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Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. For example, do you PERSONALITY Handout 7.3. Getting to Know co Much About Me The ig Five Inventory (BFI) likes to spend time with others! Please write a number next to agree that you are someone who each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement. see myself as someone who. __I.Is talkative __2. Tends to find fault with others __3. Does a thorough job _4.Is depressed, blue __5: Is original, comes up with new ideas _6.Is reserved __7. Is helpful and unselfish with others _B. Can be somewhat careless _9.|s relaxed, handles stress well __!0.Is curious about many different things __I Is full of energy __!2. Starts quarrels with others __13. Isa reliable worker __|4. Can be tense __15. Is ingenious, deep thinker __!6. Generates a lot of enthusiasm. __17. Has a forgiving nature __18. Tends to be disorganized __!9. Worries a lot 20. Has an active imagination 21. Tends to be quiet 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ! 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ! ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ! 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ! ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' | 22s generally trusting 1 1 ' ' 1 Ll Guilford Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agree Agree Strongly alittle disagree alittle Strongly 1 2 3 4 5 23. Tends to be lazy _24.|s emotionally stable, not easily upset 25. Is inventive 26, Has an assertive personality 27. Can be cold and aloof 28, Perseveres until the task is finished 29. Can be moody 30. Values artistic, aesthetic experiences __31. Is sometimes shy, inhibited 32s considerate and kind to almost everyone __33. Does things efficiently _34. Remains calm in tense situations _35. Prefers work that is routine 36. Is outgoing, sociable 37. Is sometimes rude to others 38, Makes plans and follows through with them 39. Gets nervous easily 40. Likes to reflect, play with ideas __4I. Has few artistic interests 42. Likes to cooperate with others _43\|s easily distracted Please check: Did you write a number in front of each statement! Source: John, OP, & Srivastava, S, (1999). The Big-ive Trat Taxonomy: History, Measurement, and Theoretical Perspectives. In. Pervin and O.P. John (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (nd ed). New York A4,|s sophisticated in art, music or literature 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 PERSONALITY 1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 1 ' i each item, circle either "a" or "b”. If you feel both “a” and "b" are true, decide which oneis more like you, even if it is only slightly more true 1 il Lwould rather ' 1 a. Solve anew and complicated problem. I 1 b. Work on something | have done before It 12 Tike to I 1 a Work alone ina quiet place. I 1 b. Be where "the action’ is, 1 13. Lwanta boss who I 1 a. Establishes and applies criteria in decisions, It 1 b. Considers individual needs and make exceptions. I 4. When I work ona project, | I 1 a. Like to finish it and get some closure Il 1 b. Often leave it open for possible change. I 15: When making a decision, the most important considerations are I 1 a. Rational thoughts, ideas and data I 1 b. Peoples feeling and values I y& Onaproject, | tend to Il i a. Think it over and over before deciding how to proceed. I I b. Start working on it right away. I 17 When working ona project, | prefer to I i a. Maintain as much control as possible 1 1 b. Explore various options 1 8 Inmy work, | prefer to 1 12 Work on several projects ata time, and learn as much as possible about each one. 1 i b. Have one project that is challenging and keeps me busy. 1 1% often 1 1 a, Make lists and plans whenever | start something and may hate to seriously alter my plans. i b. Avoid plans and just let things progress as | work on them. I j!0. When discussing a problem with colleagues, itis easy for me il i a. To "see" the big picture 1 i b. To grasp the specifics of the solutions. i j! 1. When the phone rings in my office or at home, | usually il i a. Consider it an interruption, i i b. Don't mind answering it il 112. Which word describes you better! il i a. Analytical i i b. Empathetic. il 1/3. When lam working on an assignment, | tend to ' i a. Work steadily and consistently. il : b. Work in bursts of energy with "down-time" in between. il 1!4 When [listen to someone talk ona subject, | usually try to i a. Relate it to my own experience and see if it fits. ' ' i b. Asses and analyze the message. il ea a a a eee al 112 PERSONALITY 115. When come up with new ideas, | generally ' a. "Go for it: i ' b. Like to contemplate the ideas some more. 116. When working ona project, | prefer to y ! a. Narrow the scope so itis clearly define. i 1 b. Broaden the scope to include related topics. 117. When I read something, | usually i 1 ‘a. Confine my thoughts to what is written there. ' 1 b. Read between the lines and relate the words to other ideas. y 118. When have to make a decision ina hurry, | often ! 1 a. Feel uncomfortable and wish | had more information. d 1 b. Am able to do so with available data. y 119. Ina meeting, | tend to ' 1 a. Continue formulating ideas as | talk about them. ' ' b. Only speak out after | have carefully thought the issue through. d 120. Inwork, | prefer spending a great deal of time on issues of ' 1 a. Ideas. yl 1 b. People, ' 121. Inmeetings, | am most often annoyed with people who ' 1 a. Come up with many sketchy ideas. ' 1 b. Lengthen meetings with many practical details. ul 122, Are youa ' 1 a. Morning person. ' 1 b. Night owl ' 123. What is your style in preparing for a meeting? ' 1 a. Lam willing to go in and be responsive. ' 1 b. like to be fully prepared and usually sketch an outline of the meeting i 124. Inameeting, | would prefer for people to ' 1 a. Display a fuller range of emotions. ' ' b. Be more task-oriented. i" 125. | would rather work for an organization where ' 1 a. My job was intellectually stimulating, ' 1 b. | was committed to its goals and mission. ' 126. Onweekends, | tend to ' 1 a. Plan what | will do. ' 1 b. Just see what happens and decide as | go along. ' 127. lam more ' 1 a. Outgoing. 1 1 b. Contemplative. 1 128. | would rather work for a boss who is ' 1 a. Full of new ideas, ' 1 b. Practical. ' |In the following, choose the word in each pair that appeals to you more: ' 129. a. Social b. Theoretical ' 130. a. Ingenuity b. Practicality ' 3! a. Organized b. Adaptable ! 1320 a Active b. Concentration ' 113 PERSONALITY ‘ount one point for each item listed below which you circled in the inventory. Circle the one with more points: ircle the one with more points: 1 ' I i Score for Score for Score for Score for i \ E s N ' I ' 2a 2 Ib la 1 ' ba & 10b 10a ' i Ma Ub Ba 13 f i 15b Sa 6a 6b i i 19 19a 7a 17 i 1 Qa 22 2la 2Ib ' 1 2 Ia 286 28a I 1 32b Ba 30b 30a 1 1 Totals I 1 Cireie the one with more points: Circle the one with more points: I! ' lore SorN ' 1 (lftied om WE, don't coune #1 |) (fried on SIN, don't coune #16) I 1 It ' Score for Score for Score for Score for I 1 i F J fi 1 ' a 3b 4a 4 1 1 5a 5b 7a 7 1 i 2a 12 8b 8a ' 1 Mab da 9 % il 1 20a 206 8b 18a 1 i 24b 2a 23b 23a 1 i a 256 26a 260 t 1 29 2% 3la 3b I [Totals 1 1 I 1 It ' It 1 1 Tork JorP (If tied on TIF, don't count #24) (If tied on JP, dor't count #23) ' 1 Your score i lorE SorN TorF JorP i | Source: Marcg Dy Setzer, J, & Val, P. 2001). Orgonzatona Behowor Experiences and Cass (8" ed) USA: Thomeo Learning. Seen ee

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