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(Identify Instruction Goals)

(Identify Objectives)

(Plan Instructional Activities)

At the end of the lesson, the

students must be able to:
1. Identify which is a living
and non-living thing
2. Differentiate living things
and nonliving things

At the end of the lesson, the

students will be able to:
1. Know what is living and
nonliving thing
2. Appreciate the importance of
living and nonliving things in
our lives

The students are asked to tell to the class

what are the things they see in the
environment. This is done to motivate the
students. Then, the students are asked to give
the importance of it.

(Choose ET Media)
(Analyze Learners)

Computers, Internet, Diagram or visual aids

and images or flat pictures

a topic is for the Grade IV
learners. This topic helps the
students to appreciate the
importance of living things and
non-living things in our lives.

(Implement Instruction)
I will let my students to draw at least
five living and non-living things.

(Make assessment on learning outcomes

and effectiveness of ET application)
(Recycle Instruction)
If less than 75 % of the
class wont pass the evaluation I
have given, then I will re teach
the topic and used another
reference for more information
and for better understanding.

After the activity, I will conduct a quiz all

about the living and nonliving things.

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