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Team number:

Final Report Instructions

Please draft a final report that covers all of the points outlined below.
You are also responsible for turning in customer interview logs (two for each team member)
during the final presentations.

Introduction to Situation - Overview of the situation and problem you are trying to solve.

Consumer Value Proposition:

o Point of pain, or potential gain, and evidence that the problem is real and big.
o Target market: describe who your solution is primarily for.
o Differentiators: how are people solving the problem today? What makes your
solution unique?

How your business works, the business model (the rationale for how you create,
deliver, and capture value).

Summary of validated assumptions and pivots, and what you learned and/or other

Future validation plan:

o What additional assumptions needs to be validated?
o Describe the additional interviews you will conduct to test each assumption.

Who will you interview? (experts, customers, partners, suppliers, etc.)

How do you plan to connect to these people?

What will you ask them?

o Be specific as you describe your validation plan.

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