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DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW 30,000 HP CLASS TWO SHAFT TYPE GAS TURBINE by Arthur W. J. Upton Manager, Development Section Gis Turbine Engineering Department Westinghouse Canada Limited Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Arthur W. J. Upton was edueated at RAF Halton and 8. E. Essex Techical College. He is a Professional Engineer of the Province of Ontario, a Chartered Engineer and an Associate Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He is cur renily Manager of the Development Section of the Gas Turbine Engineerin Department. After 12 years in the Roya Air Force he joined D. Napier and Son Ltd. at the commencement of their pro- gram in gas turbine design and manufacture and spent 16 years in compressor and turbine design and research. He joined Westinghouse and forthe last 12 years has been involved in the dean of induct gas tres including eiris and in stallation ABSTRACT ‘A description ofthe application of advanced technology, high temperature, gas turbine design technique toanew model two-shaft type gas turbine to achieve a high efficiency, high reliability, regen eyele and simple cycle gas turbine with awide range of performance optimization. INTRODUCTION ‘The genesis of Westinghouse two shaft gas turbines for mechanical drive units goes back to 1965 with the W52 and has advanced through the NEMA output ranges via the W532, W62 to the W92 frame size of 10,000 HP. Design work then concentrated on the single shaft unit designed primarily for electrical power generation drives through the W171, W191 to the W251 and W501 frame sizes Some three years ago study ofthe world market demands showed a growing need for two shaft mechanical drive gas ‘turbines in the 30,000 HP sange and a design investigation was undertaken to examine how such a need could be filled. ‘The areas of demand could be delineated as 2. Prine movers for Pipeline operation in Gas Pumping duties. 1b. Prime movers for Process Plant operation in Gas or Oil Pumping duties. ‘6 Main Propulsion units for Marine application and tabulating the major requirements ofeach area was a nee: essary beginning f0 setting the guide lines for design. as Pipe Line Duty Fret Pant Duty. Marine Appleton, Duty fae ba Bate ad Iotermitent cations ccntaout te lo Locton Wor wide-s_Warldwide- saa World wid Tevcseray $000" Teel say 5.000" level CClimte Arete Tropa] Aste to Topi Aci to Topi EEevsonment Snow and icing Soo and king Marine wth now conde to" Sondons to dust tnd ee ‘Gtatandssnd Sod smd conditions ‘snditons Fuel Natal Ge Proce Cag andlor Daas, Crd or Destilate On Rsideal OL Nata ce Control Automatic snd_—-Manslvtomite Manuliatonatc nated ‘The major requirements ofall users are: Good reliability Minimum maintenance Accessibilty for maintenance High effcieney Emissions to meet ioal and central government laws ‘The major requirements of the firm are: A reasonable return on the design and development outlay Competitive in cost and performance Ability to ship (0 market. Each of the major requirements mentioned above car be further broken down to form the envelope within which the design must occur and whilst it is not the intention ofthis paper to filly explore al the checks and controls that are laid upon the design it is hoped thatthe paper will show the sequences ‘of work that had led to the latest Westinghouse two shaft me- ‘chanical drive gas turbine design. DESIGN CONCEPT ‘The major target to aim fori ofcourse the maximum over- all thermal efficiency for converting heat into mechanical work that is obtainable. The possibilities are conditioned by two ‘major eriteria, the aerodynamic and thermodynamic expertise available for the design of compressors, combustion systems, turbine and ducting, and the expertise available to provide materials that will withstand the demands made by the thermo- dynamic and aerodynamic requirements, Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the relationship between the eyele thermal efficiency and the compressor pressure ratio for 4 range of firing temperatures and the resulting exhaust tem- perature. Two eycles of operation are illustrated, the simple cycle and the regenerative eyele, ‘The choice here is whether to opt for the high efficiency simple eyele requiring pressure ratios of 16:1 and above, or to o-with the regenerative eycle requiring much lower pressure n PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM ratios and utilize the basic regenerative design in a combined cyele for non regenerative applications. The regenerative cycle has a better eycle efficiency than the simple eycle for a given firing temperature, but requires a regenerator. ‘The combined cycle in which a waste heat boiler would generate steam is shown in Figure 3, The simple eycle unit HEP has been reduced to near the regenerative eycle value so that a direct comparison of efficiencies may be made. At ISO the regenerative cycle produces about 31,000 HP whilst the combined cycle produces 32,000 plus 16,000 HP. Current steam turbines and associated boiler equipment using carbon Steel require a steam quality of 600 psa and 825°F and this demands minimum turbine exhaust temperature of about oorrF. ‘The power requirement of 30,000 HP revealed by the market survey prompted examination ofthe W251 frame sizeas 4 starting point forthe concept. Studies had showed thatthe basic WIST compressor with some stage rearrangement would produce a flow and pressure ratio compauble with power > {uirements and «regenerative eycle, andthe fring temper- ature ofthe W251, Le, 50°F was suitable for both efficiency inthe regenerative cycle and use in a combined cycle Using the actual firing temperature of 1,850°F ofthe W251, and the pressure ratio, flow and efficiency for a WISI re- arranged compressor, it was possible to compare more closely the merits ofthe various eycles at ISO conditions. igh Pre Rata a tegen th A So efeomprevo sgn " * eee. oe ‘Cambro oor coy aut ‘The overall thermal efficiency is higher for the medium pressure ratio regenerative cycle, and there isadequate exhaust temperature to produce the requisite steam quality for a com- bined cycle using the medium pressure ratio simple cycle Preliminary matching caleulations showed that the first stage of the W251 turbine could be adapted as a single stage to drive the modified W191 compressor, utilizing the tech- nology and field experience of existing wns ‘Theconcept that finally emerged utilized a modified W181 compressor within the modified carcass of a W251 having an overhung single stage compressor turbine, The a generator ws tobe acompletely epsom ponent fom the restofthe unit, A new design of power turbine Paving astngle overhung stage wth shrouded rotating Bad and a combined inter turbine vane assembly, to prevent dit fasion and lascs between the comprestor and power turbines, with a varable power turbine nozle. The power turbine and 1s interurbine vane assembly also to be a complete entity sepamable from the gis generator ‘The combustion system would utilize the basic W251 com- bastorssuably modified for regenerative end simple ele tes, ‘To ensure alignment and centralization of the gas genera- tor rotor assembly, the structural loads of the gas generator ‘were caried from the compressor through to the ext flange Figure 1. Overall Gas Turbine Efficiency — Regenerative Cydle bm fea mo. om) Figure 2. Overall Gas Turbine Efficiency — Simple Cycle by internal struts which would also serve as the support for the rear bearing housing, The combustor easing would incor- rate 4 contral wall for regenerative duties and be suitabl Piakiet‘Gn the tarsal saber misieaee teed pa, tents between the section carrying the compressor delivery air to the regenerator piping and the section seeing the reRen- trated at. The removal ofthe structural loads from the com- bustor casing allowed alight flexible construction that leads to ‘as tight assembly Overhanging the turbine stages allows close coupling be- tween the gas generator and power turbine. ‘The major design work to be carsied out can be sum- marized as follows: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW 30,000 HP CLASS TWO SHAFT TYPE GAS TURBINE % ae 1 6 Hepa aaa Peete Figure 3. Power and Efficiency Comparison: CW-352 Develop structural concepts of & Combustor shell subjected to large thermal gradients due todiference in temperature of compressor delivery air and regenerator return air. {An intermediate bearing support system. {An overhung gas generator turbine, 4 The as generator turbine disc and blade cooling ‘e. The gas generator spindle and dise design. £ The variable area turbine vane and transition section at net to the power turbine. i. The power turbine overhung dise and shrouded blade system. Check that an existing turbine stage could be adapted to the requirements ofthe gas generator b, Develop a Power Turbine shrouded blade design 44 Carry out cycle and performance calculations having regard to the effect of components, cooling flows, pres- sure losses, on engine performance. b. Calculate expected thrust loads over the engine operating range ©. Calculate limiting temperatures and pressures over the ‘engine operating range at various radial and aval sta- tions 4. Determine the performance envelope for fited and variable power turbine inlet vanes Make a first cut design ofthe engine cooling system using, a flow network program. Carry outa cost study ofthe design concept longitudinal Develop a regenerator specification. ‘Specify and plan the required test programs, engine de: slign tasks and schedules required for a fall design. PROVING THE CONCEPT ‘The concept occupied a period of sic months during which time certain precepts were developed. The work done in that time now needed to be subjected to the design investigation proper and to the production of the thousands of drawings ‘necessary to manufacture both the turbine and its ausillary equipment, as well as produetion specifications which included the fll perdormance, all items both ecesary and optional for operation anywhere in the workd and in any climatie condi tion, ‘The design team consists of mechanical designers, aero- Aynamiciets, thermodynamics, heat transfer specialist, metallorgiss, combustion engineers, planning, manulctring tnd cos engineers, Isvovt, assembly and det érfting per sonnel, td ofcourse, amansger. Te tartingpont forall these People i the information arising ffom the aerodynamic and thermodynamie investigations that result nthe required per formance. The preliminary information provided by the con- expt itn ost ring strctres whit he ae nanicsts and thermodynamics subjeet the concept to 8 Sipe veto cae worbrene atanshle by cach item starting with the compressor inate and running through the compressor, turbines, interturbine vanes and exhaust ‘nanos ‘The matching characteristics of each item at the design pointare examined and then checked for off design point opera tion. As these investigations proceed, changes in the initial information become available and the design team can establish the mechanical criteria. This process results in reeyeling and attaining the compromises that eventually lead to the final design. ‘The fina results are shown in Figures 4 and 5 which illus- tate the longitudinal of te regenerative and simple cyte lesigns. DESCRIPTION ‘The model CW352RM gas turbine consists oftwo sections, namely the gas generator and power turbine which are self contained and separable structures. (Figure 6.) ‘The gas generator section consists ofthe inlet, compres- sor, combustor and compressor turbine easings supporting the compressor/compressor-turbine rotor in two bearih asvemblies. The rotor consists of asiateen stage ail flow com = pressor with single ovethungeompressor turbine stage havi Cooled stationary vanes and cooled rotating blades ‘The power turbine section consists of the nower turbine and exhaust diffuser casings, supporting the overhung single stage turbine rotor on two bearing assemblies mounted in a common bearing housing, GAS GENERATOR Inlet Casing Assembly ‘The carbon steel inlet casing performs a dual function. It provides a smooth air flow passage to the inlet ofthe axial flow compressor and supports the outboard bearing assembly. The bearing housing is held concentric within the inlet casing by use of radial struts, ‘The bearing housing contains a radial bearing ofthe tilting pad type and a dual tilting pad thrust bearing to absorb thrust Ineither diection as well shold the rotor withiaits design axial position under all conditions. ™ PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM Figure 4. Longitudinals of the Regenerative Cycle Design: CW-259RM Turbine Engine Cl. se Eas Figure 5. Longitudinals of the Simple Cycle Design: CW- 352M Turbine Engine ‘Compressor Casing Assembly ‘The inlet casing supports the inlet guide vane assembly ‘of the compressor. enon steel compres casing serge to aocom- eee ‘modate 16 stages of stationary vane assemblies. The casing is OMe assembled with a bolted horizontal joint. The top cover is re- Heated inlet guide vanes to prevent ice accumulation. ‘movable for easy access. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF & NEW 30,000 HP CLASS TWO SHAFT TYPE GAS TURBINE. POWER TURBINE GAS GENERATOR Figure 6. Gas Generator and Power Turbine ‘The double trunnion type of casing suppor is atached to the forward end efthe compressor easing. This system provides ‘true centerline suppost of the gas turbine in the transverse and vertical directions white allowing fee thermal expansion in the axial direction relative tothe fixed support at the turbine fend of the unit, ‘The stationary vane assemblies are fabricated in halves utilizing stainless steel vanes and carbon steel shrouds. Combustor Casing Assembly ‘The combustor assembly consists of three main structural components namely, the strut system, combustor shell and compressor turbine assembly. ‘The strut system consisting of sic ribs is bolted to the dis- charge end ofthe compressor easing and tothe end ofthe com- prestor turbine casing, The central portion of these ribs is extended radially inwards to the inboard compressor-turbine bearing housing support casing. The strut system provides the strength and rigidity to this portion of the eylinder assembly and maintains concentricity of the inboard bearing with the ‘compressor-turbine easing. ‘The bearing housing is mounted within the strut support casing, and contains a tlting:pad type radial bearing. A seal air system contains oil vapours within the bearing housing and provides cooling for the bearing and its housing, Venting of the seal air is provided in the drain portion of the co-axial ofl supply and drain piping and as well in the Dearing housing Vent pipe which is co-axial with the supply air pipe. ‘The compressorturbine eylinder which forms the aft end ofthe gas generator section. supports a horizontally split blade ring. The blade ring és held concentric within the eylinder via radial gaide pins. “The individual cast alloy vane segments are provided with internal air cooling, Replacement of these vanes is possible by ‘removing the top half ofthe combustor shell and the combustor basket assemblies. Provision is made for borescopie inspecten of the compressor-turbine vanes and rotating blades. ‘The horizontally split combustor shell is designed to con: tain the hot pressurized gas yet be flexible, because the strut system provides the strengthand rigidity to the turbine casing ‘The shel is provided with regenerator supply and return outlet pipes. Internally, the hot and cold zones ofthe shell are seperated by a floating wall ‘The combustion system comprises eight can type com- bbustion baskets which are conically disposed along the longt- ‘tudinal axis ofthe unt, four in the upper and four inthe lower casing between the compressor and turbine. This provides for accessibility and compact unit length. Each basket assem bly includes liner shields around the primary and the secondary sections, a transition piece assembly, cross fame tubes and a sas fuel nozzle, CompressoriCompressor-Turbine Rotor ‘The rotor consists ofa sixteen stage axial flow compressor ‘with a single stage overhung compressor-turbine. ‘The compressor section of the rotor comprises a solid, forged alloy spindle, forged alloy compressor dises shrunk on the shaft and chrome steel blading with dove-tailed side entry roots. The blades are held in place with spring-loaded pins, topermitease of replacement. Any blade can be replaced with- out disturbing any other blade row, or requiring removal of the rotor. ‘The comprestor-turbine section of the rotor consists of a spindle with integral seal air wall and a separate dise which is keyed and bolted to the spindle. A central spigot maintains concentrcity ofthe assembly. Both components are of forged alloy steel construetion, ‘The comprestor-turbine blades are cast from alloy stee] and have extended side-entry, serrated roots for high strength. Internal cooling passages are incorporated to cool the entire blade. a locking plate system is used to secure the blades in the dise and provide passages for dise root and blade cooling. The blades can be removed and replaced without removing, the rotor. POWER TURBINE Turbine Casing Assembly The turbine easing supports the variable power turbine vane assembly and encloses the single stage turbine blades. The horizontally spit steel casing allows access for inspection of power turbine vanes and rotor blades. Access for borescopic inspection ofthe turbine blades and vanes is provided in the casing. ‘The fixed portion ofthe vanes are east in paits from alloy steel. The variable vanes are connected to an externally ‘mounted unison ring which is actuated in response to control signals ‘The unique arrangement of the fixed and rotatable vane assembly allows close gas coupling between the compressor~ turbine and power tuebine rotors, fr improved cycle efficiency ‘A central floating diaphragm assembly supported from the vanes separates the cooling paths to the rear face of the com- pressor turbine disc and to the front face ofthe power turbine dis. Exhoust Diffuser Casing Assembly ‘The integral exhaust diffuser assembly consists of a steel outer casing supporting the bearing housing via 2 tangential strut system, Access for borescopic inspection of the struts is 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM provided. The exhaust diffuser cone assembly shields the casing ‘components from the hot exhaust gases. The assembly is horizontally split ‘The power turbine bearing housing supports two radial tiking pad bearings and a double thrust bearing. The thrust bearing inboard sie is ofthe single pad type while the ovt- board side a sieshoe tting pad type. The horizontally split bearing hovsing i arranged for ingpection and removal of any bearing without the necessity for damantling the outer casing orremoving the rotor. Fined turbine supports attached tothe tchaust dfser casing provide centerline support transversely a verily while restricting axl motion Power Turbine Rotor ‘The single stage power turbine rotor with overhung dise is arranged for counter-clockwise rotation when viewed in the direction of gas flow. Itis designed to operate over a speed range from 2,500 to 5,250 RPM. “The integral dise and shaft is made from forged alloy tec, ‘The precision forged alloy steel blades have extended shanks and serrated side entry roots. The extended shank helps to isolate the dise and blade roots from the hot gas path. Integral with the blades are interlocking tip shrouds to reduee tip leakage and dampen out blade vibration, A locking plate systom is used to axially position the blades in the dise and provide passages for dise and blade serration cooling. INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS Inlet Manifold ‘The horizontally spit inlet manifolds fabricated from steel with either left or right-hand side entry. {t has been de- signed to produce a uniform air flow distribution atthe inlet to the compressor and to prevent ice formations. Exhaust Manifold The horizontally split exhaust manifold with integral difaser is fabricated from steel, and again is oriented for left or right-hand side exhaust INSULATION ‘The turbine casing Including all horizontal and vertical joints is insulated using removable-type blankets. These blankets consist of kaolin clay bre mat covered with an all- rinized fabric. COOLING AIR SYSTEM In the cooling air system of the CW352, air is extracted from three locations in the axial compressor and fed to appro- priate hot parts of the gas turbine. The major features of the ‘cooling system are as follows: High Pressure Cooling System High pressure ar is taken from the compressor discharge and used to cool the compressor turbine vanes, the compres- sor turbine rotating blades, and the front face of the compres- sor turbine dise, a. The compressor turbine vane aerofoll is ahollow design with tubular cooling air holes running radially 1g the aerofoil walls both on the pressure and suction sides. It also has tral: ing edge holes through which the cooling air exits from the blade and re-enters the tarbine gas path. . The compressor turbine rotating blade is an extended root design with a series of tubular, radial cooling holes running fiom the bottom of its firtree root to the outer tip ofits acrofoil. Some high pressure cooling air is fed up the front face ofthe compressor turbine disc where itenters the radial cooling alr holes in the blades and isexhausted tothe turbine as path at the blade tips. Additional high pressure cooling air follows a path which brings it avally pat the root exten: sions ofthe blade, re-entering the turbine gas path down: stream of the compressor turbine. Intermediate Pressure Cooling System Intermediate pressure air is taken from the compressor blood air extraction chamber and used to cool both the rear face of the compressor turbine disc and the front face of the power turbine disc, ‘The airis fed into the turbine eylinder, through the hollow fixed portion ofthe power turbine vanes, and between the walls ‘ofa double skinned diaphragm to reach the centerline, where the air js metered both forward to, the compressor turbine dise and aft to the power turbine disc. The sir which cools the rear of the compressor turbine dise ze-enters the turbine sas path when it reaches the dse perimeter. The air which cools the front of the power turbine disc is directed axially when it reaches the dise perimeter and cools the extended roots of the power turbine blades before re-entering the turbine gas path dowastream of the power turbine. Low Pressure Cooling System Low pressure ait is taken from the second stage of the axial compressor and used to seal and cool the compressor ‘turbine radial bearing in the combustor cylinder, to cool the rear face of the power turbine dis, and to eal the other turbine bearings against oll leakage. a. To prevent hot axial comprestor discharge air from leaking along the rotating shaft into the radial bearing in the com- bbustor cylinder, coo}, low pressure sealing air is introduced toachamber that separates the bearing from the compressor discharge air. This chamber is vented to atmosphere to effectively carry off any axial compressor discharge air that Teaks past the shaft seals. The low pressure air provides a cool environment for the bearing housing. b. Low pressure alr is introduced to the cavity behind the power turbine disc along the shaft and cools the power turbine dise as it moves gut to the dise penmeter where it re-enters the turbine gas path (Figure 7). DESIGN FEATURES 4, Wide speed range ofthe power turbine; from 50% to 105% of design speed. . Single overhung rotor assemblies for the compressor turbine and power turbine provide unrestricted gas flow passage to the turbine blading. «. Variable power turbine vane assembly, allowing close coup- ling of the compressor-turbine and power turbine blading with no loss due to difusion 4. Single, tangential strut system downstream of the power turbine blading maintains concentricity of the power- turbine rotor within its casing, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW 80,000 HP CLASS TWO SHAFT TYPE GAS TURBINE, a Figure 7: Cooling Air Systens: CW.352 . True centerline support of the turbine structure on two sets of supports, arranged to minimize thermal growth at the power turbine load coupling, £ Titing-ped radial bearings for stable operation over a wide speed range. Seal and cooling system for the compressor-turbine beating, assembly 1. Two major separable structures, the compressor turbine assembly and the power turbine assembly. i, Intemal strut support system of the compressor turbine assembly maintains rotor bearing alignment and isolates the hot combustor section from the main structure THE REGENERATOR ‘The flow, temperature and regenerator effectiveness re- uited a new design of regenerator, and a detailed specifics- ton was issued to manufacturers. Three companies responded with varying designs, all of which met the specification. The problem of thermal shock which has in the past, reduced the useful life of some units used in gas turbine peaking applica- tions, has been recognized and given emphasis in design cri- teria, and the increased gas side temperature of 1,050°F to- ssether with a high regenerator effectiveness has been met by stainless steel materials and improved heat transfer charac- teristics. COMPONENT TESTS Many parts ofthe new design such as compressors, com prestor turbine blading, tangential supports, and the com- pressor turbine inboard bearing have been operating in similar ‘or more onerous circumstances in previous Westinghouse frame sizes and have been proven in both mechanical and aero- dynamic performance. Where components are the result ofnew ideas or operating in areas where previous field experience is seant) or non. existent, tests were arranged to ensure that every part of major {importance will be proven before the unit is finally built ‘The combined interturbine vane and vanapie power turbine nozzle assembly, which is considored to be a major advance in two shaft industrial gas turbine practise, will under~ 0 full annulus scale model testing to verify their efficiency as Show dtrbutor and eileney in preventing ks betwen the turbines ‘The power turbine shrouded blades have been the subject ‘ofcomprehensivefinite element analysis for stress and dynamic response. This dynamic response will be verified by rig excita- tion testing prior tothe initial build. The rig will eonsist of using the complete power turbine blade, dise and rotor shaft run- ning in its own bearings and steam jets will be directed on the rotating blades to examine excitation effets. The rig will also allow checks on the erltical speed and bearing behavior. Model airflow tests have been carried out on the inlet of| the compressor verifying entry conditions seen by the compres- sor to be excellent both circumferentally and radialy. ‘The speed and power range of the unit results im lange variations in outlet swiel fom the power turbine. Airflow tests wil be carried out on a model ofthe exhaust difuser and manifold to ensure minimum loss and turbulences ia the final design. ‘The combustion system has been developed by extensive investigations, utilizing water model techniques and full scale single basket tests over the operating range of the unit. The final system has to meet the specifications of ignition, stability, temperature gradients and basket metal temperature for natural ga, distillate oil, and dual fuel systems. % PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM PROTOTYPE TEST Loaded and unloaded teste willbe carried out on the initial build to demonstrate performance and verify the correct operation ofall systems. These tests will he made atthe factory prior to delivery of the units to customers, AUXILIARY SYSTEMS Layout ‘The turbine sits on a one-piece bedplate at one end of which is the lube oil reservoir. The auxdiary systems which are mounted on the bedplate areal situated on top ofthe lube oi reservoir. ‘These systems include the lube oll system, fuel system, starting system, auxiliary drives and hydraulic system Lube Oil System ‘This will be similar to that used on previous Westing- house units and will be offered in two versions. The regen- trative eyele, pipeline version will have an auxiliary gearbox “riven serew type main lube oil pump with AC motor driven centrifugal auxiliary pump. A DC motor driven emergency centrifisgal pump will also be provided. Duplex oil filters and separately mosinted oilaic cooler willbe offered as standard, “The simple cycle, process version will have steam turbine andlor AC motor driven centrifugal main and auxiliary pumps ‘again with a DC motor driven centrifugal emergency pump, Duplex oil iters and duplex oil/water eoofers mounted on the lube oil reservoir will be standard Lube oil will be available for the driven compressor ata range of pressures and flows. Lube ol system components will be grouped together on ‘one side of the lube oil reservoir Optional lube oil coolers for the regenerative cycle ma chine will be hot climate oil/ai cooler and a cold climate oil! slyeol/air cooling system. Fuel System ‘The standard fuel for both regenerative and simple cycle ‘machines will be natural gas. As an option on the simple cycle machine either distillate fuel ofl or a dual fuel system will be available. Both fuel gas and fuel oil valves will be grouped together fon one side of the lube oil reservoir with AC motor driven fuel ail pumps, filters, te, on a separate fuel ol skid Blectro-hydravlic actuators will be used on the feel valves as on the rest ofthe control system, Starting System ‘A-gas expansion starting turbine driving through the auxiliary gearbox will be standard. On the simple eyele ms chines this can be powered with steam and a starter/helper turbine will be available as an option. An overrunning $88 clutch will allow the starting turbine to be disengaged during running, This system along with a DC motor driven turning sear has been used reliably on many previous Westinghouse ‘machines. The gas expansion turbine will be suitable for use oon refrigerated natural gas. Electro-hydraulic actuation of the starting turbine governor valve will permit a flexible and closely controlled start up eyde. Auatiary Drives Both regenerative and simple eycle machines will have an auxiliary gearbox driven from the inlet end of the compressor turbine shaft On the regenerative cyele machine this gearbox, as well as having the starting system driving through it, will drive the ‘main Tube oll pump, a customer supplied seal oll pump for the driven compressor, an overspeed trip and two hydraulic pomps On the simple eycle machine the auxiliary gearbox will drive a seal oll pump, overspeed trip and one hydraulie pump ‘with a shaft driven screw type lube ofl pump a an option Hydraulic System Two separate hydraulic systems will be used on the ‘W352 both having auxilary gearbox driven pumps. One system wail supply control oil to the fuel valve actuators, ove speed trip system, vapour extractor and various linear actu ators, This system will have a second DC motor driv

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