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Latin Phrases Used In Legal English



ad hoc

for this purpose


amicus curiae

friend of the court


bona fide

in good faith


corpus delicti

"body of the crime" - material

evidence that crime has occurred


cui bono

good for whom, i.e., who benefits?


de facto

according to the fact or deed

de jure

according to the law

et uxor

and (his) wife

ex officio

by virtue of the office held


ex post facto

a new law applied retroactively to a

deed already done

habeas corpus

you may have the body (writ

requiring party be brought to court

mala fide

in bad faith

in flagrante

in the act



in prope persona

in one's own person - without a


ipso facto

by the very deed

modus operandi

manner of working, operating

nolo prosequi

"I don't wish to prosecute" (will

drop all parts of a lawsuit)


nolo contendere

I will not contend (plea equal to

admission of guilt but allows
recourse to deny the matter in
subsequent proceedings)

non compos

not of sane mind


obiter dictum

a judicial opinion not binding on

other courts

onus probandi

burden of proof

per se

in itself

prima facie

at first sight

pro forma

as a matter of form only

pro tempore (pro


for the time being, temporarily

sine die

without a specific date set for



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