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Submitted by: Nishant Singh (E058)

GEs Two Decase of Transformation: Jack Welch

Founded in 1878 by Thomas Edison

First focus: Generation, distribution and use of electric power.
Century later: One of the worlds leading divesified industrial companies

Highly Centralized
Greater Decentralization
Profit less growth in 1960 lead to having strategic planning systems

Reg Jones (1973-1980)

43 Strategic units to support strategic planning

GE was benchmarked for other companies
Unable to review and approve massive volume of information generated by 43 SBUs
Formed a covering on GEs departments, divisions, groups and SBUs with SECTORS
Countrys leading business statesmen, Handed over the reins to Jack Welch.

Jack Welch (1981-2001)

Economy has lot of problems when he joined

He challanged to be better than the best
Set in motion series of changes to restructure the company over the next five years
#1 or #2: Fix, Sell or Close. Three pillars: Service, Technology and Core
Sold over 200 business and acquired over 370.
Replaced strategic planning system with real time planning
Budgeting process was redefined
Insisted on making GE more Lean and Agile by Delayering, Downsizing and Divestitutre

Operating Profit
$27.2 Billion
$ 1.6 Billion
$29.2 Billion
$ 2.4 Billion
Drastic restructuring earned Welch nickname Neutron Jack
Second Stage rocket: Focus on software
Priorities shifting to Culture: Speed, Simplicity and Self Confidence

Work out and Best Practices

Bureaucracy out. Forums formed for open dicussions

Competetive intelligence:Best practices of Ford, HP, Xerox, Toshiba
Going Global
Developing leaders
Crotonville Management development facility
Boundryless company(Third Wave of change)
Stretch: Achieve the impossible
Focus on Service business
All A players with 4 Es
Closing out the decade with Six Sigma quality initiative

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