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Representation of celebrities

Tom Cruise Edge Of Tomorrow

This image is mid-scene of an action element occurring in the film. The fact that
the actors mouth is slightly opened connotes that he is concentrated, due to
many individuals doing these particular traits when they are concentrating on
something. This represents the character as determined to win or beat his
opponent. The fact that his teeth are clenched implies that he is nervous due to
him biting down, which is classed as a nervous habit. This represents the character
as brave because he is attempting to cover up this fear by only slightly opening
his mouth, meaning that he is not showing this. It also represents the character as
prideful because of the fact that he wants to hide this distress to keep his fearless
attitude that people expect from him. To sum up, from the characters mouth, we
can infer that the character is brave despite his nerves. The fact that the character
is furrowing his eyebrows emphasises his irritation of whatever he is facing. This is
because individuals do this action when they are agitated resulting in the same
concept for this image. This furtherly emphasises the determined attitudes that
are represented throughout facial expressions.
The fact that the characters hair is only slightly tussled gives the impression that
he has not been fighting for long however he still looks fully focused and prepared
despite this. This represents the character as organised and dedicated. The fact
that the character is wearing a metal suit with various compartments suggests
that he is strong due to him still being able to easily move around rapidly in the
suit. Moreover, the fact that it possesses gadgets that shoot out fire represents the
character as important and powerful due to the fact that he has obtained this
special suit.
The fact that all the colours in the image are quite dull and the only bright thing is
the fire shot from the character resembles hope within the danger. The fact that it
comes from the character represents him as significant and important to
preventing this danger. Furthermore, the fact that there are small gold parts on his
suit furtherly emphasises this hope. The colour gold is associated with importance
and wealth. Therefore, this also represents the character as important. This was
filmed using a middle shot. This is to emphasise the top half of the character

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