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Dylan Siracusan

3513 Valencia DR NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 | 505-917-4035 |

September 27, 2015

HR Committee
Human Resources
Los Alamos National Laboratories
P.O. Box 1663
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Dear Los Alamos HR Committee:

I would like to apply for a summer internship position at Los Alamos National Labs. I learned of your
company through a job fair at the University of New Mexico and your representative showed me the
internship you were offering.
I am currently a sophomore at UNM majoring in Computer Engineering and will be graduating in May of
2018. Although only in my second year, I have learned how to code in C and SQL on my own so I have
a fair bit of experience in basic software coding. I feel that an internship at Los Alamos Labs with help
me to understand the field better and work towards advancing my career in this field.
Upon graduating, I hope to work for a company where I can write code and script software programs to
better assist others on their desktops and in work environments. I believe with the right opportunities
and experience with these types of languages and programs, I can achieve this goal. I hope that with
the assistance of the internship offered that LALN can help me towards this.
Although, I have not had any work experience in my field of study, the job I did have and my time at
UNM have taught me skills that will be essential for any job or task. While working for Brian, I learned
how to better manage my time which was something I struggled with during high school. In addition,
through UNM I learned better organizational skills with I believe will translate to scripting and coding,
where I will have many scripts that I need to be able to find and access easily. Through my years in the
boy scouts, I also learned great leadership skills that will make me a good candidate to lead a team if
that opportunity arises at any point during an internship or job.
I would like the opportunity to meet with you to discuss any internship opportunities you may have.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see any work samples. You can reach me
by phone at 505-917-4035 or by email at
Thank you for your consideration.


Dylan Siracusan

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