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NEHEMIAH // Return ➙ Respond ➙ Restore

Assembling the Team

Nehemiah 2:17-3:32
wk 4

Discussion Questions
All sets of discussion and addtional Bible study questions will remain available at a link at The questions on this page are also on the back of the Scripture
notes sheet each weekend.

We as Christ-followers are each an integral part of God's work in the local church. We are not
spectators, or merely a loosely connected group of spiritual-minded people. We are called the church
and through the Spirit's enabling shall devote our lives as participants and co-laborers in the Gospel.
How great it is to be part of a team!

1. Within your group, ask everyone to share the ways they serve at Willamette. If you don’t yet
have a role, where will you explore serving?

2. Ministry is a group project, much bigger than just ‘me’ and ‘you’ (see 2:18, and “they” all over ch.
3). What are the greatest experiences you’ve had working as a team for God’s kingdom?
(Share those stories.)

3. What are the best lessons you’ve learned about how to get a group of diverse people to come
together to work towards a common goal?

Communicating in Community
 Your Community Group will be asked to collaborate in preparing food for a Sunday
evening of Christianity Explored (which began Jan. 24th). You and your group can
contact John Curalli to choose a date to support this outreach.
 In 2010 we hope to bring the message to life by touching 5,000 lives in the South
Portland area. Our ‘touches’ should bring the message to life by being:
★ meaningful
★ visible
★ relational
★ prayerful

1. What ideas and plans do you and your group have to "touch" others in meaningful,
visible, relational and prayerful ways?
2. How should we as a church track and celebrate these touches?

Individuals and groups can give your input on these two questions at: 9

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