthe plat, operator labour, maintenance, an sch aston aes banding and disposal. Indie, social or environmental cst sich asthe economic vale of envionment impacts, envionment and feats effects ofthe complete fuel eyle and plant decommissioning re not sully signed o generation costs fr them sation in wit prtice, bot may form prof an savronmentl empl Typical coal thermal power station Fipllon wikipedia orgvikiThermal_power_staion 28 sra01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla a ats ‘Typical ingram of a cone thermal poner statin 1 Coat ower 10. Sean Cote vare 19. Sperane 2 Cooling water pre 11. Hig resize sea rine 20, Fe daugh ra) fan 2. Towel tine (ps) 2. Deseo 2. Rebate 4. Supp apfomer Gps) 1. Feedwerbeaer 22. Comision snake 5 ls peatr phe) 14. Coa coaveyor 23, Fsonomise Low ancestors tation 15, Col opper 2. Ape Conic amp 16. Coa paveizer 25, Prspiatr Sufi condesr 17. dra 2 adc aut (east) termed premceeam bine 18 Bom a hopper 77 Flegareack For units over shout 200 MW capacity, redundancy of key component is provide by instaling duplicates ofthe freed and induced df fans, preheater andy ash collstore, On somo nits of about 60 MW, two boilers per unit may instead be provided. Boiler and steam cycle In the nuclear plan fed, steam generator Teer toa specifi type of large heat exchanger used in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) 1 thermally connec the primary (reactor plan) and secondary (team pant) systems, which generates team, In a nile reactor calle bing water reactor (BWR), waters boiled to generte eam Aizetly tm he reactor ae end there reno ue called seam genertors Jn some industri stings there can also be stane-producing heat exchangers called heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) which lize ea rom some industrial process. The steam generating boiler hast produce stam at the high poy, pressure and temperature required fr the steam fbi that drives the elecrial generator Geothermal plants need no bole snes they use ntraly occuring stem source, Heat exchangers may he used where the geothermal seam very comive or contains excessive suspended soi, ‘A fossil uel stam generator nclaes an economize, steam drum, andthe rnace witht seam generating tubes and superheatr coils, Necessary safety valves ate locied at suitable points io avoid excessive boiler pressure. The ar ad ue gas path equipment ince, forced dest (FD) fa, ar preheater (AP, bul face, induced At (ID) an, fly as collectors ecstatic pecipitator or baghous) andthe ve gas stack 1611 Feed water heating and deaeration “The bole feedwater sed inthe seam boiler is means of transferring heat energy from the burning fl to the meckanical energy ofthe spinning steam turbine. The total {ed water consnsofreirealted condensate water and prifed makrap water, Becaue the metalic material it ontel re sobjet to corrosion high temperatures ad presses, the makeup waters highly purified before ue. A system of water steer and ion exchange demineralizers produces wate so pre tha coincidentally Becomes an electric insulator, with condutvity in the range of 0.31.0 microsiemens per centimeter. The makeup wate ia a S00 MWe plat amounts to peas 120 US falls permite (7.61.8) to feplace water daw off rom te bole duns fr water purity management and io also oft the stall loses fom star Teaks ia the system, “The feed water cycle begins with coudenate water being pumped ou ofthe condenser afer traveling tough he steam turbines, The condensate flow re ful loadin & 500 MW plats about 6000 US gllos per minute (400 Li). ‘The water is pressurized in two stages, and lows through series of sx or seven intermediate feed wate eaters, heated up at ach point with scam extected fom an approprate duct on the urbines and puning temperature teach stage. Typically, inthe middle ofthis series of feedwater heaters, and before the second stage of pressuizaton, th condensate plus the makeup water flows trough adeaeraor™ that removes dissolved ir from the water, furher ping and redacing its Cotoriveness The water may be dated folloing this pont with hyazne, a chemical tt removes the eating oxygen nthe water to below Spats pr bili (pp) It isalbo dosed with pH conto pens such ax ammonia or morpholine to hee the residual asidty low and hus non-conosive. Fipllon wikipedia orgvikiThermal_power_staion ae sran01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla Boiler operation ‘Theiler iss recungular frnae aout 50 fet (15m) ona side and 130 fest (40m) alls wall ace made of web of high presse tel uber shou 2.3 aches (58 mm) indiameter Pulver oa it blown into the furnace through bumers located atthe four comers, or along oe wal, of two opposite walls, nd iis gle rapidly burn, forming & large ieball at the center, The thermal aati ofthe fireball hess the water tat cicuates though the boiler tubes, nea the Bilr perimeter, The water circulation rate in the bie three to fur times the thraughput As the water nthe boiler etclate it absorbs est ad changes int steam, Iti separated from the water inside drum atthe tp ofthe fama. The strated steam is introduced into superheat pendant tubes that bang in the hotest pat ofthe combustion gases as they exit the furnace Here the steam i superbeated o 1,000 "F (540°C) to prepare ifr the bie. Plants designed for lignite (brown coal) ar increasingly used in locations as vared as Germany, Victoria, Australia and [Noh Dakota, Ligne mich younger frm of coal than Black coal, thas lower energy density than lack cos and requires a much lage formace for equivalent eat output. Such coals may contin upto 70% water and ash, yielding lower famace temperatures ané requing lng indaced-raf far. The ring systems also die from back coal and ‘ypieally draw ho eas fom the furace-xt evel and mitt with the incoming colin fan-ype mile hat inet the pulverized coal and hot ax mixture ino the boiler. ean enter pe Plants tha ute gas turbine to heat the water fo conversion ilo sea use ler known as eat recovery steams aan Ey pencrators (HRSG). The exhaust eat fromthe gas tubes i used to make superheated steam thai then ued in conventional water steam generation cycle, as described in gs turbine combined-eyle plant section below. Boiler furnace and steam drum Diag of ier fon ws der (ith ‘ecard sron eto nd Merona “The water ems she boiler hough a Seton inthe convection pas called he economizs. From the economizer i passes water rie ston, tothe scum drum and fom there it goes though dawncomers to ilt headers a the bottom a the water Walls From these headers the water rises trough the water wal ofthe fuace where some of tis tuned into stam and the mixture ‘of eater and steam then e-nters the steam drum. This process may be driven purely by natural ercultin (because the waters the downcomers is dense than the ‘watvsteum mietare inthe water walls) or assisted by pumps. In the steam drum, the waters returned tothe dowacomers andthe sea spased through a series of team Sepernors and dryer that removes water droplets from the star, The dy stam ther lows nto the superbe os, “The boiler furnace auxiliary equipment includes coal eed nozzles and igniter guns, sot blowers, water lancng and observation port (nthe furnace walls) fr observation ofthe fuse interior, Fumace explosions de to eny accumulation of combustible gases afer rp-ou are avoided by Hashing out uch gases rom the combustion zone here igiting the col “The steam dram (aswell tthe super heater coil and header) havea vents and rainy needed fr inal startup. Superheater Fossil fuel power plans often havea superheater section in the seam generating furnace. The stam pastes through drying equipment inside the steam drum on othe supeheater, ast of tes inthe furnace. Here he steam pics up more enegy from hot Aue gases outside te tubing and is terpertueis now suprhcatd above the Saturation temperature. The superheated scam is then piped through the ma stam ines othe valves before the high pressure turbine. ‘Nucleaepowered steam plants do no have such sections but produce steam at essentially saturated conditions Experimental nuclear plants were equipped wih fosi-fired super heaters nam attempt to improve overall plant operating cot Steam condensing “The condenser condenses the steam fom the exhaust ofthe turbine int guid to allow it tobe pumped, Ifthe condenser can be made cooker, the pressure of he exhaust steam is reduced and ffclency ofthe cycle nreases, “The mic coda el nd oben echnge ia wich colin alr i clted gh be tah U9 te eat stem rm hen resi bie eae etl where soled and vat oe ag Converted conde (ats) by Hawing overt ier showan he sca gm Soc cones ‘ T Sic em gestors or ay mot ven eaters fr coins oneal ash ps ome seas Stet manana Forbes efficiency the temperature in the condenser must be kept as low a practical inorder lo achieve the lowes possible pressure inthe condensing stam. Since the eondener temperature ean almost always be ket significa blow 10°C where the vapor pressure of waters much st than atmospheric pressure, the condenser generally works under vacuum, Thus leks of non-condensble air int the closed loop must be prevented. “Typically the cooling water causes the steam o condense at temperstre of about 35 °C (95 “F) and that «seats ah absolut proesre in the condenser of about 2-7 KPa (09-2.07 if), «vacuum of about erie eenate 95 kPa (-28 inka) relative to atmospheric pressure. The large decrease in volume ha occurs when water igi creates te low vacuum hat heps pul steam trough and increase te eficiency of Digr ofyl waco setae condense HOTT “The limiting factors the remperatre of the cooing water and tha, intr, smite bythe prevailing average climatic condition at the powerplant’ location (it may be posse to lower the tersperatre beyond the turbine ims daring winter, causing excessive condensation ithe turbine. Plans operating in bat elimates may have to rece ouput i their soute of condenser cooling water becomes warmer, unforsinately this usually coneies with period of high electra demand for ir condoning “The condenser generally utes ether cirulating cooling water fom cooling tower lo eect waste eat othe mosphere, or ancesbrough water rom aver, lke or ocean, Fipllon wikipedia orgvikiThermal_power_staion a8 sran01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla “The hes absorbed hy the cicalatng cooling water nthe condener tubes must also be removed o maintain the abit of the water to cola it ciel This x done by purmpng the warm wate fom the condenser trough ether natural dra, fared dat or induced drat cooling towers as seen inthe image to the ght) that reduce the temperature of the water by evaporation, by about 1 1 17°C (201 30 *F}—expeling waste het tothe atmosphere “The crclation flow rate ofthe cooling water in O0 MW uni is about 142 ns (500 oF 225,000 US gal/min afl oad “The condenser tubes ae made of brass ot stainless sts! to resist coroson fom either sie. Nevertheless they may become intemal fouled during operation by batten or alge inte cooling water or by mineral scaling, al of which inhibit heat wanser and vedce thermodynamic ‘flciensy. Many plants acl an automatic cleeiag system tht cules sponge niber tll trough the tubes to sor tem cle watout the need to ake the system ofFline. “The cooling water asd o condense the stam inthe condener rts ots source without having been chango other than having eon warmed, I the water retusa local water body (athe han acrulatng cooling tower) tis tempered with cool aw water fo prevent ined da coking thernl shock when discharged ino that body of wate. omer Another form of eonensing system isthe sit-ooled condenser. The process similar to tht of radistr and fan Exhaust heat from he low pressure seton ofa team turhine an through the condensing bes, he tubes ae usually Fined and ambient aes pushed trou the ins with the help of lage fa, The steam condenses to water tobe reused in the watersteam cele Ai-cooled condensers ypealy operate aa higher temperature than water-cooled versions. While saving wate, the efcioncy ofthe cele reduced (eeuting in more carbon dioxide per megawatt of elect), From the batom ofthe condenser, powerful condensate pumps reycle the condensed scam (wat back othe watesteam eye. Reheater Powerplant furnaces may have a rchester seston containing tuber Rete by hot fue gaseous the tubs, Exhaust seam ftom the high pressure turbine fs passed ‘trough thee ested tubes ooollet more energy efor ving the inermediate andthe ow pressure turbines Air path, tera fins ae provided to give sulin! ir for combustion. ‘The Primary arf nk i rom the slmosphere end, fst warming itn the ir preheater for beter combustion, inject i vis the ir nozzles om the furnace wall. “Theinduced daft fan assets the FD fan by dawing out combustible gases fom the race, maintaining lilly negative pressure in the funace to avoid backing zough any losing. Steam turbine generator “The turbine generator consist of series of steam turbines interconnected to each ther and a generator on a otamn ssf. ‘There is ahigh pressure turbine at ane end, followed by an intermediate pressure bine, two low pressure twins, ad the east. As stam moves through the system and loses pressure and thermal energy iexpans in volume, requiring increasing lamctr and longer blads at cach succocding stage o carat the remaining cnray. The ene rating mass may be over 200, tere ts and 100 fet (30 m) long, I es heavy that t must he kept taming slowiyeven when shit down a 3pm) so hat the shaft wil not bow even sligly an become unbalanced. Tie eso imporant tht tis one of nly fve functions of lackout emergency power btteies on ite, Other factions ae emergency lighting, communication, station alarms and trbogeacrator Tube oi Superheae stam from the boiler i delivered through 14-16-inch (360-40 mam) diameter piping to the high pressure thine where i ls is pressure to 600 ps (41 MPa) ant 690 °F (320 °C) in temperate through the stage kent via 24-26inch (610-460 mm) diameter cold reat ines and passes ack nto the blr where the scam s reheated special reheat pendant tubes back to 1,000 °F ($40). The hot wheat steam is conducted to the inermedite pressure turbine where i alls both temperature and pressure and exis drely tothe long-bladed Tow pressure tubines and nally eis tothe condenser Retro «mm ser bie wed na ‘The genctto, 30 fest (9m) lng and 12 feet 3.7m) in diameter, contain a stationary stator anda spinning rotor, each power atce outaning miles of heavy copper conducor—no permanent magnets hee a operation it generates up 021,000 amperes at 24,000 wots AC (504 MWe) as itspins titer 3,000 or 3,600 rpm, synchronized tothe power ri. The oor sins na seled ‘chamber cooled with hydrogen gas, selected because it has the highest known heat taster cooficint of any gas and forts low viscosity which reduces windage losses. “This system requires spec handling during startup, with at nthe chamber fis isplaced by carbon dioxide before ling with hyerogen. This ensures thal the highly explosive hydragen-onygen environment snot crested "he power grid fequcney i 60 Iz across North America ad 50 Iz in Burope, Oceania, Asia (Kore and pas of Japa are notable exceptions) and pars of Aca, The ssid reqeney alec the design of large tries, since they are highly epimized for one patil speed, “The clectrcty lows to distbation yard where ransformer increase the voltage or ransmisson lo it destination “The steam tsbine-drivenponeators have auxiliary systems enabling them to work sts and safely. The steam arbine generator being rotating equipment generally has aheay,ltge diameter sha. The shat therefore regres not omy supports but also has tobe kept in postion while uni. To minimize the tonal sistance to the rotation, the saft asa numberof bearings. The beating shells in which he shaft rotates, re ined with low fon materia ike Babbit meal, Oi lubrication provided to further reduce the fiction between shaft and bearing surface and wo Tit the heat generted Stack gas path and cleanup {As the combustion Mue gas exits the boiler itis routed trough a roating Mat Basket of metal mesh which picks up heat and etm it to incoming fesh ras the bast routes, Thsisclled he air preheater. The gas exiting the bolls is aden with ly ash, which aetny sphsial ash particles. The fue gas contains nivogen along With ombaston products carbon doxie,slfr dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. The ly ash is emoved by fabric bag ters or electrostatic peciitators Once removed, the fly ash byproduct ean sometimes be used in the manufacturing of concrete. This cleaning up of Se gases, however, only occurs in plant tht are fited withthe eprops technology. Stil the major of coal-fired power panei the world do ot have these fits Legislation in Earope as been efficient o rede five gs potion, Japa hasbeen using fue gas cleaning technology fr over 30 yeas andthe US hasbeen doing te same for ove 25 years, China is now beginning to grapple with the poluion ‘suse by coal-fired power pans ip slon wikipedia orgvikThermal_power_staion 58 sran01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla ‘Where require bylaw the sulfa and nitrogen oxide pollutants are removed by stack gas srabbers which use a pulverized limestone or other alkaline wet sly to remove thoes poltans fom the ent tack gas, Other devies use ets o remove Nitous Oxide compounds from the fe gas stream. The gas reveling up the fie gae sack ray by this te have dropped to abou 50°C (120 °F, A typical fu gs stack may be 150-180 metres (490-599) to disperse the remaining fue gas comsponeats in the atmosphere The ales ue gas sack inthe world is 418.7 metes (1,377 2) tal athe GRES-2 power plant in Hkibastu, Kazakhstan, Jn the United States and a number of other counsies, atmosphere dispersion modeling studies are required to determine the Aue gas stack height needed 1 comply with the local air pollution regulations. The United Stats also requires the eight of au gs stack to comply with whats known asthe "Good Eagincsrng Practice (GEPY" stack height '"1T ig the ease of existing Oe gat sacs that exceed the GRP stack eight, ny i pollution dispersion modeling studies for such stacks mus use the GEP Stack height ater dan the ata sak height Fly ash collection Fly ah is cpmured and removed fam the le gas by electrostatic preciptatrs or fabric ag ites (or sometimes both located the outlet of the face and before the induced dat fn. The My ash is periodically removed ffom the eolestion hoppers below the precipitates or bg filters. Genta, the fly ash is pacumatically wansported to storage silos for subsequent uaasport by trucks or raload crs Bottom ash collection and disposal [Atte bottom ofthe Furnace, ther ts hopper or collection of ott ash. This hopper i always filed with water to guench the ash a inkers ling dow rom the furnace Some aangemen i nladed to crash the eiskers and for conveying the eushedcinkers ad botlom ash Lo 8 storage site, Ash extractor is wed to discharge eh ftom Municipal solid waste-fired boiler. Auxiliary systems Boiler make-up water treatment plant and storage Since there continuous withdrawal of steam and continuous ret of condensate othe bole, lasses de to Blowdown and leakages have tobe made up to msi 8 desied water lve nto boiler steam drum. For his, continuous make-up water x added to the biler wer system, Impure in thera wate inp to the plant generally onset of calcium and magnesium salts which impart hardness to the water. Hardness inthe make-up water to the boiler wil frm Aeposits on the tube wate surfaces which ‘will lead to overeating et failure of the ubss, Ths, the sls have to be removed from the war, abd hte done by a water demnineaising treatment plant (DM). ADM Plant generally consists of cation, anon, and mixed bed exchanges. Any ions i the inal water ftom his process consist essentially of hydrogen ions and hydoxids ions, ‘whic recombine o form pue water. Very pare DM water becomes highly corosive cei absorbs oxygen fom the atmosphere Because of ts very high ality for oxygen, “The capacity ofthe DM plants dicted by th type and quantity of sale nthe raw water input Howovs, sme storage i ssntal asthe DM plant ony be down for maintenance. For this purpose, a storage tanks installed from wich DM water i continoously wthéraw for boiler make-up The storage tank for DM water sade fom ‘atrial not affected by sorosive water, suchas PVC. The piping and valves are generally of stainless sel Sometimes, steam blankeSng arangement or stile te Sohn Noa provided ontop ofthe water im the tank to avo emit with air-DM water make-up i enealy aed at the scam space of the sree condenser (i.e, the vacuum side). This arangernent not only spaysthe Water but also DM wate els deserted, wit the dissolved gases being removed by a de-aertor through an eect tached to the condenser. Fuel preparation system Im coal-fired power stations, the raw feed cal fom the cal storage areas fit crushed into smal piees and then conveyed tothe eal feed hoppes a the bol. The coals next pulverized into avery fine poweée. The plverize's may be ball mil, rotating dum tds, or other types of grinders. Some power tations bur fuel rather than coal The il must kept warm (above its pour point) in the ful ol storage tanks to ‘preven te ol from congeling ad hecoming unpumpale. Theol sus heated to about 100°C hore Bing pp through The Tarace ful el spray nozzles Boiler in some power stations use procested natural gata thir main ful Orher power stasons may ase processed natural as a8 sulary ful i he event tat thei ma uel supply (oa x el is iterupte, In such ese, separate gas burners ave provided on Cave pi fr moving ol the bir fumsces. (ble fr et eo pome pat Barring gear Barring gear (oe "uring ge") isthe mechanism provide to slate the bine geueatr shaft aa very low sped ater unit stoppages. Once he units "sipped" (Le, the steam inlet valves closed), the turbine coasts dow towards stands. When it tops completly, there is tendency forthe turbine shat defector bend i alloed 0 remain in ane position oolong. This is becuse the heat inside the turbine casing tends to concent inthe 1p half ofthe casing, making the top ball orion ofthe hal hotter than the boom hall Te sa therefore cou warp of bend by millon of inches. “This small sha detection, only detectable by eecentricily meter, woud be enought cause damaging vibrations to the ene steam frbine generator unit when tis restated. The shafts therefore automaticaly tuned at low sped about one percent rated speed) bythe barring gear uti thas cooled suicienly to pei a complete stop. Oil system An aula oil system pump i used 1 supply lathe start-up ofthe stam tubine generator. It supplies te hyeauli ol system requited for team bine's main ile steam sop valve, the governing contol valves, te bearing and ssl ol systems, the relevant hydeauli relays and other mechan, [Ata preset speed ofthe turbine during sar-aps,a pump driven bythe tubine main shafakes over the fonsons ofthe aula system Generator cooling Fipllon wikipedia orgvikiThermal_power_staion as sran01s ‘Thermal power station - Wikipedia, the tre eneyclopedla Wile smal generators may be cooted by sir drawn trough filers at the inet, larger units generally require special cooling arangements. Hydrogen gus cooling. anol sealed casing, i used becase it has he highest own bea! transfer cotfccnt of any gas und for its low viscosity Which reduces windage losses. This sytem reques special handing during start-up, wit iri he generator enclosure first displace by carbon dioxide before filing with hydrogen, This ensures thatthe highly flammable Iymgen docs not mi with oxygen nthe “The hydrogen proteins the easing is maintained slightly higher than stmospheri ress o avoid ose sir ngress. The hydrogen mast be sealed aginst outa leakage wher the shat emerges fom the casing. Mechanical seal round the sal are ntalled with avery smal annlr gap avo rubbing Detwsc the bal andthe seal. Sal ot wed to prevent the hydeogen gs leakage o atmosphere “The generator also uses water conling, Since the generator cil are ata potential of out 2 KV, an insulting barter such as Teflon is wed to interconnect the waterline andthe generator high-volage windings. Desinaralzed wate of ow conductivity is wed. Generator high-voltage system “The gencrtor voltage for moder ulty-connected generators ranges fom 11 KV in smaller units to 22 KV in ager unis. The generator high-voltage leeds ae normally large aluminium channels beoase of tee high cuenta comapaod to te cables uted in aller machines. They ate ealosed in well-grounded alumini bus dust nd axe supported on sutableinsulatrs. The generator high-voltage leads are connected to step-up transformer for connecting to ahighvolag electrical substation (usally in ‘the ange of 115 EV to 765 RV} for further wansmission bythe local power snd “The necessary protection and melerng devices ae include for the high-voltage leads. Thus, the tear turbine generator and the transformer form one unit Smaller units ray share a common generator sep-p rnsformer with ndvidual circuit resets to connect the genertors to 9 common Monitoring and alarm system Most af the power plant operational conttols ee automate. However, a nes, manual inervention may be requied. Thus, the plan i provided with monitors and alae systems ha alert the plant operators when cetsn operating parameter are seriously deviting fm tes normal range Battery-supplied emergency lighting and communication ‘A ceaal battery system consisting of lead acid ell units is provided o supply emergency elec power, when needed, to essential items such asthe powerplants contol systems, communication systoms, turbine ibe ol pumps, and emergency lighting. This 8 esenial fora af, damage-fie shutdown ofthe nits nan emergeacy stun, Circulating water system “Thermal power pans requires water in bulk guantiy for condensation of stem and also for Asive Fire protection in plan Certain Powerplant sre prefered to built near any waterbody lke Kota Super Themal Power Station i bull ner Bank of River Chamba another example is Bokzo Thermal Power Staton which situated om the ‘bank of Konar River in Indi ‘Transport of coal fuel to site and to storage “Most thermal statins se coal asthe main ful Raw coals tansported from coal mines toa power tation sit by tucks, barges, bulk arg ships oe allway cs ‘Generaly when shipped by tallway, the coal cary ate sett a a fl a of eas. The cou received at site may be of diferent sizes. The away cas are unloaded at site by rotary dumpers or side it dumpers to ip over onto conveyor belts below, The coals generally conveyed to crushes which crush the coal to aout % neh (18 mm) size ‘The erused coal is then sen by belt conveyors storage pile. Normally, the crashed cali compacted by bldozers as compacting of highly woul coal avoids spontaneous ignition, “The crushed coal is conveyed from the storage pile to silos a hoppers atthe boilers by another el conveyor sytem, See also + Boiler = Nuclear power List of significant thermal power sation fies = Power ston * Combined beat and power 1 Relative cos of eetriy generated by diferent sources * Cooling ower systems 1 Suricecondsnser Fle gas stacks 1 Levels energy cost * Fossil power station = Watertube boiler + Geothermal power = lntegated Gasification Combined Cycle References 1, Bric GinzqpowersctorcomO1O ae) 2 uptboos pope com books ME ZMW7AAAAIAAJ@opg-PAITSRdg-cotal stat stean-engoe turbine h-enet-wiTKASESKXAATE:SNBAs0- Keo took eu The ary ap of he portion indy, Cant Unversity Pe rc, pages 1175 Mast Kc, The Power Mars Seam, Elsi andthe len Who Invented Moder America loastiy Pblistng USA, 2009 ISBN 1-S0481-672-X Clim Tesoo, lydopme (pear cer dnUoaeyroponer 0200) FINAL, cleasPDF pA, Pew Canter on Global Clint Changs, Oe 2009 Sth Fes tao (1991) Mado Power Stan Prac lncrporting modern power tom price Cron (12 ramet) at) Pergamon ISBN 0-08-00510. Batesk & Wikox Co, (208), Stam: fs Generation and Use (Ast eine) ISBN 964510.0.4 Thomas Co, Kao Chen, Robe Sask (cashors) (1997. Sanda landbok of Powerplant Eginering (neon ct MeCeas il Profesional ISBN 07-0185. Presid deers hppa cesta giering avin boil hosepesursed- deers apse) 9 Tray dering Bats (pe ailer srw dole 2776 EAST DMB. -ICSCDCAABD2NOn, dees, Fl) Fipllon wikipedia orgvikiThermal_power_staion 718 uhm -koed-0CEMOS! s42015 ‘Thermal power ston - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia 10. Air Plhcon Cool Orcation Corse (hp cpu gvioompsipcouset2e63 en fom west ofthe Ac Polation Training estate 1H; nergy savings ise pte hp ht en pADENERGYSSOEFFICIENCYAQUMPROVEMENT pl) Fe, Lae fsurfae comdeser Or ope 1 0 3 pt mes) 12, Rr Thurston Keat (Er ia Chi) (1936), Kens’ Mecha gins Handa (event ton (Two volumes). Joba Wiley & Sons (Wile Enginsing Haonk Sesh 13, EPA Workshop on Costing Water Intake Tetologis Artingon, Vigna hpweep.govoutvasesentonmabtsch pf Joha Maulbch, Maui Coning Ke “Zana, EPRI. 6 May 2003, Reve 10 Sener 206 14, Beja Mion (203) Fundamentals OF Sack Gas Dispersion th Eton). autor pblishe, ISBN 0.964580. woai-sprsin com (pv ar

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