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Nama : I Gusti Agung Widaloka

NIM : 1321105024
MK : Bahasa Inggris

Obama, Romney Seek Support from Women After Debate

President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney vied aggressively for the
support of female voters. Romney made the remark while recalling that he looked to
women's organizations after being dissatisfied with the mostly male applicants for
senior level positions in his administration. Obama jumped on the comment to try to
portray Romney as out of step with the concerns of women. Polls since the first
debate show gains for Romney among women voters. That's a shift the Democratic
president can ill afford given the traditional Republican advantage among men. The
first post-debate polls were divided, some saying Romney won, others finding Obama
did. The two rivals meet one more time, next Monday in Florida.

Vice President Joe Biden, campaigning in battleground Colorado, mocked Romney on

the same topic . "What I can't understand is how he's gotten into this sort of 1950s
time warp in terms of women". He just should have come to my house. He didn't need
a binder." , Biden said. iRomney quickly countered with a combination testimonial
and fundraising appeal from Kerry Healey. She said he had named numerous women
to his administration, adding, "He sought out our counsel, and he listened to our
advice. We didn't always agree, but we were always respected." Obama wore a pink
wristband to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month as he campaigned in
and reminded his audience that the first legislation he signed after becoming president
made it easier for women to take pay grievances to court. Romney's campaign
launched a new television commercial that seemed designed to take the women voters
to keep pocketbook issues uppermost in their minds when they cast their ballots.
Obama spoke to a crowd of about 14,000 students and supporters at Ohio University,
imploring them to vote early. "I want your vote. I am not too proud to beg. I want you
to vote," he said. Both of candidates compete for each state's electoral votes. Each

state gets one electoral vote for each of its Congress members.

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