Exam Questions - Units 30-33

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Unit 30: Prosperity and problems

1. How did the Vietnam War begin and why did Americans get involved?
2. The course of the war in Vietnam during President Lyndon Johnson.
3. Richard Nixon and the end of the war in Vietnam.
Unit 31: Americas back yard
1. Relations between the United States and Latin America before World War 2.
2. Relations between the United States and Latin America during and after World War 2.
3. Reagan and the Sandinistas.
4. American Hispanics.
5. Kennedys Peace Corps.
Unit 32: An end to Cold War?
1. Dtente between the United States and the Soviet Union.
2. Dtente between the United States and China.
3. Relations between the United States and the Soviet Union after 1979 and the end of
the Cold War.
4. Henry Kissinger.
Unit 33: The American century
1. Americanization of the world in the 20th century.

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