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Quarter #1
September 3, 2013- November 1, 2013
Monday-Friday 12:05-2:55
No Prerequisites
Course Description
According to the CTS Program of Studies the purpose of Information Processing is for
students to take information and process it from one form to another. The main focus of
information processing and the BIT cluster is to develop and apply important knowledge,
skills, and attitudes so students can implement efficient systems and strategies of
management and marketing and use electronic technologies to collect, structure,
manipulate, retrieve and communicate information within individual, family, workplace,
community and global context.
In this course students will use information either from personal experience or by
researching and applying it to different forms that are fundamental skills required in the
workplace. Students will create and manipulate information that will give them the skills
to perform in the workplace and give them the success they want.
Course Rationale
Information Processing is a course that aids students in the fundamentals of transferring
information from one form to another. These forms range from word processing
programs to digital presentations such as PowerPoint or Prezi. Applying this knowledge
to the workplace is an advantage because a basic knowledge of word processing is an
essential part of everyday jobs. The main program we will be using this quarter is
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Knowing the format of
this program allows for students to transfer their knowledge from the program to
everyday life such as a job interview. The overall goal of Information Processing 10 is to
learn the basic concepts of Microsoft Office and apply it to the workplace.
Information Processing will allow students to apply their knowledge to current or future
jobs. Most jobs in this century require the use of computers. Having the basic skills to
perform these programs gives a student an advantage when applying for new job.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course students will be able to:
Type at a higher rate and efficiency (which is essential in most jobs)
Properly navigate and explore Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Properly create and modify projects in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Apply knowledge and skills about Microsoft Office to the workplace
Course Composition
These are the following courses offered in Information Processing 10:
INF 2020- Keyboarding
Students enhance their occupational level keyboarding competence of all keystroke
functions, using unedited, edited and straight copy material.
INF 1030- Word Processing
Students are introduced to the proper use of word processing software, including
document creation, editing and printing of properly formatted documents.
INF 1060- Spreadsheet 1
Students develop skills in the proper use of spreadsheet software through general data
manipulation and personal recordkeeping.
INF 1070- Digital Presentation
Students develop skills with tools used for computerized presentations involving text,
data, graphics, sound and animation.
INF 1910- Project A
Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance
competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally
INF 2020: September 3, 2013 September 12, 2013
INF 1030: September 13, 2013 September 25, 2013
INF 1060: September 26, 2013 October 7, 2013
INF 1070: October 8, 2013 October 22, 2013
INF 1050: October 23, 2013 November 1, 2013
Each course will be worth 20% of the total mark.
INF 2020: 20%- 3 assignments
INF 1030: 20%- 4 assignments
Assignment #1: Reports ( /19)
Assignment #2: Letters ( /16)
Assignment #3: Table ( /10)
Assignment #4: Newsletter ( /32)
2 completion assignments (In-class) ( /2)

INF 1060: 20%- 4 assignments

INF 1070: 20%- 3 assignments
INF 1910: 20%- 2 assignments
TOTAL: 100%
Each course will have different assignments that will be discussed later. Each course will
have approximately 3-4 assignments worth about 5-10% each. The last course will have a
course that will incorporate all the previous courses.
INF 1030 has a total of 79 marks, which is worth 20% of the students total mark.
There will not be a final exam. There will be a project due and the end of the quarter.
Students will be using the following resources:
Lethbridge Community College- INF programs
Type Quick and Easy-Keyboarding Program
Microsoft Office
The materials that the student will need are:
Students will need a pencil to write tests for keyboarding. Most of the assignments we
will be using the computer. Students will also be given handouts that will aid them in the
Student Expectations
The same rules apply in every classroom. The main expectations of the classroom are:
Be respectful (This will be defined by the class but the overall consensus of the
classroom is that everyone is respected)
Arrive to class on time and prepared
Treat others as you would like to be treated
When the teacher or classmate is talking, the other classmates shall be listening
Listen and follow directions when instructed
Raise your hand before speaking
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Be open minded (Allow other students opinions to be heard and thoughtfully
considered before responding)

Those are the main expectations of the classroom.

Expectations regarding this course
Treat Equipment with respect
o Make sure students do not have any food or drinks near the computers
when in operation (Water is acceptable)
o Keep hands and feet to yourself
o Treat the keyboard as your friend not your foe (dont jam the keys)
Procedures during instruction
o Raise your hand before speaking or asking questions
o Turn off monitor when instructed to (usually when teacher is talking)
o During any assignment feet should be under the desk in an appropriate
Procedures during activities
o Respect others
o Work individually or collectively in a positive manner
o Provide input during activities and help others when needed
Procedures in the classroom
o Monitors will be off during instruction
o No talking while other are talking
Classroom safety
o Ensure that your hands are kept to your self
o Respond accordingly to life threatening situations (fire drills, lockdowns,
o Clean up after every activity and ensure everything off the floor is cleaned
Lastly have fun!

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