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Calvin Wu

Book Review
Section 1I read
Animal Farm
by George Orwell. My copy of the book was published bySignet Classics in 1!. It contained
1"" pages. In
Animal Farm
# an old boar na$ed OldManor held a $eeting co$paring hu$ans to parasites. When he died three
days later# two pigs by the na$e of Snowball and %apoleon atte$pted to turn his drea$ into
a philosophy.&he ani$als revolted and drove Mr. 'ones# the far$er# out of Manor (ar$.
&hen#they rena$ed the Manor (ar$ to )ni$al (ar$. Seven co$$and$ents were written onthe wall
of the wall. &he $ost i$portant of all was *)ll ani$als aree+ual.* &he far$ rans$oothly until the
Mr. 'ones tried retaking it. ,e was defeated by the ani$als in the-attle of Cowshed. Snowball
proposed an idea for a wind$ill but %apoleon reected it. ,e laterdrove Snowball out of )ni$al
(ar$. %apoleon lied saying Snowball stole his idea for awind$ill. &he ani$als built the wind$ill
only to find it destroyed after a violent stor$.Snowball was bla$ed for the destruction of
the wind$ill. %apoleon began killing off anyani$als he suspected to have a connection to
Snowball after that. %apoleon abused his power $aking life hard for the ani$als. -o/er# a horse#
gotinured fro$ a battle with a neighboring far$er. ,e was $istakenly sent to a glue factory.0ears
went by and the ani$als beca$e $ore like hu$ans. &hey drank whiskey# slept on beds# walked
on two legs# and wore clothes. &he seven co$$and$ents was reduced to ust one rule# *)ll
ani$als are e+ual# but so$e ani$als are $ore e+ual than others.*Section Old Maor was an old
and wise boar. Snowball was a fair pig who praised OldMaor2s ways. %apoleon# however#
was a tyrant who lied and strived for leadership.-o/er was a loyal and kind horse who followed
the rules of the far$. &he story took place on a far$ in the 133s. &he setting did not serve $uch
i$portance in the story#though.Section 4I really enoyed
Animal Farm
. It was a great novella. George Orwell did a great ob of showing how a country could be
overtaken and corrupted by an evil dictator. I alsofound the end result of the rules +uite
hu$orous. I would reco$$end this book toanybody who would enoy reading a good classic.
&he book was not too long and it had a$eaningful lesson.

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