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The series boasted of its power in the back covers of the issues, some

examples of which were: Acquaint your children with their cultural heritage,
Give your child a gift hell treasure forever the gift of his own heritage.
In December 1987, Amar Chitra Katha the Route to your Roots, an
advertising flyer was inserted into some issues of Amar Chitra Katha. A more
refined statement to strengthen the positioning came in March 1988. The
claim read: Amar Chitra Katha.5000 years of Indias mythology, history,
legend the very soul of Indian culture packed in volumes of 32 colorful
Putting up a display rack in front of stores. He distributed free copies to
schools to demonstrate the value of Amar Chitra Katha as a learning tool.
The outcome of this move was that many school libraries became
subscribers. Pai emphasized on annual subscriptions, so that the comics
were received regularly through the mail like magazines. During this time,
Pai travelled to various schools in India. He also got some of the buses in
Mumbai painted with characters from the comic books and heavily
advertised in school newsletter

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