Oracle Solaris Administration - Network Services

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Oracle Solaris Administration: Network


Part No: 821145410

November 2011

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Preface ...................................................................................................................................................33

Part I

Network Services Topics ..................................................................................................................... 39

Network Service (Overview) ..............................................................................................................41

Topics for the Oracle Solaris 11 Release ........................................................................................... 41
Perl 5 ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
Accessing Perl Documentation .................................................................................................. 42
Perl Compatibility Issues ............................................................................................................ 42
Changes to the Oracle Solaris Version of Perl .......................................................................... 43

Managing Web Cache Servers ........................................................................................................... 45

Network Cache and Accelerator (Overview) ................................................................................... 45
Web Servers Using the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol ................................................................... 46
Managing Web Cache Servers (Task Map) ...................................................................................... 47
Planning for NCA ................................................................................................................................ 47
System Requirements for NCA .................................................................................................. 47
NCA Logging ................................................................................................................................ 48
Interpositioning Library for Daemon Support of the Door Server ........................................ 48
Multiple Instance Support .......................................................................................................... 48
Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks) .......................................................................... 48
How to Enable Caching of Web Pages ....................................................................................... 48
How to Disable Caching of Web Pages ...................................................................................... 51
How to Enable or Disable NCA Logging ................................................................................... 51
How to Load the Socket Utility Library for NCA ..................................................................... 52
How to Add a New Port to the NCA Service ............................................................................. 52
How to Configure an Apache 2.0 Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy ......................... 53


How to Configure a Sun Java System Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy ................... 55
Using the SSL Kernel Proxy in Zones ........................................................................................ 56
Caching Web Pages (Reference) ........................................................................................................ 57
NCA Files ...................................................................................................................................... 57
NCA Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 58

Time-Related Services ........................................................................................................................61

Clock Synchronization (Overview) ................................................................................................... 61
About NTP in This Release ................................................................................................................ 62
Managing Network Time Protocol (Tasks) ...................................................................................... 62
How to Set Up an NTP Server .................................................................................................... 62
How to Set Up an NTP Client ..................................................................................................... 62
How to Enable NTP Logging ...................................................................................................... 63
How to Display the SMF Properties Associated With the NTP Service ................................ 63
Using Other Time-Related Commands (Tasks) .............................................................................. 64
How to Synchronize Date and Time From Another System .................................................. 64
Network Time Protocol (Reference) ................................................................................................. 64

Part II

Accessing Network File Systems Topics ........................................................................................... 67

Managing Network File Systems (Overview) .................................................................................. 69

What's New With the NFS Service .................................................................................................... 69
Changes in This Release .............................................................................................................. 69
Significant Changes in Earlier Releases ..................................................................................... 71
NFS Terminology ................................................................................................................................ 72
NFS Servers and Clients .............................................................................................................. 72
NFS File Systems .......................................................................................................................... 72
About the NFS Service ........................................................................................................................ 73
About Autofs ........................................................................................................................................ 73
Features of the NFS Service ................................................................................................................ 74
NFS Version 2 Protocol ............................................................................................................... 74
NFS Version 3 Protocol ............................................................................................................... 74
NFS Version 4 Protocol ............................................................................................................... 75
Controlling NFS Versions .......................................................................................................... 76

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


NFS ACL Support ........................................................................................................................ 76

NFS Over TCP .............................................................................................................................. 76
NFS Over UDP ............................................................................................................................. 77
Overview of NFS Over RDMA ................................................................................................... 77
Network Lock Manager and NFS ............................................................................................... 77
NFS Large File Support ............................................................................................................... 78
NFS Client Failover ...................................................................................................................... 78
Kerberos Support for the NFS Service ....................................................................................... 78
WebNFS Support ......................................................................................................................... 78
RPCSEC_GSS Security Flavor .................................................................................................... 79
Solaris 7 Extensions for NFS Mounting .................................................................................... 79
Security Negotiation for the WebNFS Service .......................................................................... 79
NFS Server Logging ..................................................................................................................... 79
Autofs Features ............................................................................................................................. 80

Network File System Administration (Tasks) .................................................................................. 81

Automatic File System Sharing .......................................................................................................... 82
How to Set Up Automatic File-System Sharing ........................................................................ 82
How to Enable WebNFS Access ................................................................................................. 83
How to Enable NFS Server Logging ........................................................................................... 84
Mounting File Systems ........................................................................................................................ 85
How to Mount a File System at Boot Time ................................................................................ 86
How to Mount a File System From the Command Line .......................................................... 86
Mounting With the Automounter ............................................................................................. 87
How to Mount All File Systems from a Server .......................................................................... 87
How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server ........................................................................... 88
How to Use Client-Side Failover ................................................................................................ 89
How to Disable Mount Access for One Client .......................................................................... 89
How to Mount an NFS File System Through a Firewall .......................................................... 89
How to Mount an NFS File System Using an NFS URL .......................................................... 90
Setting up a DNS Record for a Federated File System Server .................................................. 90
Setting Up NFS Services ...................................................................................................................... 91
How to Start the NFS Services .................................................................................................... 92
How to Stop the NFS Services ..................................................................................................... 92
How to Start the Automounter ................................................................................................... 92


How to Stop the Automounter ................................................................................................... 93

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Server .............................................................. 93
How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client .............................................................. 94
How to Use the mount Command to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client ............. 95
Administering the Secure NFS System ............................................................................................. 96
How to Set Up a Secure NFS Environment With DH Authentication .................................. 96
WebNFS Administration Tasks ......................................................................................................... 97
Planning for WebNFS Access ..................................................................................................... 98
How to Browse Using an NFS URL ........................................................................................... 99
How to Enable WebNFS Access Through a Firewall ............................................................... 99
Task Overview for Autofs Administration ..................................................................................... 100
Task Map for Autofs Administration ...................................................................................... 100
Using SMF Parameters to Configure Your Autofs Environment ........................................ 101
How to Configure Your Autofs Environment Using SMF Parameters ............................... 102
Administrative Tasks Involving Maps ..................................................................................... 102
Modifying the Maps ................................................................................................................... 103
How to Modify the Master Map ............................................................................................... 103
How to Modify Indirect Maps .................................................................................................. 104
How to Modify Direct Maps ..................................................................................................... 104
Avoiding Mount-Point Conflicts ............................................................................................. 105
Accessing Non-NFS File Systems ............................................................................................. 105
How to Access CD-ROM Applications With Autofs ............................................................. 105
How to Access PC-DOS Data Diskettes With Autofs ............................................................ 106
Customizing the Automounter ................................................................................................ 106
Setting Up a Common View of /home ..................................................................................... 106
How to Set Up /home With Multiple Home Directory File Systems .................................... 107
How to Consolidate Project-Related Files Under /ws ........................................................... 108
How to Set Up Different Architectures to Access a Shared Namespace .............................. 109
How to Support Incompatible Client Operating System Versions ...................................... 110
How to Replicate Shared Files Across Several Servers ........................................................... 110
How to Apply Autofs Security Restrictions ............................................................................ 111
How to Use a Public File Handle With Autofs ........................................................................ 111
How to Use NFS URLs With Autofs ........................................................................................ 111
Disabling Autofs Browsability .................................................................................................. 112
How to Completely Disable Autofs Browsability on a Single NFS Client ........................... 112
How to Disable Autofs Browsability for All Clients ............................................................... 112

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


How to Disable Autofs Browsability on a Selected File System ............................................ 113

Administering NFS Referrals ........................................................................................................... 114
How to Create and Access an NFS Referral ............................................................................ 114
How to Remove an NFS Referral .............................................................................................. 115
Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 115
NFS Troubleshooting Procedures ................................................................................................... 116
How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client ....................................................................... 116
How to Check the NFS Server Remotely ................................................................................. 117
How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server .......................................................................... 118
How to Restart NFS Services ..................................................................................................... 119
Identifying Which Host Is Providing NFS File Service .......................................................... 119
How to Verify Options Used With the mount Command ..................................................... 120
Troubleshooting Autofs .................................................................................................................... 120
Error Messages Generated by automount -v .......................................................................... 121
Miscellaneous Error Messages ................................................................................................. 122
Other Errors With Autofs ......................................................................................................... 124
NFS Error Messages .......................................................................................................................... 124

Accessing Network File Systems (Reference) ................................................................................ 129

NFS Files ............................................................................................................................................. 129
/etc/default/nfslogd File ..................................................................................................... 130
/etc/nfs/nfslog.conf File ..................................................................................................... 131
NFS Daemons .................................................................................................................................... 132
automountd Daemon ................................................................................................................. 133
lockd Daemon ........................................................................................................................... 134
mountd Daemon ......................................................................................................................... 135
nfs4cbd Daemon ....................................................................................................................... 135
nfsd Daemon ............................................................................................................................. 135
nfslogd Daemon ....................................................................................................................... 136
nfsmapid Daemon ..................................................................................................................... 137
reparsed Daemon ..................................................................................................................... 143
statd Daemon ........................................................................................................................... 143
NFS Commands ................................................................................................................................ 144
automount Command ............................................................................................................... 144
clear_locks Command ........................................................................................................... 145


fsstat Command ..................................................................................................................... 145

mount Command ........................................................................................................................ 146
umount Command ..................................................................................................................... 151
mountall Command ................................................................................................................. 152
umountall Command ............................................................................................................... 153
sharectl Command ................................................................................................................. 153
share Command ........................................................................................................................ 156
unshare Command ................................................................................................................... 160
shareall Command ................................................................................................................. 160
unshareall Command ............................................................................................................. 161
showmount Command ............................................................................................................... 161
setmnt Command ..................................................................................................................... 162
nfsref Command ..................................................................................................................... 162
Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems ........................................................................... 163
nfsstat Command ................................................................................................................... 163
pstack Command ..................................................................................................................... 165
rpcinfo Command ................................................................................................................... 165
snoop Command ........................................................................................................................ 167
truss Command ........................................................................................................................ 167
NFS Over RDMA ............................................................................................................................... 168
How the NFS Service Works ............................................................................................................ 170
Version Negotiation in NFS ..................................................................................................... 170
Features in NFS Version 4 ......................................................................................................... 171
UDP and TCP Negotiation ....................................................................................................... 180
File Transfer Size Negotiation .................................................................................................. 181
How File Systems Are Mounted ............................................................................................... 181
Effects of the -public Option and NFS URLs When Mounting .......................................... 182
Client-Side Failover ................................................................................................................... 183
Large Files ................................................................................................................................... 185
How NFS Server Logging Works ............................................................................................. 185
How the WebNFS Service Works ............................................................................................ 185
How WebNFS Security Negotiation Works ........................................................................... 186
WebNFS Limitations With Web Browser Use ....................................................................... 187
Secure NFS System ..................................................................................................................... 188
Secure RPC ................................................................................................................................. 188
How Mirror Mounts Work .............................................................................................................. 191

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


When to Use Mirror Mounts .................................................................................................... 191

Mounting a File System Using Mirror Mounts ...................................................................... 191
Unmounting a File System Using Mirror Mounts ................................................................. 192
How NFS Referrals Work ................................................................................................................. 192
When to Use NFS Referrals? ..................................................................................................... 192
Creating an NFS Referral .......................................................................................................... 193
Removing an NFS Referral ....................................................................................................... 193
Autofs Maps ....................................................................................................................................... 193
Master Autofs Map .................................................................................................................... 193
Direct Autofs Maps .................................................................................................................... 195
Indirect Autofs Maps ................................................................................................................. 197
How Autofs Works ............................................................................................................................ 198
How Autofs Navigates Through the Network (Maps) ........................................................... 200
How Autofs Starts the Navigation Process (Master Map) ..................................................... 200
Autofs Mount Process ............................................................................................................... 201
How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations) ........... 202
Autofs and Weighting ............................................................................................................... 205
Variables in a Autofs Map Entry .............................................................................................. 206
Maps That Refer to Other Maps ............................................................................................... 206
Executable Autofs Maps ............................................................................................................ 207
Modifying How Autofs Navigates the Network (Modifying Maps) ..................................... 208
Default Autofs Behavior With Name Services ........................................................................ 208
Autofs Reference ................................................................................................................................ 210
Autofs and Metacharacters ....................................................................................................... 210
Autofs and Special Characters .................................................................................................. 211

Part III

SLP Topics ............................................................................................................................................213

SLP (Overview) ...................................................................................................................................215

SLP Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 215
Summary of the SLP Design ..................................................................................................... 216
SLP Agents and Processes ......................................................................................................... 216
SLP Implementation ......................................................................................................................... 218
Other SLP Information Sources ............................................................................................... 219


Planning and Enabling SLP (Tasks) ................................................................................................ 221

SLP Configuration Considerations ................................................................................................. 221
Deciding What to Reconfigure ................................................................................................. 222
Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity ............................................................................................. 222
How to Use snoop to Run SLP Traces ...................................................................................... 223
Analyzing a snoop slp Trace ................................................................................................... 223

Administering SLP (Tasks) ................................................................................................................227

Configuring SLP Properties ............................................................................................................. 227
SLP Configuration File: Basic Elements .................................................................................. 228
How to Change Your SLP Configuration ............................................................................... 229
Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency .................................................................. 230
Limiting UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs ............................................................. 230
How to Limit UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs ..................................................... 230
Configuring DA Discovery for Dial-up Networks ................................................................. 231
How to Configure DA Discovery for Dial-up Networks ....................................................... 231
Configuring the DA Heartbeat for Frequent Partitions ........................................................ 233
How to Configure DA Heartbeat for Frequent Partitions ..................................................... 233
Relieving Network Congestion ................................................................................................ 234
Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations ............................. 234
Reducing SA Reregistrations .................................................................................................... 234
How to Reduce SA Reregistrations .......................................................................................... 235
Configuring the Multicast Time-to-Live Property ................................................................ 235
How to Configure the Multicast Time-to-Live Property ...................................................... 236
Configuring the Packet Size ...................................................................................................... 237
How to Configure the Packet Size ............................................................................................ 237
Configuring Broadcast-Only Routing ..................................................................................... 238
How to Configure Broadcast-Only Routing ........................................................................... 238
Modifying Timeouts on SLP Discovery Requests ......................................................................... 239
Changing Default Timeouts ..................................................................................................... 239
How to Change Default Timeouts ........................................................................................... 240
Configuring the Random-Wait Bound ................................................................................... 241
How to Configure the Random-Wait Bound ......................................................................... 241
Deploying Scopes .............................................................................................................................. 242
When to Configure Scopes ....................................................................................................... 243


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Considerations When Configuring Scopes ............................................................................ 244

How to Configure Scopes .......................................................................................................... 244
Deploying DAs ................................................................................................................................... 245
Why Deploy an SLP DA? .......................................................................................................... 245
When to Deploy DAs ................................................................................................................. 247
How to Deploy DAs ................................................................................................................... 247
Where to Place DAs ................................................................................................................... 248
SLP and Multihoming ....................................................................................................................... 249
Multihoming Configuration for SLP ....................................................................................... 249
When to Configure for Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces ....................................... 249
Configuring Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces (Task Map) .................................... 250
Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property ................................................................... 250
Proxy Advertising on Multihomed Hosts ............................................................................... 252
DA Placement and Scope Name Assignment ......................................................................... 252
Considerations When Configuring for Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces ............ 253


Incorporating Legacy Services ........................................................................................................255

When to Advertise Legacy Services ................................................................................................. 255
Advertising Legacy Services ............................................................................................................. 255
Modifying the Service ................................................................................................................ 255
Advertising a Service That Is Not SLP Enabled ...................................................................... 256
SLP Proxy Registration .............................................................................................................. 256
How to Enable SLP Proxy Registration ................................................................................... 256
Using SLP Proxy Registration to Advertise ............................................................................ 257
Considerations When Advertising Legacy Services ...................................................................... 259


SLP (Reference) ..................................................................................................................................261

SLP Status Codes ............................................................................................................................... 261
SLP Message Types ............................................................................................................................ 262

Part IV

Mail Services Topics .......................................................................................................................... 265


Mail Services (Overview) ..................................................................................................................267

What's New With Mail Services ....................................................................................................... 267


Changes in this Release ............................................................................................................. 268

Significant Changes in Earlier Releases ................................................................................... 268
Other sendmail Information Sources ............................................................................................ 269
Introduction to the Components of Mail Services ........................................................................ 269
Overview of the Software Components .................................................................................. 269
Overview of the Hardware Components ................................................................................ 270


Mail Services (Tasks) .........................................................................................................................273

Task Map for Mail Services .............................................................................................................. 273
Planning Your Mail System .............................................................................................................. 274
Local Mail Only .......................................................................................................................... 275
Local Mail and a Remote Connection ..................................................................................... 276
Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) .............................................................................................. 277
Setting Up Mail Services ................................................................................................................... 277
How to Set Up a Mail Server ..................................................................................................... 278
How to Set Up a Mail Client ...................................................................................................... 279
How to Set Up a Mail Host ........................................................................................................ 281
How to Set Up a Mail Gateway ................................................................................................. 283
How to Use DNS With sendmail ............................................................................................. 284
Changing the sendmail Configuration (Task Map) ..................................................................... 285
Changing the sendmail Configuration .......................................................................................... 285
How to Build a New File .................................................................................... 286
Setting Up a Virtual Host .......................................................................................................... 287
How to Automatically Rebuild a Configuration File ............................................................. 287
How to Use sendmail in the Open Mode ................................................................................ 288
How to Set SMTP to Use TLS ................................................................................................... 289
How to Manage Mail Delivery by Using an Alternate Configuration of ..... 293
Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) ................................................................................... 294
Administering Mail Alias Files ........................................................................................................ 295
How to Set Up an NIS mail.aliases Map ............................................................................. 295
How to Set Up a Local Mail Alias File ...................................................................................... 296
How to Create a Keyed Map File .............................................................................................. 298
Managing the postmaster Alias .............................................................................................. 298
Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map) ....................................................................... 300
Administering the Queue Directories ............................................................................................. 301


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


How to Display the Contents of the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue .............................. 301
How to Force Mail Queue Processing in the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue ................ 302
How to Run a Subset of the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue ............................................ 302
How to Move the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue ............................................................. 303
How to Run the Old Mail Queue, /var/spool/omqueue ...................................................... 303
Administering .forward Files (Task Map) .................................................................................... 304
Administering .forward Files ......................................................................................................... 304
How to Disable .forward Files ................................................................................................. 304
How to Change the .forwardFile Search Path ..................................................................... 305
How to Create and Populate /etc/shells ............................................................................. 306
Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services (Task Map) ......................................... 306
Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services .............................................................. 307
How to Test the Mail Configuration ........................................................................................ 307
How to Check Mail Aliases ....................................................................................................... 308
How to Test the sendmail Rule Sets ........................................................................................ 309
How to Verify Connections to Other Systems ....................................................................... 309
Logging Error Messages ............................................................................................................ 310
Other Sources for Mail Diagnostic Information .................................................................... 311
Resolving Error Messages ................................................................................................................. 311


Mail Services (Reference) .................................................................................................................315

Oracle Solaris Version of sendmail ................................................................................................ 316
Flags Used and Not Used to Compile sendmail .................................................................... 316
MILTER, Mail Filter API for sendmail ...................................................................................... 317
Alternative sendmail Commands ........................................................................................... 318
Versions of the Configuration File ........................................................................................... 318
Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services ................................................................ 319
Software Components ............................................................................................................... 319
Hardware Components ............................................................................................................. 326
Mail Service Programs and Files ...................................................................................................... 328
Enhancement for vacation Utility .......................................................................................... 329
Contents of the /usr/bin Directory ........................................................................................ 329
Contents of the /etc/mail Directory ...................................................................................... 330
Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory ............................................................................... 331
Contents of the /usr/lib Directory ........................................................................................ 333


Other Files Used for Mail Services ........................................................................................... 334

Interactions of Mail Programs .................................................................................................. 335
sendmail Program ..................................................................................................................... 336
Mail Alias Files ........................................................................................................................... 339
.forward Files ............................................................................................................................ 342
/etc/default/sendmail File ................................................................................................... 343
Mail Addresses and Mail Routing .................................................................................................... 344
Interactions of sendmail With Name Services .............................................................................. 345 and Mail Domains .............................................................................................. 345
sendmail and Name Services ................................................................................................... 345
Interactions of NIS and sendmail ............................................................................................ 347
Interactions of sendmail With NIS and DNS ........................................................................ 347
Changes in Version 8.14 of sendmail ............................................................................................. 348
Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail ............................................................................................. 349
Support for Running SMTP With TLS in Version 8.13 of sendmail .................................. 349
Additional Command-Line Options in Version 8.13 of sendmail ..................................... 354
Additional and Revised Configuration File Options in Version 8.13 of sendmail ............ 354
Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations in Version 8.13 of sendmail ................. 356
Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail ....................................................................................... 357
Support for TCP Wrappers From Version 8.12 of sendmail ............................................... 357 Configuration File From Version 8.12 of sendmail ........................................... 358
Additional or Deprecated Command-Line Options From Version 8.12 of sendmail ...... 359
Additional Arguments for the PidFile and ProcessTitlePrefix Options From Version
8.12 of sendmail ......................................................................................................................... 360
Additional Defined Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail ............................................... 361
Additional Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail .............................................................. 362
Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail ....................................................... 363
Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail ......... 363
Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail ........................... 364
Changes to the MAILER() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail .............................. 367
Additional Delivery Agent Flags From Version 8.12 of sendmail ....................................... 367
Additional Equates for Delivery Agents From Version 8.12 of sendmail .......................... 368
Additional Queue Features From Version 8.12 of sendmail ................................................ 369
Changes for LDAP From Version 8.12 of sendmail .............................................................. 370
Change to the Built-In Mailer From Version 8.12 of sendmail ........................................... 371
Additional Rule Sets From Version 8.12 of sendmail ........................................................... 371

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Changes to Files From Version 8.12 of sendmail .................................................................. 372

sendmail Version 8.12 and IPv6 Addresses in Configuration ............................................. 373

Part V

Serial Networking Topics ................................................................................................................. 375


Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview) ...............................................................................................................377

Solaris PPP 4.0 Basics ........................................................................................................................ 377
Solaris PPP 4.0 Compatibility ................................................................................................... 378
Which Version of Solaris PPP to Use ...................................................................................... 378
Where to Go for More Information About PPP ..................................................................... 379
PPP Configurations and Terminology ........................................................................................... 381
Dial-up PPP Overview .............................................................................................................. 381
Leased-Line PPP Overview ....................................................................................................... 385
PPP Authentication ........................................................................................................................... 387
Authenticators and Authenticatees ......................................................................................... 388
PPP Authentication Protocols .................................................................................................. 388
Why Use PPP Authentication? ................................................................................................. 388
Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE ......................................................................................... 389
PPPoE Overview ........................................................................................................................ 389
Parts of a PPPoE Configuration ............................................................................................... 390
Security on a PPPoE Tunnel ..................................................................................................... 391


Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks) ................................................................................................... 393

Overall PPP Planning (Task Map) .................................................................................................. 393
Planning a Dial-up PPP Link ........................................................................................................... 394
Before You Set Up the Dial-out Machine ................................................................................ 394
Before You Set Up the Dial-in Server ...................................................................................... 395
Example of a Configuration for Dial-up PPP ......................................................................... 395
Where to Go for More Information About Dial-up PPP ...................................................... 397
Planning a Leased-Line Link ............................................................................................................ 397
Before You Set Up the Leased-Line Link ................................................................................ 397
Example of a Configuration for a Leased-Line Link .............................................................. 398
Where to Go for More Information About Leased Lines ...................................................... 399
Planning for Authentication on a Link ........................................................................................... 399


Before You Set Up PPP Authentication .................................................................................. 400

Examples of PPP Authentication Configurations .................................................................. 400
Where to Go for More Information About Authentication .................................................. 404
Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel ......................................................................... 405
Before You Set Up a PPPoE Tunnel ......................................................................................... 405
Example of a Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel ................................................................... 407
Where to Get More Information About PPPoE ..................................................................... 408



Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks) ............................................................................................ 409

Major Tasks for Setting Up the Dial-up PPP Link (Task Map) .................................................... 409
Configuring the Dial-out Machine .................................................................................................. 410
Tasks for Configuring the Dial-out Machine (Task Map) .................................................... 410
Dial-up PPP Template Files ...................................................................................................... 410
Configuring Devices on the Dial-out Machine ...................................................................... 411
How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-out Machine) .................................... 411
Configuring Communications on the Dial-out Machine ..................................................... 412
How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line .......................................................... 412
How to Create the Instructions for Calling a Peer .................................................................. 413
How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer ...................................................... 414
Configuring the Dial-in Server ........................................................................................................ 416
Tasks for Configuring the Dial-in Server (Task Map) ........................................................... 416
Configuring Devices on the Dial-in Server ............................................................................. 416
How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-in Server) ........................................... 417
How to Set the Modem Speed ................................................................................................... 417
Setting Up Users of the Dial-in Server ..................................................................................... 417
How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server ........................................................................ 418
Configuring Communications Over the Dial-in Server ....................................................... 418
How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line (Dial-in Server) ............................. 419
Calling the Dial-in Server ................................................................................................................. 420
How to Call the Dial-in Server .................................................................................................. 420


Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks) .................................................................................... 423

Setting Up a Leased Line (Task Map) .............................................................................................. 423
Configuring Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line ................................................................ 424
Prerequisites for Synchronous Devices Setup ........................................................................ 424
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


How to Configure Synchronous Devices ................................................................................ 424

Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line .................................................................................... 425
Prerequisites for Configuring the Local Machine on a Leased Line .................................... 425
How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line ...................................................................... 425


Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks) .......................................................................................... 429

Configuring PPP Authentication (Task Map) ............................................................................... 429
Configuring PAP Authentication .................................................................................................... 430
Setting Up PAP Authentication (Task Maps) ......................................................................... 430
Configuring PAP Authentication on the Dial-in Server ........................................................ 431
How to Create a PAP Credentials Database (Dial-in Server) ................................................ 431
Modifying the PPP Configuration Files for PAP (Dial-in Server) ........................................ 432
How to Add PAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) ........................ 433
Configuring PAP Authentication for Trusted Callers (Dial-out Machines) ....................... 434
How to Configure PAP Authentication Credentials for the Trusted Callers ...................... 434
Modifying PPP Configuration Files for PAP (Dial-out Machine) ....................................... 435
How to Add PAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) ................. 436
Configuring CHAP Authentication ................................................................................................ 437
Setting Up CHAP Authentication (Task Maps) ..................................................................... 437
Configuring CHAP Authentication on the Dial-in Server .................................................... 438
How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database (Dial-in Server) ............................................ 439
Modifying the PPP Configuration Files for CHAP (Dial-in Server) .................................... 439
How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) .................... 440
Configuring CHAP Authentication for Trusted Callers (Dial-out Machines) ................... 440
How to Configure CHAP Authentication Credentials for the Trusted Callers .................. 441
Adding CHAP to the Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) ............................................ 442
How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) ............. 442


Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks) ................................................................................................. 443

Major Tasks for Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Task Maps) ........................................................... 443
Setting Up the PPPoE Client ............................................................................................................ 444
Prerequisites for Setting Up the PPPoE Client ....................................................................... 444
How to Configure an Interface for a PPPoE Client ................................................................ 444
How to Define a PPPoE Access Server Peer ............................................................................ 445
Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server ................................................................................................... 446


How to Set Up a PPPoE Access Server ..................................................................................... 447

How to Modify an Existing /etc/ppp/pppoe File .................................................................. 448
How to Restrict the Use of an Interface to Particular Clients ............................................... 448



Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks) ........................................................................................... 451

Solving PPP Problems (Task Map) .................................................................................................. 451
Tools for Troubleshooting PPP ....................................................................................................... 452
How to Obtain Diagnostic Information From pppd .............................................................. 453
How to Turn on PPP Debugging ............................................................................................. 454
Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems ..................................................................... 455
How to Diagnose Network Problems ...................................................................................... 455
Common Network Problems That Affect PPP ....................................................................... 457
How to Diagnose and Fix Communications Problems ......................................................... 458
General Communications Problems That Affect PPP .......................................................... 458
How to Diagnose Problems With the PPP Configuration .................................................... 459
Common PPP Configuration Problems ................................................................................. 459
How to Diagnose Modem Problems ........................................................................................ 460
How to Obtain Debugging Information for Chat Scripts ..................................................... 461
Common Chat Script Problems ............................................................................................... 461
How to Diagnose and Fix Serial-Line Speed Problems ......................................................... 463
How to Obtain Diagnostic Information for PPPoE ............................................................... 464
Fixing Leased-Line Problems ........................................................................................................... 466
Diagnosing and Fixing Authentication Problems ......................................................................... 467


Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference) ..............................................................................................................469

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line ............................................................... 469
Where to Define PPP Options .................................................................................................. 469
How PPP Options Are Processed ............................................................................................. 470
How PPP Configuration File Privileges Work ....................................................................... 471
/etc/ppp/options Configuration File ................................................................................... 473
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname Configuration File .................................................................... 474
Configuring User-Specific Options ................................................................................................. 477
Configuring $HOME/.ppprc on a Dial-in Server ..................................................................... 477
Configuring $HOME/.ppprc on a Dial-out Machine .............................................................. 477
Specifying Information for Communicating With the Dial-in Server ....................................... 477
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File ............................................................................................. 478

/etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl Template File ......................................................................... 479
Where to Find Examples of the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name Files ..................................... 480
Configuring Modem Speed for a Dial-up Link .............................................................................. 480
Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link ............................................................................ 480
Contents of the Chat Script ....................................................................................................... 481
Chat Script Examples ................................................................................................................. 481
Invoking the Chat Script ........................................................................................................... 487
How to Invoke a Chat Script (Task) ......................................................................................... 488
Creating a Chat File That Is Executable ................................................................................... 489
How to Create an Executable Chat Program .......................................................................... 489
Authenticating Callers on a Link ..................................................................................................... 489
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) ............................................................................... 489
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) .................................................... 492
Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers .............................................................................. 495
Assigning Dynamic IP Addresses to Callers ........................................................................... 495
Assigning Static IP Addresses to Callers ................................................................................. 496
Assigning IP Addresses by sppp Unit Number ...................................................................... 497
Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support ..................................................................................... 497
Files for Configuring Interfaces for PPPoE ............................................................................. 498
PPPoE Access Server Commands and Files ............................................................................ 499
PPPoE Client Commands and Files ......................................................................................... 504


Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks) ......................................507
Before Converting asppp Files ......................................................................................................... 507
Example of the /etc/ Configuration File ............................................................... 507
Example of the /etc/uucp/Systems File ................................................................................ 508
Example of the /etc/uucp/Devices File ................................................................................ 509
Example of the /etc/uucp/Dialers File ................................................................................ 509
Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks) ................................................................... 510
Task Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 510
How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 ..................................................................... 510
How to View the Results of the Conversion ........................................................................... 511





UUCP (Overview) ................................................................................................................................513

UUCP Hardware Configurations .................................................................................................... 513
UUCP Software ................................................................................................................................. 514
UUCP Daemons ........................................................................................................................ 514
UUCP Administrative Programs ............................................................................................. 515
UUCP User Programs ............................................................................................................... 515
UUCP Database Files ........................................................................................................................ 516
Configuring UUCP Database Files .......................................................................................... 517


Administering UUCP (Tasks) ............................................................................................................519

UUCP Administration (Task Map) ................................................................................................ 519
Adding UUCP Logins ....................................................................................................................... 520
How to Add UUCP Logins ....................................................................................................... 520
Starting UUCP ................................................................................................................................... 521
How to Start UUCP ................................................................................................................... 521
uudemon.poll Shell Script ........................................................................................................ 522
uudemon.hour Shell Script ........................................................................................................ 522
uudemon.admin Shell Script ...................................................................................................... 522
uudemon.cleanup Shell Script .................................................................................................. 522
Running UUCP Over TCP/IP ......................................................................................................... 523
How to Activate UUCP for TCP/IP ......................................................................................... 523
UUCP Security and Maintenance ................................................................................................... 524
Setting Up UUCP Security ........................................................................................................ 524
Regular UUCP Maintenance .................................................................................................... 524
Troubleshooting UUCP ................................................................................................................... 525
How to Check for Faulty Modems or ACUs ........................................................................... 525
How to Debug Transmissions .................................................................................................. 526
Checking the UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File ...................................................................... 527
Checking UUCP Error Messages ............................................................................................. 527
Checking Basic Information ..................................................................................................... 527


UUCP (Reference) ...............................................................................................................................529

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File ...................................................................................................... 529
System-Name Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File .................................................................... 530
Time Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File ................................................................................... 530
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Type Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File ................................................................................... 531

Speed Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File .................................................................................. 532
Phone Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File ................................................................................. 532
Chat-Script Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File ........................................................................ 533
Enabling Dialback Through the Chat Script .......................................................................... 534
Hardware Flow Control in /etc/uucp/Systems File ............................................................ 535
Setting Parity in /etc/uucp/Systems File .............................................................................. 535
UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File ...................................................................................................... 536
Type Field in /etc/uucp/Devices File ................................................................................... 536
Line Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File .............................................................................. 538
Line2 Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File ............................................................................ 538
Class Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File ............................................................................. 538
Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File .................................................... 539
Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File ........................ 539
Protocol Definitions in /etc/uucp/Devices File .................................................................. 541
UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File ...................................................................................................... 542
Enabling Hardware Flow Control in the /etc/uucp/Dialers File ..................................... 545
Setting Parity in the /etc/uucp/Dialers File ........................................................................ 546
Other Basic UUCP Configuration Files .......................................................................................... 546
UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialcodes File .......................................................................................... 546
UUCP /etc/uucp/Sysfiles File ............................................................................................ 547
UUCP /etc/uucp/Sysname File .............................................................................................. 548
UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File ............................................................................................. 548
UUCP Structuring Entries ........................................................................................................ 549
UUCP Considerations .............................................................................................................. 549
UUCP REQUEST Option ............................................................................................................. 550
UUCP SENDFILES Option ......................................................................................................... 550
UUCP MYNAME Option ............................................................................................................... 550
UUCP READ and WRITE Options ............................................................................................... 551
UUCP NOREAD and NOWRITE Options ....................................................................................... 552
UUCP CALLBACK Option ........................................................................................................... 552
UUCP COMMANDS Option ........................................................................................................... 552
UUCP VALIDATE Option ........................................................................................................... 554
UUCP MACHINE Entry for OTHER ............................................................................................... 555
Combining MACHINE and LOGNAME Entries for UUCP ........................................................... 555
UUCP Forwarding ..................................................................................................................... 556


UUCP /etc/uucp/Poll File ............................................................................................................ 556

UUCP /etc/uucp/Config File ........................................................................................................ 557
UUCP/etc/uucp/Grades File ......................................................................................................... 557
UUCP User-job-grade Field ..................................................................................................... 557
UUCP System-job-grade Field ................................................................................................. 557
UUCP Job-size Field .................................................................................................................. 558
UUCP Permit-type Field ........................................................................................................... 559
UUCP ID-list Field .................................................................................................................... 559
Other UUCP Configuration Files .................................................................................................... 559
UUCP /etc/uucp/Devconfig File .......................................................................................... 559
UUCP /etc/uucp/Limits File ................................................................................................ 560
UUCP remote.unknown File ..................................................................................................... 560
UUCP Administrative Files .............................................................................................................. 561
UUCP Error Messages ...................................................................................................................... 562
UUCP ASSERT Error Messages ............................................................................................... 562
UUCP STATUS Error Messages .............................................................................................. 564
UUCP Numerical Error Messages ........................................................................................... 565

Part VI

Working With Remote Systems Topics ........................................................................................... 567


Working With Remote Systems (Overview) .................................................................................. 569

What Is the FTP Server? .................................................................................................................... 569
What Is a Remote System? ................................................................................................................ 569
About FTP Servers in This Release .................................................................................................. 570
Differences From Standard ProFTPD ............................................................................................ 570
ProFTPD Components ..................................................................................................................... 570
ProFTPD Commands ................................................................................................................ 570
ProFTPD Files ............................................................................................................................ 571
ProFTPD User ............................................................................................................................ 571


Administering the FTP Server (Tasks) ............................................................................................ 573

Administering the FTP Server (Task Map) .................................................................................... 573
Administering the FTP Server (Tasks) ........................................................................................... 574
How to Start an FTP Server Using SMF .................................................................................. 574


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


How to Shut Down the FTP Server Using SMF ...................................................................... 574
How to Shut Down the FTP Connection ................................................................................ 574
How to Change the ProFTPD Configuration ......................................................................... 575


Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks) .................................................................................................577

Accessing Remote Systems (Task Map) .......................................................................................... 577
Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin) ...................................................................................... 578
Authentication for Remote Logins (rlogin) .......................................................................... 578
Linking Remote Logins ............................................................................................................. 580
Direct or Indirect Remote Logins ............................................................................................ 581
What Happens After You Log In Remotely ............................................................................ 581
How to Search for and Remove .rhosts Files ........................................................................ 582
How to Find Out If a Remote System Is Operating ................................................................ 583
How to Find Who Is Logged In to a Remote System .............................................................. 583
How to Log In to a Remote System (rlogin) .......................................................................... 584
How to Log Out From a Remote System (exit) ..................................................................... 585
Logging In to a Remote System (ftp) ............................................................................................. 585
Authentication for Remote Logins (ftp) ................................................................................ 585
Essential ftp Commands .......................................................................................................... 586
How to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System .......................................................... 586
How to Close an ftp Connection to a Remote System .......................................................... 587
How to Copy Files From a Remote System (ftp) ................................................................... 588
How to Copy Files to a Remote System (ftp) ......................................................................... 590
Remote Copying With rcp ............................................................................................................... 592
Security Considerations for Copy Operations ....................................................................... 592
Specifying Source and Target ................................................................................................... 592
How to Copy Files Between a Local and a Remote System (rcp) ......................................... 594

Part VII

Monitoring Network Services Topics ............................................................................................. 597


Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks) ....................................................................................599

Monitoring Network Performance ................................................................................................. 599
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network .......................................................... 600
How to Send Packets to Hosts on the Network ....................................................................... 600


How to Capture Packets From the Network ........................................................................... 601

How to Check the Network Status ........................................................................................... 601
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics ................................................................... 604

Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 607

Index ................................................................................................................................................... 611


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



Data Flow With the NCA Service ............................................................................ 59


Relationship of RDMA to Other Protocols .......................................................... 169

Views of the Server File System and the Client File System ................................ 173
svc:/system/filesystem/autofs Service Starts automount .......................... 199
Navigation Through the Master Map ................................................................... 201
Server Proximity ...................................................................................................... 204
How Autofs Uses the Name Service ...................................................................... 209
SLP Basic Agents and Processes ............................................................................. 217
SLP Architectural Agents and Processes Implemented With a DA .................. 217
SLP Implementation ............................................................................................... 219
Typical Electronic Mail Configuration ................................................................. 271
Local Mail Configuration ....................................................................................... 275
Local Mail Configuration With a UUCP Connection ........................................ 276
Gateway Between Different Communications Protocols ................................... 328
Interactions of Mail Programs ............................................................................... 335
Parts of the PPP Link ............................................................................................... 381
Basic Analog Dial-up PPP Link ............................................................................. 383
Basic Leased-Line Configuration .......................................................................... 386
Participants in a PPPoE Tunnel ............................................................................. 390
Sample Dial-up Link ............................................................................................... 396
Example of a Leased-Line Configuration ............................................................. 399
Example of a PAP Authentication Scenario (Working From Home) ............... 402
Example of a CHAP Authentication Scenario (Calling a Private Network) ..... 404
Example of a PPPoE Tunnel ................................................................................... 407
PAP Authentication Process .................................................................................. 491
CHAP Authentication Sequence ........................................................................... 494






NCA Files ................................................................................................................... 57


NTP Files .................................................................................................................... 64


File-System Sharing Task Map ................................................................................. 82


Task Map for Mounting File Systems ...................................................................... 85


Task Map for NFS Services ....................................................................................... 91


Task Map for WebNFS Administration ................................................................. 97


Task Map for Autofs Administration .................................................................... 100


Types of autofs Maps and Their Uses .................................................................... 102


Map Maintenance .................................................................................................... 103


When to Run the automount Command .............................................................. 103


NFS Files ................................................................................................................... 129


Subcommands for sharectl Utility ..................................................................... 153


Predefined Map Variables ...................................................................................... 206


SLP Agents ................................................................................................................ 216


SLP Configuration Operations .............................................................................. 227


DA Advertisement Timing and Discovery Request Properties ......................... 230


SLP Performance Properties .................................................................................. 234


Time-out Properties ................................................................................................ 239


Configuring Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces ....................................... 250


SLP Proxy Registration File Description .............................................................. 258


SLP Status Codes ..................................................................................................... 261


SLP Message Types .................................................................................................. 262


General sendmail Flags .......................................................................................... 316


Maps and Database Types ...................................................................................... 316


OS Flags .................................................................................................................... 317


Generic Flags Not Used in This Version of sendmail ......................................... 317


Alternate sendmail Commands ............................................................................ 318


Version Values for the Configuration File ........................................................... 318



TABLE 1410
TABLE 1411
TABLE 1412
TABLE 1413
TABLE 1414
TABLE 1415
TABLE 1416
TABLE 1417
TABLE 1418

TABLE 1419
TABLE 1420
TABLE 1421
TABLE 1422
TABLE 1423
TABLE 1424
TABLE 1425
TABLE 1426
TABLE 1427
TABLE 1428
TABLE 1429
TABLE 1430
TABLE 1431


Top-Level Domains ................................................................................................ 322

Conventions for the Format of Mailbox Names .................................................. 324
Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory Used for Mail Services ..................... 331
Contents of the /usr/lib Directory ..................................................................... 333
Other Files Used for Mail Services ......................................................................... 334
Configuration File Options for Running SMTP With TLS ................................ 350
Macros for Running SMTP With TLS .................................................................. 352
Rule Sets for Running SMTP With TLS ................................................................ 353
Command-Line Options Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail ...................... 354
Configuration File Options Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail .................. 355
FEATURE() Declarations Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail ....................... 356
Additional or Deprecated Command-Line Options From Version 8.12 of
sendmail .................................................................................................................. 360
Arguments for the PidFile and ProcessTitlePrefix Options ...................... 361
Additional Defined Macros for sendmail ............................................................ 361
Additional Macros Used to Build the sendmail Configuration File ................. 362
Additional MAX Macros ............................................................................................ 363
Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros for sendmail ...................... 364
Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations ................................................ 364
Unsupported FEATURE() Declarations ................................................................. 366
Additional Mailer Flags .......................................................................................... 368
Additional Equates for Delivery Agents ............................................................... 369
Comparison of Tokens ........................................................................................... 370
Additional LDAP Map Flags .................................................................................. 371
Possible Values for the First Mailer Argument .................................................... 371
New Rule Sets ........................................................................................................... 371
Task Map for PPP Planning ................................................................................... 393
Information for a Dial-out Machine ..................................................................... 394
Information for a Dial-in Server ............................................................................ 395
Planning for a Leased-Line Link ............................................................................ 398
Prerequisites Before Configuring Authentication ............................................... 400
Planning for PPPoE Clients .................................................................................... 406
Planning for a PPPoE Access Server ...................................................................... 406
Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-up PPP Link ................................................... 409
Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-out Machine ................................................... 410
Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-in Server ......................................................... 416

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011




Task Map for Setting Up the Leased-Line Link ................................................... 423

Task Map for General PPP Authentication .......................................................... 429
Task Map for PAP Authentication (Dial-in Server) ............................................ 430
Task Map for PAP Authentication (Dial-out Machine) ...................................... 430
Task Map for CHAP Authentication (Dial-in Server) ........................................ 437
Task Map for CHAP Authentication (Dial-out Machine) .................................. 438
Task Map for Setting Up a PPPoE Client .............................................................. 443
Task Map for Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server ................................................. 444
Task Map for Troubleshooting PPP ...................................................................... 451
Common Network Problems That Affect PPP .................................................... 457
General Communications Problems That Affect PPP ........................................ 458
Common PPP Configuration Problems ............................................................... 460
Common Chat Script Problems ............................................................................ 462
Common Leased-Line Problems ........................................................................... 467
General Authentication Problems ......................................................................... 467
Summary of PPP Configuration Files and Commands ...................................... 470
PPPoE Commands and Configuration Files ........................................................ 497
Task Map for UUCP Administration .................................................................... 519
Escape Characters Used in the Chat-Script Field of the Systems File ............... 534
Protocols Used in /etc/uucp/Devices ................................................................ 541
Backslash Characters for /etc/uucp/Dialers .................................................... 544
Entries in the DialcodesFile .................................................................................. 547
Permit-type Field ..................................................................................................... 559
UUCP Lock Files ..................................................................................................... 561
ASSERT Error Messages ......................................................................................... 563
UUCP STATUS Messages ...................................................................................... 564
UUCP Error Messages by Number ....................................................................... 565
ProFTPD Commands ............................................................................................. 570
ProFTPD Files .......................................................................................................... 571
Task Map: Administering the FTP Server ............................................................ 573
Task Map: Accessing Remote Systems .................................................................. 577
Dependencies Between Login Method and Authentication Method (rlogin)
.................................................................................................................................... 581
Essential ftp Commands ....................................................................................... 586
Allowed Syntaxes for Directory and File Names ................................................. 593
Network Monitoring Commands ......................................................................... 599




Output From the netstat -r Command ............................................................. 604

Commands for Displaying Client/Server Statistics ............................................. 604
Output From the nfsstat -c Command ............................................................ 605
Output From the nfsstat -m Command ............................................................ 606

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011




Using a Raw Device as the NCA Log File ................................................................ 50

Using Multiple Files for NCA Logging ................................................................... 50
Configuring an Apache 2.0 Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy ................. 54
Configuring a Sun Java System Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy .......... 56
Configuring an Apache Web Server in a Local Zone to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy
...................................................................................................................................... 56
Synchronizing Date and Time From Another System .......................................... 64
Entry in the Client's vfstab File .............................................................................. 86
Using Mirror Mounts After Mounting a File System ............................................ 87
Modifying an Existing Referral .............................................................................. 114
Unmounting a File System ..................................................................................... 152
Using Options with umount .................................................................................... 152
Sample /etc/auto_master File ............................................................................. 193
Setting up slpd to Operate as a DA Server ........................................................... 229
Establishing Automatic Rebuilding of .............................................. 288
Received: Mail Header .......................................................................................... 293
Address Test Mode Output .................................................................................... 309
Output From a Properly Operating Dial-up Link ............................................... 453
Output From a Properly Operating Leased-Line Link ....................................... 453
Inline Chat Script ..................................................................................................... 488
Basic /etc/ppp/pppoe File ..................................................................................... 501
/etc/ppp/pppoe File for an Access Server ........................................................... 503
/etc/ppp/options File for an Access Server ....................................................... 503
/etc/hosts File for an Access Server .................................................................... 504
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets File for an Access Server ............................................... 504
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets File for an Access Server ............................................ 504
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name to Define a Remote Access Server ....................... 506
Entry in /etc/uucp/Systems ................................................................................. 530
Keyword With the Type Field ................................................................................ 531




Entry in Speed Field ................................................................................................ 532

Entry in the Phone Field ......................................................................................... 532
Comparison of Type Fields in Devices file and Systems File ............................ 537
Class Field in the Devices file ................................................................................ 538
Dialers Field for Directly Connect Modem .......................................................... 540
UUCP Dialers Field for Computers on Same Port Selector ............................... 540
UUCP Dialers Field for Modems Connected to Port Selector ........................... 540
Entry in /etc/uucp/Dialers File ......................................................................... 542
Excerpts From /etc/uucp/Dialers ..................................................................... 543
ProFTPD Configuration File Changes for a Virtual Host .................................. 575
ProFTPD Configuration File Changes for Anonymous Access ........................ 576
Searching for and Removing .rhosts Files ......................................................... 582
Finding Who Is Logged In to a Remote System ................................................... 583
Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin) ............................................................. 584
Logging Out From a Remote System (exit) ........................................................ 585
Opening an ftp Connection to a Remote System ............................................... 587
Copying Files From a Remote System (ftp) ........................................................ 588
Copying Files to a Remote System (ftp) ............................................................... 590
Using rcp to Copy a Remote File to a Local System ............................................ 594
Using rlogin and rcp to Copy a Remote File to a Local System ....................... 595
Using rcp to Copy a Local File to a Remote System ............................................ 595
Using rlogin and rcp to Copy a Local File to a Remote System ....................... 595
Checking the Response of Hosts on the Network ................................................ 600
Sending Packets to Hosts on the Network ............................................................ 601

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


System Administration Guide: Network Services is part of a multivolume set that covers a
significant part of the Oracle Solaris system administration information. This book assumes
that you have already installed the Oracle Solaris operating system, and you have set up any
networking software that you plan to use. The operating system is part of the Oracle Solaris
product family, which also includes many features.
Note This Oracle Solaris release supports systems that use the SPARC and x86 families of

processor architectures. The supported systems appear in the Oracle Solaris OS: Hardware
Compatibility Lists. This document cites any implementation differences between the platform
For supported systems, see the Oracle Solaris OS: Hardware Compatibility Lists.

Who Should Use This Book

This book is intended for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run
the Oracle Solaris release. To use this book, you should have one to two years of UNIX system
administration experience. Attending UNIX system administration training courses might be

How the System Administration Guides Are Organized

Here is a list of the topics that are covered by the System Administration Guides.
Book Title


Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris on SPARC Platforms

Booting and shutting down a system, managing boot services,

modifying boot behavior, booting from ZFS, managing the boot
archive, and troubleshooting booting on SPARC platforms

Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris on x86 Platforms

Booting and shutting down a system, managing boot services,

modifying boot behavior, booting from ZFS, managing the boot
archive, and troubleshooting booting on x86 platforms



Book Title


Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks

Using Oracle Solaris commands, booting and shutting down a

system, managing user accounts and groups, managing services,
hardware faults, system information, system resources, and
system performance, managing software, printing, the console
and terminals, and troubleshooting system and software

Oracle Solaris Administration: Devices and File Systems

Removable media, disks and devices, file systems, and backing up

and restoring data

Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services

TCP/IP network administration, IPv4 and IPv6 address

administration, DHCP, IPsec, IKE, IP Filter, Mobile IP, and IPQoS

Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services

DNS, NIS, and LDAP naming and directory services, including

transitioning from NIS to LDAP

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Interfaces and Network


Networking stack, NIC driver property configuration, NWAM

configuration, manual network interface configuration,
administration of VLANs and link aggregations, IP networking
multipathing (IPMP), WiFi wireless networking configuration,
virtual NICs (VNICs), and network resource management

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services

Web cache servers, time-related services, network file systems

(NFS and autofs), mail, SLP, and PPP

Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle

Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource Management

Resource management features, which enable you to control how

applications use available system resources; Oracle Solaris Zones
software partitioning technology, which virtualizes operating
system services to create an isolated environment for running
applications; and Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, which host Oracle
Solaris 10 environments running on the Oracle Solaris 11 Express

Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services

Auditing, device management, file security, BART, Kerberos

services, PAM, Cryptographic Framework, Key Management,
privileges, RBAC, SASL, Secure Shell, and virus scanning

Oracle Solaris Administration: SMB and Windows Interoperability SMB service, which enables you to configure an Oracle Solaris
system to make SMB shares available to SMB clients; SMB client,
which enables you to access SMB shares; and native identity
mapping services, which enables you to map user and group
identities between Oracle Solaris systems and Windows systems
Oracle Solaris Administration: ZFS File Systems


ZFS storage pool and file system creation and management,

snapshots, clones, backups, using access control lists (ACLs) to
protect ZFS files, using ZFS on a Solaris system with zones
installed, emulated volumes, and troubleshooting and data

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Book Title


Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Configuration and


System installation, configuration, and administration that is

specific to Trusted Extensions

Oracle Solaris 11 Security Guidelines

Securing an Oracle Solaris system, as well as usage scenarios for its

security features, such as zones, ZFS, and Trusted Extensions

Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11

Provides system administration information and examples for

transitioning from Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11 in the
areas of installation, device, disk, and file system management,
software management, networking, system management,
security, virtualization, desktop features, user account
management, and user environments emulated volumes, and
troubleshooting and data recovery

Related Books
This is a list of related documentation that is referred to in this book.

System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks

Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services

Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services

Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource

Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services

Anderson, Bart, Bryan Costales, and Harry Henderson. UNIX Communications. Howard
W. Sams & Company, 1987.

Costales, Bryan. sendmail, Third Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 2002.

Frey, Donnalyn and Rick Adams. !%@:: A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing and
Networks. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1993.

Krol, Ed. The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog. O' Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1993.

O' Reilly, Tim and Grace Todino. Managing UUCP and Usenet. O' Reilly & Associates, Inc.,



Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic conventions that are used in this book.

Typographic Conventions





The names of commands, files, and directories,

and onscreen computer output

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.
machine_name% you have mail.

What you type, contrasted with onscreen

computer output

machine_name% su


Placeholder: replace with a real name or value

The command to remove a file is rm



Book titles, new terms, and terms to be


Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.



A cache is a copy that is stored

Do not save the file.
Note: Some emphasized items
appear bold online.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows the default UNIX system prompt and superuser prompt for shells
that are included in the Oracle Solaris OS. Note that the default system prompt that is displayed
in command examples varies, depending on the Oracle Solaris release.


Shell Prompts



Bash shell, Korn shell, and Bourne shell

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



Shell Prompts




Bash shell, Korn shell, and Bourne shell for superuser

C shell


C shell for superuser





Network Services Topics

This section provides an overview of the book, as well as overview, task, and reference
information for the Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) and Network Time Protocol
(NTP) services.




Network Service (Overview)

This chapter provides a list of the major topics covered in this book. In addition it includes a
description of the PERL service that is included in this release.

Topics for the Oracle Solaris 11 Release on page 41

Perl 5 on page 42

Topics for the Oracle Solaris 11 Release

The following services or utilities are covered in this book:
Perl 5 on page 42
The Practical Extraction and Report Language (Perl) is a tool that can be used to generate
scripts to assist with system administration tasks.
Chapter 2, Managing Web Cache Servers
NCA provides improved web server performance by caching web pages.
Chapter 3, Time-Related Services
NTP and time-related utilities can be used to synchronize time for many systems.
Chapter 4, Managing Network File Systems (Overview)
NFS is a protocol that provides the ability to access file systems from a remote host.
Chapter 7, SLP (Overview)
SLP is a dynamic service discovery protocol.
Chapter 12, Mail Services (Overview)
Mail services allow for a message to be sent to one or more people while routing the message
over whatever networks are necessary.
Chapter 15, Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)
PPP is a protocol that provides point-to-point links between remote hosts.
Chapter 24, UUCP (Overview)
UUCP enables hosts to exchange files.

Perl 5

Chapter 27, Working With Remote Systems (Overview)

These commands are used to access files on remote systems. The commands include ftp,
rlogin and rcp.

Perl 5
This Oracle Solaris release includes Practical Extraction and Report Language (Perl) version
5.8.4 and 5.12, a powerful general-purpose programming language that is generally available as
free software. Perl has emerged as the standard development tool for complex system
administration tasks because of its excellent process, file, and text manipulation features.
Perl 5 includes a dynamically loadable module framework, which allows the addition of new
capabilities for specific tasks. Many modules are freely available from the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN) at If you wish to build and install add-on
modules from CPAN using gcc, you can do so using the /usr/perl5/5.8.4/bin/perlgcc or
the /usr/perl5/5.12/bin/perlgcc script. See the perlgcc(1) man page with the 5.8.4
distribution for details.

Accessing Perl Documentation

Several sources of information about Perl are included in this Oracle Solaris release. The same
information is available by using these two mechanisms.
You can access the man pages by adding /usr/perl5/man to your MANPATH environment
variable. This example displays the Perl overview.
% setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:/usr/perl5/man
% man perl

You can access additional documentation by using the perldoc utility. This example displays
the same overview information.
% /usr/perl5/bin/perldoc perl

The perl overview page lists of all the documentation that is included with the release.

Perl Compatibility Issues

In general, the 5.12 version of Perl is compatible with the previous version. Scripts do not have
to be rebuilt or recompiled to function. However, any XSUB-based (.xs) modules require
recompilation and reinstallation.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Perl 5

Changes to the Oracle Solaris Version of Perl

The Oracle Solaris version of Perl was compiled to include system memory allocator, 64-bit
integer and large file support. In addition, appropriate patches have been applied. For a full list
of all configuration information, review the results from this command.
% /usr/perl5/bin/perlbug -dv
--Site configuration information for perl v5.12.4:

You can generate a shorter list by using perl -V.

Chapter 1 Network Service (Overview)




Managing Web Cache Servers

This chapter provides an overview of the Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) in the Oracle
Solaris 11 release. Procedures for using NCA and reference material about NCA are included.
Also, an introduction to using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and procedures for using the SSL
kernel proxy to improve the performance of the SSL packet processing are added.

Network Cache and Accelerator (Overview) on page 45

Managing Web Cache Servers (Task Map) on page 47
Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks) on page 48
Caching Web Pages (Reference) on page 57

Network Cache and Accelerator (Overview)

The Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) increases web server performance by maintaining
an in-kernel cache of web pages that are accessed during HTTP requests. This in-kernel cache
uses system memory to significantly increase performance for HTTP requests that are normally
handled by web servers. Using system memory to hold web pages for HTTP requests increases
web server performance by reducing the overhead between the kernel and the web server. NCA
provides a sockets interface through which any web server can communicate with NCA with
minimal modifications.
In situations where the requested page is retrieved from the in-kernel cache (cache hit),
performance improves dramatically. In situations where the requested page is not in the cache
(cache miss) and must be retrieved from the web server, performance is also significantly
This product is intended to be run on a dedicated web server. If you run other large processes on
a server that runs NCA, problems can result.
NCA provides logging support in that NCA logs all cache hits. This log is stored in binary
format to increase performance. The ncab2clf command can be used to convert the log from
binary format to common log format (CLF).

Web Servers Using the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol

The Oracle Solaris release includes the following enhancements:

Sockets interface.

Support for vectored sendfile, which provides support for AF_NCA. See the
sendfilev(3EXT) man page for more information.

New options for the ncab2clf command that support the ability to skip records before a
selected date (-s) and to process a specified number of records (-n).

logd_path_name in ncalogd.conf can specify either a raw device, a file, or a combination of

the two.

Support for a web server to open multiple AF_NCA sockets. With multiple sockets, you can
have different web servers that run on one server.

A new configuration file that is called /etc/nca/ncaport.conf. The file can be used to
manage the IP addresses and ports that NCA uses. Your web server might not provide native
support of the AF_NCA socket. If your server lacks this support, use this file and the NCA
socket utility library to convert an AF_INET socket to an AF_NCA socket.

Web Servers Using the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol

An Apache 2.0 and a Sun Java System Web Server may be configured to use the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) Protocol. The protocol provides confidentiality, message integrity and end point
authentication between two applications. The kernel has been changed to accelerate the SSL
The SSL kernel proxy implements the server side of the SSL protocol. The proxy offers better
SSL performance for server applications, like web servers, over applications using user-level SSL
libraries. The performance improvement may be as high as +35% depending on the workload of
the application.
The SSL kernel proxy supports the SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols, as well as most common
cipher suites. See the ksslcfg(1M) man page for the complete list. The proxy can be configured
to fall back to the user-level SSL server for any unsupported cipher suites.
The following procedures show how to configure servers to use the SSL kernel proxy:


How to Configure an Apache 2.0 Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy on page 53
How to Configure a Sun Java System Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy on page 55
Using the SSL Kernel Proxy in Zones on page 56

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning for NCA

Managing Web Cache Servers (Task Map)

The following table describes the procedures that are needed to use NCA or SSL.


For Instructions

Planning for NCA

A list of issues to be resolved before you

enable the use of NCA.

Planning for NCA on page 47

Enabling NCA

Steps to enable in-kernel caching of web

pages on a web server.

How to Enable Caching of Web Pages on

page 48

Disabling NCA

Steps to disable in-kernel caching of web

pages on a web server.

How to Disable Caching of Web Pages

on page 51

Administering NCA logging

Steps to enable or disable the NCA logging


How to Enable or Disable NCA Logging

on page 51

Loading the NCA socket library

Steps to use NCA if the AF_NCA socket is

not supported.

How to Load the Socket Utility Library for

NCA on page 52

Using the SSL kernel proxy with an Apache Steps to use the SSL kernel proxy with a
2.0 web server
web server to improve SSL packet

How to Configure an Apache 2.0 Web

Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy on
page 53

Using the SSL kernel proxy with a Sun Java Steps to use the SSL kernel proxy with a
System Web Server
web server to improve SSL packet

How to Configure a Sun Java System Web

Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy on
page 55

Using the SSL kernel proxy with a web

server in a local zone

Using the SSL Kernel Proxy in Zones on

page 56

Steps to use the SSL kernel proxy with a

web server in a local zone.

Planning for NCA

The following sections cover the issues that need to be resolved before starting the NCA service.

System Requirements for NCA

To support NCA, the system must meet these requirements:

256 Mbytes RAM must be installed.

The Oracle Solaris release must be installed.

Support for a web server which has native support for NCA or a web server whose startup
script has been modified to use the Socket Utility Library for NCA:

Apache web server, ships with the Oracle Solaris release

Sun Java System Web Server

Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers


Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

Zeus web server available from Zeus Technology,

This product is intended to be run on a dedicated web server. The running of other large
processes on a server that runs NCA can cause problems.

NCA Logging
The NCA service can be configured to log web activity. Generally, NCA logging should be
enabled if the web server logging is enabled.

Interpositioning Library for Daemon Support of the

Door Server
Many web servers use AF_INET sockets. By default, NCA uses AF_NCA sockets. To correct
this situation, an interpositioning library is provided. The new library is loaded in front of the
standard socket library, The library call bind() is interposed by the new library, Suppose that the status is enabled in /etc/nca/ncakmod.conf. The version of
Apache that is included with the Solaris 9 and Solaris 10 release is already set up to call this
library. If you are using IWS or Netscape servers, see How to Load the Socket Utility Library
for NCA on page 52 to use the new library.

Multiple Instance Support

Systems that have NCA installed often need to run multiple instances of a web server. For
instance, a single server might need to support a web server for outside access as well as a web
administration server. To separate these servers, you would configure each server to use a
separate port.

Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

The following sections cover the procedures to enable or disable parts of the service.


How to Enable Caching of Web Pages

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

Register the interfaces.

Type the names of each of the physical interfaces in the /etc/nca/nca.if file. See the
nca.if(4) man page for more information.
# cat /etc/nca/nca.if

Each interface must have an accompanying hostname.interface-name file and an entry in

/etc/hosts file for the contents of hostname.interface-name. To start the NCA feature on all
interfaces, place an asterisk, *, in the nca.if file.

Enable the ncakmod kernel module.

Change the status entry in /etc/nca/ncakmod.conf to enabled.
# cat /etc/nca/ncakmod.conf
# NCA Kernel Module Configuration File

See the ncakmod.conf(4) man page for more information.


(Optional) Enable NCA logging.

Change the status entry in /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf to enabled.
# cat /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf
# NCA Logging Configuration File

You can change the location of the log file by changing the path that is indicated by the
logd_path_name entry. The log file can be a raw device or a file. See the following examples for
samples of NCA log file paths. See the ncalogd.conf(4) man page for more information about
the configuration file.

(Optional) Define ports for multiple instance support.

Add the port numbers in the /etc/nca/ncaport.conf file. This entry causes NCA to monitor
port 80 on all configured IP addresses.
# cat /etc/nca/ncaport.conf
# NCA Kernel Module Port Configuration File
Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers


Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

For x86 only: Increase the virtual memory size.

Use the eeprom command to set the kernelbase of the system.
# eeprom kernelbase=0x90000000
# eeprom kernelbase

The second command verifies that the parameter has been set.
Note By setting the kernelbase, you reduce the amount of virtual memory that user processes
can use to less than 3 Gbytes. This restriction means that the system is not ABI compliant.
When the system boots, the console displays a message that warns you about noncompliance.
Most programs do not actually need the full 3Gbyte virtual address space. If you have a
program that needs more than 3 Gbytes, you need to run the program on a system that does not
have NCA enabled.

Example 21

Reboot the server.

Using a Raw Device as the NCA Log File

The logd_path_name string in ncalogd.conf can define a raw device as the place to store the
NCA log file. The advantage to using a raw device is that the service can run faster because the
overhead in accessing a raw device is less.
The NCA service tests any raw device that is listed in the file to ensure that no file system is in
place. This test ensures that no active file systems are accidentally written over.
To prevent this test from finding a file system, run the following command. This command
destroys part of the file system on any disk partition that had been configured as a file system. In
this example, /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 is the raw device that has an old file system in place.
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 bs=1024 count=1

After running dd, you can then add the raw device to the ncalogd.conf file.
# cat /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf
# NCA Logging Configuration File
Example 22

Using Multiple Files for NCA Logging

The logd_path_name string in ncalogd.conf can define multiple targets as the place to store
the NCA log file. The second file is used when the first file is full. The following example shows
how to select to write to the /var/nca/log file first and then use a raw partition.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

# cat /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf
# NCA Logging Configuration File
logd_path_name="/var/nca/log /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7"

How to Disable Caching of Web Pages

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Disable the ncakmod kernel module.

Change the status entry in /etc/nca/ncakmod.conf to disabled.
# cat /etc/nca/ncakmod.conf
# NCA Kernel Module Configuration File

See the ncakmod.conf(4) man page for more information.


Disable NCA logging.

Change the status entry in /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf to disabled.
# cat /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf
# NCA Logging Configuration File

See the ncalogd.conf(4) man page for more information.


Reboot the server.

How to Enable or Disable NCA Logging

NCA logging can be turned on or turned off, as needed, after NCA has been enabled. See How
to Enable Caching of Web Pages on page 48 for more information.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers


Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

Change NCA logging.

To permanently disable logging, you need to change the status in /etc/nca/ncalogd.conf to
disabled and reboot the system. See the ncalogd.conf(4) man page for more information.
a. Stop logging.
# /etc/init.d/ncalogd stop

b. Start logging.
# /etc/init.d/ncalogd start

How to Load the Socket Utility Library for NCA

Follow this process only if your web server does not provide native support of the AF_NCA
In the startup script for the web server, add a line that causes the library to be preloaded. The
line should resemble the following:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/httpd

How to Add a New Port to the NCA Service

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add a new port.

Add a new port entry to /etc/nca/ncaport.conf. This example adds port 8888 on IP address See ncaport.conf(4) for more information.
# cat /etc/nca/ncaport.conf
# NCA Kernel Module Port Configuration File


Start a new web instance.

An address needs to be in the file that contains the NCA port configurations before a web server
can use the address for NCA. If the web server is running, it must be restarted after the new
address is defined.
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

How to Configure an Apache 2.0 Web Server to Use the

SSL Kernel Proxy
This procedure should be used to improve the performance of SSL packet process on an Apache
2.0 web server.

Before You Begin

The following procedure requires that an Apache 2.0 web server has been installed and
configured. The Apache 2.0 web server is included in the release.
To use the SSL kernel proxy, the server private key and the server certificate need to exist in a
single file. If only the SSLCertificateFile parameter is specified in the ssl.conf file, then the
specified file can be used directly for kernel SSL. If the SSLCertificateKeyFile parameter is
also specified, then the certificate file and the private key file need to be combined. One way to
combine the certificate and the key file is to run the following command:
# cat cert.pem key.pem >cert-and-key.pem

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services. The ksslcfg command is included in the Network Security

Stop the web server.

This command will stop the web server on a system in which the server is configured to run
using SMF.
# svcadm disable svc:/network/http:apache2

If the service has not be converted yet, stop the service with this command syntax:
/usr/apache2/bin/apachectl stop

Determine what parameters to use with the ksslcfg command.

All of the options are listed in the ksslcfg(1M) man page. The parameters that you must have
information for are:

key-format Used with the -f option to define the certificate and key format. For the SSL
kernel proxy the value should be either pem or pkcs12.

key-and-certificate-file Used with the -i option to set the location of the file that
stores to server key and the certificate.

password-file Used with the -p option to select the location of the file that includes the
password used to encrypt the private key. This password is used to allow unattended
reboots. The permissions on the file should be 0400.

proxy-port Used with the -x option to set the SSL proxy port. Select a different port than
the standard port 80. The web server listens on the SSL proxy port.

Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers


Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

ssl-port Selects the port for the SSL Kernel Proxy to listen on. Normally this is set to 443.

Note The ssl-port and the proxy-port values can not be configured for NCA since these

ports are used exclusively by the SSL kernel proxy. Usually, port 80 is used for NCA, port 8443
for the proxy-port and 443 for the ssl-port.

Create the service instance.

The ksslcfg command to specify the SSL proxy port and associated parameters.
ksslcfg create -f key-format -i key-and-certificate-file -p password-file -x proxy-port ssl-port

Verify that the instance was created properly.

The service state reported by the following command should be online.
# svcs svc:/network/ssl/proxy

Configure the web server to listen on the SSL proxy port.

Edit the /etc/apache2/http.conf file and add a line to define the SSL proxy port. If you use the
servers IP address, then the web server will only listen on that interface. The line should look

Set an SMF dependency for the web server.

The web server should only be started after the SSL kernel proxy instance. The following
commands establish that dependency.

# svccfg -s svc:/network/http:apache2
svc:/network/http:apache2> addpg kssl dependency
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop kssl/entities = fmri:svc:/network/ssl/proxy:kssl-INADDR_ANY-443
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop kssl/grouping = astring: require_all
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop kssl/restart_on = astring: refresh
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop kssl/type = astring: service
svc:/network/http:apache2> end

Enable the web server.

# svcadm enable svc:/network/http:apache2

If the service is not started using SMF, use the following command:
/usr/apache2/bin/apachectl startssl

Example 23

Configuring an Apache 2.0 Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy
The following command creates an instance using the pem key format.
# ksslcfg create -f pem -i cert-and-key.pem -p file -x 8443 443


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

How to Configure a Sun Java System Web Server to Use

the SSL Kernel Proxy
This procedure should be used to improve the performance of SSL packet process on a Sun Java
System Web Server. See the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrators Guide for
information about this web server.

Before You Begin

The following procedure requires that a Sun Java System Web Server has been installed and
Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services. The ksslcfg command is included in the Network Security

Stop the web server.

Use the administrator web interface to stop the server. See Starting and Stopping the Server in
the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrators Guidefor more information.

Determine what parameters to use with the ksslcfg command.

All of the options are listed in the ksslcfg(1M) man page. The parameters that you must have
information for are:

key-format Used with the -f option to define the certificate and key format.

token-label Used with the -T option to specify the PKCS#11 token.

certificate-label Used with the -C option to select the label in the certificate object in
the PKCS#11 token.

password-file Used with the -p option to select the location of the file that includes the
password used to login the user to the PKCS#11 token used by the web server. This
password is used to allow unattended reboots. The permissions on the file should be 0400.

proxy-port Used with the -x option to set the SSL proxy port. Select a different port than
the standard port 80. The web server listens on the SSL proxy port.

ssl-port Defines the port for the SSL Kernel Proxy to listen on. Normally this value is set
to 443.

Note The ssl-port and the proxy-port values can not be configured for NCA since these

ports are used exclusively by the SSL kernel proxy. Usually, port 80 is used for NCA, port 8443
for the proxy-port and 443 for the ssl-port.

Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers


Administering the Caching of Web Pages (Tasks)

Create the service instance.

The ksslcfg command to specify the SSL proxy port and associated parameters.

ksslcfg create -f key-format -T PKCS#11-token -C certificate-label -p password-file -x proxy-port ssl-port


Verify that the instance was created properly.

The service state reported by the following command should be online.
# svcs svc:/network/ssl/proxy

Configure the web server to listen on the SSL proxy port.

See Adding and Editing Listen Sockets in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1
Administrators Guide for more information.

Example 24

Start the web server.

Configuring a Sun Java System Web Server to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy
The following command creates an instance using the pkcs11 key format.

# ksslcfg create -f pkcs11 -T "Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken" -C "Server-Cert" -p file -x 8443 443

Using the SSL Kernel Proxy in Zones

The SSL Kernel Proxy works in zones with the following limitations:

All of the kernel SSL administration must be done from the global zone. The global zone
administrator needs access to the local zone certificate and key files. The local zone web
server can be started once the service instance is configured using the ksslcfg command in
the global zone.

A specific host name or IP address must be specified when running the ksslcfg command
to configure the instance. In particular, the instance can not use INADDR_ANY.


Configuring an Apache Web Server in a Local Zone to Use the SSL Kernel Proxy

In the local zone, first stop the web server. In the global zone do all of the steps to configure the
service. To create a instance for a local zone called apache-zone, use the following command:
# ksslcfg create -f pem -i /zone/apache-zone/root/keypair.pem -p /zone/apache-zone/root/pass \
-x 8443 apache-zone 443

In the local zone, run the following command to enable the service instance:
# svcadm enable svc:/network/http:apache2

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Caching Web Pages (Reference)

Caching Web Pages (Reference)

The following sections cover the files and the components that are needed to use NCA. Also,
specifics about how NCA interacts with the web server are included.

NCA Files
You need several files to support the NCA feature. Many of these files are ASCII, but some of the
files are binary. The following table lists all of the files.

NCA Files

File Name



The path name for the NCA device.


File that lists all physical interfaces that are configured

on the server.


File that lists all host names that are associated with
the server. Entries in this file must match entries in
/etc/hostname.* files for NCA to function.


Script that starts the NCA server. This script is run

when a server is booted.


Script that starts NCA logging. This script is run when

a server is booted.


File that lists the interfaces on which NCA is run. See

the nca.if(4) man page for more information.


File that lists configuration parameters for NCA. See

the ncakmod.conf(4) man page for more information.


File that lists configuration parameters for NCA

logging. See the ncalogd.conf(4) man page for more


File that lists the IP addresses and the ports for NCA.
See the ncaport.conf(4) man page for more


The door path name.


Command that is used to convert data in the log file to

the common log format. See the ncab2clf(1) man
page for more information.

Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers


Caching Web Pages (Reference)


NCA Files


File Name



Command that is used to configure NCA to run on

multiple interfaces during boot. See the
ncaconfd(1M) man page for more information.


Library that uses AF_NCA sockets instead of

AF_INET sockets. This library must be used on web
servers that use AF_INET sockets. See the
ncad_addr(4) man page for more information.


File that holds the log file data. The file is in binary
format, so do not edit it.

NCA Architecture
The NCA feature includes the following components.

Kernel module, ncakmod

Web server, httpd

The kernel module ncakmod maintains the cache of web pages in system memory. The module
communicates with a web server, httpd, through a sockets interface. The family type is
The kernel module also provides a logging facility that logs all HTTP cache hits. NCA logging
writes HTTP data to the disk in binary format. NCA provides a conversion utility for
converting binary log files to common log format (CLF).
The following figure shows the flow of data for the conventional path and the path that is used
when NCA is enabled.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Caching Web Pages (Reference)


Data Flow With the NCA Service



User space
Limited Socket API
(conventional path)

Web page









NCA to Httpd Request Flow

The following list shows the request flow between the client and the web server.
1. An HTTP request is made from the client to the web server.
2. If the page is in cache, the in-kernel cache web page is returned.
3. If the page is not in cache, the request goes to the web server to retrieve or update the page.
4. Depending on the HTTP protocol semantics that are used in the response, the page is
cached or not. Then the page is returned to the client. If the Pragma: No-cache header is
included in the HTTP request, the page is not cached.

Chapter 2 Managing Web Cache Servers




Time-Related Services

Keeping system clocks synchronized within a network is required for many databases and
authentication services. The following topics are covered in this chapter.

Clock Synchronization (Overview) on page 61

Managing Network Time Protocol (Tasks) on page 62
Using Other Time-Related Commands (Tasks) on page 64
Network Time Protocol (Reference) on page 64

Clock Synchronization (Overview)

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) public domain software from the University of Delaware is
included in the Oracle Solaris software. The ntpd daemon sets and maintains the system time of
day. The ntpd daemon is a complete implementation of the version 4 standard, as defined by
RFC 5905.
The ntpd daemon reads the /etc/inet/ntp.conf file at system startup. See the ntp.conf(4)
man page for information about configuration options.
Remember the following when using NTP in your network:

The ntpd daemon uses minimal system resources.

An NTP client synchronizes automatically with an NTP server when it boots. If the client
becomes unsynchronized, the client resynchronizes again when the client contacts a time

Another way to synchronize clocks is to run rdate while using cron.


About NTP in This Release

About NTP in This Release

The following changes are available in the Oracle Solaris release:

The xntpd daemon, which was based on the version 3 standard, has been replaced with a
ntpd daemon, which is based on the version 4 standard.

Additional documentation for the NTP service can be found at

/usr/share/doc/ntp/index.html on a system running the Oracle Solaris 11 release.

Managing Network Time Protocol (Tasks)

The following procedures show how to set up and use the NTP service.

How to Set Up an NTP Server

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create the ntp.conf file.

To ensure proper execution of the ntpd daemon, the ntp.conf file must first be created. The
ntp.client file can be used as a template.
# cd /etc/inet
# cp ntp.client ntp.conf

Read the ntp.server file.

If needed, add more information to the ntp.conf file.

Edit the ntp.conf file.

Make site specific changes to this file as needed.

Start the ntpd daemon.

# svcadm enable ntp


How to Set Up an NTP Client

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Managing Network Time Protocol (Tasks)

Create the ntp.conf file.

To activate the ntpd daemon, the ntp.conf file must first be created.
# cd /etc/inet
# cp ntp.client ntp.conf

Edit the ntp.conf file.

Make site specific changes to this file as needed.

Start the ntpd daemon.

# svcadm enable ntp

How to Enable NTP Logging

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Enable logging.
# svccfg -s svc:/network/ntp:default setprop config/verbose_logging = true

See the svccfg(1M) man page for more information.


Update the SMF repository and restart the service.

# svcadm refresh svc:/network/ntp:default
# svcadm restart svc:/network/ntp:default

Verify that logging has been enabled.

# svcprop -p config/verbose_logging svc:/network/ntp:default

How to Display the SMF Properties Associated With

the NTP Service

List the SMF properties.

To list all of the properties associated with the NTP service, type:

To list all of the properties in the config property group, type:

# svcprop svc:/network/ntp:default

# svcprop -p config svc:/network/ntp:default

Chapter 3 Time-Related Services


Using Other Time-Related Commands (Tasks)

Using Other Time-Related Commands (Tasks)

The following procedure can be used to update the current time when ever needed, without
having to setup NTP.

How to Synchronize Date and Time From Another


Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Reset the date and time to synchronize with another system, by using the rdate command.
# rdate another-system


Example 31

Name of the another system

Verify that you have reset your system's date correctly by using the date command.
The output should show a date and time that matches that of the other system.

Synchronizing Date and Time From Another System

The following example shows how to use rdate to synchronize the date and time of one system
with another. In this example, the system earth, running several hours behind, is reset to match
the date and time of the server starbug.
earth# date
Tue Jun 5 11:08:27 MDT 2001
earth# rdate starbug
Tue Jun 5 14:06:37 2001
earth# date
Tue Jun 5 14:06:40 MDT 2001

Network Time Protocol (Reference)

The following files are needed for the NTP service to run.


NTP Files

File Name



Lists configuration options for NTP.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Network Time Protocol (Reference)


NTP Files


File Name



Sample configuration file for NTP clients and servers.


Leap seconds configuration file.


Contains the NTP authentication keys.


Contains additional configuration instructions for some NTP servers.


NTP daemon. See the ntpd(1M) man page for more information.


Program used to generate public and private keys for NTP. See the
ntp-keygen(1M) man page for more information.


NTP query program for the ntpd daemon. See the ntpdc(1M) man page
for more information.


Utility to set the local date and time, based on NTP. See the ntpdate(1M)
man page for more information.


NTP query program. See the ntpq(1M) man page for more information.


Directory for holding NTP statistics.


Program to display or set the kernel time variables. See the ntptime(1M)
man page for more information.


Program to trace NTP hosts back to the master NTP server. See the
ntptrace(1M) man page for more information.


Sets the initial frequency offset on NTP servers.

Chapter 3 Time-Related Services





Accessing Network File Systems Topics

This section provides overview, task, and reference information for the NFS service.




Managing Network File Systems (Overview)

This chapter provides an overview of the NFS service, which can be used to access file systems
over the network. The chapter includes a discussion of the concepts necessary to understand the
NFS service and a description of the latest features in NFS and autofs.

What's New With the NFS Service on page 69

NFS Terminology on page 72
About the NFS Service on page 73
About Autofs on page 73
Features of the NFS Service on page 74

Note If your system has zones enabled and you want to use this feature in a non-global zone,

see Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource
Management for more information.

What's New With the NFS Service

This section provides information about new features in releases of the Oracle Solaris OS.

Changes in This Release

The following enhancements are included in the Oracle Solaris 11 release:

The configuration parameters that used to be set by editing the /etc/default/autofs and
/etc/default/nfs can now be set in the SMF repository. See the descriptions of the new
SMF parameters in procedures that use them, as well as the descriptions of the daemons that
use them:

automount Command on page 144

automountd Daemon on page 133

What's New With the NFS Service

lockd Daemon on page 134

mountd Daemon on page 135
nfsd Daemon on page 135
nfsmapid Daemon on page 137

The NFS service provides support for mirror mounts. Mirror mounts enable an NFSv4
client to traverse shared file system mount points in the server namespace. For NFSv4
mounts, the automounter will perform a mount of the server namespace root and rely on
mirror mounts to access its file systems. The main advantage that mirror mounts offer over
the traditional automounter is that mounting a file system using mirror mounts does not
require the overhead associated with administering automount maps. Mirror mounts
provide these features:

Namespace changes are immediately visible to all clients.

New shared file systems are discovered instantly and mounted automatically.
File systems unmount automatically after a designated inactivity period.

For more information about mirror mounts, refer to the following:

How to Mount All File Systems from a Server on page 87

How Mirror Mounts Work on page 191

NFS referrals have been added to the NFS service. Referrals are server-based redirections
that an NFSv4 client can follow to find a file system. The NFS server supports referrals
created by the nfsref(1M)command, and the NFSv4 client will follow them to mount the
file system from the actual location. This facility can be used to replace many uses of the
automounter, with creation of referrals replacing the editing of automounter map. NFS
referrals provide these features:

All of the features of mirror mounts listed above

Automounter-like functionality without any dependence on the automounter.
No setup required at either the client or server.

For more information about NFS referrals, see:

The ability to mount the per-DNS-domain root of a Federated File System name space has
been added. This mount point can be used with NFS referrals to bridge from one file server
to another, building an arbitrarily large namespace. For more information see:


Administering NFS Referrals on page 114

How NFS Referrals Work on page 192

Setting up a DNS Record for a Federated File System Server on page 90

Mount Point /nfs4 on page 195

The sharectl utility is included. This utility enables you to configure and manage file
sharing protocols, such as NFS. For example, this utility allows you to set client and server
operational properties, display property values for a specific protocol, and obtain the status
of a protocol. For more information, see the sharectl(1M) man page and sharectl
Command on page 153.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

What's New With the NFS Service

The NFS version 4 domain can be defined. See Configuring an NFS Version 4 Default
Domain in the Oracle Solaris 11 Release on page 142 for more information.

Significant Changes in Earlier Releases

The Solaris 10 11/06 release provides support for a file system monitoring tool. See the

fsstat Command on page 145 for a description and examples

fsstat(1M) man page for more information

Additionally, this guide provides a more detailed description of the nfsmapid daemon. For
information about nfsmapid, see the following:

nfsmapid Daemon on page 137

nfsmapid(1M) man page

Starting in the Solaris 10 release, NFS version 4 is the default. For information about features in
NFS version 4 and other changes, refer to the following:

NFS Version 4 Protocol on page 75

lockd Daemon on page 134
nfs4cbd Daemon on page 135
nfsmapid Daemon on page 137
mount Options for NFS File Systems on page 147
NFS Over RDMA on page 168
Version Negotiation in NFS on page 170
Features in NFS Version 4 on page 171
How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations) on
page 202

Also, see Setting Up NFS Services on page 91 for task information.

Additionally, the NFS service is managed by the Service Management Facility. Administrative
actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or restarting, can be performed by using the
svcadm command. The service's status can be queried by using the svcs command. For more
information about the Service Management Facility, refer to the smf(5) man page and Chapter
6, Managing Services (Overview), in Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks.

Chapter 4 Managing Network File Systems (Overview)


NFS Terminology

NFS Terminology
This section presents some of the basic terminology that must be understood to work with the
NFS service. Expanded coverage of the NFS service is included in Chapter 6, Accessing
Network File Systems (Reference).

NFS Servers and Clients

The terms client and server are used to describe the roles that a computer assumes when sharing
file systems. Computers that share their file systems over a network are acting as servers. The
computers that are accessing the file systems are said to be clients. The NFS service enables any
computer to access any other computer's file systems. At the same time, the NFS service
provides access to its own file systems. A computer can assume the role of client, server, or both
client and server at any particular time on a network.
Clients access files on the server by mounting the server's shared file systems. When a client
mounts a remote file system, the client does not make a copy of the file system. Rather, the
mounting process uses a series of remote procedure calls that enable the client to access the file
system transparently on the server's disk. The mount resembles a local mount. Users type
commands as if the file systems were local. See Mounting File Systems on page 85 for
information about tasks that mount file systems.
After a file system has been shared on a server through an NFS operation, the file system can be
accessed from a client. You can mount an NFS file system automatically with autofs. See
Automatic File System Sharing on page 82 and Task Overview for Autofs Administration
on page 100 for tasks that involve the share command and autofs.

NFS File Systems

The objects that can be shared with the NFS service include any whole or partial directory tree
or a file hierarchy, including a single file. A computer cannot share a file hierarchy that overlaps
a file hierarchy that is already shared. Peripheral devices such as modems and printers cannot be
In most UNIX system environments, a file hierarchy that can be shared corresponds to a file
system or to a portion of a file system. However, NFS support works across operating systems,
and the concept of a file system might be meaningless in other, non-UNIX environments.
Therefore, the term file system refers to a file or file hierarchy that can be shared and be mounted
with NFS.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

About Autofs

About the NFS Service

The NFS service enables computers of different architectures that run different operating
systems to share file systems across a network. NFS support has been implemented on many
platforms that range from the MS-DOS to the VMS operating systems.
The NFS environment can be implemented on different operating systems because NFS defines
an abstract model of a file system, rather than an architectural specification. Each operating
system applies the NFS model to its file-system semantics. This model means that file system
operations such as reading and writing function as though the operations are accessing a local
The NFS service has the following benefits:

Enables multiple computers to use the same files so that everyone on the network can access
the same data

Reduces storage costs by having computers share applications instead of needing local disk
space for each user application

Provides data consistency and reliability because all users can read the same set of files

Makes mounting of file systems transparent to users

Makes accessing of remote files transparent to users

Supports heterogeneous environments

Reduces system administration overhead

The NFS service makes the physical location of the file system irrelevant to the user. You can use
the NFS implementation to enable users to see all the relevant files regardless of location.
Instead of placing copies of commonly used files on every system, the NFS service enables you
to place one copy on one computer's disk. All other systems access the files across the network.
Under NFS operation, remote file systems are almost indistinguishable from local file systems.

About Autofs
File systems that are shared through the NFS service can be mounted by using automatic
mounting. Autofs, a client-side service, is a file-system structure that provides automatic
mounting. The autofs file system is initialized by automount, which is run automatically when a
system is booted. The automount daemon, automountd, runs continuously, mounting and
unmounting remote directories as necessary.
Whenever a client computer that is running automountd tries to access a remote file or remote
directory, the daemon mounts the remote file system. This remote file system remains mounted
for as long as needed. If the remote file system is not accessed for a certain period of time, the file
system is automatically unmounted.
Chapter 4 Managing Network File Systems (Overview)


Features of the NFS Service

Mounting need not be done at boot time, and the user no longer has to know the superuser
password to mount a directory. Users do not need to use the mount and umount commands. The
autofs service mounts and unmounts file systems as required without any intervention by the
Mounting some file hierarchies with automountd does not exclude the possibility of mounting
other hierarchies with mount. A diskless computer must mount / (root), /usr, and /usr/kvm
through the mount command and the /etc/vfstab file.
Task Overview for Autofs Administration on page 100 and How Autofs Works on page 198
give more specific information about the autofs service.

Features of the NFS Service

This section describes the important features that are included in the NFS service.

NFS Version 2 Protocol

Version 2 was the first version of the NFS protocol in wide use. Version 2 continues to be
available on a large variety of platforms. All Oracle Solaris releases support version 2 of the NFS

NFS Version 3 Protocol

Unlike the NFS version 2 protocol, the NFS version 3 protocol can handle files that are larger
than 2 Gbytes. The previous limitation has been removed. See NFS Large File Support on
page 78.
The NFS version 3 protocol enables safe asynchronous writes on the server, which improve
performance by allowing the server to cache client write requests in memory. The client does
not need to wait for the server to commit the changes to disk, so the response time is faster.
Also, the server can batch the requests, which improves the response time on the server.
Many Solaris NFS version 3 operations return the file attributes, which are stored in the local
cache. Because the cache is updated more often, the need to do a separate operation to update
this data arises less often. Therefore, the number of RPC calls to the server is reduced,
improving performance.
The process for verifying file access permissions has been improved. Version 2 generated a
write error message or a read error message if users tried to copy a remote file without the
appropriate permissions. In version 3, the permissions are checked before the file is opened, so
the error is reported as an open error.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Features of the NFS Service

The NFS version 3 protocol removed the 8-Kbyte transfer size limit. Clients and servers could
negotiate whatever transfer size the clients and servers support, rather than conform to the
8-Kbyte limit that version 2 imposed. Note that in earlier Solaris implementations, the protocol
defaulted to a 32-Kbyte transfer size. Starting in the Solaris 10 release, restrictions on wire
transfer sizes are relaxed. The transfer size is based on the capabilities of the underlying

NFS Version 4 Protocol

NFS version 4 has features that are not available in the previous versions.
The NFS version 4 protocol represents the user ID and the group ID as strings. nfsmapid is used
by the client and the server to do the following:

To map these version 4 ID strings to a local numeric ID

To map the local numeric IDs to version 4 ID strings

For more information, refer to nfsmapid Daemon on page 137.

Note that in NFS version 4, the ID mapper, nfsmapid, is used to map user or group IDs in ACL
entries on a server to user or group IDs in ACL entries on a client. The reverse is also true. For
more information, see ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4 on page 179.
With NFS version 4, when you unshare a file system, all the state for any open files or file locks
in that file system is destroyed. In NFS version 3 the server maintained any locks that the clients
had obtained before the file system was unshared. For more information, refer to Unsharing
and Resharing a File System in NFS Version 4 on page 171.
NFS version 4 servers use a pseudo file system to provide clients with access to exported objects
on the server. Prior to NFS version 4 a pseudo file system did not exist. For more information,
refer to File-System Namespace in NFS Version 4 on page 172.
In NFS version 2 and version 3 the server returned persistent file handles. NFS version 4
supports volatile file handles. For more information, refer to Volatile File Handles in NFS
Version 4 on page 174.
Delegation, a technique by which the server delegates the management of a file to a client, is
supported on both the client and the server. For example, the server could grant either a read
delegation or a write delegation to a client. For more information, refer to Delegation in NFS
Version 4 on page 177.
Starting in the Solaris 10 release, NFS version 4 does not support the LIPKEY/SPKM security
Chapter 4 Managing Network File Systems (Overview)


Features of the NFS Service

Also, NFS version 4 does not use the following daemons:


For a complete list of the features in NFS version 4, refer to Features in NFS Version 4 on
page 171.
For procedural information that is related to using NFS version 4, refer to Setting Up NFS
Services on page 91.

Controlling NFS Versions

The SMF repository includes parameters to control the NFS protocols that are used by both the
client and the server. For example, you can use parameters to manage version negotiation. For
more information, refer to mountd Daemon on page 135 for the client parameters, nfsd
Daemon on page 135 for the server parameters, or the nfs(4) man page.

NFS ACL Support

Access control list (ACL) support was added in the Solaris 2.5 release. An access control list
(ACL) provides a finer-grained mechanism to set file access permissions than is available
through standard UNIX file permissions. NFS ACL support provides a method of changing and
viewing ACL entries from a Oracle Solaris NFS client to a Oracle Solaris NFS server.
The NFS Version 2 and Version 3 protocols support the old POSIX-draft style ACLs.
POSIX-draft ACLs are natively supported by UFS. See Using Access Control Lists to Protect
UFS Files in Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services for more information about UFS
The NFS Version 4 protocol supports the new NFSv4 style ACLs. NFSv4 ACLs are natively
supported by ZFS. For full featured NFSv4 ACL functionality, ZFS must be used as the
underlying file system on the NFSv4 server. The NFSv4 ACLs have a rich set of inheritance
properties, as well as a set of permission bits beyond the standard read, write and execute. See
Chapter 8, Using ACLs and Attributes to Protect Oracle Solaris ZFS Files, in Oracle Solaris
Administration: ZFS File Systems for an overview of the new ACLs. For more information about
support for ACLs in NFS version 4, see ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4 on page 179.


The default transport protocol for the NFS protocol was changed to the Transport Control
Protocol (TCP) in the Solaris 2.5 release. TCP helps performance on slow networks and wide

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Features of the NFS Service

area networks. TCP also provides congestion control and error recovery. NFS over TCP works
with version 2, version 3, and version 4. Prior to the Solaris 2.5 release, the default NFS protocol
was User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
Note If RDMA for InfiniBand is available, RDMA is the default transport protocol for NFS. For
more information, see NFS Over RDMA on page 168. Note, however, that if you use the
proto=tcp mount option, NFS mounts are forced to use TCP only.


Starting in the Solaris 10 release, the NFS client no longer uses an excessive number of UDP
ports. Previously, NFS transfers over UDP used a separate UDP port for each outstanding
request. Now, by default, the NFS client uses only one UDP reserved port. However, this
support is configurable. If the use of more simultaneous ports would increase system
performance through increased scalability, then the system can be configured to use more
ports. This capability also mirrors the NFS over TCP support, which has had this kind of
configurability since its inception. For more information, refer to the Oracle Solaris Tunable
Parameters Reference Manual.
Note NFS version 4 does not use UDP. If you mount a file system with the proto=udp option,

then NFS version 3 is used instead of version 4.

Overview of NFS Over RDMA

The default transport for NFS is the Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) protocol, which is
a technology for memory-to-memory transfer of data over high speed networks. Specifically,
RDMA provides remote data transfer directly to and from memory without CPU intervention.
To provide this capability, RDMA combines the interconnect I/O technology of
InfiniBand-on-SPARC platforms with the Oracle Solaris Operating System. For more
information, refer to NFS Over RDMA on page 168.

Network Lock Manager and NFS

The network lock manager provides UNIX record locking and PC file sharing for NFS files. The
locking mechanism is more reliable for NFS files, so commands that use locking are less likely to
Chapter 4 Managing Network File Systems (Overview)


Features of the NFS Service

Note The Network Lock Manager is used only for NFS version 2 and version 3 mounts. File
locking is built into the NFS version 4 protocol.

NFS Large File Support

The Solaris 2.6 implementation of the NFS version 3 protocol was changed to correctly
manipulate files that were larger than 2 Gbytes. The NFS version 2 protocol and the Solaris 2.5
implementation of the version 3 protocol could not handle files that were larger than 2 Gbytes.

NFS Client Failover

Dynamic failover of read-only file systems was added in the Solaris 2.6 release. Failover provides
a high level of availability for read-only resources that are already replicated, such as man pages,
other documentation, and shared binaries. Failover can occur anytime after the file system is
mounted. Manual mounts can now list multiple replicas, much like the automounter in
previous releases. The automounter has not changed, except that failover need not wait until the
file system is remounted. See How to Use Client-Side Failover on page 89 and Client-Side
Failover on page 183 for more information.

Kerberos Support for the NFS Service

The NFS service supports Kerberos V4 clients. The mount and share commands have been
altered to support NFS version 3 mounts that use Kerberos V5 authentication. Also, the share
command was changed to enable multiple authentication flavors for different clients. See
RPCSEC_GSS Security Flavor on page 79 for more information about changes that involve
security flavors. See Configuring Kerberos NFS Servers in Oracle Solaris Administration:
Security Services for information about Kerberos V5 authentication.

WebNFS Support
The Solaris 2.6 release also included the ability to make a file system on the Internet accessible
through firewalls. This capability was provided by using an extension to the NFS protocol. One
of the advantages to using the WebNFS protocol for Internet access is its reliability. The service
is built as an extension of the NFS version 3 and version 2 protocol. Additionally, the WebNFS
implementation provides the ability to share these files without the administrative overhead of
an anonymous ftp site. See Security Negotiation for the WebNFS Service on page 79 for a
description of more changes that are related to the WebNFS service. See WebNFS
Administration Tasks on page 97 for more task information.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Features of the NFS Service

Note The NFS version 4 protocol is preferred over the WebNFS service. NFS version 4 fully
integrates all the security negotiation that was added to the MOUNT protocol and the WebNFS

RPCSEC_GSS Security Flavor

A security flavor, called RPCSEC_GSS, is supported in the Solaris 7 release. This flavor uses the
standard GSS-API interfaces to provide authentication, integrity, and privacy, as well as
enabling support of multiple security mechanisms. See Kerberos Support for the NFS Service
on page 78 for more information about support of Kerberos V5 authentication. See Developers
Guide to Oracle Solaris 11 Security for more information about GSS-API.

Solaris 7 Extensions for NFS Mounting

The Solaris 7 release includes extensions to the mount command and automountd command.
The extensions enable the mount request to use the public file handle instead of the MOUNT
protocol. The MOUNT protocol is the same access method that the WebNFS service uses. By
circumventing the MOUNT protocol, the mount can occur through a firewall. Additionally,
because fewer transactions need to occur between the server and the client, the mount should
occur faster.
The extensions also enable NFS URLs to be used instead of the standard path name. Also, you
can use the public option with the mount command and the automounter maps to force the use
of the public file handle. See WebNFS Support on page 78 for more information about
changes to the WebNFS service.

Security Negotiation for the WebNFS Service

A new protocol has been added to enable a WebNFS client to negotiate a security mechanism
with an NFS server in the Solaris 8 release. This protocol provides the ability to use secure
transactions when using the WebNFS service. See How WebNFS Security Negotiation Works
on page 186 for more information.

NFS Server Logging

In the Solaris 8 release, NFS server logging enables an NFS server to provide a record of file
operations that have been performed on its file systems. The record includes information about
which file was accessed, when the file was accessed, and who accessed the file. You can specify
the location of the logs that contain this information through a set of configuration options.
Chapter 4 Managing Network File Systems (Overview)


Features of the NFS Service

You can also use these options to select the operations that should be logged. This feature is
particularly useful for sites that make anonymous FTP archives available to NFS and WebNFS
clients. See How to Enable NFS Server Logging on page 84 for more information.
Note NFS version 4 does not support server logging.

Autofs Features
Autofs works with file systems that are specified in the local namespace. This information can
be maintained in NIS or local files.
A fully multithreaded version of automountd is included. This enhancement makes autofs more
reliable and enables concurrent servicing of multiple mounts, which prevents the service from
hanging if a server is unavailable.
The automountd provides better on-demand mounting. Previous releases would mount an
entire set of file systems if the file systems were hierarchically related. Now, only the top file
system is mounted. Other file systems that are related to this mount point are mounted when
The autofs service supports browsability of indirect maps. This support enables a user to see
which directories could be mounted, without having to actually mount each file system. A
-nobrowse option has been added to the autofs maps so that large file systems, such as /net and
/home, are not automatically browsable. Also, you can turn off autofs browsability on each client
by using the -n option with automount. See Disabling Autofs Browsability on page 112 for
more information.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Network File System Administration (Tasks)

This chapter provides information about how to perform such NFS administration tasks as
setting up NFS services, adding new file systems to share, and mounting file systems. The
chapter also covers the use of the Secure NFS system and the use of WebNFS functionality. The
last part of the chapter includes troubleshooting procedures and a list of some of the NFS error
messages and their meanings.

Automatic File System Sharing on page 82

Mounting File Systems on page 85
Setting Up NFS Services on page 91
Administering the Secure NFS System on page 96
WebNFS Administration Tasks on page 97
Task Overview for Autofs Administration on page 100
Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting on page 115
NFS Troubleshooting Procedures on page 116
NFS Error Messages on page 124

Your responsibilities as an NFS administrator depend on your site's requirements and the role
of your computer on the network. You might be responsible for all the computers on your local
network, in which instance you might be responsible for determining these configuration items:

Which computers should be dedicated servers

Which computers should act as both servers and clients
Which computers should be clients only

Maintaining a server after it has been set up involves the following tasks:

Sharing and unsharing file systems as necessary

Modifying administrative files to update the lists of file systems your computer shares or
mounts automatically

Checking the status of the network

Diagnosing and fixing NFS-related problems as they arise


Automatic File System Sharing

Setting up maps for autofs

Remember, a computer can be both a server and a client. So, a computer can be used to share
local file systems with remote computers and to mount remote file systems.
Note If your system has zones enabled and you want to use this feature in a non-global zone,

see Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource
Management for more information.

Automatic File System Sharing

In the Oracle Solaris 11 release, the share command creates permanent shares that are
automatically shared during system startup. Unlike previous releases, you will not need to edit
the /etc/dfs/dfstab file to record the information about shares for subsequent reboots. The
/etc/dfs/dfstab is no longer used.

File-System Sharing Task Map



For Instructions

Establish automatic file system


Steps to configure a server so that file systems are

automatically shared when the server is rebooted

How to Set Up Automatic File-System

Sharing on page 82

Enable WebNFS

Steps to configure a server so that users can access files

by using WebNFS

How to Enable WebNFS Access on

page 83

Enable NFS server logging

Steps to configure a server so that NFS logging is run

on selected file systems

How to Enable NFS Server Logging

on page 84

How to Set Up Automatic File-System Sharing

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Define the file systems to be shared.

Use the share command to define each path to be shared. This information will be retained
when a system is rebooted.
# share -F nfs -o specific-options pathname

See the share_nfs(1M) man page for a complete list of the specific-options.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Automatic File System Sharing

Verify that the information is correct.

Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:
# share -F nfs
/export/share/man sec=sys,ro ""
sec=sys,rw=eng ""
sec=sys,ro,public ""

See Also

The next step is to set up your autofs maps so that clients can access the file systems that you
have shared on the server. For more information, see Task Overview for Autofs
Administration on page 100.

How to Enable WebNFS Access

Note the following:

By default all file systems that are available for NFS mounting are automatically available for
WebNFS access. The only condition that requires the use of this procedure is one of the

To allow NFS mounting on a server that does not currently allow NFS mounting

To reset the public file handle to shorten NFS URLs by using the public option with the
share command

To force a specific HTML file to be loaded by using the index option with the share

You can also use the sharectl utility to configure file-sharing protocols, such as NFS. See
the sharectl(1M) man page and sharectl Command on page 153.

See Planning for WebNFS Access on page 98 for a list of issues to consider before starting the
WebNFS service.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Define the file systems to be shared by the WebNFS service.

Use the share command to define each file system. The public and index tags that are shown
in the following example are optional.
# share -F nfs -o ro,public,index=index.html /export/ftp

See the share_nfs(1M) man page for a complete list of options.

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Automatic File System Sharing

Verify that the information is correct.

Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:
# share -F nfs
/export/share/man sec=sys,ro ""
sec=sys,rw=eng ""
sec=sys,ro,public,index=index.html ""

How to Enable NFS Server Logging

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

(Optional) Change file system configuration settings.

In /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf, you can change the settings in one of two ways. You can edit the
default settings for all file systems by changing the data that is associated with the global tag.
Alternately, you can add a new tag for this file system. If these changes are not needed, you do
not need to change this file. The format of /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf is described in the
nfslog.conf(4) man page.

Define the file systems to use NFS server logging.

Use the share command to define each file system. The tag that is used with the log=tag option
must be entered in /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf. This example uses the default settings in the
global tag.
# share -F nfs -ro,log=global /export/ftp

Verify that the information is correct.

Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:
# share -F nfs
/export/share/man sec=sys,ro ""
sec=sys,rw=eng ""
sec=sys,ro,public,log=global ""

Check if nfslogd, the NFS log daemon, is running.

# ps -ef | grep nfslogd

(Optional) Start nfslogd, if it is not running.

# svcadm restart network/nfs/server:default


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mounting File Systems

Mounting File Systems

You can mount file systems in several ways. File systems can be mounted automatically when
the system is booted, on demand from the command line, or through the automounter. The
automounter provides many advantages to mounting at boot time or mounting from the
command line. However, many situations require a combination of all three methods.
Additionally, several ways of enabling or disabling processes exist, depending on the options
you use when mounting the file system. See the following table for a complete list of the tasks
that are associated with file system mounting.

Task Map for Mounting File Systems



For Instructions

Mount a file system at boot time

Steps so that a file system is mounted whenever a

system is rebooted.

How to Mount a File System at Boot

Time on page 86.

Mount a file system by using a


Steps to mount a file system when a system is running.

This procedure is useful when testing.

How to Mount a File System From the

Command Line on page 86.

Mount with the automounter

Steps to access a file system on demand without using

the command line.

Mounting With the Automounter on

page 87.

Mount a file system with mirror


Steps to mount one or more file systems using mirror


Using Mirrormounts After Mounting a

File System

Mount all file systems with mirror


Steps to mount all of the file systems from one server.

How to Mount All File Systems from a

Server on page 87

Prevent large files

Steps to prevent large files from being created on a file


How to Disable Large Files on an NFS

Server on page 88.

Start client-side failover

Steps to enable the automatic switchover to a working

file system if a server fails.

How to Use Client-Side Failover on

page 89.

Disable mount access for a client

Steps to disable the ability of one client to access a

remote file system.

How to Disable Mount Access for One

Client on page 89.

Provide access to a file system

through a firewall

Steps to allow access to a file system through a firewall

by using the WebNFS protocol.

How to Mount an NFS File System

Through a Firewall on page 89.

Mount a file system by using an


Steps to allow access to a file system by using an NFS

How to Mount an NFS File System
URL. This process allows for file system access without Using an NFS URL on page 90.
using the MOUNT protocol.

Mount a FedFS file system

Process to establish a DNS record so that a FedFS file

system can be accessed through the /nfs4 mount

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)

Setting up a DNS Record for a

Federated File System Server on
page 90.


Mounting File Systems

How to Mount a File System at Boot Time

If you want to mount file systems at boot time instead of using autofs maps, follow this
procedure. This procedure must be completed on every client that should have access to remote
file systems.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add an entry for the file system to /etc/vfstab.

Entries in the /etc/vfstab file have the following syntax:
special fsckdev mountp fstype fsckpass mount-at-boot mntopts

See the vfstab(4) man page for more information.

Caution NFS servers that also have NFS client vfstab entries must always specify the bg option

to avoid a system hang during reboot. For more information, see mount Options for NFS File
Systems on page 147.

Example 51

Entry in the Client's vfstab File

You want a client machine to mount the /var/mail directory from the server wasp. You want
the file system to be mounted as /var/mail on the client and you want the client to have
read-write access. Add the following entry to the client's vfstab file.
wasp:/var/mail - /var/mail nfs - yes rw

How to Mount a File System From the Command Line

Mounting a file system from the command line is often performed to test a new mount point.
This type of mount allows for temporary access to a file system that is not available through the

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Mount the file system.

Type the following command:
# mount -F nfs -o ro bee:/export/share/local /mnt


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mounting File Systems

In this instance, the /export/share/local file system from the server bee is mounted on
read-only /mnt on the local system. Mounting from the command line allows for temporary
viewing of the file system. You can unmount the file system with umount or by rebooting the
local host.
Caution All versions of the mount command do not warn about invalid options. The command

silently ignores any options that cannot be interpreted. To prevent unexpected behavior, ensure
that you verify all of the options that were used.
Example 52

Using Mirror Mounts After Mounting a File System

This release includes the mirror mount facility. This new mounting technology can be used
from any NFSv4 client accessing a second file system from an NFSv4 server. Once the first file
system is mounted from the server using either the mount command or the automounter, then
any file systems that are added to that mount point may be accessed. All you have to do is try to
access the file system. The mirror mount occurs automatically. For more information, see How
Mirror Mounts Work on page 191.

Mounting With the Automounter

Task Overview for Autofs Administration on page 100 includes the specific instructions for
establishing and supporting mounts with the automounter. Without any changes to the generic
system, clients should be able to access remote file systems through the /net mount point. To
mount the /export/share/local file system from the previous example, type the following:
% cd /net/bee/export/share/local

Because the automounter allows all users to mount file systems, root access is not required. The
automounter also provides for automatic unmounting of file systems, so you do not need to
unmount file systems after you are finished.
See Using Mirrormounts After Mounting a File System for information about how to mount
additional file systems on a client.

How to Mount All File Systems from a Server

This release includes the mirror mount facility, which allows a client to access all available file
systems shared using NFS from a server, once one mount from that server has succeeded. For
more information, see How Mirror Mounts Work on page 191.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Mounting File Systems

Mount the root of the exported namespace of the server.

This command mirrors the file system hierarchy from the server on the client. In this case, a
/mnt/export/share/local directory structure is created.
# mount bee:/ /mnt

Access a file system.

This command or any other command which accesses the file system causes the file system to be
# cd /mnt/export/share/local

How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server

For servers that are supporting clients that cannot handle a file over 2 GBytes, you might need to
disable the ability to create large files.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Check that no large files exist on the file system.

For example:
# cd /export/home1
# find . -xdev -size +2000000 -exec ls -l {} \;

If large files are on the file system, you must remove or move these files to another file system.

Unmount the file system.

# umount /export/home1

Reset the file system state if the file system has been mounted by using largefiles.
fsck resets the file system state if no large files exist on the file system:
# fsck /export/home1

Mount the file system by using nolargefiles.

# mount -F ufs -o nolargefiles /export/home1

You can mount from the command line, but to make the option more permanent, add an entry
that resembles the following into /etc/vfstab:
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s1 /export/home1 ufs 2 yes nolargefiles


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mounting File Systems

How to Use Client-Side Failover

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

On the NFS client, mount the file system by using the ro option.
You can mount from the command line, through the automounter, or by adding an entry to
/etc/vfstab that resembles the following:
bee,wasp:/export/share/local - /usr/local nfs - no ro

This syntax has been allowed by the automounter. However, the failover was not available while
file systems were mounted, only when a server was being selected.
Note Servers that are running different versions of the NFS protocol cannot be mixed by using
a command line or in a vfstab entry. Mixing servers that support NFS version 2, version 3, or
version 4 protocols can only be performed with autofs. In autofs, the best subset of version 2,
version 3, or version 4 servers is used.

How to Disable Mount Access for One Client

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Disable mount access for one client.

# share -F nfs ro=-rose:eng /export/share/man


The access-list that allows read-only mount access to all clients in the
eng netgroup except for the host named rose


The file system to be shared.

How to Mount an NFS File System Through a Firewall

To access file systems through a firewall, use the following procedure.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Mounting File Systems

Manually mount the file system by using a command such as the following:
# mount -F nfs bee:/export/share/local /mnt

In this example, the file system /export/share/local is mounted on the local client by using
the public file handle. An NFS URL can be used instead of the standard path name. If the public
file handle is not supported by the server bee, the mount operation fails.
Note This procedure requires that the file system on the NFS server be shared by using the
public option. Additionally, any firewalls between the client and the server must allow TCP
connections on port 2049. All file systems that are shared allow for public file handle access, so
the public option is applied by default.

How to Mount an NFS File System Using an NFS URL

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

(Optional) If you are using NFS version 2 or version 3, manually mount the file system by using a
command such as the following:
# mount -F nfs nfs://bee:3000/export/share/local /mnt

In this example, the /export/share/local file system is being mounted from the server bee by
using NFS port number 3000. The port number is not required and by default the standard NFS
port number of 2049 is used. You can choose to include the public option with an NFS URL.
Without the public option, the MOUNT protocol is used if the public file handle is not
supported by the server. The public option forces the use of the public file handle, and the
mount fails if the public file handle is not supported.

(Optional) If you are using NFS version 4, manually mount the file system by using a command
such as the following:
# mount -F nfs -o vers=4 nfs://bee:3000/export/share/local /mnt

Setting up a DNS Record for a Federated File System

Once an appropriate DNS record is created, mounting a Federated File System is completed by
the automounter once the mount point has been accessed. The DNS record for the server
should look something like:


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up NFS Services

% nslookup -q=srv


service = 1 0 2049

Setting Up NFS Services

This section describes some of the tasks that are necessary to do the following:

Start and stop the NFS server

Start and stop the automounter
Select a different version of NFS

Note Starting in the Solaris 10 release, NFS version 4 is the default.


Task Map for NFS Services



For Instructions

Start the NFS server

Steps to start the NFS service if it has not been started


How to Start the NFS Services on

page 92

Stop the NFS server

Steps to stop the NFS service. Normally the service

should not need to be stopped.

How to Stop the NFS Services on

page 92

Start the automounter

Steps to start the automounter. This procedure is

required when some of the automounter maps are

How to Start the Automounter on

page 92

Stop the automounter

Steps to stop the automounter. This procedure is

required when some of the automounter maps are

How to Stop the Automounter on

page 93

Select a different version of NFS on Steps to select a different version of NFS on the server.
the server
If you choose not to use NFS version 4, use this

How to Select Different Versions of

NFS on a Server on page 93

Select a different version of NFS on Steps to select a different version of NFS on the client
How to Select Different Versions of
the client
by modifying SMF parameters. If you choose not to use NFS on a Client on page 94
NFS version 4, use this procedure.
Alternate steps to select a different version of NFS on
How to Use the mount Command to
the client by using the command line. If you choose not Select Different Versions of NFS on a
to use NFS version 4, use this alternate procedure.
Client on page 95

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Setting Up NFS Services

How to Start the NFS Services

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Enable the NFS service on the server.

Type the following command.
# svcadm enable network/nfs/server

This command enables the NFS service.

Note The NFS server starts automatically when you boot the system. Additionally, any time
after the system has been booted, the NFS service daemons can be automatically enabled by
sharing the NFS file system. See How to Set Up Automatic File-System Sharing on page 82.

How to Stop the NFS Services

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Disable the NFS service on the server.

Type the following command.
# svcadm disable network/nfs/server

How to Start the Automounter

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Enable the autofs daemon.

Type the following command:
# svcadm enable system/filesystem/autofs


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up NFS Services

How to Stop the Automounter

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Disable the autofs daemon.

Type the following command:
# svcadm disable system/filesystem/autofs

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Server

If you choose not to use NFS version 4, use this procedure.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Change SMF parameters to set the NFS version numbers.

For example, if you want the server to provide only NFS version 3, set the values for both the
server_versmax and server_versmin to 3 as shown below:
# sharectl set -p server_versmax=3 nfs
# sharectl set -p server_versmin=3 nfs
Note The NFS version that is set by default is NFS version 4.

(Optional) Disable server delegation.

If you want to disable server delegation, change the server_delegation property.
# sharectl set -p server_delegation=on nfs
Note In NFS version 4, server delegation is enabled by default. For more information, see

Delegation in NFS Version 4 on page 177.


(Optional) Establish a common domain.

If you want to set a common domain for clients and servers, change the nfsmapid_domain
# sharectl set -p

Provide the common domain name

For more information, refer to nfsmapid Daemon on page 137.

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Setting Up NFS Services

Check if the NFS service is running on the server.

Type the following command:
# svcs network/nfs/server

This command reports whether the NFS server service is online or disabled.

(Optional) If necessary, disable the NFS service.

If you discovered from the previous step that the NFS service is online, type the following
command to disable the service.
# svcadm disable network/nfs/server
Note If you need to configure your NFS service, refer to How to Set Up Automatic File-System
Sharing on page 82.

Enable the NFS service.

Type the following command to enable the service.
# svcadm enable network/nfs/server

See Also

Version Negotiation in NFS on page 170

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client

The following procedure shows you how to control which version of NFS is used on the client.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Change SMF parameters to set the NFS version numbers.

For example, if you want the server to provide only NFS version 3, set the values for both the
client_versmax and client_versmin to 3 as shown below:
# sharectl set -p client_versmax=3 nfs
# sharectl set -p client_versmin=3 nfs
Note The NFS version that is set by default is NFS version 4.

Mount NFS on the client.

Type the following command:
# mount server-name:/share-point /local-dir


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up NFS Services

See Also


Provide the name of the server.


Provide the path of the remote directory to be shared.


Provide the path of the local mount point.

Version Negotiation in NFS on page 170

How to Use the mount Command to Select Different

Versions of NFS on a Client
The following procedure shows you how to use the mount command to control which version of
NFS is used on a client for a particular mount. If you prefer to modify the NFS version for all file
systems mounted by the client, see How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client on
page 94.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Mount the desired version of NFS on the client.

Type the following command:
# mount -o vers=value server-name:/share-point /local-dir


Provide the version number.


Provide the name of the server.


Provide the path of the remote directory to be shared.


Provide the path of the local mount point.

Note This command uses the NFS protocol to mount the remote directory and overrides the

client settings in the SMF repository.

See Also

Version Negotiation in NFS on page 170

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Administering the Secure NFS System

Administering the Secure NFS System

To use the Secure NFS system, all the computers that you are responsible for must have a
domain name. Typically, a domain is an administrative entity of several computers that is part
of a larger network. If you are running a name service, you should also establish the name
service for the domain. See Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services.
Kerberos V5 authentication is supported by the NFS service. Chapter 19, Introduction to the
Kerberos Service, in Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services discusses the Kerberos
You can also configure the Secure NFS environment to use Diffie-Hellman authentication.
Chapter 14, Using Authentication Services (Tasks), in Oracle Solaris Administration: Security
Services discusses this authentication service.

How to Set Up a Secure NFS Environment With DH


Assign your domain a domain name, and make the domain name known to each computer in
the domain.

Establish public keys and secret keys for your clients' users.
Use the newkey or nisaddcred command. Have each user establish his or her own secure RPC
password by using the chkey command.
Note For information about these commands, see the newkey(1M), the nisaddcred(1M), and
the chkey(1) man pages.

When public keys and secret keys have been generated, the public keys and encrypted secret
keys are stored in the publickey database.

Verify that the name service is responding.

For example:

If you are running NIS, verify that the ypbind daemon is running.

Verify that the keyserv daemon of the key server is running.

Type the following command.
# ps -ef | grep keyserv
1 16
Apr 11 ?
root 2215 2211 5 09:57:28 pts/0


0:00 /usr/sbin/keyserv
0:00 grep keyserv

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

WebNFS Administration Tasks

If the daemon is not running, start the key server by typing the following:
# /usr/sbin/keyserv

Decrypt and store the secret key.

Usually, the login password is identical to the network password. In this situation, keylogin is
not required. If the passwords are different, the users have to log in, and then run keylogin.
You still need to use the keylogin -r command as root to store the decrypted secret key in
Note You need to run keylogin -r if the root secret key changes or if /etc/.rootkey is lost.

Set the security mode for the file system to be shared.

For Diffie-Hellman authentication add the sec=dh option to the command line.
# share -F nfs -o sec=dh /export/home

For more information about security modes, see the nfssec(5) man page.

Update the automounter maps for the file system.

Edit the auto_master data to include sec=dh as a mount option in the appropriate entries for
Diffie-Hellman authentication:



When you reinstall, move, or upgrade a computer, remember to save /etc/.rootkey if you do
not establish new keys or change the keys for root. If you do delete /etc/.rootkey, you can
always type the following:
# keylogin -r

WebNFS Administration Tasks

This section provides instructions for administering the WebNFS system. Related tasks follow.

Task Map for WebNFS Administration



Plan for WebNFS

Issues to consider before enabling the WebNFS service. Planning for WebNFS Access on
page 98

Enable WebNFS

Steps to enable mounting of an NFS file system by

using the WebNFS protocol.

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)

For Instructions

How to Enable WebNFS Access on

page 83


WebNFS Administration Tasks


Task Map for WebNFS Administration




For Instructions

Enable WebNFS through a firewall Steps to allow access to files through a firewall by using
the WebNFS protocol.

How to Enable WebNFS Access

Through a Firewall on page 99

Browse by using an NFS URL

How to Browse Using an NFS URL

on page 99

Instructions for using an NFS URL within a web


Use a public file handle with autofs Steps to force use of the public file handle when
mounting a file system with the automounter.

How to Use a Public File Handle With

Autofs on page 111

Use an NFS URL with autofs

Steps to add an NFS URL to the automounter maps.

How to Use NFS URLs With Autofs

on page 111

Provide access to a file system

through a firewall

Steps to allow access to a file system through a firewall

by using the WebNFS protocol.

How to Mount an NFS File System

Through a Firewall on page 89

Mount a file system by using an


Steps to allow access to a file system by using an NFS

How to Mount an NFS File System
URL. This process allows for file system access without Using an NFS URL on page 90
using the MOUNT protocol.

Planning for WebNFS Access

To use WebNFS, you first need an application that is capable of running and loading an NFS
URL (for example, nfs://server/path). The next step is to choose the file system that can be
exported for WebNFS access. If the application is web browsing, often the document root for
the web server is used. You need to consider several factors when choosing a file system to
export for WebNFS access.
1. Each server has one public file handle that by default is associated with the server's root file
system. The path in an NFS URL is evaluated relative to the directory with which the public
file handle is associated. If the path leads to a file or directory within an exported file system,
the server provides access. You can use the public option of the share command to
associate the public file handle with a specific exported directory. Using this option allows
URLs to be relative to the shared file system rather than to the server's root file system. The
root file system does not allow web access unless the root file system is shared.
2. The WebNFS environment enables users who already have mount privileges to access files
through a browser. This capability is enabled regardless of whether the file system is
exported by using the public option. Because users already have access to these files
through the NFS setup, this access should not create any additional security risk. You only
need to share a file system by using the public option if users who cannot mount the file
system need to use WebNFS access.
3. File systems that are already open to the public make good candidates for using the public
option. Some examples are the top directory in an ftp archive or the main URL directory for
a web site.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

WebNFS Administration Tasks

4. You can use the index option with the share command to force the loading of an HTML
file. Otherwise, you can list the directory when an NFS URL is accessed.
After a file system is chosen, review the files and set access permissions to restrict viewing of
files or directories, as needed. Establish the permissions, as appropriate, for any NFS file
system that is being shared. For many sites, 755 permissions for directories and 644
permissions for files provide the correct level of access.
You need to consider additional factors if both NFS and HTTP URLs are to be used to access
one web site. These factors are described in WebNFS Limitations With Web Browser Use
on page 187.

How to Browse Using an NFS URL

Browsers that are capable of supporting the WebNFS service should provide access to an NFS
URL that resembles the following:


Name of the file server


Port number to use (2049, default value)


Path to file, which can be relative to the public file handle or to the root file system

Note In most browsers, the URL service type (for example, nfs or http) is remembered from
one transaction to the next. The exception occurs when a URL that includes a different service
type is loaded. After you use an NFS URL, a reference to an HTTP URL might be loaded. If such
a reference is loaded, subsequent pages are loaded by using the HTTP protocol instead of the
NFS protocol.

How to Enable WebNFS Access Through a Firewall

You can enable WebNFS access for clients that are not part of the local subnet by configuring
the firewall to allow a TCP connection on port 2049. Just allowing access for httpd does not
allow NFS URLs to be used.

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

This section describes some of the most common tasks you might encounter in your own
environment. Recommended procedures are included for each scenario to help you configure
autofs to best meet your clients' needs.
Note You can also use parameters in the SMF repository to configure your autofs environment.

For task information, refer to Using SMF Parameters to Configure Your Autofs Environment
on page 101.

Task Map for Autofs Administration

The following table provides a description and a pointer to many of the tasks that are related to

Task Map for Autofs Administration



For Instructions

Start autofs

Start the automount service without having to reboot

the system

How to Start the Automounter on

page 92

Stop autofs

Stop the automount service without disabling other

network services

How to Stop the Automounter on

page 93

Configure your autofs

environment by the autofs SMF

Assign values to parameters in the SMF repository

Using SMF Parameters to Configure

Your Autofs Environment on
page 101

Access file systems by using autofs

Access file systems by using the automount service

Mounting With the Automounter on

page 87

Modify the autofs maps

Steps to modify the master map, which should be used

to list other maps

How to Modify the Master Map on

page 103

Steps to modify an indirect map, which should be used

for most maps

How to Modify Indirect Maps on

page 104

Steps to modify a direct map, which should be used

when a direct association between a mount point on a
client and a server is required

How to Modify Direct Maps on

page 104

Steps to set up an autofs map with an entry for a

CD-ROM application

How to Access CD-ROM

Applications With Autofs on page 105

Steps to set up an autofs map with an entry for a

PC-DOS diskette

How to Access PC-DOS Data

Diskettes With Autofs on page 106

Modify the autofs maps to access

non-NFS file systems


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration


Task Map for Autofs Administration




For Instructions

Using /home

Example of how to set up a common /home map

Setting Up a Common View of /home

on page 106

Steps to set up a /home map that refers to multiple file


How to Set Up /home With Multiple

Home Directory File Systems on
page 107

Steps to set up a project-related autofs map

How to Consolidate Project-Related

Files Under /ws on page 108

Steps to set up an autofs map that supports different

client architectures

How to Set Up Different

Architectures to Access a Shared
Namespace on page 109

Steps to set up an autofs map that supports different

operating systems

How to Support Incompatible Client

Operating System Versions on
page 110

Replicate file systems with autofs

Provide access to file systems that fail over

How to Replicate Shared Files Across

Several Servers on page 110

Using security restrictions with


Provide access to file systems while restricting remote

root access to the files

How to Apply Autofs Security

Restrictions on page 111

Using a public file handle with


Force use of the public file handle when mounting a file How to Use a Public File Handle With
Autofs on page 111

Using an NFS URL with autofs

Add an NFS URL so that the automounter can use it

How to Use NFS URLs With Autofs

on page 111

Disable autofs browsability

Steps to disable browsability so that autofs mount

points are not automatically populated on a single

How to Completely Disable Autofs

Browsability on a Single NFS Client
on page 112

Steps to disable browsability so that autofs mount

points are not automatically populated on all clients

How to Disable Autofs Browsability

for All Clients on page 112

Steps to disable browsability so that a specific autofs

mount point is not automatically populated on a client

How to Disable Autofs Browsability

on a Selected File System on page 113

Using a new autofs mount point

Using SMF Parameters to Configure Your Autofs

You can use SMF parameters to configure your autofs environment. Specifically, this facility
provides an additional way to configure your autofs commands and autofs daemons. The same
specifications you would make on the command line can be made with the sharectl command.
You can make your specifications by providing values to keywords.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

The following procedure shows you how to use the sharectl command to manage autofs

How to Configure Your Autofs Environment Using SMF


Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add or modify an autofs SMF parameter.

For example, if you want to turn off browsing for all autofs mount points, use the following
# sharectl set -p nobrowse=on autofs

The nobrowse keyword is equivalent to the -n option to automountd.


Restart the autofs daemon.

Type the following command:
# svcadm restart system/filesystem/autofs

Administrative Tasks Involving Maps

The following tables describe several of the factors you need to be aware of when administering
autofs maps. Your choice of map and name service affect the mechanism that you need to use to
make changes to the autofs maps.
The following table describes the types of maps and their uses.

Types of autofs Maps and Their Uses

Type of Map



Associates a directory with a map


Directs autofs to specific file systems


Directs autofs to reference-oriented file systems

The following table describes how to make changes to your autofs environment that are based
on your name service.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration


Map Maintenance

Name Service


Local files

Text editor


make files

The next table tells you when to run the automount command, depending on the modification
you have made to the type of map. For example, if you have made an addition or a deletion to a
direct map, you need to run the automount command on the local system. By running the
command, you make the change effective. However, if you have modified an existing entry, you
do not need to run the automount command for the change to become effective.

When to Run the automount Command

Type of Map

Restart automount?
Addition or Deletion





Modifying the Maps

The following procedures show you how to update several types of automounter maps.

How to Modify the Master Map

Log in as a user who has permissions to change the maps.

Make your changes to the master map.

The specific steps needed to change the map depends on the name service that you are using.

For each client, become an administrator.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

For each client, run the automount command to ensure that your changes become effective.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Notify your users of the changes.

Notification is required so that the users can also run the automount command as superuser on
their own computers. Note that the automount command gathers information from the master
map whenever it is run.

How to Modify Indirect Maps

Log in as a user who has permissions to change the maps.

Make your changes to the indirect map.

The specific steps needed to change the map depends on the name service that you are using.

How to Modify Direct Maps

Log in as a user who has permissions to change the maps.

Make your changes to the direct map.

The specific steps needed to change the map depends on the name service that you are using.

Notify your users of the changes.

Notification is required so that the users can run the automount command as superuser on their
own computers, if necessary.
Note If you only modify or change the contents of an existing direct map entry, you do not

need to run the automount command.

For example, suppose you modify the auto_direct map so that the /usr/src directory is now
mounted from a different server. If /usr/src is not mounted at this time, the new entry
becomes effective immediately when you try to access /usr/src. If /usr/src is mounted now,
you can wait until the auto-unmounting occurs, then access the file.

Note Use indirect maps whenever possible. Indirect maps are easier to construct and less
demanding on the computers' file systems. Also, indirect maps do not occupy as much space in
the mount table as direct maps.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Avoiding Mount-Point Conflicts

If you have a local disk partition that is mounted on /src and you plan to use the autofs service
to mount other source directories, you might encounter a problem. If you specify the mount
point /src, the NFS service hides the local partition whenever you try to reach it.
You need to mount the partition in some other location, for example, on /export/src. You
then need an entry in /etc/vfstab such as the following:
/dev/dsk/d0t3d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5 /export/src ufs 3 yes -

You also need this entry in auto_src:



terra is the name of the computer.

Accessing Non-NFS File Systems

Autofs can also mount files other than NFS files. Autofs mounts files on removable media, such
as diskettes or CD-ROM. Normally, you would mount files on removable media by using the
Volume Manager. The following examples show how this mounting could be accomplished
through autofs. The Volume Manager and autofs do not work together, so these entries would
not be used without first deactivating the Volume Manager.
Instead of mounting a file system from a server, you put the media in the drive and reference the
file system from the map. If you plan to access non-NFS file systems and you are using autofs,
see the following procedures.

How to Access CD-ROM Applications With Autofs

Note Use this procedure if you are not using Volume Manager.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Update the autofs map.

Add an entry for the CD-ROM file system, which should resemble the following:



The CD-ROM device that you intend to mount must appear as a name that follows the colon.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

How to Access PC-DOS Data Diskettes With Autofs

Note Use this procedure if you are not using Volume Manager.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Update the autofs map.

Add an entry for the diskette file system such as the following:



Customizing the Automounter

You can set up the automounter maps in several ways. The following tasks give details about
how to customize the automounter maps to provide an easy-to-use directory structure.

Setting Up a Common View of /home

The ideal is for all network users to be able to locate their own or anyone's home directory under
/home. This view should be common across all computers, whether client or server.
Every Oracle Solaris installation comes with a master map: /etc/auto_master.
# Master map for autofs
auto_home -nobrowse

A map for auto_home is also installed under /etc.

# Home directory map for autofs

Except for a reference to an external auto_home map, this map is empty. If the directories under
/home are to be common to all computers, do not modify this /etc/auto_home map. All home
directory entries should appear in the name service files.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Note Users should not be permitted to run setuid executables from their home directories.
Without this restriction, any user could have superuser privileges on any computer.

How to Set Up /home With Multiple Home Directory

File Systems
Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Install home directory partitions under /export/home.

If the system has several partitions, install the partitions under separate directories, for example,
/export/home1 and /export/home2.

Update the auto_home map.

Whenever you create a new user account, type the location of the user's home directory in the
auto_home map. Map entries can be simple, for example:


Notice the use of the & (ampersand) to substitute the map key. The ampersand is an
abbreviation for the second occurrence of rusty in the following example.


With the auto_home map in place, users can refer to any home directory (including their own)
with the path /home/user. user is their login name and the key in the map. This common view of
all home directories is valuable when logging in to another user's computer. Autofs mounts
your home directory for you. Similarly, if you run a remote windowing system client on another
computer, the client program has the same view of the /home directory.
This common view also extends to the server. Using the previous example, if rusty logs in to
the server dragon, autofs there provides direct access to the local disk by loopback-mounting
/export/home1/rusty onto /home/rusty.
Users do not need to be aware of the real location of their home directories. If rusty needs more
disk space and needs to have his home directory relocated to another server, a simple change is
sufficient. You need only change rusty's entry in the auto_home map to reflect the new location.
Other users can continue to use the /home/rusty path.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

How to Consolidate Project-Related Files Under /ws

Assume that you are the administrator of a large software development project. You plan to
make all project-related files available under a directory that is called /ws. This directory is to be
common across all workstations at the site.

Add an entry for the /ws directory to the site auto_master map.



The auto_ws map determines the contents of the /ws directory.


Add the -nosuid option as a precaution.

This option prevents users from running setuid programs that might exist in any workspaces.

Add entries to the auto_ws map.

The auto_ws map is organized so that each entry describes a subproject. Your first attempt
yields a map that resembles the following:


The ampersand (&) at the end of each entry is an abbreviation for the entry key. For instance, the
first entry is equivalent to the following:


This first attempt provides a map that appears simple, but the map is inadequate. The project
organizer decides that the documentation in the man entry should be provided as a subdirectory
under each subproject. Also, each subproject requires subdirectories to describe several
versions of the software. You must assign each of these subdirectories to an entire disk partition
on the server.
Modify the entries in the map as follows:
compiler \
windows \
files \
drivers \

alpha:/export/ws/&/vers1.0 \
bravo:/export/ws/&/vers2.0 \
alpha:/export/ws/&/vers1.0 \
alpha:/export/ws/&/vers1.0 \
bravo:/export/ws/&/vers2.0 \
bravo:/export/ws/&/vers3.0 \

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

tools \

alpha:/export/ws/&/vers1.0 \

Although the map now appears to be much larger, the map still contains only the five entries.
Each entry is larger because each entry contains multiple mounts. For instance, a reference to
/ws/compiler requires three mounts for the vers1.0, vers2.0, and man directories. The
backslash at the end of each line informs autofs that the entry is continued onto the next line.
Effectively, the entry is one long line, though line breaks and some indenting have been used to
make the entry more readable. The tools directory contains software development tools for all
subprojects, so this directory is not subject to the same subdirectory structure. The tools
directory continues to be a single mount.
This arrangement provides the administrator with much flexibility. Software projects typically
consume substantial amounts of disk space. Through the life of the project, you might be
required to relocate and expand various disk partitions. If these changes are reflected in the
auto_ws map, the users do not need to be notified, as the directory hierarchy under /ws is not
Because the servers alpha and bravo view the same autofs map, any users who log in to these
computers can find the /ws namespace as expected. These users are provided with direct access
to local files through loopback mounts instead of NFS mounts.

How to Set Up Different Architectures to Access a

Shared Namespace
You need to assemble a shared namespace for local executables, and applications, such as
spreadsheet applications and word-processing packages. The clients of this namespace use
several different workstation architectures that require different executable formats. Also, some
workstations are running different releases of the operating system.

Create the auto_local map.

See the Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services.

Choose a single, site-specific name for the shared namespace.

This name makes the files and directories that belong to this space easily identifiable. For
example, if you choose /usr/local as the name, the path /usr/local/bin is obviously a part of
this namespace.

For ease of user community recognition, create an autofs indirect map.

Mount this map at /usr/local. Set up the following entry in the NIS auto_master map:



Notice that the -ro mount option implies that clients cannot write to any files or directories.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Export the appropriate directory on the server.

Include a bin entry in the auto_local map.

Your directory structure resembles the following:

(Optional) To serve clients of different architectures, change the entry by adding the autofs CPU



For SPARC clients Place executables in /export/local/bin/sparc.

For x86 clients Place executables in /export/local/bin/i386.

How to Support Incompatible Client Operating

System Versions
Combine the architecture type with a variable that determines the operating system type of the
You can combine the autofs OSREL variable with the CPU variable to form a name that
determines both CPU type and OS release.
Create the following map entry.


For clients that are running version 5.6 of the operating system, export the following file

For SPARC clients Export /export/local/bin/sparc5.6.

For x86 clients Place executables in /export/local/bin/i3865.6.

How to Replicate Shared Files Across Several Servers

The best way to share replicated file systems that are read-only is to use failover. See
Client-Side Failover on page 183 for a discussion of failover.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Modify the entry in the autofs maps.

Create the list of all replica servers as a comma-separated list, such as the following:



Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Autofs chooses the nearest server. If a server has several network interfaces, list each interface.
Autofs chooses the nearest interface to the client, avoiding unnecessary routing of NFS traffic.

How to Apply Autofs Security Restrictions

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create the following entry in the name service auto_master file:




The nosuid option prevents users from creating files with the setuid or setgid bit set.
This entry overrides the entry for /home in a generic local /etc/auto_master file. See the
previous example. The override happens because the +auto_master reference to the external
name service map occurs before the /home entry in the file. If the entries in the auto_home map
include mount options, the nosuid option is overwritten. Therefore, either no options should
be used in the auto_home map or the nosuid option must be included with each entry.
Note Do not mount the home directory disk partitions on or under /home on the server.

How to Use a Public File Handle With Autofs

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create an entry in the autofs map such as the following:




The public option forces the public handle to be used. If the NFS server does not support a
public file handle, the mount fails.

How to Use NFS URLs With Autofs

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Create an autofs entry such as the following:




The service tries to use the public file handle on the NFS server. However, if the server does not
support a public file handle, the MOUNT protocol is used.

Disabling Autofs Browsability

The default version of /etc/auto_master that is installed has the -nobrowse option added to
the entries for /home and /net. In addition, the upgrade procedure adds the -nobrowse option
to the /home and /net entries in /etc/auto_master if these entries have not been modified.
However, you might have to make these changes manually or to turn off browsability for
site-specific autofs mount points after the installation.
You can turn off the browsability feature in several ways. Disable the feature by using a
command-line option to the automountd daemon, which completely disables autofs
browsability for the client. Or disable browsability for each map entry on all clients by using the
autofs maps. You can also disable the feature for each map entry on each client, using local
autofs maps if no network-wide namespace is being used.

How to Completely Disable Autofs Browsability on a

Single NFS Client

Become an administrator on the NFS client.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Change the autofs SMF configuration parameter.

# sharectl set -p nobrowse=TRUE autofs

Restart the autofs service.

# svcadm restart system/filesystem/autofs

How to Disable Autofs Browsability for All Clients

To disable browsability for all clients, you must employ a name service such as NIS. Otherwise,
you need to manually edit the automounter maps on each client. In this example, the
browsability of the /home directory is disabled. You must follow this procedure for each indirect
autofs node that needs to be disabled.

Add the -nobrowse option to the /home entry in the name service auto_master file.




Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Run the automount command on all clients.

The new behavior becomes effective after you run the automount command on the client
systems or after a reboot.
# /usr/sbin/automount

How to Disable Autofs Browsability on a Selected File

In this example, browsability of the /net directory is disabled. You can use the same procedure
for /home or any other autofs mount points.

Verify the search order for the automount naming services.

The config/automount property in the name-service/switch service shows the search order
for the automount information.
# svcprop -p config svc:/system/name-service/switch
config/value_authorization astring
config/printer astring user\ files
config/default astring files\ nis
config/automount astring files\ nis

The last entry shows that local automount files are searched first and then the NIS service is
checked. The config/default entry specifies the search order for all naming information not
specifically listed.

Check the position of the +auto_master entry in /etc/auto_master.

For additions to the local files to have precedence over the entries in the namespace, the
+auto_master entry must be moved to follow /net:
# Master map for automounter
/home auto_home

A standard configuration places the +auto_master entry at the top of the file. This placement
prevents any local changes from being used.

Add the nobrowse option to the /net entry in the /etc/auto_master file.



On all clients, run the automount command.

The new behavior becomes effective after running the automount command on the client
systems or after a reboot.
# /usr/sbin/automount
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Administering NFS Referrals

Administering NFS Referrals

NFS referrals are a way for an NFSv4 server to point to file systems located on other NFSv4
servers, as a way of connecting multiple NFSv4 servers into a uniform namespace.

How to Create and Access an NFS Referral

On an NFS server: create a referral.
Add the referral on an NFS-shared file system, pointing to one or more existing NFS-shared file
server1% nfsref add /share/docs server2:/usr/local/docs server3:/tank/docs
Created reparse point /share/docs

Verify that the referral was created.

server1% nfsref lookup /share/docs
/share/docs points to:

On a client: mount the referral.

client1% pfexec mount server1:/share/docs /mnt

Verify that the mount worked.

client1% cd /mnt/docs
client1% df -k .
(server2:/usr/local/docs):10372284465 blocks 10372284465 files

Example 53

Modifying an Existing Referral

If you wanted to add another file system, such as server4:/tank/docs to the existing referral,
you would enter the command from step 2 above with the new file system.

server1% nfsref add /share/docs server2:/usr/local/docs server3:/tank/docs server4:/tank/docs

The add subcommand simply replaces the information in the current referral with the new
information from the command. The add subcommand is how you would modify the file
systems associated with an existing referral.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting

How to Remove an NFS Referral

Follow this procedure to remove an NFS referral.

Remove the referral.

server1% nfsref remove /share/docs
Removed svc_type nfs-basic from /share/docs

Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting

When tracking an NFS problem, remember the main points of possible failure: the server, the
client, and the network. The strategy that is outlined in this section tries to isolate each
individual component to find the one that is not working. In all situations, the mountd and nfsd
daemons must be running on the server for remote mounts to succeed.
The -intr option is set by default for all mounts. If a program hangs with a server not
responding message, you can kill the program with the keyboard interrupt Control-c.
When the network or server has problems, programs that access hard-mounted remote files fail
differently than those programs that access soft-mounted remote files. Hard-mounted remote
file systems cause the client's kernel to retry the requests until the server responds again.
Soft-mounted remote file systems cause the client's system calls to return an error after trying
for awhile. Because these errors can result in unexpected application errors and data
corruption, avoid soft mounting.
When a file system is hard mounted, a program that tries to access the file system hangs if the
server fails to respond. In this situation, the NFS system displays the following message on the
NFS server hostname not responding still trying

When the server finally responds, the following message appears on the console:
NFS server hostname ok

A program that accesses a soft-mounted file system whose server is not responding generates
the following message:
NFS operation failed for server hostname: error # (error-message)
Note Because of possible errors, do not soft-mount file systems with read-write data or file

systems from which executables are run. Writable data could be corrupted if the application
ignores the errors. Mounted executables might not load properly and can fail.

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


NFS Troubleshooting Procedures

NFS Troubleshooting Procedures

To determine where the NFS service has failed, you need to follow several procedures to isolate
the failure. Check for the following items:

Can the client reach the server?

Can the client contact the NFS services on the server?
Are the NFS services running on the server?

In the process of checking these items, you might notice that other portions of the network are
not functioning. For example, the name service or the physical network hardware might not be
functioning. The Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services contains
debugging procedures for several name services. Also, during the process you might see that the
problem is not at the client end. An example is if you get at least one trouble call from every
subnet in your work area. In this situation, you should assume that the problem is the server or
the network hardware near the server. So, you should start the debugging process at the server,
not at the client.

How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client

Check that the NFS server is reachable from the client. On the client, type the following
% /usr/sbin/ping bee
bee is alive

If the command reports that the server is alive, remotely check the NFS server. See How to
Check the NFS Server Remotely on page 117.

If the server is not reachable from the client, ensure that the local name service is running.

If the name service is running, ensure that the client has received the correct host information
by typing the following:
% /usr/bin/getent hosts bee

If the host information is correct, but the server is not reachable from the client, run the ping
command from another client.
If the command run from a second client fails, see How to Verify the NFS Service on the
Server on page 118.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Troubleshooting Procedures

If the server is reachable from the second client, use ping to check connectivity of the first client
to other systems on the local net.
If this command fails, check the networking software configuration on the client, for example,
/etc/netmasks and the property information associated with the
svc:/system/name-service/switch service.

(Optional) Check the output of the rpcinfo command.

If the rpcinfo command does not display program 100003 version 4 ready and waiting,
then NFS version 4 is not enabled on the server. See Table 53 for information about enabling
NFS version 4.

If the software is correct, check the networking hardware.

Try to move the client onto a second net drop.

How to Check the NFS Server Remotely

Note that support for both the UDP and the MOUNT protocols is not necessary if you are using
an NFS version 4 server.

Check that the NFS services have started on the NFS server by typing the following command:
% rpcinfo -s bee|egrep nfs|mountd
100003 3,2
100005 3,2,1 ticots,ticotsord,tcp,tcp6,ticlts,udp,upd6 mountd superuser

If the daemons have not been started, see How to Restart NFS Services on page 119.

Check that the server's nfsd processes are responding.

On the client, type the following command to test the UDP NFS connections from the server.
% /usr/bin/rpcinfo -u bee nfs
program 100003 version 2 ready and waiting
program 100003 version 3 ready and waiting
Note NFS version 4 does not support UDP.

If the server is running, it prints a list of program and version numbers. Using the -t option
tests the TCP connection. If this command fails, proceed to How to Verify the NFS Service on
the Server on page 118.

Check that the server's mountd is responding, by typing the following command.
% /usr/bin/rpcinfo -u bee mountd
program 100005 version 1 ready and waiting
program 100005 version 2 ready and waiting
program 100005 version 3 ready and waiting
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


NFS Troubleshooting Procedures

If the server is running, it prints a list of program and version numbers that are associated with
the UDP protocol. Using the -t option tests the TCP connection. If either attempt fails, proceed
to How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server on page 118.

Check the local autofs service if it is being used:

% cd /net/wasp

Choose a /net or /home mount point that you know should work properly. If this command
fails, then as root on the client, type the following to restart the autofs service:
# svcadm restart system/filesystem/autofs

Verify that file system is shared as expected on the server.

% /usr/sbin/showmount -e bee


Check the entry on the server and the local mount entry for errors. Also, check the namespace.
In this instance, if the first client is not in the eng netgroup, that client cannot mount the
/usr/src file system.
Check all entries that include mounting information in all the local files. The list includes
/etc/vfstab and all the /etc/auto_* files.

How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Check that the server can reach the clients.

# ping lilac
lilac is alive

If the client is not reachable from the server, ensure that the local name service is running.

If the name service is running, check the networking software configuration on the server, for
example, /etc/netmasks and the property information associated with the
svc:/system/name-service/switch service.

Type the following command to check whether the rpcbind daemon is running.
# /usr/bin/rpcinfo -u localhost rpcbind
program 100000 version 1 ready and waiting
program 100000 version 2 ready and waiting
program 100000 version 3 ready and waiting


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Troubleshooting Procedures

If the server is running, it prints a list of program and version numbers that are associated with
the UDP protocol.

Type the following command to check whether the nfsd daemon is running.
# rpcinfo -u localhost
program 100003 version
program 100003 version
# ps -ef | grep nfsd
1 0
root 3127 2462 1

2 ready and waiting
3 ready and waiting
Apr 07
0:01 /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a 16
09:32:57 pts/3 0:00 grep nfsd

Note NFS version 4 does not support UDP.

If the server is running, it prints a list of program and version numbers that are associated with
the UDP protocol. Also use the -t option with rpcinfo to check the TCP connection. If these
commands fail, restart the NFS service. See How to Restart NFS Services on page 119.

Type the following command to check whether the mountd daemon is running.
# /usr/bin/rpcinfo -u localhost mountd
program 100005 version 1 ready and waiting
program 100005 version 2 ready and waiting
program 100005 version 3 ready and waiting
# ps -ef | grep mountd
1 0 Apr 07 ?
21:57 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd
1 0 Apr 07 ?
0:04 /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
root 3084 2462 1 09:30:20 pts/3 0:00 grep mountd

If the server is running, it prints a list of program and version numbers that are associated with
the UDP protocol. Also use the -t option with rpcinfo to check the TCP connection. If these
commands fail, restart the NFS service. See How to Restart NFS Services on page 119.

How to Restart NFS Services

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Restart the NFS service on the server.

Type the following command.
# svcadm restart network/nfs/server

Identifying Which Host Is Providing NFS File Service

Run the nfsstat command with the -m option to gather current NFS information. The name of
the current server is printed after currserver=.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Troubleshooting Autofs

% nfsstat -m
/usr/local from bee,wasp:/export/share/local
Flags: vers=3,proto=tcp,sec=sys,hard,intr,llock,link,synlink,
Failover: noresponse=0, failover=0, remap=0, currserver=bee

How to Verify Options Used With the mount Command

No warning is issued for invalid options. The following procedure helps determine whether the
options that were supplied either on the command line or through /etc/vfstab were valid.
For this example, assume that the following command has been run:
# mount -F nfs -o ro,vers=2 bee:/export/share/local /mnt

Verify the options by running the following command.

% nfsstat -m
/mnt from bee:/export/share/local
Flags: vers=2,proto=tcp,sec=sys,hard,intr,dynamic,acl,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,

The file system from bee has been mounted with the protocol version set to 2. Unfortunately,
the nfsstat command does not display information about all of the options. However, using
the nfsstat command is the most accurate way to verify the options.

Check the entry in /etc/mnttab.

The mount command does not allow invalid options to be added to the mount table. Therefore,
verify that the options that are listed in the file match those options that are listed on the
command line. In this way, you can check those options that are not reported by the nfsstat
# grep bee /etc/mnttab
bee:/export/share/local /mnt nfs

ro,vers=2,dev=2b0005e 859934818

Troubleshooting Autofs
Occasionally, you might encounter problems with autofs. This section should improve the
problem-solving process. The section is divided into two subsections.
This section presents a list of the error messages that autofs generates. The list is divided into
two parts:

Error messages that are generated by the verbose (-v) option of automount
Error messages that might appear at any time

Each error message is followed by a description and probable cause of the message.
When troubleshooting, start the autofs programs with the verbose (-v) option. Otherwise, you
might experience problems without knowing the cause.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Troubleshooting Autofs

The following paragraphs are labeled with the error message you are likely to see if autofs fails,
and a description of the possible problem.

Error Messages Generated by automount -v

bad key key in direct map mapname
Description: While scanning a direct map, autofs has found an entry key without a prefixed /.
Solution: Keys in direct maps must be full path names.

bad key key in indirect map mapname

Description: While scanning an indirect map, autofs has found an entry key that contains a /.
Solution: Indirect map keys must be simple names, not path names.

cant mount server:pathname: reason

Description: The mount daemon on the server refuses to provide a file handle for
Solution: Check the export table on the server.

couldnt create mount point mountpoint: reason

Description: Autofs was unable to create a mount point that was required for a mount. This
problem most frequently occurs when you attempt to hierarchically mount all of a server's
exported file systems.
Solution: A required mount point can exist only in a file system that cannot be mounted,
which means the file system cannot be exported. The mount point cannot be created
because the exported parent file system is exported read-only.

leading space in map entry entry text in mapname

Description: Autofs has discovered an entry in an automount map that contains leading
spaces. This problem is usually an indication of an improperly continued map entry. For


Solution: In this example, the warning is generated when autofs encounters the second line
because the first line should be terminated with a backslash (\).

mapname: Not found

Description: The required map cannot be located. This message is produced only when the -v
option is used.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


Troubleshooting Autofs

Solution: Check the spelling and path name of the map name.

remount server:pathname on mountpoint: server not responding

Description: Autofs has failed to remount a file system that it previously unmounted.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is extremely rare and has no
straightforward solution.

WARNING: mountpoint already mounted on

Description: Autofs is attempting to mount over an existing mount point. This message
means that an internal error occurred in autofs (an anomaly).
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is extremely rare and has no
straightforward solution.

Miscellaneous Error Messages

dir mountpoint must start with /
Solution: The automounter mount point must be given as a full path name. Check the
spelling and path name of the mount point.
hierarchical mountpoint: pathname1 and pathname2
Solution: Autofs does not allow its mount points to have a hierarchical relationship. An
autofs mount point must not be contained within another automounted file system.
host server not responding
Description: Autofs attempted to contact server, but received no response.
Solution: Check the NFS server status.

hostname: exports: rpc-err

Description: An error occurred while getting the export list from hostname. This message
indicates a server or network problem.
Solution: Check the NFS server status.

map mapname, key key: bad

Description: The map entry is malformed, and autofs cannot interpret the entry.
Solution: Recheck the entry. Perhaps the entry has characters that need to be escaped.

mapname: nis-err
Description: An error occurred when looking up an entry in a NIS map. This message can
indicate NIS problems.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Troubleshooting Autofs

Solution: Check the NIS server status.

mount of server:pathname on mountpoint:reason

Description: Autofs failed to do a mount. This occurrence can indicate a server or network
problem. The reason string defines the problem.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is extremely rare and has no
straightforward solution.

mountpoint: Not a directory

Description: Autofs cannot mount itself on mountpoint because it is not a directory.
Solution: Check the spelling and path name of the mount point.

nfscast: cannot send packet: reason

Description: Autofs cannot send a query packet to a server in a list of replicated file system
locations. The reason string defines the problem.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is extremely rare and has no
straightforward solution.

nfscast: cannot receive reply: reason

Description: Autofs cannot receive replies from any of the servers in a list of replicated file
system locations. The reason string defines the problem.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is extremely rare and has no
straightforward solution.

nfscast: select: reason

Description: All these error messages indicate problems in attempting to check servers for a
replicated file system. This message can indicate a network problem. The reason string
defines the problem.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is extremely rare and has no
straightforward solution.

pathconf: no info for server:pathname

Description: Autofs failed to get pathconf information for the path name.
Solution: See the fpathconf(2) man page.

pathconf: server: server not responding

Description: Autofs is unable to contact the mount daemon on server that provides the
information to pathconf().
Solution: Avoid using the POSIX mount option with this server.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


NFS Error Messages

Other Errors With Autofs

If the /etc/auto* files have the execute bit set, the automounter tries to execute the maps,
which creates messages such as the following:
/etc/auto_home: +auto_home: not found
In this situation, the auto_home file has incorrect permissions. Each entry in the file generates
an error message that is similar to this message. The permissions to the file should be reset by
typing the following command:
# chmod 644 /etc/auto_home

NFS Error Messages

This section shows an error message that is followed by a description of the conditions that
should create the error and at minimum one remedy.
Bad argument specified with index option - must be a file
Solution: You must include a file name with the index option. You cannot use directory
Cannot establish NFS service over /dev/tcp: transport setup problem
Description: This message is often created when the services information in the namespace
has not been updated. The message can also be reported for UDP.
Solution: To fix this problem, you must update the services data in the namespace.

For NIS and /etc/services, the entries should be as follows:




# NFS server daemon

# NFS server daemon

Could not start daemon: error

Description: This message is displayed if the daemon terminates abnormally or if a system call
error occurs. The error string defines the problem.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is rare and has no straightforward

Could not use public filehandle in request to server

Description: This message is displayed if the public option is specified but the NFS server
does not support the public file handle. In this situation, the mount fails.
Solution: To remedy this situation, either try the mount request without using the public file

handle or reconfigure the NFS server to support the public file handle.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Error Messages

daemon running already with pid pid

Description: The daemon is already running.
Solution: If you want to run a new copy, kill the current version and start a new version.

error locking lock file

Description: This message is displayed when the lock file that is associated with a daemon
cannot be locked properly.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is rare and has no straightforward

error checking lock file: error

Description: This message is displayed when the lock file that is associated with a daemon
cannot be opened properly.
Solution: Contact Sun for assistance. This error message is rare and has no straightforward

NOTICE: NFS3: failing over from host1 to host2

Description: This message is displayed on the console when a failover occurs. The message is
advisory only.
Solution: No action required.

filename: File too large

Description: An NFS version 2 client is trying to access a file that is over 2 Gbytes.
Solution: Avoid using NFS version 2. Mount the file system with version 3 or version 4. Also,

see the description of the nolargefiles option in mount Options for NFS File Systems on
page 147.
mount: ... server not responding:RPC_PMAP_FAILURE - RPC_TIMED_OUT
Description: The server that is sharing the file system you are trying to mount is down or
unreachable, at the wrong run level, or its rpcbind is dead or hung.
Solution: Wait for the server to reboot. If the server is hung, reboot the server.

mount: ... server not responding: RPC_PROG_NOT_REGISTERED

Description: The mount request registered with rpcbind, but the NFS mount daemon mountd
is not registered.
Solution: Wait for the server to reboot. If the server is hung, reboot the server.

Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


NFS Error Messages

mount: ... No such file or directory

Description: Either the remote directory or the local directory does not exist.
Solution: Check the spelling of the directory names. Run ls on both directories.

mount: ...: Permission denied

Description: Your computer name might not be in the list of clients or netgroup that is
allowed access to the file system you tried to mount.
Solution: Use showmount -e to verify the access list.

NFS file temporarily unavailable on the server, retrying ...

Description: An NFS version 4 server can delegate the management of a file to a client. This
message indicates that the server is recalling a delegation for another client that conflicts
with a request from your client.
Solution: The recall must occur before the server can process your client's request. For more

information about delegation, refer to Delegation in NFS Version 4 on page 177.

NFS fsstat failed for server hostname: RPC: Authentication error
Description: This error can be caused by many situations. One of the most difficult situations
to debug is when this problem occurs because a user is in too many groups. Currently, a user
can be in no more than 16 groups if the user is accessing files through NFS mounts.
Solution: An alternate does exist for users who need to be in more than 16 groups. You can

use access control lists to provide the needed access privileges.

nfs mount: NFS cant support nolargefiles
Description: An NFS client has attempted to mount a file system from an NFS server by using
the -nolargefiles option.
Solution: This option is not supported for NFS file system types.

nfs mount: NFS V2 cant support largefiles

Description: The NFS version 2 protocol cannot handle large files.
Solution: You must use version 3 or version 4 if access to large files is required.

NFS server hostname not responding still trying

Description: If programs hang while doing file-related work, your NFS server might have
failed. This message indicates that NFS server hostname is down or that a problem has
occurred with the server or the network.
Solution: If failover is being used, hostname is a list of servers. Start troubleshooting with

How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client on page 116.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Error Messages

NFS server recovering

Description: During part of the NFS version 4 server reboot, some operations were not
permitted. This message indicates that the client is waiting for the server to permit this
operation to proceed.
Solution: No action required. Wait for the server to permit the operation.

Permission denied
Description: This message is displayed by the ls -l, getfacl, and setfacl commands for the
following reasons:

If the user or group that exists in an access control list (ACL) entry on an NFS version 4
server cannot be mapped to a valid user or group on an NFS version 4 client, the user is
not allowed to read the ACL on the client.

If the user or group that exists in an ACL entry that is being set on an NFS version 4
client cannot be mapped to a valid user or group on an NFS version 4 server, the user is
not allowed to write or modify an ACL on the client.

If an NFS version 4 client and server have mismatched NFSMAPID_DOMAIN values,

ID mapping fails.

For more information, see ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4 on page 179.
Solution: Do the following:

Make sure that all user and group IDs in the ACL entries exist on both the client and

Make sure that the value for nfsmapid_domain is set correctly in the SMF Repository.

To determine if any user or group cannot be mapped on the server or client, use the script
that is provided in Checking for Unmapped User or Group IDs on page 180.
port number in nfs URL not the same as port number in port option
Description: The port number that is included in the NFS URL must match the port number
that is included with the -port option to mount. If the port numbers do not match, the
mount fails.
Solution: Either change the command to make the port numbers identical or do not specify

the port number that is incorrect. Usually, you do not need to specify the port number with
both the NFS URL and the -port option.
replicas must have the same version
Description: For NFS failover to function properly, the NFS servers that are replicas must
support the same version of the NFS protocol.
Solution: Running multiple versions is not allowed.
Chapter 5 Network File System Administration (Tasks)


NFS Error Messages

replicated mounts must be read-only

Description: NFS failover does not work on file systems that are mounted read-write.
Mounting the file system read-write increases the likelihood that a file could change.
Solution: NFS failover depends on the file systems being identical.

replicated mounts must not be soft

Description: Replicated mounts require that you wait for a timeout before failover occurs.
Solution: The soft option requires that the mount fail immediately when a timeout starts, so
you cannot include the -soft option with a replicated mount.

share_nfs: Cannot share more than one filesystem with public option
Solution: Check that the /etc/dfs/dfstab file has only one file system selected to be shared
with the -public option. Only one public file handle can be established per server, so only
one file system per server can be shared with this option.
WARNING: No network locking on hostname:path: contact admin to install server
Description: An NFS client has unsuccessfully attempted to establish a connection with the
network lock manager on an NFS server. Rather than fail the mount, this warning is
generated to warn you that locking does not work.
Solution: Upgrade the server with a new version of the OS that provides complete lock

manager support.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)

This chapter describes the NFS commands, as well as the different parts of the NFS
environment and how these parts work together.

NFS Files on page 129

NFS Daemons on page 132
NFS Commands on page 144
Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems on page 163
NFS Over RDMA on page 168
How the NFS Service Works on page 170
How Mirror Mounts Work on page 191
How NFS Referrals Work on page 192
Autofs Maps on page 193
How Autofs Works on page 198
Autofs Reference on page 210

Note If your system has zones enabled and you want to use this feature in a non-global zone,

see Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource
Management for more information.

NFS Files
You need several files to support NFS activities on any computer. Many of these files are ASCII,
but some of the files are data files. Table 61 lists these files and their functions.

NFS Files

File Name



Lists the default file-system type for local file systems.


NFS Files


NFS Files


File Name



Lists configuration information for the NFS server logging daemon,



Lists the local resources to be shared.


Lists the default file-system types for remote file systems.


Lists the local and remote resources that are shared. See the sharetab(4)
man page. Do not edit this file.


Lists file systems that are currently mounted, including automounted

directories. See the mnttab(4) man page. Do not edit this file.


Lists the transport protocols. Do not edit this file.


Lists general configuration information for NFS server logging.


Lists information for log postprocessing by nfslogd. Do not edit this



Lists NFS security services.


Lists file systems that are remotely mounted by NFS clients. See the
rmtab(4) man page. Do not edit this file.


Defines file systems to be mounted locally. See the vfstab(4) man page.

The first entry in /etc/dfs/fstypes is often used as the default file-system type for remote file
systems. This entry defines the NFS file-system type as the default.
Only one entry is in /etc/default/fs: the default file-system type for local disks. You can
determine the file-system types that are supported on a client or server by checking the files in

/etc/default/nfslogd File
This file defines some of the parameters that are used when using NFS server logging. The
following parameters can be defined.
Determines the number of hours that must pass before the log files are cycled. The default
value is 24 hours. This option is used to prevent the log files from growing too large.
Sets the number of seconds nfslogd should sleep before checking for more information in
the buffer file. This parameter also determines how often the configuration file is checked.
This parameter, along with MIN_PROCESSING_SIZE, determines how often the buffer file

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Files

is processed. The default value is 300 seconds. Increasing this number can improve
performance by reducing the number of checks.
Specifies the number of seconds between updates of the records in the file-handle-to-path
mapping tables. The default value is 86400 seconds or one day. This parameter helps keep
the file-handle-to-path mapping tables up-to-date without having to continually update the
Determines the number of log files to be saved. The default value is 10.
Sets the minimum number of bytes that the buffer file must reach before processing and
writing to the log file. This parameter, along with IDLE_TIME, determines how often the
buffer file is processed. The default value is 524288 bytes. Increasing this number can
improve performance by reducing the number of times the buffer file is processed.
Selects the number of hours that must pass before a file-handle-to-path mapping record
times out and can be reduced. The default value is 168 hours or 7 days.
Specifies the file mode creation mask for the log files that are created by nfslogd. The default
value is 0137.

/etc/nfs/nfslog.conf File
This file defines the path, file names, and type of logging to be used by nfslogd. Each definition
is associated with a tag. Starting NFS server logging requires that you identify the tag for each
file system. The global tag defines the default values. You can use the following parameters with
each tag as needed.
Specifies the default directory path for the logging files. Unless you specify differently, the
default directory is /var/nfs.
Sets the path and file name for the log files. The default is /var/nfs/nfslog.
Selects the path and file name for the file-handle-to-path database files. The default is
Determines the path and file name for the buffer files. The default is
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Daemons

Selects the format to be used when creating user-readable log files. The basic format
produces a log file that is similar to some ftpd daemons. The extended format gives a more
detailed view.
If the path is not specified, the path that is defined by defaultdir is used. Also, you can override
defaultdir by using an absolute path.
To identify the files more easily, place the files in separate directories. Here is an example of the
changes that are needed.
% cat /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf
#ident "@(#)nfslog.conf
# NFS server log configuration file.

99/02/21 SMI"

global defaultdir=/var/nfs \
log=nfslog fhtable=fhtable buffer=nfslog_workbuffer
publicftp log=logs/nfslog fhtable=fh/fhtables buffer=buffers/workbuffer

In this example, any file system that is shared with log=publicftp uses the following values:

The default directory is /var/nfs.

Log files are stored in /var/nfs/logs/nfslog*.
File-handle-to-path database tables are stored in /var/nfs/fh/fhtables.
Buffer files are stored in /var/nfs/buffers/workbuffer.

For procedural information, refer to How to Enable NFS Server Logging on page 84.

NFS Daemons
To support NFS activities, several daemons are started when a system goes into run level 3 or
multiuser mode. The mountd and nfsd daemons are run on systems that are servers. The
automatic startup of the server daemons depends on the existence of entries that are labeled
with the NFS file-system type in /etc/dfs/sharetab. To support NFS file locking, the lockd
and statd daemons are run on NFS clients and servers. However, unlike previous versions of
NFS, in NFS version 4, the daemons lockd, statd, mountd, and nfslogd are not used.
This section describes the following daemons.


automountd Daemon on page 133

lockd Daemon on page 134
mountd Daemon on page 135
nfs4cbd Daemon on page 135

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Daemons

nfsd Daemon on page 135

nfslogd Daemon on page 136
nfsmapid Daemon on page 137
reparsed Daemon on page 143
statd Daemon on page 143

automountd Daemon
This daemon handles the mounting and unmounting requests from the autofs service. The
syntax of the command is as follows:
automountd [ -Tnv ] [ -D name=value ]
The command behaves in the following ways:

-T enables tracing.

-n disables browsing on all autofs nodes.

-v selects to log all status messages to the console.

-D name=value substitutes value for the automount map variable that is indicated by name.

The default value for the automount map is /etc/auto_master. Use the -T option for
The same specifications you would make on the command line can be made using the sharectl
command. However, unlike the command line options, the SMF repository preserves your
specifications, through service restarts, system reboots, as well as system upgrades. These are
the parameters that can be set for the automountd daemon.
Logs status messages to the console and is the equivalent of the -v argument for the
automountd daemon. The default value is FALSE.
Turns browsing on or off for all autofs mount points and is the equivalent of the -n argument
for automountd. The default value is FALSE.
Expands each remote procedure call (RPC) and displays the expanded RPC on standard
output. This keyword is the equivalent of the -T argument for automountd. The default value
is 0. Values can range from 0 to 5.
Permits you to assign different values to different environments. This keyword is the
equivalent of the -D argument for automountd. The environment parameter can be used
multiple times. However, you must use separate entries for each environment assignment.
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Daemons

lockd Daemon
This daemon supports record-locking operations on NFS files. The lockd daemon manages
RPC connections between the client and the server for the Network Lock Manager (NLM)
protocol. The daemon is normally started without any options. You can use three options with
this command. See the lockd(1M) man page. These options can either be used from the
command line or setting parameters using the sharectl command. The following are
descriptions of parameters that can be set.
Note The LOCKD_GRACE_PERIOD keyword and the -g option have been deprecated. The

deprecated keyword is replaced with the new grace_period parameter. If both keywords are
set, the value for grace_period overrides the value for LOCKD_GRACE_PERIOD. See the
description of grace_period that follows.
Like LOCKD_GRACE_PERIOD, the grace_period=graceperiodparameter sets the number of
seconds after a server reboot that the clients have to reclaim both NFS version 3 locks, provided
by NLM, and version 4 locks. Thus, the value for grace_period controls the length of the grace
period for lock recovery, for both NFS version 3 and NFS version 4.
The lockd_retransmit_timeout=timeout parameter selects the number of seconds to wait
before retransmitting a lock request to the remote server. This option affects the NFS client-side
service. The default value for timeout is 15 seconds. Decreasing the timeout value can improve
response time for NFS clients on a noisy network. However, this change can cause additional
server load by increasing the frequency of lock requests. The same parameter can be used from
the command line by starting the daemon with the -t timeout option.
The lockd_servers=nthreads parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent threads
that the server handles per connection. Base the value for nthreads on the load that is expected
on the NFS server. The default value is 20. Each NFS client that uses TCP uses a single
connection with the NFS server. Therefore, each client can use a maximum of 20 concurrent
threads on the server.
All NFS clients that use UDP share a single connection with the NFS server. Under these
conditions, you might have to increase the number of threads that are available for the UDP
connection. A minimum calculation would be to allow two threads for each UDP client.
However, this number is specific to the workload on the client, so two threads per client might
not be sufficient. The disadvantage to using more threads is that when the threads are used,
more memory is used on the NFS server. If the threads are never used, however, increasing
nthreads has no effect. The same parameter can be used from the command line by starting the
daemon with the nthreads option.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Daemons

mountd Daemon
This daemon handles file-system mount requests from remote systems and provides access
control. The mountd daemon checks /etc/dfs/sharetab to determine which file systems are
available for remote mounting and which systems are allowed to do the remote mounting. You
can use the -v option and the -r option with this command. See the mountd(1M) man page.
The -v option runs the command in verbose mode. Every time an NFS server determines the
access that a client should be granted, a message is printed on the console. The information that
is generated can be useful when trying to determine why a client cannot access a file system.
The -r option rejects all future mount requests from clients. This option does not affect clients
that already have a file system mounted.
Note NFS version 4 does not use this daemon.

In addition to the command line options, several SMF parameters can be used to configure the
mountd daemon.
Sets the minimum version of the NFS protocol to be used by the NFS client. The default is 2.
Other valid values include 3 or 4. Refer to Setting Up NFS Services on page 91.
Sets the maximum version of the NFS protocol to be used by the NFS client. The default is 4.
Other valid values include 2 or 3. Refer to Setting Up NFS Services on page 91.

nfs4cbd Daemon
nfs4cbd, which is for the exclusive use of the NFS version 4 client, manages the communication
endpoints for the NFS version 4 callback program. The daemon has no user-accessible
interface. For more information, see the nfs4cbd(1M) man page.

nfsd Daemon
This daemon handles other client file-system requests. You can use several options with this
command. See the nfsd(1M) man page for a complete listing. These options can either be used
from the command line or by setting the appropriate SMF parameter with the sharectl
The listen_backlog=length parameter sets the length of the connection queue over
connection-oriented transports for NFS and TCP. The default value is 32 entries. The same
selection can be made from the command line by starting nfsd with the -l option.
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Daemons

The max_connections=#-conn parameter selects the maximum number of connections per

connection-oriented transport. The default value for #-conn is unlimited. The same parameter
can be used from the command line by starting the daemon with the -c #-conn option.
The servers=nservers parameter selects the maximum number of concurrent requests that a
server can handle. The default value for nservers is 16. The same selection can be made from the
command line by starting nfsd with the nservers option.
Unlike older versions of this daemon, nfsd does not spawn multiple copies to handle
concurrent requests. Checking the process table with ps only shows one copy of the daemon
In addition, these SMF parameters can be used to configure the mountd daemon. These
parameters do not have command line equivalents:
Sets the minimum version of the NFS protocol to be registered and offered by the server. The
default is 2. Other valid values include 3 or 4. Refer to Setting Up NFS Services on page 91.
Sets the maximum version of the NFS protocol to be registered and offered by the server. The
default is 4. Other valid values include 2 or 3. Refer to Setting Up NFS Services on page 91.
Controls whether the NFS version 4 delegation feature is enabled for the server. If this
feature is enabled, the server attempts to provide delegations to the NFS version 4 client. By
default, server delegation is enabled. To disable server delegation, see How to Select
Different Versions of NFS on a Server on page 93. For more information, refer to
Delegation in NFS Version 4 on page 177.

nfslogd Daemon
This daemon provides operational logging. NFS operations that are logged against a server are
based on the configuration options that are defined in /etc/default/nfslogd. When NFS
server logging is enabled, records of all RPC operations on a selected file system are written to a
buffer file by the kernel. Then nfslogd postprocesses these requests. The name service switch is
used to help map UIDs to logins and IP addresses to host names. The number is recorded if no
match can be found through the identified name services.
Mapping of file handles to path names is also handled by nfslogd. The daemon tracks these
mappings in a file-handle-to-path mapping table. One mapping table exists for each tag that is
identified in /etc/nfs/nfslogd. After post-processing, the records are written to ASCII log

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Daemons

Note NFS version 4 does not use this daemon.

nfsmapid Daemon
Version 4 of the NFS protocol (RFC3530) changed the way user or group identifiers (UID or
GID) are exchanged between the client and server. The protocol requires that a file's owner and
group attributes be exchanged between an NFS version 4 client and an NFS version 4 server as
strings in the form of user@nfsv4_domain or group@nfsv4_domain, respectively.
For example, user known_user has a UID 123456 on an NFS version 4 client whose fully
qualified hostname is For the client to make requests to the NFS version
4 server, the client must map the UID 123456 to and then send this
attribute to the NFS version 4 server. The NFS version 4 server expects to receive user and group
file attributes in the user_or_group@nfsv4_domain format. After the server receives from the client, the server maps the string to the local UID 123456,
which is understood by the underlying file system. This functionality assumes that every UID
and GID in the network is unique and that the NFS version 4 domains on the client match the
NFS version 4 domains on the server.
Note If the server does not recognize the given user or group name, even if the NFS version 4
domains match, the server is unable to map the user or group name to its unique ID, an integer
value. Under such circumstances, the server maps the inbound user or group name to the
nobody user. To prevent such occurrences, administrators should avoid making special
accounts that only exist on the NFS version 4 client.

The NFS version 4 client and server are both capable of performing integer-to-string and
string-to-integer conversions. For example, in response to a GETATTR operation, the NFS
version 4 server maps UIDs and GIDs obtained from the underlying file system into their
respective string representation and sends this information to the client. Alternately, the client
must also map UIDs and GIDs into string representations. For example, in response to the
chown command, the client maps the new UID or GID to a string representation before sending
a SETATTR operation to the server.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Daemons

Note, however, that the client and server respond differently to unrecognized strings:

If the user does not exist on the server, even within the same NFS version 4 domain
configuration, the server rejects the remote procedure call (RPC) and returns an error
message to the client. This situation limits the operations that can be performed by the
remote user.

If the user exists on both the client and server, but they have mismatched domains, the
server rejects the attribute modifying operations (such as SETATTR) that require the server
to map the inbound user string to an integer value that the underlying file system can
understand. For NFS version 4 clients and servers to function properly, their NFS version 4
domains, the portion of the string after the @ sign, should match.

If the NFS version 4 client does not recognize a user or group name from the server, the
client is unable to map the string to its unique ID, an integer value. Under such
circumstances, the client maps the inbound user or group string to the nobody user. This
mapping to nobody creates varied problems for different applications. As for NFS version 4
functionality, operations that modify file attributes will fail.

You can change the domain name for the clients and servers using the sharectl command with
the following option.
Sets a common domain for clients and servers. Overrides the default behavior of using the
local DNS domain name. For task information, refer to Setting Up NFS Services on
page 91.

Configuration Files and nfsmapid

The following describes how the nfsmapid daemon uses the SMF configuration information
found in svc:system/name-service/switch and in svc:/network/dns/client:


nfsmapid uses standard C library functions to request password and group information
from back-end name services. These name services are controlled by the settings in the
svc:system/name-service/switch SMF service. Any changes to the service properties
affect nfsmapid operations. For more information about the
svc:system/name-service/switch SMF service, see the nsswitch.conf(4) man page.

To ensure that the NFS version 4 clients are capable of mounting file systems from different
domains, nfsmapid relies on the configuration of the DNS TXT resource record (RR),
_nfsv4idmapdomain. For more information about configuring the _nfsv4idmapdomain
resource record, see nfsmapid and DNS TXT Records on page 140. Also, note the

The DNS TXT RR should be explicitly configured on the DNS server with the desired
domain information.

The svc:system/name-service/switch SMF service should be configured with the

desired parameters to enable the resolver to find the DNS server and search the TXT
records for client and server NFS version 4 domains.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Daemons

For more information, see the following:

Precedence Rules on page 139

Configuring the NFS Version 4 Default Domain on page 141
resolv.conf(4) man page

Precedence Rules
For nfsmapid to work properly, NFS version 4 clients and servers must have the same domain.
To ensure matching NFS version 4 domains, nfsmapid follows these strict precedence rules:
1. The daemon first checks the SMF repository for a value that has been assigned to the
nfsmapid_domain parameter. If a value is found, the assigned value takes precedence over
any other settings. The assigned value is appended to the outbound attribute strings and is
compared against inbound attribute strings. For procedural information, see Setting Up
NFS Services on page 91.
Note The use of the NFSMAPID_DOMAIN setting is not scalable and is not recommended
for large deployments.

2. If no value has been assigned to nfsmapid_domain, then the daemon checks for a domain
name from a DNS TXT RR. nfsmapid relies on directives in the /etc/resolv.conf file that
are used by the set of routines in the resolver. The resolver searches through the
configured DNS servers for the _nfsv4idmapdomain TXT RR. Note that the use of DNS TXT
records is more scalable. For this reason, continued use of TXT records is much preferred
over setting the the parameter in the SMF repository.
3. If no DNS TXT record is configured to provide a domain name, then the nfsmapid daemon
uses the value specified by the domain or search directive in the /etc/resolv.conf file,
with the directive specified last taking precedence.
In the following example, where both the domain and search directives are used, the
nfsmapid daemon uses the first domain listed after the search directive, which is

4. If the /etc/resolv.conf file does not exist, nfsmapid obtains the NFS version 4 domain
name by following the behavior of the domainname command. Specifically, if the
/etc/defaultdomain file exists, nfsmapid uses the contents of that file for the NFS version 4
domain. If the /etc/defaultdomain file does not exist, nfsmapid uses the domain name
that is provided by the network's configured naming service. For more information, see the
domainname(1M) man page.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Daemons

nfsmapid and DNS TXT Records

The ubiquitous nature of DNS provides an efficient storage and distribution mechanism for the
NFS version 4 domain name. Additionally, because of the inherent scalability of DNS, the use of
DNS TXT resource records is the preferred method for configuring the NFS version 4 domain
name for large deployments. You should configure the _nfsv4idmapdomain TXT record on
enterprise-level DNS servers. Such configurations ensure that any NFS version 4 client or server
can find its NFS version 4 domain by traversing the DNS tree.
The following is an example of a preferred entry for enabling the DNS server to provide the NFS
version 4 domain name:




In this example, the domain name to configure is the value that is enclosed in double-quotes.
Note that no ttl field is specified and that no domain is appended to _nfsv4idmapdomain,
which is the value in the owner field. This configuration enables the TXT record to use the
zone's ${ORIGIN} entry from the Start-Of-Authority (SOA) record. For example, at different
levels of the domain namespace, the record could read as follows:




This configuration provides DNS clients with the added flexibility of using the resolv.conf file
to search up the DNS tree hierarchy. See the resolv.conf(4) man page. This capability
provides a higher probability of finding the TXT record. For even more flexibility, lower level
DNS sub-domains can define their own DNS TXT resource records (RRs). This capability
enables lower level DNS sub-domains to override the TXT record that is defined by the top level
DNS domain.
Note The domain that is specified by the TXT record can be an arbitrary string that does not

necessarily match the DNS domain for clients and servers that use NFS version 4. You have the
option of not sharing NFS version 4 data with other DNS domains.

Checking for the NFS Version 4 Domain

Before assigning a value for your network's NFS version 4 domain, check to see if an NFS
version 4 domain has already been configured for your network. The following examples
provide ways of identifying your network's NFS version 4 domain.

To identify the NFS version 4 domain from a DNS TXT RR, use either the nslookup or the
dig command:
The following provides sample output for the nslookup command:
# nslookup -q=txt _nfsv4idmapdomain


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Daemons text = ""

See this sample output for the dig command:

# dig -t TXT _nfsv4idmapdomain
; IN



For information about setting up a DNS TXT RR, see nfsmapid and DNS TXT Records on
page 140.

If your network is not setup with a NFS version 4 DNS TXT RR, use the following command
to identify your NFS version 4 domain from the DNS domain name:
# egrep domain /etc/resolv.conf

If the /etc/resolv.conf file is not configured to provide a DNS domain name for the client,
use the following command to identify the domain from the network's NFS version 4
domain configuration:
# cat /system/volatile/nfs4_domain

If you are using a different naming service, such as NIS, use the following command to
identify the domain for the naming service configured for your network:
# domainname

For more information, see the following man pages:


Configuring the NFS Version 4 Default Domain

This section describes how the network obtains the desired default domain:

For most current releases, see Configuring an NFS Version 4 Default Domain in the Oracle
Solaris 11 Release on page 142.
For the initial Solaris 10 release, see Configuring an NFS Version 4 Default Domain in the
Solaris 10 Release on page 142.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Daemons

Configuring an NFS Version 4 Default Domain in the Oracle Solaris 11 Release

In the Oracle Solaris 11 release, the default NFS domain version can be set using from the
command line by typing the following command:
# sharectl set -p nfs
Note Because of the inherent ubiquitous and scalable nature of DNS, the use of DNS TXT
records for configuring the domain of large NFS version 4 deployments continues to be
preferred and strongly encouraged. See nfsmapid and DNS TXT Records on page 140.

Configuring an NFS Version 4 Default Domain in the Solaris 10 Release

In the initial Solaris 10 release of NFS version 4, if your network includes multiple DNS
domains, but only has a single UID and GID namespace, all clients must use one value for
nfsmapid_domain. For sites that use DNS, nfsmapid resolves this issue by obtaining the domain
name from the value that you assigned to _nfsv4idmapdomain. For more information, see
nfsmapid and DNS TXT Records on page 140. If your network is not configured to use DNS,
during the first system boot the OS uses the sysidconfig utility to provide the following
prompts for an NFS version 4 domain name:
This system is configured with NFS version 4, which uses a
domain name that is automatically derived from the systems
name services. The derived domain name is sufficient for most
configurations. In a few cases, mounts that cross different
domains might cause files to be owned by nobody due to the
lack of a common domain name.
Do you need to override the systems default NFS verion 4 domain
name (yes/no)? [no]

The default response is [no]. If you choose [no], you see the following:
For more information about how the NFS version 4 default domain name is
derived and its impact, refer to the man pages for nfsmapid(1M) and
nfs(4), and the System Administration Guide: Network Services.

If you choose [yes], you see this prompt:

Enter the domain to be used as the NFS version 4 domain name.
NFS version 4 domain name []:
Note If a value for nfsmapid_domain exists in the SMF repository, the [domain_name] that you

provide overrides that value.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Daemons

Additional Information About nfsmapid

For more information about nfsmapid, see the following:

nfsmapid(1M) man page

nfs(4) man page
ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4 on page 179

reparsed Daemon
The reparsed daemon interprets the data associated with a reparse point, which are used by
DFS and NFS referrals on SMB and NFS file servers. This service is managed by SMF and
should not be manually started.

statd Daemon
This daemon works with lockd to provide crash and recovery functions for the lock manager.
The statd daemon tracks the clients that hold locks on an NFS server. If a server crashes, on
rebooting statd on the server contacts statd on the client. The client statd can then attempt
to reclaim any locks on the server. The client statd also informs the server statd when a client
has crashed so that the client's locks on the server can be cleared. You have no options to select
with this daemon. For more information, see the statd(1M) man page.
In the Solaris 7 release, the way that statd tracks the clients has been improved. In all earlier
Solaris releases, statd created files in /var/statmon/sm for each client by using the client's
unqualified host name. This file naming caused problems if you had two clients in different
domains that shared a host name, or if clients were not resident in the same domain as the NFS
server. Because the unqualified host name only lists the host name, without any domain or
IP-address information, the older version of statd had no way to differentiate between these
types of clients. To fix this problem, the Solaris 7 statd creates a symbolic link in
/var/statmon/sm to the unqualified host name by using the IP address of the client. The new
link resembles the following:
# ls -l /var/statmon/sm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 daemon
lrwxrwxrwx 1 daemon
--w------- 1 daemon
--w------- 1 daemon





ipv4. -> myhost

ipv6.fec0::56:a00:20ff:feb9:2734 -> v6host

In this example, the client host name is myhost and the client's IP address is
If another host with the name myhost were mounting a file system, two symbolic links would
lead to the host name.
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

Note NFS version 4 does not use this daemon.

NFS Commands
These commands must be run as root to be fully effective, but requests for information can be
made by all users:

automount Command on page 144

clear_locks Command on page 145
fsstat Command on page 145
mount Command on page 146
mountall Command on page 152
nfsref Command on page 162
setmnt Command on page 162
sharectl Command on page 153
share Command on page 156
shareall Command on page 160
showmount Command on page 161
umount Command on page 151
umountall Command on page 153
unshare Command on page 160
unshareall Command on page 161

automount Command
This command installs autofs mount points and associates the information in the automaster
files with each mount point. The syntax of the command is as follows:
automount [ -t duration ] [ -v ]
-t duration sets the time, in seconds, that a file system is to remain mounted, and -v selects the
verbose mode. Running this command in the verbose mode allows for easier troubleshooting.
If not specifically set, the value for duration is set to 5 minutes. In most circumstances, this value
is good. However, on systems that have many automounted file systems, you might need to
increase the duration value. In particular, if a server has many users active, checking the
automounted file systems every 5 minutes can be inefficient. Checking the autofs file systems
every 1800 seconds, which is 30 minutes, could be more optimal. By not unmounting the file
systems every 5 minutes, /etc/mnttab can become large. To reduce the output when df checks
each entry in /etc/mnttab, you can filter the output from df by using the -F option (see the
df(1M) man page) or by using egrep.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

You should consider that adjusting the duration also changes how quickly changes to the
automounter maps are reflected. Changes cannot be seen until the file system is unmounted.
Refer to Modifying the Maps on page 103 for instructions on how to modify automounter
The same specifications you would make on the command line can be made using the sharectl
command. However, unlike the command line options, the SMF repository preserves your
specifications, through service restarts, system reboots, as well as system upgrades. These are
the parameters that can be set for the automount command.
Sets the duration for a file system to remain idle before the file system is unmounted. This
keyword is the equivalent of the -t argument for the automount command. The default value
is 600.
Provides notification of autofs mounts, unmounts, and other nonessential events. This
keyword is the equivalent of the -v argument for automount. The default value is FALSE.

clear_locks Command
This command enables you to remove all file, record, and share locks for an NFS client. You
must be root to run this command. From an NFS server, you can clear the locks for a specific
client. From an NFS client, you can clear locks for that client on a specific server. The following
example would clear the locks for the NFS client that is named tulip on the current system.
# clear_locks tulip

Using the -s option enables you to specify which NFS host to clear the locks from. You must
run this option from the NFS client, which created the locks. In this situation, the locks from the
client would be removed from the NFS server that is named bee.
# clear_locks -s bee
Caution This command should only be run when a client crashes and cannot clear its locks. To
avoid data corruption problems, do not clear locks for an active client.

fsstat Command
The fsstat utility enables you to monitor file system operations by file system type and by
mount point. Various options allow you to customize the output. See the following examples.
This example shows output for NFS version 3, version 4, and the root mount point.
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

% fsstat

nfs3 nfs4 /
name name
remov chng
90 3.65K
18.1K 1.12K




rddir read read

ops bytes
26.6K 109K 118M
8.82K 65.4K 827M
1.76M 22.4M 20.1G


8.16G nfs3
223K nfs4
3.77G /

This example uses the -i option to provide statistics about the I/O operations for NFS version 3,
version 4, and the root mount point.
% fsstat -i nfs3
ops bytes
22.4M 20.1G

nfs4 /





170K nfs3
74.1K nfs4
25.5M /

This example uses the -n option to provide statistics about the naming operations for NFS
version 3, version 4, and the root mount point.
% fsstat

-n nfs3 nfs4 /
creat remov link
25.2K 18.1K 114

renam mkdir rmdir


rddir symlnk rdlnk

11 136K nfs3
356 1.20K nfs4
12 8.23M /

For more information, see the fsstat(1M) man page.

mount Command
With this command, you can attach a named file system, either local or remote, to a specified
mount point. For more information, see the mount(1M) man page. Used without arguments,
mount displays a list of file systems that are currently mounted on your computer.
Many types of file systems are included in the standard Oracle Solaris installation. Each
file-system type has a specific man page that lists the options to mount that are appropriate for
that file-system type. The man page for NFS file systems is mount_nfs(1M). For UFS file
systems, see mount_ufs(1M).
The Solaris 7 release includes the ability to select a path name to mount from an NFS server by
using an NFS URL instead of the standard server:/pathname syntax. See How to Mount an
NFS File System Using an NFS URL on page 90 for further information.
Caution The version of the mount command does not warn about invalid options. The
command silently ignores any options that cannot be interpreted. Ensure that you verify all of
the options that were used so that you can prevent unexpected behavior.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

mount Options for NFS File Systems

The subsequent text lists some of the options that can follow the -o flag when you are mounting
an NFS file system. For a complete list of options, refer to the mount_nfs(1M) man page.
These options can be used to select the retry behavior if a mount fails. The bg option causes
the mount attempts to be run in the background. The fg option causes the mount attempt to
be run in the foreground. The default is fg, which is the best selection for file systems that
must be available. This option prevents further processing until the mount is complete. bg is
a good selection for noncritical file systems because the client can do other processing while
waiting for the mount request to be completed.
This option improves performance of large sequential data transfers. Data is copied directly
to a user buffer. No caching is performed in the kernel on the client. This option is off by
Previously, all write requests were serialized by both the NFS client and the NFS server. The
NFS client has been modified to permit an application to issue concurrent writes, as well as
concurrent reads and writes, to a single file. You can enable this functionality on the client by
using the forcedirectio mount option. When you use this option, you are enabling this
functionality for all files within the mounted file system. You could also enable this
functionality on a single file on the client by using the directio() interface. Unless this
functionality has been enabled, writes to files are serialized. Also, if concurrent writes or
concurrent reads and writes are occurring, then POSIX semantics are no longer being
supported for that file.
For an example of how to use this option, refer to Using the mount Command on page 149.
With this option, you can access files that are larger than 2 Gbytes. Whether a large file can
be accessed can only be controlled on the server, so this option is silently ignored on NFS
version 3 mounts. By default, all UFS file systems are mounted with largefiles. For mounts
that use the NFS version 2 protocol, the largefiles option causes the mount to fail with an
This option for UFS mounts guarantees that no large files can exist on the file system. See the
mount_ufs(1M) man page. Because the existence of large files can only be controlled on the
NFS server, no option for nolargefiles exists when using NFS mounts. Attempts to
NFS-mount a file system by using this option are rejected with an error.
The nosuid option is the equivalent of specifying the nodevices option with the nosetuid
option. When the nodevices option is specified, the opening of device-special files on the
mounted file system is disallowed. When the nosetuid option is specified, the setuid bit
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

and setgid bit in binary files that are located in the file system are ignored. The processes
run with the privileges of the user who executes the binary file.
The suid option is the equivalent of specifying the devices option with the setuid option.
When the devices option is specified, the opening of device-special files on the mounted file
system is allowed. When the setuid option is specified, the setuid bit and the setgid bit in
binary files that are located in the file system are honored by the kernel.
If neither option is specified, the default option is suid, which provides the default behavior
of specifying the devices option with the setuid option.
The following table describes the effect of combining nosuid or suid with devices or
nodevices, and setuid or nosetuid. Note that in each combination of options, the most
restrictive option determines the behavior.
Behavior From the Combined




The equivalent of
nosetuid with




The equivalent of
nosetuid with




The equivalent of
nosetuid with




The equivalent of
nosetuid with




The equivalent of
nosetuid with




The equivalent of
nosetuid with devices




The equivalent of setuid suid

with nodevices



The equivalent of setuid suid

with devices



The nosuid option provides additional security for NFS clients that access potentially
untrusted servers. The mounting of remote file systems with this option reduces the chance

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

of privilege escalation through importing untrusted devices or importing untrusted setuid

binary files. All these options are available in all Oracle Solaris file systems.
This option forces the use of the public file handle when contacting the NFS server. If the
public file handle is supported by the server, the mounting operation is faster because the
MOUNT protocol is not used. Also, because the MOUNT protocol is not used, the public
option allows mounting to occur through a firewall.
The -rw and -ro options indicate whether a file system is to be mounted read-write or
read-only. The default is read-write, which is the appropriate option for remote home
directories, mail-spooling directories, or other file systems that need to be changed by users.
The read-only option is appropriate for directories that should not be changed by users. For
example, shared copies of the man pages should not be writable by users.
You can use this option to specify the authentication mechanism to be used during the
mount transaction. The value for mode can be one of the following.

Use krb5 for Kerberos version 5 authentication service.

Use krb5i for Kerberos version 5 with integrity.
Use krb5p for Kerberos version 5 with privacy.
Use none for no authentication.
Use dh for Diffie-Hellman (DH) authentication.
Use sys for standard UNIX authentication.

The modes are also defined in /etc/nfssec.conf.

An NFS file system that is mounted with the soft option returns an error if the server does
not respond. The hard option causes the mount to continue to retry until the server
responds. The default is hard, which should be used for most file systems. Applications
frequently do not check return values from soft-mounted file systems, which can make the
application fail or can lead to corrupted files. If the application does check the return values,
routing problems and other conditions can still confuse the application or lead to file
corruption if the soft option is used. In most situations, the soft option should not be used.
If a file system is mounted by using the hard option and becomes unavailable, an application
that uses this file system hangs until the file system becomes available.

Using the mount Command

Refer to the following examples.

In NFS version 2 or version 3, both of these commands mount an NFS file system from the
server bee read-only.
# mount -F nfs -r bee:/export/share/man /usr/man
# mount -F nfs -o ro bee:/export/share/man /usr/man

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

In NFS version 4, the following command line would accomplish the same mount.
# mount -F nfs -o vers=4 -r bee:/export/share/man /usr/man

In NFS version 2 or version 3, this command uses the -O option to force the man pages from
the server bee to be mounted on the local system even if /usr/man has already been
mounted. See the following.
# mount -F nfs -O bee:/export/share/man /usr/man

In NFS version 4, the following command line would accomplish the same mount.
# mount -F nfs -o vers=4 -O bee:/export/share/man /usr/man

In NFS version 2 or version 3, this command uses client failover.

# mount -F nfs -r bee,wasp:/export/share/man /usr/man

In NFS version 4, the following command line uses client failover.

# mount -F nfs -o vers=4 -r bee,wasp:/export/share/man /usr/man
Note When used from the command line, the listed servers must support the same version

of the NFS protocol. Do not use both version 2 and version 3 servers when running mount
from the command line. You can use both servers with autofs. Autofs automatically selects
the best subset of version 2 or version 3 servers.

Here is an example of using an NFS URL with the mount command in NFS version 2 or
version 3.
# mount -F nfs nfs://bee//export/share/man /usr/man

Here is an example of using an NFS URL with the mount command in NFS version 4.
# mount -F nfs -o vers=4 nfs://bee//export/share/man /usr/man

Use the forcedirectio mount option to enable the client to permit concurrent writes, as
well as concurrent reads and writes, to a file. Here is an example.
# mount -F nfs -o forcedirectio bee:/home/somebody /mnt

In this example, the command mounts an NFS file system from the server bee and enables
concurrent reads and writes for each file in the directory /mnt. When support for concurrent
reads and writes is enabled, the following occurs.


The client permits applications to write to a file in parallel.

Caching is disabled on the client. Consequently, data from reads and writes is kept on
the server. More explicitly, because the client does not cache the data that is read or
written, any data that the application does not already have cached for itself is read from
the server. The client's operating system does not have a copy of this data. Normally, the
NFS client caches data in the kernel for applications to use.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

Because caching is disabled on the client, the read-ahead and write-behind processes are
disabled. A read-ahead process occurs when the kernel anticipates the data that an
application might request next. The kernel then starts the process of gathering that data
in advance. The kernel's goal is to have the data ready before the application makes a
request for the data.
The client uses the write-behind process to increase write throughput. Instead of
immediately starting an I/O operation every time an application writes data to a file, the
data is cached in memory. Later, the data is written to the disk.
Potentially, the write-behind process permits the data to be written in larger chunks or to
be written asynchronously from the application. Typically, the result of using larger
chunks is increased throughput. Asynchronous writes permit overlap between
application processing and I/O processing. Also, asynchronous writes permit the storage
subsystem to optimize the I/O by providing a better sequencing of the I/O. Synchronous
writes force a sequence of I/O on the storage subsystem that might not be optimal.

Significant performance degradation can occur if the application is not prepared to

handle the semantics of data that is not being cached. Multithreaded applications avoid
this problem.

Note If support for concurrent writes is not enabled, all write requests are serialized. When

requests are serialized, the following occurs. When a write request is in progress, a second
write request has to wait for the first write request to be completed before proceeding.

Use the mount command with no arguments to display file systems that are mounted on a
client. See the following.
% mount
/ on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 read/write/setuid on Wed Apr 7 13:20:47 2004
/usr on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 read/write/setuid on Wed Apr 7 13:20:47 20041995
/proc on /proc read/write/setuid on Wed Apr 7 13:20:47 2004
/dev/fd on fd read/write/setuid on Wed Apr 7 13:20:47 2004
/tmp on swap read/write on Wed Apr 7 13:20:51 2004
/opt on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 setuid/read/write on Wed Apr 7 13:20:51 20041995
/home/kathys on bee:/export/home/bee7/kathys
intr/noquota/nosuid/remote on Wed Apr 24 13:22:13 2004

umount Command
This command enables you to remove a remote file system that is currently mounted. The
umount command supports the -V option to allow for testing. You might also use the -a option
to unmount several file systems at one time. If mount-points are included with the -a option,
those file systems are unmounted. If no mount points are included, an attempt is made to
unmount all file systems that are listed in /etc/mnttab except for the required file systems,
such as /, /usr, /var, /proc, /dev/fd, and /tmp. Because the file system is already mounted and
should have an entry in /etc/mnttab, you do not need to include a flag for the file-system type.
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

The -f option forces a busy file system to be unmounted. You can use this option to unhang a
client that is hung while trying to mount an unmountable file system.
Caution By forcing an unmount of a file system, you can cause data loss if files are being written

See the following examples.

Unmounting a File System

This example unmounts a file system that is mounted on /usr/man:

# umount /usr/man

Using Options with umount

This example displays the results of running umount -a -V:

# umount -a -V
umount /home/kathys
umount /opt
umount /home
umount /net

Notice that this command does not actually unmount the file systems.

mountall Command
Use this command to mount all file systems or a specific group of file systems that are listed in a
file-system table. The command provides a way of doing the following:

Selecting the file-system type to be accessed with the -F FSType option

Selecting all the remote file systems that are listed in a file-system table with the -r option

Selecting all the local file systems with the -l option

Because all file systems that are labeled as NFS file-system type are remote file systems, some of
these options are redundant. For more information, see the mountall(1M) man page.
Note that the following two examples of user input are equivalent:
# mountall -F nfs
# mountall -F nfs -r

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

umountall Command
Use this command to unmount a group of file systems. The -k option runs the fuser -k
mount-point command to kill any processes that are associated with the mount-point. The -s
option indicates that unmount is not to be performed in parallel. -l specifies that only local file
systems are to be used, and -r specifies that only remote file systems are to be used. The -h host
option indicates that all file systems from the named host should be unmounted. You cannot
combine the -h option with -l or -r.
The following is an example of unmounting all file systems that are mounted from remote
# umountall -r

The following is an example of unmounting all file systems that are currently mounted from the
server bee:
# umountall -h bee

sharectl Command
This release includes the sharectl utility, which is an administrative tool that enables you to
configure and manage file-sharing protocols, such as NFS. You can use this command to do the

Set client and server operational properties

Display property values for a specific protocol
Obtain the status of a protocol

The sharectl utility uses the following syntax:

# sharectl subcommand [option] [protocol]

The sharectl utility supports the following subcommands:


Subcommands for sharectl Utility




Defines the properties for a file-sharing protocol. For a list of properties and property
values, see the parameters described in the nfs(4) man page.


Displays the properties and property values for the specified protocol.


Displays whether the specified protocol is enabled or disabled. If no protocol is

specified, the status of all file-sharing protocols is displayed.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

For more information about the sharectl utility, see the following:

sharectl(1M) man page

set Subcommand on page 154
get Subcommand on page 154
status Subcommand on page 155

set Subcommand
The set subcommand, which defines the properties for a file-sharing protocol, supports the
following options:

Provides an online-help description


Defines a property for the protocol

The set subcommand uses the following syntax:

# sharectl set [-h] [-p property=value] protocol
Note The following:

You must have root privileges to use the set subcommand.

You do not need to repeat this command-line syntax for each additional property value.
You can use the -p option multiple times to define multiple properties on the same
command line.

The following example sets the minimum version of the NFS protocol for the client to 3:
# sharectl set -p nfs_client_versmin=3 nfs

get Subcommand
The get subcommand, which displays the properties and property values for the specified
protocol, supports the following options:

Provides an online-help description.


Identifies the property value for the specified property. If the -p option is not used, all
property values are displayed.

The get subcommand uses the following syntax:

# sharectl get [-h] [-p property] protocol


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

Note You must have root privileges to use the get subcommand.

The following example uses servers, which is the property that enables you to specify the
maximum number of concurrent NFS requests:
# sharectl get -p servers nfs

In the following example, because the -p option is not used, all property values are displayed:
# sharectl get nfs

status Subcommand
The status subcommand, which displays whether the specified protocol is enabled or disabled,
supports the following option:

Provides an online-help description

The status subcommand uses the following syntax:

# sharectl status [-h] [protocol]

The following example shows the status of the NFS protocol:

# sharectl status nfs

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

share Command
With this command, you can make a local file system on an NFS server available for mounting.
You can also use the share command to display a list of the file systems on your system that are
currently shared. The NFS server must be running for the share command to work.
The objects that can be shared include any directory tree. However, each file system hierarchy is
limited by the disk slice or partition that the file system is located on.
A file system cannot be shared if that file system is part of a larger file system that is already
being shared. For example, if /usr and /usr/local are on one disk slice, /usr can be shared or
/usr/local can be shared. However, if both directories need to be shared with different share
options, /usr/local must be moved to a separate disk slice.
You can gain access to a file system that is read-only shared through the file handle of a file
system that is read-write shared. However, the two file systems have to be on the same disk slice.
You can create a more secure situation. Place those file systems that need to be read-write on a
separate partition or separate disk slice from the file systems that you need to share as read-only.
Note For information about how NFS version 4 functions when a file system is unshared and
then reshared, refer to Unsharing and Resharing a File System in NFS Version 4 on page 171.

Non-File-System-Specific share Options

Some of the options that you can include with the -o flag are as follows.
The pathname file system is shared read-write or read-only for all clients.
The file system is shared read-write for the clients that are listed only. All other requests are
denied. Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release, the list of clients that are defined in accesslist has
been expanded. See Setting Access Lists With the share Command on page 158 for more
information. You can use this option to override an -ro option.

NFS-Specific share Options

The options that you can use with NFS file systems include the following.
This option enables an NFS server that supports the NFS version 2 protocol to be configured
to do access control for NFS version 2 clients. Without this option, all clients are given
minimal access. With this option, the clients have maximal access. For instance, on file
systems that are shared with the -aclok option, if anyone has read permissions, everyone
does. However, without this option, you can deny access to a client who should have access
permissions. A decision to permit too much access or too little access depends on the

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

security systems already in place. See Using Access Control Lists to Protect UFS Files in
Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services for more information about access control
lists (ACLs).
Note To use ACLs, ensure that clients and servers run software that supports the NFS

version 3 and NFS_ACL protocols. If the software only supports the NFS version 3 protocol,
clients obtain correct access but cannot manipulate the ACLs. If the software supports the
NFS_ACL protocol, the clients obtain correct access and can manipulate the ACLs.
You use uid to select the user ID of unauthenticated users. If you set uid to -1, the server
denies access to unauthenticated users. You can grant root access by setting anon=0, but this
option allows unauthenticated users to have root access, so use the root option instead.
When a user accesses an NFS URL, the -index=filename option forces the HTML file to load,
instead of displaying a list of the directory. This option mimics the action of current
browsers if an index.html file is found in the directory that the HTTP URL is accessing. This
option is the equivalent of setting the DirectoryIndex option for httpd. For instance,
suppose that the dfstab file entry resembles the following:
share -F nfs -o ro,public,index=index.html /export/web

These URLs then display the same information:


This option specifies the tag in /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf that contains the NFS server logging
configuration information for a file system. This option must be selected to enable NFS
server logging.
This option signals that all attempts to enable the setuid or setgid mode should be ignored.
NFS clients cannot create files with the setuid or setgid bits on.
The -public option has been added to the share command to enable WebNFS browsing.
Only one file system on a server can be shared with this option.
The server gives root access to the hosts in the list. By default, the server does not give root
access to any remote hosts. If the selected security mode is anything other than -sec=sys,
you can only include client host names in the accesslist. Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release,
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

the list of clients that are defined in accesslist is expanded. See Setting Access Lists With the
share Command on page 158 for more information.
Caution Granting root access to other hosts has wide security implications. Use the -root=
option with extreme caution.

The client-name value is used with AUTH_SYS authentication to check the client's IP
address against a list of addresses provided by exportfs(1B). If a match is found, root access
is given to the file systems being shared.
For secure NFS modes, such as AUTH_SYS or RPCSEC_GSS, the server checks the clients'
principal names against a list of host-based principal names that are derived from an access
list. The generic syntax for the client's principal name is root@hostname. For Kerberos V the
syntax is root/hostname.fully.qualified@REALM. When you use the host-name value, the
clients on the access list must have the credentials for a principal name. For Kerberos V, the
client must have a valid keytab entry for its root/hostname.fully.qualified@REALM principal
name. For more information, see Configuring Kerberos Clients in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
mode selects the security modes that are needed to obtain access to the file system. By default,
the security mode is UNIX authentication. You can specify multiple modes, but use each
security mode only once per command line. Each -mode option applies to any subsequent
-rw, -ro, -rw=, -ro=, -root=, and -window= options until another -mode is encountered. The
use of -sec=none maps all users to user nobody.
value selects the maximum lifetime in seconds of a credential on the NFS server. The default
value is 30000 seconds or 8.3 hours.

Setting Access Lists With the share Command

The accesslist can include a domain name, a subnet number, or an entry to deny access, as well
as the standard -ro=, -rw=, or -root= options. These extensions should simplify file access
control on a single server without having to change the namespace or maintain long lists of
This command provides read-only access for most systems but allows read-write access for
rose and lilac:
# share -F nfs -o ro,rw=rose:lilac /usr/src

In the next example, read-only access is assigned to any host in the eng netgroup. The client
rose is specifically given read-write access.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

# share -F nfs -o ro=eng,rw=rose /usr/src

Note You cannot specify both rw and ro without arguments. If no read-write option is
specified, the default is read-write for all clients.

To share one file system with multiple clients, you must type all options on the same line.
Multiple invocations of the share command on the same object remember only the last
command that is run. This command enables read-write access to three client systems, but only
rose and tulip are given access to the file system as root.
# share -F nfs -o rw=rose:lilac:tulip,root=rose:tulip /usr/src

When sharing a file system that uses multiple authentication mechanisms, ensure that you
include the -ro, -ro=, -rw, -rw=, -root, and -window options after the correct security modes.
In this example, UNIX authentication is selected for all hosts in the netgroup that is named eng.
These hosts can only mount the file system in read-only mode. The hosts tulip and lilac can
mount the file system read-write if these hosts use Diffie-Hellman authentication. With these
options, tulip and lilac can mount the file system read-only even if these hosts are not using
DH authentication. However, the host names must be listed in the eng netgroup.
# share -F nfs -o sec=dh,rw=tulip:lilac,sec=sys,ro=eng /usr/src

Even though UNIX authentication is the default security mode, UNIX authentication is not
included if the -sec option is used. Therefore, you must include a -sec=sys option if UNIX
authentication is to be used with any other authentication mechanism.
You can use a DNS domain name in the access list by preceding the actual domain name with a
dot. The string that follows the dot is a domain name, not a fully qualified host name. The
following entry allows mount access to all hosts in the domain:
# share -F nfs -o /export/share/man

In this example, the single . matches all hosts that are matched through the NIS namespace.
The results that are returned from these name services do not include the domain name. The entry matches all hosts that use DNS for namespace resolution. DNS
always returns a fully qualified host name. So, the longer entry is required if you use a
combination of DNS and the other namespaces.
You can use a subnet number in an access list by preceding the actual network number or the
network name with @. This character differentiates the network name from a netgroup or a
fully qualified host name. You must identify the subnet in either /etc/networks or in an NIS
namespace. The following entries have the same effect if the 192.168 subnet has been identified
as the eng network:
# share -F nfs -o ro=@eng /export/share/man
# share -F nfs -o ro=@192.168 /export/share/man
# share -F nfs -o ro=@ /export/share/man
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

The last two entries show that you do not need to include the full network address.
If the network prefix is not byte aligned, as with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), the
mask length can be explicitly specified on the command line. The mask length is defined by
following either the network name or the network number with a slash and the number of
significant bits in the prefix of the address. For example:
# share -f nfs -o ro=@eng/17 /export/share/man
# share -F nfs -o ro=@192.168.0/17 /export/share/man

In these examples, the /17 indicates that the first 17 bits in the address are to be used as the
mask. For additional information about CIDR, look up RFC 1519.
You can also select negative access by placing a - before the entry. Note that the entries are
read from left to right. Therefore, you must place the negative access entries before the entry
that the negative access entries apply to:
# share -F nfs -o /export/share/man

This example would allow access to any hosts in the domain except the host
that is named rose.

unshare Command
This command allows you to make a previously available file system unavailable for mounting
by clients. When you unshare an NFS file system, access from clients with existing mounts is
inhibited. The file system might still be mounted on the client, but the files are not accessible.
The unshare command deletes the share permanently unless the -t option is used to
temporarily unshare the file system.
Note For information about how NFS version 4 functions when a file system is unshared and
then reshared, refer to Unsharing and Resharing a File System in NFS Version 4 on page 171.

The following is an example of unsharing a specific file system:

# unshare /usr/src

shareall Command
This command allows for multiple file systems to be shared. When used with no options, the
command shares all entries in /etc/dfs/dfstab. You can include a file name to specify the
name of a file that lists share command lines. If you do not include a file name,
/etc/dfs/dfstab is checked. If you use a - to replace the file name, you can type share
commands from standard input.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

NFS Commands

The following is an example of sharing all file systems that are listed in a local file:
# shareall /etc/dfs/special_dfstab

unshareall Command
This command makes all currently shared resources unavailable. The -F FSType option selects a
list of file-system types that are defined in /etc/dfs/fstypes. This flag enables you to choose
only certain types of file systems to be unshared. The default file-system type is defined in
/etc/dfs/fstypes. To choose specific file systems, use the unshare command.
The following is an example of unsharing all NFS-type file systems:
# unshareall -F nfs

showmount Command
This command displays one of the following:

All clients that have remotely mounted file systems that are shared from an NFS server

Only the file systems that are mounted by clients

The shared file systems with the client access information

Note The showmount command only shows NFS version 2 and version 3 exports. This
command does not show NFS version 4 exports.

The command syntax is as follows:

showmount [ -ade ] [ hostname ]

Prints a list of all the remote mounts. Each entry includes the client name and the


Prints a list of the directories that are remotely mounted by clients.


Prints a list of the files that are shared or are exported.


Selects the NFS server to gather the information from.

If hostname is not specified, the local host is queried.

The following command lists all clients and the local directories that the clients have mounted:
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


NFS Commands

# showmount -a bee

The following command lists the directories that have been mounted:
# showmount -d bee

The following command lists file systems that have been shared:
# showmount -e bee


setmnt Command
This command creates an /etc/mnttab table. The mount and umount commands consult the
table. Generally, you do not have to run this command manually, as this command runs
automatically when a system is booted.

nfsref Command
The nfsref command is used to add, delete or list NFSv4 referrals. The command syntax is as
nfsref add path location [ location ]
nfsref remove path
nfsref lookup path



Selects the name for the reparse point.


Identifies one or more NFS or SMB shared file systems to be associated with the
reparse point.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems

Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems

These commands can be useful when troubleshooting NFS problems.

nfsstat Command
You can use this command to gather statistical information about NFS and RPC connections.
The syntax of the command is as follows:
nfsstat [ -cmnrsz ]

Displays client-side information


Displays statistics for each NFS-mounted file system


Specifies that NFS information is to be displayed on both the client side and the server


Displays RPC statistics


Displays the server-side information


Specifies that the statistics should be set to zero

If no options are supplied on the command line, the -cnrs options are used.
Gathering server-side statistics can be important for debugging problems when new software or
new hardware is added to the computing environment. Running this command a minimum of
once a week, and storing the numbers, provides a good history of previous performance.
Refer to the following example:
# nfsstat -s
Server rpc:
Connection oriented:
719949194 0
73753609 0




dupchecks dupreqs
58478624 33




dupchecks dupreqs

Server NFSv2:

referrals referlinks

Server NFSv3:
132880073 0

referrals referlinks

Server NFSv4:

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems

badcalls referrals referlinks
488884996 4
Version 2: (746607 calls)
readlink read
883 0%
60 0%
45 0%
0 0%
177446 23% 1489 0%
537366 71%
0 0%
1105 0%
47 0%
59 0%
28 0%
10 0%
9 0%
26 0%
0 0%
27926 3% 108 0%
Version 3: (728863853 calls)
1365467 0%
496667075 68% 8864191 1%
66510206 9% 19131659 2%
414705 0%
80123469 10% 18740690 2% 4135195 0%
327059 0%
101415 0%
9605 0%
6533288 0%
111810 0%
366267 0%
readdirplus fsstat
2572965 0%
519346 0%
2726631 0%
13320640 1% 60161 0%
13181 0%
6248828 0%
Version 4: (54871870 calls)
266963 0%
54604907 99%
Version 4: (167573814 operations)
0 0%
2663957 1%
2692328 1%
1166001 0%
167423 0%
0 0%
1802019 1%
26405254 15%
11534581 6%
113212 0%
207723 0%
265 0%
230430 0%
11059722 6%
423514 0%
21386866 12%
2835459 1%
4138 0%
18959 0%
3106 0%
52606920 31%
0 0%
35776 0%
4325432 2%
606651 0%
38043 0%
560797 0%
248990 0%
2330092 1%
8711358 5%
11639329 6%
19384 0%
setclientid_confirm verify
453126 0%
16349 0%
16356 0%
2484 0%
release_lockowner illegal
3247770 1%
0 0%
0 0%
Server nfs_acl:
Version 2: (694979 calls)
0 0%
42358 6%
0 0%
Version 3: (2465011 calls)
0 0%
1293312 52% 1131 0%

584553 84% 68068 9%

0 0%

1170568 47%

The previous listing is an example of NFS server statistics. The first five lines relate to RPC and
the remaining lines report NFS activities. In both sets of statistics, knowing the average number


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems

of badcalls or calls and the number of calls per week can help identify a problem. The
badcalls value reports the number of bad messages from a client. This value can indicate
network hardware problems.
Some of the connections generate write activity on the disks. A sudden increase in these
statistics could indicate trouble and should be investigated. For NFS version 2 statistics, the
connections to note are setattr, write, create, remove, rename, link, symlink, mkdir, and
rmdir. For NFS version 3 and version 4 statistics, the value to watch is commit. If the commit
level is high in one NFS server, compared to another almost identical server, check that the NFS
clients have enough memory. The number of commit operations on the server grows when
clients do not have available resources.

pstack Command
This command displays a stack trace for each process. The pstack command must be run by the
owner of the process or by root. You can use pstack to determine where a process is hung. The
only option that is allowed with this command is the PID of the process that you want to check.
See the proc(1) man page.
The following example is checking the nfsd process that is running.
# /usr/bin/pgrep nfsd
# /usr/bin/pstack 243
/usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a 16
ef675c04 poll
(24d50, 2, ffffffff)
000115dc ???????? (24000, 132c4, 276d8, 1329c, 276d8, 0)
00011390 main
(3, efffff14, 0, 0, ffffffff, 400) + 3c8
00010fb0 _start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 5c

The example shows that the process is waiting for a new connection request, which is a normal
response. If the stack shows that the process is still in poll after a request is made, the process
might be hung. Follow the instructions in How to Restart NFS Services on page 119 to fix this
problem. Review the instructions in NFS Troubleshooting Procedures on page 116 to fully
verify that your problem is a hung program.

rpcinfo Command
This command generates information about the RPC service that is running on a system. You
can also use this command to change the RPC service. Many options are available with this
command. See the rpcinfo(1M) man page. The following is a shortened synopsis for some of
the options that you can use with the command.
rpcinfo [ -m | -s ] [ hostname ]

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems

rpcinfo -T transport hostname [ progname ]

rpcinfo [ -t | -u ] [ hostname ] [ progname ]

Displays a table of statistics of the rpcbind operations


Displays a concise list of all registered RPC programs


Displays information about services that use specific transports or protocols


Probes the RPC programs that use TCP


Probes the RPC programs that use UDP


Selects the transport or protocol for the services


Selects the host name of the server that you need information from


Selects the RPC program to gather information about

If no value is given for hostname, the local host name is used. You can substitute the RPC
program number for progname, but many users can remember the name and not the number.
You can use the -p option in place of the -s option on those systems that do not run the NFS
version 3 software.
The data that is generated by this command can include the following:

The RPC program number

The version number for a specific program
The transport protocol that is being used
The name of the RPC service
The owner of the RPC service

The following example gathers information about the RPC services that are running on a
server. The text that is generated by the command is filtered by the sort command to make the
output more readable. Several lines that list RPC services have been deleted from the example.
% rpcinfo -s bee |sort -n
program version(s) netid(s)
100000 2,3,4
udp6,tcp6,udp,tcp,ticlts,ticotsord,ticots portmapper superuser
100001 4,3,2
100003 4,3,2
100005 3,2,1
ticots,ticotsord,tcp,tcp6,ticlts,udp,udp6 mountd
100007 1,2,3
ticots,ticotsord,ticlts,tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6 ypbind
100011 1
100021 4,3,2,1 tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6
100024 1
ticots,ticotsord,ticlts,tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6 status
100068 5,4,3,2 ticlts
100083 1
100133 1
ticots,ticotsord,ticlts,tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6 superuser
100134 1
100155 1
smserverd superuser
100169 1


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Commands for Troubleshooting NFS Problems






The following two examples show how to gather information about a particular RPC service by
selecting a particular transport on a server. The first example checks the mountd service that is
running over TCP. The second example checks the NFS service that is running over UDP.
% rpcinfo -t bee mountd
program 100005 version 1
program 100005 version 2
program 100005 version 3
% rpcinfo -u bee nfs
program 100003 version 2
program 100003 version 3

ready and waiting

ready and waiting
ready and waiting
ready and waiting
ready and waiting

snoop Command
This command is often used to watch for packets on the network. The snoop command must be
run as root. The use of this command is a good way to ensure that the network hardware is
functioning on both the client and the server. Many options are available. See the snoop(1M)
man page. A shortened synopsis of the command follows:
snoop [ -d device ] [ -o filename ] [ host hostname ]
-d device

Specifies the local network interface

-o filename

Stores all the captured packets into the named file


Displays packets going to and from a specific host only

The -d device option is useful on those servers that have multiple network interfaces. You can
use many expressions other than setting the host. A combination of command expressions with
grep can often generate data that is specific enough to be useful.
When troubleshooting, make sure that packets are going to and from the proper host. Also,
look for error messages. Saving the packets to a file can simplify the review of the data.

truss Command
You can use this command to check if a process is hung. The truss command must be run by
the owner of the process or by root. You can use many options with this command. See the
truss(1) man page. A shortened syntax of the command follows.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)



truss [ -t syscall ] -p pid

-t syscall

Selects system calls to trace

-p pid

Indicates the PID of the process to be traced

The syscall can be a comma-separated list of system calls to be traced. Also, starting syscall with
an ! selects to exclude the listed system calls from the trace.
This example shows that the process is waiting for another connection request from a new
# /usr/bin/truss -p 243
poll(0x00024D50, 2, -1)


The previous example shows a normal response. If the response does not change after a new
connection request has been made, the process could be hung. Follow the instructions in How
to Restart NFS Services on page 119 to fix the hung program. Review the instructions in NFS
Troubleshooting Procedures on page 116 to fully verify that your problem is a hung program.


Starting in the Oracle Solaris 11 release, the default transport for NFS is the Remote Direct
Memory Access (RDMA) protocol, which is a technology for memory-to-memory transfer of
data over high-speed networks. Specifically, RDMA provides remote data transfer directly to
and from memory without CPU intervention. RDMA also provides direct data placement,
which eliminates data copies and, therefore, further eliminates CPU intervention. Thus, RDMA
relieves not only the host CPU, but also reduces contention for the host memory and I/O buses.
To provide this capability, RDMA combines the interconnect I/O technology of InfiniBand on
SPARC platforms with the Oracle Solaris operating system. The following figure shows the
relationship of RDMA to other protocols, such as UDP and TCP.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



Relationship of RDMA to Other Protocols









NFS is a family of protocols layered over RPC.

The XDR (eXternal Data Representation) layer
encodes RPC arguments and RPC results onto
one of several RPC transports, such as UDP,
TCP, and RDMA.

Because RDMA is the default transport protocol for NFS, no special share or mount options are
required to use RDMA on a client or server. The existing automounter maps, vfstab and dfstab,
work with the RDMA transport. NFS mounts over the RDMA transport occur transparently
when InfiniBand connectivity exists on SPARC platforms between the client and the server. If
the RDMA transport is not available on both the client and the server, the TCP transport is the
initial fallback, followed by UDP if TCP is unavailable. Note, however, that if you use the
proto=rdma mount option, NFS mounts are forced to use RDMA only.
To specify that TCP and UDP be used only, you can use the proto=tcp/udp mount option. This
option disables RDMA on an NFS client. For more information about NFS mount options, see
the mount_nfs(1M) man page and mount Command on page 146.
Note RDMA for InfiniBand uses the IP addressing format and the IP lookup infrastructure to

specify peers. However, because RDMA is a separate protocol stack, it does not fully implement
all IP semantics. For example, RDMA does not use IP addressing to communicate with peers.
Therefore, RDMA might bypass configurations for various security policies that are based on IP
addresses. However, the NFS and RPC administrative policies, such as mount restrictions and
secure RPC, are not bypassed.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

How the NFS Service Works

The following sections describe some of the complex functions of the NFS software. Note that
some of the feature descriptions in this section are exclusive to NFS version 4.

Version Negotiation in NFS on page 170

Features in NFS Version 4 on page 171
UDP and TCP Negotiation on page 180
File Transfer Size Negotiation on page 181
How File Systems Are Mounted on page 181
Effects of the -public Option and NFS URLs When Mounting on page 182
Client-Side Failover on page 183
Large Files on page 185
How NFS Server Logging Works on page 185
How the WebNFS Service Works on page 185
WebNFS Limitations With Web Browser Use on page 187
Secure NFS System on page 188
Secure RPC on page 188

Note If your system has zones enabled and you want to use this feature in a non-global zone,

see Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Zones, and Resource
Management for more information.

Version Negotiation in NFS

The NFS initiation process includes negotiating the protocol levels for servers and clients. If you
do not specify the version level, then the best level is selected by default. For example, if both the
client and the server can support version 3, then version 3 is used. If the client or the server can
only support version 2, then version 2 is used.
You can set the client_versmin, client_versmax, server_versmin and server_versmax
parameters using the sharectl command. Your specified minimum and maximum values for
the server and the client would replace the default values for these keywords. For both the client
and the server the default minimum value is 2 and the default maximum value is 4. To find the
version supported by the server, the NFS client begins with the setting for client_versmax and
continues to try each version until reaching the version setting for client_versmin. As soon as
the supported version is found, the process terminates. For example, if client_versmax=4 and
client_versmin=2, then the client attempts version 4 first, then version 3, and finally version 2.
If client_versmax and client_versmax are set to the same value, then the client always uses
this version and does not attempt any other version. If the server does not offer this version, the
mount fails.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

Note You can override the values that are determined by the negotiation by using the vers
option with the mount command. See the mount_nfs(1M) man page.

For procedural information, refer to Setting Up NFS Services on page 91.

Features in NFS Version 4

Many changes have been made to NFS in version 4. This section provides descriptions of these
new features.

Unsharing and Resharing a File System in NFS Version 4 on page 171

File-System Namespace in NFS Version 4 on page 172
Volatile File Handles in NFS Version 4 on page 174
Client Recovery in NFS Version 4 on page 175
OPEN Share Support in NFS Version 4 on page 177
Delegation in NFS Version 4 on page 177
ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4 on page 179
Client-Side Failover in NFS Version 4 on page 184

Note Starting in the Solaris 10 release, NFS version 4 does not support the LIPKEY/SPKM

security flavor. Also, NFS version 4 does not use the mountd, nfslogd, and statd daemons.
For procedural information related to using NFS version 4, refer to Setting Up NFS Services
on page 91.

Unsharing and Resharing a File System in NFS Version 4

With both NFS version 3 and version 4, if a client attempts to access a file system that has been
unshared, the server responds with an error code. However, with NFS version 3 the server
maintains any locks that the clients had obtained before the file system was unshared. Thus,
when the file system is reshared, NFS version 3 clients can access the file system as though that
file system had never been unshared.
With NFS version 4, when a file system is unshared, all the state for any open files or file locks in
that file system is destroyed. If the client attempts to access these files or locks, the client receives
an error. This error is usually reported as an I/O error to the application. Note, however, that
resharing a currently shared file system to change options does not destroy any of the state on
the server.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

For related information, refer to Client Recovery in NFS Version 4 on page 175 or see the
unshare_nfs(1M) man page.

File-System Namespace in NFS Version 4

NFS version 4 servers create and maintain a pseudo-file system, which provides clients with
seamless access to all exported objects on the server. Prior to NFS version 4, the pseudo-file
system did not exist. Clients were forced to mount each shared server file system for access.
Consider the following example.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works


Views of the Server File System and the Client File System

Server exports:

Server file systems:


Server file systems:







Client view of servers export_fs dir:





Exported directories

Note that the client cannot see the payroll directory and the nfs4x directory, because these
directories are not exported and do not lead to exported directories. However, the local
directory is visible to the client, because local is an exported directory. The projects directory
is visible to the client, because projects leads to the exported directory, nfs4. Thus, portions of
the server namespace that are not explicitly exported are bridged with a pseudo-file system that
views only the exported directories and those directories that lead to server exports.
A pseudo-file system is a structure that contains only directories and is created by the server.
The pseudo-file system permits a client to browse the hierarchy of exported file systems. Thus,
the client's view of the pseudo-file system is limited to paths that lead to exported file systems.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

Previous versions of NFS did not permit a client to traverse server file systems without
mounting each file system. However, in NFS version 4, the server namespace does the

Restricts the client's file-system view to directories that lead to server exports.

Provides clients with seamless access to server exports without requiring that the client
mount each underlying file system. See the previous example. Note, however, that different
operating systems might require the client to mount each server file system.

For POSIX-related reasons, the Oracle Solaris NFS version 4 client does not cross server
file-system boundaries. When such attempts are made, the client makes the directory appear to
be empty. To remedy this situation, you must perform a mount for each of the server's file

Volatile File Handles in NFS Version 4

File handles are created on the server and contain information that uniquely identifies files and
directories. In NFS versions 2 and 3 the server returned persistent file handles. Thus, the client
could guarantee that the server would generate a file handle that always referred to the same file.
For example:

If a file was deleted and replaced with a file of the same name, the server would generate a
new file handle for the new file. If the client used the old file handle, the server would return
an error that the file handle was stale.

If a file was renamed, the file handle would remain the same.

If you had to reboot the server, the file handles would remain the same.

Thus, when the server received a request from a client that included a file handle, the resolution
was straightforward and the file handle always referred to the correct file.
This method of identifying files and directories for NFS operations was fine for most
UNIX-based servers. However, the method could not be implemented on servers that relied on
other methods of identification, such as a file's path name. To resolve this problem, the NFS
version 4 protocol permits a server to declare that its file handles are volatile. Thus, a file handle
could change. If the file handle does change, the client must find the new file handle.
Like NFS versions 2 and 3, the Oracle Solaris NFS version 4 server always provides persistent
file handles. However, Oracle Solaris NFS version 4 clients that access non-Solaris NFS version
4 servers must support volatile file handles if the server uses them. Specifically, when the server
tells the client that the file handle is volatile, the client must cache the mapping between path
name and file handle. The client uses the volatile file handle until it expires. On expiration, the
client does the following:


Flushes the cached information that refers to that file handle

Searches for that file's new file handle

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

Retries the operation

Note The server always tells the client which file handles are persistent and which file handles
are volatile.

Volatile file handles might expire for any of these reasons:

When you close a file

When the filehandle's file system migrates
When a client renames a file
When the server reboots

Note that if the client is unable to find the new file handle, an error message is put in the syslog
file. Further attempts to access this file fail with an I/O error.

Client Recovery in NFS Version 4

The NFS version 4 protocol is a stateful protocol. A protocol is stateful when both the client and
the server maintain current information about the following.

Open files
File locks

When a failure occurs, such as a server crash, the client and the server work together to
reestablish the open and lock states that existed prior to the failure.
When a server crashes and is rebooted, the server loses its state. The client detects that the server
has rebooted and begins the process of helping the server rebuild its state. This process is known
as client recovery, because the client directs the process.
When the client discovers that the server has rebooted, the client immediately suspends its
current activity and begins the process of client recovery. When the recovery process starts, a
message, such as the following, is displayed in the system error log /var/adm/messages.
NOTICE: Starting recovery server

During the recovery process, the client sends the server information about the client's previous
state. Note, however, that during this period the client does not send any new requests to the
server. Any new requests to open files or set file locks must wait for the server to complete its
recovery period before proceeding.
When the client recovery process is complete, the following message is displayed in the system
error log /var/adm/messages.
NOTICE: Recovery done for server

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

Now the client has successfully completed sending its state information to the server. However,
even though the client has completed this process, other clients might not have completed their
process of sending state information to the server. Therefore, for a period of time, the server
does not accept any open or lock requests. This period of time, which is known as the grace
period, is designated to permit all the clients to complete their recovery.
During the grace period, if the client attempts to open any new files or establish any new locks,
the server denies the request with the GRACE error code. On receiving this error, the client must
wait for the grace period to end and then resend the request to the server. During the grace
period the following message is displayed.
NFS server recovering

Note that during the grace period the commands that do not open files or set file locks can
proceed. For example, the commands ls and cd do not open a file or set a file lock. Thus, these
commands are not suspended. However, a command such as cat, which opens a file, would be
suspended until the grace period ends.
When the grace period has ended, the following message is displayed.
NFS server recovery ok.

The client can now send new open and lock requests to the server.
Client recovery can fail for a variety of reasons. For example, if a network partition exists after
the server reboots, the client might not be able to reestablish its state with the server before the
grace period ends. When the grace period has ended, the server does not permit the client to
reestablish its state because new state operations could create conflicts. For example, a new file
lock might conflict with an old file lock that the client is trying to recover. When such situations
occur, the server returns the NO_GRACE error code to the client.
If the recovery of an open operation for a particular file fails, the client marks the file as unusable
and the following message is displayed.
WARNING: The following NFS file could not be recovered and was marked dead
(cant reopen: NFS status 70): file : filename

Note that the number 70 is only an example.

If reestablishing a file lock during recovery fails, the following error message is posted.
NOTICE: nfs4_send_siglost: pid PROCESS-ID lost
lock on server SERVER-NAME

In this situation, the SIGLOST signal is posted to the process. The default action for the SIGLOST
signal is to terminate the process.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

For you to recover from this state, you must restart any applications that had files open at the
time of the failure. Note that the following can occur.

Some processes that did not reopen the file could receive I/O errors.

Other processes that did reopen the file, or performed the open operation after the recovery
failure, are able to access the file without any problems.

Thus, some processes can access a particular file while other processes cannot.

OPEN Share Support in NFS Version 4

The NFS version 4 protocol provides several file-sharing modes that the client can use to
control file access by other clients. A client can specify the following:

DENY_NONE mode permits other clients read and write access to a file.
DENY_READ mode denies other clients read access to a file.
DENY_WRITE mode denies other clients write access to a file.
DENY_BOTH mode denies other clients read and write access to a file.

The Oracle Solaris NFS version 4 server fully implements these file-sharing modes. Therefore, if
a client attempts to open a file in a way that conflicts with the current share mode, the server
denies the attempt by failing the operation. When such attempts fail with the initiation of the
open or create operations, the NFS version 4 client receives a protocol error. This error is
mapped to the application error EACCES.
Even though the protocol provides several sharing modes, currently the open operation in
Oracle Solaris does not offer multiple sharing modes. When opening a file, a Oracle Solaris NFS
version 4 client can only use the DENY_NONE mode.
Also, even though the fcntl system call has an F_SHARE command to control file sharing, the
fcntl commands cannot be implemented correctly with NFS version 4. If you use these fcntl
commands on an NFS version 4 client, the client returns the EAGAIN error to the application.

Delegation in NFS Version 4

NFS version 4 provides both client support and server support for delegation. Delegation is a
technique by which the server delegates the management of a file to a client. For example, the
server could grant either a read delegation or a write delegation to a client. Read delegations can
be granted to multiple clients at the same time, because these read delegations do not conflict
with each other. A write delegation can be granted to only one client, because a write delegation
conflicts with any file access by any other client. While holding a write delegation, the client
would not send various operations to the server because the client is guaranteed exclusive access
to a file. Similarly, the client would not send various operations to the server while holding a
read delegation. The reason is that the server guarantees that no client can open the file in write
mode. The effect of delegation is to greatly reduce the interactions between the server and the

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

client for delegated files. Therefore, network traffic is reduced, and performance on the client
and the server is improved. Note, however, that the degree of performance improvement
depends on the kind of file interaction used by an application and the amount of network and
server congestion.
The decision about whether to grant a delegation is made entirely by the server. A client does
not request a delegation. The server makes decisions about whether to grant a delegation, based
on the access patterns for the file. If a file has been recently accessed in write mode by several
different clients, the server might not grant a delegation. The reason is that this access pattern
indicates the potential for future conflicts.
A conflict occurs when a client accesses a file in a manner that is inconsistent with the
delegations that are currently granted for that file. For example, if a client holds a write
delegation on a file and a second client opens that file for read or write access, the server recalls
the first client's write delegation. Similarly, if a client holds a read delegation and another client
opens the same file for writing, the server recalls the read delegation. Note that in both
situations, the second client is not granted a delegation because a conflict now exists. When a
conflict occurs, the server uses a callback mechanism to contact the client that currently holds
the delegation. On receiving this callback, the client sends the file's updated state to the server
and returns the delegation. If the client fails to respond to the recall, the server revokes the
delegation. In such instances, the server rejects all operations from the client for this file, and the
client reports the requested operations as failures. Generally, these failures are reported to the
application as I/O errors. To recover from these errors, the file must be closed and then
reopened. Failures from revoked delegations can occur when a network partition exists between
the client and the server while the client holds a delegation.
Note that one server does not resolve access conflicts for a file that is stored on another server.
Thus, an NFS server only resolves conflicts for files that it stores. Furthermore, in response to
conflicts that are caused by clients that are running various versions of NFS, an NFS server can
only initiate recalls to the client that is running NFS version 4. An NFS server cannot initiate
recalls for clients that are running earlier versions of NFS.
The process for detecting conflicts varies. For example, unlike NFS version 4, because version 2
and version 3 do not have an open procedure, the conflict is detected only after the client
attempts to read, write, or lock a file. The server's response to these conflicts varies also. For

For NFS version 3, the server returns the JUKEBOX error, which causes the client to halt the
access request and try again later. The client prints the message File unavailable.

For NFS version 2, because an equivalent of the JUKEBOX error does not exist, the server
makes no response, which causes the client to wait and then try again. The client prints the
message NFS server not responding.

These conditions clear when the delegation conflict has been resolved.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

By default, server delegation is enabled. You can disable delegation by setting the
server_delegation parameter to none. For procedural information, refer to How to Select
Different Versions of NFS on a Server on page 93.
No keywords are required for client delegation. The NFS version 4 callback daemon, nfs4cbd,
provides the callback service on the client. This daemon is started automatically whenever a
mount for NFS version 4 is enabled. By default, the client provides the necessary callback
information to the server for all Internet transports that are listed in the /etc/netconfig
system file. Note that if the client is enabled for IPv6 and if the IPv6 address for the client's name
can be determined, then the callback daemon accepts IPv6 connections.
The callback daemon uses a transient program number and a dynamically assigned port
number. This information is provided to the server, and the server tests the callback path before
granting any delegations. If the callback path does not test successfully, the server does not grant
delegations, which is the only externally visible behavior.
Note that because callback information is embedded within an NFS version 4 request, the server
is unable to contact the client through a device that uses Network Address Translation (NAT).
Also, the callback daemon uses a dynamic port number. Therefore, the server might not be able
to traverse a firewall, even if that firewall enables normal NFS traffic on port 2049. In such
situations, the server does not grant delegations.

ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4

An access control list (ACL) provides better file security by enabling the owner of a file to define
file permissions for the file owner, the group, and other specific users and groups. On ZFS file
systems, ACLs are set on the server and the client by using the chmod command. For UFS file
systems, use the setfacl command. See the chmod(1) and the setfacl(1) man pages for more
information. In NFS version 4, the ID mapper, nfsmapid, is used to map user or group IDs in
ACL entries on a server to user or group IDs in ACL entries on a client. The reverse is also true.
The user and group IDs in the ACL entries must exist on both the client and the server.

Reasons for ID Mapping to Fail

The following situations can cause ID mapping to fail:

If the user or group that exists in an ACL entry on the server cannot be mapped to a valid
user or group on the client, the user can read the ACL, but some of the users or groups will
be shown as unknown.
For example, when you issue the ls -lv or ls -lV command, some of the ACL entries will
have the group or user be displayed as unknown. For more information about this
command, see the ls(1) man page.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

If the user or group ID in any ACL entry that is set on the client cannot be mapped to a valid
user or group ID on the server, the setfacl or the chmod command can fail and return the
Permission denied error message.

If the client and server have mismatched nfsmapid_domain values, ID mapping fails. For
more information, see nfsmapid Daemon on page 137.

Avoiding ID Mapping Problems With ACLs

To avoid ID mapping problems, do the following:

Make sure that the value for nfsmapid_domain is set correctly.

Make sure that all user and group IDs in the ACL entries exist on both the NFS version 4
client and server.

Checking for Unmapped User or Group IDs

To determine if any user or group cannot be mapped on the server or client, use the following
#! /usr/sbin/dtrace -Fs
printf("validate_idmapping: (%s) in the ACL could not be mapped!",
Note The probe name that is used in this script is an interface that could change in the future.
For more information, see Stability Levels in Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide.

Additional Information About ACLs or nfsmapid

See the following:

Chapter 8, Using ACLs and Attributes to Protect Oracle Solaris ZFS Files, in Oracle Solaris
Administration: ZFS File Systems
nfsmapid Daemon on page 137

UDP and TCP Negotiation

During initiation, the transport protocol is also negotiated. By default, the first
connection-oriented transport that is supported on both the client and the server is selected. If
this selection does not succeed, the first available connectionless transport protocol is used. The


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

transport protocols that are supported on a system are listed in /etc/netconfig. TCP is the
connection-oriented transport protocol that is supported by the release. UDP is the
connectionless transport protocol.
When both the NFS protocol version and the transport protocol are determined by negotiation,
the NFS protocol version is given precedence over the transport protocol. The NFS version 3
protocol that uses UDP is given higher precedence than the NFS version 2 protocol that is using
TCP. You can manually select both the NFS protocol version and the transport protocol with
the mount command. See the mount_nfs(1M) man page. Under most conditions, allow the
negotiation to select the best options.

File Transfer Size Negotiation

The file transfer size establishes the size of the buffers that are used when transferring data
between the client and the server. In general, larger transfer sizes are better. The NFS version 3
protocol has an unlimited transfer size. The client can bid a smaller transfer size at mount time
if needed, but under most conditions this bid is not necessary.
The transfer size is not negotiated with systems that use the NFS version 2 protocol. Under this
condition, the maximum transfer size is set to 8 Kbytes.
You can use the -rsize and -wsize options to set the transfer size manually with the mount
command. You might need to reduce the transfer size for some PC clients. Also, you can
increase the transfer size if the NFS server is configured to use larger transfer sizes.
Note Starting in the Solaris 10 release, restrictions on wire transfer sizes have been relaxed. The
transfer size is based on the capabilities of the underlying transport. For example, the NFS
transfer limit for UDP is still 32 Kbytes. However, because TCP is a streaming protocol without
the datagram limits of UDP, maximum transfer sizes over TCP have been increased to 1 Mbyte.

How File Systems Are Mounted

The following description applies to NFS version 3 mounts. The NFS version 4 mount process
does not include the portmap service nor does it include the MOUNT protocol.
When a client needs to mount a file system from a server, the client must obtain a file handle
from the server. The file handle must correspond to the file system. This process requires that
several transactions occur between the client and the server. In this example, the client is
attempting to mount /home/terry from the server. A snoop trace for this transaction follows.
client -> server PORTMAP C GETPORT prog=100005 (MOUNT) vers=3 proto=UDP
server -> client PORTMAP R GETPORT port=33492

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works




MOUNT3 C Mount /export/home9/terry
MOUNT3 R Mount OK FH=9000 Auth=unix
PORTMAP C GETPORT prog=100003 (NFS) vers=3 proto=TCP

In this trace, the client first requests the mount port number from the portmap service on the
NFS server. After the client receives the mount port number (33492), that number is used to test
the availability of the service on the server. After the client has determined that a service is
running on that port number, the client then makes a mount request. When the server responds
to this request, the server includes the file handle for the file system (9000) being mounted. The
client then sends a request for the NFS port number. When the client receives the number from
the server, the client tests the availability of the NFS service (nfsd). Also, the client requests NFS
information about the file system that uses the file handle.
In the following trace, the client is mounting the file system with the public option.





LOOKUP3 FH=0000 /export/home9/terry


By using the default public file handle (which is 0000), all the transactions to obtain information
from the portmap service and to determine the NFS port number are skipped.
Note NFS version 4 provides support for volatile file handles. For more information, refer to

Volatile File Handles in NFS Version 4 on page 174.

Effects of the -public Option and NFS URLs When

Using the -public option can create conditions that cause a mount to fail. Adding an NFS URL
can also confuse the situation. The following list describes the specifics of how a file system is
mounted when you use these options.
Public option with NFS URL Forces the use of the public file handle. The mount fails if
the public file handle is not supported.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

Public option with regular path Forces the use of the public file handle. The mount fails if
the public file handle is not supported.
NFS URL only Use the public file handle if this file handle is enabled on the NFS server. If
the mount fails when using the public file handle, then try the mount with the MOUNT
Regular path only Do not use the public file handle. The MOUNT protocol is used.

Client-Side Failover
By using client-side failover, an NFS client can be aware of multiple servers that are making the
same data available and can switch to an alternate server when the current server is unavailable.
The file system can become unavailable if one of the following occurs.

If the file system is connected to a server that crashes

If the server is overloaded
If a network fault occurs

The failover, under these conditions, is normally transparent to the user. Thus, the failover can
occur at any time without disrupting the processes that are running on the client.
Failover requires that the file system be mounted read-only. The file systems must be identical
for the failover to occur successfully. See What Is a Replicated File System? on page 184 for a
description of what makes a file system identical. A static file system or a file system that is not
changed often is the best candidate for failover.
You cannot use CacheFS and client-side failover on the same NFS mount. Extra information is
stored for each CacheFS file system. This information cannot be updated during failover, so
only one of these two features can be used when mounting a file system.
The number of replicas that need to be established for every file system depends on many
factors. Ideally, you should have a minimum of two servers. Each server should support
multiple subnets. This setup is better than having a unique server on each subnet. The process
requires that each listed server be checked. Therefore, if more servers are listed, each mount is

Failover Terminology
To fully comprehend the process, you need to understand two terms.

failover The process of selecting a server from a list of servers that support a replicated file
system. Normally, the next server in the sorted list is used, unless it fails to respond.

remap To use a new server. Through normal use, the clients store the path name for each
active file on the remote file system. During the remap, these path names are evaluated to
locate the files on the new server.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

What Is a Replicated File System?

For the purposes of failover, a file system can be called a replica when each file is the same size
and has the same file size or file type as the original file system. Permissions, creation dates, and
other file attributes are not considered. If the file size or file types are different, the remap fails
and the process hangs until the old server becomes available. In NFS version 4, the behavior is
different. See Client-Side Failover in NFS Version 4 on page 184.
You can maintain a replicated file system by using rsync, cpio, or another file transfer
mechanism. Because updating the replicated file systems causes inconsistency, for best results
consider these precautions:

Renaming the old version of the file before installing a new version of the file

Running the updates at night when client usage is low

Keeping the updates small

Minimizing the number of copies

Failover and NFS Locking

Some software packages require read locks on files. To prevent these products from breaking,
read locks on read-only file systems are allowed but are visible to the client side only. The locks
persist through a remap because the server does not know about the locks. Because the files
should not change, you do not need to lock the file on the server side.

Client-Side Failover in NFS Version 4

In NFS version 4, if a replica cannot be established because the file sizes are different or the file
types are not the same, then the following happens.

The file is marked dead.

A warning is printed.
The application receives a system call failure.

Note If you restart the application and try again to access the file, you should be successful.

In NFS version 4, you no longer receive replication errors for directories of different sizes. In
prior versions of NFS, this condition was treated as an error and would impede the remapping
Furthermore, in NFS version 4, if a directory read operation is unsuccessful, the operation is
performed by the next listed server. In previous versions of NFS, unsuccessful read operations
would cause the remap to fail and the process to hang until the original server was available.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

Large Files
The OS supports files that are over 2 Gbytes. By default, UFS file systems are mounted with the
-largefiles option to support the new capability. See How to Disable Large Files on an NFS
Server on page 88 for instructions if needed.
If the server's file system is mounted with the -largefiles option, a client can access large files
without the need for changes. However, not all commands can handle these large files. See
largefile(5) for a list of the commands that can handle the large files. Clients that cannot
support the NFS version 3 protocol with the large file extensions cannot access any large files.

How NFS Server Logging Works

NFS server logging provides records of NFS reads and writes, as well as operations that modify
the file system. This data can be used to track access to information. In addition, the records can
provide a quantitative way to measure interest in the information.
When a file system with logging enabled is accessed, the kernel writes raw data into a buffer file.
This data includes the following:

A timestamp
The client IP address
The UID of the requester
The file handle of the file or directory object that is being accessed
The type of operation that occurred

The nfslogd daemon converts this raw data into ASCII records that are stored in log files.
During the conversion, the IP addresses are modified to host names and the UIDs are modified
to logins if the name service that is enabled can find matches. The file handles are also converted
into path names. To accomplish the conversion, the daemon tracks the file handles and stores
information in a separate file handle-to-path table. That way, the path does not have to be
identified again each time a file handle is accessed. Because no changes to the mappings are
made in the file handle-to-path table if nfslogd is turned off, you must keep the daemon
Note Server logging is not supported in NFS version 4.

How the WebNFS Service Works

The WebNFS service makes files in a directory available to clients by using a public file handle.
A file handle is an address that is generated by the kernel that identifies a file for NFS clients.
The public file handle has a predefined value, so the server does not need to generate a file
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

handle for the client. The ability to use this predefined file handle reduces network traffic by
eliminating the MOUNT protocol. This ability should also accelerate processes for the clients.
By default, the public file handle on an NFS server is established on the root file system. This
default provides WebNFS access to any clients that already have mount privileges on the server.
You can change the public file handle to point to any file system by using the share command.
When the client has the file handle for the file system, a LOOKUP is run to determine the file
handle for the file to be accessed. The NFS protocol allows the evaluation of only one path name
component at a time. Each additional level of directory hierarchy requires another LOOKUP. A
WebNFS server can evaluate an entire path name with a single multi-component lookup
transaction when the LOOKUP is relative to the public file handle. Multi-component lookup
enables the WebNFS server to deliver the file handle to the desired file without exchanging the
file handles for each directory level in the path name.
In addition, an NFS client can initiate concurrent downloads over a single TCP connection.
This connection provides quick access without the additional load on the server that is caused
by setting up multiple connections. Although web browser applications support concurrent
downloading of multiple files, each file has its own connection. By using one connection, the
WebNFS software reduces the overhead on the server.
If the final component in the path name is a symbolic link to another file system, the client can
access the file if the client already has access through normal NFS activities.
Normally, an NFS URL is evaluated relative to the public file handle. The evaluation can be
changed to be relative to the server's root file system by adding an additional slash to the
beginning of the path. In this example, these two NFS URLs are equivalent if the public file
handle has been established on the /export/ftp file system.
Note The NFS version 4 protocol is preferred over the WebNFS service. NFS version 4 fully
integrates all the security negotiation that was added to the MOUNT protocol and the WebNFS

How WebNFS Security Negotiation Works

The NFS service includes a protocol that enables a WebNFS client to negotiate a selected
security mechanism with a WebNFS server. The new protocol uses security negotiation
multi-component lookup, which is an extension to the multi-component lookup that was used
in earlier versions of the WebNFS protocol.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

The WebNFS client initiates the process by making a regular multicomponent lookup request
by using the public file handle. Because the client has no knowledge of how the path is protected
by the server, the default security mechanism is used. If the default security mechanism is not
sufficient, the server replies with an AUTH_TOOWEAK error. This reply indicates that the default
mechanism is not valid. The client needs to use a stronger default mechanism.
When the client receives the AUTH_TOOWEAK error, the client sends a request to the server to
determine which security mechanisms are required. If the request succeeds, the server responds
with an array of security mechanisms that are required for the specified path. Depending on the
size of the array of security mechanisms, the client might have to make more requests to obtain
the complete array. If the server does not support WebNFS security negotiation, the request
After a successful request, the WebNFS client selects the first security mechanism from the
array that the client supports. The client then issues a regular multi-component lookup request
by using the selected security mechanism to acquire the file handle. All subsequent NFS
requests are made by using the selected security mechanism and the file handle.
Note The NFS version 4 protocol is preferred over the WebNFS service. NFS version 4 fully
integrates all the security negotiation that was added to the MOUNT protocol and the WebNFS

WebNFS Limitations With Web Browser Use

Several functions that a web site that uses HTTP can provide are not supported by the WebNFS
software. These differences stem from the fact that the NFS server only sends the file, so any
special processing must be done on the client. If you need to have one web site configured for
both WebNFS and HTTP access, consider the following issues:

NFS browsing does not run CGI scripts. So, a file system with an active web site that uses
many CGI scripts might not be appropriate for NFS browsing.

The browser might start different viewers to handle files in different file formats. Accessing
these files through an NFS URL starts an external viewer if the file type can be determined by
the file name. The browser should recognize any file name extension for a standard MIME
type when an NFS URL is used. The WebNFS software does not check inside the file to
determine the file type. So, the only way to determine a file type is by the file name extension.

NFS browsing cannot utilize server-side image maps (clickable images). However, NFS
browsing can utilize client-side image maps (clickable images) because the URLs are defined
with the location. No additional response is required from the document server.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

Secure NFS System

The NFS environment is a powerful way and convenient way to share file systems on a network
of different computer architectures and operating systems. However, the same features that
make sharing file systems through NFS operation convenient also pose some security problems.
Historically, most NFS implementations have used UNIX (or AUTH_SYS) authentication, but
stronger authentication methods such as AUTH_DH have also been available. When using
UNIX authentication, an NFS server authenticates a file request by authenticating the computer
that makes the request, but not the user. Therefore, a client user can run su and impersonate the
owner of a file. If DH authentication is used, the NFS server authenticates the user, making this
sort of impersonation much harder.
With root access and knowledge of network programming, anyone can introduce arbitrary data
into the network and extract any data from the network. The most dangerous attacks are those
attacks that involve the introduction of data. An example is the impersonation of a user by
generating the right packets or by recording conversations and replaying them later. These
attacks affect data integrity. Attacks that involve passive eavesdropping, which is merely
listening to network traffic without impersonating anybody, are not as dangerous, because data
integrity is not compromised. Users can protect the privacy of sensitive information by
encrypting data that is sent over the network.
A common approach to network security problems is to leave the solution to each application.
A better approach is to implement a standard authentication system at a level that covers all
The Oracle Solaris operating system includes an authentication system at the level of the remote
procedure call (RPC), which is the mechanism on which the NFS operation is built. This
system, known as Secure RPC, greatly improves the security of network environments and
provides additional security to services such as the NFS system. When the NFS system uses the
facilities that are provided by Secure RPC, it is known as a Secure NFS system.

Secure RPC
Secure RPC is fundamental to the Secure NFS system. The goal of Secure RPC is to build a
system that is at minimum as secure as a time-sharing system. In a time-sharing system all users
share a single computer. A time-sharing system authenticates a user through a login password.
With Data Encryption Standard (DES) authentication, the same authentication process is
completed. Users can log in on any remote computer just as users can log in on a local terminal.
The users' login passwords are their assurance of network security. In a time-sharing
environment, the system administrator has an ethical obligation not to change a password to
impersonate someone. In Secure RPC, the network administrator is trusted not to alter entries
in a database that stores public keys.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How the NFS Service Works

You need to be familiar with two terms to understand an RPC authentication system:
credentials and verifiers. Using ID badges as an example, the credential is what identifies a
person: a name, address, and birthday. The verifier is the photo that is attached to the badge.
You can be sure that the badge has not been stolen by checking the photo on the badge against
the person who is carrying the badge. In RPC, the client process sends both a credential and a
verifier to the server with each RPC request. The server sends back only a verifier because the
client already knows the server's credentials.
RPC's authentication is open ended, which means that a variety of authentication systems can
be plugged into it, such as UNIX, DH, and KERB.
When UNIX authentication is used by a network service, the credentials contain the client's
host name, UID, GID, and group-access list. However, the verifier contains nothing. Because no
verifier exists, a superuser could falsify appropriate credentials by using commands such as su.
Another problem with UNIX authentication is that UNIX authentication assumes all
computers on a network are UNIX computers. UNIX authentication breaks down when
applied to other operating systems in a heterogeneous network.
To overcome the problems of UNIX authentication, Secure RPC uses DH authentication.

DH Authentication
DH authentication uses the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Diffie-Hellman public-key
cryptography to authenticate both users and computers in the network. DES is a standard
encryption mechanism. Diffie-Hellman public-key cryptography is a cipher system that
involves two keys: one public and one secret. The public keys and secret keys are stored in the
namespace. NIS stores the keys in the public-key map. These maps contain the public key and
secret key for all potential users. See the Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory
Services for more information about how to set up the maps.
The security of DH authentication is based on a sender's ability to encrypt the current time,
which the receiver can then decrypt and check against its own clock. The timestamp is
encrypted with DES. The requirements for this scheme to work are as follows:

The two agents must agree on the current time.

The sender and receiver must be using the same encryption key.

If a network runs a time-synchronization program, the time on the client and the server is
synchronized automatically. If a time-synchronization program is not available, timestamps
can be computed by using the server's time instead of the network time. The client asks the
server for the time before starting the RPC session, then computes the time difference between
its own clock and the server's. This difference is used to offset the client's clock when computing
timestamps. If the client and server clocks become unsynchronized the server begins to reject
the client's requests. The DH authentication system on the client resynchronizes with the

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How the NFS Service Works

The client and server arrive at the same encryption key by generating a random conversation
key, also known as the session key, and by using public-key cryptography to deduce a common
key. The common key is a key that only the client and server are capable of deducing. The
conversation key is used to encrypt and decrypt the client's timestamp. The common key is used
to encrypt and decrypt the conversation key.

KERB Authentication
Kerberos is an authentication system that was developed at MIT. Kerberos offers a variety of
encryption types, including DES. Kerberos support is no longer supplied as part of Secure RPC,
but a server-side and client-side implementation is included in the release. See Chapter 19,
Introduction to the Kerberos Service, in Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services for
more information about the implementation of Kerberos authentication.

Using Secure RPC With NFS

Be aware of the following points if you plan to use Secure RPC:


If a server crashes when no one is around (after a power failure, for example), all the secret
keys that are stored on the system are deleted. Now no process can access secure network
services or mount an NFS file system. The important processes during a reboot are usually
run as root. Therefore, these processes would work if root's secret key were stored away, but
nobody is available to type the password that decrypts it. keylogin -r allows root to store
the clear secret key in /etc/.rootkey, which keyserv reads.

Some systems boot in single-user mode, with a root login shell on the console and no
password prompt. Physical security is imperative in such cases.

Diskless computer booting is not totally secure. Somebody could impersonate the boot
server and boot a devious kernel that, for example, makes a record of your secret key on a
remote computer. The Secure NFS system provides protection only after the kernel and the
key server are running. Otherwise, no way exists to authenticate the replies that are given by
the boot server. This limitation could be a serious problem, but the limitation requires a
sophisticated attack, using kernel source code. Also, the crime would leave evidence. If you
polled the network for boot servers, you would discover the devious boot server's location.

Most setuid programs are owned by root. If the secret key for root is stored in
/etc/.rootkey, these programs behave as they always have. If a setuid program is owned by
a user, however, the setuid program might not always work. For example, suppose that a
setuid program is owned by dave and dave has not logged into the computer since it booted.
The program would not be able to access secure network services.

If you log in to a remote computer (using login, rlogin, or telnet) and use keylogin to
gain access, you give access to your account. The reason is that your secret key is passed to
that computer's key server, which then stores your secret key. This process is only a concern
if you do not trust the remote computer. If you have doubts, however, do not log in to a
remote computer if the remote computer requires a password. Instead, use the NFS

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Mirror Mounts Work

environment to mount file systems that are shared by the remote computer. As an
alternative, you can use keylogout to delete the secret key from the key server.

If a home directory is shared with the -o sec=dh option, remote logins can be a problem. If
the /etc/hosts.equiv or ~/.rhosts files are not set to prompt for a password, the login
succeeds. However, the users cannot access their home directories because no
authentication has occurred locally. If the user is prompted for a password, the user has
access to his or her home directory if the password matches the network password.

How Mirror Mounts Work

The Oracle Solaris release includes a new mounting facility called mirror mounts. Mirror
mounts allow a NFSv4 client to access files in a file system as soon as the file system is shared on
an NFSv4 server. The files can be accessed without the overhead of using the mount command
or updating autofs maps. In effect, once a NFSv4 file system is mounted on a client, any other
file systems from that server could also be mounted.

When to Use Mirror Mounts

Generally, using the mirror mount facility is optimal for your NFSv4 clients except when you:

Need to use a different hierarchy on the client, than exists on the server
Need to use different mount options than those of the parent file system

Mounting a File System Using Mirror Mounts

If a file system is mounted on an NFSv4 client using manual mounts or autofs, any additional
file systems added to the mounted file system, may be mounted on the client using the mirror
mount facility. The client requests access to the new file system using the same mount options
as were used on the parent directory. If the mount fails for any reason, the normal NFSv4
security negotiations occur between the server and the client to adjust the mount options so that
the mount request succeeds.
Where there is an existing automount trigger point setup for a particular server file system, the
automount trigger takes precedence over mirror mounting, so a mirror mount will not occur
for that file system. To use mirror mounts in this case, the automount entry would need to be
In the Oracle Solaris 11 release, accessing /net or /home automount point cause a mount of the
/net or /home server namespace. Access to directories or files under those directories will be
given through the mirror mounts feature.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How NFS Referrals Work

For specific instructions on how to get mirror mounts to work see:

Using Mirrormounts After Mounting a File System

How to Mount All File Systems from a Server on page 87

Unmounting a File System Using Mirror Mounts

Mirror mounted file systems will be automatically unmounted if idle, after a certain period of
inactivity. The period is set using the timeout parameter, which is used by the automounter for
the same purpose.
If an NFS file system is manually unmounted, then any mirror mounted file systems contained
within it will also be unmounted, if idle. If there is an active mirror mounted file system within,
the manual unmount will fail, as though that original file system were busy. A forced unmount
will, however, be propagated through to all enclosed mirror-mounted file systems.
If a file system boundary is encountered within an automounted file system, a mirror mount
will occur. When the automounter unmounts the parent filesystem, any mirror-mounted file
systems within it will also be automatically unmounted, if idle. If there is an active mirror
mounted file system, the automatic unmount will not occur, which preserves current
automount behavior.

How NFS Referrals Work

The Oracle Solaris 11 release includes a new NFS feature called NFS referrals. NFS referrals are
a way for an NFSv4 server to point to file systems located on other NFSv4 servers, as a way of
connecting multiple NFSv4 servers into a uniform namespace.
NFSv2, NFSv3 and other clients can follow a referral because it appears to them to be a symbolic

When to Use NFS Referrals?

NFS referrals are useful when you want to create what appears to be a single set of filenames
across multiple servers, and you prefer not to use autofs to do this. Note that only NFSv4 servers
may be used, and that the servers must be running the Oracle Solaris 11 release or later to host a


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Autofs Maps

Creating an NFS Referral

An NFS referral is created using the nfsref command. When a referral is created, if the mount
point does not exist yet, a symbolic link is generated which includes a special flag which
identifies object as a reparse point. If the reparse point already exists, NFS service data will be
added or will replace existing NFS service data, as appropriate.

Removing an NFS Referral

An NFS referral is also removed using the nfsref command. It will remove NFS service data
from the specified reparse point, and will remove the reparse point if there are no other types of
service data present.

Autofs Maps
Autofs uses three types of maps:

Master map
Direct maps
Indirect maps

Master Autofs Map

The auto_master map associates a directory with a map. The map is a master list that specifies
all the maps that autofs should check. The following example shows what an auto_master file
could contain.

Sample /etc/auto_master File

# Master map for automounter



This example shows the generic auto_master file with one addition for the auto_direct map.
Each line in the master map /etc/auto_master has the following syntax:
mount-point map-name [ mount-options ]

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


Autofs Maps


mount-point is the full (absolute) path name of a directory. If the directory

does not exist, autofs creates the directory if possible. If the directory exists
and is not empty, mounting on the directory hides its contents. In this
situation, autofs issues a warning.
The notation /- as a mount point indicates that this particular map is a
direct map. The notation also means that no particular mount point is
associated with the map.


map-name is the map autofs uses to find directions to locations, or mount

information. If the name is preceded by a slash (/), autofs interprets the
name as a local file. Otherwise, autofs searches for the mount information by
using the search that is specified in the name-service switch configuration
file (/etc/nsswitch.conf). Special maps are also used for /net. See Mount
Point /net on page 195 for more information.


mount-options is an optional, comma-separated list of options that apply to

the mounting of the entries that are specified in map-name, unless the
entries in map-name list other options. Options for each specific type of file
system are listed in the mount man page for that file system. For example,
see the mount_nfs(1M) man page for NFS-specific mount options. For
NFS-specific mount points, the bg (background) and fg (foreground)
options do not apply.

A line that begins with # is a comment. All the text that follows until the end of the line is
To split long lines into shorter ones, put a backslash (\) at the end of the line. The maximum
number of characters of an entry is 1024.
Note If the same mount point is used in two entries, the first entry is used by the automount
command. The second entry is ignored.

Mount Point /home

The mount point /home is the directory under which the entries that are listed in
/etc/auto_home (an indirect map) are to be mounted.
Note Autofs runs on all computers and supports /net and /home (automounted home

directories) by default. These defaults can be overridden by entries in the NIS auto.master map
or by local editing of the /etc/auto_master file.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Autofs Maps

Mount Point /net

Autofs mounts under the directory /net all the entries in the special map -hosts. The map is a
built-in map that uses only the hosts database. Suppose that the computer gumbo is in the hosts
database and it exports any of its file systems. The following command changes the current
directory to the root directory of the computer gumbo.
% cd /net/gumbo

Autofs can mount only the exported file systems of host gumbo, that is, those file systems on a
server that are available to network users instead of those file systems on a local disk. Therefore,
all the files and directories on gumbo might not be available through /net/gumbo.
With the /net method of access, the server name is in the path and is location dependent. If you
want to move an exported file system from one server to another, the path might no longer
work. Instead, you should set up an entry in a map specifically for the file system you want
rather than use /net.
Note Autofs checks the server's export list only at mount time. After a server's file systems are
mounted, autofs does not check with the server again until the server's file systems are
automatically unmounted. Therefore, newly exported file systems are not seen until the file
systems on the client are unmounted and then remounted.

Mount Point /nfs4

The /nfs4 mount point uses a pseudo-map to mount the Federated File System domain root. A
reference to /nfs4/ will result in an attempt to find the domain root for the DNS
domain and mount it at that location. This requires that the DNS server returns a
record as described in Setting up a DNS Record for a Federated File System Server on page 90.

Direct Autofs Maps

A direct map is an automount point. With a direct map, a direct association exists between a
mount point on the client and a directory on the server. Direct maps have a full path name and
indicate the relationship explicitly. The following is a typical /etc/auto_direct map:

-ro \




ivy:/export/local/sun4 \
ivy:/export/local/share \
oak:/usr/man \
rose:/usr/man \
pine:/usr/spool/news \

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


Autofs Maps


Lines in direct maps have the following syntax:

key [ mount-options ] location

key is the path name of the mount point in a direct map.


mount-options is the options that you want to apply to this particular mount.
These options are required only if the options differ from the map default.
Options for each specific type of file system are listed in the mount man page
for that file system. For example, see the mount_nfs(1M) man page for NFS
specific mount options.


location is the location of the file system. One or more file systems are
specified as server:pathname for NFS file systems.
Note The pathname should not include an automounted mount point. The
pathname should be the actual absolute path to the file system. For instance,
the location of a home directory should be listed as
server:/export/home/username, not as server:/home/username.

As in the master map, a line that begins with # is a comment. All the text that follows until the
end of the line is ignored. Put a backslash at the end of the line to split long lines into shorter
Of all the maps, the entries in a direct map most closely resemble the corresponding entries in
/etc/vfstab. An entry might appear in /etc/vfstab as follows:
dancer:/usr/local - /usr/local/tmp nfs - yes ro

The equivalent entry appears in a direct map as follows:




Note No concatenation of options occurs between the automounter maps. Any options that

are added to an automounter map override all options that are listed in maps that are searched
earlier. For instance, options that are included in the auto_master map would be overridden by
corresponding entries in any other map.
See How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations) on
page 202 for other important features that are associated with this type of map.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Autofs Maps

Mount Point /
In Example 63, the mount point /- tells autofs not to associate the entries in auto_direct with
any specific mount point. Indirect maps use mount points that are defined in the auto_master
file. Direct maps use mount points that are specified in the named map. Remember, in a direct
map the key, or mount point, is a full path name.
An NIS auto_master file can have only one direct map entry because the mount point must be a
unique value in the namespace. An auto_master file that is a local file can have any number of
direct map entries if entries are not duplicated.

Indirect Autofs Maps

An indirect map uses a substitution value of a key to establish the association between a mount
point on the client and a directory on the server. Indirect maps are useful for accessing specific
file systems, such as home directories. The auto_home map is an example of an indirect map.
Lines in indirect maps have the following general syntax:
key [ mount-options ] location

key is a simple name without slashes in an indirect map.


mount-options is the options that you want to apply to this particular mount.
These options are required only if the options differ from the map default.
Options for each specific type of file system are listed in the mount man page
for that file system. For example, see the mount_nfs(1M) man page for
NFS-specific mount options.


location is the location of the file system. One or more file systems are
specified as server:pathname.
Note The pathname should not include an automounted mount point. The
pathname should be the actual absolute path to the file system. For instance,
the location of a directory should be listed as server:/usr/local, not as

As in the master map, a line that begins with # is a comment. All the text that follows until the
end of the line is ignored. Put a backslash (\) at the end of the line to split long lines into shorter
ones. Example 63 shows an auto_master map that contains the following entry:



Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How Autofs Works

auto_home is the name of the indirect map that contains the entries to be mounted under /home.
A typical auto_home map might contain the following:



As an example, assume that the previous map is on host oak. Suppose that the user linda has an
entry in the password database that specifies her home directory as /home/linda. Whenever
linda logs in to computer oak, autofs mounts the directory /export/home/linda that resides
on the computer peach. Her home directory is mounted read-write, nosuid.
Assume the following conditions occur: User linda's home directory is listed in the password
database as /home/linda. Anybody, including Linda, has access to this path from any computer
that is set up with the master map referring to the map in the previous example.
Under these conditions, user linda can run login or rlogin on any of these computers and
have her home directory mounted in place for her.
Furthermore, now Linda can also type the following command:
% cd ~david

autofs mounts David's home directory for her (if all permissions allow).
Note No concatenation of options occurs between the automounter maps. Any options that

are added to an automounter map override all options that are listed in maps that are searched
earlier. For instance, options that are included in the auto_master map are overridden by
corresponding entries in any other map.
On a network without a name service, you have to change all the relevant files (such as
/etc/passwd) on all systems on the network to allow Linda access to her files. With NIS, make
the changes on the NIS master server and propagate the relevant databases to the slave servers.

How Autofs Works

Autofs is a client-side service that automatically mounts the appropriate file system. The
components that work together to accomplish automatic mounting are the following:


The automount command

The autofs file system

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Autofs Works

The automountd daemon

The automount service, svc:/system/filesystem/autofs, which is called at system startup

time, reads the master map file auto_master to create the initial set of autofs mounts. These
autofs mounts are not automatically mounted at startup time. These mounts are points under
which file systems are mounted in the future. These points are also known as trigger nodes.
After the autofs mounts are set up, these mounts can trigger file systems to be mounted under
them. For example, when autofs receives a request to access a file system that is not currently
mounted, autofs calls automountd, which actually mounts the requested file system.
After initially mounting autofs mounts, the automount command is used to update autofs
mounts as necessary. The command compares the list of mounts in the auto_master map with
the list of mounted file systems in the mount table file /etc/mnttab (formerly /etc/mtab).
automount then makes the appropriate changes. This process allows system administrators to
change mount information within auto_master and have those changes used by the autofs
processes without stopping and restarting the autofs daemon. After the file system is mounted,
further access does not require any action from automountd until the file system is
automatically unmounted.
Unlike mount, automount does not read the /etc/vfstab file (which is specific to each
computer) for a list of file systems to mount. The automount command is controlled within a
domain and on computers through the namespace or local files.
The following is a simplified overview of how autofs works.
The automount daemon automountd is started at boot time by the service
svc:/system/filesystem/autofs. See Figure 63. This service also runs the automount
command, which reads the master map and installs autofs mount points. See How Autofs
Starts the Navigation Process (Master Map) on page 200 for more information.


svc:/system/filesystem/autofs Service Starts automount

mount or unmount



Autofs is a kernel file system that supports automatic mounting and unmounting.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How Autofs Works

When a request is made to access a file system at an autofs mount point, the following occurs:
1. Autofs intercepts the request.
2. Autofs sends a message to the automountd for the requested file system to be mounted.
3. automountd locates the file system information in a map, creates the trigger nodes, and
performs the mount.
4. Autofs allows the intercepted request to proceed.
5. Autofs unmounts the file system after a period of inactivity.
Note Mounts that are managed through the autofs service should not be manually mounted or

unmounted. Even if the operation is successful, the autofs service does not check that the object
has been unmounted, resulting in possible inconsistencies. A reboot clears all the autofs mount

How Autofs Navigates Through the Network (Maps)

Autofs searches a series of maps to navigate through the network. Maps are files that contain
information such as the password entries of all users on a network or the names of all host
computers on a network. Effectively, the maps contain network-wide equivalents of UNIX
administration files. Maps are available locally or through a network name service such as NIS.
See Modifying How Autofs Navigates the Network (Modifying Maps) on page 208.

How Autofs Starts the Navigation Process (Master

The automount command reads the master map at system startup. Each entry in the master
map is a direct map name or an indirect map name, its path, and its mount options, as shown in
Figure 64. The specific order of the entries is not important. automount compares entries in
the master map with entries in the mount table to generate a current list.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Autofs Works


Navigation Through the Master Map

Master map
mount or unmount



Mount table

Autofs Mount Process

What the autofs service does when a mount request is triggered depends on how the
automounter maps are configured. The mount process is generally the same for all mounts.
However, the final result changes with the mount point that is specified and the complexity of
the maps. The mount process includes the creation of the trigger nodes.

Simple Autofs Mount

To help explain the autofs mount process, assume that the following files are installed.
$ cat /etc/auto_master
# Master map for automounter
$ cat /etc/auto_share
# share directory map for automounter

When the /share directory is accessed, the autofs service creates a trigger node for /share/ws,
which is an entry in /etc/mnttab that resembles the following entry:
-hosts /share/ws

autofs nosuid,nobrowse,ignore,nest,dev=###

When the /share/ws directory is accessed, the autofs service completes the process with these
1. Checks the availability of the server's mount service.
2. Mounts the requested file system under /share. Now the /etc/mnttab file contains the
following entries.
-hosts /share/ws
autofs nosuid,nobrowse,ignore,nest,dev=###
gumbo:/export/share/ws /share/ws nfs nosuid,dev=####

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How Autofs Works

Hierarchical Mounting
When multiple layers are defined in the automounter files, the mount process becomes more
complex. Suppose that you expand the /etc/auto_shared file from the previous example to
contain the following:
# share directory map for automounter

The mount process is basically the same as the previous example when the /share/ws mount
point is accessed. In addition, a trigger node to the next level (/usr) is created in the /share/ws
file system so that the next level can be mounted if it is accessed. In this example,
/export/share/ws/usr must exist on the NFS server for the trigger node to be created.
Caution Do not use the -soft option when specifying hierarchical layers. Refer to Autofs
Unmounting on page 202 for an explanation of this limitation.

Autofs Unmounting
The unmounting that occurs after a certain amount of idle time is from the bottom up (reverse
order of mounting). If one of the directories at a higher level in the hierarchy is busy, only file
systems below that directory are unmounted. During the unmounting process, any trigger
nodes are removed and then the file system is unmounted. If the file system is busy, the
unmount fails and the trigger nodes are reinstalled.
Caution Do not use the -soft option when specifying hierarchical layers. If the -soft option is

used, requests to reinstall the trigger nodes can time out. The failure to reinstall the trigger
nodes leaves no access to the next level of mounts. The only way to clear this problem is to have
the automounter unmount all of the components in the hierarchy. The automounter can
complete the unmounting either by waiting for the file systems to be automatically unmounted
or by rebooting the system.

How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for

Clients (Multiple Locations)
The example direct map contains the following:


-ro \

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Autofs Works





oak:/usr/man \
rose:/usr/man \
pine:/usr/spool/news \

The mount points /usr/man and /usr/spool/news list more than one location, three locations
for the first mount point, two locations for the second mount point. Any of the replicated
locations can provide the same service to any user. This procedure is sensible only when you
mount a file system that is read-only, as you must have some control over the locations of files
that you write or modify. You want to avoid modifying files on one server on one occasion and,
minutes later, modifying the same file on another server. The benefit is that the best available
server is used automatically without any effort that is required by the user.
If the file systems are configured as replicas (see What Is a Replicated File System? on
page 184), the clients have the advantage of using failover. Not only is the best server
automatically determined, but if that server becomes unavailable, the client automatically uses
the next-best server.
An example of a good file system to configure as a replica is man pages. In a large network, more
than one server can export the current set of man pages. Which server you mount the man
pages from does not matter if the server is running and exporting its file systems. In the
previous example, multiple mount locations are expressed as a list of mount locations in the
map entry.
/usr/man -ro oak:/usr/man rose:/usr/man willow:/usr/man

In this example, you can mount the man pages from the servers oak, rose, or willow. Which
server is best depends on a number of factors, including the following:

The number of servers that support a particular NFS protocol level

The proximity of the server
The weighting

During the sorting process, a count is taken of the number of servers that support each version
of the NFS protocol. Whichever version of the protocol is supported on the most servers
becomes the protocol that is used by default. This selection provides the client with the
maximum number of servers to depend on.
After the largest subset of servers with the same version of the protocol is found, that server list
is sorted by proximity. To determine proximity IPv4 addresses are inspected. The IPv4
addresses show which servers are in each subnet. Servers on a local subnet are given preference
over servers on a remote subnet. Preference for the closest server reduces latency and network

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How Autofs Works

Note Proximity cannot be determined for replicas that are using IPv6 addresses.

Figure 65 illustrates server proximity.


Server Proximity

Same net

Different net

Same subnet

If several servers that support the same protocol are on the local subnet, the time to connect to
each server is determined and the fastest server is used. The sorting can also be influenced by
using weighting (see Autofs and Weighting on page 205).
For example, if version 4 servers are more abundant, version 4 becomes the protocol that is used
by default. However, now the sorting process is more complex. Here are some examples of how
the sorting process works:


Servers on the local subnet are given preference over servers on a remote subnet. So, if a
version 3 server is on the local subnet and the closest version 4 server is on a remote subnet,
the version 3 server is given preference. Likewise, if the local subnet consists of version 2
servers, they are given preference over remote subnets with version 3 and version 4 servers.

If the local subnet consists of a varied number of version 2, version 3, and version 4 servers,
more sorting is required. The automounter prefers the highest version on the local subnet.
In this instance, version 4 is the highest version. However, if the local subnet has more
version 3 or version 2 servers than version 4 servers, the automounter bids down from the
highest version on the local subnet by one version. For example, if the local subnet has three
servers with version 4, three servers with version 3, and ten servers with version 2, a version
3 server is selected.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Autofs Works

Similarly, if the local subnet consists of a varied number of version 2 and version 3 servers,
the automounter first looks at the which version represents the highest version on the local
subnet. Next, the automounter counts the number of servers that run each version. If the
highest version on the local subnet also represents the most servers, the highest version is
selected. If a lower version has more servers, the automounter bids down from the highest
version on the local subnet by one version. For example, if more version 2 servers are on the
local subnet than version 3 servers, a version 2 server is selected.

Note Weighting is also influenced by parameters stored in the SMF repository. Specifically the
values for server_versmin, client_versmin, server_versmax and client_versmax can make
some versions be excluded from the sorting process. For more information about these
parameters see mountd Daemon on page 135 and nfsd Daemon on page 135.

With failover, the sorting is checked at mount time when a server is selected. Multiple locations
are useful in an environment where individual servers might not export their file systems
Failover is particularly useful in a large network with many subnets. Autofs chooses the
appropriate server and is able to confine NFS network traffic to a segment of the local network.
If a server has multiple network interfaces, you can list the host name that is associated with
each network interface as if the interface were a separate server. Autofs selects the nearest
interface to the client.
Note No weighting and no proximity checks are performed with manual mounts. The mount
command prioritizes the servers that are listed from left to right.

For more information, see automount(1M) man page.

Autofs and Weighting

You can influence the selection of servers at the same proximity level by adding a weighting
value to the autofs map. For example:
/usr/man -ro oak,rose(1),willow(2):/usr/man

The numbers in parentheses indicate a weighting. Servers without a weighting have a value of
zero and, therefore, are most likely to be selected. The higher the weighting value, the lower the
chance that the server is selected.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How Autofs Works

Note All other server selection factors are more important than weighting. Weighting is only
considered when selecting between servers with the same network proximity.

Variables in a Autofs Map Entry

You can create a client-specific variable by prefixing a dollar sign ($) to its name. The variable
helps you to accommodate different architecture types that are accessing the same file-system
location. You can also use curly braces to delimit the name of the variable from appended letters
or digits. Table 63 shows the predefined map variables.

Predefined Map Variables



Derived From



Architecture type

uname -m



Processor type

uname -p



Host name

uname -n



Operating system name

uname -s



Operating system release

uname -r



Operating system version (version uname -v

of the release)


You can use variables anywhere in an entry line except as a key. For instance, suppose that you
have a file server that exports binaries for SPARC and x86 architectures from
/usr/local/bin/sparc and /usr/local/bin/x86 respectively. The clients can mount through
a map entry such as the following:



Now the same entry for all clients applies to all architectures.
Note Most applications that are written for any of the sun4 architectures can run on all sun4
platforms. The -ARCH variable is hard-coded to sun4.

Maps That Refer to Other Maps

A map entry +mapname that is used in a file map causes automount to read the specified map as
if it were included in the current file. If mapname is not preceded by a slash, autofs treats the

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Autofs Works

map name as a string of characters and uses the name-service switch policy to find the map
name. If the path name is an absolute path name, automount checks a local map of that name. If
the map name starts with a dash (-), automount consults the appropriate built-in map, such as
The svc:system/name-service/switch service contains the search order for the naming
services. The automount property in the config property group specifies the order that the
name service databases are searched when looking for automount entries. If no specific
config/automount property is specified, then the order defined in the config/default
property is used. For instance:
# svcprop -p config svc:/system/name-service/switch
config/value_authorization astring
config/printer astring user\ files
config/default astring files\ nis
config/automount astring files\ nis

In this example, the maps in the local files are searched before the NIS maps. The same would be
true if the config/automount property was not specified, because the config/default entry
would be used. Therefore, you can have a few entries in your local /etc/auto_home map for the
most commonly accessed home directories. You can then use the switch to fall back to the NIS
map for other entries.

After consulting the included map, if no match is found, automount continues scanning the
current map. Therefore, you can add more entries after a + entry.

The map that is included can be a local file or a built-in map. Remember, only local files can
contain + entries.

# local map
# NIS map
# built-in hosts map

Note You cannot use + entries in NIS maps.

Executable Autofs Maps

You can create an autofs map that executes some commands to generate the autofs mount
points. You could benefit from using an executable autofs map if you need to be able to create
Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


How Autofs Works

the autofs structure from a database or a flat file. The disadvantage to using an executable map is
that the map needs to be installed on each host. An executable map cannot be included in the
NIS name service.
The executable map must have an entry in the auto_master file.


Here is an example of an executable map:

# executable map for autofs
case $1 in
src) echo -nosuid,hard bee:/export1 ;;

For this example to work, the file must be installed as /etc/auto_execute and must have the
executable bit set. Set permissions to 744. Under these circumstances, running the following
command causes the /export1 file system from bee to be mounted:
% ls /execute/src

Modifying How Autofs Navigates the Network

(Modifying Maps)
You can modify, delete, or add entries to maps to meet the needs of your environment. As
applications and other file systems that users require change their location, the maps must
reflect those changes. You can modify autofs maps at any time. Whether your modifications are
effective the next time automountd mounts a file system depends on which map you modify and
what kind of modification you make.

Default Autofs Behavior With Name Services

At boot time autofs is invoked by the service svc:/system/filesystem/autofs and autofs
checks for the master auto_master map. Autofs is subject to the rules that are discussed
Autofs uses the name service ordering specified in the config/automount property of the
svc:/system/name-service/switch service. If the config/automount property is not defined
then the config/default property is used.If NIS is selected and autofs cannot find a map that
autofs needs, but finds a map name that contains one or more underscores, the underscores are
changed to dots. This change allows the old NIS file names to work. Then autofs checks the map
again, as shown in Figure 66.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

How Autofs Works


How Autofs Uses the Name Service

key mapname
Entry or map
not found

Not /

Entry or map
not found

/path ?




read . . .

read . . .

(key, mapname)

(key, mapname)
No map and
has "_"?
"_" by "."

(key, newname)

The screen activity for this session would resemble the following example.
$ grep /home /etc/auto_master
$ ypmatch brent auto_home
Cant match key brent in map auto_home. Reason: no such map in
servers domain.
$ ypmatch brent auto.home

If files is selected as the name service, all maps are assumed to be local files in the /etc
directory. Autofs interprets a map name that begins with a slash (/) as local regardless of which
name service autofs uses.

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)


Autofs Reference

Autofs Reference
The remaining sections of this chapter describe more advanced autofs features and topics.

Autofs and Metacharacters

Autofs recognizes some characters as having a special meaning. Some characters are used for
substitutions, and some characters are used to protect other characters from the autofs map

Ampersand (&)
If you have a map with many subdirectories specified, as in the following, consider using string


You can use the ampersand character (&) to substitute the key wherever the key appears. If you
use the ampersand, the previous map changes to the following:


You could also use key substitutions in a direct map, in situations such as the following:


You can also simplify the entry further as follows:



Notice that the ampersand substitution uses the whole key string. Therefore, if the key in a
direct map starts with a / (as it should), the slash is included in the substitution. Consequently,
for example, you could not do the following:


The reason is that autofs would interpret the example as the following:


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Autofs Reference

Asterisk (*)
You can use the universal substitute character, the asterisk (*), to match any key. You could
mount the /export file system from all hosts through this map entry.


Each ampersand is substituted by the value of any given key. Autofs interprets the asterisk as an
end-of-file character.

Autofs and Special Characters

If you have a map entry that contains special characters, you might have to mount directories
that have names that confuse the autofs map parser. The autofs parser is sensitive to names that
contain colons, commas, and spaces, for example. These names should be enclosed in
double-quotes, as in the following:


vmsserver: - - - "rc0:dk1 - "

gator:/ - "Mr Disk - "

Chapter 6 Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)





SLP Topics
The section provides overview, planning, task and reference information for the Service
Location Protocol (SLP) service.




SLP (Overview)

The Service Location Protocol (SLP) provides a portable, platform-independent framework for
the discovery and provisioning of SLP-enabled network services. This chapter describes the SLP
architecture and the Oracle Solaris implementation of SLP for IP intranets.

SLP Architecture on page 215

SLP Implementation on page 218

SLP Architecture
This section outlines the fundamental operation of SLP and describes agents and processes that
are used in SLP administration.
SLP provides all of the following services automatically, with little or no configuration.

Client application requests for information that is required to access a service

Advertisement of services on network hardware devices or software servers; for example,

printers, file servers, video cameras, and HTTP servers

Managed recovery from primary server failures

In addition, you can do the following to administer and tune SLP operation if necessary.

Organize services and users into scopes that are composed of logical or functional groups

Enable SLP logging to monitor and troubleshoot the SLP operation on your network

Adjust SLP timing parameters to enhance performance and scalability

Configure SLP not to send and not to process multicast messages when SLP is deployed on
networks that lack support for multicast routing

Deploy SLP Directory Agents to improve scalability and performance


SLP Architecture

Summary of the SLP Design

SLP libraries inform network-aware agents that advertise services in order for those services to
be discovered over a network. SLP agents maintain up-to-date information on the type and
location of services. These agents can also use proxy registrations to advertise services that are
not directly SLP enabled. For more information, see Chapter 10, Incorporating Legacy
Client applications rely on SLP libraries that make requests directly to the agents that advertise

SLP Agents and Processes

The following table describes the SLP agents. For expanded definitions of these terms and other
terms that are used in this volume, refer to the Glossary.

SLP Agents

SLP Agent


Directory Agent (DA)

Process that caches SLP advertisements that are registered by Service

Agents (SAs). The DA forwards service advertisements to User Agents
(UAs) on demand.

Service Agent (SA)

SLP agent that acts on behalf of a service to distribute service

advertisements and to register the service with Directory Agents (DAs).

User Agent (UA)

SLP agent that acts on behalf of a user or application to obtain service

advertisement information.


An administrative or logical grouping of services.

The following figure shows the basic agents and processes that implement the SLP architecture.
The figure represents a default deployment of SLP. No special configuration has been done.
Only two agents are required: the UA and SA. The SLP framework allows the UA to multicast
requests for services to the SA. The SA unicasts a reply to the UA. For example, when the UA
sends a service request message, the SA responds with a service reply message. The service reply
contains the location of services that match the client's requirements. Other requests and replies
are possible for attributes and service types. For more information, see Chapter 11, SLP


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

SLP Architecture


SLP Basic Agents and Processes


Multicast or broadcast
service request

Unicast service reply


The following figure shows the basic agents and processes that implement the SLP architecture
when a DA is deployed in the framework.


SLP Architectural Agents and Processes Implemented With a DA


Unicast service reply

Unicast service request

Multicast or broadcast
DA advertisements


Unicast service registration

Unicast service


When you deploy DAs, fewer messages are sent in the network and UAs can retrieve
information much faster. DAs are essential when the size of a network increases or for
situations in which there is no support for multicast routing. The DA serves as a cache for
registered service advertisements. SAs send register messages (SrvReg) that list all the services
they advertise to DAs. SAs then receive acknowledgments (SrvAck) in reply. The service
advertisements are refreshed with the DA, or they expire according to the lifetime that is set for
the advertisement. After a UA discovers a DA, the UA unicasts a request to the DA rather than
multicasting requests to SAs.

Chapter 7 SLP (Overview)


SLP Implementation

For more information about Oracle Solaris SLP messages, refer to Chapter 11, SLP

SLP Implementation
In the Oracle Solaris SLP implementation, the SLP SAs, UAs, DAs, SA servers, scopes, and other
architectural components in Table 71 are partially mapped into slpd and partially into
application processes. The SLP daemon, slpd, organizes certain off-host SLP interactions to do
the following:

Employ passive and active directory agent discovery in order to discover all DAs on the

Maintain an updated table of DAs for the use of the UAs and SAs on the local host

Act as a proxy SA server for legacy service advertisements (proxy registration)

You can set the net.slpisDA property to also configure slpd to act as a DA. See Chapter 9,
Administering SLP (Tasks).
For more information about the SLP daemon, see slpd(1M).
In addition to slpd, the C/C++ and Java client libraries ( and slp.jar) enable access
to the SLP framework for UA and SA clients. The client libraries provide the following features:

Software that offers network services which can register and deregister service

Client software that can request services by issuing queries for service advertisements

The list of SLP scopes available for registration and requests

No special configuration is necessary to enable the inter-process communication between slpd

and the client libraries that provide the previous services. You must, however, run the slpd
process first before you load the client libraries in order for the libraries to function.
In the following figure, the SLP client library in the Service Provider Program employs SA
functionality. The Service Provider Program uses the SLP client library to register and
deregister services with slpd. The SLP client library in the Service Client Program employs UA
functionality. The Service Client Program uses the SLP client library to make requests. The SLP
client library either multicasts requests to SAs or unicasts them to DAs. This communication is
transparent to the application except that the unicast method of issuing requests is faster. The
behavior of the client library can be affected by setting various SLP configuration properties. For
further information, see Chapter 9, Administering SLP (Tasks). The slpd process handles all
SA functionality, such as answering multicast requests and registering with DAs.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

SLP Implementation


SLP Implementation

Service Provider Program

SLP Client Library


Per host
DA discovery
and DA table
SLP agent

Other SLP Information Sources

Refer to the following documents for further information on SLP:

Kempf, James, and Pete St. Pierre. Service Location Protocol for Enterprise Networks. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN Number: 0471315877.

Authentication Management Infrastructure Administration Guide. Part Number:


Guttman, Erik, Charles Perkins, John Veizades, and Michael Day. Service Location Protocol,
Version 2, RFC 2608 from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Kempf, James, and Erik Guttman. An API for Service Location, RFC 2614 from the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). []

Chapter 7 SLP (Overview)




Planning and Enabling SLP (Tasks)

This chapter provides information on planning and enabling SLP. The following sections
discuss SLP configuration and the process for enabling SLP.

SLP Configuration Considerations on page 221

Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity on page 222

SLP Configuration Considerations

The SLP daemon is preconfigured with default properties. If your enterprise functions well with
default settings, the SLP deployment requires virtually no administration.
In some situations, however, you might want to modify the SLP properties to tune network
operations or to activate certain features. With a few configuration changes you can enable SLP
logging, for example. The information in a SLP log and in snoop traces can then help you decide
if additional configuration is necessary.
SLP configuration properties reside in the slp.conf file, which is located in the /etc/inet
directory. If you decide to change the default property settings, refer to Chapter 9,
Administering SLP (Tasks), for the appropriate procedures.
Before you modify SLP configuration settings, consider the following questions that are related
to key aspects of network administration:

What network technologies are operating in the enterprise?

How much network traffic can the technologies handle smoothly?

How many services, of what type, are available on the network?

How many users are on the network? What services do they require? Where are users
located in relation to their most frequently accessed services?

Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity

Deciding What to Reconfigure

You can use the SLP-enabled snoop utility and SLP logging utilities to decide if reconfiguration
is necessary and what properties you need to modify. For example, you might reconfigure
certain properties to do the following:

Accommodate a mix of network media that have varying latencies and bandwidth

Recover the enterprise from network failures or unplanned partitioning

Add DAs to reduce proliferation of SLP multicasts

Implement new scopes to organize users with their most frequently accessed services

Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity

The snoop utility is a passive administrative tool that provides network traffic information. The
utility itself generates minimal traffic and enables you to watch all activity on your network as it
The snoop utility provides traces of the actual SLP message traffic. For example, when you run
snoop with the slp command-line argument, the utility displays traces with information on
SLP registrations and deregistrations. You can use the information to gauge the network load
by checking which services are being registered and how much reregistration activity its
The snoop utility is also useful for observing the traffic flow between SLP hosts in your
enterprise. When you run snoop with the slp command-line argument, you can monitor the
following types of SLP activity to determine if network or agent reconfiguration is needed:

The number of hosts that are using a particular DA. Use this information to decide whether
to deploy additional DAs for load balancing.

The number of hosts that are using a particular DA. Use this information to help you
determine whether to configure certain hosts with new or different scopes.

Whether UA requests a timeout or DA acknowledgment is slow. You can determine

whether a DA is overloaded by monitoring UA timeouts and retransmissions. You can also
check if the DA requires more than a few seconds to send registration acknowledgments to
an SA. Use this information to rebalance the network load on the DA, if necessary, by
deploying additional DAs or changing the scope configurations.

Using snoop with the -V (verbose) command-line argument, you can obtain registration
lifetimes and value of the fresh flag in SrvReg to determine whether the number of
reregistrations should be reduced.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity

You can also use snoop to trace other kinds of SLP traffic, such as the following:

Traffic between UA clients and DAs

Traffic between multicasting UA clients and replying SAs

For more information about snoop, refer to the snoop(1M).

Tip Use the netstat command in conjunction with snoop to view traffic and congestion

statistics. For more information about netstat, refer to netstat(1M).

How to Use snoop to Run SLP Traces

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Run snoop with the slp command-line argument.

Brief Mode:
# snoop slp

When you run snoop in the default brief mode, ongoing output is delivered to your screen. SLP
messages are truncated to fit on one line per SLP trace.
Verbose Mode:
# snoop -v slp

When you run snoop in verbose mode, snoop delivers ongoing, unabbreviated output to your
screen, which provides the following information:

The complete address of the service URL

All service attributes
The registration lifetime
All security parameters and flags, if any are available

Note You can use the slp command-line argument with other snoop options.

Analyzing a snoop slp Trace

In the following example, slpd runs on slphost1 in the default mode as an SA server. The SLP
daemon initializes and registers slphost2 as an echo server. Then, the snoop slp process is
invoked on slphost1.
Chapter 8 Planning and Enabling SLP (Tasks)


Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity

Note To simplify the description of the trace results, the lines in the following snoop output are
flagged with line numbers.

(1) slphost1
(2) slphost2
(3) slphost1
(4) slphost1
(5) slphost1
(6) slphost2
(7) slphost1
(8) slphost2

slphost1 SLP V2
slphost2 SLP V2
slphost1 SLP V2
slphost2 SLP V2
slphost1 SLP V2

SLP V@ SrvRqst [24487] service:directory-agent []

DAAdvert [24487] service:directory-agent://129
SLP V2 SrvRqst [24487] service:directory-agent []
SLP V2 SrvRqst [24487] service:directory-agent []
SrvReg [24488/tcp]service:echo.sun:tcp://slphost1:
SrvAck [24488/tcp] ok
SrvDereg [24489/tcp] service:echo.sun:tcp://slphost1:
SrvAck [24489/tcp] ok

1. Shows slpd on slphost1 performing active directory agent discovery by multicasting to the
SLP multicast group address in search of directory agents. The message number, 24487, for
the active discovery is indicated in square brackets in the trace display.
2. Indicates that the active discovery request 24487 from trace 1 is answered by slpd, which is
running as a DA on the host slphost2. The service URL from slphost2 has been truncated to
fit on a single line. The DA has sent a DA advertisement in reply to the multicast directory
agent discovery message, as indicated by the matching message numbers in traces 1 and 2.
3. Shows multicasts from the UAs on slphost1 for additional DAs. Because slphost2 has already
answered the request, it refrains from responding again, and no other DAs reply.
4. Repeats the multicast operation that is shown in the previous line.
5. Shows a slpd on slphost1 forwarding SA client registrations to the DA on slphost2. A unicast
service registration (SrvReg) for an echo server is made by slphost1 to the DA on slphost2.
6. Shows slphost2 responding to the slphost1 SrvReg with a service acknowledgment (SrvAck)
that indicates the registration is successful.
Traffic between the echo server that runs the SA client and the SLP daemon on slphost1 does
not appear in the snoop trace. This absence of information is because the snoop operation is
performed over the network loopback.
7. Shows the echo server on slphost1 deregistering the echo service advertisement. The SLP
daemon on slphost1 forwards the deregistration to the DA on slphost2.
8. Shows slphost2 responding to the slphost1 with a service acknowledgment (SrvAck) that
indicates that the deregistration is successful.
The /tcp parameter that is appended to the message number on lines 5, 6, 7, and 8 indicates
that the message exchange occurred by TCP.

Where to Go From Here

After monitoring the SLP traffic, you can use the information that was collected from the snoop
traces to help determine whether any reconfiguration of the SLP defaults is needed. Use the

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity

related information in Chapter 9, Administering SLP (Tasks), for configuring SLP property
settings. For more information about SLP messaging and service registrations, refer to
Chapter 11, SLP (Reference).

Chapter 8 Planning and Enabling SLP (Tasks)




Administering SLP (Tasks)

The following sections provide information and tasks for configuring SLP agents and processes.

Configuring SLP Properties on page 227

Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency on page 230
Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations on page 234
Modifying Timeouts on SLP Discovery Requests on page 239
Deploying Scopes on page 242
Deploying DAs on page 245
SLP and Multihoming on page 249

Configuring SLP Properties

SLP configuration properties control network interactions, SLP agent characteristics, status,
and logging. In most situations, the default configuration of these properties requires no
modification. However, you can use the procedures in this chapter when the network medium
or topology changes and to achieve the following goals:

Compensate for network latencies

Reduce congestion on the network
Add agents or reassign IP addresses
Activate SLP logging

You can edit the SLP configuration file, /etc/inet/slp.conf, to perform operations such as
those shown in the following table.

SLP Configuration Operations



Specify whether slpd should act as a DA

server. SA server is the default.

Set the net.slpisDA property to True.


Configuring SLP Properties


SLP Configuration Operations




Set timing for DA multicast messages.

Set the net.slp.DAHeartBeat property to control how often a DA multicasts an

unsolicited DA advertisement.

Enable DA logging to monitor network traffic. Set the net.slp.traceDATraffic property to True.

SLP Configuration File: Basic Elements

The /etc/inet/slp.conf file defines and activates all SLP activity each time you restart the SLP
daemon. The configuration file consists of the following elements:

Configuration properties
Comment lines and notations

Configuration Properties
All of the basic SLP properties, such as net.slp.isDA and net.slp.DAHeartBeat, are named in
the following format.

SLP behavior is defined by the value of a property or a combination of properties in the

slp.conf file. Properties are structured as key-value pairs in the SLP configuration file. As
shown in the following example, a key-value pair consists of a property name and an associated
<property name>=<value>

The key for each property is the property name. The value sets the numeric (distance or time),
true/false state, or string value parameters for the property. Property values consist of one of the
following data types:

True/False setting (Boolean)

List of integers
List of strings

If the value defined is not allowed, the default value for that property name is used. In addition,
an error message is logged using syslog.

Comment Lines and Notations

You can add comments to the slp.conf file that describe the nature and function of the line.
Comment lines are optional in the file, but can be useful for administration.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring SLP Properties

Note Settings in the configuration file are case insensitive. For more information, refer to:
Guttman, Erik, James Kempf, and Charles Perkins, Service Templates and service: scheme,
RFC 2609 from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [

How to Change Your SLP Configuration

Use this procedure to change the property settings in your SLP configuration file. SLP enabled
client or service software also can alter the SLP configuration by using the SLP API. This API is
documented in An API for Service Location, RFC 2614 from the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF). []

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Edit the property settings in the /etc/inet/slp.conf file as necessary.

Refer to Configuration Properties on page 228 for general information about the SLP
property settings. See the sections that follow this procedure for examples of different scenarios
in which you might change the slp.conf properties. See slp.conf(4).

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp
Note The SLP daemon obtains information from the configuration file when you stop or start


Example 91

Setting up slpd to Operate as a DA Server

You can change the SA server default to enable slpd to operate as a DA server by setting the
net.slp.isDA property to True in the slpd.conf file.
Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency

In each area, various properties control different aspects of the configuration. The following
sections describe different scenarios in which you might change the default property settings
that are used in SLP configuration.

Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency

In situations such as the following, you can modify properties that control the timing of DA
advertisements and discovery requests.

When you want the SA or UA to obtain DA configuration information statically from the
net.slp.DAAddresses property in the slp.conf file, you can disable DA discovery.

When the network is subject to recurrent partitioning, you can change the frequency of
passive advertisements and active discovery.

If UA and SA clients access DAs on the other side of a dial-up connection, you can decrease
the DA heartbeat frequency and the active discovery interval to reduce the number of times
a dial-up line is activated.

If network congestion is high, you can limit multicasting.

The procedures in this section explain how to modify the following properties.

DA Advertisement Timing and Discovery Request Properties




Boolean that specifies whether slpd listens for unsolicited DA advertisements


Value that specifies how often slpd performs active DA discovery for a new DA


Value that specifies how often a DA multicasts an unsolicited DA


Limiting UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs

Sometimes you might need to limit UAs and SAs to obtaining DA addresses from the static
configuration information in the slp.conf file. In the next procedure, you can modify two
properties that cause slpd to obtain DA information exclusively from the
net.slp.DAAddresses property.

How to Limit UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs

Use the following procedure to change the net.slp.passiveDADetection and the
net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval properties.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency

Note Use this procedure only on hosts that execute UAs and SAs which are restricted to static

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Set the net.slp.passiveDADetection property to False in the slp.conf file to disable passive
discovery. This setting causes slpd to ignore unsolicited DA advertisements.

Set the net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval to -1 to disable initial and periodic active


Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Configuring DA Discovery for Dial-up Networks

If the UAs or SAs are separated from the DA by a dial-up network, you can configure DA
discovery to reduce or eliminate the number of discovery requests and DA advertisements.
Dial-up networks usually incur a charge when activated. Minimizing extraneous calls can
reduce the cost of using the dial-up network.
Note You can disable DA discovery completely with the method that is described in Limiting
UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs on page 230.

How to Configure DA Discovery for Dial-up Networks

You can use the following procedure to reduce unsolicited DA advertisements and active
discovery by increasing the DA heartbeat period and the active discovery interval.
Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Increase the net.slp.DAHeartbeat property in the slpd.conf file.



A 32-bit integer that sets the number of seconds for the passive DA advertisement
Default Value=10800 seconds (3 hours)
Range of Values=2000259200000 seconds

For example, you can set the DA heartbeat to approximately 18 hours on a host that is executing
a DA:

Increase the net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval property in the slpd.conf file:

net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval value


A 32bit integer that sets the number of seconds for DA active discovery queries
Default Value=900 seconds (15 minutes)
Range of Values=30010800 seconds

For example, you can set the DA active discovery interval to 18 hours on a host that is executing
a UA and an SA:

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency

Configuring the DA Heartbeat for Frequent Partitions

SAs are required to register with all DAs that support their scopes. A DA can appear after slpd
has performed active discovery. If the DA supports slpd scopes, the SLP daemon registers all
advertisements on its host with the DA.
One way slpd discovers DAs is by the initial unsolicited advertisement a DA sends when it
boots. The SLP daemon uses the periodic unsolicited advertisement (the heartbeat) to
determine whether a DA is still active. If the heartbeat fails to appear, the daemon removes the
DAs the daemon uses and those the daemon offers to UAs.
Finally, when a DA undergoes a controlled shutdown, it transmits a special DA advertisement
that informs listening SA services that it will be out of service. The SLP daemon also uses this
advertisement to remove inactive DAs from the cache.
If your network is subject to frequent partitions and SAs are long-lived, slpd can remove
cached DAs during the partitioning if heartbeat advertisements are not received. By decreasing
the heartbeat time, you can decrease the delay before a deactivated DA is restored to the cache
after the partition is repaired.

How to Configure DA Heartbeat for Frequent

Use the following procedure to change the net.slp.DAHeartBeat property to decrease the DA
heartbeat period.
Note If DA discovery is completely disabled, the net.slp.DAAddresses property must be set in

slp.conf on the hosts that are executing UAs and SAs so that they access the correct DA.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Decrease the net.slp.DAHeartBeat value to 1 hour (3600 seconds). By default, the DA

heartbeat period is set to 3 hours (10800 seconds).

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Relieving Network Congestion

If network congestion is high, you can limit the amount of multicast activity. If DAs have not
already been deployed in the network, deploying DAs can drastically reduce the amount of
SLP-related multicast.
However, even after DAs are deployed, multicast is still necessary for DA discovery. You can
reduce the amount of multicast necessary for DA discovery by using the method that is
described in How to Configure DA Discovery for Dial-up Networks on page 231. You can
completely eliminate multicast for DA discovery by using the method that is described in
Limiting UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs on page 230.

Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or

This section describes possible scenarios in which you can change the following properties to
tune SLP performance.

SLP Performance Properties




The minimum refresh interval that a DA accepts for



The time-to-live value that is specified for multicast packets.


The byte size set for network packets. The size includes IP and
TCP or UDP headers.


The Boolean that is set to indicate if broadcast should be used for

DA and non-DA-based service discovery.

Reducing SA Reregistrations
SAs periodically need to refresh their service advertisements before lifetimes expire. If a DA is
handling an extremely heavy load from many UAs and SAs, frequent refreshes can cause the
DA to become overloaded. If the DA becomes overloaded, UA requests start to time out and are

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations

then dropped. UA request timeouts have many possible causes. Before you assume that DA
overload is the problem, use a snoop trace to check the lifetimes of service advertisements that
are registered with a service registration. If the lifetimes are short and reregistrations are
occurring often, the timeouts are probably the result of frequent reregistrations.
Note A service registration is a reregistration if the FRESH flag is not set. See Chapter 11, SLP
(Reference), for more information on service registration messages.

How to Reduce SA Reregistrations

Use the following procedure to increase the minimum refresh interval for SAs to reduce

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Increase the value of the min-refresh-interval attribute of the net.slp.DAAttributes

The default minimum reregistration period is zero. The zero default allows SAs to reregister at
any point. In the following example, the interval is increased to 3600 seconds (one hour).

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Configuring the Multicast Time-to-Live Property

The multicast timeto-live property (net.slp.multicastTTL) determines the range over
which a multicast packet is propagated on your intranet. The multicast TTL is configured by
setting the net.slp.multicastTTL property to an integer between 1 and 255. The default value
of the multicast TTL is 255, which means, theoretically, that the packet routing is unrestricted.
However, a TTL of 255 causes a multicast packet to penetrate the intranet to the border routers
Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations

on the edge of your administrative domain. Correct configuration of multicast on border

routers is required to prevent multicast packets from leaking into the Internet's multicast
backbone, or to your ISP.
Multicast TTL scoping is similar to standard IP TTL, with the exception that a TTL comparison
is made. Each interface on a router that is multicast enabled is assigned a TTL value. When a
multicast packet arrives, the router compares the TTL of the packet with the TTL of the
interface. If the TTL of the packet is greater than or equal to the TTL of the interface, the packet
TTL is reduced by one, as with the standard IP TTL. If the TTL becomes zero, the packet is
discarded. When you use TTL scoping for SLP multicasting, your routers must be properly
configured to limit packets to a particular subsection of your intranet.

How to Configure the Multicast Time-to-Live Property

Use the following procedure to reset the net.slp.multicastTTL property.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Change the net.slp.multicastTTL property in the slpd.conf file:



A positive integer less than or equal to 255 that defines the multicast TTL

Note You can reduce the range of multicast propagation by reducing the TTL value. If the TTL
value is 1, then the packet is restricted to the subnet. If the value is 32, the packet is restricted to
the site. Unfortunately, the term site is not defined by RFC 1075, where multicast TTLs are
discussed. Values above 32 refer to theoretical routing on the Internet and should not be used.
Values below 32 can be used to restrict multicast to a set of accessible subnets, if the routers are
properly configured with TTLs.

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations

Configuring the Packet Size

The default packet size for SLP is 1400 bytes. The size should be sufficient for most local area
networks. For wireless networks or wide area networks, you can reduce the packet size to avoid
message fragmentation and reduce network traffic. For local area networks that have larger
packets, increasing the packet size can improve performance. You can determine whether the
packet size needs to be reduced by checking the minimum packet size for your network. If the
network medium has a smaller packet size, you can reduce the net.slp.MTU value accordingly.
You can increase the packet size if your network medium has larger packets. However, unless
the service advertisements from SAs or queries from UAs frequently overflow the default packet
size, you should not have to change the net.slp.MTU value. You can use snoop to determine
whether UA requests often overflow the default packet size and roll over to use TCP rather than
The net.slp.MTU property measures the complete IP packet size, including the link layer
header, the IP header, the UDP or TCP header, and the SLP message.

How to Configure the Packet Size

Use the following procedure to change the default packet size by adjusting the net.slp.MTU

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Change the net.slp.MTU property in the slpd.conf file:



A 16bit integer that specifies the network packet size, in bytes

Default Value=1400
Range of Values=1288192

Save your changes and close the file.

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Accommodating Different Network Media, Topologies, or Configurations

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Configuring Broadcast-Only Routing

SLP is designed to use multicast for service discovery in the absence of DAs and for DA
discovery. If your network does not deploy multicast routing, you can configure SLP to use
broadcast by setting the net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property to True.
Unlike multicast, broadcast packets do not propagate across subnets by default. For this reason,
service discovery without DAs in a non-multicast network works only on a single subnet. In
addition, special considerations are required when deploying DAs and scopes on networks in
which broadcast is used. A DA on a multihomed host can bridge service discovery between
multiple subnets with multicast disabled. See DA Placement and Scope Name Assignment on
page 252 for more information on deploying DAs on multihomed hosts.

How to Configure Broadcast-Only Routing

Use the following procedure to change net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property to True.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Change the net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property in the slpd.conf file to True:


Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Modifying Timeouts on SLP Discovery Requests

Modifying Timeouts on SLP Discovery Requests

Two situations might require that you change the timeouts for SLP discovery requests:

If the SLP agents are separated by multiple subnets, dial-up lines, or other WANs, the
network latency can be high enough that the default timeouts are insufficient for a request or
registration to be completed. Conversely, if your network is low latency, you can improve
performance by decreasing the timeouts.

If the network is subject to heavy traffic or a high collision rates, the maximum period that
SAs and UAs need to wait before sending a message might be insufficient to assure
collision-free transactions.

Changing Default Timeouts

High network latency can cause UAs and SAs to time out before a response returns for requests
and registrations. Latency can be a problem if a UA is separated from an SA, or if both a UA and
an SA are separated from a DA;either by multiple subnets, a dial-up line, or a WAN. You can
determine if latency is a problem by checking whether SLP requests are failing because of
timeouts on UA and SA requests and registrations. You can also use the ping command to
measure the actual latency.
The following table lists configuration properties that control timeouts. You can use the
procedures in this section to modify these properties.

Time-out Properties




The properties that control timeouts for repeated

multicast and unicast UDP message transmissions
before the transmission is abandoned.


The property that controls the maximum amount of

time a multicast message is transmitted before it is


The upper bound of a DA timeout that is specified by

the sum of values that are listed for this property. A
UDP datagram is repeatedly sent to a DA until a
response is received or the time-out bound is reached.

If frequent timeouts are occurring during multicast service discovery or DA discovery, increase
the net.slp.multicastMaximumWait property from the default value of 15000 milliseconds (15
seconds). Increasing the maximum wait period allows more time for requests on high latency
Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Modifying Timeouts on SLP Discovery Requests

networks to be completed. After you change the net.slp.multicastMaximumWait, you should

also modify the net.slp.multicastTimeouts and net.slp.DADiscoveryTimeouts. The sum
of the timeout values for these properties equals the net.slp.multicastMaximumWait value.

How to Change Default Timeouts

Use the following procedure to change the SLP properties that control timeouts.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Change the net.slp.multicastMaximumWait property in the slpd.conf file:



A 32bit integer that lists the sum of the values that are set for
net.slp.multicastTimeouts and net.slp.DADiscoveryTimeouts
Default Value=15000 milliseconds (15 seconds)
Range of Values=1000 to 60000 milliseconds

For example, if you determine that multicast requests require 20 seconds (20000 milliseconds),
you would adjust the values that are listed for net.slp.multicastTimeouts and the
net.slp.DADiscoveryTimeouts properties to equal 20000 milliseconds.

If necessary, change the net.slp.datagramTimeouts property in the slpd.conf file:



A list of 32bit integers that specify timeouts, in milliseconds, to implement unicast

datagram transmission to DAs


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Modifying Timeouts on SLP Discovery Requests

For example, you can increase the datagram timeout to 20000 milliseconds to avoid frequent

In high-performance networks, you can reduce the time-out bound for multicast and unicast
UDP datagram transmission. When you reduce the time-out bound, you decrease latency that
is required to satisfy SLP requests.

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Configuring the Random-Wait Bound

In networks with heavy traffic or a high collision rate, communication with a DA might be
affected. When collision rates are high, the sending agent must retransmit the UDP datagram.
You can determine if retransmission is occurring by using snoop to monitor traffic on a
network of hosts that are running slpd as an SA server and a host that is running slpd as a DA.
If multiple service registration messages for the same service appear in the snoop trace from the
host that is running slpd as an SA server, you might have notice collisions.
Collisions can be particularly troubling at boot time. When a DA first starts, it sends unsolicited
advertisements and the SAs respond with registrations. SLP requires the SAs to wait for a
random amount of time after receiving a DA advertisement before responding. The
random-wait bound is uniformly distributed with a maximum value that is controlled by the
net.slp.randomWaitBound. The default random-wait bound is 1000 milliseconds (1 second).

How to Configure the Random-Wait Bound

Use the following procedure to change the net.slp.RandomWaitBound property in the
slp.conf file.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Deploying Scopes

Change the net.slp.RandomWaitBound property in the slpd.conf file:



The upper bound for calculating the random-wait time before attempting to contact a
Default Value=1000 milliseconds (1 second)
Range of Values=1000 to 3000 milliseconds

For example, you can lengthen the maximum wait to 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).

When you lengthen the random-wait bound, a longer delay in registration occurs. SAs can
complete registrations with newly discovered DAs more slowly to avoid collisions and timeouts.

If necessary, change the net.slp.datagramTimeouts property in the slpd.conf file:



A list of 32bit integers that specify timeouts, in milliseconds, to implement unicast

datagram transmission to DAs

For example, you can increase the datagram timeout to 20000 milliseconds to avoid frequent

In high-performance networks, you can reduce the time-out bound for multicast and unicast
UDP datagram transmission. This setting reduces the amount of latency in satisfying SLP

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Deploying Scopes
With scopes, you can provision services that depend on the logical, physical, and administrative
groupings of users. You can use scopes to administer access to service advertisements.
Use the net.slp.useScopes property to create scopes. For example, in the
/etc/inet/slp.conf file on a host, add a new scope, called newscope, as shown:


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Deploying Scopes


Your organization might, for example, have an alcove of networked devices, such as printers
and fax machines, at the end of the south hall on the second floor of Building 6. These devices
could be used by everyone on the second floor, or you might restrict the usage to members of a
certain department. Scopes provide a way for you to provision access to the service
advertisements for these machines.
If the devices are dedicated to a single department, you can create a scope with the department
name, for example, mktg. Devices that belong to other departments can be configured with
different scope names.
In another scenario, the departments might be dispersed. For instance, the mechanical
engineering and the CAD/CAM departments might be split between floors 1 and 2. However,
you can provide the floor 2 machines for the hosts on both floors by assigning them to the same
scope. You can deploy scopes in any manner that operates well with your network and users.
Note UAs that have particular scope are not prevented from actually using services that are

advertised in other scopes. Configuring scopes controls only which service advertisements a UA
detects. The service is responsible for enforcing any access control restrictions.

When to Configure Scopes

SLP can function adequately without any scope configuration. In the Oracle Solaris operating
environment, the default scope for SLP is default. If no scopes are configured, default is the
scope of all SLP messages.
You can configure scopes in any of the following circumstances.

The organizations you support want to restrict service advertisement access to their own

The physical layout of the organization you support suggests that services in a certain area
be accessed by particular users.

The service advertisements that are appropriate for specific users to see must be partitioned.

An example of the first circumstance was cited in Configuring DA Discovery for Dial-up
Networks on page 231. An example of the second is a situation in which an organization is
spread between two buildings, and you want users in a building to access local services in that
building. You can configure users in Building 1 with the B1 scope, while you configure users in
Building 2 with the B2 scope.

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Deploying Scopes

Considerations When Configuring Scopes

When you modify the net.slp.useScopes property in the slpd.conf file, you configure scopes
for all agents on the host. If the host is running any SAs or is acting as a DA, you must configure
this property if you want to configure the SAs or DA into scopes other than default. If only
UAs are running on the machine and the UAs should discover SAs and DAs supporting scopes
other than default, you do not need to configure the property unless you want to restrict the
scopes the UAs use. If the property is not configured, UAs can automatically discover available
DAs and scopes through slpd. The SLP daemon uses active and passive DA discovery to find
DAs, or it uses SA discovery if no DAs are running. Alternatively, if the property is configured,
UAs use only the configured scopes and do not discard them.
If you decide to configure scopes, you should consider keeping the default scope on the list of
configured scopes unless you are sure that all SAs in the network have scopes configured. If any
SAs are left unconfigured, UAs with configured scopes are unable to find them. This situation
occurs because the unconfigured SAs automatically have scope default, but the UAs have the
configured scopes.
If you also decide to configure DAs by setting the net.slp.DAAddresses property, be sure that
the scopes that are supported by the configured DAs are the same as the scopes that you have
configured with the net.slp.useScopes property. If the scopes are different, slpd prints an
error message when it is restarted.

How to Configure Scopes

Use the following procedure to add scope names to the net.slp.useScopes property in the
slp.conf file.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Change the net.slp.useScopes property in the slpd.conf file:

net.slp.useScopes=<scope names>

scope names


A list of strings that indicate which scopes a DA or SA is allowed to use when

making requests, or which scopes a DA must support

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Deploying DAs

Default Value=Default for SA and DA/Unassigned for UA


Use the following to construct scope names:

Any alphanumeric characters, uppercase or lowercase

Any punctuation characters (except for: '', \, !, <, =, >, and ~)

Spaces that are considered part of the name

Non-ASCII characters
You use a backslash to escape non-ASCII characters. For example, UTF-8 encoding uses
0xc3a9 hex code to represent the letter e with the French aigue accent. If the platform does
not support UTF-8, you use the UTF-8 hex code as the escape sequence \c3\a9.

For example, to specify scopes for eng and mktg groups in bldg6, you change the
net.slp.useScopes line to the following.

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Deploying DAs
This section describes the strategic deployment of DAs in a network that is running SLP.
SLP functions adequately with only the base agents (UAs and SAs), and with no deployed DAs
or configured scopes. All agents that lack specific configurations use the default scope. DAs
serve as caches for service advertisements. Deploying DAs decreases the number of messages
that are sent on the network and reduces the time that is required to receive responses to
messages. This capability enables SLP to accommodate larger networks.

Why Deploy an SLP DA?

The primary reason to deploy DAs is to reduce the amount of multicast traffic and the delays
that are associated with gathering unicast replies. In a large network with many UAs and SAs,
the amount of multicast traffic that is involved in service discovery can become so large that
network performance degrades. By deploying one or more DAs, UAs must unicast to DAs for

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Deploying DAs

service and SAs must register with DAs by using unicast. The only SLP-registered multicast in a
network with DAs is for active and passive DA discovery.
SAs register automatically with any DAs they discover within a set of common scopes, rather
than accepting multicast service requests. Multicast requests in scopes that are not supported by
the DA are still answered directly by the SA, however.
Service requests from UAs are unicast to DAs rather than multicast onto the network when a
DA is deployed within the UA's scopes. Consequently, DAs within the UA's scopes reduce
multicast. By eliminating multicast for normal UA requests, the time that is required to obtain
replies to queries is greatly reduced (from seconds to milliseconds).
DAs act as a focal point for SA and UA activity. Deploying one or several DAs for a collection of
scopes provides a centralized point for monitoring SLP activity. By turning on DA logging, it is
easier to monitor registrations and requests than by checking the logs from multiple SAs that
are scattered around the network. You can deploy any number of DAs for a particular scope or
scopes, depending on the need to balance the load.
In networks without multicast routing enabled, you can configure SLP to use broadcast.
However, broadcast is very inefficient, because it requires each host to process the message.
Broadcast also does not normally propagate across routers. As a result, in a network without
multicast routing support, services can be discovered only on the same subnet. Partial support
for multicast routing leads to inconsistent ability to discover services on a network. Multicast
messages are used to discover DAs. Partial support for multicast routing, therefore, implies that
UAs and SAs register services with all known DAs in the SA's scope. For example, if a UA
queries a DA that is called DA1 and the SA has registered services with DA2, the UA will fail to
discover a service. See Configuring Broadcast-Only Routing on page 238 for more
information on how to deploy SLP on networks without multicast enabled.
On a network with inconsistent site-wide support for multicast routing, you must configure the
SLP UAs and SAs with a consistent list of DA locations by using the net.slp.DAAdresseses
Finally, the SLPv2 DA supports interoperability with SLPv1. SLPv1 interoperability is enabled
by default in the DA. If your network contains SLPv1 devices, such as printers, or you need to
interoperate with Novell Netware 5, which uses SLPv1 for service discovery, you should deploy
a DA. Without a DA, the Oracle Solaris SLP UAs are unable to find SLPv1 advertised services.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Deploying DAs

When to Deploy DAs

Deploy DAs on your enterprise if any of the following conditions are true:

Multicast SLP traffic exceeds 1 percent of the bandwidth on your network, as measured by

UA clients experience long delays or timeouts during multicast service requests.

You want to centralize the monitoring of SLP service advertisements for particular scopes
on one or several hosts.

Your network does not have multicast enabled and consists of multiple subnets that must
share services.

Your network employs devices that support earlier versions of SLP (SLPv1) or you would
like SLP service discovery to interoperate with Novell Netware 5.

How to Deploy DAs

Use the following procedure to set the net.slp.isDA property to True in the slp.conf file.
Note You can assign only one DA per host.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpdand all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Set the net.slp.isDA property in the slpd.conf file to True:


Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


Deploying DAs

Where to Place DAs

This section provides suggestions for where to place DAs in different situations.

When multicast routing is not enabled and DAs are required to bridge service discovery
between subnets
In this situation, a DA must be placed on a host with interfaces and all subnets that share
services. The net.slp.interfaces configuration property does not need to be set, unless IP
packets are not routed among the interfaces. See Multihoming Configuration for SLP on
page 249 for more information on configuring the net.slp.interfaces property.

When DAs are deployed for scalability and the primary consideration is optimizing agent
UAs typically make many requests for services to DAs. An SA registers with the DA once,
and can refresh the advertisement at periodic but infrequent intervals. As a result, UA access
to DAs is far more frequent than SA access. The number of service advertisements is also
usually smaller than the number of requests. Consequently, most DA deployments are more
efficient if the deployment is optimized for UA access.

Situating DAs so that they are topologically close to UAs on the network to optimize UA
Naturally, you must configure the DA with a scope that is shared by both the UA and SA

Placing Multiple DAs for Load Balancing

You can deploy multiple DAs for the same collection of scopes as a means of load balancing.
Deploy DAs in any of the following circumstances:

UA requests to a DA are timing out, or are returning with the DA_BUSY_NOW error.

The DA log shows that many SLP requests are being dropped.

The network of users who share services in the scopes spans a number of buildings or
physical sites.

You can run a snoop trace of SLP traffic to determine how many UA requests return with the
DA_BUSY_NOW error. If the number of UA requests returned is high, UAs in buildings physically
and topologically distant from the DA can exhibit slow response or excessive timeouts. In such a
scenario, you can deploy a DA in each building to improve response for UA clients within the
Links that connect buildings are often slower than the local area networks within the buildings.
If your network spans multiple buildings or physical sites, set the net.slp.DAAddresses
property in the /etc/inet/slp.conf file to a list of specific host names or addresses so that the
UAs access only the DAs you specify.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

SLP and Multihoming

If a particular DA is using large amounts of host memory for service registrations, reduce the
number of SA registrations by reducing the number of scopes the DA supports. You can split
into two a scope that has many registrations. You can then support one of the new scopes by
deploying another DA on another host.

SLP and Multihoming

A multihomed server acts as a host on multiple IP subnets. The server can sometimes have
more than one network interface card and can act as a router. IP packets, including multicast
packets, are routed between the interfaces. In some situations, routing between interfaces is
disabled. The following sections describe how to configure SLP for such situations.

Multihoming Configuration for SLP

Without configuration, slpd listens for multicast and for UDP/TCP unicast on the default
network interface. If unicast and multicast routing is enabled between interfaces on a
multihomed machine, no additional configuration is needed. This is because multicast packets
that arrive at another interface are properly routed to the default. As a result, multicast requests
for DA or other service advertisements arrive at slpd. If routing is not turned on for some
reason, configuration is required.

When to Configure for Nonrouted, Multiple Network

If one of the following conditions exist, you might need to configure multihomed machines.

Unicast routing is enabled between the interfaces and multicast routing is disabled.

Unicast routing and multicast routing are both disabled between the interfaces.

When multicast routing is disabled between interfaces, it is usually because multicast has not
been deployed in the network. In that situation, broadcast is normally used for service discovery
that is not DA-based and for DA discovery on the individual subnets. Broadcast is configured by
setting the net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property to True.

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


SLP and Multihoming

Configuring Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces

(Task Map)

Configuring Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces



For Instructions

Configure the net.slp.interfaces


Set this property to enable slpd to listen for unicast

and multicast/broadcast SLP requests on the
specified interfaces.

Configuring the
net.slp.interfaces Property on
page 250

Arrange proxy service advertisements

so that UAs on subnets get service
URLs with reachable addresses

Restrict proxy advertisement to a machine that is

running slpd connected to a single subnet rather
than a multihomed host.

Proxy Advertising on Multihomed

Hosts on page 252

Place the DAs and configure scopes to

assure reachability between UAs and

Configure the net.slp.interfaces property on

multihomed hosts with a single interface host name
or address.

DA Placement and Scope Name

Assignment on page 252

Run a DA on a multihomed host, but configure

scopes so that SAs and UAs on each subnet use
different hosts.

Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property

If the net.slp.interfaces property is set, slpd listens for unicast and multicast/broadcast SLP
requests on the interfaces that are listed in the property, rather than on the default interface.
Usually, you set the net.slp.interfaces property in conjunction with enabling broadcast by
setting the net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property, because multicast has not been deployed in
the network. However, if multicast has been deployed, but is not being routed on this particular
multihomed host, a multicast request can arrive at slpd from more than one interface. This
situation can occur when the routing of packets is handled by another multihomed host or
router that connects the subnets that are served by the interfaces.
When such a situation occurs, the SA server or the UA that is sending the request receives two
responses from slpd on the multihomed host. The responses are then filtered by the client
libraries and the client does not see them. The responses are, however, visible in the snoop trace.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

SLP and Multihoming

If unicast routing is turned off, services that are advertised by SA clients on multihomed hosts
might not be reachable from all the subnets. If services are unreachable, SA clients can do the

Advertise one service URL for each individual subnet.

Assure that requests from a particular subnet are answered with a reachable URL.

The SA client library makes no effort to assure that reachable URLs are advertised. The service
program, which might or might not handle a multihomed host with no routing, is then
responsible for assuring that reachable URLs are advertised.
Before you deploy a service on a multihomed host with unicast routing disabled, use snoop to
determine whether the service handles requests from multiple subnets correctly. Furthermore,
if you plan to deploy a DA on the multihomed host, see DA Placement and Scope Name
Assignment on page 252.

How to Configure the net.slp.interfaces Property

Use the following procedure to change the net.slp.interfaces property in the slp.conf file.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Change the net.slp.interfaces property in the slpd.conf file:



List of IPv4 addresses or host names of the network interface cards on which the DA
or SA should listen for multicast, unicast UDP, and TCP messages on port 427

For example, a server with three network cards and multicast routing that is turned off is
connected to three subnets. The IP addresses of the three network interfaces are,, and The subnet mask is
The following property setting causes slpd to listen on all three interfaces for unicast and
multicast/broadcast messaging:

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)


SLP and Multihoming

Note You can specify IP addresses or resolvable host names for the net.slp.interfaces

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Proxy Advertising on Multihomed Hosts

If a host with multiple interfaces advertises services by using slpd and proxy registration, the
service URLs that are advertised by slpd must contain reachable host names or addresses. If
unicast routing is enabled between the interfaces, hosts on all subnets can reach hosts on other
subnets. Proxy registrations can also be made for a service on any subnet. If, however, unicast
routing is disabled, service clients on one subnet cannot reach services on another subnet
through the multihomed host. However, those clients might be able to reach the services
through another router.
For example, suppose the host with default host name bigguy has three interface cards on three
different unrouted subnets. The host names on these subnets are bigguy, with IP address, bigguy1, with IP address, and bigguy2, with IP address Now suppose that a legacy printer, oldprinter, is connected to the 143
subnet and that the URL service:printing:lpr://oldprinter/queue1 is configured with
the net.slp.interfaces to listen on all interfaces. The oldprinter URL is proxy-advertised
on all interfaces. The machines on the 142 and 144 subnets receive the URL in response to
service requests, but are unable to access the oldprinter service.
The solution to this problem is to perform the proxy advertisement with slpd running on a
machine that is connected to the 143 subnet only, rather than on the multihomed host. Only
hosts on the 143 subnet can obtain the advertisement in response to a service request.

DA Placement and Scope Name Assignment

The placement of DAs and assignment of scope names on a network with a multihomed host
must be done carefully to assure that clients obtain accessible services. Be particularly cautious
when routing is disabled and the net.slp.interfaces property is configured. Again, if unicast
routing is enabled between the interfaces on a multihomed machine, no special DA and scope
configuration is necessary. The advertisements are cached with the DA identify services that are
accessible from any of the subnets. However, if unicast routing is disabled, poor placement of
DAs can result in problems.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

SLP and Multihoming

To see what problems can result in the previous example, consider what would happen if
bigguy runs a DA, and clients on all subnets have the same scopes. SAs on the 143 subnet
register their service advertisements with the DA. UAs on the 144 subnet can obtain those
service advertisements, even though hosts on the 143 subnet are unreachable.
One solution to this problem is to run a DA on each subnet and not on the multihomed host. In
this situation, the net.slp.interfaces property on the multihomed hosts should be
configured with a single interface host name or address, or it should be left unconfigured,
forcing the default interface to be used. A disadvantage of this solution is that multihomed hosts
are often large machines that could better handle the computational load of a DA.
Another solution is to run a DA on the multihomed host, but configure scopes so that the SAs
and UAs on each subnet have a different scope. For example, in the previous situation, UAs and
SAs on the 142 subnet might have a scope that is called scope142. UAs and SAs on the 143
subnet might have another scope that is called scope143 and UAs and SAs on the 144 subnet
could have third scope that is called scope144. You can configure the net.slp.interfaces
property on bigguy with the three interfaces so that the DA serves three scopes on the three

Considerations When Configuring for Nonrouted,

Multiple Network Interfaces
Configuring the net.slp.interfaces property enables a DA on the multihomed host to bridge
service advertisements between the subnets. Such configuration is useful if multicast routing is
turned off in the network, but unicast routing between interfaces on a multihomed host is
enabled. Because unicast is routed between the interfaces, hosts on a subnet different from the
subnet on which the service is located can contact the service when they receive the service
URL. Without the DA, SA servers on a particular subnet receive only broadcasts that were made
on the same subnet, so they cannot locate services off of their subnet.
The most common situation that necessitates configuration of the net.slp.interfaces
property occurs when multicast is not deployed on the network and broadcast is used instead.
Other situations require careful thought and planning to avoid unnecessary duplicate responses
or unreachable services.

Chapter 9 Administering SLP (Tasks)




1 0

Incorporating Legacy Services

Legacy services are network services that predate the development and implementation of SLP.
Services such as the the NFS service, and the NIS name service, for example, do not contain
internal SAs for SLP. This chapter describes when and how to advertise legacy services.

When to Advertise Legacy Services on page 255

Advertising Legacy Services on page 255
Considerations When Advertising Legacy Services on page 259

When to Advertise Legacy Services

With legacy service advertising, you can enable the SLP UAs to find devices and services such as
the following on your networks. You can find hardware devices and software services that do
that do not contain SLP SAs. When applications with SLP UAs need to find printers or
databases that do not contain SLP SAs, for example, legacy advertising might be required.

Advertising Legacy Services

You use any of the following methods to advertise legacy services.

Modify the service to incorporate an SLP SA.

Write a small program that advertises on behalf of a service that is not SLP enabled.

Use proxy advertising to have slpd advertise the service.

Modifying the Service

If the source code for the software server is available, you can incorporate a SLP SA. The C and
Java APIs for SLP are relatively straightforward to use. See the man pages for information on the

Advertising Legacy Services

C API and documentation on the Java API. If the service is a hardware device, the manufacturer
might have an updated PROM that incorporates SLP. Contact the device manufacturer for more

Advertising a Service That Is Not SLP Enabled

If the source code or an updated PROM that contains SLP is not available, you can write a small
application that uses the SLP client library to advertise the service. This application could
function as a small daemon that you start or stop from the same shell script you use to start and
stop the service.

SLP Proxy Registration

Oracle Solaris slpd supports legacy service advertising with a proxy registration file. The proxy
registration file is a list of service advertisements in a portable format.

How to Enable SLP Proxy Registration

Create a proxy registration file on the host file system or in any network directory that is
accessible by HTTP.

Determine if a service type template exists for the service.

The template is a description of the service URL and attributes of a service type. A template is
used to define the components of an advertisement for a particular service type:

If a service type template exists, use the template to construct the proxy registration. See
RFC 2609 for more information on service-type templates.

If a service type template is not available for the service, select a collection of attributes that
precisely describe the service. Use a naming authority other than the default for the
advertisement. The default naming authority is allowed only for service types that have been
standardized. See RFC 2609 for more information on naming authorities.
For example, suppose a company that is called BizApp has a local database that is used to
track software defects. To advertise the database, the company might use a URL with the
service type service:bugdb.bizapp. The naming authority would then be bizapp.


Follow the next steps to configure the net.slp.serializedRegURL property in the

/etc/inet/slp.conf file with the location of the registration file that was created in the
previous steps.
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Advertising Legacy Services

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop slpd and all SLP activity on the host.

# svcadm disable network/slp

Back up the default /etc/inet/slp.conf file before you change the configuration settings.

Specify the location of the proxy registration file in the net.slp.serializedRegURL property of
the /etc/inet/slp.conf file. registration file URL

For example, if the serialized registration file is /net/inet/slp.reg, you configure the property
as shown in the following:

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart slpd to activate your changes.

# svcadm enable network/slp

Using SLP Proxy Registration to Advertise

A service advertisement consists of lines that identify the service URL, an optional scope, and a
series of attribute definitions. The SLP daemon reads, registers, and maintains proxy
advertisements exactly as an SA client would. The following is an example of an advertisement
from a proxy registration file.
In the example, a legacy printer that supports LPR protocol and an FTP server are advertised.
Line numbers have been added for description purposes and are not part of the file.
(1) #Advertise legacy printer.
(3) service:lpr://bizserver/mainspool,en,65535
(4) scope=eng,corp
(5) make-model=Laserwriter II
(6) location-description=B16-2345
(7) color-supported=monochromatic
(8) fonts-supported=Courier,Times,Helvetica 9 10
(10) #Advertise FTP server
(12) ftp://archive/usr/src/public,en,65535,src-server
Chapter 10 Incorporating Legacy Services


Advertising Legacy Services

(13) content=Source code for projects


Note The proxy registration file supports the same convention for escaping non-ASCII
characters as the configuration file does. For more information about the format of the proxy
registration file, see RFC 2614.

SLP Proxy Registration File Description

Line Numbers


1 and 10

Comment lines begin with a cross-hatch symbol (#) and do not affect the file's operation.
All characters through the end of a comment line are ignored.

2, 9, and 14

Blank lines that delimit the advertisements.

3, 12

Service URLs that each have three required fields and one optional field that are separated
by commas:

Generic or service: URL advertised. See RFC 2609 for the specification of how to
form a service: URL.

Language of the advertisement. In the previous example, the field is designated

English, en. Language is an RFC 1766 language tag.

Lifetime of the registration, measured in seconds. The lifetime is restricted to an

unsigned 16 bit-integer. If the lifetime is less than the maximum, 65535, slpd times
out the advertisement. If the lifetime is 65535, slpd refreshes the advertisement
periodically, and the lifetime is considered permanent, until slpd exits.

(Optional) Service type field If used, this field defines the service type. If the service
URL is defined, you can change the service type under which the URL is advertised. In
the previous example of a proxy registration file, line 12 contains a generic FTP URL.
The optional type field causes the URL to be advertised under the service type name
src-server. The service prefix is not added by default to the type name.

Scope designation.
Optional line consists of the token scope, followed by an equal sign and a
comma-separated list of scope names. Scope names are defined by the
net.slp.useScopes configuration property. Only scopes that are configured for the host
should be included in the list. When a scope line is not added, the registration is made in
all scopes with which slpd is configured. The scope line must appear immediately after the
URL line. Otherwise, scope names are recognized as attributes.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Considerations When Advertising Legacy Services


SLP Proxy Registration File Description

Line Numbers



Attribute definitions.


After the optional scope line, the bulk of the service advertisement contains attribute/value
list pair lines. Each pair consists of the attribute tag, followed by an equal sign, and an
attribute value or a comma-separated list of values. In the previous example of a proxy
registration file, line 8 illustrates an attribute list with multiple values. All other lists have
single values. The format for the attribute names and values is the same as on-the-wire SLP

Considerations When Advertising Legacy Services

Generally, modifying the source code to add SLP is preferable to writing a SLP-enabled service
that uses the SLP API to advertise on behalf of other services. Modifying the source code is also
preferable to using proxy registration. When you modify the source code, you can add
service-specific features and closely track service availability. If the source code is unavailable,
writing an SLP-enabled helper service that advertises on behalf of other services is preferable to
using proxy registration. Ideally, this helper service is integrated into the service start/stop
procedure that is used to control activation and deactivation. Proxy advertising is generally the
third choice, when no source code is available and writing a standalone SA is impractical.
Proxy advertisements are maintained only if slpd is running to read the proxy registration file.
No direct connection exists between the proxy advertisement and the service. If an
advertisement times out or slpd is halted, the proxy advertisement is no longer available.
If the service is shut down, slpd must be stopped. The serialized registration file is edited to
comment out or remove the proxy advertisement, and slpd is restarted. You must follow the
same procedure when the service is restarted or reinstalled. The lack of connection between the
proxy advertisement and the service is a major disadvantage of proxy advertisements.

Chapter 10 Incorporating Legacy Services




1 1

SLP (Reference)

This chapter describes the SLP status codes and message types. SLP message types are listed
with the abbreviations and function codes. SLP status codes are shown with descriptions and
function codes that are used to indicate that a request is received (code 0), or that the receiver is
Note The SLP daemon (slpd) returns status codes for unicast messages only.

SLP Status Codes


SLP Status Codes

Status Type

Status Code


No Error

Request was processed without error.


For an AttrRqst or SrvRqst, there is data for the

service type in the scope, but not in the language that
is indicated.


The message fails to follow SLP syntax.


The SrvReg has problems. For example, a zero

lifetime or an omitted language tag.


The SLP message did not include a scope in its scope

list that is supported by the SA or DA that answered
the request.


The DA or SA received a request for an unsupported



The UA or DA expected URL and attribute

authentication in the SrvReg and did not receive it.


SLP Message Types


SLP Status Codes


Status Type

Status Code



The UA or DA detected an authentication error in an

Authentication block.


Unsupported version number in message.



An unknown error occurred in the DA or SA. For

example, the operating system had no remaining file



The UA or SA should retry, using exponential

backoff. The DA is busy processing other messages.



The DA or SA received an unknown option from the

mandatory range.



The DA received a SrvReg without FRESH set, for an

unregistered service or with inconsistent service



The SA received an AttrRqst or SrvTypeRqst and

does not support it.



The SA sent a SrvReg or partial SrvDereg to a DA

more frequently than the DA's min-refresh-interval.

SLP Message Types


SLP Message Types

Message Type


Function Code


Service Request


Issued by a UA to find services or by a UA or SA

server during active DA discovery.

Service Reply


The DA or SA response to a service request.

Service Registration


Enables SAs to register new advertisements, to

update existing advertisements with new and
changed attributes, and to refresh URL lifetimes.

Service Deregistration


Used by the SA to deregister its advertisements

when the service they represent is no longer



The DA response to an SA's service request or

service deregistration message.

Attribute Request


Made either by URL or by service type to request a

list of attributes.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

SLP Message Types


SLP Message Types


Message Type


Function Code


Attribute Reply


Used to return the list of attributes.

DA Advertisement


The DA response to multicast service requests.

Service Type Request


Used to inquire about registered service types that

have a particular naming authority and are in a
particular set of scopes.

Service Type Reply



The message that is returned in response to the

service type request.

SA Advertisement



UAs employ the SAAdvert to discover SAs and their

scopes in networks where no DAs are deployed.

Chapter 11 SLP (Reference)





Mail Services Topics

This section provides overview, task, and reference information for the mail service.




1 2

Mail Services (Overview)

Setting up and maintaining an electronic mail service involves complex tasks that are critical to
the daily operation of your network. As a network administrator, you might need to expand an
existing mail service. Alternately, you might need to set up a mail service on a new network or a
subnet. The chapters on mail services can help you plan and set up a mail service for your
network. This chapter provides links to descriptions of new features in sendmail, as well as a list
of other sources of information. The chapter also provides overviews of the software and
hardware components that are required to establish a mail service.

What's New With Mail Services on page 267

Other sendmail Information Sources on page 269
Introduction to the Components of Mail Services on page 269

See Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks), for procedural information about how to set up and
administer mail services. For details, refer to Task Map for Mail Services on page 273.
See Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference), for a more detailed description of the components
of mail services. This chapter also describes the mail service programs and files, the mail routing
process, the interactions of sendmail with name services, and the features in version 8.13 of
sendmail. See Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 349.

What's New With Mail Services

This section provides information about new features in various Oracle Solaris releases.


What's New With Mail Services

Changes in this Release

The following changes have been made in the Oracle Solaris 11 release:

The default version of sendmail has been updated to 8.14.5.

The sendmail instance was split into two instances to provide better management of the
traditional daemon (svc:/network/smtp:sendmail) and the client queue runner

The system can be configured to automatically rebuild the and the
configuration files. The required steps are documented in How to Automatically Rebuild a
Configuration File on page 287.

By default, the sendmail daemon runs in the new local daemon mode. The localonly mode
only accepts incoming mail from the local host or loopback SMTP connections. For
instance, mail from a cron job or between local users would be accepted. Outbound mail is
routed as expected, only the incoming mail is changed. The -bl option is used to select the
local-only mode, also known as the Become Local mode. For more information about this
mode, see the sendmail(1M) man page. For instructions on how to change back to the -bd
or Become Daemon mode, see How to Use sendmail in the Open Mode on page 288.

The -t and -u options to the makemap command now work as expected. The delimiter
declared with the -t option is used as the delimiter, even with the -u option. Previously a
space would be used as a delimiter if the -u option was used, regardless of the delimiter
defined by the -t option. See the makemap(1M) man page for more information about these

Significant Changes in Earlier Releases

sendmail supports SMTP using Transport Layer Security (TLS). For more information, see
the following:

sendmail version 8.13 was added. For information about version 8.13 and other changes,
see the following:


Support for Running SMTP With TLS in Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 349
How to Set SMTP to Use TLS on page 289

Flags Used and Not Used to Compile sendmail on page 316

MILTER, Mail Filter API for sendmail on page 317
Versions of the Configuration File on page 318
Enhancement for vacation Utility on page 329
Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory on page 331
Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 349
Support for TCP Wrappers From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 357

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Introduction to the Components of Mail Services

The mail service is managed by the Service Management Facility. Administrative actions on
this service, such as enabling, disabling, or restarting, can be performed by using the svcadm
command. The service's status can be queried by using the svcs command. For more
information about the Service Management Facility, see the smf(5) man page and Chapter 6,
Managing Services (Overview), in Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks.

Other sendmail Information Sources

The following is a list of additional information sources about sendmail.

Costales, Bryan. sendmail, Third Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 2002.

Home page for sendmail

FAQ for sendmail

README for new sendmail configuration files


A guide for issues that are related to migrating to more recent versions of sendmail

Introduction to the Components of Mail Services

Many software and hardware components are required to establish a mail service. The
following sections give a quick introduction to these components. These sections also provide
some of the terms that are used to describe the components.
The first section, Overview of the Software Components on page 269, defines the terms that
are used when discussing the software parts of the mail delivery system. The next section,
Overview of the Hardware Components on page 270, focuses on the functions of the hardware
systems in a mail configuration.

Overview of the Software Components

The following table introduces some of the software components of a mail system. Refer to
Software Components on page 319 for a complete description of all of the software


.forward files

Files that you can set up in a user's home directory to redirect

mail or to send mail to a program automatically

Chapter 12 Mail Services (Overview)


Introduction to the Components of Mail Services




A file on a mail server that is the final destination for email


mail addresses

Address that contains the name of the recipient and the system
to which a mail message is delivered

mail aliases

An alternate name that is used in a mail address

mail queue

A collection of mail messages that needs to be processed by the

mail server


A special mail alias that is used to report problems and to ask

questions about the mail service

sendmail configuration file

A file that contains all the information necessary for mail


Overview of the Hardware Components

A mail configuration requires three elements, which you can combine on the same system or
provide in separate systems.

A mail host A system that is configured to handle email addresses that are difficult to

A minimum of one mail server A system that is configured to hold one or more mailboxes

Mail clients Systems that access mail from a mail server

If users are to communicate with networks outside your domain, you must also add a fourth
element, a mail gateway.
Figure 121 shows a typical electronic mail configuration, using the three basic mail elements
plus a mail gateway.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Introduction to the Components of Mail Services


Typical Electronic Mail Configuration

. . . Other domains . . .

Mail Gateway

Mail Host



Mail Server



Mail Server



Each element is described in detail in Hardware Components on page 326.

Chapter 12 Mail Services (Overview)




1 3

Mail Services (Tasks)

This chapter describes how to set up and administer mail services. If you are not familiar with
administering mail services, read Chapter 12, Mail Services (Overview), for an introduction to
the components of mail services. This chapter also provides a description of a typical mail
service configuration, as shown in Figure 121. The following list can help you find groups of
related procedures that are covered in this chapter.

Task Map for Mail Services on page 273

Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) on page 277
Changing the sendmail Configuration (Task Map) on page 285
Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294
Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map) on page 300
Administering .forward Files (Task Map) on page 304
Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services (Task Map) on page 306

See Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference), for a more detailed description of the components
of mail services. This chapter also describes the mail service programs and files, the mail routing
process, the interactions of sendmail with name services, and the features in version 8.13 of
sendmail that are not fully described in the sendmail(1M) man page.

Task Map for Mail Services

The following table refers you to other task maps that focus on a specific group of procedures.


For Instructions

Setting up mail services

Use these procedures to set up each

component of your mail service. Learn
how to set up a mail server, a mail client, a
mail host, and a mail gateway. Learn how
to use DNS with sendmail.

Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) on

page 277


Planning Your Mail System



For Instructions

Altering the sendmail configuration

Use these procedures to modify your

configuration files or service properties.

Changing the sendmail Configuration

(Task Map) on page 285

Administering mail alias files

Use these procedures to provide aliasing

on your network. Learn how to set up an
NIS map, a local mail alias, a keyed map
file, and a postmaster alias.

Administering Mail Alias Files (Task

Map) on page 294

Administering the mail queue

Use these procedures to provide smooth

Administering the Queue Directories
queue processing. Learn how to display
(Task Map) on page 300
and move the mail queue, force mail queue
processing, and run a subset of the mail
queue. Also, learn how to run the old mail

Administering .forward files

Use these procedures to disable .forward

files or change the search path of the
.forward file. Also, learn how to permit
users to use the .forward file by creating
and populating /etc/shells.

Administering .forward Files (Task

Map) on page 304

Troubleshooting procedures and tips for

mail services

Use these procedures and tips to resolve

problems with your mail service. Learn
how to test the mail configuration, check
mail aliases, test the sendmail rule sets,
verify connections to other systems, and
log messages. Also, learn where to look for
other mail diagnostic information.

Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for

Mail Services (Task Map) on page 306

Resolving error messages

Use the information in this section to

resolve some mail-related error messages.

Resolving Error Messages on page 311

Planning Your Mail System

The following list describes some concerns that should be part of your planning process.


Determine the type of mail configuration that meets your requirements. This section
describes two basic types of mail configuration and briefly lists what you need to set up each
configuration. If you need to set up a new mail system or if you are expanding an existing
one, you might find this section useful. Local Mail Only on page 275 describes the first
configuration type, and Local Mail and a Remote Connection on page 276 describes the
second type.

As necessary, choose the systems that are to act as mail servers, mail hosts, and mail

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning Your Mail System

Make a list of all the mail clients for which you are providing service and include the location
of their mailboxes. This list can help you when you are ready to create mail aliases for your

Decide how to update aliases and forward mail messages. You might set up an aliases
mailbox as a place for users to send requests for mail forwarding. Users could also use this
mailbox to send requests for changes to their default mail alias. If your system uses NIS, you
can administer mail forwarding, rather than requiring users to manage mail forwarding.
Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 provides a list of tasks that are
related to aliasing. Administering .forward Files (Task Map) on page 304 provides a list of
tasks that are related to managing .forward files.

After you have completed the planning process, set up the systems on your site to perform the
functions that are described in Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) on page 277. For other
task information, refer to Task Map for Mail Services on page 273.

Local Mail Only

The simplest mail configuration, as shown in Figure 131, is two or more workstations that are
connected to one mail host. Mail is completely local. All the clients store mail on their local
disks, and the clients act as mail servers. Mail addresses are parsed by using the
/etc/mail/aliases files.


Local Mail Configuration

Mail Host

Mail Client

Mail Client

Mail Client

To set up this kind of mail configuration, you need the following.

The default /etc/mail/ file, which requires no editing, on each mail client

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Planning Your Mail System

A server that is designated as the mail host. If you are running NIS, you can make this
designation by adding mailhost.domain-name to the /etc/hosts file on the mail host. If
you are running another name service, such as DNS or LDAP, you must provide additional
information in the /etc/hosts file. See How to Set Up a Mail Host on page 281.

If you are using a name service other than NIS, you need matching /etc/mail/aliases files
on any system that has a local mailbox.

Enough space in /var/mail on each mail client system to hold the mailboxes.

For task information about setting up your mail service, refer to Setting Up Mail Services on
page 277. If you are looking for a particular procedure that is related to setting up your mail
service, refer to Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) on page 277.

Local Mail and a Remote Connection

The most common mail configuration in a small network is shown in Figure 132. One system
includes the mail server, the mail host, and the mail gateway that provides the remote
connection. Mail is distributed by using the /etc/mail/aliases files on the mail gateway. No
name service is required.


Local Mail Configuration With a UUCP Connection


Mail Gateway

Mail Client

Mail Client

Mail Client

In this configuration, you can assume that the mail clients mount their mail files from
/var/mail on the mail host. To set up this kind of mail configuration, you need the following.


The default /etc/mail/ file on each mail client system. This file does not
require any editing.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up Mail Services

A server that is designated as the mail host. If you are running NIS, you can make this
designation by adding mailhost.domain-name to the /etc/hosts file on the mail host. If
you are running another name service, such as DNS or LDAP, you must provide additional
information in the /etc/hosts file. See How to Set Up a Mail Host on page 281.

If you are using a name service other than NIS, you need matching /etc/mail/aliases files
on any system that has a local mailbox.

Enough space in /var/mail on the mail server to hold the client mailboxes.

For task information about setting up your mail service, refer to Setting Up Mail Services on
page 277. If you are looking for a particular procedure that is related to setting up your mail
service, refer to Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) on page 277.

Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map)

The following table describes the procedures for setting up mail services.


For Instructions

Setting up a mail server

Steps to enable a server to route mail

How to Set Up a Mail Server on page 278

Setting up a mail client

Steps to enable a user to receive mail

How to Set Up a Mail Client on page 279

Setting up a mail host

Steps to establish a mail host that can

resolve email addresses

How to Set Up a Mail Host on page 281

Setting up a mail gateway

Steps to manage communication with

networks outside your domain

How to Set Up a Mail Gateway on

page 283

Using DNS with sendmail

Steps to enable DNS host lookups

How to Use DNS With sendmail on

page 284

Setting Up Mail Services

You can readily set up a mail service if your site does not provide connections to email services
outside your company or if your company is in a single domain.
Mail requires two types of configurations for local mail. Refer to Figure 131 in Local Mail
Only on page 275 for a representation of these configurations. Mail requires two more
configurations for communication with networks outside your domain. Refer to Figure 121 in
Overview of the Hardware Components on page 270 or Figure 132 in Local Mail and a
Remote Connection on page 276 for a representation of these configurations. You can
combine these configurations on the same system or provide these configurations on separate
systems. For example, if your mail host and mail server functions are on the same system, follow
the directions in this section for setting up that system as a mail host. Then, follow the
directions in this section for setting up the same system as a mail server.
Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Setting Up Mail Services

Note The following procedures for setting up a mail server and mail client apply when

mailboxes are NFS mounted. However, mailboxes typically are maintained in locally mounted
/var/mail directories, which eliminates the need for the following procedures.

How to Set Up a Mail Server

No special steps are required to set up a mail server that is only serving mail for local users. The
user must have an entry in the password file or in the namespace. Also, for mail to be delivered,
the user should have a local home directory for checking the ~/.forward file. For this reason,
home directory servers are often set up as the mail server. Hardware Components on page 326
in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference), provides more information about the mail server.
The mail server can route mail for many mail clients. This type of mail server must have
adequate spooling space for client mailboxes.
Note The mail.local program automatically creates mailboxes in the /var/mail directory the
first time a message is delivered. You do not need to create individual mailboxes for your mail

For clients to access their mailboxes, the /var/mail directory should be available for remote
mounting. Alternately, a service such as Post Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Message Access
Protocol (IMAP) should be available from the server. The following task shows you how to set
up a mail server by using the /var/mail directory. To provide configuration guidelines for POP
or IMAP is beyond the scope of this document.
For the following task, ensure that the /etc/dfs/dfstab file shows that the /var/mail
directory is exported.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail.
# svcadm disable -t network/smtp:sendmail

Check if the /var/mail directory is available for remote access.

# share

If the /var/mail directory is listed, proceed to step 5.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up Mail Services

If the /var/mail directory is not listed or if no list appears, continue with the appropriate
a. (Optional) If no list appears, start NFS services.
Follow the procedure, How to Set Up Automatic File-System Sharing on page 82, to use
the /var/mail directory to start NFS services.
b. (Optional) If the /var/mail directory is not included in the list, add the directory to
Add the following command line to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.
share -F nfs -o rw /var/mail

Make the file system available for mounting.

# shareall

Ensure that your name service has been started.

a. (Optional) If you are running NIS, use this command.
# ypwhich

For more information, refer to the ypwhich(1) man page.

b. (Optional) If you are running DNS, use this command.
# nslookup hostname


Use your host name.

For more information, refer to the nslookup(1M) man page.

c. (Optional) If you are running LDAP, use this command.
# ldaplist

For more information, refer to the ldaplist(1) man page.


Restart sendmail.
# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

How to Set Up a Mail Client

A mail client is a user of mail services with a mailbox on a mail server. Additionally, the mail
client has a mail alias in the /etc/mail/aliases file that points to the location of the mailbox.

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Setting Up Mail Services

Note You can also perform the task of setting up a mail client by using a service such as Post
Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). However, to provide
configuration guidelines for POP or IMAP is beyond the scope of this document.

Become an administrator on the mail client's system.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail.
# svcadm disable -t network/smtp:sendmail

Ensure that a /var/mail mount point exists on the mail client's system.
The mount point should have been created during the installation process. You can use ls to
ensure that the file system exists. The following example shows the response that you receive if
the file system has not been created.
# ls -l /var/mail
/var/mail not found

Ensure that no files are in the /var/mail directory.

If mail files do exist in this directory, you should move them so that they are not covered when
the /var/mail directory is mounted from the server.

Mount the /var/mail directory from the mail server.

You can mount the mail directory automatically or at boot time.
a. (Optional) Mount /var/mail automatically.
Add an entry such as the following to the /etc/auto_direct file.
/var/mail -rw,hard,actimeo=0 server:/var/mail


Use the assigned server name.

b. (Optional) Mount /var/mail at boot time.

Add the following entry to the /etc/vfstab file. This entry permits the /var/mail directory
on the mail server that is specified to mount the local /var/mail directory.
server:/var/mail - /var/mail nfs - no rw,hard,actimeo=0

The client's mailbox is automatically mounted whenever the system is rebooted. If you are
not rebooting the system, type the following command to mount the client mailbox.
# mountall


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up Mail Services

Caution For mailbox locking and mailbox access to work properly, you must include the
actimeo=0 option when mounting mail from an NFS server.

Update /etc/hosts.
Edit the /etc/hosts file and add an entry for the mail server. This step is not required if you are
using a name service.
# cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
mailhost mailhost


Use the assigned IP addresses.

Use the assigned domain.


Use the assigned mailhost.

For more information, refer to the hosts(4) man page.


Add an entry for the client to one of the alias files.

Refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 for a task map about
administering mail alias files. Note that the mail.local program automatically creates
mailboxes in the /var/mail directory the first time a message is delivered. You do not need to
create individual mailboxes for your mail clients.

Restart sendmail.
# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

How to Set Up a Mail Host

A mail host resolves email addresses and reroutes mail within your domain. A good candidate
for a mail host is a system that provides your network with a remote connection or connects
your network to a parent domain. The following procedure shows you how to set up a mail host.

Become an administrator on the mail host system.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail.
# svcadm disable -t network/smtp:sendmail

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Setting Up Mail Services

Verify the host-name configuration.

Run the check-hostname script to verify that sendmail can identify the fully qualified host
name for this server.
% /usr/sbin/check-hostname
hostname phoenix OK: fully qualified as

If this script is not successful in identifying the fully qualified host name, you need to add the
fully qualified host name as the first alias for the host in /etc/hosts.

Update the /etc/hosts file.

Choose the step that is appropriate for you.
a. (Optional) If you are using NIS, edit the /etc/hosts file on the system that is to be the new
mail host.
Add the word mailhost and mailhost.domain after the IP address and system name of the
mail host system.
IP-address mailhost mailhost mailhost.domain loghost


Use the assigned IP address.


Use the system name of the mail host system.


Use the expanded domain name.

The system is now designated as a mail host. The domain should be identical to the string
that is given as the subdomain name in the output of the following command.
% /usr/lib/sendmail -bt -d0 </dev/null
Version 8.13.1+Sun
============ SYSTEM IDENTITY (after readcf) ============
(short domain name) $w = phoenix
(canonical domain name) $j =
(subdomain name) $m =
(node name) $k = phoenix

See the following example of how the hosts file should look after these changes.
# cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
# localhost phoenix mailhost loghost


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up Mail Services

b. (Optional) If you are not using NIS , edit the /etc/hosts file on each system in the network.
Create the following entry.
IP-address mailhost mailhost mailhost.domain loghost

Restart sendmail.
# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

Test your mail configuration.

See How to Test the Mail Configuration on page 307 for instructions.
Note For further information about mail hosts, refer to Hardware Components on page 326

in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference).

How to Set Up a Mail Gateway

A mail gateway manages communication with networks outside your domain. The mailer on
the sending mail gateway can match the mailer on the receiving system.
A good candidate for a mail gateway is a system that is attached to Ethernet and phone lines.
Another good candidate is a system that is configured as a router to the Internet. You can
configure the mail host or another system as the mail gateway. You might choose to configure
more than one mail gateway for your domain. If you have UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program
(UUCP) connections, you should configure the system (or systems) with UUCP connections as
the mail gateway.

Become an administrator on the mail gateway system.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail.
# svcadm disable -t network/smtp:sendmail

Verify the host-name configuration.

Run the check-hostname script to verify that sendmail can identify the fully qualified host
name for this server.
# /usr/sbin/check-hostname
hostname phoenix OK: fully qualified as

If this script is not successful in identifying the fully qualified host name, you need to add the
fully qualified host name as the first alias for the host in /etc/hosts. If you need help with this
step, refer to Step 4 of How to Set Up a Mail Host on page 281.

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Setting Up Mail Services

Ensure that your name service has been started.

a. (Optional) If you are running NIS, use this command.
# ypwhich

For more information, refer to the ypwhich(1) man page.

b. (Optional) If you are running DNS, use this command.
# nslookup hostname


Use your host name.

For more information, refer to the nslookup(1M) man page.

c. (Optional) If you are running LDAP, use this command.
# ldaplist

For more information, refer to the ldaplist(1) man page.


Restart sendmail.
# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

Test your mail configuration.

See How to Test the Mail Configuration on page 307 for instructions.
Note For more information about the mail gateway, refer to Hardware Components on
page 326 in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference).

How to Use DNS With sendmail

The DNS name service does not support aliases for individuals. This name service does support
aliases for hosts or domains that use Mail Exchanger (MX) records and CNAME records. You can
specify host names, domain names, or both names in the DNS database. For more information
about sendmail and DNS, see Interactions of sendmail With Name Services on page 345 in
Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference), or see the Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and
Directory Services.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changing the sendmail Configuration

Check for a mailhost and mailhost.domain entry.

Use nslookup to ensure that an entry exists for mailhost and mailhost.domain in the DNS
database. For more information, refer to the nslookup(1M) man page.

Changing the sendmail Configuration (Task Map)



For Instructions

Building a sendmail configuration file

Use this procedure to modify your file. An example of how to
enable domain masquerading is included.

How to Build a New File on

page 286

Setting up a virtual host

Steps to configure sendmail so that mail is

accepted for more than one domain.

Setting Up a Virtual Host on page 287

Setting up automatic rebuilding of the

sendmail configuration file

Use this procedure to modify the sendmail

service so that the and configuration files are
automatically rebuilt after an upgrade.

How to Automatically Rebuild a

Configuration File on page 287

Running sendmail in the open mode.

Use this procedure to modify the sendmail How to Use sendmail in the Open Mode
service properties to enable the open mode. on page 288

Setting SMTP to use Transport Layer

Security (TLS)

Use this procedure to enable SMTP to have How to Set SMTP to Use TLS on
secure connections with TLS.
page 289

Managing mail delivery with an alternate


Use this procedure to prevent mail delivery How to Manage Mail Delivery by Using
problems that can occur if the master
an Alternate Configuration of
daemon is disabled. on page 293

Changing the sendmail Configuration

How to Build a New File on page 286 shows you how to build the configuration
file. Although you can still use older versions of files, the best practice is to use the
new format.
For more details, refer to the following.

/etc/mail/cf/README provides a complete description of the configuration process. provides online information about sendmail configuration.

Versions of the Configuration File on page 318 and sendmail Configuration File on
page 338, in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference), provide some guidance.

Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail on

page 363 is also helpful.

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Changing the sendmail Configuration

How to Build a New File

The following procedure shows you how to build a new configuration file.
Note /usr/lib/mail/cf/ is now /etc/mail/cf/cf/

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail.
# svcadm disable -t network/smtp:sendmail

Make a copy of the configuration files that you are changing.

# cd /etc/mail/cf/cf
# cp


Select a new name for your .mc file.

Edit the new configuration files (for example,, as necessary.

For example, add the following command line to enable domain masquerading.
# cat


Use the desired host name and domain name.

In this example, MASQUERADE_AS causes sent mail to be labeled as originating from host.domain,
rather than $j.

Build the configuration file by using m4.

# make

Test the new configuration file by using the -C option to specify the new file.
# /usr/lib/sendmail -C -v testaddr </dev/null

While this command displays messages, it sends a message to testaddr. Only outgoing mail
can be tested without restarting the sendmail service on the system. For systems that are not
handling mail yet, use the full testing procedure in How to Test the Mail Configuration on
page 307.

Install the new configuration file after making a copy of the original.
# cp /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
# cp /etc/mail/


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changing the sendmail Configuration

Restart the sendmail service.

# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

Setting Up a Virtual Host

If you need to assign more than one IP address to a host, see this Web site: This site provides complete instructions
about how to use sendmail to set up a virtual host. However, in the Sendmail Configuration
section, do not perform step 3b, as shown in the following.
# cd sendmail-VERSION/cf/cf
# ./Build
# cp /etc/mail/

Instead, for the Oracle Solaris operating system, perform the following steps.
# cd /etc/mail/cf/cf
# make
# cp /etc/mail/


Use the name of the .cf file.

Changing the sendmail Configuration on page 285 outlines the same three steps as part of the
build process.
After you have generated your /etc/mail/ file, you can continue with the next
steps to create a virtual user table.

How to Automatically Rebuild a Configuration File

If you have built your own copy of or, the configuration file is not
replaced during the upgrade process. The following procedure shows how to configure the
sendmail service properties so that the file is automatically rebuilt for you. For
instructions on how to automatically build the configuration file, see Example 131.
You may combine these procedures if you need to build both files.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Set the sendmail properties.

# svccfg -s sendmail
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail> setprop config/path_to_sendmail_mc=/etc/mail/cf/cf/
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail> quit

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Changing the sendmail Configuration

Refresh and restart the sendmail service.

The first command pushes the changes into the running snapshot. The second command
restarts the sendmail service using the new options.
# svcadm refresh svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
# svcadm restart svc:/network/smtp:sendmail

Example 131

Establishing Automatic Rebuilding of

This procedure configures the sendmail service, such that the configuration file is
rebuilt automatically.

# svccfg -s sendmail-client:default
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail> setprop config/path_to_submit_mc=/etc/mail/cf/cf/
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail> exit
# svcadm refresh svc:/network/sendmail-client
# svcadm restart svc:/network/sendmail-client

How to Use sendmail in the Open Mode

The sendmail service has been changed so that it would run in localonly mode by default. The
local-only mode means that only mail from the local host is accepted. Messages from any other
systems are rejected. Earlier releases were configured to accept incoming mail from all remote
systems, which is known as the open mode. To use the open mode, use the following procedure.
Caution Running sendmail in the localonly mode is much more secure than running in the
open mode. Make sure that you are aware of the potential security risks if you follow this

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Set the sendmail properties.

# svccfg -s sendmail
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail> setprop config/local_only = false
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail> quit

Refresh and restart the sendmail service.

# svcadm refresh svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
# svcadm restart svc:/network/smtp:sendmail


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changing the sendmail Configuration

How to Set SMTP to Use TLS

SMTP can use Transport Layer Security (TLS) in version 8.13 of sendmail. This service to
SMTP servers and clients provides private, authenticated communications over the Internet, as
well as protection from eavesdroppers and attackers. Note that this service is not enabled by
The following procedure uses sample data to show you how to set up the certificates that enable
sendmail to use TLS. For more information, see Support for Running SMTP With TLS in
Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 349.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail.
# svcadm disable -t network/smtp:sendmail

Set up the certificates that enable sendmail to use TLS.

a. Complete the following:

cd /etc/mail
mkdir -p certs/CA
cd certs/CA
mkdir certs crl newcerts private
echo "01" > serial
cp /dev/null index.txt
cp /etc/sfw/openssl/openssl.cnf .

b. Use your preferred text editor to change the dir value in the openssl.cnf file from
/etc/sfw/openssl to /etc/mail/certs/CA.
c. Use the openssl command-line tool to implement TLS.
Note that the following command line generates interactive text.
# openssl req -new -x509 -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 365 \
-config openssl.cnf
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to private/cakey.pem
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
----You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Changing the sendmail Configuration

If you enter ., the field will be left blank.

----Country Name (2 letter code) []:US
State or Province Name (full name) []:California
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Menlo Park
Organization Name (eg, company) [Unconfigured OpenSSL Installation]:Oracle
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Solaris
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
Email Address []


This command creates and processes certificate requests.


This req option generates a new certificate request.


This req option creates a self-signed certificate.

-keyout private/cakey.pem

This req option enables you to assign

private/cakey.pem as the file name for your newly
created private key.

-out cacert.pem

This req option enables you to assign cacert.pem as your

output file.

-days 365

This req option enables you to certify the certificate for

365 days. The default value is 30.

-config openssl.cnf

This req option enables you to specify openssl.cnf as

the configuration file.

Note that this command requires that you provide the following:

Country Name, such as US.

State or Province Name, such as California.

Locality Name, such as Menlo Park.

Organization Name, such as Oracle.

Organizational Unit Name, such as Solaris.

Common Name, which is the machine's fully qualified host name. For more information,
see the check-hostname(1M) man page.

Email Address, such as

(Optional) If you need a new secure connection, make a new certificate and sign the new
certificate with the certificate authority.
a. Make a new certificate.
# cd /etc/mail/certs/CA
# openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem -days 365 \
-config openssl.cnf
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changing the sendmail Configuration

writing new private key to newreq.pem
----You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter ., the field will be left blank.
----Country Name (2 letter code) []:US
State or Province Name (full name) []:California
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Menlo Park
Organization Name (eg, company) [Unconfigured OpenSSL Installation]:Oracle
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Solaris
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
Email Address []

This command requires that you provide the same information that you provided in step 3c.
Note that in this example, the certificate and private key are in the file newreq.pem.
b. Sign the new certificate with the certificate authority.
# cd /etc/mail/certs/CA
# openssl x509 -x509toreq -in newreq.pem -signkey newreq.pem -out tmp.pem
Getting request Private Key
Generating certificate request
# openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem -infiles tmp.pem
Using configuration from openssl.cnf
Enter pass phrase for /etc/mail/certs/CA/private/cakey.pem:
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Not Before: Jun 23 18:44:38 2005 GMT
Not After : Jun 23 18:44:38 2006 GMT
= US
= California
= Menlo Park
= Oracle
= Solaris
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Netscape Comment:
OpenSSL Generated Certificate
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Menlo Park/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris/\

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Changing the sendmail Configuration

Certificate is to be certified until Jun 23 18:44:38 2006 GMT (365 days)

Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y
1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
# rm -f tmp.pem

In this example the file newreq.pem contains the unsigned certificate and private key. The
file newcert.pem contains the signed certificate.

x509 utility

Displays certificate information, converts certificates to various forms,

and signs certificate requests

ca application

Used to sign certificate requests in a variety of forms and to generate

CRLs (certificate revocation lists)

Enable sendmail to use the certificates by adding the following lines to your .mc file.
define(confCACERT_PATH, /etc/mail/certs)dnl
define(confCACERT, /etc/mail/certs/CAcert.pem)dnl
define(confSERVER_CERT, /etc/mail/certs/MYcert.pem)dnl
define(confSERVER_KEY, /etc/mail/certs/MYkey.pem)dnl
define(confCLIENT_CERT, /etc/mail/certs/MYcert.pem)dnl
define(confCLIENT_KEY, /etc/mail/certs/MYkey.pem)dnl

For more information, see Configuration File Options for Running SMTP With TLS on
page 350.

Rebuild and install your file in your /etc/mail directory.

For detailed instructions, see Changing the sendmail Configuration on page 285.

Create symbolic links from the files you created with openssl to the files you defined in your .mc


-s CA/cacert.pem CAcert.pem
-s CA/newcert.pem MYcert.pem
-s CA/newreq.pem MYkey.pem

For added security, deny read permission to group and others for MYkey.pem.
# chmod go-r MYkey.pem

Use a symbolic link to install CA certs in the directory assigned to confCACERT_PATH.

# C=CAcert.pem
# ln -s $C openssl x509 -noout -hash < $C.0


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changing the sendmail Configuration


For secure mail with other hosts, install their host certificates.
a. Copy the file defined by the other host's confCACERT option to
Replace host.domain with the other host's fully qualified host name.
b. Use a symbolic link to install CA certs in the directory assigned to confCACERT_PATH.
# C=host.domain.cert.pem
# ln -s $C openssl x509 -noout -hash < $C.0

Replace host.domain with the other host's fully qualified host name.

Restart sendmail.
# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

Example 132

Received: Mail Header

The following is an example of a Received: header for secure mail with TLS.
Received: from ([IPv6:2001:db8:3c4d:15::1a2f:1a2b])
by (8.13.4+Sun/8.13.4) with ESMTP id j2TNUB8i242496
(version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=OK)
for <>; Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:30:11 -0800 (PST)
Received: from ( [])
by (8.13.4+Sun/8.13.4) with ESMTP id j2TNU7cl571102
version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=OK)
for <>; Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:30:07 -0800 (PST)

Note that the value for verify is OK, which means that the authentication was successful. For
more information, see Macros for Running SMTP With TLS on page 352.
See Also

The following OpenSSL man pages:

openssl(1) (
req(1) (
x509(1) (
ca(1) (

How to Manage Mail Delivery by Using an Alternate

Configuration of
To facilitate the transport of inbound mail and outbound mail, the new default configuration of
sendmail uses a daemon and a client queue runner. The client queue runner must be able to
submit mail to the daemon on the local SMTP port. If the daemon is not listening on the SMTP
port, the mail remains in the queue. To avoid this problem, perform the following task. For
Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map)

more information about the daemon and client queue runner and to understand why you
might have to use this alternate configuration, refer to Configuration File From
Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 358.
This procedure ensures that your daemon runs only to accept connections from the local host.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop sendmail client service.

# svcadm disable -t sendmail-client

Make a copy of the configuration file that you are changing.

# cd /etc/mail/cf/cf
# cp


Select a new name for your .mc file.

Edit the new configuration file (for example,

Change the listening host IP address to the msp definition.
# grep msp
FEATURE(msp, [#.#.#.#])dnl

Build the configuration file by using m4.

# make

Install the new configuration file after making a copy of the original.
# cp /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
# cp /etc/mail/

Restart the sendmail client service.

# svcadm enable sendmail-client

Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map)

The following table describes the procedures for administering mail alias files. For more
information about this topic, refer to Mail Alias Files on page 339 in Chapter 14, Mail
Services (Reference).


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering Mail Alias Files



For Instructions

Setting up an NIS mail.aliases map

If your name service is NIS, follow these

instructions to facilitate aliasing with a
mail.aliases map.

How to Set Up an NIS mail.aliases

Map on page 295

Setting up a local mail alias file

If you are not using a name service (such as How to Set Up a Local Mail Alias File on
NIS), follow these instructions to facilitate page 296
aliasing with the /etc/mail/aliases file.

Creating a keyed map file

Use these steps to facilitate aliasing with a

keyed map file.

How to Create a Keyed Map File on

page 298

Setting up the postmaster alias

Use the procedures in this section to

manage the postmaster alias. You must
have this alias.

Managing the postmaster Alias on

page 298

Administering Mail Alias Files

Mail aliases must be unique within the domain. This section provides the procedures for
administering mail alias files.
In addition, you can create database files for the local mail host by using makemap. Refer to the
makemap(1M) man page. The use of these database files does not provide all of the advantages of
using a name service such as NIS. However, you should be able to retrieve the data from these
local database files faster because no network lookups are involved. For more information, refer
to Interactions of sendmail With Name Services on page 345 and Mail Alias Files on
page 339 in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference).

How to Set Up an NIS mail.aliases Map

Use the following procedure to facilitate aliasing with an NIS mail.aliases map.

Compile a list of each of your mail clients, the locations of their mailboxes, and the names of the
mail server systems.

Become an administrator on the NIS master server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /etc/mail/aliases file, and make the following entries.

a. Add an entry for each mail client.
# cat /etc/mail/aliases
Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Administering Mail Alias Files


Use the short alias name.


Use the expanded alias name (

b. Ensure that you have a Postmaster: root entry.

# cat /etc/mail/aliases
Postmaster: root

c. Add an alias for root. Use the mail address of the person who is designated as the
# cat /etc/mail/aliases

Use the assigned address of the designated postmaster.

Ensure that the NIS master server is running a name service to resolve the host names on each
mail server.

Change to the /var/yp directory.

# cd /var/yp

Apply the make command.

# make

The changes in the /etc/hosts and /etc/mail/aliases files are propagated to NIS slave
systems. The changes are active in only a few minutes, at most.

How to Set Up a Local Mail Alias File

Use the following procedure to resolve aliases with a local mail alias file.

Compile a list of each of your users and the locations of their mailboxes.

Become an administratorroot on the mail server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /etc/mail/aliases file and make the following entries.

a. Add an entry for each user.
user1: user2@host.domain



Use the new alias name.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering Mail Alias Files


Use the actual address for the new alias.

b. Ensure that you have a Postmaster: root entry.

# cat /etc/mail/aliases
Postmaster: root

c. Add an alias for root. Use the mail address of the person who is designated as the
# cat /etc/mail/aliases

Use the assigned address of the designated postmaster.

Rebuild the alias database.

# newaliases

The configuration of the AliasFile option in /etc/mail/ determines whether

this command generates in binary form either the single file, /etc/mail/aliases.db, or the
pair of files, /etc/mail/aliases.dir and /etc/mail/aliases.pag.

Perform one of the following steps to copy the file or files that were generated.
a. (Optional) Copy the /etc/mail/aliases, the /etc/mail/aliases.dir, and
the/etc/mail/aliases.pag files to each of the other systems.
You can copy the three files by using the rcp or rsync commands. Refer to the rcp(1) man
page or the rsync(1) man page for more information. Alternately, you can create a script for
this purpose.
When you copy these files, you do not need to run the newaliases command on each of the
other systems. However, remember that you must update all the /etc/mail/aliases files
each time you add or remove a mail client.
b. (Optional) Copy the /etc/mail/aliases and the /etc/mail/aliases.db files to each of the
other systems.
You can copy these files by using the rcp or rsync commands. Refer to the rcp(1) man page
or the rsync(1) man page for more information. Alternately, you can create a script for this
When you copy these files, you do not need to run the newaliases command on each of the
other systems. However, remember that you must update all the /etc/mail/aliases files
each time you add or remove a mail client.

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Administering Mail Alias Files

How to Create a Keyed Map File

To create a keyed map file, follow these instructions.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create an input file.

Entries can have the following syntax.
error:nouser No such user here

Use the user name that was previously assigned with the
domain that is newly assigned.

Use the address that is newly assigned.

Use the user name that was previously assigned with the
domain that was previously assigned.

Use the domain that was previously assigned.

Use the domain that is newly assigned.

The first entry redirects mail to a new alias. The next entry creates a message when an incorrect
alias is used. The last entry redirects all incoming mail from olddomain to newdomain.

Create the database file.

# /usr/sbin/makemap maptype newmap < newmap


Select a database type, such as dbm, btree, or hash.


Use the name of the input file and the first part of the name of the database file. If
the dbm database type is selected, then the database files are created by using a .pag
and a .dir suffix. For the other two database types, the file name is followed by

Managing the postmaster Alias

Every system must be able to send mail to a postmaster mailbox. You can create an NIS alias
for postmaster, or you can create the alias in each local /etc/mail/aliases file. Refer to these


How to Create a postmaster Alias in Each Local /etc/mail/aliases File on page 299
How to Create a Separate Mailbox for postmaster on page 299

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering Mail Alias Files

How to Add the postmaster Mailbox to the Aliases in the /etc/mail/aliases File on
page 300

How to Create a postmaster Alias in Each Local /etc/mail/aliases File

If you are creating the postmaster alias in each local /etc/mail/aliases file, follow these

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

View the /etc/mail/aliases entry.

# cat /etc/mail/aliases
# Following alias is required by the mail protocol, RFC 2821
# Set it to the address of a HUMAN who deals with this systems
# mail problems.
Postmaster: root

Edit each system's /etc/mail/aliases file.

Change root to the mail address of the person who is designated as the postmaster.
Postmaster: mail-address


Use the assigned address for the person who is designated as the postmaster.

(Optional) Create a separate mailbox for the postmaster.

You can create a separate mailbox for the postmaster to keep postmaster mail separate from
personal mail. If you create a separate mailbox, use the mailbox address instead of the
postmaster's personal mail address when you edit the /etc/mail/aliases files. For details,
refer to How to Create a Separate Mailbox for postmaster on page 299.

How to Create a Separate Mailbox for postmaster

If you are creating a separate mailbox for postmaster, follow these instructions.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create a user account for the person who is designated as postmaster. Put an asterisk (*) in the
password field.
For details about adding a user account, refer to Setting Up and Administering User Accounts
(Task Map) in Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks.

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map)

After mail has been delivered, enable the mail program to read and write to the mailbox name.
# mail -f postmaster


Use the assigned address.

How to Add the postmaster Mailbox to the Aliases in the

/etc/mail/aliases File
If you are adding a postmaster mailbox to the aliases in the /etc/mail/aliases file, follow
these instructions.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add an alias for root. Use the mail address of the person who is designated as the postmaster.
# cat /etc/mail/aliases

Use the assigned address of the person who is designated as


On the postmaster's local system, create an entry in the /etc/mail/aliases file that defines
the name of the alias. sysadmin is an example. Also, include the path to the local mailbox.
# cat /etc/mail/aliases
sysadmin: /usr/somewhere/somefile


Create a name for a new alias.


Use the path to the local mailbox.

Rebuild the alias database.

# newaliases

Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map)

The following table describes the procedures for administering the mail queue.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the Queue Directories



For Instructions

Displaying the contents of the mail queue,


Use this procedure to see how many

How to Display the Contents of the Mail
messages are in the queue and how fast the Queue, /var/spool/mqueue on page 301
messages are being cleared from the queue.

Forcing mail queue processing for the mail Use this procedure to process messages to a How to Force Mail Queue Processing in
queue, /var/spool/mqueue
system that previously was unable to
the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue on
receive messages.
page 302
Running a subset of the mail queue,

Use this procedure to force a substring of

How to Run a Subset of the Mail Queue,
an address, such as a host name, to be
/var/spool/mqueue on page 302
processed. Also, use this procedure to force
a particular message out of the queue.

Moving the mail queue,


Use this procedure to move the mail queue. How to Move the Mail Queue,
/var/spool/mqueue on page 303

Running the old mail queue,


Use this procedure to run an old mail


How to Run the Old Mail Queue,

/var/spool/omqueue on page 303

Administering the Queue Directories

This section describes some helpful tasks for queue administration. For information about the
client-only queue, refer to Configuration File From Version 8.12 of sendmail on
page 358. For other related information, you can refer to Additional Queue Features From
Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 369.
Refer to the following:

How to Display the Contents of the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue on page 301
How to Force Mail Queue Processing in the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue on page 302
How to Run a Subset of the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue on page 302
How to Move the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue on page 303
How to Run the Old Mail Queue, /var/spool/omqueue on page 303

How to Display the Contents of the Mail Queue,


Show how many messages are in the queue and how fast they are being cleared from the queue.
Type the following:
# /usr/bin/mailq | more

This command provides the following information.

The queue IDs

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Administering the Queue Directories

The size of the message

The date that the message entered the queue
The message status
The sender and the recipients

Additionally, this command now checks for the authorization attribute,

solaris.admin.mail.mailq. If the check is successful, the equivalent of specifying the -bp flag
with sendmail is executed. If the check fails, an error message is printed. By default, this
authorization attribute is enabled for all users. The authorization attribute can be disabled by
modifying the user entry in prof_attr. For more information, refer to the man pages for
prof_attr(4) and mailq(1).

How to Force Mail Queue Processing in the Mail

Queue, /var/spool/mqueue
Use this procedure, for example, to process messages to a system that was previously unable to
receive messages.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Force queue processing and display the progress of the jobs as the queue is cleared.
# /usr/lib/sendmail -q -v

How to Run a Subset of the Mail Queue,

Use this procedure, for example, to force a substring of an address, such as a host name, to be
processed. Also, use this procedure to force a particular message from the queue.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Run a subset of the mail queue at any time with -qRstring.

# /usr/lib/sendmail -qRstring


Use a recipient's alias or a substring of user@host.domain, such as a host name.

Alternately, you can run a subset of the mail queue with -qInnnnn.
# /usr/lib/sendmail -qInnnnn

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the Queue Directories


Use a queue ID.

How to Move the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue

If you are moving the mail queue, follow these instructions.

Become an administrator on the mail host.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Kill the sendmail daemon.

# svcadm disable network/smtp:sendmail

Now sendmail is no longer processing the queue directory.


Change to the /var/spool directory.

# cd /var/spool

Move the directory, mqueue, and all its contents to the omqueue directory. Then create a new
empty directory that is named mqueue.
# mv mqueue omqueue; mkdir mqueue

Set the permissions of the directory to read/write/execute by owner, and read/execute by

group. Also, set the owner and group to daemon.
# chmod 750 mqueue; chown root:bin mqueue

Start sendmail.
# svcadm enable network/smtp:sendmail

How to Run the Old Mail Queue, /var/spool/omqueue

To run an old mail queue, follow these instructions.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Run the old mail queue.

# /usr/lib/sendmail -oQ/var/spool/omqueue -q

The -oQ flag specifies an alternate queue directory. The -q flag says to run every job in the
queue. Use the -v flag if you are displaying the verbose output on the screen.
Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Administering .forward Files (Task Map)

Remove the empty directory.

# rmdir /var/spool/omqueue

Administering .forward Files (Task Map)

The following table describes the procedures for administering .forward files. For more
information, refer to .forward Files on page 342 in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference).


For Instructions

Disabling .forward files

Use this procedure if, for example, you

want to prevent automated forwarding.

How to Disable .forward Files on

page 304

Changing the .forward file search path

Use this procedure if, for example, you

want to move all .forward files into a
common directory.

How to Change the .forwardFile Search

Path on page 305

Creating and populating /etc/shells

Use this procedure to enable users to use

the .forward file to forward mail to a
program or to a file.

How to Create and Populate

/etc/shells on page 306

Administering .forward Files

This section contains several procedures that are related to .forward file administration.
Because these files can be edited by users, the files can cause problems. For more information,
refer to .forward Files on page 342 in Chapter 14, Mail Services (Reference).
Refer to the following:

How to Disable .forward Files on page 304

How to Change the .forwardFile Search Path on page 305
How to Create and Populate /etc/shells on page 306

How to Disable .forward Files

This procedure, which prevents automated forwarding, disables the .forward file for a
particular host.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering .forward Files

Make a copy of /etc/mail/cf/domain/solaris-generic.m4 or your site-specific domain m4

# cd /etc/mail/cf/domain
# cp solaris-generic.m4 mydomain.m4


Use the file name of your choice.

Add the following line to the file that you just created.

If a value for confFORWARD_PATH already exists in the m4 file, replace the value with this null

Build and install a new configuration file.

If you need help with this step, refer to How to Build a New File on page 286.
Note When you edit the .mc file, remember to change DOMAIN(solaris-generic) to

How to Change the .forwardFile Search Path

If, for example, you want to put all .forward files in a common directory, follow these

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Make a copy of /etc/mail/cf/domain/solaris-generic.m4 or your site-specific domain m4

# cd /etc/mail/cf/domain
# cp solaris-generic.m4 mydomain.m4


Use the file name of your choice.

Add the following line to the file that you just created.

If a value for confFORWARD_PATH already exists in the m4 file, replace the value with this new

Build and install a new configuration file.

If you need help with this step, refer to How to Build a New File on page 286.

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services (Task Map)

Note When you edit the .mc file, remember to change DOMAIN(solaris-generic) to

How to Create and Populate /etc/shells

This file is not included in the standard release. You must add the file if users are to be allowed
to use .forward files to forward mail to a program or to a file. You can create the file manually
by using grep to identify all of the shells that are listed in your password file. You can then type
the shells into the file. However, the following procedure, which employs a script that can be
downloaded, is easier to use.

Download the script.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

To generate a list of shells, run the gen-etc-shells script.

# ./ > /tmp/shells

This script uses the getent command to collect the names of shells that are included in the
password file sources that are listed in the svc:/system/name-service/switch service.

Inspect and edit the list of shells in /tmp/shells.

With the editor of your choice, remove any shells that you are not including.

Move the file to /etc/shells.

# mv /tmp/shells /etc/shells

Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services (Task

The following table describes troubleshooting procedures and tips for mail services.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services



For Instructions

Testing mail configuration

Steps for testing changes to the sendmail

configuration file

How to Test the Mail Configuration on

page 307

Checking mail aliases

A step to confirm that mail can or cannot

be delivered to a specified recipient

How to Check Mail Aliases on page 308

Testing the rule sets

Steps for checking the input and returns of

the sendmail rule sets

How to Test the sendmail Rule Sets on

page 309

Verifying connections to other systems

Tips for verifying connections to other


How to Verify Connections to Other

Systems on page 309

Logging messages by using the syslogd


Tips for gathering error message


Logging Error Messages on page 310

Checking other sources for diagnostic


Tips for getting diagnostic information

from other sources

Other Sources for Mail Diagnostic

Information on page 311

Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services

This section provides some procedures and tips that you can use for troubleshooting problems
with mail services.

How to Test the Mail Configuration

To test the changes that you make to your configuration file, follow these instructions.

Restart sendmail on any system that has a revised configuration file.

# svcadm refresh network/smtp:sendmail

Send test messages from each system.

# /usr/lib/sendmail -v names </dev/null


Specify a recipient's email address.

This command sends a null message to the specified recipient and displays the message activity
on your monitor.

Send mail to yourself or other people on the local system by addressing the message to a
regular user name.

(Optional) If you are connected to a network, send mail in three directions to someone on
another system.

From the main system to a client system

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services

From a client system to the main system

From a client system to another client system

(Optional) If you have a mail gateway, send mail from the mail host to another domain to ensure
that the relay mailer and host are configured properly.

(Optional) If you have set up a UUCP connection on your phone line to another host, send mail
to someone at that host. Have that person send mail back or call you when the message is

Ask someone to send mail to you over the UUCP connection.

The sendmail program cannot detect whether the message is delivered because the program
passes the message to UUCP for delivery.

From different systems, send a message to postmaster and ensure that the message is
delivered to your postmaster's mailbox.

How to Check Mail Aliases

The following example shows you how to verify an alias.
% mconnect
connecting to host localhost (, port 25
connection open
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.6+Sun/8.13.6; Tue, 12 Sep 2004 13:34:13 -0800 (PST)
expn sandy
250 2.1.5 <>
221 2.0.0 closing connection

In this example, the mconnect program opened a connection to a mail server on a local host and
enabled you to test that connection. The program runs interactively, so you can issue various
diagnostic commands. For a complete description, see the mconnect(1) man page. The entry,
expn sandy, provided the expanded address, Thus, you have
verified that mail can be delivered when using the alias sandy.
Remember to avoid loops and inconsistent databases when both local and domain-wide aliases
are used. Be especially careful to avoid the creation of alias loops when you move a user from
one system to another system.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services

How to Test the sendmail Rule Sets

To check the input and returns of the sendmail rule sets, follow these instructions.

Change to address test mode.

# /usr/lib/sendmail -bt

Test a mail address.

Provide the following numbers and address at the last prompt (>).
> 3,0 mail-sraddress


Example 133

Use the mail address that you are testing.

End the session.

Press Control-d.

Address Test Mode Output

The following is an example of the output from the address test mode.
% /usr/lib/sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> 3,0 sandy@phoenix
input: sandy @ phoenix
input: sandy < @ phoenix >
returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
input: < mailhost . phoenix . example . com >
sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
MailerToTriple returns: $# relay $@ mailhost . phoenix . example . com
$: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
returns: $# relay $@ mailhost . phoenix . example . com
$: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
returns: $# relay $@ mailhost . phoenix . example . com
$: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >

How to Verify Connections to Other Systems

The mconnect program opens a connection to a mail server on a host that you specify and
enables you to test that connection. The program runs interactively, so you can issue various

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services

diagnostic commands. See the mconnect(1) man page for a complete description. The following
example verifies that mail to the user name sandy is deliverable.
% mconnect phoenix
connecting to host phoenix (, port 25
connection open
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1+Sun/8.13.1; Sat, 4 Sep 2004 3:52:56 -0700
expn sandy
250 2.1.5 <>

If you cannot use mconnect to connect to an SMTP port, check these conditions.

Is the system load too high?

Is the sendmail daemon running?
Does the system have the appropriate /etc/mail/ file?
Is port 25, the port that sendmail uses, active?

Logging Error Messages

Your mail service logs most error messages by using the syslogd program. By default, the
syslogd program sends these messages to a system that is called loghost, which is specified in
the /etc/hosts file. You can define loghost to hold all logs for an entire NIS domain. If no
loghost is specified, error messages from syslogd are not reported.
The /etc/syslog.conf file controls where the syslogd program forwards messages. You can
change the default configuration by editing the /etc/syslog.conf file. You must restart the
syslog daemon for any changes to become active. To gather information about mail, you can
add the following selections to the file.

mail.alert Messages about conditions that should be fixed now

mail.crit Critical messages
mail.warning Warning messages
mail.notice Messages that are not errors, but might need attention Informational messages
mail.debug Debugging messages

The following entry in the /etc/syslog.conf file sends a copy of all critical, informational, and
debug messages to /var/log/syslog.


Each line in the system log contains a timestamp, the name of the system that generated the line,
and a message. The syslog file can log a large amount of information.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Resolving Error Messages

The log is arranged in a succession of levels. At the lowest level, only unusual occurrences are
logged. At the highest level, even the most mundane and uninteresting events are recorded. As a
convention, log levels under 10 are considered useful. Log levels that are higher than 10 are
usually used for debugging. See Customizing System Message Logging in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Common Tasks for information about loghost and the syslogd program.

Other Sources for Mail Diagnostic Information

For other diagnostic information, check the following sources.

Look at the Received lines in the header of the message. These lines trace the route that the
message took as the message was relayed. Remember to consider timezone differences.

Look at the messages from MAILER-DAEMON. These messages typically report delivery

Check the system log that records delivery problems for your group of systems. The
sendmail program always records its activities in the system log. You might want to modify
the crontab file to run a shell script nightly. The script searches the log for SYSERR messages
and mails any messages that it finds to the postmaster.

Use the mailstats program to test mail types and determine the number of incoming
messages and outgoing messages.

Resolving Error Messages

This section describes how you can resolve some sendmailrelated error messages. You can
also refer to
The following error messages contain two or more of the following types of information.

Cause: What might have happened to cause the message

Description: What the user was doing when the error message occurred
Solution: What you can do to fix the problem or to continue with your work

451 timeout waiting for input during source

Cause: When sendmail reads from any source that might time out, such as an SMTP
connection, the program sets a timer to the value of various Timeout options before reading
begins. If the read is not completed before the timer expires, this message appears and
reading stops. Usually, this situation occurs during RCPT. The mail message is then queued
for later delivery.
Solution: If you see this message often, increase the value of various Timeout options in the

/etc/mail/ file. If the timer is already set to a large number, look for hardware
problems, such as poor network cabling or connections.
Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)


Resolving Error Messages

550 hostname... Host unknown

Cause: This sendmail message indicates that the destination host machine, which is specified
by the portion of the address after the at sign (@), was not found during domain name
system (DNS) lookup.
Solution: Use the nslookup command to verify that the destination host exists in that domain
or other domains, perhaps with a slightly different spelling. Otherwise, contact the intended
recipient and ask for a proper address.

550 username... User unknown

Cause: This sendmail message indicates that the intended recipient, who is specified by the
portion of the address before the at sign (@), could not be located on the destination host
Solution: Check the email address and try again, perhaps with a slightly different spelling. If

this remedy does not work, contact the intended recipient and ask for a proper address.
554 hostname... Local configuration error
Cause: This sendmail message usually indicates that the local host is trying to send mail to
Solution: Check the value of the $j macro in the /etc/mail/ file to ensure that

this value is a fully qualified domain name.

Description: When the sending system provides its host name to the receiving system in the

SMTP HELO command, the receiving system compares its name to the sender's name. If
these names are the same, the receiving system issues this error message and closes the
connection. The name that is provided in the HELO command is the value of the $j macro.
For additional information, refer to
config error: mail loops back to myself.
Cause: This error message occurs if you set up an MX record and make host bar the mail
exchanger for domain foo. However, you fail to configure host bar to know that it is the mail
exchanger for domain foo.
Also, another possibility is that both the sending system and the receiving system are
identifying as the same domain.
Solution: For instructions, refer to

host name configuration error

Description: This is an old sendmail message, which replaced I refuse to talk to myself
and is now replaced by the Local configuration error message.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Resolving Error Messages

Solution: Follow the instructions that were provided for resolving this error message, 554
hostname... Local configuration error.

user unknown
Cause: When you try to send mail to a user, the error Username... user unknown is
displayed. The user is on the same system.
Solution: Check for a typographical error in the entered email address. Otherwise, the user
could be aliased to a nonexistent email address in /etc/mail/aliases or in the user's
.mailrc file. Also, check for uppercase characters in the user name. Preferably, email
addresses should not be case sensitive.

For additional information, refer to

Chapter 13 Mail Services (Tasks)




1 4

Mail Services (Reference)

The sendmail program is a mail transport agent. The program uses a configuration file to
provide aliasing and forwarding, automatic routing to network gateways, and flexible
configuration. The Oracle Solaris OS supplies standard configuration files that most sites can
use. Chapter 12, Mail Services (Overview), provides an introduction to the components of
mail services and a description of a typical mail service configuration. Chapter 13, Mail
Services (Tasks), explains how to set up and administer an electronic mail system. This chapter
provides information about the following topics.

Oracle Solaris Version of sendmail on page 316

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services on page 319
Mail Service Programs and Files on page 328
Mail Addresses and Mail Routing on page 344
Interactions of sendmail With Name Services on page 345
Changes in Version 8.14 of sendmail on page 348
Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 349
Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 357

For details that are not covered in these chapters, see the following man pages:



Oracle Solaris Version of sendmail

Oracle Solaris Version of sendmail

This section, which includes the following topics, describes some of the differences in the
Oracle Solaris version of sendmail as compared to the generic Berkeley version.

Flags Used and Not Used to Compile sendmail on page 316

MILTER, Mail Filter API for sendmail on page 317
Alternative sendmail Commands on page 318
Versions of the Configuration File on page 318

Flags Used and Not Used to Compile sendmail

The following flags are used to compile sendmail. If your configuration requires other flags, you
need to download the source and recompile the binary. You can find information about this
process at



Support for the Solaris 10 release.


Support for the Mail Filter API. In version 8.13 of

sendmail, this flag is enabled by default. See MILTER,
Mail Filter API for sendmail on page 317.


Support for IPv6. This flag has been moved from

conf.h to Makefile.



General sendmail Flags

Maps and Database Types




Support for ndbm databases


Support for Berkeley DB databases


Support for the user database


Support for nis databases


Support for nisplus databases


Support for LDAP maps


Support for regular expression maps

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Oracle Solaris Version of sendmail


OS Flags




Support for extensions that are included in



For backward compatibility, support for the use of

NIS domain names to fully qualify the local host
name. For more information, look for vendor-specific
information in


Support for a simplified LDAP API, which is specific

to Sun. For more information, look for
vendor-specific information in


Selects Sun as the default vendor.

The following table lists generic flags that are not used to compile the version of sendmail.

Generic Flags Not Used in This Version of sendmail




Simple Authentication and Security Layer (RFC 2554)


Transaction Level Security (RFC 2487)

To see a list of the flags that are used to compile sendmail, use the following command.
% /usr/lib/sendmail -bt -d0.10 < /dev/null
Note The preceding command does not list the flags that are specific to Sun.

MILTER, Mail Filter API for sendmail

MILTER, sendmail's Mail Filter API, enables third-party programs to access mail messages as
they are being processed to filter meta-information and content. You do not need to build the
filter and configure sendmail to use it. This API is enabled by default in version 8.13 of
For more details, see the following:

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Oracle Solaris Version of sendmail

Alternative sendmail Commands

The Oracle Solaris release does not include all of the command synonyms that are provided in
the generic release from This table includes a complete list of the command
aliases. The table also lists whether the commands are included in the Oracle Solaris release and
how to generate the same behavior by using sendmail.

Alternate sendmail Commands

Alternate Name

In This Release?

Options With sendmail



sendmail -bh



sendmail -bp



sendmail -bi



sendmail -bH



sendmail -bd

Versions of the Configuration File

sendmail includes a configuration option that enables you to define the version of the file. This option enables older configuration files to be used with the current
version of sendmail. You can set the version level to values between 0 and 10. You can also
define the vendor. Either Berkeley or Sun is a valid vendor option. If a version level is specified
but no vendor is defined, Sun is used as the default vendor setting. The following table lists some
of the valid options.


Version Values for the Configuration File




Setting that was used for version 8.8 of sendmail.


Setting that was used for version 8.9 of sendmail. This setting was included in the
Solaris 8 release.


Setting that was used for versions 8.10 and 8.11 of sendmail.


Setting that is used for version 8.12, 8.13 and 8.14 versions of sendmail. Version 8.12
is the default for the Solaris 9 release. Starting in the Solaris 10 release, version 8.13 is
the default. Version 8.14 is the default for the Oracle Solaris 11 release.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

Note You are urged not to use V1/Sun. For more information, refer to http://

For task information, refer to Changing the sendmail Configuration on page 285 in
Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

This section describes the software and hardware components of a mail system.

Software Components on page 319

Hardware Components on page 326

Software Components
Each mail service includes at least one of each of the following software components.

Mail User Agent on page 319

Mail Transfer Agent on page 319
Local Delivery Agent on page 320

This section also describes these software components.

Mailers and sendmail on page 320

Mail Addresses on page 321
Mailbox Files on page 323
Mail Aliases on page 325

Mail User Agent

The mail user agent is the program that acts as the interface between the user and mail transfer
agent. The sendmail program is a mail transfer agent. The Oracle Solaris operating system
supplies the following mail user agents.


Mail Transfer Agent

The mail transfer agent is responsible for the routing of mail messages and the resolution of
mail addresses. This agent is also known as a mail transport agent. The transfer agent for the
Oracle Solaris operating system is sendmail. The transfer agent performs these functions.

Accepts messages from the mail user agent

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

Resolves destination addresses

Selects a proper delivery agent to deliver the mail
Receives incoming mail from other mail transfer agents

Local Delivery Agent

A local delivery agent is a program that implements a mail delivery protocol. The following local
delivery agents are provided with the Oracle Solaris operating system.

The UUCP local delivery agent, which uses uux to deliver mail

The local delivery agent, which is mail.local in the standard Oracle Solaris release

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 357 provides information on these related

Additional Delivery Agent Flags From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 367
Additional Equates for Delivery Agents From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 368

Mailers and sendmail

Mailer is a sendmail-specific term. A mailer is used by sendmail to identify a specific instance
of a customized local delivery agent or a customized mail transfer agent. You need to specify at
least one mailer in your file. For task information, refer to Changing the
sendmail Configuration on page 285 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks). This section
provides a brief description of two types of mailers.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Mailers on page 320

UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) Mailers on page 321

For additional information about mailers, see or


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Mailers

SMTP is the standard mail protocol that is used on the Internet. This protocol defines these


smtp provides regular SMTP transfers to other servers.

esmtp provides extended SMTP transfers to other servers.

smtp8 provides SMTP transfers to other servers without converting 8-bit data to MIME.

dsmtp provides on-demand delivery by using the F=% mailer flag. Refer to Changes to the
MAILER() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 367 and Additional
Delivery Agent Flags From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 367.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) Mailers

If possible, avoid using UUCP. For an explanation, refer to
uucp_mailers.html or do a search in /etc/mail/cf/README on this string: USING UUCP
UUCP defines these mailers.

Names in the $=U class are sent to uucp-old. uucp is the obsolete name for this
mailer. The uucp-old mailer uses an exclamation-point address in the headers.


Names in the $=Y class are sent to uucp-new. Use this mailer when you know that
the receiving UUCP mailer can manage multiple recipients in one transfer. suucp
is the obsolete name for this mailer. The uucp-new mailer also uses an
exclamation-point address in the headers.

If MAILER(smtp) is also specified in your configuration, two more mailers are defined.

This mailer uses domain-style addresses and, basically, applies the SMTP
rewriting rules.


Names in the $=Z class are sent to uucp-uudom. uucp-uudom and uucp-dom use
the same header address format, domain-style addresses.

Note Because the smtp mailer modifies the UUCP mailer, always put MAILER(smtp) before
MAILER(uucp) in your .mc file.

Mail Addresses
The mail address contains the name of the recipient and the system to which the mail message is
delivered. When you administer a small mail system that does not use a name service,
addressing mail is easy. The login names uniquely identify the users. Complexity is introduced
if you are administering a mail system that has more than one system with mailboxes or that has
one or more domains. Additional complexity can be generated if you have a UUCP (or other)
mail connection to servers outside your network. The information in the following sections can
help you understand the parts and complexities of a mail address.

Domains and Subdomains on page 321

Name Service Domain Name and Mail Domain Name on page 322
Typical Format for Mail Addresses on page 322
RouteIndependent Mail Addresses on page 323

Domains and Subdomains

Email addressing uses domains. A domain is a directory structure for network address naming.
A domain can have one or more subdomains. The domain and subdomains of an address can be
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

compared to the hierarchy of a file system. Just as a subdirectory is considered to be inside the
directory above it, each subdomain in a mail address is considered to be inside the location to its
The following table shows some top-level domains.

Top-Level Domains




Commercial sites


Educational sites


United States government installations


United States military installations


Networking organizations


Other nonprofit organizations

Domains are case insensitive. You can use uppercase, lowercase, or mixed-case letters in the
domain part of an address without making any errors.

Name Service Domain Name and Mail Domain Name

When you are working with name service domain names and mail domain names, remember
the following.

By default, the sendmail program strips the first component from the NIS domain name to
form the mail domain name. For example, if an NIS domain name were, its mail domain name would be

Although mail domain addresses are case insensitive, the NIS domain name is not. For the
best results, use lowercase characters when setting up the mail and NIS domain names.

The DNS domain name and the mail domain name must be identical.

For more information, refer to Interactions of sendmail With Name Services on page 345.

Typical Format for Mail Addresses

Typically, a mail address has the following format. For further details, refer to
RouteIndependent Mail Addresses on page 323.
user@subdomain. ...

The part of the address to the left of the @ sign is the local address. The local address can contain
the following.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

Information about routing with another mail transport (for example,

bob::vmsvax@gateway or smallberries%mill.uucp@gateway)

An alias (for example, iggy.ignatz)

Note The receiving mailer is responsible for determining what the local part of the address

means. For information about mailers, refer to Mailers and sendmail on page 320.
The part of the address to the right of the @ sign shows the domain levels, which is where the
local address resides. A dot separates each subdomain. The domain part of the address can be an
organization, a physical area, or a geographic region. Furthermore, the order of domain
information is hierarchical, so the more local the subdomain, the closer the subdomain is to the
@ sign.

RouteIndependent Mail Addresses

Mail addresses can be route independent. Route-independent addressing requires the sender of
an email message to specify the name of the recipient and the final destination. A high-speed
network, such as the Internet, uses route-independent addresses. Route-independent addresses
can have this format.

Route-independent addresses for UUCP connections can have this address format.

The increased popularity of the domain-hierarchical naming scheme for computers is making
route-independent addresses more common. Actually, the most common route-independent
address omits the host name and relies on the domain name service to properly identify the
final destination of the email message.

Route-independent addresses are first read by searching for the @ sign. The domain hierarchy is
then read from the right (the highest level) to the left (the most specific part of the address to the
right of the @ sign).

Mailbox Files
A mailbox is a file that is the final destination for email messages. The name of the mailbox can
be the user name or the identity of a specific function, such as the postmaster. Mailboxes are in
the /var/mail/username file, which can exist either on the user's local system or on a remote
mail server. In either instance, the mailbox is on the system to which the mail is delivered.
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

Mail should always be delivered to a local file system so that the user agent can pull mail from
the mail spool and store it readily in the local mailbox. Do not use NFS-mounted file systems as
the destination for a user's mailbox. Specifically, do not direct mail to a mail client that is
mounting the /var/mail file system from a remote server. Mail for the user, in this instance,
should be addressed to the mail server and not to the client host name. NFS-mounted file
systems can cause problems with mail delivery and handling.
The /etc/mail/aliases file and name services such as NIS provide mechanisms for creating
aliases for electronic mail addresses. So, users do not need to know the precise local name of a
user's mailbox.
The following table shows some common naming conventions for special-purpose mailboxes.

Conventions for the Format of Mailbox Names




User names are frequently the same as mailbox names.


User names can be identified as full names with a dot (or an underscore) that separates the first and last
names. Alternately, user names can be identified by a first initial with a dot (or an underscore) that
separates the initial and the last name.


Users can address questions and report problems with the mail system to the postmaster mailbox. Each
site and domain should have a postmaster mailbox.


sendmail automatically routes any mail that is addressed to the MAILER-DAEMON to the postmaster.


Names that end in -request are administrative addresses for distribution lists. This address should
redirect mail to the person who maintains the distribution list.


Names that begin with owner- are administrative addresses for distribution lists. This address should
redirect mail to the person who handles mail errors.



This alias is used when no owner-aliasname alias exists for errors to be returned to. This address should
redirect mail to the person who handles mail errors. This address also should be defined on any system
that maintains a large number of aliases.
The percent sign (%) marks a local address that is expanded when the message arrives at its destination.
Most mail systems interpret mailbox names with % characters as full mail addresses. The % is replaced with
an @, and the mail is redirected accordingly. Although many people use the % convention, this convention
is not a formal standard. This convention is referred to as the percent hack. This feature is often used to
help debug mail problems.

Starting with sendmail version 8, the envelope sender for mail that is sent to a group alias has
been changed to the address that is expanded from the owner alias, if an owner alias exists. This
change enables any mail errors to be sent to the alias owner, rather than being returned to the


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

sender. With this change, users notice that mail that was sent to an alias looks as if the mail came
from the alias owner, when delivered. The following alias format helps with some of the
problems that are associated with this change.
mygroup: :include:/pathname/mygroup.list
owner-mygroup: mygroup-request
mygroup-request: sandys, ignatz

In this example, the mygroup alias is the actual mail alias for the group. The owner-mygroup alias
receives error messages. The mygroup-request alias should be used for administrative requests.
This structure means that in mail sent to the mygroup alias, the envelope sender changes to

Mail Aliases
An alias is an alternate name. For email, you can use aliases to assign a mailbox location or to
define mailing lists. For a task map, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on
page 294 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks). Also, you can refer to Mail Alias Files on
page 339 in this chapter.
For large sites, the mail alias typically defines the location of a mailbox. Providing a mail alias is
like providing a room number as part of the address for an individual at a large corporation that
occupies multiple rooms. If you do not provide the room number, the mail is delivered to a
central address. Without a room number, extra effort is required to determine where within the
building the mail is to be delivered. So, the possibility of an error increases. For example, if two
people who are named Kevin Smith are in the same building, only one of them might get mail.
To correct the problem, each Kevin Smith should have a room number added to his address.
Use domains and location-independent addresses as much as possible when you create mailing
lists. To enhance portability and flexibility of alias files, make your alias entries in mailing lists as
generic and system independent as possible. For example, if you have a user who is named
ignatz on system mars, in domain, create the alias ignatz@example instead of
ignatz@mars. If user ignatz changes the name of his system but remains within the example
domain, you do not need to update alias files to reflect the change in system name.
When you create alias entries, type one alias per line. You should have only one entry that
contains the user's system name. For example, you could create the following entries for user
ignatz: iggy.ignatz
iggyi: iggy.ignatz
iggy.ignatz: ignatz@mars

You can create an alias for local names or domains. For example, an alias entry for user fred,
who has a mailbox on the system mars and is in the domain planets, could have this entry in
the NIS aliases map.
fred: fred@planets
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

When you create mail lists that include users outside your domain, create the alias with the user
name and the domain name. For example, if you have a user who is named smallberries on
system privet, in domain, create the alias as The
email address of the sender is now automatically translated to a fully qualified domain name
when mail goes outside the user's domain.
The following list describes methods for creating and administering mail alias files.

You can create mail aliases for global use in the NIS aliases map or in local
/etc/mail/aliases files. You can also create and administer mailing lists that use the same
alias files.

Depending on the configuration of your mail services, you can administer aliases by using
the NIS name service to maintain a global aliases database. Otherwise, you could update
all the local /etc/mail/aliases files to keep the aliases synchronized.

Users can also create and use aliases. Users can create aliases either in their local ~/.mailrc
file, which only the user can use, or in their local /etc/mail/aliases file, which anyone can
use. Users cannot normally create or administer NIS alias files.

Hardware Components
You can provide the three required elements of mail configuration in the same system or have
separate systems provide these elements.

Mail Host on page 326

Mail Server on page 327
Mail Client on page 327

When users are to communicate with networks outside your domain, you must also add a
fourth element, a mail gateway. For more information, refer to Mail Gateway on page 327. The
following sections describe each hardware component.

Mail Host
A mail host is the machine that you designate as the main mail machine on your network. A
mail host is the machine to which other systems at the site forward mail that cannot be
delivered. You designate a system as a mail host in the hosts database by adding the word
mailhost to the right of the IP address in the local /etc/hosts file. Alternately, you can add the
word mailhost similarly to the hosts file in the name service. For detailed task information,
refer to How to Set Up a Mail Host on page 281 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).
A good candidate for a mail host is a system that is configured as a router from your network to
the Internet global network. For more information, refer to Chapter 15, Solaris PPP 4.0
(Overview), Chapter 24, UUCP (Overview), and Configuring an IPv4 Router in Oracle
Solaris Administration: IP Services. If no systems on your local network have a modem,
designate a system as the mail host.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Software and Hardware Components of Mail Services

Some sites use standalone machines that are not networked in a time-sharing configuration.
Specifically, the standalone machine serves terminals that are attached to its serial ports. You
can set up electronic mail for this configuration by designating the standalone system as the
mail host of a single-system network. Overview of the Hardware Components on page 270 in
Chapter 12, Mail Services (Overview), provides a figure that shows a typical email

Mail Server
A mailbox is a single file that contains email for a particular user. Mail is delivered to the system
where the user's mailbox resides, which can be on a local machine or a remote server. A mail
server is any system that maintains user mailboxes in its /var/mail directory. For task
information, refer to How to Set Up a Mail Server on page 278 in Chapter 13, Mail Services
The mail server routes all mail from a client. When a client sends mail, the mail server puts the
mail in a queue for delivery. After the mail is in the queue, a user can reboot or turn off the client
without losing those mail messages. When the recipient gets mail from a client, the path in the
From line of the message contains the name of the mail server. If the recipient responds, the
response goes to the user's mailbox. Good candidates for mail servers are systems that provide a
home directory for users or systems that are backed up regularly.
If the mail server is not the user's local system, users in configurations that use NFS software can
mount the /var/mail directory by using the /etc/vfstab file, if they have root access.
Otherwise, users can use the automounter. If NFS support is not available, users can log in to
the server to read their mail.
If users on your network send other types of mail, such as audio files or files from desktop
publishing systems, you need to allocate more space on the mail server for mailboxes.
By establishing a mail server for all mailboxes, you can simplify your process of doing backups.
Backups can be difficult to do when mail is spread over many systems. The disadvantage of
storing many mailboxes on one server is that the server can be a single point of failure for many
users. However, the advantages of providing good backups usually make the risk worthwhile.

Mail Client
A mail client is a user of mail services with a mailbox on a mail server. Additionally, the mail
client has a mail alias in the /etc/mail/aliases file that points to the location of the mailbox.
For task information, refer to How to Set Up a Mail Client on page 279 in Chapter 13, Mail
Services (Tasks).

Mail Gateway
The mail gateway is a machine that handles connections between networks that run different
communications protocols or communications between different networks that use the same
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files

protocol. For example, a mail gateway might connect a TCP/IP network to a network that runs
the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) protocol suite.
The simplest mail gateway to set up is the mail gateway that connects two networks that use the
same protocol or mailer. This system handles mail with an address for which sendmail cannot
find a recipient in your domain. If a mail gateway exists, sendmail uses the gateway to send and
receive mail outside your domain.
You can set up a mail gateway between two networks that use unmatched mailers, as shown in
the next figure. To support this configuration, you must customize the file on the
mail gateway system, which can be a difficult and time-consuming process.


Gateway Between Different Communications Protocols


mailer a

Gateway A


mailer b

Gateway B

If you have a machine that provides connections to the Internet, you can configure that
machine as the mail gateway. Carefully consider your site's security needs before you configure
a mail gateway. You might need to create a firewall gateway between your corporate network
and other networks, and set up that gateway as the mail gateway. For task information, refer to
How to Set Up a Mail Gateway on page 283 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).

Mail Service Programs and Files

Mail services include many programs and daemons that interact with each other. This section
introduces the files, programs, terms, and concepts that are related to administering electronic


Enhancement for vacation Utility on page 329

Contents of the /usr/bin Directory on page 329

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files

Contents of the /etc/mail Directory on page 330

Contents of the /usr/lib Directory on page 333
Other Files Used for Mail Services on page 334
Interactions of Mail Programs on page 335
sendmail Program on page 336
Mail Alias Files on page 339
.forward Files on page 342
/etc/default/sendmail File on page 343

Enhancement for vacation Utility

The vacation utility has been enhanced to enable a user to specify which incoming messages
receive autogenerated replies. With this enhancement the user can avoid sharing confidential or
contact information with unknown people. Messages from spammers or unknown people
would not receive a reply.
This enhancement works by matching an incoming sender's email address to a list of domains
or email addresses in a .vacation.filter file. This file is created by the user and is in the user's
home directory. If a domain or email address match is found, a reply is sent. If no match is
found, no reply is sent.
The .vacation.filter might contain entries such as these:

Note that each line contains one domain or one email address. Each entry must be on a separate
line. For a sender's email address to match with an email address entry, the match must be exact,
except for case. Whether the letters in the sender's address are lowercase or uppercase is
ignored. For a sender's email address to match with a domain entry, the sender's address must
contain the listed domain. For example, both and would be a match for a domain entry of
For more information, see the vacation(1) man page.

Contents of the /usr/bin Directory

The following table shows the contents of the /usr/bin directory, which is used for mail
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files






A user agent.



A filter to store mail in SunOS 4.1 mailbox format.



A program that lists the content of the mail queue.



A program that is used to read mail statistics that are stored in the
/etc/mail/statistics file (if present).



A user agent.



A program that connects to the mailer for address verification and




A command to uncompile the alias database. Refer to the uncompile

information that is provided in the man page for praliases(1).



A symbolic link to /usr/bin/mail. Command that is often used to

permit only the sending of mail.



A command to set up an automatic reply to mail.

Contents of the /etc/mail Directory

The following table shows the contents of the /etc/mail directory.







Default settings for the mailx user agent.



Mail-forwarding information.



Default binary form of mail-forwarding information that is

created by running newaliases.



Binary form of mail-forwarding information that is created by

running newaliases. Can still be used, but is no longer used by
default starting with the Solaris 9 release.



Binary form of mail-forwarding information that is created by

running newaliases. Can still be used, but is no longer used by
default starting with the Solaris 9 release.



Default settings for the mailx user agent.


A symbolic link from this sample configuration file for main

systems to is provided for backwards
compatibility. This file is not needed in version 8.13 of sendmail.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files






List of all domains for which relaying is allowed. By default, only

the local domain is allowed.


Configuration file for mail routing.


New configuration file for the mail submission program (MSP).

For more information, refer to Configuration File
From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 358.



Optional file that you can create if the number of aliases for the
mail host is too long.



Help file that is used by the SMTP HELP command.


File that lists the PID of the listening daemon and is now in



sendmail statistics file. If this file is present, sendmail logs the

amount of traffic through each mailer. Previously, this file was


A symbolic link from this sample configuration file for

subsidiary systems to is provided for backwards
compatibility. This file is not needed in version 8.13 of sendmail.



File that lists the users (one user per line) who can be trusted to
perform certain mail operations. By default, only root is in this
file. Certain mail operations, when performed by untrusted
users, result in the following warning,
X-Authentication-Warning: header being added to a

Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory

Within the /etc/mail directory is a subdirectory, cf, that contains all of the necessary files to
build a file. The content of cf is shown in Table 149.
To support a read-only /usr file system, the content of the /usr/lib/mail directory has been
moved to the /etc/mail/cf directory. Note, however, these exceptions. The shell scripts
/usr/lib/mail/sh/check-hostname and /usr/lib/mail/sh/check-permissions are now in
the /usr/sbin directory. See Other Files Used for Mail Services on page 334. For backward
compatibility, symbolic links point to each file's new location.

Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory Used for Mail Services






Describes the configuration files.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files



Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory Used for Mail Services





Symbolic Link This file name is linked to cf/

This file used to be the main configuration file.


Symbolic Link This file name is linked to cf/

This file was the file used to create the main
configuration file.



Provides rules for building new configuration




Is the configuration file for the mail

submission program (MSP), which is used to
submit messages.



Is the file used to build the file. The

file defines m4 macros for the mail submission
program (MSP).



Is the main configuration file for sendmail.



Contains the m4 macros that are used to

generate the file.


Symbolic Link This file name is linked to cf/

This file used to be the configuration file for
hosts that NFS-mount /var/mail from
another host.


Symbolic Link This file name is linked to cf/

This file used to contain the m4 macros that
were used to generate the file.



Provides site-dependent subdomain




Is the generic domain file from Berkeley

Software Distribution.



Is the domain file with changes that make

sendmail function like the previous versions
of sendmail. However, relaying is disabled
completely, sender addresses with no host
name are rejected, and unresolvable domains
are rejected.



Is the default domain file with changes that

make sendmail function like the previous
versions of sendmail.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Mail Service Programs and Files


Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory Used for Mail Services







Contains definitions of specific features for

particular hosts. See README for a full
description of the features.



Contains site-independent include files.



Contains definitions of mailers, which include

local, smtp, and uucp.


Obsolete: this file name is renamed to




Describes various operating system




Defines default local mailer as mail.local.



Defines default local mailer as mail.local.



Defines local mailer as mail.



Defines local mailer as mail.local (in LMTP

mode), enables IPv6, specifies
/system/volatile as the directory for the file.


Obsolete: this file name is renamed to


Contents of the /usr/lib Directory

The following table shows the contents of the /usr/lib directory, which is used for mail
TABLE 1410

Contents of the /usr/lib Directory






Mailer that delivers mail to mailboxes.



Routing program, also known as the mail transfer agent.



Shell program (sendmail restricted shell) that uses the |program

syntax of sendmail to restrict programs that sendmail can run to
those programs listed in the /var/adm/sm.bin directory. Refer to the
smrsh(1M) man page for recommendations about what to include in
/var/adm/sm.bin. To enable, include this m4 command,
FEATURE(smrsh), in your mc file.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files

TABLE 1410

Contents of the /usr/lib Directory






symbolic link A symbolic link points to the/etc/mail/cf directory. For more

information, refer to Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory on
page 331.

Other Files Used for Mail Services

Several other files and directories are used for mail services, as shown in Table 1411.
TABLE 1411


Other Files Used for Mail Services






Lists the environment variables for the

startup script for sendmail.



Lists the valid login shells.



Contains shell scripts that are used by the m4

build process and migration aids.



File that lists the PID of the listening




Checks permissions of :include: aliases

and .forward files and their parent directory
path for correct permissions.



Verifies that sendmail is able to determine

the fully qualified host name.



Queries and edits single records in database

maps for sendmail.



Mail notification daemon.



Builds binary forms of keyed maps.



A symbolic link to /usr/lib/sendmail.

Used to create the binary form of the alias
database. Previously in /usr/bin.



Error message logger, used by sendmail.



Perl script for starting the client-side remote

mail queue.

/var/mail/mailbox1, /var/mail/mailbox2


Mailboxes for delivered mail.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files

TABLE 1411

Other Files Used for Mail Services







Storage for mail that is delivered by the

client daemon.



Storage for mail that is delivered by the

master daemon.

Interactions of Mail Programs

Mail services are provided by a combination of the following programs, which interact as
shown in the simplified illustration in Figure 142.


Interactions of Mail Programs



User sends message.

Message is collected.
Message is routed.

/usr/lib/mail.local Message is delivered.


User reads message.

The following is a description of the interactions of mail programs.

1. Users send messages by using programs such as mailx. See the man page for mailx(1) for
more information.
2. The message is collected by the program that generated the message, and the message is
passed to the sendmail daemon.
3. The sendmail daemon parses the addresses (divides them into identifiable segments) in the
message. The daemon uses information from the configuration file,
/etc/mail/, to determine network name syntax, aliases, forwarding
information, and network topology. By using this information, sendmail determines which
route a message must follow to get to a recipient.
4. The sendmail daemon passes the message to the appropriate system.
5. The /usr/lib/mail.local program on the local system delivers the mail to the mailbox in
the /var/mail/username directory of the recipient of the message.
6. The recipient is notified that mail has arrived and retrieves the mail by using mail, mailx, or
a similar program.
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files

sendmail Program
The following list describes some of the capabilities of the sendmail program.

sendmail can use different types of communications protocols, such as TCP/IP and UUCP.

sendmail implements an SMTP server, message queuing, and mailing lists.

sendmail controls name interpretation by using a pattern-matching system that can work
with the following naming conventions.

Domain-based naming convention. The domain technique separates the issue of

physical from logical naming. For more information about domains, refer to Mail
Addresses on page 321.

Improvised techniques, such as providing network names that appear local to hosts on
other networks.

Arbitrary (older) naming syntaxes.

Disparate naming schemes.

The Oracle Solaris operating system uses the sendmail program as a mail router. The following
list describes some of its functions.

sendmail is responsible for receiving and delivering email messages to a local delivery agent,
such as mail.local or procmail.

sendmail is a mail transfer agent that accepts messages from user agents, such as mailx and
Mozilla Mail, and routes the messages through the Internet to their destination.

sendmail controls email messages that users send in the following ways:

By evaluating the recipients' addresses

By choosing an appropriate delivery program
By rewriting the addresses in a format that the delivery agent can handle
By reformatting the mail headers as required
By finally passing the transformed message to the mail program for delivery

For more information about the sendmail program, refer to the following topics.

sendmail and Its Rerouting Mechanisms on page 336

sendmail Features on page 338
sendmail Configuration File on page 338

sendmail and Its Rerouting Mechanisms

The sendmail program supports three mechanisms for mail rerouting. The mechanism that
you choose depends on the type of change that is involved.


A server change
A domain-wide change
A change for one user

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files

Additionally, the rerouting mechanism that you choose can affect the level of administration
that is required. Consider the following options.
1. One rerouting mechanism is aliasing.
Aliasing can map names to addresses on a server-wide basis or a name service-wide basis,
depending on the type of file that you use.
Consider the following advantages and disadvantages of name service aliasing.

The use of a name service alias file permits mail rerouting changes to be administered
from a single source. However, name service aliasing can create lag time when the
rerouting change is propagated.

Name service administration is usually restricted to a select group of system

administrators. A normal user would not administer this file.

Consider the following advantages and disadvantages of using a server alias file.

By using a server alias file, rerouting can be managed by anyone who can become root
on the designated server.

Server aliasing should create little or no lag time when the rerouting change is

The change only affects the local server, which might be acceptable if most of the mail is
sent to one server. However, if you need to propagate this change to many mail servers,
use a name service.

A normal user would not administer this change.

For more information, refer to Mail Alias Files on page 339 in this chapter. For a task map,
refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 in Chapter 13, Mail
Services (Tasks).
2. The next mechanism is forwarding.
This mechanism permits users to administer mail rerouting. Local users can reroute their
incoming mail to the following.

Another mailbox
A different mailer
Another mail host

This mechanism is supported through the use of .forward files. For more information
about these files, refer to .forward Files on page 342 in this chapter. For a task map, refer
to Administering .forward Files (Task Map) on page 304 in Chapter 13, Mail Services
3. The last rerouting mechanism is inclusion.
This mechanism allows users to maintain alias lists instead of requiring root access. To
provide this feature, the root user must create an appropriate entry in the alias file on the
server. After this entry is created, the user can reroute mail as necessary. For more
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files

information about inclusion, refer to /etc/mail/aliases File on page 340 in this chapter.
For a task map, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 in
Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).
Note Programs that read mail, such as /usr/bin/mailx, can have aliases of their own,

which are expanded before the message reaches sendmail. The aliases for sendmail can
originate from a number of name service sources, such as local files or NIS. The order of the
lookup is determined by the svc:/system/name-service/switch service. Refer to the
nsswitch.conf(4) man page.

sendmail Features
The sendmail program provides the following features.

sendmail is reliable. The program is designed to correctly deliver every message. No

message should ever become completely lost.

sendmail uses existing software for delivery whenever possible. For example, the user
interacts with a mail-generating and a mail-sending program. When mail is submitted, the
mail-generating program calls sendmail, which routes the message to the correct mailers.
Because some of the senders might be network servers and some of the mailers might be
network clients, sendmail can be used as an Internet mail gateway. See Interactions of Mail
Programs on page 335 for a more detailed description of the process.

sendmail can be configured to handle complex environments, including multiple networks.

sendmail checks the contents of an address as well as its syntax to determine which mailer
to use.

sendmail uses configuration files to control mail configuration instead of requiring that
configuration information be compiled into the code.

Users can maintain their own mailing lists. Additionally, individuals can specify their own
forwarding mechanism without modifying the domain-wide alias file, typically located in
the domain-wide aliases that are maintained by NIS.

Each user can specify a custom mailer to process incoming mail. The custom mailer can
provide functions such as returning a message that reads: I am on vacation. See the
vacation(1) man page for more information.

sendmail batches addresses to a single host to reduce network traffic.

sendmail Configuration File

A configuration file controls the way that sendmail performs its functions. The configuration
file determines the choice of delivery agents, address rewriting rules, and the format of the mail
header. The sendmail program uses the information from the /etc/mail/ file to
perform its functions.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files

The Oracle Solaris operating system provides two default configuration files in the /etc/mail
1., a configuration file that is used to run sendmail in daemon mode.
2., a configuration file that is used to run sendmail in mail-submission program
mode, instead of daemon mode. For more information, refer to Configuration
File From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 358.
When setting up mail clients, mail servers, mail hosts, or mail gateways, consider the following:

For mail clients or mail servers, you do not need to do anything to set up or edit the default
configuration file.

To set up a mail host or mail gateway, you need to set the relay mailer and relay host
parameters that are needed for your mail configuration. For task information, refer to
Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map) on page 277 or Changing the sendmail
Configuration on page 285 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks). Note that with sendmail
version 8.13, you no longer need the file.

The following list describes some configuration parameters that you can change, depending on
the requirements of your site.

Time values, which specify the following information.

Read timeouts.

Length of time a message remains undelivered in the queue before the message is
returned to the sender. Refer to Additional Queue Features From Version 8.12 of
sendmail on page 369. For a task map, refer to Administering the Queue Directories
(Task Map) on page 300.

Delivery modes, which specify how quickly mail is delivered.

Load limits, which increase efficiency during busy periods. These parameters prevent
sendmail from attempting to deliver large messages, messages to many recipients, and
messages to sites that have been down for a long time.

Log level, which specifies the kinds of problems that are logged.

Mail Alias Files

You can use any of the following files, maps, or tables to maintain aliases.

.mailrc Aliases on page 340

/etc/mail/aliases File on page 340
NIS aliases Map on page 341

Your method of maintaining aliases depends on who uses the alias and who needs to be able to
change the alias. Each type of alias has unique format requirements.
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files

If you are looking for task information, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on
page 294 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).

.mailrc Aliases
Aliases that are listed in a .mailrc file are accessible only by the user who owns the file. This
restriction enables users to establish an alias file that they control and that is usable only by its
owner. Aliases in a .mailrc file adhere to the following format.
alias aliasname value value value ...

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and value is a valid email address.
If a user establishes a personal alias for scott that does not match the email address for scott in
the name service, an error occurs. Mail is routed to the wrong person when people try to reply
to mail that is generated by this user. The only workaround is to use any of the other aliasing

/etc/mail/aliases File
Any alias that is established in the /etc/mail/aliases file can be used by any user who knows
the name of the alias and the host name of the system that contains the file. Distribution list
formats in a local /etc/mail/aliases file adhere to the following format.
aliasname: value,value,value ...

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail to this alias, and value is a valid
email address.
If your network is not running a name service, the /etc/mail/aliases file of each system
should contain entries for all mail clients. You can either edit the file on each system or edit the
file on one system and copy the file to each of the other systems.
The aliases in the /etc/mail/aliases file are stored in text form. When you edit the
/etc/mail/aliases file, you need to run the newaliases program. This program recompiles
the database and makes the aliases available in binary form to the sendmail program. For task
information, refer to How to Set Up a Local Mail Alias File on page 296 in Chapter 13, Mail
Services (Tasks).
You can create aliases for only local names, such as a current host name or no host name. For
example, an alias entry for user ignatz who has a mailbox on the system saturn would have the
following entry in the /etc/mail/aliases file.
ignatz: ignatz@saturn

You should create an administrative account for each mail server. You create such an account
by assigning a mailbox on the mail server to root and by adding an entry for root to the
/etc/mail/aliases file. For example, if the system saturn is a mailbox server, add the entry
root: sysadmin@saturn to the /etc/mail/aliases file.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files

Normally, only the root user can edit this file. Another option is to create the following entry.
aliasname: :include:/path/aliasfile

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and /path/aliasfile is the full path to
the file that contains the alias list. The alias file should include email entries, one entry on each
line, and no other notations.

You can define additional mail files in /etc/mail/aliases to keep a log or a backup copy. The
following entry stores all mail that is sent to aliasname in filename.
aliasname: /home/backup/filename

You can also route the mail to another process. The following example stores a copy of the mail
message in filename and prints a copy.
aliasname: "|tee -a /home/backup/filename |lp"

For a task map, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 in Chapter 13,
Mail Services (Tasks).

NIS aliases Map

All users in a local domain can use the entries that are in the NIS aliases map. The reason is
that the sendmail program can use the NIS aliases map instead of the local
/etc/mail/aliases files to determine mailing addresses. For more information, refer to the
nsswitch.conf(4) man page.
Aliases in the NIS aliases map adhere to the following format.
aliasname: value,value,value ...

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and value is a valid email address.
The NIS aliases map should contain entries for all mail clients. In general, only the root user
on the NIS master can change these entries. This type of alias might not be a good choice for
aliases that are constantly changing. However, such aliases can be useful if the aliases point to
another alias file, as in the following syntax example.
aliasname: aliasname@host

aliasname is the name that the user uses when sending mail, and host is the host name for the
server that contains an /etc/mail/alias file.
For task information, refer to How to Set Up an NIS mail.aliases Map on page 295 in
Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Service Programs and Files

.forward Files
Users can create a .forward file in their home directories that sendmail, along with other
programs, can use to redirect mail or send mail. Refer to the following topics.

Situations to Avoid on page 342

Controls for .forward files on page 342
.forward.hostname File on page 342
.forward+detail File on page 343

For a task map, refer to Administering .forward Files (Task Map) on page 304 in Chapter 13,
Mail Services (Tasks).

Situations to Avoid
The following list describes some situations that you can avoid or easily fix.

If mail is not being delivered to the expected address, check the user's .forward file. The
user might have put the .forward file in the home directory of host1, which forwards mail
to user@host2. When the mail arrives at host2, sendmail checks for user in the NIS aliases
and sends the message back to user@host1. This routing results in a loop and more bounced

To avoid security problems, never put .forward files in the root and bin accounts. If
necessary, forward the mail by using the aliases file instead.

Controls for .forward files

For the .forward files to be an effective part of mail delivery, ensure that the following controls
(mostly permissions settings) are correctly applied.

The .forward file must be writable only by the owner of the file. This restriction prevents
other users from breaking security.

The paths that lead to the home directory must be owned and writable by root only. For
example, if a .forward file is in /export/home/terry, /export and /export/home must be
owned and writable by root only.

The actual home directory should be writable only by the user.

The .forward file cannot be a symbolic link, and this file cannot have more than one hard

.forward.hostname File
You can create a .forward.hostname file to redirect mail that is sent to a specific host. For
example, if a user's alias has changed from to, place a .forward.phoenix file in the home directory for sandy.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Mail Service Programs and Files

% cat .forward.phoenix
"|/usr/bin/vacation sandy"
% cat .vacation.msg
From: (via the vacation program)
Subject: my alias has changed
My alias has changed to
Please use this alias in the future.
The mail that I just received from you
has been forwarded to my new address.

In this example, mail can be forwarded to the correct place while the sender is notified of the
alias change. Because the vacation program permits only one message file, you can forward
only one message at a time. However, if the message is not host specific, one vacation message
file can be used by .forward files for many hosts.

.forward+detail File
Another extension to the forwarding mechanism is the .forward+detail file. The detail string
can be any sequence of characters except operator characters. The operator characters are
.:%&!^[]+. By using this type of file, you can determine if someone else is using your email
address without your knowledge. For instance, if a user tells someone to use the email address, the user would be able to identify any future mail that was
delivered to this alias. By default, any mail that is sent to the alias is
checked against the alias and the .forward+detail files. If no matches are made, the mail falls
back to delivery to, but the user is able to see a change in the To: mail

/etc/default/sendmail File
This file is used to store startup options for sendmail so that the options are not removed when
a host is upgraded. The following variables can be used.
Selects additional options to be used with the client daemon, which looks in the client-only
queue (/var/spool/clientmqueue) and acts as a client queue runner. No syntax checking is
done, so be careful when making changes to this variable.
Similar to the QUEUEINTERVAL option, CLIENTQUEUEINTERVAL sets the time interval for mail
queue runs. However, the CLIENTQUEUEINTERVAL option controls the functions of the client
daemon, rather than the functions of the master daemon. Typically, the master daemon is
able to deliver all messages to the SMTP port. However, if the message load is too high or the
master daemon is not running, then messages go into the client-only queue,
/var/spool/clientmqueue. The client daemon, which checks in the client-only queue, then
acts as a client queue processor.
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Mail Addresses and Mail Routing

Enables an SMTP client and server to interact immediately without waiting for the queue
run intervals, which are periodic. The server can immediately deliver the portion of its queue
that goes to the specified hosts. For more information, refer to the etrn(1M) man page.
Selects the mode to start sendmail with. Use the -bd option or leave it undefined.
Selects additional options to be used with the master daemon. No syntax checking is done, so
be careful when making changes to this variable.
Sets the interval for mail queue runs on the master daemon. # can be a positive integer that is
followed by either s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, or w for weeks. The
syntax is checked before sendmail is started. If the interval is negative or if the entry does not
end with an appropriate letter, the interval is ignored and sendmail starts with a queue
interval of 15 minutes.
Enables one persistent queue runner that sleeps between queue run intervals, instead of a
new queue runner for each queue run interval. You can set this option to p, which is the only
setting available. Otherwise, this option is not set.

Mail Addresses and Mail Routing

The path that a mail message follows during delivery depends on the setup of the client system
and the topology of the mail domain. Each additional level of mail hosts or mail domains can
add another alias resolution, but the routing process is basically the same on most hosts.
You can set up a client system to receive mail locally. Receiving mail locally is known as running
sendmail in local mode. Local mode is the default for all mail servers and some clients. On a
mail server or a mail client in local mode, a mail message is routed the following way.
Note The following example assumes that you are using the default rule set in the

1. Expand the mail alias, if possible, and restart the local routing process.
The mail address is expanded by checking for the mail alias in the name service and
substituting the new value, if a new value is found. This new alias is then checked again.
2. If the mail is local, deliver the mail to /usr/lib/mail.local.
The mail is delivered to a local mailbox.
3. If the mail address includes a host in this mail domain, deliver the mail to that host.
4. If the address does not include a host in this domain, forward the mail to the mail host.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Interactions of sendmail With Name Services

The mail host uses the same routing process as the mail server. However, the mail host can
receive mail that is addressed to the domain name as well as to the host name.

Interactions of sendmail With Name Services

This section describes domain names as they apply to sendmail and name services.
Furthermore, this section describes the rules for effective use of name services, and the specific
interactions of sendmail with name services. For details, refer to the following topics. and Mail Domains on page 345

sendmail and Name Services on page 345
Interactions of NIS and sendmail on page 347
Interactions of sendmail With NIS and DNS on page 347

If you are looking for related task information, refer to How to Use DNS With sendmail on
page 284 or Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 in Chapter 13, Mail
Services (Tasks). and Mail Domains

The standard file uses mail domains to determine whether mail is delivered
directly or through a mail host. Intradomain mail is delivered through a direct SMTP
connection, while interdomain mail is forwarded to a mail host.
In a secure network, only a few selected hosts are authorized to generate packets that are
targeted to external destinations. Even if a host has the IP address of the remote host that is
external to the mail domain, the establishment of an SMTP connection is not guaranteed. The
standard assumes the following.

The current host is not authorized to send packets directly to a host outside the mail

The mail host is capable of forwarding the mail to an authorized host that can transmit
packets directly to an external host. Actually, the mail host can be an authorized host.

With these assumptions, the mail host is responsible for delivering or forwarding interdomain

sendmail and Name Services

sendmail imposes various requirements on name services. To improve your understanding of
these requirements, this section first describes the relationship of mail domains to name service
domains. Then the section describes the various requirements. Refer to the following.
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Interactions of sendmail With Name Services

Mail Domains and Name Service Domains on page 346

Requirements for Name Services on page 346
Man page for nsswitch.conf(4)

Mail Domains and Name Service Domains

The mail domain name must be a suffix of the name service domain. For example, if the domain
name of the name service is A.B.C.D, the mail domain name could be one of the following.


When first established, the mail domain name is often identical to the name service domain. As
the network grows, the name service domain can be divided into smaller pieces to make the
name service more manageable. However, the mail domain often remains undivided to provide
consistent aliasing.

Requirements for Name Services

This section describes the requirements that sendmail imposes on name services.
A host table or map in a name service must be set up to support three types of gethostbyname()

mailhost Some name service configurations satisfy this requirement automatically.

Full host name (for example, Many name service configurations
satisfy this requirement.

Short host name (for example, smith) sendmail must connect to the mail host in order to
forward external mail. To determine if a mail address is within the current mail domain,
gethostbyname() is invoked with the full host name. If the entry is found, the address is
considered internal.
NIS and DNS support gethostbyname() with a short host name as an argument, so this
requirement is automatically satisfied.

Two additional rules about the host name service need to be followed to establish efficient
sendmail services within a name service.


gethostbyname() with full host-name argument and short host-name argument should
yield consistent results. For example, gethostbyname( should
return the same result as gethostbyname(smith), if both functions are called from the mail

For all name service domains under a common mail domain, gethostbyname() with a short
host name should yield the same result. For example, if the mail domain is given, gethostbyname(smith) should return the same result

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Interactions of sendmail With Name Services

when the call originates from either the domain or the domain. The mail domain name is usually shorter than the name
service domain, which gives this requirement special implications for various name services.
For more information about the gethostbyname() function, refer to the gethostbyname(3NSL)
man page.

Interactions of NIS and sendmail

The following list describes the interactions of sendmail and NIS and provides some guidance.

Mail domain name If you are setting up NIS as the primary name service, sendmail
automatically strips the first component of the NIS domain name and uses the result as the
mail domain name. For example, becomes

Mail host name You must have a mailhost entry in the NIS host map.

Full host names The normal NIS setup does not understand the full host name. Rather
than trying to make NIS understand the full host name, turn off this requirement from the
sendmail side by editing the file and replacing all occurrences of %l with %y.
This change turns off sendmail's interdomain mail detection. If the target host can be
resolved to an IP address, a direct SMTP delivery is attempted. Ensure that your NIS host
map does not contain any host entry that is external to the current mail domain. Otherwise,
you need to further customize the file.

Matching full host names and short host names Follow the previous instructions about
how to turn off gethostbyname() for a full host name.

Multiple NIS domains in one mail domain All NIS host maps under a common mail
domain should have the same set of host entries. For example, the host map in the domain should be the same as the host map in the Otherwise, one address might work in one NIS domain, but fail in
the other NIS domain.

For task information, refer to Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 in
Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).

Interactions of sendmail With NIS and DNS

The following list describes the interactions of sendmail with NIS and DNS and provides some

Mail domain name If you are setting up NIS as the primary name service, sendmail
automatically strips the first component of the NIS domain name and uses the result as the
mail domain name. For example, becomes

Mail host name When the DNS forwarding feature is turned on, queries that NIS cannot
resolve are forwarded to DNS, so you do not need a mailhost entry in the NIS host map.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes in Version 8.14 of sendmail

Full host names Although NIS does not understand full host names, DNS does
understand. This requirement is satisfied when you follow the regular procedure for setting
up NIS and DNS.

Matching full host names and short host names For every host entry in the NIS host
table, you must have a corresponding host entry in DNS.

Multiple NIS domains in one mail domain All NIS host maps under a common mail
domain should have the same set of host entries. For example, the host map in the domain should be the same as the host map in the domain. Otherwise, one address might work in one NIS domain, but
fail in the other NIS domain.

For task information, refer to How to Use DNS With sendmail on page 284 and
Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map) on page 294 in Chapter 13, Mail Services

Changes in Version 8.14 of sendmail

The sendmail service has been updated to version 8.14. In addition, here are some of the
significant changes to sendmail.


The system can be configured to automatically rebuild the and the
configuration files. The required steps are documented in How to Automatically Rebuild a
Configuration File on page 287.

By default, the sendmail daemon runs in the new local daemon mode. The localonly mode
only accepts incoming mail from the local host, for instance, mail from a cron job or
between local users. Outbound mail is routed as expected, only the incoming mail is
changed. The -bl option is used to select the local-only mode, also known as the Become
Local mode. For more information about this mode, see the sendmail(1M) man page. For
instructions on how to change back to the -bd or Become Daemon mode, see How to Use
sendmail in the Open Mode on page 288.

The -t and -u options to the makemap command now work as expected. The delimiter
declared with the -t option is used as the delimiter, even with the -u option. Previously a
space would be used as a delimiter if the -u option was used, regardless of the delimiter
defined by the -t option. See the makemap(1M) man page for more information about these

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

Although this version of sendmail provides many new features, the FallBackSmartHost option
is the most significant addition. Because of this option you no longer need to use and The file was used in environments that supported MX records. The file was used in environments without a fully operative DNS. In such
environments a smart host was used instead of MX records. The FallBackSmartHost option
provides unified configuration. It operates like an MX record of last possible preference for all
environments. To ensure that mail gets delivered to clients, this option, if enabled, provides a
well-connected (or smart) host that serves as a backup (or failover) for MX records that fail.
For more information about version 8.13, see the following sections:

Additional Command-Line Options in Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 354

Additional and Revised Configuration File Options in Version 8.13 of sendmail on
page 354
Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations in Version 8.13 of sendmail on page 356

Additionally, SMTP can run with Transport Layer Security (TLS). See the following

Support for Running SMTP With TLS in Version 8.13 of

Communications between SMTP servers and clients are not usually controlled or trusted on
either end. This lack of security might allow a third party to monitor and even alter a
communication between a server and a client. SMTP can use Transport Layer Security (TLS) in
version 8.13 of sendmail to resolve this problem. This extended service to SMTP servers and
clients provides the following:

Private, authenticated communications over the Internet

Protection from eavesdroppers and attackers

Note The implementation of TLS is based on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

STARTTLS is the SMTP keyword that initiates a secure SMTP connection by using TLS. This
secure connection might be between two servers or between a server and a client. A secure
connection is defined as follows:

The source email address and the destination address are encrypted.
The content of the email message is encrypted.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

When the client issues the STARTTLS command, the server responds with one of the following:

220 Ready to start TLS

501 Syntax error (no parameters allowed)
454 TLS not available due to temporary reason

The 220 response requires the client to start the TLS negotiation. The 501 response notes that
the client incorrectly issued the STARTTLS command. STARTTLS is issued with no parameters.
The 454 response necessitates that the client apply rule set values to determine whether to
accept or maintain the connection.
Note that to maintain the Internet's SMTP infrastructure, publicly used servers must not
require a TLS negotiation. However, a server that is used privately might require the client to
perform a TLS negotiation. In such instances, the server returns this response:
530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

The 530 response instructs the client to issue the STARTTLS command to establish a connection.
The server or client can refuse a connection if the level of authentication and privacy is not
satisfactory. Alternately, because most SMTP connections are not secure, the server and client
might maintain an unsecure connection. Whether to maintain or refuse a connection is
determined by the configuration of the server and the client.
Support for running SMTP with TLS is not enabled by default. TLS is enabled when the SMTP
client issues the STARTTLS command. Before the SMTP client can issue this command, you
must set up the certificates that enable sendmail to use TLS. See How to Set SMTP to Use TLS
on page 289. Note that this procedure includes defining new configuration file options and
rebuilding your file.

Configuration File Options for Running SMTP With TLS

The following table describes the configuration file options that are used to run SMTP with TLS.
If you declare any of these options, use one of the following syntaxes:

TABLE 1412

O OptionName=argument # for the configuration file

-O OptionName=argument # for the command line
define(m4Name',argument) # for m4 configuration

Configuration File Options for Running SMTP With TLS




m4 name: confCACERT
Argument: filename
Default value: undefined
Identifies the file that contains one CA certificate.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

TABLE 1412

Configuration File Options for Running SMTP With TLS




m4 name: confCACERT_PATH


Argument: path
Default value: undefined
Identifies the path to the directory that contains certificates of CAs.

m4 name: confCLIENT_CERT
Argument: filename
Default value: undefined
Identifies the file that contains the certificate of the client. Note that this certificate is used
when sendmail acts as a client.


m4 name: confCLIENT_KEY
Argument: filename
Default value: undefined
Identifies the file that contains the private key that belongs to the client certificate.


m4 name: confCRL
Argument: filename
Default value: undefined
Identifies the file that contains the certificate revocation status, which is used for X.509v3


m4 name: confDH_PARAMETERS
Argument: filename
Default value: undefined
Identifies the file that contains the Diffie-Hellman (DH) parameters.


m4 name: confRAND_FILE
Argument: file:filename or egd:UNIX socket
Default value: undefined
Uses the file: prefix to identify the file that contains random data or uses the egd: prefix
to identify the UNIX socket. Note that because the Oracle Solaris OS supports the random
number generator device, this option does not need to be specified. See the random(7D)
man page.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

TABLE 1412

Configuration File Options for Running SMTP With TLS




m4 name: confSERVER_CERT


Argument: filename
Default value: undefined
Identifies the file that contains the server's certificate. This certificate is used when
sendmail acts as a server.
m4 name: confTO_STARTTLS


Argument: amount of time

Default value: 1h
Sets the amount of time the SMTP client waits for a response to the STARTTLS command.
m4 name: confTLS_SRV_OPTIONS


Argument: V
Default value: undefined
Determines whether the server asks for a certificate from the client. If this option is set to V,
no client verification is performed.

For sendmail to support SMTP's use of TLS, the following options must be defined:


Other options are not required.

Macros for Running SMTP With TLS

The following table describes the macros that are used by the STARTTLS command.
TABLE 1413

Macros for Running SMTP With TLS




Holds the distinguished name (DN) of the certification authority (CA), which is the
certificate issuer.


Holds the DN of the certificate that is called the cert subject.


Holds the common name (CN) of the CA, which is the cert issuer.


Holds the CN of the certificate that is called the cert subject.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

TABLE 1413

Macros for Running SMTP With TLS





Holds the version of TLS that is used for the connection.


Holds a set of cryptographic algorithms (known as a cipher suite) that is used for the


Holds in bits the key length of the symmetric encryption algorithm that is used for the


Holds the result of the verification of the certificate that was presented. Possible values are
as follows:

OK The verification succeeded.

NO No certificate was presented.

NOT No certificate was requested.

FAIL The certificate that was presented could not be verified.

NONE STARTTLS has not been performed.

TEMP Temporary error occurred.

PROTOCOL SMTP error occurred.

SOFTWARE STARTTLS handshake failed.


Holds the name of the server with the current outgoing SMTP connection.


Holds the address of the server with the current outgoing SMTP connection.

Rule Sets for Running SMTP With TLS

The following table describes rule sets that determine whether an SMTP connection that uses
TLS should be accepted, continued, or refused.
TABLE 1414

Rule Sets for Running SMTP With TLS

Rule Set



Acting as a client, sendmail uses this rule set to determine whether the server is currently
supported by TLS.


Acting as a server, sendmail uses this rule set to determine whether the client is currently
supported by TLS.


This rule set requires verification of the recipient's MTA. This recipient restriction makes
attacks such as DNS spoofing impossible.


This rule set checks the requirement that is specified by the RHS of the access map against
the actual parameters of the current TLS connection.


sendmail uses this rule set to determine the feasibility of using STARTTLS when connecting
to another MTA. If the MTA cannot properly implement STARTTLS, then STARTTLS is not

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

For more information, see

Security Considerations Related to Running SMTP With TLS

As a standard mail protocol that defines mailers that run over the Internet, SMTP is not an
end-to-end mechanism. Because of this protocol limitation, TLS security through SMTP does
not include mail user agents. Mail user agents act as an interface between users and a mail
transfer agent such as sendmail.
Also, mail might be routed through multiple servers. For complete SMTP security the entire
chain of SMTP connections must have TLS support.
Finally, the level of negotiated authentication and privacy between each pair of servers or a
client and server pair must be considered. For more information, see Authentication Services
in Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services.

Additional Command-Line Options in Version 8.13 of

The following table describes additional command-line options that are available in version
8.13 of sendmail. Other command-line options are described in the sendmail(1M) man page.
TABLE 1415

Command-Line Options Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail



-D logfile

Sends debugging output to the indicated logfile, instead of including this information with the
standard output.


Specifies the processing of quarantined jobs that have this substr, which is a substring of the
quarantine reason. See the description of the -Qreason option. If ! is added, this option processes
quarantined jobs that do not have this substr.


Quarantines a normal queue item with this reason. If no reason is given, the quarantined queue item
is unquarantined. This option works with the -q[!]Qsubstr option. The substr is a portion (or
substring) of the reason.

Additional and Revised Configuration File Options in

Version 8.13 of sendmail
The following table describes the added and revised configuration file options. If you declare
any of these options, use one of the following syntaxes.
O OptionName=argument
-O OptionName=argument

# for the configuration file

# for the command line
# for m4 configuration

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

TABLE 1416

Configuration File Options Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail




Argument: number
Default value: 60
Sets the number of seconds for incoming connections to be maintained.


Argument: hostname
To ensure that mail gets delivered to the clients, this option provides a well-connected host
that serves as a backup (or failover) for MX records that fail.


Argument: filename
Lists the input mail filters for the sendmail daemon.


m4 name: confPID_FILE
Argument: filename
Default value: /system/volatile/
As in previous releases, the file name is macro-expanded before it is opened. Additionally, in
version 8.13, the file is unlinked when sendmail exits.


m4 name: confQUEUE_SORT_ORDER
Added argument: none
In version 8.13 none is used to specify no sorting order.


Argument: period-of-time
Default value: 3h, which represents three hours.
When a daemon connection is refused for the period-of-time specified, the information is

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail

TABLE 1416

Configuration File Options Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail




m4 name: confSAFE_QUEUE


Short name: s
Added argument: postmilter
Default value: true
If postmilter is set, sendmail defers synchronizing the queue file until all milters have
signaled acceptance of the message. For this argument to be useful, sendmail must be
running as an SMTP server. Otherwise, postmilter operates as if you are using the true

Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations in

Version 8.13 of sendmail
The following table describes the added and revised FEATURE() declarations. This m4 macro
uses the following syntax.
FEATURE(name, argument)
TABLE 1417

FEATURE() Declarations Available in Version 8.13 of sendmail

Name of FEATURE()



Works with the access_db rule set to check the number of incoming SMTP connections. For details, see


Adds the greet_pause rule set, which enables open proxy and SMTP slamming protection. For details,
see /etc/mail/cf/README.


The default argument continues to be mail.local, which is the LMTP-capable mailer in this Oracle
Solaris release. However, in version 8.13, if a different LMTP-capable mailer is used, its path name can
be specified as a second parameter and the arguments that are passed to the second parameter can be
specified in the third parameter. For example:
FEATURE(local_lmtp, /usr/local/bin/lmtp, lmtp)


Provides experimental support for Marking Mail Transfer Agents in Reverse DNS with TXT RRs
(MTAMark). For details, see /etc/mail/cf/README.


Works with the access_db rule set to control connection rates for hosts. For details, see


If this FEATURE() is enabled, the rule set check_relay overrides its first argument with this argument,


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

This section contains information about the following topics.

Support for TCP Wrappers From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 357 Configuration File From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 358
Additional or Deprecated Command-Line Options From Version 8.12 of sendmail on
page 359
Additional Arguments for the PidFile and ProcessTitlePrefix Options From Version
8.12 of sendmail on page 360
Additional Defined Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 361
Additional Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 362
Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 363
Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail on
page 363
Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 364
Changes to the MAILER() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 367
Additional Delivery Agent Flags From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 367
Additional Equates for Delivery Agents From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 368
Additional Queue Features From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 369
Changes for LDAP From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 370
Change to the Built-In Mailer From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 371
Additional Rule Sets From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 371
Changes to Files From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 372
sendmail Version 8.12 and IPv6 Addresses in Configuration on page 373

Support for TCP Wrappers From Version 8.12 of

TCP wrappers provide a way of implementing access controls by checking the address of a host
requesting a particular network service against an access control list (ACL). Requests are
granted or denied, accordingly. Besides providing this access control mechanism, TCP
wrappers also log host requests for network services, which is a useful monitoring function.
Examples of network services that might be placed under access control include rlogind,
telnetd, and ftpd.
Starting with version 8.12, sendmail enables the use of TCP wrappers. This check does not
bypass other security measures. By enabling TCP wrappers in sendmail, a check has been
added to validate the source of a network request before the request is granted. See the
hosts_access(4) man page.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

Note Support for TCP wrappers in inetd(1M) and sshd(1M) started with the Solaris 9 release.

For information about ACLs, see Using Access Control Lists to Protect UFS Files in Oracle
Solaris Administration: Security Services. Configuration File From Version 8.12 of

Starting with version 8.12, sendmail includes an additional configuration file,
/etc/mail/ This file,, is used to run sendmail in mail-submission
program mode instead of daemon mode. Mail-submission program mode, unlike daemon
mode, does not require root privilege, so this new paradigm provides better security.
See the following list of functions for

sendmail uses to run in mail-submission program (MSP) mode, which submits
email messages and can be started by programs (such as mailx), as well as by users. Refer to
the descriptions of the -Ac option and the -Am option in the sendmail(1M) man page. is used in the following operating modes:

-bm, which is the default operating mode

-bs, which uses standard input to run SMTP
-bt, which is the test mode that is used to resolve addresses

sendmail, when using, does not run as an SMTP daemon.

sendmail, when using, uses /var/spool/clientmqueue, the client-only mail

queue, which holds messages that were not delivered to the sendmail daemon. Messages in
the client-only queue are delivered by the client daemon, which is really acting as a client
queue runner.

By default, sendmail uses periodically to run the MSP queue (otherwise known
as the client-only queue), /var/spool/clientmqueue.
/usr/lib/sendmail -Ac -q15m

Note the following:


Starting with the Solaris 9 release, is provided automatically. does not require any planning or preliminary procedures prior to the installation
of the Solaris 9 release or a more recent release.

Unless you specify a configuration file, sendmail automatically uses as required.
Basically, sendmail knows which tasks are appropriate for and which tasks are
appropriate for

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

Functions That Distinguish From

The configuration file is for the daemon mode. When using this file, sendmail is
acting as a mail transfer agent (MTA), which is started by root.
/usr/lib/sendmail -L sm-mta -bd -q1h

See the following list of other distinguishing functions for

By default, accepts SMTP connections on ports 25 and 587.

By default, runs the main queue, /var/spool/mqueue.

Functional Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

With the addition of, the following functional changes have occurred:

Starting with version 8.12 of sendmail, only root can run the mail queue. For further
details, refer to the changes that are described in the mailq(1) man page. For new task
information, refer to Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map) on page 300.

The mail-submission program mode runs without root privilege, which might prevent
sendmail from having access to certain files (such as the .forward files). Therefore, the -bv
option for sendmail could give the user misleading output. No workaround is available.

Prior to sendmail version 8.12, if you were not running sendmail in daemon mode, you
would only prevent the delivery of inbound mail. Starting with sendmail version 8.12, if you
are not running the sendmail daemon with the default configuration, you also prevent the
delivery of outbound mail. The client queue runner (also known as the mail submission
program) must be able to submit mail to the daemon on the local SMTP port. If the client
queue runner tries to open an SMTP session with the local host and the daemon is not
listening on the SMTP port, the mail remains in the queue. The default configuration does
run a daemon, so this problem does not occur if you are using the default configuration.
However, if you have disabled your daemon, refer to How to Manage Mail Delivery by
Using an Alternate Configuration of on page 293 for a way to resolve this

Additional or Deprecated Command-Line Options

From Version 8.12 of sendmail
The following table describes additional or deprecated command-line options for sendmail.
Other command-line options are described in the sendmail(1M) man page.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1418

Additional or Deprecated Command-Line Options From Version 8.12 of sendmail




Indicates that you want to use the configuration file,, even if the operation mode does not indicate
an initial mail submission. For more information about, refer to Configuration File
From Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 358.


Indicates that you want to use the configuration file,, even if the operation mode indicates an
initial mail submission. For more information, refer to Configuration File From Version 8.12 of
sendmail on page 358.


Indicates that you are printing the number of entries in each queue.


Indicates that the message that is being submitted from the command line is for relaying, not for initial
submission. The message is rejected if the addresses are not fully qualified. No canonicalization is done. As is
noted in the Release Notes that are part of the sendmail distribution on,
improperly formed messages might be rejected in future releases.

-L tag

Sets the identifier that is used for syslog messages to the supplied tag.

-q[!]I substring

Processes only jobs that contain this substring of one of the recipients. When ! is added, the option processes
only jobs that do not have this substring of one of the recipients.

-q[!]R substring

Processes only jobs that contain this substring of the queue ID. When ! is added, the option processes only
jobs that do not have this substring of the queue ID.

-q[!]S substring

Processes only jobs that contain this substring of the sender. When ! is added, the option processes only jobs
that do not have this substring of the sender.


Processes saved messages in the queue once, without using the fork system call, and runs the process in the
foreground. Refer to the fork(2) man page.


Processes only the messages in the name queue group.


Processes saved messages in the queue at a specific interval of time with a single child that is forked for each
queue. The child sleeps between queue runs. This new option is similar to the -qtime, which periodically forks
a child to process the queue.


As is noted in the Release Notes that are part of the sendmail distribution on, this
option is not available as of version 8.12. Mail user agents should use the -G argument.

Additional Arguments for the PidFile and

ProcessTitlePrefix Options From Version 8.12 of
The following table describes additional macro-processed arguments for the PidFile and
ProcessTitlePrefix options. For more information about these options, see the
sendmail(1M) man page.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1419

Arguments for the PidFile and ProcessTitlePrefix Options




Provides daemon address (for example,


Provides daemon family (for example, inet, and inet6)


Provides daemon information (for example, SMTP+queueing@00:30:00)


Provides daemon name (for example, MSA)


Provides daemon port (for example, 25)


Provides queue run interval (for example, 00:30:00)

Additional Defined Macros From Version 8.12 of

The following table describes additional macros that are reserved for use by the sendmail
program. The macros' values are assigned internally. For more information, refer to the
sendmail(1M) man page.
TABLE 1420

Additional Defined Macros for sendmail




Identifies the current address as an envelope sender or

a recipient address.


Holds the result of the resolve call for

${client_name}: OK, FAIL, FORGED, or TEMP.


Specifies the current delivery mode sendmail is using

instead of the value of the DeliveryMode option.

${dsn_notify}, ${dsn_envid}, ${dsn_ret}

Holds the corresponding DSN parameter values.


Provides the interface's address for the incoming

connection if the interface does not belong to the
loopback net. This macro is especially useful for
virtual hosting.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1420

Additional Defined Macros for sendmail




${if_addr_out}, ${if_name_out},

Avoids the reuse of ${if_addr}. Holds the following

values respectively:
The address of the interface for the outgoing
The host name of the interface for the outgoing
The family of the interface for the outgoing


Provides the interface's host name for the incoming

connection and is especially useful for virtual hosting.


Checks and reports the current average number of

jobs in the run queue.


Holds the value of the message size (SIZE=parameter)

in an ESMTP dialogue before the message has been
collected. Thereafter, the macro holds the message
size as computed by sendmail and is used in
check_compat. For information about check_compat,
refer to Table 1424.


Holds the number of validated recipients.


Holds the number of delivery attempts.

${rcpt_mailer}, ${rcpt_host}, ${rcpt_addr},

${mail_mailer}, ${mail_host}, ${mail_addr}

Holds the results of parsing the RCPT and MAIL

arguments, which is the resolved right-hand side
(RHS) triplet from the mail delivery agent ($#mailer),
the host ($@host), and the user ($:addr).

Additional Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail

In this section, you can find a table that describes the additional macros that are used to build
the sendmail configuration file.
TABLE 1421


Additional Macros Used to Build the sendmail Configuration File




Overrides the default end-of-line string for the local



Adds Return-Path: header by default.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1421

Additional Macros Used to Build the sendmail Configuration File





Contains the path (including the trailing slash) for the

mail settings directory.


Improves the *_MAILER_FLAGS. This macro sets, adds,

or deletes flags.


Defines additional flags for the relay mailer.

Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail

Use the following macros to configure the maximum number of commands that can be
received before sendmail slows its delivery. You can set these MAX macros at compile time. The
maximum values in the following table also represent the current default values.
TABLE 1422

Additional MAX Macros


Maximum Value

Commands Checked by Each Macro



Unknown commands










Note You can disable a macro's check by setting the macro's value to zero.

Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From

Version 8.12 of sendmail
This section contains a table of additional and revised m4 configuration macros for sendmail.
Use the following syntax to declare these macros.

If you need to build a new file, refer to Changing the sendmail Configuration
on page 285 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1423

Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros for sendmail

m4 Macro



For details, refer to Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From

Version 8.12 of sendmail on page 364.


This macro adds entries to class w ($=w).


A new macro that defines hosts or subdomains that cannot be



This macro can now be used for bracketed addresses, such as



When these macros are used, include $={VirtHost} in $=R. As a

reminder, $=R is the set of host names that are allowed to relay.

Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version

8.12 of sendmail
Refer to the following tables for information about the specific changes to the FEATURE()
To use the new and revised FEATURE names, use the following syntax.
FEATURE(name, argument)

If you need to build a new file, refer to Changing the sendmail Configuration
on page 285 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).
TABLE 1424

Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations

Name of FEATURE()



Argument: Refer to the example in the following paragraph.

This new FEATURE() enables you to look for a key in the access map that consists of
the sender address and the recipient address. This FEATURE() is delimited by the
following string, <@>. sender@sdomain<@>recipient@rdomain is an example.


Argument: friend, which enables a spam-friend test, or hater, which enables a

spam-hater test.
A new FEATURE() that delays all checks. By using FEATURE(delay_checks), the
rule sets check_mail and check_relay are not called when a client connects or
issues a MAIL command respectively. Instead, these rule sets are called by the
check_rcpt rule set. For details, refer to the /etc/mail/cf/README file.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1424

Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations

Name of FEATURE()



Argument: This FEATURE()accepts a maximum of two arguments:

DNS server name

Rejection message


A new FEATURE() that you can include multiple times to check the return values for
DNS lookups. Note that this FEATURE() enables you to specify the behavior of
temporary lookup failures.
Argument: domain name.


A new FEATURE() that is an enhanced version of dnsbl, which enables you to check
the return values for DNS lookups. For more information, refer to

Argument: None.
A new FEATURE() that you can also use to apply genericstable to subdomains of
Argument: For details, refer to the Release Notes in


A new FEATURE() that implements LDAP address routing.

Argument: Path name of an LMTP-capable mailer. The default is mail.local,
which is LMTP capable in this Oracle Solaris release.


A FEATURE() that now sets the delivery status notification (DSN) diagnostic-code
type for the local mailer to the proper value of SMTP.

Argument: None.
A new FEATURE() that you can use to avoid masquerading for the local mailer.


Argument: None.
A new FEATURE() that you can also use to look up the .domain in the access map.


Argument: canonify_hosts or nothing.

A FEATURE() that now includes the following features.
Enables a list of domains, as specified by CANONIFY_DOMAIN or
CANONIFY_DOMAIN_FILE, to be passed to the $[ and $] operators for canonification.
Enables addresses that have only a host name, such as <user@host>, to be
canonified, if canonify_hosts is specified as its parameter.
Adds a trailing dot to addresses with more than one component.


Argument: None.
A new FEATURE() that turns off sendmail's default setting from m4generated
configuration files to listen on several different ports, an implementation of RFC

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1424

Additional and Revised FEATURE() Declarations


Name of FEATURE()



Argument: reject, which does not allow the ! token, or nospecial, which does
allow the ! token.
A FEATURE() that determines whether to allow the ! token in the local part of an
Argument: None.


A FEATURE() that now provides the full rule sets of a normal configuration, allowing
antispam checks to be performed.

Argument: None.
A new FEATURE() that enables you to preserve the +detail portion of the address
when sendmail passes the address to the local delivery agent.


Argument: None.
A new FEATURE() that enables you to preserve the name of the recipient host, if
LUSER_RELAY is used.
Argument: None.


A new FEATURE() that enables you to select a queue group that is based on the full
email address or on the domain of the recipient.
Argument: The domain is an optional argument.


A new FEATURE() that allows relaying if the mail sender is listed as a RELAY in the
access map and is tagged with the From: header line. If the optional domain
argument is given, the domain portion of the mail sender is also checked.

Argument: None.
A FEATURE() that you can now use to apply $={VirtHost}, a new class for matching
virtusertable entries that can be populated by VIRTUSER_DOMAIN or
FEATURE(virtuser_entire_domain) can also apply the class $={VirtHost} to
entire subdomains.

The following FEATURE() declarations are no longer supported.

TABLE 1425

Unsupported FEATURE() Declarations

Name of FEATURE()



FEATURE(dnsbl) and FEATURE(enhdnsbl) replace this FEATURE(), which has

been removed.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1425

Unsupported FEATURE() Declarations


Name of FEATURE()



MASQUERADE_AS($S) replaces FEATURE(remote_mode) in

/etc/mail/cf/ $S is the SMART_HOST value in







Changes to the MAILER() Declaration From Version

8.12 of sendmail
The MAILER() declaration specifies support for delivery agents. To declare a delivery agent, use
the following syntax.

Note the following changes.

In this new version of sendmail, the MAILER(smtp) declaration now includes an

additional mailer, dsmtp, which provides on-demand delivery by using the F=% mailer flag.
The dsmtp mailer definition uses the new DSMTP_MAILER_ARGS, which defaults to IPC $h.

Numbers for rule sets that are used by MAILERs have been removed. You now have no
required order for listing your MAILERs except for MAILER(uucp), which must follow
MAILER(smtp) if uucp-dom and uucp-uudom are used.

For more information about mailers, refer to Mailers and sendmail on page 320. If you need
to build a new file, refer to Changing the sendmail Configuration on page 285
in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).

Additional Delivery Agent Flags From Version 8.12 of

The following table describes additional delivery agent flags, which by default are not set. These
single-character flags are Boolean. You can set or unset a flag by including or excluding it in the
F= statement of your configuration file, as shown in the following example.

P=/usr/lib/mail.local, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSXfmnz9, S=10/30, R=20/40,

P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMoqeu9, S=10/30, R=20/40, D=$z:/,
P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX8, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
P=[IPC], F=mDFMuXa8, S=11/31, R=61, E=\r\n, L=2040,

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1426

Additional Mailer Flags



Mailers that use this flag do not attempt delivery to the initial recipient of a message or to queue
runs unless the queued message is selected by using an ETRN request or one of the following queue
options: -qI, -qR, or -qS.

This flag disables the ability of the mailer to send null characters (for example, \0).

This flag disables the use of ESMTP and requires that SMTP be used instead.

This flag enables mailers to strip headers to 7 bit.

Additional Equates for Delivery Agents From Version

8.12 of sendmail
The following table describes additional equates that you can use with the M delivery-agent
definition command. The following syntax shows you how to append new equates or new
arguments to the equates that already exist in the configuration file.
Magent-name, equate, equate, ...

The following example includes the new W= equate. This equate specifies the maximum time to
wait for the mailer to return after all data has been sent.
Msmtp, P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990, W=2m

When you modify the definition of a value for m4 configuration, use the syntax that is provided
in the following example.

The preceding example places a limit of 1000 on the number of messages that are delivered per
connection on an smtp mailer.
If you need to build a new file, refer to Changing the sendmail Configuration
on page 285 in Chapter 13, Mail Services (Tasks).
Note Typically, you modify the equate definitions in the mailer directory only when you



Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1427

Additional Equates for Delivery Agents




Argument: Path to a directory

Specifies a directory to apply chroot() to before the mailer program is executed


Argument: Any of the following m4 values that have previously been defined with the define()
SMTP_MAILER_MAXMSGS, for the smtp mailer
LOCAL_MAILER_MAXMSGS, for the local mailer
RELAY_MAILER_MAXMSGS, for the relay mailer
Limits the number of messages that are delivered per connection on an smtp, local, or relay


Argument: An increment of time

Specifies the maximum time to wait for the return of the mailer after all data has been sent

Additional Queue Features From Version 8.12 of

The following list provides details about additional queue features.

This release supports multiple queue directories. To use multiple queues, supply a
QueueDirectory option value in the configuration file that ends with an asterisk (*), as is
shown in the following example.
O QueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue/q*

The option value, /var/spool/mqueue/q*, uses all of the directories (or symbolic links to
directories) that begin with q as queue directories. Do not change the queue directory
structure while sendmail is running. Queue runs create a separate process for running each
queue unless the verbose flag (-v) is used on a nondaemon queue run. The new items are
randomly assigned to a queue.

The new queue file-naming system uses file names that are guaranteed to be unique for 60
years. This system allows queue IDs to be assigned without complex file-system locking and
simplifies the movement of queued items between queues.

Starting with version 8.12, only root can run the mail queue. For further details, refer to the
changes that are described in the mailq(1) man page. For new task information, refer to
Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map) on page 300.

To accommodate envelope splitting, queue file names are now 15characters long, rather
than 14characters long. File systems with a 14character name limit are no longer

For task information, refer to Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map) on page 300.
Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

Changes for LDAP From Version 8.12 of sendmail

The following list describes changes in the use of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) with sendmail.


equivalent host names, which are replaced by the masquerade domain name for LDAP
routing lookups. For more information, refer to /etc/mail/cf/README.

As noted in the Release Notes that are part of the sendmail distribution at, the LDAPX map has been renamed to LDAP. Use the following
syntax for LDAP.
Kldap ldap options

This release supports the return of multiple values for a single LDAP lookup. Place the
values to be returned in a comma-separated string with the -v option, as is shown.
Kldap ldap -v"mail,more-mail"

If no LDAP attributes are specified in an LDAP map declaration, all attributes that are found
in the match are returned.

This version of sendmail prevents commas in quoted key and value strings in the
specifications of the LDAP alias file from dividing a single entry into multiple entries.

This version of sendmail has a new option for LDAP maps. The option -Vseparator enables
you to specify a separator so that a lookup can return both an attribute and a value that are
separated by the relevant separator.

In addition to using the %s token to parse an LDAP filter specification, you can use the new
token, %0, to encode the key buffer. The %0 token applies a literal meaning to LDAP special

The following example shows how these tokens differ for a * lookup.
TABLE 1428

Comparison of Tokens

LDAP Map Specification

Specification Equivalent




Matches any record with a user attribute



Matches a user with the name *

The following table describes additional LDAP map flags.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1429

Additional LDAP Map Flags




Requires a single match to be returned. If more than one match is

returned, the results are the equivalent of no records being

-r never|always|search|find

Sets the LDAP alias dereference option.

-Z size

Limits the number of matches to return.

Change to the Built-In Mailer From Version 8.12 of

The old [TCP] built-in mailer is not available. Use the P=[IPC] built-in mailer instead. The
interprocess communications ([IPC]) built-in mailer now enables delivery to a UNIX domain
socket on systems that support it. You can use this mailer with LMTP delivery agents that listen
on a named socket. An example mailer might resemble the following.
Mexecmail, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMmnqSXzA5@/:|, E=\r\n,
S=10, R=20/40, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, A=FILE /system/volatile/lmtpd

The first mailer argument in the [IPC] mailer is now checked for a legitimate value. The
following table provides possible values for the first mailer argument.
TABLE 1430

Possible Values for the First Mailer Argument




Use for UNIX domain socket delivery


Use for TCP/IP connections


Is no longer available as a first mailer argument

Additional Rule Sets From Version 8.12 of sendmail

The following table lists the additional rule sets and describes what the rule sets do.
TABLE 1431

New Rule Sets




Correlates information that is gathered between headers and checks for missing
headers. This rule set is used with the macro storage map and is called after all of
the headers have been collected.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)


Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

TABLE 1431

New Rule Sets





Uses the ETRN command (as check_rcpt uses RCPT).


Uses the EXPN command (as check_rcpt uses RCPT).


Uses the VRFY command (as check_rcpt uses RCPT).

The following list describes additional rule set features.

Numbered rule sets are also named, but the rule sets can still be accessed by their numbers.

The H header configuration file command allows for a default rule set to be specified for
header checks. This rule set is called only if the individual header has not been assigned its
own rule set.

Comments in rule sets (that is, text within parentheses) are not removed if the configuration
file version is nine or greater. For example, the following rule matches the input token (1),
but does not match the input token.
R$+ (1)

$@ 1

sendmail accepts the SMTP RSET command even when it rejects commands because of TCP
wrappers or the check_relay rule set.

You receive a warning if you set the OperatorChars option multiple times. Also, do not set
OperatorChars after the rule sets are defined.

The name of the rule set, as well as its lines, are ignored if an invalid rule set is declared. The
rule set lines are not added to S0.

Changes to Files From Version 8.12 of sendmail

Note the following changes.


To support a read-only /usr file system, the contents of the /usr/lib/mail directory has
been moved to the /etc/mail/cf directory. For details, refer to Contents of the
/etc/mail/cf Directory on page 331. Note, however, that the shell scripts
/usr/lib/mail/sh/check-hostname and /usr/lib/mail/sh/check-permissions are
now in the /usr/sbin directory. See Other Files Used for Mail Services on page 334. For
backward compatibility, symbolic links point to each file's new location.

The new name for /usr/lib/mail/cf/ is /etc/mail/cf/cf/

The new name for /usr/lib/mail/cf/ is


The helpfile is now located in /etc/mail/helpfile. The old name

(/etc/mail/sendmail.hf) has a symbolic link that points to the new name.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail

The trusted-users file is now located in /etc/mail/trusted-users. During an upgrade, if

the old name (/etc/mail/sendmail.ct) is detected, but not the new name, a hard link from
the old name to the new name is created. Otherwise, no change is made. The default content
is root.

The local-host-names file is now located in /etc/mail/local-host-names. During an

upgrade, if the old name (/etc/mail/ is detected, but not the new name, a
hard link from the old name to the new name is created. Otherwise, no change is made. The
default content is zero length.

sendmail Version 8.12 and IPv6 Addresses in

Starting with version 8.12 of sendmail, IPv6 addresses that are used in configuration should be
prefixed with the IPv6: tag to identify the address properly. If you are not identifying an IPv6
address, a prefix tag is not used.

Chapter 14 Mail Services (Reference)




Serial Networking Topics

This section about serial networking provides overview, task, and reference information
for PPP and UUCP.




1 5

Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)

This section covers serial networking topics. Serial networking refers to the use of a serial
interface, such as an RS-232 or V.35 port, to connect two or more computers for data transfer.
Unlike LAN interfaces, such as Ethernet, these serial interfaces are used to connect systems that
are separated by large distances. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) and UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX
CoPy) are distinct technologies that can be used to implement serial networking. When a serial
interface is configured for networking, it is made available for multiple users, in much the same
way as any other network interface, such as Ethernet.
This chapter introduces Solaris PPP 4.0. This version of PPP enables two computers in different
physical locations to communicate with each other by using PPP over a variety of media. Solaris
PPP 4.0 is included as part of the base installation.
The following topics are discussed:

Solaris PPP 4.0 Basics on page 377

PPP Configurations and Terminology on page 381
PPP Authentication on page 387
Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE on page 389

Solaris PPP 4.0 Basics

Solaris PPP 4.0 implements the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), a data link protocol, which is a
member of the TCP/IP protocol suite. PPP describes how data is transmitted between two
endpoint machines, over communications media such as telephone lines.
Since the early 1990s, PPP has been a widely used Internet standard for sending datagrams over
a communications link. The PPP standard is described in RFC 1661 by the Point-to-Point
Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). PPP is commonly used when
remote computers call an Internet service provider (ISP) or a corporate server that is configured
to receive incoming calls.

Solaris PPP 4.0 Basics

Solaris PPP 4.0 is based on the publicly available Australian National University (ANU)
PPP2.4 and implements the PPP standard. Both asynchronous and synchronous PPP links are

Solaris PPP 4.0 Compatibility

Various versions of standard PPP are available and in wide use throughout the Internet
community. ANU PPP-2.4 is a popular choice for Linux, Tru64 UNIX,and all three major BSD


Solaris PPP 4.0 brings the highly configurable features of ANU PPP-2.4 to machines that run
the Oracle Solaris operating system. Machines that run Solaris PPP 4.0 can easily set up PPP
links to any machine that runs an implementation of standard PPP.
Some non-ANU-based PPP implementations that successfully interoperate with Solaris PPP
4.0 include the following:

Solaris PPP, also known as asppp, available with the Solaris 2.4 through Solaris 8 releases

Solstice PPP 3.0.1

Microsoft Windows 98 DUN

Cisco IOS 12.0 (synchronous)

Which Version of Solaris PPP to Use

Solaris PPP 4.0 is the PPP implementation that is supported. The Solaris 9 release and later
releases do not include the earlier Asynchronous Solaris PPP (asppp) software. For more
information, refer to Chapter 23, Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP
4.0 (Tasks).

Why Use Solaris PPP 4.0?

If you currently use asppp, consider migrating to Solaris PPP 4.0. Note the following differences
between the two Solaris PPP technologies:

Transfer modes
asppp supports asynchronous communications only. Solaris PPP 4.0 supports both
asynchronous communications and synchronous communications.


Configuration process

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Solaris PPP 4.0 Basics

Setting up asppp requires configuring the configuration file, three UUCP files,
and the ipadm command. Moreover, you have to preconfigure interfaces for all users who
might log in to a machine.
Setting up Solaris PPP 4.0 requires defining options for the PPP configuration files, or
issuing the pppd command with options. You can also use a combination of both the
configuration file and command-line methods. Solaris PPP dynamically creates and
removes interfaces. You do not have to directly configure PPP interfaces for each user.

Solaris PPP 4.0 features not available from asppp

MS-CHAPv1 and MS-CHAPv2 authentication

PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), to support ADSL bridges
PAM authentication
Plug-in modules
IPv6 addressing
Data compression that uses Deflate or BSD compress
Microsoft client-side callback support

Solaris PPP 4.0 Upgrade Path

If you are converting an existing asppp configuration to Solaris PPP 4.0, you can use the
translation script that is provided with this release. For complete instructions, refer to How to
Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 on page 510.

Where to Go for More Information About PPP

Many resources with information about PPP can be found in print and online. The following
subsections give some suggestions.

Professional Reference Books About PPP

For more information about widely used PPP implementations, including ANU PPP, refer to
the following books:

Carlson, James. PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley,

Sun, Andrew. Using and Managing PPP. O'Reilly & Associates, 1999.

Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)


Solaris PPP 4.0 Basics

Web Sites About PPP

Go to the following web sites for general information about PPP:

For technical information, FAQs, discussions about Oracle Solaris system administration,
and earlier versions of PPP, go to the system administrators' resource,

For modem configuration and advice about many different implementations of PPP, refer to
Stokely Consulting's Web Project Management & Software Development web site:

Requests for Comments (RFCs) About PPP

Some useful Internet RFCs about PPP include the following:

1661 and 1662, which describe the major features of PPP

1334, which describes authentication protocols, such as Password Authentication Protocol

(PAP) and Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

1332, an informational RFC that describes PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)

To obtain copies of PPP RFCs, specify the number of the RFC on the IETF RFC web page at

Man Pages About PPP

For technical details about the Solaris PPP 4.0 implementation, refer to the following man


Also, see the man page for pppdump(1M). You can find the PPP-related man pages by using the
man command.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

PPP Configurations and Terminology

PPP Configurations and Terminology

This section introduces PPP configurations. The section also defines terms that are used in this
Solaris PPP 4.0 supports a number of configurations.

Switched-access, or dial-up, configurations

Hardwired, or leased-line configurations


Parts of the PPP Link

Location 1


Location 2

Switched or
unswitched sevices


The previous figure shows a basic PPP link. The link has the following parts:

Two machines, usually in separate physical locations, called peers. A peer could be a
personal computer, engineering workstation, large server, or even a commercial router,
depending on a site's requirements.

Serial interface on each peer. On Oracle Solaris machines, this interface could be cua, hihp,
or other interface, depending on whether you configure asynchronous or synchronous PPP.

Physical link, such as a serial cable, a modem connection, or a leased line from a network
provider, such as a T1 or T3 line.

Dial-up PPP Overview

The most commonly used PPP configuration is the dial-up link. In a dial-up link, the local peer
dials up the remote peer to establish the connection and run PPP. In the dial-up process, the
local peer calls the remote peer's telephone number to initiate the link.
A common dial-up scenario includes a home computer that calls a peer at an ISP, configured to
receive incoming calls. Another scenario is a corporate site where a local machine transmits
data over a PPP link to a peer in another building.
Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)


PPP Configurations and Terminology

In this guide, the local peer that initiates the dial-up connection is referred to as the dial-out
machine. The peer that receives the incoming call is referred to as the dial-in server. This
machine is actually the target peer of the dial-out machine and might or might not be a true
PPP is not a client-server protocol. Some PPP documents use the terms client and server to
refer to telephone call establishment. A dial-in server is not a true server like a file server or
name server. Dial-in server is a widely used PPP term because dial-in machines often serve
network accessibility to more than one dial-out machine. Nevertheless, the dial-in server is the
target peer of the dial-out machine.

Parts of the Dial-up PPP Link

See the following figure.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

PPP Configurations and Terminology


Basic Analog Dial-up PPP Link

Location 1
Serial interface
Serial line

Phone jack

Telephone lines

Location 2
Serial line
Serial interface


The configuration for Location 1, the dial-out side of the link, is composed of the following

Dial-out machine, typically a personal computer or workstation in an individual's home.

Serial interface on the dial-out machine. /dev/cua/a or /dev/cua/b is the standard serial
interface for outgoing calls on machines that run Oracle Solaris software.

Asynchronous modem or ISDN terminal adapter (TA) that is connected to a telephone jack.

Telephone lines and services of a telephone company.

Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)


PPP Configurations and Terminology

The configuration for Location 2, the dial-in side of the link, is composed of the following

Telephone jack or similar connector, which is connected to the telephone network

Asynchronous modem or ISDN TA

Serial interface on the dial-in server, either ttya or ttyb for incoming calls

Dial-in server, which is connected to a network, such as a corporate intranet, or, in the
instance of an ISP, the global Internet

Using ISDN Terminal Adapters With a Dial-out Machine

External ISDN TAs have faster speeds than modems, but you configure TAs in basically the
same way. The major difference in configuring an ISDN TA is in the chat script, which requires
commands specific to the TA's manufacturer. Refer to Chat Script for External ISDN TA on
page 486 for information about chat scripts for ISDN TAs.

What Happens During Dial-up Communications

PPP configuration files on both the dial-out and dial-in peers contain instructions for setting up
the link. The following process occurs as the dial-up link is initiated.
1. User or process on the dial-out machine runs the pppd command to start the link.
2. Dial-out machine reads its PPP configuration files. The dial-out machine then sends
instructions over the serial line to its modem, including the phone number of the dial-in
3. Modem dials the phone number to establish a telephone connection with the modem on the
dial-in server.
The series of text strings that the dial-out machine sends to the modem and dial-in server
are contained in a file called a chat script. If necessary, the dial-out machine sends
commands to the dial-in server to invoke PPP on the server.
4. Modem attached to the dial-in server begins link negotiation with the modem on the
dial-out machine.
5. When modem-to-modem negotiation is completed, the modem on the dial-out machine
reports CONNECT.
6. PPP on both peers enters Establish phase, where Link Control Protocol (LCP) negotiates
basic link parameters and the use of authentication.
7. If necessary, the peers authenticate each other.
8. PPP's Network Control Protocols (NCPs) negotiate the use of network protocols, such as
IPv4 or IPv6.
The dial-out machine can then run telnet or a similar command to a host that is reachable
through the dial-in server.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

PPP Configurations and Terminology

Leased-Line PPP Overview

A hardwired, leased-line PPP configuration involves two peers that are connected by a link. This
link consists of a switched or an unswitched digital service leased from a provider. Solaris PPP
4.0 works over any full-duplex, point-to-point leased-line medium. Typically, a company rents
a hardwired link from a network provider to connect to an ISP or other remote site.

Comparison of Dial-up and Leased-Line Links

Both dial-up and leased-line links involve two peers that are connected by a communications
medium. The next table summarizes the differences between the link types.
Leased Line

Dial-up Line

Always connected, unless a system administrator or power failure Initiated on demand, when a user tries to call a remote peer.
takes the leased-line down.
Uses synchronous and asynchronous communications. For
Uses asynchronous communications.
asynchronous communications, a long-haul modem is often used.
Rented from a provider.

Uses existing telephone lines.

Requires synchronous units.

Uses less costly modems.

Requires synchronous ports, which are common on most SPARC

systems. However, synchronous ports are not common on x86
systems and newer SPARC systems.

Uses standard serial interfaces that are included on most


Parts of a Leased-Line PPP Link

See the following figure.

Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)


PPP Configurations and Terminology


Basic Leased-Line Configuration

Location 1


or other

call unit

Location 2


call unit




The leased-line link contains the following parts:

Two peers, each peer at one end of the link. Each peer might be a workstation or server.
Often the peer functions as a router between its network or the Internet, and the opposite

Synchronous interface on each peer. Some machines that run Oracle Solaris software
require you to purchase a synchronous interface card, such as HSI/P, to connect to a leased
line. Other machines, such as UltraSPARC workstations, have built-in synchronous

CSU/DSU synchronous digital unit on each peer, which connects the synchronous port to
the leased line.
A CSU might be built-in to the DSU, or owned by you, or leased from a provider, depending
on your locale. The DSU gives the Oracle Solaris machine a standard synchronous serial
interface. With Frame Relay, the Frame Relay Access Device (FRAD) performs the serial
interface adaptation.


Leased line, providing switched or unswitched digital services. Some examples are
SONET/SDH, Frame Relay PVC, and T1.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

PPP Authentication

What Happens During Leased-Line Communications

On most types of leased lines, peers do not actually dial each other. Rather, a company
purchases a leased-line service to connect explicitly between two fixed locations. Sometimes the
two peers at either end of the leased line are at different physical locations of the same company.
Another scenario is a company that sets up a router on a leased line that is connected to an ISP.
Leased lines are less commonly used than dial-up links, though the hardwired links are easier to
set up. Hardwired links do not require chat scripts. Authentication is often not used because
both peers are known to each other when a line is leased. After the two peers initiate PPP over
the link, the link stays active. A leased-line link remains active unless the line fails, or either peer
explicitly terminates the link.
A peer on a leased line that runs Solaris PPP 4.0 uses most of the same configuration files that
define a dial-up link.
The following process occurs to initiate communication over the leased line:
1. Each peer machine runs the pppd command as part of the booting process or another
administrative script.
2. The peers read their PPP configuration files.
3. The peers negotiate communications parameters.
4. An IP link is established.

PPP Authentication
Authentication is the process of verifying that a user is who he or she claims to be. The UNIX
login sequence is a simple form of authentication:
1. The login command prompts the user for a name and password.
2. login then attempts to authenticate the user by looking up the typed user name and
password in the password database.
3. If the database contains the user name and password, then the user is authenticated and
given access to the system. If the database does not contain the user name and password, the
user is denied access to the system.
By default, Solaris PPP 4.0 does not demand authentication on machines that do not have a
default route specified. Thus, a local machine without a default route does not authenticate
remote callers. Conversely, if a machine does have a default route defined, the machine always
authenticates remote callers.
You might use PPP authentication protocols to verify the identity of callers who are trying to set
up a PPP link to your machine. Conversely, you must configure PPP authentication
information if your local machine must call peers that authenticate callers.
Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)


PPP Authentication

Authenticators and Authenticatees

The calling machine on a PPP link is considered the authenticatee because the caller must prove
its identity to the remote peer. The peer is considered the authenticator. The authenticator
looks up the caller's identity in the appropriate PPP files for the security protocol and
authenticates or does not authenticate the caller.
You typically configure PPP authentication for a dial-up link. When the call begins, the dial-out
machine is the authenticatee. The dial-in server is the authenticator. The server has a database
in the form of a secrets file. This file lists all users who are granted permission to set up a PPP
link to the server. Think of these users as trusted callers.
Some dial-out machines require remote peers to provide authentication information when
responding to the dial-out machine's call. Then their roles are reversed: the remote peer
becomes the authenticatee and the dial-out machine the authenticator.
Note PPP 4.0 does not prevent authentication by leased-line peers, but authentication is not
often used in leased-line links. The nature of leased-line contracts usually means that both
participants on the ends of the line are known to each other. Both participants often are trusted.
However, because PPP authentication is not that difficult to administer, you should seriously
consider implementing authentication for leased lines.

PPP Authentication Protocols

The PPP authentication protocols are Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). Each protocol uses a secrets database
that contains identification information, or security credentials, for each caller that is permitted
to link to the local machine. For a detailed explanation of PAP, see Password Authentication
Protocol (PAP) on page 489. For a CHAP explanation, see Challenge-Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) on page 492.

Why Use PPP Authentication?

Providing authentication on a PPP link is optional. Moreover, though authentication does
verify that a peer is to be trusted, PPP authentication does not provide confidentiality of data.
For confidentiality, use encryption software, such as IPsec, PGP, SSL, Kerberos, and the Secure
Note Solaris PPP 4.0 does not implement the PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP), which
is described in RFC 1968.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE

Consider implementing PPP authentication in the following situations:

Your company accepts incoming calls from users over the public, switched telephone

Your corporate security policy requires remote users to provide authentication credentials
when accessing your network through a corporate firewall or when engaging in secure

You want to authenticate callers against a standard UNIX password database, such as
/etc/passwd, NIS, LDAP, or PAM. Use PAP authentication for this scenario.

Your company's dial-in servers also provide the network's Internet connection. Use PAP
authentication for this scenario.

The serial line is less secure than the password database on the machine or networks at
either end of the link. Use CHAP authentication for this scenario.

Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE

Many network providers and individuals who are working at home use Digital Subscriber Line
(DSL) technology to provide fast network access. To support DSL users, Solaris PPP 4.0
includes the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) feature. PPPoE technology enables multiple hosts to
run PPP sessions over one Ethernet link to one or more destinations.
If one of the following factors applies to your situation, you should use PPPoE:

You support DSL users, possibly including yourself. Your DSL service provider might
require users to configure a PPPoE tunnel to receive services over the DSL line.

Your site is an ISP that intends to offer PPPoE to customers.

This section introduces terms that are associated with PPPoE and an overview of a basic PPPoE

PPPoE Overview
PPPoE is a proprietary protocol from RedBack Networks. PPPoE is a discovery protocol, rather
than another version of standard PPP. In a PPPoE scenario, a machine that initiates PPP
communications first must locate, or discover, a peer that runs PPPoE. The PPPoE protocol uses
Ethernet broadcast packets to locate the peer.
After the discovery process, PPPoE sets up an Ethernet-based tunnel from the initiating host, or
PPPoE client, to the peer, the PPPoE access server. Tunneling is the practice of running one
protocol on top of another protocol. Using PPPoE, Solaris PPP 4.0 tunnels PPP over Ethernet
IEEE 802.2, both of which are data link protocols. The resulting PPP connection behaves like a
dedicated link between the PPPoE client and the access server. For detailed information about
PPPoE, see Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support on page 497.
Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)


Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE

Parts of a PPPoE Configuration

Three participants are involved in a PPPoE configuration: a consumer, a telephone company,
and a service provider, as the following figure shows.


Participants in a PPPoE Tunnel




DSL modem




DSL line


ATM or


ATM pipe





PPPoE Consumers
As system administrator, you might assist consumers with their PPPoE configurations. One
common type of PPPoE consumer is an individual who needs to run PPPoE over a DSL line.
Another PPPoE consumer is a company that purchases a DSL line through which employees
can run PPPoE tunnels, as illustrated in the previous figure.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE

The main reason for a corporate consumer to use PPPoE is to offer PPP communications
through a high-speed DSL device to a number of hosts. Often, a single PPPoE client has an
individual DSL modem. Or, a group of clients on a hub might share a DSL modem that is also
connected to the hub by an Ethernet line.
Note DSL devices are technically bridges, not modems. However, because common practice is

to refer to these devices as modems, this guide uses the term DSL modem.
PPPoE runs PPP over a tunnel on the Ethernet line that is connected to the DSL modem. That
line is connected to a splitter, which, in turn connects to a telephone line.

PPPoE at a Telephone Company

The telephone company is the middle layer of the PPPoE scenario. The telephone company
splits the signal that is received over the phone line by using a device that is called a Digital
Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM). The DSLAM breaks out the signals onto separate
wires, analog wires for telephone service, and digital wires for PPPoE. From the DSLAM, the
digital wires extend the tunnel over an ATM data network to the ISP.

PPPoE at a Service Provider

The ISP receives the PPPoE transmission from the ATM data network over a bridge. At the ISP,
an access server that runs PPPoE functions as the peer for the PPP link. The access server is very
similar in function to the dial-in server that was introduced in Figure 152, but the access server
does not use modems. The access server converts the individual PPPoE sessions into regular IP
traffic, for example Internet access.
If you are a system administrator for an ISP, you might be responsible for configuring and
maintaining an access server.

Security on a PPPoE Tunnel

The PPPoE tunnel is inherently insecure. You can use PAP or CHAP to provide user
authentication for the PPP link that is running over the tunnel.

Chapter 15 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)




1 6

Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)

Setting up a PPP link involves a set of discrete tasks, which includes planning tasks and other
activities that are not related to PPP. This chapter explains how to plan for the most common
PPP links, for authentication, and for PPPoE.
The task chapters that follow Chapter 16, Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks), use sample
configurations to illustrate how to set up a particular link. These sample configurations are
introduced in this chapter.
Topics that are covered include the following:

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link on page 394

Planning a Leased-Line Link on page 397
Planning for Authentication on a Link on page 399
Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel on page 405

Overall PPP Planning (Task Map)

PPP requires planning tasks before you actually can set up the link. Moreover, if you want to use
a PPPoE tunneling, you first have to set up the PPP link and then provide tunneling. The
following task map lists the large planning tasks that are discussed in this chapter. You might
need to use only the general task for the link type to be configured. Or you might require the
task for the link, authentication, and perhaps PPPoE.

Task Map for PPP Planning



For Instructions

Plan for a dial-up PPP link

Gather information that is required to set up a

dial-out machine or a dial-in server

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link on page 394

Plan for a leased-line link

Gather information that is required to set up a

client on a leased line

Planning a Leased-Line Link on page 397


Planning a Dial-up PPP Link


Task Map for PPP Planning




For Instructions

Plan for authentication on the PPP


Gather information that is required to configure

PAP or CHAP authentication on the PPP link

Planning for Authentication on a Link on

page 399

Plan for a PPPoE tunnel

Gather information that is required to set up a

PPPoE tunnel over which a PPP link can run

Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE

Tunnel on page 405

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link

Dial-up links are the most commonly used PPP links. This section includes the following

Planning information for a dial-up link

Explanation of the sample link to be used in Chapter 17, Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link

Typically, you only configure the machine at one end of the dial-up PPP link, the dial-out
machine, or the dial-in server. For an introduction to dial-up PPP, refer to Dial-up PPP
Overview on page 381.

Before You Set Up the Dial-out Machine

Before you configure a dial-out machine, gather the information that is listed in the following
Note The planning information in this section does not include information to be gathered
about authentication or PPPoE. For details about authentication planning, refer to Planning
for Authentication on a Link on page 399. For PPPoE planning, refer to Planning for DSL
Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel on page 405.

Information for a Dial-out Machine



Maximum modem speed

Refer to documentation that was provided by the modem


Modem connection commands (AT commands)

Refer to documentation that was provided by the modem


Name to use for dial-in server at the other end of the link

Create any name that helps you identify the dial-in server.

Login sequence that was required by dial-in server

Contact the dial-in server's administrator or ISP documentation if

dial-in server is at the ISP.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link

Before You Set Up the Dial-in Server

Before you configure a dial-in server, gather the information that is listed in the following table.
Note The planning information in this section does not include information to be gathered
about authentication or PPPoE. For details about authentication planning, refer to Planning
for Authentication on a Link on page 399. For PPPoE planning, refer to Planning for DSL
Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel on page 405.

Information for a Dial-in Server



Maximum modem speed

Refer to documentation that was provided by the modem


User names of people who are permitted to call the dial-in


Obtain the names of the prospective users before you set up their
home directories, as discussed in How to Configure Users of the
Dial-in Server on page 418.

Dedicated IP address for PPP communications

Obtain an address from the individual at your company who is

responsible for delegating IP addresses.

Example of a Configuration for Dial-up PPP

The tasks to be introduced in Chapter 17, Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks), execute a
small company's requirement to let employees work at home a few days a week. Some
employees require the Oracle Solaris OS on their home machines. These workers also need to
log in remotely to their work machines on the corporate Intranet.
The tasks set up a basic dial-up link with the following features:

The dial-out machines are at the houses of employees who need to call the corporate

The dial-in server is a machine on the corporate intranet that is configured to receive
incoming calls from employees.

UNIX-style login is used to authenticate the dial-out machine. Stronger Solaris PPP 4.0
authentication methods are not required by the companys security policy.

The next figure shows the link that is set up in Chapter 17, Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link

Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning a Dial-up PPP Link


Sample Dial-up Link

User 1 Home
Big Company (
user 1
(Address for
incoming calls)

User 2 Home

hme 0


user 2





In this figure, a remote host dials out through its modem over telephone lines to Big Company's
Intranet. Another host is configured to dial out to Big Company but currently is inactive. The
calls from remote users are answered in the order received by the modem that is attached to the
dial-in server at Big Company. A PPP connection is established between the peers. The dial-out
machine can then remotely log in to a host machine on the Intranet.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning a Leased-Line Link

Where to Go for More Information About Dial-up PPP

Refer to the following:

To set up a dial-out machine, see Table 172.

To set up a dial-in machine, see Table 173.
To get an overview of dial-up links, see Dial-up PPP Overview on page 381.
To get detailed information about PPP files and commands, see Using PPP Options in Files
and on the Command Line on page 469.

Planning a Leased-Line Link

Setting up a leased-line link involves configuring the peer at one end of a switched or
unswitched service that is leased from a provider.
This section includes the following information:

Planning information for a leased-line link

Explanation of the sample link that is shown in Figure 162

For an introduction to leased-line links, refer to Leased-Line PPP Overview on page 385. For
tasks about setting up the leased line, see Chapter 18, Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link

Before You Set Up the Leased-Line Link

When your company rents a leased-line link from a network provider, you typically configure
only the system at your end of the link. The peer at the other end of the link is maintained by
another administrator. This individual might be a system administrator at a remote location in
your company or a system administrator at an ISP.

Hardware That Is Needed for a Leased-Line Link

In addition to the link media, your end of the link requires the following hardware:

Synchronous interface for your system

Synchronous unit (CSU/DSU)
Your system

Some network providers include a router, synchronous interface, and a CSU/DSU as part of the
customer premises equipment (CPE). However, necessary equipment varies, based on the
provider and any governmental restrictions in your locale. The network provider can give you
information about the unit that is needed, if this equipment is not provided with the leased line.
Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning a Leased-Line Link

Information to Be Gathered for the Leased-Line Link

Before you configure the local peer, you might need to gather the items that are listed in the next

Planning for a Leased-Line Link



Device name of the interface

Refer to the interface card documentation.

Configuration instructions for the synchronous interface card

Refer to the interface card documentation. You need this

information to configure the HSI/P interface. You might not need
to configure other types of interface cards.

(Optional) IP address of the remote peer

Refer to the service provider documentation. Alternatively, contact

the system administrator of the remote peer. This information is
needed only if the IP address is not negotiated between the two

(Optional) Name of the remote peer

Refer to the service provider documentation. Alternatively, you can

contact the system administrator of the remote peer.

(Optional) Speed of the link

Refer to the service provider documentation. Alternatively, you can

contact the system administrator of the remote peer.

(Optional) Compression that is used by the remote peer

Refer to the service provider documentation. Alternatively, you can

contact the system administrator of the remote peer.

Example of a Configuration for a Leased-Line Link

The tasks in Chapter 18, Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks), show how to implement
the goal of a medium-sized organization (LocalCorp) to provide Internet access for its
employees. Currently, the employees' computers are connected on a private corporate intranet.
LocalCorp requires speedy transactions and access to the many resources on the Internet. The
organization signs a contract with Far ISP, a service provider, which allows LocalCorp to set up
its own leased line to Far ISP. Then, LocalCorp leases a T1 line from Phone East, a telephone
company. Phone East puts in the leased line between LocalCorp and Far ISP. Then, Phone East
provides a CSU/DSU that is already configured to LocalCorp.
The tasks set up a leased-line link with the following characteristics.


LocalCorp has set up a system as a gateway router, which forwards packets over the leased
line to hosts on the Internet.

Far ISP also has set up a peer as a router to which leased lines from customers are attached.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning for Authentication on a Link


Example of a Leased-Line Configuration

Phone East


call unit
T1 line





In the figure, a router is set up for PPP at LocalCorp. The router connects to the corporate
Intranet through its hme0 interface. The second connection is through the machine's HSI/P
interface (hihp1) to the CSU/DSU digital unit. The CSU/DSU then connects to the installed
leased line. The administrator at LocalCorp configures the HSI/P interface and PPP files. The
administrator then types /etc/init.d/pppd to initiate the link between LocalCorp and Far ISP.

Where to Go for More Information About Leased Lines

Refer to the following:

Chapter 18, Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)

Leased-Line PPP Overview on page 385

Planning for Authentication on a Link

This section contains planning information for providing authentication on the PPP link.
Chapter 19, Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks), contains tasks for implementing PPP
authentication at your site.
PPP offers two types of authentication, PAP, which is described in detail in Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) on page 489 and CHAP, which is described in
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) on page 492.
Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning for Authentication on a Link

Before you set up authentication on a link, you must choose which authentication protocol best
meets your site's security policy. Then, you set up the secrets file and PPP configuration files for
the dial-in machines, or callers' dial-out machines, or both types of machines. For information
about choosing the appropriate authentication protocol for your site, see Why Use PPP
Authentication? on page 388.
This section includes the following information:

Planning information for both PAP and CHAP authentication

Explanations of the sample authentication scenarios that are shown in Figure 163 and
Figure 164

For tasks about setting up authentication, see Chapter 19, Setting Up PPP Authentication

Before You Set Up PPP Authentication

Setting up authentication at your site should be an integral part of your overall PPP strategy.
Before implementing authentication, you should assemble the hardware, configure the
software, and test the link.

Prerequisites Before Configuring Authentication


For Instructions

Tasks for configuring a dial-up link

Chapter 17, Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks).

Tasks for testing the link

Chapter 21, Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks).

Security requirements for your site

Your corporate security policy. If you do not have a policy, setting up

PPP authentication gives you an opportunity to create a security policy.

Suggestions about whether to use PAP or CHAP at your site Why Use PPP Authentication? on page 388. For more detailed
information about these protocols, refer to Authenticating Callers on a
Link on page 489.

Examples of PPP Authentication Configurations

This section contains examples of authentication scenarios to be used in the procedures in
Chapter 19, Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks).


Example of a Configuration Using PAP Authentication on page 401

Example of a Configuration Using CHAP Authentication on page 403

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning for Authentication on a Link

Example of a Configuration Using PAP Authentication

The tasks in Configuring PAP Authentication on page 430 show how to set up PAP
authentication over the PPP link. The procedures use as an example a PAP scenario that was
created for the fictitious Big Company in Example of a Configuration for Dial-up PPP on
page 395.
Big Company wants to enable its users to work from home. The system administrators want a
secure solution for the serial lines to the dial-in server. UNIX-style login that uses the NIS
password databases has served Big Company's network well in the past. The system
administrators want a UNIX-like authentication scheme for calls that come in to the network
over the PPP link. So, the administrators implement the following scenario that uses PAP

Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning for Authentication on a Link


Example of a PAP Authentication Scenario (Working From Home)

pap-secrets database


pap-secrets database


user1 myserver pass1 *

user2 myserver pass2

myserver user2 serverpass *

PPP connection
Dial-in DMZ
pap-secrets database


user1 *
user2 *
myserver * serverpass *


BigCompany Corporate network




Password database



The system administrators create a dedicated dial-in DMZ that is separated from the rest of the
corporate network by a router. The term DMZ comes from the military term demilitarized
zone. The DMZ is an isolated network that is set up for security purposes. The DMZ typically
contains resources that a company offers to the public, such as web servers, anonymous FTP
servers, databases, and modem servers. Network designers often place the DMZ between a
firewall and a company's Internet connection.
The only occupants of the DMZ that is pictured in Figure 163 are the dial-in server myserver
and the router. The dial-in server requires callers to provide PAP credentials, including user
names and passwords, when setting up the link. Furthermore, the dial-in server uses the login
option of PAP. Therefore, the callers' PAP user names and passwords must correspond exactly
to their UNIX user names and passwords in the dial-in server's password database.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning for Authentication on a Link

After the PPP link is established, the caller's packets are forwarded to the router. The router
forwards the transmission to its destination on the corporate network or on the Internet.

Example of a Configuration Using CHAP Authentication

The tasks in Configuring CHAP Authentication on page 437 show how to set up CHAP
authentication. The procedures use as an example a CHAP scenario to be created for the
fictitious LocalCorp that was introduced in Example of a Configuration for a Leased-Line
Link on page 398.
LocalCorp provides connectivity to the Internet over a leased line to an ISP. The Technical
Support department within LocalCorp generates heavy network traffic. Therefore, Technical
Support requires its own, isolated private network. The department's field technicians travel
extensively and need to access the Technical Support network from remote locations for
problem-solving information. To protect sensitive information in the private network's
database, remote callers must be authenticated in order to be granted permission to log in.
Therefore, the system administrators implement the following CHAP authentication scenario
for a dial-up PPP configuration.

Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning for Authentication on a Link


Example of a CHAP Authentication Scenario (Calling a Private Network)

chap-secrets database


chap-secrets database


account1 CallServe key123 *

account2 CallServe key456 *



PPP link

Technical Support
Private network

chap-secrets database


account1 CallServe key123 *

account2 CallServe key456 *



The only link from the Technical Support network to the outside world is the serial line to the
dial-in server's end of the link. The system administrators configure the laptop computer of
each field service representative for PPP with CHAP security, including a CHAP secret. The
chap-secrets database on the dial-in server contains the CHAP credentials for all machines that
are allowed to call in to the Technical Support network.

Where to Go for More Information About

Choose from the following:


See Configuring PAP Authentication on page 430.

See Configuring CHAP Authentication on page 437.
See Authenticating Callers on a Link on page 489 and the pppd(1M) man page.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel

Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel

Some DSL providers require you to set up PPPoE tunneling for your site in order to run PPP
over the providers' DSL lines and high-speed digital networks. For an overview of PPPoE, see
Support for DSL Users Through PPPoE on page 389.
A PPPoE tunnel involves three participants: a consumer, a telephone company, and an ISP. You
either configure PPPoE for consumers, such as PPPoE clients at your company or consumers in
their homes, or you configure PPPoE on a server at an ISP.
This section contains planning information for running PPPoE on both clients and access
servers. The following topics are covered:

Planning information for the PPPoE host and access server

Explanation of the PPPoE scenario that is introduced in Example of a Configuration for a
PPPoE Tunnel on page 407

For tasks about setting up a PPPoE tunnel, see Chapter 20, Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel

Before You Set Up a PPPoE Tunnel

Your preconfiguration activities depend on whether you configure the client side or server side
of the tunnel. In either instance, you or your organization must contract with a telephone
company. The telephone company provides the DSL lines for clients, and some form of
bridging and possibly an ATM pipe for access servers. In most contracts, the telephone
company assembles its equipment at your site.

Before Configuring a PPPoE Client

PPPoE client implementations usually consist of the following equipment:

Personal computer or other system that is used by an individual

DSL modem, which is usually installed by the telephone company or Internet access

(Optional) A hub, if more than one client is involved, as is true for corporate DSL

(Optional) A splitter, usually installed by the provider

Many different DSL configurations are possible, which depend on the user or corporation's
needs and the services that are offered by the provider.
Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel


Planning for PPPoE Clients



If setting up a home PPPoE client for an individual or

yourself, get any setup information that is outside the scope
of PPPoE.

Ask the telephone company or ISP for any required setup procedures.

If setting up PPPoE clients at a corporate site, gather the

names of users who are being assigned PPPoE client systems.
If you configure remote PPPoE clients, you might be
responsible for giving users information about adding home
DSL equipment.

Ask management at your company for a list of authorized users.

Find out which interfaces are available on the PPPoE client.

Run the ipadm show-addr command on each machine for interface


(Optional) Obtain the password for the PPPoE client.

Ask users for their preferred passwords. Or, assign passwords to the
users. Note that this password is used for link authentication, not for
UNIX login.

Before Configuring a PPPoE Server

Planning for a PPPoE access server involves working with the telephone company that provides
your connection to its data service network. The telephone company installs its lines, often
ATM pipes, at your site, and provides some sort of bridging into your access server. You need to
configure the Ethernet interfaces that access the services that your company provides. For
example, you need to configure interfaces for Internet access, as well as the Ethernet interfaces
from the telephone company's bridge.

Planning for a PPPoE Access Server



Interfaces that are used for lines from data service network

Run the ipadm show-addr command to identify interfaces.

Types of services to provide from the PPPoE server

Ask management and network planners for their requirements and


(Optional) Types of services to provide to the consumers

Ask management and network planners for their requirements and


(Optional) Host names and passwords for remote clients

Ask network planners and other individuals at your site who are
responsible for contract negotiations. The host names and passwords
are used for PAP or CHAP authentication, not for UNIX login.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel

Example of a Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel

This section contains an example of a PPPoE tunnel, which is used as an illustration for the
tasks in Chapter 20, Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks). Though the illustration shows all
participants in the tunnel, you only administer one end, either the client side or server side.


Example of a PPPoE Tunnel









In the sample, MiddleCo wants to provide its employees with high-speed Internet access.
MiddleCo buys a DSL package from Phone East, which, in turn, contracts with service provider
Far ISP. Far ISP offers Internet and other IP services to customers who buy DSL from Phone
Chapter 16 Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)


Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel

Example of a PPPoE Client Configuration

MiddleCo buys a package from Phone East that provides one DSL line for the site. The package
includes a dedicated, authenticated connection to the ISP for MiddleCo's PPPoE clients. The
system administrator cables the prospective PPPoE clients to a hub. Technicians from Phone
East cable the hub to their DSL equipment.

Example of a PPPoE Server Configuration

To implement the business arrangement FarISP has with Phone East, the system administrator
at FarISP configures the access server dslserve. This server has the following four interfaces:

eri0 Primary network interface that connects to the local network

hme0 Interface through which FarISP provides Internet service for its customers

hme1 Interface contracted by MiddleCo for authenticated PPPoE tunnels

hme2 Interface contracted by other customers for their PPPoE tunnels

Where to Get More Information About PPPoE

Choose from the following:


See Setting Up the PPPoE Client on page 444.

See Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server on page 446.
See Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support on page 497, and the pppoed(1M),
pppoec(1M), and sppptun(1M) man pages.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


1 7

Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)

This chapter explains the tasks for configuring the most common PPP link, the dial-up link.
Major topics include the following:

Configuring the Dial-out Machine on page 410

Configuring the Dial-in Server on page 416
Calling the Dial-in Server on page 420

Major Tasks for Setting Up the Dial-up PPP Link (Task Map)
You set up the dial-up PPP link by configuring modems, modifying network database files, and
modifying the PPP configuration files that are described in Table 221.
The next table lists the major tasks to configure both sides of a dial-up PPP link. Typically, you
configure only one end of the link, either the dial-out machine or dial-in server.

Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-up PPP Link



For Instructions

1. Gather preconfiguration

Gather data that is needed prior to setting

up the link, such as peer host names, target
phone numbers, and modem speed.

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link on page 394

2. Configure the dial-out


Set up PPP on the machine that makes the

call over the link.

Tasks for Configuring the Dial-out Machine (Task

Map) on page 410

3. Configure the dial-in


Set up PPP on the machine that receives

incoming calls.

Tasks for Configuring the Dial-in Server (Task Map) on

page 416

4. Call the dial-in server

Type the pppd command to initiate


How to Call the Dial-in Server on page 420


Configuring the Dial-out Machine

Configuring the Dial-out Machine

The tasks in this section explain how to configure a dial-out machine. The tasks use as an
example the dial- in-from-home scenario that was introduced in Figure 161. You can perform
the tasks at your company before passing on the machine to a prospective user. Alternatively,
you can instruct experienced users in the setup of their home machines. Anyone setting up a
dial-out machine must have root permission for that machine.

Tasks for Configuring the Dial-out Machine (Task Map)


Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-out Machine



For Instructions

1. Gather preconfiguration

Gather data that is needed prior to setting

up the link, such as peer host names, target
phone numbers, and modem speed.

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link on page 394

2. Configure the modem and Set up the modem and serial port.
serial port

How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-out

Machine) on page 411

3. Configure the serial-line


Configure the characteristics of the

transmission across the serial line.

How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line

on page 412

4. Define the conversation

between the dial-out
machine and the peer

Gather communications data for use when How to Create the Instructions for Calling a Peer on
you create the chat script.
page 413

5. Configure information
about a particular peer

Configure PPP options to call an individual How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer
dial-in server.
on page 414

6. Call the peer

Type the pppd command to initiate


How to Call the Dial-in Server on page 420

Dial-up PPP Template Files

Solaris PPP 4.0 provides template files. Each template contains common options for a particular
PPP configuration file. The next table lists the sample templates that can be used for setting up a
dial-up link, and their equivalent Solaris PPP 4.0 files.
Template File

PPP Configuration File

For Instructions



/etc/ppp/options.tmpl Template on
page 474


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring the Dial-out Machine

Template File

PPP Configuration File

For Instructions



options.ttya.tmpl Template File on

page 476


File with the name of your choice to

contain the chat script

/etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl Chat Script

Template on page 482



/etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl Template
File on page 479

If you decide to use one of the template files, be sure to rename the template to its equivalent
PPP configuration file. The one exception is the chat file template /etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl.
You can choose any name for your chat script.

Configuring Devices on the Dial-out Machine

The first task for setting up a dial-out PPP machine is to configure the devices on the serial line:
the modem and serial port.
Note Tasks that apply to a modem usually apply to an ISDN TA.

Before performing the next procedure, you must have done the following.

Installed the Oracle Solaris release on the dial-out machine

Determined the optimum modem speed
Decided which serial port to use on the dial-out machine
Obtained the root password for the dial-out machine

For planning information, see Before You Set Up the Dial-out Machine on page 394.

How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-out

Program the modem.
Even though a variety of modem types is available, most modems are shipped with the correct
settings for Solaris PPP 4.0. The following list shows the basic parameter settings for modems
that use Solaris PPP 4.0.

DCD Follow carrier instructions

DTR Set low so that the modem hangs up and puts the modem on-hook
Flow Control Set to RTS/CTS for full-duplex hardware flow control

Chapter 17 Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)


Configuring the Dial-out Machine

Attention Sequences Disable

If you have problems setting up the link and suspect that the modem is at fault, first consult the
modem manufacturer's documentation. Also, a number of web sites offer help with modem
programming. Finally, you can find some suggestions for clearing modem problems in How to
Diagnose Modem Problems on page 460.

Attach the modem cables to the serial port on the dial-out machine and to the telephone jack.

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Specify modem direction as dial-out only.

Configuring Communications on the Dial-out Machine

The procedures in this section show how to configure communications over the serial line of
the dial-out machine. Before you can use these procedures, you must have configured the
modem and serial port, as described in How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-out
Machine) on page 411.
The next tasks show how to enable the dial-out machine to successfully initiate
communications with the dial-in server. Communications are initiated as defined in the
options in the PPP configuration files. You need to create the following files:

Chat script

Solaris PPP 4.0 provides templates for the PPP configuration files, which you can customize to
accommodate your needs. Refer to Dial-up PPP Template Files on page 410 for detailed
information about these files.

How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create a file that is called /etc/ppp/options with the following entry:



Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring the Dial-out Machine

The /etc/ppp/options file is used for defining global parameters that apply to all
communications by the local machine. The lock option enables UUCP-style locking of the
form /var/spool/locks/
Note If the dial-out machine does not have an /etc/ppp/options file, only the superuser can

run the pppd command. However, the /etc/ppp/options can be empty.

For a complete description of /etc/ppp/options, refer to /etc/ppp/options Configuration
File on page 473.

(Optional) Create a file that is called /etc/ppp/options.ttyname for defining how

communications should be initiated from a specific serial port.
The next example shows an /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file for the port with the device name
# cat /etc/ppp/options.cua.a

The PPP option crtscts tells the pppd daemon to turn on hardware flow control for serial port
For more information about the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file, go to
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname Configuration File on page 474.

Set the modem speed, as described in How to Set the Modem Speedon page 417.

How to Create the Instructions for Calling a Peer

Before the dial-out machine can initiate a PPP link, you must collect information about the
dial-in server that is to become the peer. Then, you use this information to create the chat script,
which describes the actual conversation between the dial-out machine and the peer.

Determine the speed at which the dial-out machine's modem needs to run.
For more information, see Configuring Modem Speed for a Dial-up Link on page 480.

Obtain the following information from the dial-in server's site.

Server's telephone number

Authentication protocol that is used, if appropriate
Login sequence that is required by the peer for the chat script

Obtain the names and IP addresses of name servers at the dial-in server's site.

Chapter 17 Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)


Configuring the Dial-out Machine

In a chat script, provide instructions for initiating calls to the particular peer.
For example, you might create the following chat script, /etc/ppp/mychat, to call the dial-in
server myserver.
SAY "Calling the peer\n"
"" AT&F1&M5S2=255
OK ATDT1-123-555-1234
SAY "Connected; logging in.\n"
ogin:--ogin: pppuser
ABORT ogin incorrect
ssword: \qmypassword
"% " \c
SAY "Logged in. Starting PPP on peer system.\n"
ABORT not found
"" "exec pppd"
~ \c

The script contains instructions for calling a Oracle Solaris dial-in server that requires a login
sequence. For a description of each instruction, refer to Basic Chat Script Enhanced for a
UNIX-Style Login on page 484. For complete details about creating a chat script, read the
section Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link on page 480.
Note You do not invoke the chat script directly. Rather, you use the file name of the chat script
as an argument to the chat command, which invokes the script.

If a peer runs Oracle Solaris or a similar operating system, consider using the previous chat
script as a template for your dial-out machines.

How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Update the repository information for the DNS and name service switch services.
# svccfg
svc:> select network/dns/client
svc:/network/dns/client> setprop config/domain = astring: ""
svc:/network/dns/client> setprop config/nameserver = net_address: ""
svc:/network/dns/client> addpropval config/nameserver ""


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring the Dial-out Machine

svc:/network/dns/client> select network/dns/client:default

svc:/network/dns/client:default > refresh
svc:/network/dns/client:default > validate
svc:/network/dns/client:default > select system/name-service/switch
svc:/system/name-service/switch > setprop config/host = astring: "files dns"
svc:/system/name-service/switch:default > select system/name-service/switch:default
svc:/system/name-service/switch:default > refresh
svc:/system/name-service/switch:default > validate
# svcadm enable network/dns/client
# svcadm refresh system/name-service/switch

Create a file for the peer.

For example, you would create the following file to define the dial-in server myserver:
# cat /etc/ppp/peers/myserver
idle 120
connect "chat -U mypassword -T 1-123-555-1213 -f /etc/ppp/mychat"

Specifies that the device /dev/cua/a should be used as the serial interface for calls to
Defines the speed of the link.
Specifies that for transactions with peer myserver, the dial-out machine initially has an IP
address of myserver assigns an IP address to the dial-out machine for every dial-up
idle 120
Indicates that the link must time out after an idle period of 120 seconds.
Specifies that the peer myserver does not need to provide authentication credentials when
negotiating the connection with the dial-out machine.
connect "chat -U 'mypassword' -T 1-123-555-1213 -f /etc/ppp/mychat"
Specifies the connect option and its arguments, including the phone number of the peer,
and the chat script /etc/ppp/mychat with calling instructions.
See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

To configure another dial-out machine, see How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port
(Dial-out Machine) on page 411.

To test modem connectivity by dialing out to another computer, see cu(1C) and tip(1) man
pages. These utilities can help you test if your modem is properly configured. Also, use these
utilities to test if you can establish a connection with another machine.

Chapter 17 Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)


Configuring the Dial-in Server

To learn more about the configuration files and options, see Using PPP Options in Files
and on the Command Line on page 469.

To configure a dial-in server, see Configuring Devices on the Dial-in Server on page 416.

Configuring the Dial-in Server

The tasks in this section are for configuring the dial-in server. The dial-in server is a peer
machine that receives the call over the PPP link from the dial-out machine. The tasks show how
to configure the dial-in server myserver that was introduced in Figure 161.

Tasks for Configuring the Dial-in Server (Task Map)


Task Map for Setting Up the Dial-in Server



For Instructions

1. Gather preconfiguration

Gather data that is needed prior to setting

up the link, such as peer host names, target
phone numbers, and modem speed.

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link on page 394

2. Configure the modem and Set up the modem and serial port.
serial port

How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-in

Server) on page 417

3. Configure calling peer


Set up the user environments and PPP

options for every dial-out machine that is
permitted to call the dial-in server.

How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server on

page 418

4. Configure the serial-line


Configure the characteristics of the

transmission across the serial line.

How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line

(Dial-in Server) on page 419

Configuring Devices on the Dial-in Server

The following procedure explains how to configure the modem and serial port on the dial-in
Before you do the next procedure, you must have completed the following activities on the peer
dial-in server:


Installed the Oracle Solaris release

Determined the optimum modem speed
Decided which serial port to use

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring the Dial-in Server

How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-in


Program the modem, as instructed in the modem manufacturer's documentation.

For other suggestions, refer to How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-out
Machine) on page 411.

Attach the modem to the serial port on the dial-in server.

Become an administrator on the dial-in server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Specify modem direction as dial-in only.

How to Set the Modem Speed

The next procedure explains how to set the modem speed for a dial-in server. For suggestions
about speeds to use with Sun Microsystems' computers, see Configuring Modem Speed for a
Dial-up Link on page 480.

Log in to the dial-in server.

Use the tip command to reach the modem.

Instructions for using tip to set the modem speed are in the tip(1) man page.

Configure the modem for a fixed DTE rate.

Lock the serial port to that rate, using ttymon.

See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-in Server) on page 417
How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server on page 418

Setting Up Users of the Dial-in Server

Part of the process of setting up a dial-in server involves configuring information about each
known remote caller.
Chapter 17 Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)


Configuring the Dial-in Server

Before starting the procedures in this section, you must have done the following:

Obtained the UNIX user names for all users who are permitted to log in from remote
dial-out machines.

Set up the modem and serial line, as described in How to Configure the Modem and Serial
Port (Dial-in Server) on page 417.

Dedicated an IP address to be assigned to incoming calls from remote users. Consider

creating a dedicated incoming IP address if the number of potential callers exceeds the
number of modems and serial ports on the dial-in server. For complete information about
creating dedicated IP addresses, go to Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers on
page 495.

How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server

Become an administrator on the dial-in server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create a new account on the dial-in server for each remote PPP user.
For instructions about creating a new user, see Setting Up and Administering User Accounts
(Task Map) in Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks.

Create for each caller a $HOME/.ppprc file that contains various options that are specific to the
user's PPP session.
For example, you might create the following .ppprc file for pppuser.
# cat /export/home/pppuser/.ppprc

noccp turns off compression control on the link.

See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server on page 418.

How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line (Dial-in Server) on page 419.

Configuring Communications Over the Dial-in Server

The next task shows how to enable the dial-in server to open communications with any dial-out
machine. The options that are defined in the following PPP configuration files determine how
communications are established.



Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring the Dial-in Server


For detailed information about these files, refer to Using PPP Options in Files and on the
Command Line on page 469.
Before you proceed, you should have done the following:

Configured the serial port and modem on the dial-in server, as described in How to
Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-in Server) on page 417.

Configured information about the prospective users of the dial-in server, as described in
How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server on page 418.

How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line

(Dial-in Server)

Become an administrator on the dial-in server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create the /etc/ppp/options file with the following entry.


nodefaultroute indicates that no pppd session on the local system can establish a default route
without root privileges.
Note If the dial-in server does not have an /etc/ppp/options file, only the superuser can run
the pppd command. However, the /etc/ppp/options file can be empty.

Create the file /etc/options.ttyname to define how calls that are received over serial port
ttyname should be handled.
The following /etc/options.ttya file defines how the dial-in server's serial port /dev/ttya
should handle incoming calls.

See Also


Assigns the IP address to all peers that are calling in over serial port


Allows the serial line to handle communications from modems with software
flow control enabled

If you have followed all the procedures in this chapter, you have completed the configuration of
the dial-up link. The following list provides references to related information.
Chapter 17 Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)


Calling the Dial-in Server

To test modem connectivity by dialing out to another computer, see cu(1C) and tip(1) man
pages. These utilities can help you test if your modem is properly configured. Also, use these
utilities to test if you can establish a connection with another machine.

To configure more options for the dial-in server, see Configuring the Dial-in Server on
page 416.

To configure more dial-out machines, see Configuring the Dial-out Machine on page 410.

To have the remote machine call the dial-in server, see Calling the Dial-in Server on
page 420.

Calling the Dial-in Server

You establish a dial-up PPP link by having the dial-out machine call the dial-in server. You can
instruct the dial-out machine to call the server by specifying the demand option in the local PPP
configuration files. However, the most common method for establishing the link is for the user
to run the pppd command on the dial-out machine.
Before you proceed to the next task, you should have done either or both of the following:

Set up the dial-out machine, as described in Configuring the Dial-out Machine on

page 410
Set up the dial-in server, as described in Configuring the Dial-in Server on page 416

How to Call the Dial-in Server

Log in to the dial-out machine by using your regular user account, not root.

Call the dial-in server by running the pppd command.

For example, the following command initiates a link between the dial-out machine and dial-in
server myserver:
% pppd 57600 call myserver



Starts the call by invoking the pppd daemon


Sets the speed of the line between host and modem

call myserver

Invokes the call option of pppd. pppd then reads options in the file
/etc/ppp/peers/myserver, which was created in How to Define the
Connection With an Individual Peer on page 414

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Calling the Dial-in Server

Contact a host on the server's network, for example, the host lindyhop that is shown in
Figure 161:
ping lindyhop

If the link is not working correctly, refer to Chapter 21, Fixing Common PPP Problems

Terminate the PPP session:

% pkill -x pppd

See Also

If you have followed all the procedures in this chapter, you have completed the configuration of
the dial-up link. The following list provides references to related information.

To have users start working on their dial-out machines, see How to Call the Dial-in Server
on page 420.
To fix problems on the link, see Chapter 21, Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks).
To learn more about the files and options that are used in this chapter, see Using PPP
Options in Files and on the Command Line on page 469.

Chapter 17 Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)




1 8

Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)

This chapter explains how to configure a PPP link that uses a leased line between peers. Major
sections include the following:

Configuring Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line on page 424

Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line on page 425

Setting Up a Leased Line (Task Map)

Leased-line links are relatively easy to set up, in comparison with dial-up links. In most
instances, you do not have to configure the CSU/DSU, dialing services, or authentication. If you
do need to configure the CSU/DSU, refer to the manufacturer's documentation for aid with this
complex task.
The task map in the next table describes all the tasks that are involved in setting up the basic
leased-line link.
Note Some types of leased lines do require the CSU/DSU to dial the address of the opposite
peer. For example, Frame Relay uses Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) or Switched 56 service.

Task Map for Setting Up the Leased-Line Link



For Instructions

1. Gather pre-configuration

Gather data that is needed prior to setting

up the link.

Information to Be Gathered for the Leased-Line Link

on page 398

2. Set up the leased-line


Assemble the CSU/DSU and synchronous

interface card.

How to Configure Synchronous Devices on page 424

3. Configure the interface

card, if required

Configure the interface script to be used

when the leased line is initiated.

How to Configure Synchronous Devices on page 424


Configuring Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line


Task Map for Setting Up the Leased-Line Link




For Instructions

4. Configure information
about the remote peer

Define how communications between your How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line on
local machine and the remote peer should page 425

5. Start up the leased line

Configure your machine to start up PPP

over the leased line as part of the booting

How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line on

page 425

Configuring Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line

The task in this section involves configuring equipment that is required by the leased-line
topology that is introduced in Example of a Configuration for a Leased-Line Link on
page 398. The synchronous devices that are required to connect to the leased line include the
interface and modem.

Prerequisites for Synchronous Devices Setup

Before you perform the next procedure, you must have the following items:

Working leased line that is installed at your site by the provider

Synchronous unit (CSU/DSU)
Oracle Solaris release installed on your system
Synchronous interface card of the type that is required by your system

How to Configure Synchronous Devices

Physically install the interface card into the local machine, if necessary.
Follow the instructions in the manufacturer's documentation.

Connect the cables from the CSU/DSU to the interface.

If necessary, connect cables from the CSU/DSU to the leased-line jack or similar connector.

Configure the CSU/DSU, as instructed in the documentation from the manufacturer or network
Note The provider from whom you rented the leased line might supply and configure the

CSU/DSU for your link.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line

Configure the interface card, if necessary, as instructed in the interface documentation.

The configuration of the interface card involves the creation of a startup script for the interface.
The router at LocalCorp in the leased-line configuration that is shown in Figure 162 uses an
HSI/P interface card.
The following script, hsi-conf, starts the HSI/P interface.
/opt/SUNWconn/bin/hsip_init hihp1 speed=1536000 mode=fdx loopback=no \
nrzi=no txc=txc rxc=rxc txd=txd rxd=rxd signal=no 2>&1 > /dev/null

See Also


Indicates that HSI/P is the synchronous port used


Set to indicate the speed of the CSU/DSU

To configure the local machine on the leased line, refer to How to Configure a Machine on a
Leased Line on page 425.

Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line

The task in this section explains how to set up a router to function as the local peer on your end
of a leased line. The task uses the leased line that was introduced in Example of a Configuration
for a Leased-Line Link on page 398 as an example.

Prerequisites for Configuring the Local Machine on a

Leased Line
Before you perform the next procedure, you must have completed the following:

Set up and configure the synchronous devices for the link, as described in Configuring
Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line on page 424

Obtained the root password for the local machine on the leased line

Set up the local machine to run as a router on the network or networks to use the services of
the leased-line provider

How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line

Become an administrator on the local machine (router).
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Chapter 18 Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)


Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line

Add an entry for the remote peer in the router's /etc/hosts file.
# cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
localhost local2-peer local1-net


The example /etc/hosts file is for the local router at the fictitious LocalCorp. Note the IP
address and host name for the remote peer farISP at the service provider.

Create the file /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name to hold information about the provider's peer.
For this example leased-line link, you create the file /etc/ppp/peers/farISP.
# cat /etc/ppp/peers/farISP
init /etc/ppp/conf_hsi

The following table explains the options and parameters that are used in



init /etc/ppp/conf_hsi

Starts the link. init then configures the HSI interface by using the parameters in the
script /etc/ppp/conf_hsi.


Tells the pppd daemon not to change the state of the Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
signal. Also tells pppd to ignore the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) input signal.


Gives the device name of synchronous interface.


Establishes synchronous encoding for the link.


Establishes that the local system does not need to demand authentication from the
peer. However, the peer could still demand authentication.

Defines the IP addresses of the local peer and the remote peer, separated by a colon.


Tells the pppd daemon on the local machine to go quiet after issuing maximum
number of LCP Configure-Requests and to wait for the peer to start.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line




Tells the pppd daemon to try to restart the link after a connection ends.

noccp, nopcomp, novj, noaccomp

Disables the Compression Control Protocol (CCP), Protocol Field compression,

Van Jacobson compression, and address and control field compression,
respectively. These forms of compression accelerate transmissions on a dial-up link
but could slow down a leased line.

Create an initialization script that is called demand, which creates the PPP link as part of the
booting process.
# cat /etc/ppp/demand
if [ -f /system/volatile/ ] &&
/usr/bin/kill -s 0 /bin/cat /system/volatile/
/usr/bin/pppd call farISP

The demand script contains the pppd command for establishing a leased-line link. The following
table explains the content of $PPPDIR/demand.
Code Sample


if [ -f /system/volatile/ ] && /usr/bin/kill -s 0

/bin/cat /system/volatile/

These lines check to see if pppd is running. If pppd is

running, it does not need to be started.

/usr/bin/pppd call farISP

This line launches pppd. pppd reads the options

from /etc/ppp/options. The call farISP option
on the command line causes it to read
/etc/ppp/peers/farISP, also.

The Solaris PPP 4.0 startup script /etc/rc2.d/S47pppd invokes the demand script as part of the
booting process. The following lines in /etc/rc2.dS47pppd search for the presence of a file that
is called $PPPDIR/demand.
if [ -f $PPPDIR/demand ]; then
. $PPPDIR/demand

If found, $PPPDIR/demand is executed. During the course of executing $PPPDIR/demand, the

link is established.
Note To reach machines outside the local network, have users run telnet, ftp, rsh, or similar

Chapter 18 Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)


Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line

See Also

If you have followed all the procedures in this chapter, you have completed the configuration of
the leased-line link. The following list provides references to related information.


To find troubleshooting information, see Fixing Leased-Line Problems on page 466.

To learn more about the files and options that are used in this chapter, see Using PPP
Options in Files and on the Command Line on page 469.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


1 9

Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)

This chapter contains tasks for setting up PPP authentication. Subjects that are covered include
the following:

Configuring PAP Authentication on page 430

Configuring CHAP Authentication on page 437

The procedures show how to implement authentication over a dial-up link because dial-up
links are more likely to be configured for authentication than leased-line links. You can
configure authentication over leased lines if authentication is required by your corporate
security policy. For leased-line authentication, use the tasks in this chapter as guidelines.
If you want to use PPP authentication but are not sure which protocol to use, review the section
Why Use PPP Authentication? on page 388. More detailed information about PPP
authentication is in the pppd(1M) man page and in Authenticating Callers on a Link on
page 489.

Configuring PPP Authentication (Task Map)

This section contains task maps to help you quickly access procedures for PPP authentication.

Task Map for General PPP Authentication



For Instructions

Configure PAP

Use these procedures to enable PAP authentication

on a dial-in server and a dial-out machine.

Setting Up PAP Authentication (Task Maps)

on page 430

Configure CHAP

Use these procedures to enable CHAP authentication Setting Up CHAP Authentication (Task
on a dial-in server and a dial-out machine.
Maps) on page 437


Configuring PAP Authentication

Configuring PAP Authentication

The tasks in this section explain how to implement authentication on a PPP link by using the
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP). The tasks use the example that is shown in Examples
of PPP Authentication Configurations on page 400 to illustrate a working PAP scenario for a
dial-up link. Use the instructions as the basis for implementing PAP authentication at your site.
Before you perform the next procedures, you must have done the following:

Set up and tested the dial-up link between the dial-in server and dial-out machines that
belong to trusted callers

Ideally, for dial-in server authentication, obtained superuser permission for the machine
where the network password database is administered, for example, in LDAP, NIS, or local

Obtained superuser authority for the local machine, either dial-in server or dial-out

Setting Up PAP Authentication (Task Maps)

Use the next task maps to quickly access PAP-related tasks for the dial-in server and trusted
callers on dial-out machines.

Task Map for PAP Authentication (Dial-in Server)



For Instructions

1. Gather preconfiguration

Collect user names and other data that is

needed for authentication.

Planning for Authentication on a Link on

page 399

2. Update the password database, if Ensure that all potential callers are in the
server's password database.

How to Create a PAP Credentials Database

(Dial-in Server) on page 431

3. Create the PAP database

Create security credentials for all prospective

callers in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets.

How to Create a PAP Credentials Database

(Dial-in Server) on page 431

4. Modify the PPP configuration


Add options specific to PAP to the

/etc/ppp/options and
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name files.

How to Add PAP Support to the PPP

Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) on
page 433


Task Map for PAP Authentication (Dial-out Machine)



For Instructions

1. Gather preconfiguration

Collect user names and other data that is

needed for authentication.

Planning for Authentication on a Link on

page 399


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring PAP Authentication


Task Map for PAP Authentication (Dial-out Machine)




For Instructions

2. Create the PAP database for the

trusted caller's machine

Create the security credentials for the trusted

caller and, if necessary, security credentials for
other users who call the dial-out machine, in

How to Configure PAP Authentication

Credentials for the Trusted Callers on
page 434

3. Modify the PPP configuration


Add options specific to PAP to the

/etc/ppp/options and
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name files.

How to Add PAP Support to the PPP

Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) on
page 436

Configuring PAP Authentication on the Dial-in Server

To set up PAP authentication, you must do the following:

Create a PAP credentials database

Modify PPP configuration files for PAP support

How to Create a PAP Credentials Database (Dial-in

This procedure modifies the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file, which contains the PAP security
credentials that are used to authenticate callers on the link. /etc/ppp/pap-secrets must exist
on both machines on a PPP link.
The sample PAP configuration that was introduced in Figure 163 uses the login option of
PAP. If you plan to use this option, you might also need to update your network's password
database. For more information about the login option, refer to Using the login Option With
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets on page 492.

Assemble a list of all potential trusted callers. Trusted callers are people to be granted
permission to call the dial-in server from their remote machines.

Verify that each trusted caller already has a UNIX user name and password in the dial-in server's
password database.
Note Verification is particularly important for the sample PAP configuration, which uses the

login option of PAP to authenticate callers. If you choose not to implement login for PAP, the
callers' PAP user names do not have to correspond with their UNIX user names. For
information about standard /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, refer to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets File on
page 490.

Chapter 19 Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)


Configuring PAP Authentication

Do the following if a potential trusted caller does not have a UNIX user name and password:
a. Confirm with their managers that callers whom you do not know personally have permission
to access the dial-in server.
b. Create UNIX user names and passwords for these callers in the manner that is directed by
your corporate security policy.

Become an administrator on the dial-in server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.

This release provides a pap-secrets file in /etc/ppp that contains comments about how to use
PAP authentication but no options. You can add the following options at the end of the


serverpass *

To use the login option of /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, you must type the UNIX user name of each
trusted caller. Wherever a set of double quotes () appears in the third field, the password for
the caller is looked up in the server's password database.
The entry myserver * serverpass * contains the PAP user name and password for the dial-in
server. In Figure 163, the trusted caller user2 requires authentication from remote peers.
Therefore, myserver's /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file contains PAP credentials for use when a link
is established with user2.
See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

Modifying the PPP Configuration Files for PAP (Dial-in Server) on page 432
Configuring PAP Authentication for Trusted Callers (Dial-out Machines) on page 434

Modifying the PPP Configuration Files for PAP (Dial-in

The tasks in this section explain how to update any existing PPP configuration files to support
PAP authentication on the dial-in server.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring PAP Authentication

How to Add PAP Support to the PPP Configuration

Files (Dial-in Server)
The procedure uses as examples the PPP configuration files that were introduced in How to
Define Communications Over the Serial Line (Dial-in Server) on page 419.

Become an administrator on the dial-in server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add authentication options to the /etc/ppp/options file.

For example, you would add the options in bold to an existing /etc/ppp/options file to
implement PAP authentication:
idle 120


Specifies that the server must authenticate callers before establishing the


Specifies that the remote caller be authenticated by using the standard

UNIX user authentication services.


Indicates that no pppd session on the local system can establish a default
route without root privileges.


Adds an entry to the system's Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table

that specifies the IP address of the peer and the Ethernet address of the
system. With this option the peer appears to be on the local Ethernet to
other systems.


Enables pppd to supply a Domain Name Server (DNS) address,, for the client

idle 120

Specifies that idle users are disconnected after two minutes.

In the /etc/ppp/options.cua.a file, add the following address for the cua/a user.

In the /etc/ppp/options.cua.b file, add the following address for the cua/b user.

Chapter 19 Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)


Configuring PAP Authentication

In the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file, add the following entry.



Note The login option, as previously described, supplies the necessary user authentication.
This entry in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file is the standard way of enabling PAP with the
login option.

See Also

To configure PAP authentication credentials for trusted callers of the dial-in server, refer to
Configuring PAP Authentication for Trusted Callers (Dial-out Machines) on page 434.

Configuring PAP Authentication for Trusted Callers

(Dial-out Machines)
This section contains tasks for setting up PAP authentication on the dial-out machines of
trusted callers. As system administrator, you can set up PAP authentication on the systems
before distribution to prospective callers. Or, if the remote callers already have their machines,
you can give these callers the tasks in this section.
Configuring PAP for trusted callers involves two tasks:

Configuring the callers' PAP security credentials

Configuring the callers' dial-out machines to support PAP authentication

How to Configure PAP Authentication Credentials for

the Trusted Callers
This procedure shows how to set up PAP credentials for two trusted callers, one of which
requires authentication credentials from remote peers. The steps in the procedure assume that
you, the system administrator, are creating the PAP credentials on the trusted callers' dial-out

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Using the sample PAP configuration that was introduced in Figure 163, assume that the
dial-out machine belongs to user1.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring PAP Authentication

Modify the pap-secrets database for the caller.

This release provides an /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file that contains helpful comments but no
options. You can add the following options to this /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.

myserver pass1

Note that user1's password pass1 is passed in readable ASCII form over the link. myserver is
caller user1's name for the peer.

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Using the PAP authentication example, assume that this dial-out machine belongs to the caller

Modify the pap-secrets database for the caller.

You can add the next options to the end of the existing /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.
myserver user2

serverpass *

In this example, /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has two entries. The first entry contains the PAP
security credentials that user2 passes to dial-in server myserver for authentication.
user2 requires PAP credentials from the dial-in server as part of link negotiation. Therefore, the
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets also contains PAP credentials that are expected from myserver on the
second line.
Note Because most ISPs do not supply authentication credentials, the previous scenario might

be unrealistic for communications with an ISP.

See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

How to Create a PAP Credentials Database (Dial-in Server) on page 431

How to Configure PAP Authentication Credentials for the Trusted Callers on page 434

Modifying PPP Configuration Files for PAP (Dial-out

The following tasks explain how to update existing PPP configuration files to support PAP
authentication on the dial-out machines of trusted callers.

Chapter 19 Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)


Configuring PAP Authentication

The procedure uses the following parameters to configure PAP authentication on the dial-out
machine that belongs to user2, who was introduced in Figure 163. user2 requires incoming
callers to authenticate, including calls from dial-in myserver.

How to Add PAP Support to the PPP Configuration

Files (Dial-out Machine)
This procedure uses as examples the PPP configuration files that were introduced in How to
Define Communications Over the Serial Line on page 412. The procedure configures the
dial-out machine that belongs to user2, as shown in Figure 163.

Log in to the dial-out machine as superuser.

Modify the /etc/ppp/options file.

The next /etc/ppp/options file contains options for PAP support, which are shown in bold.
# cat /etc/ppp/options
name user2

name user2

Sets user2 as the PAP name of the user on the local machine. If the login
option is used, the PAP name must be the same as the user's UNIX user name
in the password database.


States that the dial-out machine must authenticate callers before establishing
the link.
Note This dial-out machine demands authentication from its peers, even
though most dial-out machines do not make this demand. Either way is


Demands PAP credentials from the peer.

Create an /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for the remote machine myserver.

The next example shows how to add PAP support to the existing /etc/ppp/peers/myserver
file that was created in How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer on page 414.
# cat /etc/ppp/peers/myserver
idle 120


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring CHAP Authentication

user user2
remotename myserver
connect "chat -U mypassword -f /etc/ppp/mychat"

The new options in bold add PAP requirements for peer myserver.

See Also

user user2

Defines user2 as the user name of the local machine

remotename myserver

Defines myserver as a peer that requires authentication credentials

from the local machine

The following list provides references to related information.

To test the PAP authentication setup by calling the dial-in server, see How to Call the
Dial-in Server on page 420.
To learn more about PAP authentication, see Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) on
page 489.

Configuring CHAP Authentication

The tasks in this section explain how to implement authentication on a PPP link by using the
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). The tasks use the example that is
shown in Figure 164 to illustrate a working CHAP scenario for dialing up a private network.
Use the instructions as the basis for implementing CHAP authentication at your site.
Before you perform the next procedures, you must have done the following:

Set up and tested the dial-up link between the dial-in server and dial-out machines that
belong to trusted callers

Obtained superuser permission for the local machine, either dial-in server or dial-out

Setting Up CHAP Authentication (Task Maps)


Task Map for CHAP Authentication (Dial-in Server)



For Instructions

1. Assign CHAP secrets to all

trusted callers

Create, or have the callers create, their CHAP


How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database

(Dial-in Server) on page 439

2. Create the chap-secrets database Add the security credentials for all trusted
callers to the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.

Chapter 19 Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)

How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database

(Dial-in Server) on page 439


Configuring CHAP Authentication


Task Map for CHAP Authentication (Dial-in Server)




For Instructions

3. Modify the PPP configuration


Add options specific to CHAP to the

/etc/ppp/options and
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name files.

How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP

Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) on
page 440


Task Map for CHAP Authentication (Dial-out Machine)



For Instructions

1. Create the CHAP database for

the trusted caller's machine

Create the security credentials for the trusted

caller and, if necessary, security credentials for
other users who call the dial-out machine, in

How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database

(Dial-in Server) on page 439

2. Modify the PPP configuration


Add options specific to CHAP to the

/etc/ppp/options file.

How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP

Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) on
page 442

Configuring CHAP Authentication on the Dial-in

The first task in setting up CHAP authentication is modifying the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.
This file contains the CHAP security credentials, including the CHAP secret, that are used to
authenticate callers on the link.
Note UNIX or PAM authentication mechanisms do not work with CHAP. For example, you

cannot use the PPP login option as described in How to Create a PAP Credentials Database
(Dial-in Server) on page 431. If your authentication scenario requires PAM or UNIX-style
authentication, choose PAP instead.
The next procedure implements CHAP authentication for a dial-in server in a private network.
The PPP link is the only connection to the outside world. The only callers who can access the
network have been granted permission by managers of the network, possibly including the
system administrator.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring CHAP Authentication

How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database (Dial-in


Assemble a list that contains the user names of all trusted callers.
Trusted callers include all people who have been granted permission to call the private network.

Assign each user a CHAP secret.

Note Be sure to choose a good CHAP secret that is not easily guessed. No other restrictions are

placed on the CHAP secret's contents.

The method for assigning CHAP secrets depends on your site's security policy. Either you have
the responsibility for creating the secrets, or the callers must create their own secrets. If you are
not responsible for CHAP secret assignment, be sure to get the CHAP secrets that were created
by, or for, each trusted caller.

Become an administrator on the dial-in server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Modify the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.

This release includes an /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file that contains helpful comments but no
options. You can add the following options for the server CallServe at the end of the existing
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.
account1 CallServe
account2 CallServe



key123 is the CHAP secret for trusted caller account1.

key456 is the CHAP secret for trusted caller account2.
See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database (Dial-in Server) on page 439

How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) on page 440
Configuring CHAP Authentication for Trusted Callers (Dial-out Machines) on page 440

Modifying the PPP Configuration Files for CHAP

(Dial-in Server)
The task in this section explains how to update existing PPP configuration files to support
CHAP authentication on the dial-in server.
Chapter 19 Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)


Configuring CHAP Authentication

How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP Configuration

Files (Dial-in Server)

Log in to the dial-in server as superuser.

Modify the /etc/ppp/options file.

Add the options that are shown in bold for CHAP support.
# cat /etc/ppp/options
name CallServe

See Also

name CallServe

Defines CallServe as the CHAP name of the user on the local machine, in this
instance the dial-in server


Makes the local machine authenticate callers before establishing the link

Create the remaining PPP configuration files to support the trusted callers.
See How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server on page 418 and How to Define
Communications Over the Serial Line (Dial-in Server) on page 419.
To configure CHAP authentication credentials for trusted callers, refer to How to Create a
CHAP Credentials Database (Dial-in Server) on page 439.

Configuring CHAP Authentication for Trusted Callers

(Dial-out Machines)
This section contains tasks for setting up CHAP authentication on the dial-out machines of
trusted callers. Depending on your site's security policy, either you or the trusted callers might
be responsible for setting up CHAP authentication.
For remote callers to configure CHAP, ensure that the callers' local CHAP secrets match the
callers' equivalent CHAP secrets in the dial-in server's /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file. Then give
the callers the tasks in this section for configuring CHAP.
Configuring CHAP for trusted callers involves two tasks:


Creating the callers' CHAP security credentials

Configuring the callers' dial-out machines to support CHAP authentication

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Configuring CHAP Authentication

How to Configure CHAP Authentication Credentials

for the Trusted Callers
This procedure shows how to set up CHAP credentials for two trusted callers. The steps in the
procedure assume that you, the system administrator, are creating the CHAP credentials on the
trusted callers' dial-out machines.

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Using the sample CHAP configuration in Example of a Configuration Using CHAP
Authentication on page 403, assume that the dial-out machine belongs to trusted caller

Modify the chap-secrets database for caller account1.

This release includes an /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file that has helpful comments but no
options. You can add the following options to the existing /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.
account1 CallServe


CallServe is the name for the peer that account1 is trying to reach. key123 is the CHAP secret
to be used for links between account1 and CallServer.

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Assume that this machine belongs to caller account2.

Modify the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets database for caller account2.

account2 CallServe


Now, account2 has secret key456 as its CHAP credentials for use over links to peer CallServe.
See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

How to Create a CHAP Credentials Database (Dial-in Server) on page 439

How to Configure CHAP Authentication Credentials for the Trusted Callers on page 441

Chapter 19 Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)


Configuring CHAP Authentication

Adding CHAP to the Configuration Files (Dial-out

To learn more about CHAP authentication, refer to Challenge-Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP) on page 492. The next task configures the dial-out machine that belongs to
caller account1, which is introduced in Example of a Configuration Using CHAP
Authentication on page 403.

How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP Configuration

Files (Dial-out Machine)

Log in to the dial-out machine as superuser.

Ensure that the /etc/ppp/options file has the following options.

# cat /etc/ppp/options

Create an /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for the remote machine CallServe.

# cat /etc/ppp/peers/CallServe
idle 120
user account1
connect "chat -U mypassword -f /etc/ppp/mychat"

The option user account1 sets account1 as the CHAP user name to be given to CallServe. For
a description of the other options in the previous file, see the similar
/etc/ppp/peers/myserver file in How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer on
page 414.
See Also


To test CHAP authentication by calling the dial-in server, refer to How to Call the Dial-in
Server on page 420.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



2 0

Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks)

This chapter contains tasks for setting up the participants on either end of the PPPoE tunnel:
the PPPoE client and PPPoE access server. Specific topics include the following:

Major Tasks for Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Task Maps) on page 443
Setting Up the PPPoE Client on page 444
Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server on page 446

The tasks use the scenario that was introduced in Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE
Tunnel on page 405 as an example. For an overview of PPPoE, refer to Support for DSL Users
Through PPPoE on page 389.

Major Tasks for Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Task Maps)

The following tables list the major tasks for configuring PPPoE clients and the PPPoE access
server. To implement PPPoE at your site, you need to set up only your end of the PPPoE tunnel,
either the client side or access-server side.

Task Map for Setting Up a PPPoE Client



For Instructions

1. Configure an interface for


Define the Ethernet interface to be used

for the PPPoE tunnel.

How to Configure an Interface for a PPPoE Client on

page 444

2. Configure information about

the PPPoE access server

Define parameters for the access server

at the service provider end of the PPPoE

How to Define a PPPoE Access Server Peer on

page 445

3. Set up the PPP configuration


Define the PPP configuration files for the How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line
client, if you have not done so already.
on page 412

4. Create the tunnel

Call the access server.

How to Define a PPPoE Access Server Peer on

page 445


Setting Up the PPPoE Client


Task Map for Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server



For Instructions

1. Set up a PPPoE access server

Define the Ethernet interface to be used

for the PPPoE tunnel and define the
services that the access server offers.

How to Set Up a PPPoE Access Server on page 447

2. Set up the PPP configuration


Define the PPP configuration files for the Configuring Communications Over the Dial-in
client, if you have not done so already.
Server on page 418

3. (Optional) Restrict use of an


Use PPPoE options and PAP

authentication to restrict use of a
particular Ethernet interface to certain

How to Restrict the Use of an Interface to Particular

Clients on page 448

Setting Up the PPPoE Client

To provide PPP to client systems over DSL, you must first configure PPPoE on the interface that
is connected to the modem or hub. Then you need to change the PPP configuration files to
define the access server on the opposite end of the PPPoE.

Prerequisites for Setting Up the PPPoE Client

Before you set up the PPPoE client, you must have done the following:

Installed Oracle Solaris release on the client machines to use the PPPoE tunnel.

Contacted the service provider for information about its PPPoE access server.

Had the telephone company or service provider assemble the devices that are used by the
client machines. These devices include, for example, the DSL modem and the splitter, which
the telephone company rather than you might assemble.

How to Configure an Interface for a PPPoE Client

Use this procedure to define the Ethernet interface to be used for the PPPoE tunnel.

Become an administrator on the PPPoE client.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add the name of the Ethernet interface with the DSL connection to the /etc/ppp/pppoe.if file.
For example, you add the following entry to /etc/ppp/pppoe.if for a PPPoE client that uses
hme0 as the network interface that is connected to the DSL modem.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up the PPPoE Client

For more information about /etc/ppp/pppoe.if, go to /etc/ppp/pppoe.if File on page 498.


Configure the interface for PPPoE use.

# /etc/init.d/pppd start

(Optional) Verify that the interface is now plumbed for PPPoE.

# /usr/sbin/sppptun query

You can also use the /usr/sbin/sppptun command to manually plumb interfaces for PPPoE.
For instructions, refer to /usr/sbin/sppptun Command on page 498.

How to Define a PPPoE Access Server Peer

You define the access server in the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file. Many of the options that
are used for the access server are also used to define the dial-in server in a dial-up scenario. For a
detailed explanation of /etc/ppp/peers.peer-name, refer to /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name
File on page 478.

Become an administrator on the PPPoE client.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Define the service provider's PPPoE access server in the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file.
For example, the following file, /etc/ppp/peers/dslserve, defines the access server dslserve
at Far ISP that is introduced in Example of a Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel on page 407.
# cat /etc/ppp/peers/dslserve
connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec hme0"
user Red
password redsecret

For a definition of the options in this file, go to /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File for Defining
an Access Server Peer on page 505.

Modify the other PPP configuration files on the PPPoE client.

a. Configure /etc/ppp/options as described in the instructions for configuring a dial-out
machine in Configuring the Dial-out Machineon page 410.
Chapter 20 Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks)


Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server

b. Create an /etc/ppp/options.sppptun file. /etc/ppp/options.sppptun defines PPP

options for the serial port to which the interface that is plumbed for PPPoE is attached.
You can use any options that are available for the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file that is
described in /etc/ppp/options.ttyname Configuration File on page 474. You must name
the file /etc/ppp/options.sppptun because sppptun is the specified device name in the
pppd configuration.

Ensure that all users can start PPP on the client.

# touch /etc/ppp/options

Test if PPP can run over the DSL line.

% pppd debug updetach call dslserve

dslserve is the name that is given to the access server at the ISP that is shown in Example of a
Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel on page 407. The debug updetach option causes debugging
information to be displayed in a terminal window.
If PPP is running correctly, the terminal output shows the link becoming active. If PPP still does
not run, try the following command to see if the servers are running correctly:
# /usr/lib/inet/pppoec -i hme0
Note Users of configured PPPoE clients can begin running PPP over a DSL line by typing the
% pppd call ISP-server-name

Then the users can run an application or a service.

See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

See Setting Up the PPPoE Client on page 444.

See Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support on page 497.
See Chapter 21, Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks).
See Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server on page 446.

Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server

If your company is a service provider, you can offer Internet and other services to clients that
reach your site through DSL connections. The procedure involves determining which interfaces
on the server to involve in the PPPoE tunnel and defining which services are made available to
the users.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server

How to Set Up a PPPoE Access Server

Use this procedure to define the Ethernet interface to be used for the PPPoE tunnel and to
configure the services that the access server offers.

Become an administrator on the access server.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Add the name of the Ethernet interfaces that are dedicated to the PPPoE tunnels to the
/etc/ppp/pppoe.if file.
For example, you would use the following /etc/ppp/pppoe.if file for the access server
dslserve that is shown in Example of a Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel on page 407.
# cat /etc/ppp/pppoe.if

Define global services that are provided by the access server in the /etc/ppp/pppoe file.
The following /etc/ppp/pppoe file lists the services that are provided by access server
dslserve, which was shown in Figure 165.
device hme1,hme2
service internet
pppd "proxyarp"
service debugging
pppd "debug proxyarp"

In the file example, Internet service is announced for dslserve's Ethernet interfaces hme1 and
hme2. Debugging is turned on for PPP links on the Ethernet interfaces.

Set up the PPP configuration files in the same way that you would for a dial-in server.
For more information, refer to Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers on page 495.

Start the pppoed daemon.

# /etc/init.d/pppd start

pppd also plumbs the interfaces that are listed in /etc/ppp/pppoe.if.


(Optional) Verify that the interfaces on the server are plumbed for PPPoE.
# /usr/sbin/sppptun query

The previous sample shows that interfaces hme1 and hme2 are currently plumbed for PPPoE.
You can also use the /usr/sbin/sppptun command to manually plumb interfaces for PPPoE.
For instructions, refer to /usr/sbin/sppptun Command on page 498.
Chapter 20 Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks)


Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server

How to Modify an Existing /etc/ppp/pppoe File

Become an administrator on the access server.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Modify /etc/ppp/pppoe, as needed.

Cause the pppoed daemon to recognize the new services.

# pkill -HUP pppoed

How to Restrict the Use of an Interface to Particular

The next procedure shows how to restrict an interface to a group of PPPoE clients. Before
performing this task, you need to obtain the real Ethernet MAC addresses of the clients you are
assigning to the interface.
Note Some systems allow you to change the MAC address on the Ethernet interface. You

should view this ability as a convenience factor, not a security measure.

Using the example that is shown in Example of a Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel on
page 407, these steps show how to reserve one of dslserve's interfaces, hme1, for clients at

Configure the access server's interfaces and define the services, as shown in How to Set Up a
PPPoE Access Serveron page 447.

Create entries for clients in the server's /etc/ethers database.

Here is a sample entry for clients Red, Blue, and Yellow.
8:0:20:1:40:30 redether
8:0:20:1:40:10 yellowether
8:0:20:1:40:25 blueether

The sample assigns the symbolic names redether, yellowether, and blueether to the
Ethernet addresses of clients Red, Yellow, and Blue. The assignment of symbolic names to the
MAC addresses is optional.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Setting Up a PPPoE Access Server

Restrict services that are provided on a specific interface by defining the following information
in the /etc/ppp/pppoe.device file.
In this file, device is the name of the device to be defined.
# cat /etc/ppp/pppoe.hme1
service internet
pppd "name dslserve-hme1"
clients redether,yellowether,blueether

dslserve-hme1 is the access server's name, which is used in matching entries in the
pap-secrets file. The clients option restricts the use of interface hme1 to clients with the
symbolic Ethernet names redether, yellowether, and blueether.
If you did not define symbolic names for client's MAC addresses in /etc/ethers, you can use
the numeric addresses as arguments for the clients option. Wildcards are allowed.
For example, you can specify the numeric address clients 8:0:20:*:*:*. By using wildcards,
all matching addresses in /etc/ethers are accepted.

Create the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file for the access server:





The entries are the PAP names and passwords of clients that are allowed to run PPP over
dslserve's hme1 interface.
For more information about PAP authentication, see Configuring PAP Authentication on
page 430.
See Also

The following list provides references to related information.

To learn more about PPPoE, see Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support on page 497.
To troubleshoot PPPoE and PPP problems, see Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related
Problems on page 455.
To configure a PPPoE client, see Setting Up the PPPoE Client on page 444.
To configure PAP authentication for a client, see Configuring PAP Authentication for
Trusted Callers (Dial-out Machines) on page 434.
To configure PAP authentication on a server, see Configuring PAP Authentication on the
Dial-in Server on page 431.

Chapter 20 Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks)





2 1

Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)

This chapter contains information for troubleshooting common problems that occur with
Solaris PPP 4.0. The following topics are covered:

Tools for Troubleshooting PPP on page 452

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems on page 455
Fixing Leased-Line Problems on page 466
Diagnosing and Fixing Authentication Problems on page 467

The sources PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging by James Carlson and the Australian
National University's web site also have detailed advice for PPP troubleshooting. For more
information, see Professional Reference Books About PPP on page 379 and Web Sites About
PPP on page 380.

Solving PPP Problems (Task Map)

Use the following task map to quickly access advice and solutions for common PPP problems.

Task Map for Troubleshooting PPP



For Instructions

Obtain diagnostic information

about the PPP link

Use PPP diagnostic tools to obtain

output for troubleshooting.

How to Obtain Diagnostic Information From pppd on

page 453

Obtain debugging information for

the PPP link

Use the pppd debug command to

generate output for

How to Turn on PPP Debugging on page 454

Troubleshoot general problems

with the network layer

Identify and fix PPP problems that

are network-related by using a
series of checks.

How to Diagnose Network Problems on page 455


Tools for Troubleshooting PPP


Task Map for Troubleshooting PPP




For Instructions

Troubleshoot general
communications problems

Identify and fix communications

problems that affect the PPP link.

How to Diagnose and Fix Communications Problems

on page 458

Troubleshoot configuration

Identify and fix problems in the

PPP configuration files.

How to Diagnose Problems With the PPP

Configuration on page 459

Troubleshoot modem-related

Identify and fix modem problems.

How to Diagnose Modem Problems on page 460

Troubleshoot chat script-related


Identify and fix chat script

problems on a dial-out machine.

How to Obtain Debugging Information for Chat Scripts

on page 461

Troubleshoot serial-line speed


Identify and fix linespeed

problems on a dial-in server.

How to Diagnose and Fix Serial-Line Speed Problems

on page 463

Troubleshoot common problems

for leased lines

Identify and fix performance

problems on a leased line.

Fixing Leased-Line Problems on page 466

Troubleshoot problems related to


Identify and fix problems related to Diagnosing and Fixing Authentication Problems on
the authentication databases.
page 467

Troubleshoot problem areas for


Use PPP diagnostic tools to obtain

output for identifying and fixing
PPPoE problems.

How to Obtain Diagnostic Information for PPPoE on

page 464

Tools for Troubleshooting PPP

PPP links generally have three major areas of failure:

Failure of the link to be established

Poor performance of the link during regular usage
Problems that can be traced to the networks on either side of the link

The easiest way to find out if PPP works is to run a command over the link. Run a command
such as ping or traceroute to a host on the peer's network. Then observe the results. However,
you should use PPP and UNIX debugging tools to monitor performance of an established link
or to troubleshoot a problematic link.
This section explains how to obtain diagnostic information from pppd and its associated log
files. The remaining sections in this chapter describe common problems with PPP that you can
discover and fix with the aid of the PPP troubleshooting tools.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Tools for Troubleshooting PPP

How to Obtain Diagnostic Information From pppd

The next procedure shows how to view the current operation of a link on the local machine.

Become an administrator on the local machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Run pppd with the serial device configured for PPP as the argument:
# pppd cua/b debug updetach

The next examples show the resulting displays for a dial-up link and a leased-line link when
pppd runs in the foreground. If you run pppd debug in the background, the output that is
produced is sent to the /etc/ppp/connect-errors file.
Example 211

Output From a Properly Operating Dial-up Link

# pppd /dev/cua/b debug updetach
have route to via
serial speed set to 230400 bps
Using interface sppp0
Connect: sppp0 <--> /dev/cua/b
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x7b <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x73e981c8> <pcomp> <accomp>]
rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x79 magic=0x0 "ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct 6
2004 09:36:22)"]
Peer Identification: ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct 6 2004 09:36:22)
rcvd [LCP ConfRej id=0x7b <asyncmap 0x0>]
sent [LCP Ident id=0x7c magic=0x0 "ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Sep 15
2004 09:38:33)"
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x7d <magic 0x73e981c8> <pcomp> <accomp>]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x7d <magic 0x73e981c8> <pcomp> <accomp>]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x78 <magic 0xdd4ad820> <pcomp> <accomp>]
sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x78 <magic 0xdd4ad820> <pcomp> <accomp>]
sent [LCP Ident id=0x7e magic=0x73e981c8 "ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Sep 15 2004 09:38:33)"]
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3d <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x7a magic=0xdd4ad820 "ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Oct 6 2004 09:36:22)"]
Peer Identification: ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct 6 2004 09:36:22)
rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x92 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>
sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x92 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>
rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x3d <addr>]]
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3e <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3e <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
local IP address
remote IP address

Example 212

Output From a Properly Operating Leased-Line Link

# pppd /dev/se_hdlc1 default-asyncmap debug updetach
pppd 2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct 24 2004 07:13:18) started by root, uid 0
synchronous speed appears to be 0 bps
Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Tools for Troubleshooting PPP

init option: /etc/ppp/peers/ started (pid 105122)

Serial port initialized.
synchronous speed appears to be 64000 bps
Using interface sppp0
Connect: sppp0 <--> /dev/se_hdlc1
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0xe9 <magic 0x474283c6><pcomp> <accomp>]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0xe9 <magic 0x474283c6><pcomp> <accomp>]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x22 <magic 0x8e3a53ff><pcomp> <accomp>]
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x22 <magic 0x8e3a53ff><pcomp> <accomp>]
sent [LCP Ident id=0xea magic=0x474283c6 "ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct
22 2004 14:31:44)"]
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0xf7 <addr> <compress VJ Of o1>]]
sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x3f <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x23 magic=0x8e3a53ff "ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct
22 2004 14:31:44)"]
Peer Identification: ppp-2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Oct 22 2004 14:31:44)
rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x25 <addr> <compress VJ Of 01>]
sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x25 <addr> <compress VJ Of 01>]
rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x3 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15 <bsd v1 15>]
sent [CCP ConfAck id=0x3 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15 <bsd v1 15>]
rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0xf8 <addr>]
rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xf7 <addr> <compress VJ Of 01>]
rcvd [CCP ConfAck id=0x3f <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15 <bsd v1 15>]
Deflate (15) compression enabled
rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0xf8 <addr> <compress VJ Of 01>]
local IP address
remote IP address

How to Turn on PPP Debugging

The next task shows how to use the pppd command to obtain debugging information.
Note You only need to perform step 1 through step 3 once for each host. Thereafter, you can

proceed to step 4 to turn on debugging for the host.


Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Create a log file to hold output from pppd.

# touch /var/log/pppdebug

Add the following syslog facilities for pppd in /etc/syslog.conf.



Restart syslogd.
# pkill -HUP -x syslogd


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

Turn on debugging for calls to a particular peer by using the following syntax of pppd.
# pppd debug call peer-name

peer-name must be the name of a file in the /etc/ppp/peers directory.


View the contents of the log file.

# tail -f /var/log/pppdebug

For an example of a log file, see Step 3.

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

Refer to the following sections for information about how to resolve PPP-related and
PPPoE-related problems.

How to Diagnose Network Problems on page 455

Common Network Problems That Affect PPP on page 457
How to Diagnose and Fix Communications Problems on page 458
General Communications Problems That Affect PPP on page 458
How to Diagnose Problems With the PPP Configuration on page 459
Common PPP Configuration Problems on page 459
How to Diagnose Modem Problems on page 460
How to Obtain Debugging Information for Chat Scripts on page 461
Common Chat Script Problems on page 461
How to Diagnose and Fix Serial-Line Speed Problems on page 463
How to Obtain Diagnostic Information for PPPoE on page 464

How to Diagnose Network Problems

If the PPP link becomes active but few hosts on the remote network are reachable, a network
problem could be indicated. The following procedure shows you how to isolate and fix network
problems that affect a PPP link.

Become an administrator on the local machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Shut down the problematic link.

Disable any optional protocols in the configuration files by adding the following options to your
PPP configuration:
noccp novj nopcomp noaccomp default-asyncmap
Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

These options provide the simplest uncompressed PPP that is available. Try to invoke these
options as arguments to pppd on the command line. If you can reach the previously unreachable
hosts, add the options in either of the following places.

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name, after the call option

/etc/ppp/options, ensuring that the options apply globally

Call the remote peer. Then enable debugging features.

% pppd debug call peer-name

Obtain verbose logs from the chat program by using the -v option of chat.
For example, use the following format in any PPP configuration file:
connect chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chatfile

/etc/ppp/chatfile represents the name of your chat file.


Try to re-create the problem by using Telnet or other applications to reach the remote hosts.
Observe the debugging logs. If you still cannot reach remote hosts, the PPP problem might be

Verify that the IP addresses of the remote hosts are registered Internet addresses.
Some organizations assign internal IP addresses that are known within the local network but
cannot be routed to the Internet. If the remote hosts are within your company, you must set up a
name-to-address translation (NAT) server or proxy server to reach the Internet. If the remote
hosts are not within your company, you should report the problem to the remote organization.

Examine the routing tables.

a. Check the routing tables on both the local machine and the peer.
b. Check the routing tables for any routers that are in the path from the peer to the remote
system. Also check the routing tables for any routers on the path back to the peer.
Ensure that the intermediate routers have not been misconfigured. Often the problem can
be found in the path back to the peer.

(Optional) If the machine is a router, check the optional features.

# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forwarding 1

For more information about ndd, refer to the ndd(1M) man page.
In the Solaris 10 release, you can use routeadm(1M), instead of ndd(1M).
# routeadm -e ipv4-forwarding -u


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

Note The ndd command is not persistent. The values set with this command are lost when the
system is rebooted. The routeadm command is persistent. The values set with this command are
maintained after the system is rebooted.

Check the statistics that are obtained from netstat -s and similar tools.
For complete details about netstat, refer to the netstat(1M) man page.
a. Run statistics on the local machine.
b. Call the peer.
c. Observe the new statistics that are generated by netstat -s.
For more information, refer to Common Network Problems That Affect PPP on page 457.


Check the DNS configuration.

A faulty name service configuration causes applications to fail because IP addresses cannot be

Common Network Problems That Affect PPP

You can use the messages that are generated by netstat -s to fix the network problems that are
shown in the following table. For related procedural information, refer to How to Diagnose
Network Problems on page 455.

Common Network Problems That Affect PPP




IP packets not forwardable

The local host is missing a route.

Add the missing route to the local host's

routing tables.

ICMP input destination unreachable

The local host is missing a route.

Add the missing route to the local host's

routing tables.

ICMP time exceeded

Two routers are forwarding the same

destination address to each other, causing
the packet to bounce back and forth until
the time-to-live (TTL) value is exceeded.

Use traceroute to find the source of the

routing loop, and then contact the
administrator of the router in error. For
information about traceroute, refer to the
traceroute(1M) man page.

IP packets not forwardable

The local host is missing a route.

Add the missing route to the local host's

routing table.

ICMP input destination unreachable

The local host is missing a route.

Add the missing route to the local host's

routing tables.

Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

How to Diagnose and Fix Communications Problems

Communications problems occur when the two peers cannot successfully establish a link.
Sometimes these problems are actually negotiation problems that are caused by incorrectly
configured chat scripts. The following procedure shows you how to clear communication
problems. For clearing negotiation problems that are caused by a faulty chat script, see
Table 215.

Become an administrator on the local machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Call the peer.

Call the remote peer. Then enable debugging features.

% pppd debug call peer-name

You might need to obtain debugging information from the peer in order to fix certain
communications problems.

Check the resulting logs for communication problems. For more information, refer to General
Communications Problems That Affect PPPon page 458.

General Communications Problems That Affect PPP

The following table describes symptoms that are related to log output from the procedure,
How to Diagnose and Fix Communications Problems on page 458.

General Communications Problems That Affect PPP




too many

One peer cannot hear the

other peer.

The pppd debug output shows

that LCP starts, but
higher-level protocols fail or
show CRC errors.


The asynchronous control

character map (ACCM) is
incorrectly set.

Check for the following problems:

The machine or modem might have faulty cabling.

The modem configuration might have incorrect bit settings. Or,

the configuration might have broken flow control.

The chat script might have failed. In this situation, see

Table 215.

Use the default-async option to set the ACCM to the standard

default of FFFFFFFF. First, try to use default-async as an option to
pppd on the command line. If the problem clears, then add
default-async to /etc/ppp/options or to
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name after the call option.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems


General Communications Problems That Affect PPP



The pppd debug output shows IP addresses might be

that IPCP starts but terminates incorrectly configured.



1. Check the chat script to verify whether the script has incorrect
IP addresses.
2. If the chat script is correct, request debug logs for the peer, and
check IP addresses in the peer logs.

The link exhibits very poor


The modem might be

incorrectly configured, with
flow-control configuration
errors, modem setup errors,
and incorrectly configured
DTE rates.

Check the modem configuration. Adjust the configuration if


How to Diagnose Problems With the PPP

Some PPP problems can be traced to problems in the PPP configuration files. The following
procedure shows you how to isolate and fix general configuration problems.

Become an administrator on the local machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Call the remote peer. Then enable debugging features.

% pppd debug call peer-name

Check the resulting log for the configuration problems. For more information, refer to Common
PPP Configuration Problemson page 459.

Common PPP Configuration Problems

The following table describes symptoms that are related to log output from the procedure,
How to Diagnose Problems With the PPP Configuration on page 459.

Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems


Common PPP Configuration Problems




pppd debug output contains the

error message, Could not
determine remote IP address.

The /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name
file does not have an IP address for
the peer. The peer does not provide
an IP address during link

Supply an IP address for the peer on the pppd command

line or in /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name by using the
following format:

pppd debug output shows that CCP The peers' PPP compression
Disable CCP compression by adding the noccp option to
data compression has failed. The
configurations might be in conflict. /etc/ppp/options on one of the peers.
output also indictes that the link is

How to Diagnose Modem Problems

Modems can be major problem areas for a dial-up link. The most common indicator of
problems with the modem configuration is no response from the peer. However, you might
have difficulties when determining if a link problem is indeed the result of modem
configuration problems.
Modem manufacturers' documentation and web sites contain solutions for problems with their
particular equipment. The following procedure helps determine whether a faulty modem
configuration causes link problems.

Call the peer with debugging turned on, as explained in How to Turn on PPP Debuggingon
page 454.

Display the resulting /var/log/pppdebug log to check for faulty modem configuration.

Use ping to send packets of various sizes over the link.

For complete details about ping, refer to the ping(1M) man page.
If small packets are received but larger packets are dropped, modem problems are indicated.

Check for errors on interface sppp0:

% netstat -ni
Name Mtu Net/Dest
lo0 8232
hme0 1500
sppp0 1500








If interface errors increase over time, the modem configuration might have problems.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems


When you display the resulting /var/log/pppdebug log, the following symptoms in the output
can indicate a faulty modem configuration. The local machine can hear the peer, but the peer
cannot hear the local machine.

No recvd messages have come from the peer.

The output contains LCP messages from the peer, but the link fails with too many LCP
Configure Requests messages that are sent by the local machine.

The link terminates with a SIGHUP signal.

How to Obtain Debugging Information for Chat

Use the following procedure for obtaining debugging information from chat and suggestions
for clearing common problems. For more information, refer to Common Chat Script
Problems on page 461.

Become an administrator on the dial-out machine.

For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for the peer to be called.

Add -v as an argument to the chat command that is specified in connect option.

connect "/usr/bin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-script-name"

View chat script errors in the file /etc/ppp/connect-errors.

The following is the main error that occurs with chat.
Oct 31 08:57:13 deino chat[107294]: [ID 702911] expect (CONNECT)
Oct 31 08:57:58 deino chat[107294]: [ID 702911] alarm
Oct 31 08:57:58 deino chat[107294]: [ID 702911] Failed

The example shows timeout while waiting for a (CONNECT)string. When chat fails, you get the
following message from pppd:
Connect script failed

Common Chat Script Problems

Chat scripts are trouble-prone areas for dial-up links. The following table lists common chat
script errors and gives suggestions for fixing the errors. For procedural information, refer to
How to Obtain Debugging Information for Chat Scripts on page 461.
Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems


Common Chat Script Problems




pppd debug output contains Connect

script failed

Your chat script supplies a user name

and password.

1. Delete the login and password from the chat


ogin: user-name
ssword: password

2. Try to call the peer again.

However, the peer that you intended to

connect to does not prompt for this
The /usr/bin/chat -v log contains
"expect (login:)" alarm read
timed out

3. If you still get the message, call the ISP. Ask the
ISP for the correct login sequence.

Your chat script supplies a user name

and password.

1. Delete the login and password from the chat


ogin: pppuser
ssword: \q\U

2. Try to call the peer again.

However, the peer that you intend to

connect to does not prompt for this

3. If you still get the message, call the ISP. Ask the
ISP for the correct login sequence.

pppd debug output contains possibly The local machine or its peer is hanging
at the command line and not running
PPP. An incorrectly configured login
name and password are in the chat

1. Delete the login and password from the chat


pppd debug output shows that LCP

activates, but the link terminates soon

1. Ensure that you have the correct password for

the local machine.

The password in the chat script might be


2. Try to call the peer again.

3. If you still get the message, call the ISP. Ask for
the correct login sequence.

2. Check the password in the chat script. Fix the

password if incorrect.
3. Try to call the peer again.
4. If you still get the message, call the ISP. Ask the
ISP for the correct login sequence.
Text from the peer begins with a tilde

Your chat script supplies a user name

and password.
ogin: pppuser
ssword: \q\U
However, the peer that you intend to
connect to does not prompt for this


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

1. Delete the login and password from the chat

2. Try to call the peer again.
3. If you still get the message, call the ISP.
Request the correct login sequence.

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems


Common Chat Script Problems





The modem hangs.

Your chat script contains the following

Use the following line when you want the chat
line to force the local machine to wait for script to wait for CONNECT from the peer:
the CONNECT message from the peer:
End the chat script with ~ \c.

pppd debug output contains LCP:

timeout sending Config-Requests

Your chat script contains the following

Use the following line when you want the chat
line to force the local machine to wait for script to wait for CONNECT from the peer:
the CONNECT message from the peer:
End the chat script with ~ \c.

pppd debug output contains Serial

link is not 8-bit clean

Your chat script contains the following

Use the following line when you want the chat
line to force the local machine to wait for script to wait for CONNECT from the peer:
the CONNECT message from the peer:
End the chat script with ~ \c.

pppd debug output contains Loopback Your chat script contains the following
Use the following line when you want the chat
line to force the local machine to wait for script to wait for CONNECT from the peer:
the CONNECT message from the peer:
End the chat script with ~ \c.
pppd debug output contains SIGHUP

Your chat script contains the following

Use the following line when you want the chat
line to force the local machine to wait for script to wait for CONNECT from the peer:
the CONNECT message from the peer:
End the chat script with ~ \c.

How to Diagnose and Fix Serial-Line Speed Problems

Dial-in servers can experience problems because of conflicting speed settings. The following
procedure helps you to isolate the cause of the link problem to conflicting serial-line speeds.
The following behaviors cause speed problems:

You invoked PPP through a program such as /bin/login and specified the speed of the line.

You started PPP from mgetty and accidentally supplied the bit rate.

pppd changes the speed that was originally set for the line to the speed that was set by
/bin/login or mgetty. As a result, the line fails.

Log in to the dial-in server. Call the peer with debugging enabled.
If you need instructions, see How to Turn on PPP Debugging on page 454.
Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

Display the resulting /var/log/pppdebug log.

Check the output for the following message:
LCP too many configure requests

This message indicates that the speeds of serial lines that were configured for PPP might
potentially be in conflict.

Check if PPP is invoked through a program such as /bin/login and the line speed that was set.
In such a situation, pppd changes the originally configured line speed to the speed that is
specified in /bin/login.

Check if a user started PPP from the mgetty command and accidentally specified a bit rate.
This action also causes serial-line speeds to conflict.

Fix the conflicting serial-line speed problem as follows:

a. Lock the DTE rate on the modem.
b. Do not use autobaud.
c. Do not change the line speed after configuration.

How to Obtain Diagnostic Information for PPPoE

You can use PPP and standard UNIX utilities to identify problems with PPPoE. When you
suspect that PPPoE is the cause of problems on a link, use the following diagnostic tools to
obtain troubleshooting information.

Become superuser on the machine that runs the PPPoE tunnel, either PPPoE client or PPPoE
access server.

Turn on debugging, as explained in the procedure How to Turn on PPP Debuggingon

page 454.

View the contents of the log file /var/log/pppdebug.

The following example shows part of a log file that was generated for a link with a PPPoE tunnel.

Sep 6 16:28:45 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911] Plugin loaded.
Sep 6 16:28:45 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 860527 daemon.notice] pppd
2.4.0b1 (Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Sep 5 2001 10:42:05) started by troot, uid 0
Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911 daemon.debug] connect option:
-v hme0 started (pid 100564)

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Solving PPP-Related and PPPoE-Related Problems

Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911

Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911
Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911
<--> /dev/sppptun
Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911
is apparently empty
Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911
is apparently empty
Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911
[LCP ConfReq id=0xef <mru 1492>
asyncmap 0x0 <magic 0x77d3e953><pcomp><acomp>
Sep 6 16:28:46 enyo pppd[100563]: [ID 702911
[LCP ConfReq id=0x2a <mru 1402>
asyncmap 0x0 <magic 0x9985f048><pcomp><acomp] Serial connection established.] Using interface sppp0
daemon.notice] Connect: sppp0
daemon.debug] /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
daemon.debug] /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
daemon.debug] sent
daemon.debug] rcvd

If the debugging output does not help you isolate the problem, continue with this procedure.

Get diagnostic messages from PPPoE.

# pppd connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec -v interface-name"

pppoec sends diagnostic information to the stderr. If you run pppd in the foreground, the
output appears on the screen. If pppd runs in the background, the output is sent to
The next example shows the messages that are generated as the PPPoE tunnel is negotiated.
Connect option: /usr/lib/inet/pppoec -v hme0 started (pid 100564)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: PPPoE Event Open (1) in state Dead (0): action SendPADI (2)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: Sending PADI to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff: 18 bytes
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: PPPoE State change Dead (0) -> InitSent (1)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: Received Active Discovery Offer from 8:0:20:cd:c1:2/hme0:pppoed
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: PPPoE Event rPADO+ (5) in state InitSent (1): action SendPADR+ (5)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: Sending PADR to 8:0:20:cd:c1:2: 22 bytes
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: PPPoE State change InitSent (1) -> ReqSent (3)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: Received Active Discovery Session-confirmation from
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: PPPoE Event rPADS (7) in state ReqSent (3): action Open (7)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: Connection open; session 0002 on hme0:pppoe
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: PPPoE State change ReqSent (3) -> Convers (4)
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec: connected

If the diagnostic messages do not help you isolate the problem, continue with this procedure.

Run snoop. Then save the trace to a file.

For information about snoop, refer to the snoop(1M) man page.
# snoop -o pppoe-trace-file

View the snoop trace file.

# snoop -i pppoe-trace-file -v pppoe
ETHER: ----- Ether Header ----ETHER:
ETHER: Packet 1 arrived at 6:35:2.77
ETHER: Packet size = 32 bytes
Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)


Fixing Leased-Line Problems

ETHER: Destination = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, (broadcast)

ETHER: Source
= 8:0:20:78:f3:7c, Sun
ETHER: Ethertype = 8863 (PPPoE Discovery)
PPPoE: ----- PPP Over Ethernet ----PPPoE:
PPPoE: Version = 1
PPPoE: Type = 1
PPPoE: Code = 9 (Active Discovery Initiation)
PPPoE: Session Id = 0
PPPoE: Length = 12 bytes
PPPoE: ----- Service-Name ----PPPoE: Tag Type = 257
PPPoE: Tag Length = 0 bytes
PPPoE: ----- Host-Uniq ----PPPoE: Tag Type = 259
PPPoE: Tag Length = 4 bytes
PPPoE: Data = Ox00000002
ETHER: ----- Ether Header ----ETHER:
ETHER: Packet 5 arrived at 6:35:2.87
ETHER: Packet size = 60 bytes
ETHER: Destination = 8:0:20:78:f3:7c, Sun)
ETHER: Source
= 0:2:fd:39:7f:7,
ETHER: Ethertype = 8864 (PPPoE Session)
PPPoE: ----- PPP Over Ethernet ----PPPoE:
PPPoE: Version = 1
PPPoE: Type = 1
PPPoE: Code = 0 (PPPoE Session)
PPPoE: Session Id = 24383
PPPoE: Length = 20 bytes
PPP: ----- Point-to-Point Protocol ----PPP:
PPP-LCP: ----- Link Control Protocol ----PPP-LCP:
PPP-LCP: Code = 1 (Configure Request)
PPP-LCP: Identifier = 80
PPP-LCP: Length = 18

Fixing Leased-Line Problems

The most common problem with leased lines is poor performance. In most situations, you need
to work with the telephone company to fix the problem.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Diagnosing and Fixing Authentication Problems


Common Leased-Line Problems




The link does not start.

CSU biopolar violations (CSU

BPVs) can be the cause. One end of
the link is set up for AMI lines. The
other end is set up for ESF bit8 zero
substitute (B8Zs).

If you are in the United States or Canada, you

can directly fix this problem from the menu of
the CSU/DSU. Check the CSU/DSU
manufacturer's documentation for details.

The pppd debug output shows CRC

errors when sustained traffic is on
the link. Your line might have a
clocking problem, caused by
misconfigurations between the
telephone company and your

Contact the telephone company to ensure that

loop clocking is in use.

The link has poor performance.

In other locales, the provider might be

responsible for fixing CSU BPVs.

On some unstructured leased lines, you might

have to supply clocking. North American users
should use loop clocking.

Diagnosing and Fixing Authentication Problems

The following table describes solutions for general authentication problems.

General Authentication Problems




pppd debug output shows the message You are using PAP authentication,
Add an asterisk (*) after the entry for the peer in the
Peer is not authorized to use
and the IP address for the remote peer /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.
remote address address.
is not in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
pppd debug output shows that LCP
starts but terminates shortly

The password might be incorrect in

Check the password for the peer in the
the database for the particular security /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or /etc/ppp/chap-secrets

Chapter 21 Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)





2 2

Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)

This chapter provides detailed conceptual information about Solaris PPP 4.0. Topics include
the following:

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line on page 469
Configuring User-Specific Options on page 477
Specifying Information for Communicating With the Dial-in Server on page 477
Configuring Modem Speed for a Dial-up Link on page 480
Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link on page 480
Authenticating Callers on a Link on page 489
Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers on page 495
Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support on page 497

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line

Solaris PPP 4.0 contains a large set of options, which you use to define your PPP configuration.
You use these options in the PPP configuration files, or on the command line, or by using a
combination of files and command-line options. This section contains detailed information
about the use of PPP options in configuration files and as arguments to PPP commands.

Where to Define PPP Options

Solaris PPP 4.0 configuration is very flexible. You can define PPP options in the following

PPP configuration files

PPP commands that are issued on the command line
A combination of both places

The next table lists the PPP configuration files and commands.

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line


Summary of PPP Configuration Files and Commands

File or Command


For Information


A file that contains characteristics that apply by

default to all PPP links on the system, for example,
whether the machine requires peers to authenticate
themselves. If this file is absent, nonroot users are
prohibited from using PPP.

/etc/ppp/options Configuration
File on page 473


A file that describes the characteristics of all

communications over the serial port ttyname.

Configuration File on page 474


Directory that usually contains information about

Specifying Information for
peers with which a dial-out machine connects. Files Communicating With the Dial-in
in this directory are used with the call option of the Server on page 477
pppd command.


A file that contains characteristics of the remote

peer peer-name. Typical characteristics include the
remote peer's phone number and chat script for
negotiating the link with the peer.

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File on
page 478


A file that contains the necessary security

credentials for Password Authentication Protocol
(PAP) authentication.

/etc/ppp/pap-secrets File on
page 490


A file that contains the necessary security

credentials for Challenge-Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication.

/etc/ppp/chap-secrets File on
page 493


File in the home directory of a PPP user, most often

used with dial-in servers. This file contains specific
information about each user's configuration.

Configuring $HOME/.ppprc on a
Dial-in Server on page 477

pppd options

Command and options for initiating a PPP link and How PPP Options Are Processed on
describing its characteristics.
page 470

Refer to the pppd(1M) man page for details on the PPP files. pppd (1M) also includes
comprehensive descriptions of all options that are available to the pppd command. Sample
templates for all the PPP configuration files are available in /etc/ppp.

How PPP Options Are Processed

1. The pppd daemon parses the following:


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line

All Solaris PPP 4.0operations are handled by the pppd daemon, which starts when a user
runs the pppd command. When a user calls a remote peer, the following occurs:



Any files that are opened by the file or call option in /etc/ppp/options and

2. pppd scans the command line to determine the device in use. The daemon does not yet
interpret any options that are encountered.
3. pppd tries to discover the serial device to use by using these criteria:

If a serial device is specified on the command line, or a previously processed

configuration file, pppd uses the name of that device.

If no serial device is named, then pppd searches for the notty, pty, or socket option on
the command line. If one of these options is specified, pppd assumes that no device name

Otherwise, if pppd discovers that standard input is attached to a tty, then the name of the
tty is used.

If pppd still cannot find a serial device, pppd terminates the connection and issues an

4. pppd then checks for the existence of the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file. If the file is found,
pppd parses the file.
5. pppd processes any options on the command line.
6. pppd negotiates the Link Control Protocol (LCP) to set up the link.
7. (Optional) If authentication is required, pppd reads /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets to authenticate the opposite peer.
The file /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name is read when the pppd daemon encounters the option call
peer-name on the command line or in the other configuration files.

How PPP Configuration File Privileges Work

Solaris PPP 4.0 configuration includes the concept of privileges. Privileges determine the
precedence of configuration options, particularly when the same option is invoked in more
than one place. An option that is invoked from a privileged source takes precedence over the
same option that is invoked from a nonprivileged source.

User Privileges
The only privileged user is superuser (root), with the UID of zero. All other users are not
Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line

File Privileges
The following configuration files are privileged regardless of their ownership:


The file $HOME/.ppprc is owned by the user. Options that are read from $HOME/.ppprc and
from the command line are privileged only if the user who is invoking pppd is root.
Arguments that follow the file option are privileged.

Effects of Option Privileges

Some options require the invoking user or source to be privileged in order to work. Options
that are invoked on the command line are assigned the privileges of the user who is running the
pppd command. These options are not privileged unless the user who is invoking pppd is root.





Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.

allow-ip addresses


Requires privileges for use.

name hostname


Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.



Requires privileges for use.


Becomes privileged if noproxyarp has Cannot be overridden by an unprivileged use.

been specified


Privileged if nodefaultroute is set in

a privileged file or by a privileged user

Cannot be overridden by an unprivileged user.


Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

Cannot be overridden by an unprivileged user.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line





Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

The nonprivileged user cannot specify a code size that is larger

than the privileged user has specified.


Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

The nonprivileged user cannot specify a code size that is larger

than the privileged user has specified.


Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

Cannot be overridden by an nonprivileged user.


Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

Cannot be overridden by an nonprivileged user.


Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

Cannot be overridden by an nonprivileged user.


Privileged if set in a privileged file or

by a privileged user

Cannot be overridden by an nonprivileged user.


Privileged if set in a privileged file

Opened with root permissions regardless of who invokes


Not privileged if set in a nonprivileged

Opened with the privileges of the user who invokes pppd.

/etc/ppp/options Configuration File

You use the /etc/ppp/options file to define global options for all PPP communications on the
local machine. /etc/ppp/options is a privileged file. /etc/ppp/options should be owned by
root, although pppd does not enforce this rule. Options that you define in /etc/ppp/options
have precedence over definitions of the same options in all other files and the command line.
Typical options that you might use in /etc/ppp/options include the following:

lock Enables UUCP-style file locking

noauth Indicates that the machine does not authenticate callers

Note The Solaris PPP 4.0 software does not include a default /etc/ppp/options file. pppd does
not require the /etc/ppp/options file to work. If a machine does not have an
/etc/ppp/options file, only root can run pppd on that machine.

You must create /etc/ppp/options by using a text editor, as shown in How to Define
Communications Over the Serial Line on page 412. If a machine does not require global
options, you can create an empty /etc/ppp/options file. Then, both root and regular users can
run pppd on the local machine.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line

/etc/ppp/options.tmpl Template
The /etc/ppp/options.tmpl contains helpful comments about the /etc/ppp/options file
plus three common options for the global /etc/ppp/options file.




Enables UUCP-style file locking


Specifies that no default route is defined


Disallows proxyarp

To use /etc/ppp/options.tmpl as the global options file, rename /etc/ppp/options.tmpl to

/etc/ppp/options. Then, modify the file contents as needed by your site.

Where to Find Examples of the /etc/ppp/options Files

To find examples of the /etc/ppp/options file, refer to the following:

For a dial-out machine, see How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line on
page 412.
For a dial-in server, see How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line (Dial-in
Server) on page 419.
For PAP support on a dial-in server, see How to Add PAP Support to the PPP
Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) on page 433.
For PAP support on a dial-out machine, see How to Add PAP Support to the PPP
Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) on page 436.
For CHAP support on a dial-in server, see How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP
Configuration Files (Dial-in Server) on page 440.

/etc/ppp/options.ttyname Configuration File

You can configure the characteristics of communications on the serial line in the
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname file. /etc/ppp/options.ttyname is a privileged file that is read by
pppd after parsing any existing /etc/ppp/options and existing $HOME/.ppprc files. Otherwise,
pppd reads /etc/ppp/options.ttyname after parsing /etc/ppp/options.
ttyname is used for both dial-up and leased-line links. ttyname represents a particular serial port
on a machine, such as cua/a or cua/b, where a modem or ISDN TA might be attached.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line

When naming the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file, replace the slash (/) in the device name with
a dot (.). For example, the options file for device cua/b should be named
Note Solaris PPP 4.0 does not require an /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file to work correctly.
Your server might have only one serial line for PPP. Furthermore, the server requires few
options. In this instance, you can specify any required options in another configuration file or
on the command line.

Using /etc/ppp/options.ttyname on a Dial-in Server

For a dial-up link, you might choose to create individual /etc/ppp/options.ttyname files for
every serial port on a dial-in server with a modem attached. Typical options include the

IP address required by the dial-in server

Set this option if you require incoming callers on serial port ttyname to use a particular IP
address. Your address space might have a limited number of IP addresses that are available
for PPP in comparison to the number of potential callers. In this situation, consider
assigning an IP address to each serial interface that is used for PPP on the dial-in server. This
assignment implements dynamic addressing for PPP.

asyncmap map-value
The asyncmap option maps control characters that cannot be received over the serial line by
the particular modem or ISDN TA. When the xonxoff option is used, pppd automatically
sets an asyncmap of 0xa0000.
map-value states, in hexadecimal format, the control characters that are problematic.

init "chat -U -f /etc/ppp/mychat"

The init option tells the modem to initialize communications over the serial line by using
the information in the chat -U command. The modem uses the chat string in the file

Security parameters that are listed in the pppd(1m) man page

Using /etc/ppp/options.ttyname on a Dial-out Machine

For a dial-out system, you can create an /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file for the serial port that
is connected to the modem, or choose not to use /etc/ppp/options.ttyname.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Using PPP Options in Files and on the Command Line

Note Solaris PPP 4.0 does not require an /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file to work correctly. A
dial-out machine might have only one serial line for PPP. Furthermore, the dial-out machine
might require few options. You can specify any required options in another configuration file or
on the command line.

options.ttya.tmpl Template File

The /etc/ppp/options.ttya.tmpl file contains helpful comments about the
/etc/ppp/options.tty-name file. The template contains three common options for the
/etc/ppp/options.tty-name file.
asyncmap 0xa0000




Use this baud rate for port ttya.

asyncmap 0xa0000

Assign the asyncmap value of 0xa0000 so that the local machine

can communicate with broken peers.


Assign the IP address to all peers that are calling in

over the link.

To use /etc/ppp/options.ttya.tmpl at your site, rename /etc/ppp/options.tmpl to

/etc/ppp/options.ttya-name. Replace ttya-name with the name of the serial port with the
modem. Then modify the file contents as needed by your site.

Where to Find Examples of the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname Files

To find examples of the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname files, refer to the following:


For a dial-out machine, see How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line on
page 412.
For a dial-in server, see How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line (Dial-in
Server) on page 419.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Specifying Information for Communicating With the Dial-in Server

Configuring User-Specific Options

This section contains detailed information about setting up users on the dial-in server.

Configuring $HOME/.ppprc on a Dial-in Server

The $HOME/.ppprc file is intended for users who are configuring preferred PPP options. As
administrator, you can also configure $HOME/.ppprc for users.
The options in $HOME/.ppprc are privileged only when the user who is invoking the file is
When a caller uses the pppd command to initiate a call, the .ppprc file is the second file that is
checked by the pppd daemon.
See Setting Up Users of the Dial-in Server on page 417 for instructions about setting up
$HOME/.ppprc on the dial-in server.

Configuring $HOME/.ppprc on a Dial-out Machine

The $HOME/.ppprc file is not needed on the dial-out machine for Solaris PPP 4.0 to work
correctly. Additionally, you do not need to have a $HOME/.ppprc on a dial-out machine, except
for special circumstances. Create one or more .ppprc files if you do the following:

Allow multiple users with differing communications needs to call remote peers from the
same machine. In such an instance, create individual .ppprc files in the home directories of
each user who must dial out.

Need to specify options that control problems specific to your link, such as disabling Van
Jacobson compression. See James Carlson's PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging
and the pppd(1M) man page for assistance in troubleshooting link problems.

Because the .ppprc file is most often used when configuring a dial-in server, refer to How to
Configure Users of the Dial-in Server on page 418 for configuration instructions for .ppprc.

Specifying Information for Communicating With the Dial-in

To communicate with a dial-in server, you need to gather information about the server. Then
edit a few files. Most significantly, you must configure the communications requirements of all
dial-in servers that the dial-out machine needs to call. You can specify options about a dial-in
server, such as an ISP phone number, in the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname file. However, the
optimum place to configure peer information is in /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name files.
Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Specifying Information for Communicating With the Dial-in Server

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File
Note The /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file is not needed on the dial-out machine for Solaris

PPP 4.0 to work correctly.

Use the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file to provide information for communicating with a
particular peer. /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name allows ordinary users to invoke preselected
privileged options that users are not allowed to set.
For example, a nonprivileged user cannot override the noauth option if noauth is specified in
the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file. Suppose the user wants to set up a link to peerB, which
does not provide authentication credentials. As superuser, you can create a
/etc/ppp/peers/peerB file that includes the noauth option. noauth indicates that the local
machine does not authenticate calls from peerB.
The pppd daemon reads /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name when pppd encounters the following
call peer-name

You can create a /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for each target peer with which the dial-out
machine needs to communicate. This practice is particularly convenient for permitting
ordinary users to invoke special dial-out links without needing root privileges.
Typical options that you specify in /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name include the following:

user user-name
Supply user-name to the dial-in server, as the login name of the dial-out machine, when
authenticating with PAP or CHAP.

remotename peer-name
Use peer-name as the name of the dial-in machine. remotename is used in conjunction with
PAP or CHAP authentication when scanning the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets files.

connect "chat chat_script..."

Open communication to the dial-in server by using the instructions in the chat script.

Do not authenticate the peer peer-name when initiating communications.

Set the initial IP address that is used in negotiating with the peer to Use noipdefault
when setting up a link to most ISPs to help facilitate IPCP negotiation between the peers.



Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Specifying Information for Communicating With the Dial-in Server

Install a default IPv4 route when IP is established on the link.

See the pppd(1M) man page for more options that might apply to a specific target peer.

/etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl Template File

The /etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl file contains helpful comments about the
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file. The template concludes with common options that you might
use for an /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file:
connect "/usr/bin/chat -f /etc/ppp/myisp-chat"
user myname
remotename myisp



connect "/usr/bin/chat -f /etc/ppp/myisp-chat"

Call the peer by using the chat script


user myname

Use this account name for the local machine. myname is the
name for this machine in the peer's /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

remotename myisp

Recognize myisp as the name of the peer in the local

machine's /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.


Do not require calling peers to provide authentication



Do not use a default IP address for the local machine.


Use the default route that is assigned to the local machine.


Log errors in the PPP log files, rather than on the standard


Do not use CCP compression.

To use /etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl at your site, rename /etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl to

/etc/ppp/peers/.peer-name. Replace peer-name with the name of the peer to be called. Then
modify the file contents as needed by your site.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Configuring Modem Speed for a Dial-up Link

Where to Find Examples of the

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name Files
To find examples of the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name files, refer to the following:

For a dial-out machine, see How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer on
page 414.
For a local machine on a leased line, see How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line on
page 425.
For support of PAP authentication on a dial-out machine, see How to Add PAP Support to
the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) on page 436.
For support of CHAP authentication on a dial-out machine, see How to Add CHAP
Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine) on page 442.
For support of PPPoE on a client system, see Setting Up the PPPoE Client on page 444.

Configuring Modem Speed for a Dial-up Link

A major issue in modem configuration is designating the speed at which the modem should
operate. The following guidelines apply to modems that are used with Sun Microsystems

Older SPARC systems Check the hardware documentation that accompanies the system.
Many SPARCstation machines require modem speed not to exceed 38400 bps.

UltraSPARC machines Set the modem speed to 115200 bps, which is useful with modern
modems and fast enough for a dial-up link. If you plan to use a dual-channel ISDN TA with
compression, you need to increase the modem speed. The limit on an UltraSPARC is 460800
bps for an asynchronous link.

For a dial-out machine, set the modem speed in the PPP configuration files, such as
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name, or by specifying the speed as an option for pppd.
For a dial-in server, you need to set the speed by using the ttymon facility as described in
Configuring Devices on the Dial-in Server on page 416.

Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

The dial-out machine and its remote peer communicate across the PPP link by negotiating and
exchanging various instructions. When configuring a dial-out machine, you need to determine
what instructions are required by the local and remote modems. Then you create a file that is
called a chat script that contains these instructions. This section discusses information about
configuring modems and creating chat scripts.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

Contents of the Chat Script

Each remote peer that the dial-out machine needs to connect to probably requires its own chat
Note Chat scripts are typically used only on dial-up links. Leased-line links do not use chat
scripts unless the link includes an asynchronous interface that requires startup configuration.

The contents of the chat script are determined by the requirements of your modem model or
ISDN TA, and the remote peer. These contents appear as a set of expect-send strings. The
dial-out machine and its remote peers exchange the strings as part of the communications
initiation process.
An expect string contains characters that the dial-out host machine expects to receive from the
remote peer to initiate conversation. A send string contains characters that the dial-out machine
sends to the remote peer after receiving the expect string.
Information in the chat script usually includes the following:

Modem commands, often referred to as AT commands, which enable the modem to

transmit data over the telephone

Phone number of the target peer

This phone number might be the number that is required by your ISP, or a dial-in server at a
corporate site, or an individual machine.

Time-out value, if required

Login sequence that is expected from the remote peer

Login sequence that is sent by the dial-out machine

Chat Script Examples

This section contains chat scripts that you can use as a reference for creating your own chat
scripts. The modem manufacturer's guide and information from your ISP and other target
hosts contain chat requirements for the modem and your target peers. In addition, numerous
PPP web sites have sample chat scripts.

Basic Modem Chat Script

The following is a basic chat script that you can use as a template for creating your own chat
Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

"" AT&F1M0&M5S2=255
"Calling myserver\n"
ogin: pppuser
ssword: \q\U
% pppd

The next table describes the contents of the chat script.

Script Contents



Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem reports ABORT NO CARRIER when dialing.

The cause for this message is usually a dialing or modem negotiation failure.


Gather the CONNECT string from the modem. Print the string.


Set initial timeout to 10 seconds. The modem's response should be immediate.

"" AT&F1M0&M5S2=255

M0 Turn off the speaker during connect.

&M5 Make the modem require error control.
S2=255 Disable the TIES +++ break sequence.

SAY "Calling myserver\n"

Display the message Calling myserver on the local machine.


Reset the timeout to 60 seconds to allow more time for link negotiation.

OK "ATDT1-123-555-1212"

Call the remote peer by using the phone number 123-555-1212.

ogin: pppuser

Log in to the peer by using UNIX-style login. Supply the user name pppuser.

ssword: \q\U

\q Do not log if debugging with the -v option.

\U Insert in this location the contents of the string that follows -U, which is
specified on the command line. Usually, the string contains the password.
Wait for the % shell prompt, and run the pppd command.

% pppd

/etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl Chat Script Template

This release includes the /etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl, which you can modify for use at your
site. /etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl is similar to the basic modem chat script except that the
template does not include a login sequence.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link


"Calling myisp\n"

Script Contents



Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the

opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem reports ABORT NO CARRIER

when dialing. The cause for this message is usually a dialing or
modem negotiation failure.


Gather the CONNECT string from the modem. Print the string.


Set initial timeout to 10 seconds. The modem's response should be


"" "AT&F1"

Reset the modem to factory defaults.

OK "AT&C1&D2"

Reset the modem so that, for &C1, DCD from the modem follows
carrier. If the remote side hangs up the phone for some reason,
then the DCD drops.
For &D2, DTR high-to-low transition causes the modem to go
on-hook or hang up.

SAY "Calling myisp\n"

Display the message Calling myisp on the local machine.


Reset the timeout to 60 seconds to allow more time for link


OK "ATDT1-123-555-1212"

Call the remote peer by using the phone number 123-555-1212.


Wait for the CONNECT message from the opposite peer's modem.

Modem Chat Script for Calling an ISP

Use the next chat script as a template for calling an ISP from a dial-out machine with a U.S.
Robotics Courier modem.
"" AT&F1M0&M5S2=255
"Calling myisp\n"
\r \d\c
SAY "Connected; running PPP\n"

The following table describes the contents of the chat script.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

Script Contents



Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the opposite peer.


Gather the CONNECT string from the modem. Print the string.


Set initial timeout to 10 seconds. The modem's response should be immediate.

"" AT&F1M0M0M0M0&M5S2=255

M0 Turn off the speaker during connect.

&M5 Make the modem require error control.
S2=255 Disable the TIES +++ break sequence.

SAY "Calling myisp\n"

Display the message Calling myisp on the local machine.


Reset the timeout to 60 seconds to allow more time for link negotiation.

OK "ATDT1-123-555-1212"

Call the remote peer by using the phone number 123-555-1212.


Wait for the CONNECT message from the opposite peer's modem.

\r \d\c

Wait until the end of the CONNECT message.

SAY Connected; running PPP\n

Display the informative message Connected; running PPP on the local machine.

Basic Chat Script Enhanced for a UNIX-Style Login

The next chat script is a basic script that is enhanced for calling a remote Oracle Solaris peer or
other UNIX-type peer. This chat script is used in How to Create the Instructions for Calling a
Peer on page 413.
SAY "Calling the peer\n"
"" AT&F1&M5S2=255
OK ATDT1-123-555-1234
SAY "Connected; logging in.\n"
ogin:--ogin: pppuser
ABORT ogin incorrect
ssword: \qmypassword
"% " \c
SAY "Logged in. Starting PPP on peer system.\n"
ABORT not found
"" "exec pppd"
~ \c

The following table explains the parameters of the chat script.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

Script Contents



Set initial timeout to 10 seconds. The modem's response should be



Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the

opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the

opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from the

opposite peer.


Gather the CONNECT string from the modem. Print the string.

"" AT&F1&M5S2=255

&M5 Make the modem require error control.

S2=255 Disable the TIES +++ break sequence.


Reset the timeout to 60 seconds to allow more time for link


OK ATDT1-123-555-1234

Call the remote peer by using the phone number 123-555-1212.


Wait for the CONNECT message from the opposite peer's modem.

SAY "Connected; logging in.\n"

Display the informative message Connected; logging in to give

the user status.


Change the timeout to enable quick display of the login prompt.

ogin:--ogin: pppuser

Wait for the login prompt. If the prompt is not received, send a
RETURN and wait. Then, send the user name pppuser to the peer.
The sequence that follows is referred to by most ISPs as the PAP
login. However, the PAP login is not related in any way to PAP


Change the timeout to 20 seconds to allow for slow password


ssword: \qmysecrethere

Wait for the password prompt from the peer. When the prompt is
received, send the password \qmysecrethere. The \q prevents the
password from being written to the system log files.

"% " \c

Wait for a shell prompt from the peer. The chat script uses the C
shell. Change this value if the user prefers to log in with a different

SAY "Logged in. Starting PPP on peer system.\n"

Display the informative message Logged in. Starting PPP on

peer system to give the user status.

ABORT not found

Abort the transmission if the shell encounters errors.

"" "exec pppd"

Start pppd on the peer.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

Script Contents


~ \c

Wait for PPP to start on the peer.

Starting PPP right after the CONNECT \c is often called a PAP login by ISPs, though the PAP login
is actually not part of PAP authentication.
The phrase ogin:--ogin: pppuser instructs the modem to send the user name pppuser in
response to the login prompt from the dial-in server. pppuser is a special PPP user account
name that was created for remote user1 on the dial-in server. For instructions about creating
PPP user accounts on a dial-in server, refer to How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server
on page 418.

Chat Script for External ISDN TA

The following chat script is for calling from a dial-out machine with a ZyXEL ISDN
SAY "Calling the peer\n"
"" AT&FB40S83.7=1&K44&J3X7S61.3=1S0=0S2=255
OK ATDI18882638234
\r \d\c
SAY "Connected; running PPP\n"

The following table explains the parameters of the chat script.

Script Contents


SAY "Calling the peer"

Display this message on the screen of the dial-out machine.


Set the initial timeout to 10 seconds.


Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from

the opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from

the opposite peer.


Abort transmission if the modem receives this message from

the opposite peer.


Gather the CONNECT string from the modem. Print the string.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

Script Contents


"" AT&FB40S83.7=1&K44&J3X7S61.3=1S0=0S2=255

The letters in this line have the following meaning:

&F Use factory default

B40 Do asynchronous PPP conversion

S83.7=1 Use data over speech bearer

&K44 Enable CCP compression

&J3 Enable MP

X7 Report DCE side rates

S61.3=1 Use packet fragmentation

S0=0 No auto answer

S2=255 Disable TIES escape

OK ATDI18882638234

Make an ISDN call. For multilink, the second call is placed to

the same telephone number, which is normally what is
required by most ISPs. If the remote peer requires a different
second phone number, append +nnnn.. nnnn represents
the second phone number.


Wait for the CONNECT message from the opposite peer's


\r \d\c

Wait until the end of the CONNECT message.

SAY "Connected; running PPP\n"

Display this message on the screen of the dial-out machine.

Refer to the chat(1M) man page for descriptions of options and other detailed information
about the chat script. For an explanation of expect-send strings, refer to Chat-Script Field in
/etc/uucp/Systems File on page 533.

For More Chat Script Examples

A number of web sites offer sample chat scripts and assistance in creating the chat scripts. For
example, see

Invoking the Chat Script

You call chat scripts by using the connect option. You can use connect "chat ..." in any PPP
configuration file or on the command line.
Chat scripts are not executable, but the program that is invoked by connect must be executable.
You might use the chat utility as the program to be invoked by connect. In this instance, if you
store the chat script in an external file through the -f option, then your chat script file is not
The chat program that is described in chat(1m) executes the actual chat script. The pppd
daemon invokes the chat program whenever pppd encounters the connect "chat ..." option.
Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link

Note You can use any external program, such as Perl or Tcl, to create advanced chat scripts.
The chat utility is provided as a convenience.

How to Invoke a Chat Script (Task)

Create the chat script as an ASCII file.

Invoke the chat script in any PPP configuration file by using the following syntax:
connect chat -f /etc/ppp/chatfile

The -f flag indicates that a file name is to follow. /etc/ppp/chatfile represents the name of the
chat file.

Give read permission for the external chat file to the user who runs the pppd command.
Caution The chat program always runs with the user's privileges, even if the connect chat

... option is invoked from a privileged source. Thus, a separate chat file that is read with the
-f option must be readable by the invoking user. This privilege can be a security problem if the
chat script contains passwords or other sensitive information.

Example 221

Inline Chat Script

You can place the entire chat script conversation on a single line, similar to the following:
connect chat "" "AT&F1" OK ATDT5551212 CONNECT "\c"

The complete chat script follows the chat keyword. The script terminates with "\c". You use
this form in any PPP configuration file or on the command line as an argument to pppd.

More Information

Chat Script in an External File

If the chat script that is needed for a particular peer is long or complicated, consider creating the
script as a separate file. External chat files are easy to maintain and to document. You can add
comments to the chat file by preceding the comments with the hash (#) sign.
The procedure How to Create the Instructions for Calling a Peer on page 413 shows the use of
a chat script that is contained in an external file.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Authenticating Callers on a Link

Creating a Chat File That Is Executable

You can create a chat file that is an executable script to be run automatically when the dial-up
link is initiated. Thus, you can run additional commands during link initiation, such as stty for
parity settings, besides the commands that are contained in a traditional chat script.
This executable chat script logs in to an old-style UNIX system that requires 7 bits with even
parity. The system then changes to 8 bits with no parity when running PPP.
chat "" "AT&F1" OK "ATDT555-1212" CONNECT "\c"
stty evenp
chat ogin: pppuser ssword: "\q\U" % "exec pppd"
stty -evenp

How to Create an Executable Chat Program

Use your text editor to create an executable chat program, such as the previous example.

Make the chat program executable.

# chmod +x /etc/ppp/chatprogram

Invoke the chat program.

connect /etc/ppp/chatprogram

Chat programs do not have to be located within the /etc/ppp file system. You can store chat
programs in any location.

Authenticating Callers on a Link

This section explains how the PPP authentication protocols work and explains the databases
that are associated with the authentication protocols.

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

PAP authentication is somewhat similar in operation to the UNIX login program, though PAP
does not grant shell access to the user. PAP uses the PPP configuration files and PAP database in
the form of the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file for setting up authentication. PAP also uses
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets for defining PAP security credentials. These credentials include a peer
name, a user name in PAP parlance, and a password. PAP credentials also contain related
information for each caller who is permitted to link to the local machine. The PAP user names
and passwords can be identical to or different from the UNIX user names and passwords in the
password database.
Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Authenticating Callers on a Link

/etc/ppp/pap-secrets File
The PAP database is implemented in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file. Machines on both sides of
the PPP link must have properly configured PAP credentials in their /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
files for successful authentication. The caller (authenticatee) supplies credentials in the user
and password columns of the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file or in the obsolete +ua file. The server
(authenticator) validates these credentials against information in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets,
through the UNIX passwd database, or in the PAM facility.
The /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file has the following syntax.
myclient ISP-server mypassword *

The parameters have the following meaning.


PAP user name of the caller. Often, this name is identical to the caller's UNIX
user name, particularly if the dial-in server uses the login option of PAP.


Name of the remote machine, often a dial-in server.


Caller's PAP password.

IP address that is associated with the caller. Use an asterisk (*) to indicate any
IP address.

Creating PAP Passwords

PAP passwords are sent over the link in the clear, that is, in readable ASCII format. For the caller
(authenticatee), the PAP password must be stored in the clear in any of the following locations:

In /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
In another external file
In a named pipe through the pap-secrets @ feature
As an option to pppd, either on the command line or in a PPP configuration file
Through the +ua file

On the server (authenticator), the PAP password can be hidden by doing one of the following:


Specifying papcrypt and using passwords that are hashed by crypt(3C) in the pap-secrets

Specifying the login option to pppd and omitting the password from the pap-secrets file
by placing double quotes ("") in the password column. In this instance, authentication is
performed through the UNIX passwd database or the PAM mechanism.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Authenticating Callers on a Link

What Happens During PAP Authentication

PAP authentication occurs in the following sequence.


PAP Authentication Process


2 and 3

As authenticatee
pap-secrets database
aCaller aPeer password1 *

Sends PAP

As authenticator
pap-secrets database
credentials aPeer aCaller password2 *
aCaller aPeer password1 *

aPeer aCaller password2 *

5 (optional)

4 (optional)

As authenticator
pap-secrets database
aCaller aPeer password1 *


As authenticatee
Sends PAP

aPeer aCaller password2 *

Authentication is

pap-secrets database
aPeer aCaller password2 *
aCaller aPeer password1 *


1. The caller (authenticatee) calls the remote peer (authenticator) and provides its PAP user
name and password as part of link negotiation.
2. The peer verifies the identity of the caller in its /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file. If the peer uses
the login option of PAP, the peer verifies the caller's user name and password in its
password database.
3. If authentication is successful, the peer continues link negotiation with the caller. If
authentication fails, the link is dropped.
4. (Optional) If the caller authenticates responses from remote peers, the remote peer must
send its own PAP credentials to the caller. Thus, the remote peer becomes the authenticatee
and the caller the authenticator.
5. (Optional) The original caller reads its own /etc/ppp/pap-secrets to verify the identity of
the remote peer.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Authenticating Callers on a Link

Note If the original caller does require authentication credentials from the remote peer,

Step 1 and Step 4 happen in parallel.

If the peer is authenticated, negotiation continues. Otherwise, the link is dropped.
6. Negotiation between caller and peer continues until the link is successfully established.

Using the login Option With /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

You can add the login option for authenticating PAP credentials to any PPP configuration file.
When login is specified, for example, in /etc/ppp/options, pppd verifies that the caller's PAP
credentials exist in the password database. The following shows the format of a
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets file with the login option.
* "" *
sally * "" *
* "" *

The parameters have the following meanings.


joe, sally, and sue are the names of the authorized callers.


Asterisk (*), which indicates that any server name is valid. The name option is
not required in the PPP configuration files.


Double quotes, which indicate that any password is valid.

If a password is in this column, then the password from the peer must match
both the PAP password and the UNIX passwd database.

IP Addresses

Asterisk (*), which indicates that any IP address is allowed.

Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol

CHAP authentication uses the notion of the challenge and response, which means that the peer
(authenticator) challenges the caller (authenticatee) to prove its identity. The challenge includes
a random number and a unique ID that is generated by the authenticator. The caller must use
the ID, random number, and its CHAP security credentials to generate the proper response
(handshake) to send to the peer.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Authenticating Callers on a Link

CHAP security credentials include a CHAP user name and a CHAP secret. The CHAP secret
is an arbitrary string that is known to both the caller and the peer before they negotiate a PPP
link. You configure CHAP security credentials in the CHAP database,

/etc/ppp/chap-secrets File
The CHAP database is implemented in the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file. Machines on both
sides of the PPP link must have each others' CHAP credentials in their
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets files for successful authentication.
Note Unlike PAP, the shared secret must be in the clear on both peers. You cannot use crypt,

PAM, or the PPP login option with CHAP.

The /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file has the following syntax.
myclient myserver secret5748 *

The parameters have the following meanings:


CHAP user name of the caller. This name can be the same as or different from
the caller's UNIX user name.


Name of the remote machine, often a dial-in server.


Caller's CHAP secret.

Note Unlike PAP passwords, CHAP secrets are never sent over the link.
Rather, CHAP secrets are used when the local machines compute the response.

IP address that is associated with the caller. Use an asterisk (*) to indicate any
IP address.

What Happens During CHAP Authentication

CHAP authentication occurs in the following sequence.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Authenticating Callers on a Link


CHAP Authentication Sequence



As authenticatee
calls bPeer
chap-secrets database

As authenticator,
generates random number
A1 B2 C3

bCaller bPeer our secret *

chap-secrets database
bCaller bPeer our secret *

Calculates response
chap-secrets database
bCaller bPeer our secret *

NAME "bPeer"
ID, A1 B2 C3

MD5 (ID, oursecret, A1 B2 C3)

= xx yy 1234

Generates ID,
challenges the
unknown remote

Looks up bCaller in
chap-secrets database
bCaller bPeer our secret *

Sends NAME "bCaller"
and calculated
response to bPeer
xx yy 1234

Calculates challenge
MD5 (ID, oursecret, A1 B2 C3)
= xx yy 1234
chap-secrets database
bCaller bPeer our secret *
Compares xx yy 1234 to
bCallers response xx yy 1234


Authenticates bCaller

1. Two peers that are about to initiate communications agree on a secret to be used for
authentication during negotiation of a PPP link.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers

2. The administrators of both machines add the secret, CHAP user names, and other CHAP
credentials to the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets database of their respective machines.
3. The caller (authenticatee) calls the remote peer (authenticator).
4. The authenticator generates a random number and an ID, and sends this data to the
authenticatee as a challenge.
5. The authenticatee looks up the peer's name and secret in its /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
6. The authenticatee calculates a response by applying the MD5 computational algorithm to
the secret and the peer's random number challenge. Then the authenticatee sends the results
as its response to the authenticator.
7. The authenticator looks up the authenticatee's name and secret in its
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets database.
8. The authenticator calculates its own figure by applying MD5 to the number that was
generated as the challenge and the secret for the authenticatee in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets.
9. The authenticator compares its results with the response from the caller. If the two numbers
are the same, the peer has successfully authenticated the caller, and link negotiation
continues. Otherwise the link is dropped.

Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers

Consider creating one or more IP addresses for all incoming calls instead of assigning a unique
IP address to each remote user. Dedicated IP addresses are particularly important if the number
of potential callers exceeds the number of serial ports and modems on the dial-in server. You
can implement a number of different scenarios, depending on your site's needs. Moreover, the
scenarios are not mutually exclusive.

Assigning Dynamic IP Addresses to Callers

Dynamic addressing involves the assignment to each caller of the IP address that is defined in
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname. Dynamic addressing occurs on a per-serial port basis. When a call
arrives over a serial line, the caller receives the IP address in the /etc/ppp/options.ttyname
file for the call's serial interface.
For example, suppose a dial-in server has four serial interfaces that provide dial-up service to
incoming calls:

For serial port term/a, create the file /etc/ppp/options.term.a with the following entry:

For serial port term/b, create the file /etc/ppp/options.term.b with the following entry:

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Creating an IP Addressing Scheme for Callers


For serial port term/c, create the file /etc/ppp/options.term.c with the following entry:

For serial port term/d, create the file /etc/ppp/options.term.d with the following entry:

With the previous addressing scheme, an incoming call on serial interface /dev/term/c is given
the IP address for the duration of the call. After the first caller hangs up, a later call that
comes in over serial interface /dev/term/c is also given the IP address
The advantages of dynamic addressing include the following:

You can track PPP network usage down to the serial port.
You can assign a minimum number of IP addresses for PPP use.
You can administer IP filtering in a more simplified fashion.

Assigning Static IP Addresses to Callers

If your site implements PPP authentication, you can assign specific, static IP addresses to
individual callers. In this scenario, every time a dial-out machine calls the dial-in server, the
caller receives the same IP address.
You implement static addresses in either the pap-secrets or chap-secrets database. Here is a
example of an /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file that defines static IP addresses.
myserver joepasswd
sally myserver sallypasswd
myserver suepasswd


joe, sally, and sue are the names of the authorized callers.


myserver indicates the name of the server.


joepasswd, sallypasswd, and suepasswd indicate the passwords for each


IP Addresses and and are the IP addresses

assigned to each caller.

Here is a example of an /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file that defines static IP addresses.

account1 myserver secret5748
account2 myserver secret91011



account1 and account2 indicate the names of the callers.


myserver indicates the name of the server for each caller.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support


secret5748 and secret91011 indicates the CHAP secret for each caller.

IP Addresses and are the IP addresses for each caller.

Assigning IP Addresses by sppp Unit Number

If you are using either PAP or CHAP authentication, you can assign IP addresses to callers by
the sppp unit number. The following shows an example of this usage.
myclient ISP-server mypassword

The plus sign (+) indicates that the unit number is added to the IP address. Note the following:

Addresses through are assigned to remote users.

sppp0 gets IP address
sppp1 gets IP address and so on.

Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

By using PPPoE, you can provide PPP over high-speed digital services to multiple clients that
are using one or more DSL modems. PPPoE implements these services by creating an Ethernet
tunnel through three participants: the enterprise, the telephone company, and the service

For an overview and description of how PPPoE works, see PPPoE Overview on page 389.
For tasks for setting up PPPoE tunnels, see Chapter 20, Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel

This section contains detailed information about PPPoE commands and files, which is
summarized in the next table.

PPPoE Commands and Configuration Files

File or Command


For Instructions


A file that contains characteristics that are applied

by default to all tunnels that were set up by PPPoE
on the system

/etc/ppp/pppoe File on page 500


A file that contains characteristics of a particular

interface that is used by PPPoE for a tunnel

/etc/ppp/pppoe.device File on page 502


File that lists the Ethernet interface over which

runs the tunnel that is set up by PPPoE

/etc/ppp/pppoe.if File on page 498

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support


PPPoE Commands and Configuration Files


File or Command


For Instructions


Command for configuring the Ethernet interfaces

that are involved in a PPPoE tunnel

/usr/sbin/sppptun Command on page 498


Command and options for using PPPoE to set up

a tunnel

/usr/lib/inet/pppoed Daemon on
page 500

Files for Configuring Interfaces for PPPoE

The interfaces that are used at either end of the PPPoE tunnel must be configured before the
tunnel can support PPP communications. Use /usr/sbin/sppptun and /etc/ppp/pppoe.if
files for this purpose. You must use these tools to configure Ethernet interfaces on all Oracle
Solaris PPPoE clients and PPPoE access servers.

/etc/ppp/pppoe.if File
The /etc/ppp/pppoe.if file lists the names of all Ethernet interfaces on a host to be used for the
PPPoE tunnels. This file is processed during system boot when the interfaces that are listed are
plumbed for use in PPPoE tunnels.
You need to create explicitly /etc/ppp/pppoe.if. Type the name of one interface to be
configured for PPPoE on each line.
The following example shows an /etc/ppp/pppoe.if file for a server that offers three interfaces
for PPPoE tunnels.
# cat /etc/ppp/pppoe.if

PPPoE clients usually have only one interface that is listed in /etc/ppp/pppoe.if.

/usr/sbin/sppptun Command
You can use the /usr/sbin/sppptun command to manually plumb and unplumb the Ethernet
interfaces to be used for PPPoE tunnels. By contrast, /etc/ppp/pppoe.if is only read when the
system boots. These interfaces should correspond to the interfaces that are listed in
sppptun plumbs the Ethernet interfaces that are used in PPPoE tunnels in a manner that is
similar to the ipadm command. Unlike ipadm, you must plumb interfaces twice to support
PPPoE because two Ethernet protocol numbers are involved.
The basic syntax for sppptun is as follows:

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

# /usr/sbin/sppptun plumb pppoed device-name

# /usr/sbin/sppptun plumb pppoe device-name

In this syntax, device-name is the name of the device to be plumbed for PPPoE.
The first time that you issue the sppptun command, the discovery protocol pppoed is plumbed
on the interface. The second time that you run sppptun, the session protocol pppoe is plumbed.
sppptun prints the name of the interface that was just plumbed. You use this name to unplumb
the interface, when necessary.
For more information, refer to the sppptun(1M) man page.

Examples of sppptun Commands for Administering Interfaces

The following example shows how to manually plumb an interface for PPPoE by using
# /usr/sbin/sppptun plumb pppoed hme0
# /dev/sppptun plumb pppoe hme0

This example shows how to list the interfaces on an access server that was plumbed for PPPoE.
# /usr/sbin/sppptun query

This example shows how to unplumb an interface.

# sppptun unplumb hme0:pppoed
# sppptun unplumb hme0:pppoe

PPPoE Access Server Commands and Files

A service provider that offers DSL services or support to customers can use an access server that
is running PPPoE. The PPPoE access server and client do function in the traditional
client-server relationship. This relationship is similar to the relationship of the dial-out
machine and dial-in server on a dial-up link. One PPPoE system initiates communications and
one PPPoE system answers. By contrast, the PPP protocol has no notion of the client-server
relationship. PPP considers both systems equal peers.
Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

The commands and files that set up a PPPoE access server include the following:

/usr/sbin/sppptun Command on page 498

/usr/lib/inet/pppoed Daemon on page 500
/etc/ppp/pppoe File on page 500
/etc/ppp/pppoe.device File on page 502 Shared Object on page 505

/usr/lib/inet/pppoed Daemon
The pppoed daemon accepts broadcasts for services from prospective PPPoE clients.
Additionally, pppoed negotiates the server side of the PPPoE tunnel and runs pppd, the PPP
daemon, over that tunnel.
You configure pppoed services in the /etc/ppp/pppoe and /etc/ppp/pppoe.device files. If
/etc/ppp/pppoe exists when the system boots, pppoed runs automatically. You can also
explicitly run the pppoed daemon on the command line by typing /usr/lib/inet/pppoed.

/etc/ppp/pppoe File
The /etc/ppp/pppoe file describes the services that are offered by an access server plus options
that define how PPP runs over the PPPoE tunnel. You can define services for individual
interfaces, or globally, that is, for all interfaces on the access server. The access server sends the
information in the /etc/ppp/pppoe file in response to a broadcast from a potential PPPoE
The following is the basic syntax of /etc/ppp/pppoe:
service service-name
device interface-name

The parameters have the following meanings.


Sets the default options for the /etc/ppp/pppoe file. These options
can be any options that are available through pppoed or pppd. For
complete lists of options, see the man pages pppoed(1M) and
For example, you must list the Ethernet interfaces that are available
for the PPPoE tunnel as part of global options. If you do not define
devices in /etc/ppp/pppoe, the services are not offered on any
To define devices as a global option, use the following form:
device interface <,interface>


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

interface specifies the interface where the service listens for potential
PPPoE clients. If more than one interface is associated with the
service, separate each name with a comma.
service service-name

Starts the definition of the service service-name. service-name is a

string that can be any phrase that is appropriate to the services that
are provided.


Lists the PPPoE and PPP options specific to this service.

device interface-name

Specifies the interface where the previously listed service is available.

For additional options to /etc/ppp/pppoe, refer to the pppoed(1M) and pppd(1M) man pages.
A typical /etc/ppp/pppoe file might resemble the following.

Basic /etc/ppp/pppoe File

device hme1,hme2,hme3
service internet
pppd "name internet-server"
service intranet
pppd ""
service debug
device hme1
pppd "debug name internet-server"

In this file, the following values apply.


Three interfaces on the access server to be used for

PPPoE tunnels.

service internet

Advertises a service that is called internet to

prospective clients. The provider that offers the
service also determines how internet is defined.
For example, a provider might interpret internet
to mean various IP services, as well as access to the


Sets the command-line options that are used when

the caller invokes pppd. The option "name
internet-server" gives the name of the local
machine, the access server, as internet-server.

service intranet

Advertises another service that is called intranet to

prospective clients.

pppd ""

Sets the command-line options that are used when

the caller invokes pppd. When the caller invokes

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

pppd, is set as the IP address for the local

machine, the access server.
service debug

Advertises a third service, debugging, on the

interfaces that are defined for PPPoE.

device hme1

Restricts debugging to PPPoE tunnels to hme1.

pppd "debug name internet-server"

Sets the command-line options that are used when

the caller invokes pppd, in this instance, PPP
debugging on internet-server, the local machine.

/etc/ppp/pppoe.device File
The /etc/ppp/pppoe.device file describes the services that are offered on one interface of a
PPPoE access server. /etc/ppp/pppoe.device also includes options that define how PPP runs
over the PPPoE tunnel. /etc/ppp/pppoe.device is an optional file, which operates exactly like
the global /etc/ppp/pppoe. However, if /etc/ppp/pppoe.device is defined for an interface, its
parameters have precedence for that interface over the global parameters that are defined in
The basic syntax of /etc/ppp/pppoe.device is as follows:
service service-name
service another-service-name

The only difference between this syntax and the syntax of /etc/ppp/pppoe is that you cannot
use the device option that is shown in /etc/ppp/pppoe File on page 500. Plugin is the PPPoE shared object file that must be invoked by PPPoE access servers and
clients. This file limits MTU and MRU to 1492, filters packets from the driver, and negotiates
the PPPoE tunnel, along with pppoed. On the access server side, is automatically
invoked by the pppd daemon.

Using PPPoE and PPP Files to Configure an Access Server

This section contains samples of all files that are used to configure an access server. The access
server is multihomed. The server is attached to three subnets: green, orange, and purple.
pppoed runs as root on the server, which is the default.
PPPoE clients can access the orange and purple networks through interfaces hme0 and hme1.
Clients log in to the server by using the standard UNIX login. The server authenticates the
clients by using PAP.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

The green network is not advertised to clients. The only way clients can access green is by
directly specifying green-net and supplying CHAP authentication credentials. Moreover,
only clients joe and mary are allowed to access the green network by using static IP addresses.

/etc/ppp/pppoe File for an Access Server

service orange-net
device hme0,hme1
pppd "require-pap login name orange-server orange-server:"
service purple-net
device hme0,hme1
pppd "require-pap login name purple-server purple-server:"
service green-net
device hme1
pppd "require-chap name green-server green-server:"

This sample describes the services that are available from the access server. The first service
section describes the services of the orange network.
service orange-net
device hme0,hme1
pppd "require-pap login name orange-server orange-server:"

Clients access the orange network over interfaces hme0 and hme1. The options that are given to
the pppd command force the server to require PAP credentials from potential clients. The pppd
options also set the server's name to orange-server, as used in the pap-secrets file.
The service section for the purple network is identical to the service section of the orange
network except for the network and server names.
The next section describes the services of the green network:
service green-net
device hme1
pppd "require-chap name green-server green-server:"

This section restricts client access to interface hme1. Options that are given to the pppd
command force the server to require CHAP credentials from prospective clients. The pppd
options also set the server name to green-server, to be used in the chap-secrets file. The
nowildcard option specifies that the existence of the green network is not advertised to clients.
For this access server scenario just discussed, you might set up the following /etc/ppp/options

/etc/ppp/options File for an Access Server


Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support


/etc/ppp/options File for an Access Server

name no-service


# dont authenticate otherwise

The option name no-service overrides the server name that is normally searched for during
PAP or CHAP authentication. The server's default name is the one found by the
/usr/bin/hostname command. The name option in the previous example changes the server's
name to no-service. The name no-service is not likely to be found in a pap or chap-secrets
file. This action prevents a random user from running pppd and overriding the auth and name
options that are set in /etc/ppp/options. pppd then fails because no secrets can be found for
the client with a server name of no-service.
The access server scenario uses the following /etc/hosts file.

/etc/hosts File for an Access Server


Here is the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file that is used for PAP authentication for clients that
attempt to access the orange and purple networks.

/etc/ppp/pap-secrets File for an Access Server

* orange-server ""

* purple-server ""

Here is the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file that is used for CHAP authentication. Note that only
clients joe and mary are listed in the file.

/etc/ppp/chap-secrets File for an Access Server

joe green-server "joes secret" joes-pc

mary green-server "marys secret" marys-pc

PPPoE Client Commands and Files

To run PPP over a DSL modem, a machine must become a PPPoE client. You have to plumb an
interface to run PPPoE, and then use the pppoec utility to discover the existence of an access
server. Thereafter, the client can create the PPPoE tunnel over the DSL modem and run PPP.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support

The PPPoE client relates to the access server in the traditional client-server model. The PPPoE
tunnel is not a dial-up link, but the tunnel is configured and operated in much the same
The commands and files that set up a PPPoE client include the following:

/usr/sbin/sppptun Command on page 498

/usr/lib/inet/pppoec Utility on page 505 Shared Object on page 505
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File on page 478
/etc/ppp/options Configuration File on page 473

/usr/lib/inet/pppoec Utility
The /usr/lib/inet/pppoec utility is responsible for negotiating the client side of a PPPoE
tunnel. pppoec is similar to the chat utility. You do not invoke pppoec directly. Rather, you start
/usr/lib/inet/pppoec as an argument to the connect option of pppd. Shared Object is the PPPoE shared object that must be loaded by PPPoE to provide PPPoE capability
to access servers and clients. The shared object limits MTU and MRU to 1492, filters
packets from the driver, and handles runtime PPPoE messages.
On the client side, pppd loads when the user specifies the plugin option.

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File for Defining an Access Server Peer

When you define an access server to be discovered by pppoec, you use options that apply to
both pppoec and the pppd daemon. An /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for an access server
requires the following parameters:

sppptun Name for the serial device that is used by the PPPoE tunnel.

plugin Instructs pppd to load the shared object.

connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec device" Starts a connection. connect then invokes the

pppoec utility over device, the interface that is plumbed for PPPoE.

The remaining parameters in the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file should apply to the PPP link
on the server. Use the same options that you would for /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name on a
dial-out machine. Try to limit the number of options to the minimum you need for the PPP
The following example is introduced in How to Define a PPPoE Access Server Peer on
page 445.

Chapter 22 Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)


Creating PPPoE Tunnels for DSL Support


/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name to Define a Remote Access Server

# cat /etc/ppp/peers/dslserve
connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec hme0"
user Red
password redsecret

This file defines parameters to be used when setting up a PPPoE tunnel and PPP link to access
server dslserve. The options that are included are as follows.



Defines sppptun as the name of the serial device.


Instructs pppd to load the shared object.

connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec hme0"

Runs pppoec and designates hme0 as the interface for the PPPoE
tunnel and PPP link.


Turns off CCP compression on the link.

Note Many ISPs use only proprietary compression algorithms.

Turning off the publicly available CCP algorithm saves

negotiation time and avoids very occasional interoperability



Stops pppd from demanding authentication credentials from

the access server. Most ISPs do not provide authentication
credentials to customers.

user Red

Sets the name Red as the user name for the client, which is
required for PAP authentication by the access server.

password redsecret

Defines redsecret as the password to be provided to the access

server for PAP authentication.


Assigns as the initial IP address.


Tells pppd to install a default IPv4 route after IPCP negotiation.

You should include defaultroute in
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name when the link is the system's link
to the Internet, which is true for a PPPoE client.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



2 3

Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to

Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks)

Earlier versions of the Oracle Solaris OS included a different PPP implementation,

Asynchronous Solaris PPP (asppp). If you want to convert peers that run asppp to the newer
PPP 4.0, you need to run a conversion script. This chapter covers the following topics in PPP

Before Converting asppp Files on page 507

Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks) on page 510

The chapter uses a sample asppp configuration to explain how to accomplish PPP conversion.
For a description of the differences between Solaris PPP 4.0 and asppp, go to Which Version of
Solaris PPP to Use on page 378.

Before Converting asppp Files

You can use the conversion script /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd to convert the files that compose a
standard asppp configuration:

/etc/ Asynchronous PPP configuration file

/etc/uucp/Systems UUCP file that describes the characteristics of the remote peer

/etc/uucp/Devices UUCP file that describes the modem on the local machine

/etc/uucp/Dialers UUCP file that contains the login sequence to be used by the modem
that is described in the /etc/uucp/Devices file

For more information about asppp, see the Solaris 8 System Administration Collection, Volume
3, available from

Example of the /etc/ Configuration File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 on page 510
uses the following /etc/ file.

Before Converting asppp Files

ipadm create-if ipdptp0
ipadm create-addr -T static -a local=mojave,remote=gobi ipdptp0/ppaddr
inactivity_timeout 120
# Approx. 2 minutes
interface ipdptp0
peer_system_name Pgobi
# The name we log in with (also in
# /etc/uucp/Systems

The file contains the following parameters.

ifpadm create-if ipdptp0
Runs the ipadm command to create an interface called ipdptp0
ipadm create-addr -T static -a local=mojave,remote=gobi ipdptp0/ppadd
Runs the ipadm command to configure a link from PPP interface ipdptp0 on the local
machine mojave to the remote peer gobi
inactivity_timeout 120
Terminates the line after two minutes of inactivity
interface ipdptp0
Configures the interface ipdptp0 on the dial-out machine for asynchronous PPP
peer_system_name Pgobi
Gives the name of the remote peer, Pgobi

Example of the /etc/uucp/Systems File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 on page 510
uses the following /etc/uucp/Systems file.
#ident "@(#)Systems

1.5 92/07/14 SMI" /* from SVR4 bnu:Systems 2.4 */

# .
# .
Pgobi Any ACU 38400 15551212 in:--in: mojave word: sand

The file contains the following parameters:



Uses Pgobi as the host name of the remote peer.


Tells the modem on the dial-out machine mojave to establish

a link with a modem on Pgobi at any time of the day. Any
ACU means look for ACU in the /etc/uucp/Devices file.


Sets 38400 as the maximum speed of the link.


Gives the telephone number of Pgobi.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Before Converting asppp Files

in:in: mojave word: sand

Defines the login script that is required by Pgobi to

authenticate dial-out machine mojave.

Example of the /etc/uucp/Devices File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 on page 510
uses the following /etc/uucp/Devices file.
#ident "@(#)Devices 1.6 92/07/14 SMI" /* from SVR4 bnu:Devices 2.7 */
TCP,et - - Any TCP .
ACU cua/b - Any hayes
# 0-7 are on a Magma 8 port card
Direct cua/0 - Any direct
Direct cua/1 - Any direct
Direct cua/2 - Any direct
Direct cua/3 - Any direct
Direct cua/4 - Any direct
Direct cua/5 - Any direct
Direct cua/6 - Any direct
Direct cua/7 - Any direct
# a is the console port (aka "tip" line)
Direct cua/a - Any direct
# b is the aux port on the motherboard
Direct cua/b - Any direct
# c and d are high speed sync/async ports
Direct cua/c - Any direct
Direct cua/d - Any direct

The file supports any Hayes modem that is connected to serial port cua/b.

Example of the /etc/uucp/Dialers File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 on page 510
uses the following /etc/uucp/Dialers file.

<Much information about modems supported by Oracle Solaris UUCP>



"" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK
"" \r\p\r\c $ k\c ONLINE!

Chapter 23 Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks)


Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks)

"" \005\p *-\005\p-*\005\p-* D\p BER? \E\T\e \r\c LINE
develcon ""
"" \pr\ps\c est:\007 \E\D\e \n\007
"" \s\c NAME? \D\r\c GO
# Hayes Smartmodem -- modem should be set with the configuration
# switches as follows:
S1 - UP
S2 - UP
S4 - UP
S5 - UP
S7 - ?
"" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT
<much more information about modems supported by Oraccle Solaris UUCP>

This file contains the chat scripts for all types of modems, including the Hayes modems that are
supported in the /etc/uucp/Dialers file.

Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks)

The /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd script copies the PPP information in /etc/ and
PPP-related UUCP files to appropriate locations in the Solaris PPP 4.0 files.

Task Prerequisites
Before doing the next task, you should have done the following:

Installed the Oracle Solaris release on the machine that also has the asppp and UUCP
configuration files

Become superuser on the machine with the PPP files, for example, the machine mojave

How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0

Start the conversion script.
# /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd

The conversion process starts and gives you the following screen output.
This script provides only a suggested translation for your existing aspppd
configuration. You will need to evaluate for yourself whether the translation


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks)

is appropriate for your operating environment.

Continue [Yn]?

TypeYto continue.
You receive the following output.
Chat cannot do echo checking; requests for this removed.
Adding noauth to /etc/ppp/options
Preparing to write out translated configuration:
1 chat file:
1. /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes
2 option files:
2. /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi
3. /etc/ppp/options
1 script file:
4. /etc/ppp/demand

The new Solaris PPP 4.0 files have been generated.

How to View the Results of the Conversion

You can view the Solaris PPP 4.0 files that were created by the /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd
conversion script at the end of the conversion process. The script displays the following list of
Enter option number:
1 - view contents of file on standard output
2 - view contents of file using /usr/bin/less
3 - edit contents of file using /usr/bin/vi
4 - delete/undelete file from list
5 - rename file in list
6 - show file list again
7 - escape to shell (or "!")
8 - abort without saving anything
9 - save all files and exit (default)

Type 1 to view the contents of the files on the screen.

The script requests the number of the file you want to view.
File number (1 .. 4):

The numbers refer to the translated files that are listed during the conversion process, as shown
in the previous Step 2.

Type 1 to view the chat file /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes.

File number (1 .. 4): 1
"" \d\dA\p\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c
OK\r ATDT\T\r\c

Chapter 23 Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks)


Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks)

in:--in: mojave
word: sand

The chat script contains the modem chat information that appears on the hayes line in the
sample /etc/uucp/Dialers file. /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes also contains the login
sequence for Pgobi that appears in the sample /etc/uucp/Systems file. The chat script is now
in the /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes file.

Type 2 to view the peers file, /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi.

File number (1 .. 4): 2
idle 120
connect "/usr/bin/chat -f /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes -T 15551212"
user NeverAuthenticate

The serial port information (/dev/cua/b) is from the /etc/uucp/Devices file. The link speed,
idle time, authentication information, and peer names are from the /etc/ file.
demand refers to the demand script, to be called when the dial-out machine tries to connect
to peer Pgobi.

Type 3 to view the /etc/ppp/options file that are created for dial-out machine mojave.
File number (1 .. 4): 3

The information in /etc/ppp/options is from the /etc/ file.


Type 4 to view the contents of the demand script.

File number (1 .. 4): 4
/usr/bin/pppd file /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi

This script, when invoked, runs the pppd command, which then reads the
/etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi to initiate the link between mojave and Pgobi.


Type 9 to save the created files. Then exit the conversion script.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



2 4

UUCP (Overview)

This chapter introduces the UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) and its daemons. The
following topics are covered:

UUCP Hardware Configurations on page 513

UUCP Software on page 514
UUCP Database Files on page 516

UUCP enables computers to transfer files and exchange mail with each other. The program also
enables computers to participate in large networks such as Usenet.
The Oracle Solaris OS provides the Basic Network Utilities (BNU) version of UUCP, also
known as HoneyDanBer UUCP. The term UUCP denotes the complete range of files and
utilities that compose the system, of which the program uucp is only a part. The UUCP utilities
range from those utilities that are used to copy files between computers (uucp and uuto) to
those utilities that are used for remote login and command execution (cu and uux).

UUCP Hardware Configurations

UUCP supports the following hardware configurations:
Direct links

You can create a direct link to another computer by running RS-232 cables
between serial ports on the two machines. Direct links are useful when two
computers communicate regularly and are physically close, such as within
50 feet of each other. You can use a limited-distance modem to increase
this distance somewhat.

Telephone lines

By using an automatic call unit (ACU), such as a high-speed modem, your

machine can communicate with other computers over standard phone
lines. The modem dials the telephone number that is requested by UUCP.
The recipient machine must have a modem that is capable of answering
incoming calls.

UUCP Software


UUCP can also communicate over a network that runs TCP/IP or another
protocol family. After your computer has been established as a host on a
network, your computer can contact any other host that is connected to the

This chapter assumes that your UUCP hardware has already been assembled and configured. If
you need to set up a modem, refer to Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks and the
manuals that accompanied the modem for assistance.

UUCP Software
The UUCP software is automatically included when you run the Oracle Solaris installation
program and select the entire distribution. Alternatively, you can add the UUCP software by
using pkgadd. The UUCP programs can be divided into three categories: daemons,
administrative programs, and user programs.

UUCP Daemons
The UUCP system has four daemons: uucico, uuxqt, uusched, and in.uucpd. These daemons
handle UUCP file transfers and command executions. You can also run them manually from
the shell, if necessary.

Selects the device that is used for the link, establishes the link to the remote
computer, and performs the required login sequence and permission checks.
Also, uucico transfers data files, execute files, and results from logs, and notifies
the user by mail of transfer completions. uucico acts as the login shell for
UUCP login accounts. When the local uucico daemon calls a remote machine, it
communicates directly with the remote uucico daemon during the session.
After all the required files have been created, uucp, uuto, and uux programs
execute the uucico daemon to contact the remote computer. uusched and Uutry
all execute uucico. See the uucico(1M) man page for details.



Executes remote execution requests. This daemon searches the spool directory
for execute files (always named X.file) that have been sent from a remote
computer. When an X.file file is found, uuxqt opens it to get the list of data files
that are required for the execution. uuxqt then checks to see if the required data
files are available and accessible. If the files are available, uuxqt checks the
Permissions file to verify that it has permission to execute the requested
command. The uuxqt daemon is executed by the uudemon.hour shell script,
which is started by cron. See the uuxqt(1M) man page for details.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP Software


Schedules the queued work in the spool directory. uusched is initially run at boot
time by the uudemon.hour shell script, which is started by cron. See the
uusched(1M) man page for details. Before starting the uucico daemon, uusched
randomizes the order in which remote computers are called.


Supports UUCP connections over networks. The inetd on the remote host
invokes in.uucpd whenever a UUCP connection is established. uucpd then
prompts for a login name. uucico on the calling host must respond with a login
name. in.uucpd then prompts for a password, unless a password is not required.
See the in.uucpd(1M) man page for details.

UUCP Administrative Programs

Most UUCP administrative programs are in /usr/lib/uucp. Most basic database files are in
/etc/uucp. The only exception is uulog, which is in /usr/bin. The home directory of the uucp
login ID is /usr/lib/uucp. When running the administrative programs through su or login,
use the uucp user ID. The user ID owns the programs and spooled data files.

Displays the contents of a specified computer's log files. Log files are created for
each remote computer with which your machine communicates. The log files
record each use of uucp, uuto, and uux. See the uucp(1C) man page for details.


Cleans up the spool directory. uucleanup is normally executed from the

uudemon.cleanup shell script, which is started by cron. See the uucleanup(1M)
man page for details.


Tests call-processing capabilities and does moderate debugging. Uutry invokes

the uucico daemon to establish a communication link between your machine
and the remote computer that you specify. See the Uutry(1M) man page for


Checks for the presence of UUCP directories, programs, and support files.
uucheck can also check certain parts of the /etc/uucp/Permissions file for
obvious syntactic errors. See the uucheck(1M) man page for details.

UUCP User Programs

The UUCP user programs are in /usr/bin. You do not need special permission to use these

Connects your machine to a remote computer so that you can log in to both
machines at the same time. cu enables you to transfer files or execute commands on
either machine without dropping the initial link. See the cu(1C) man page for

Chapter 24 UUCP (Overview)


UUCP Database Files


Lets you copy a file from one machine to another machine. uucp creates work files
and data files, queues the job for transfer, and calls the uucico daemon, which in
turn attempts to contact the remote computer. See the uucp(1C) man page for


Copies files from the local machine to the public spool directory
/var/spool/uucppublic/receive on the remote machine. Unlike uucp, which lets
you copy a file to any accessible directory on the remote machine, uuto places the
file in an appropriate spool directory and tells the remote user to pick the file up
with uupick. See the uuto(1C) man page for details.


Retrieves files in /var/spool/uucppublic/receive when files are transferred to a

computer by using uuto. See the uuto(1C) man page.


Creates the work, data, and execute files that are needed to execute commands on a
remote machine. See the uux(1C) man page for details.


Displays the status of requested transfers (uucp, uuto, or uux). uustat also provides
a means of controlling queued transfers. See the uustat(1C) man page for details.

UUCP Database Files

A major part of UUCP setup is the configuration of the files that compose the UUCP database.
These files are in the /etc/uucp directory. You need to edit these files to set up UUCP or asppp
on your machine. The files include the following:



Contains a list of variable parameters. You can manually set these parameters
to configure the network.


Used to configure network communications.


Used to configure network communications.


Contains dial-code abbreviations that can be used in the phone number field
of Systems file entries. Though not required, Dialcodes can be used by asppp
as well as UUCP.


Contains character strings that are required to negotiate with modems to

establish connections with remote computers. Dialers is used by asppp as
well as UUCP.


Defines job grades, and the permissions that are associated with each job
grade, which users can specify to queue jobs to a remote computer.


Defines the maximum number of simultaneous uucicos, uuxqts, and

uuscheds that are permitted on your machine.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP Database Files


Defines the level of access that is granted to remote hosts that attempt to
transfer files or execute commands on your machine.


Defines machines that are to be polled by your system and when they are


Assigns different or multiple files to be used by uucico and cu as Systems,

Devices, and Dialers files.


Enables you to define a unique UUCP name for a machine, in addition to its
TCP/IP host name.


Contains information that is needed by the uucico daemon, cu, and asppp to
establish a link to a remote computer. This information includes the

Name of the remote host

Name of the connecting device associated with the remote host
Time when the host can be reached
Telephone number
Login ID

Several other files can be considered part of the supporting database but are not directly
involved in establishing a link and transferring files.

Configuring UUCP Database Files

The UUCP database consists of the files that are shown in UUCP Database Files on page 516.
However, basic UUCP configuration involves only the following critical files:


Because asppp uses some of the UUCP databases, you should understand at minimum these
critical database files if you plan to configure asppp. After these databases are configured,
UUCP administration is fairly straightforward. Typically, you edit the Systems file first, then
edit the Devices file. You can usually use the default /etc/uucp/Dialers file, unless you plan to
add dialers that are not in the default file. In addition, you might also want to use the following
files for basic UUCP and asppp configuration:


Chapter 24 UUCP (Overview)


UUCP Database Files

Because these files work closely with each other, you should understand all their contents before
you make any changes. A change to an entry in one file might require a change to a related entry
in another file. The remaining files that are listed in UUCP Database Files on page 516 are not
as critically intertwined.
Note asppp uses only the files that are described in this section. asppp does not use the other
UUCP database files.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



2 5

Administering UUCP (Tasks)

This chapter explains how to start UUCP operations after you have modified the database file
that is relevant to your machines. The chapter contains procedures and troubleshooting
information for setting up and maintaining UUCP on machines that run the Oracle Solaris OS,
such as the following:

UUCP Administration (Task Map) on page 519

Adding UUCP Logins on page 520
Starting UUCP on page 521
Running UUCP Over TCP/IP on page 523
UUCP Security and Maintenance on page 524
Troubleshooting UUCP on page 525

UUCP Administration (Task Map)

The following table provides pointers to the procedures that are covered in this chapter, in
addition to a short description of each procedure.

Task Map for UUCP Administration



For Instructions

Allow remote machines to have

access to your system

Edit the /etc/passwd file to add entries to identify the

machines that are permitted to access your system.

How to Add UUCP Logins on

page 520

Start UUCP

Use the supplied shell scripts to start UUCP.

How to Start UUCP on page 521

Enable UUCP to work with TCP/IP

Edit /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/uucp/Systems files to

activate UUCP for TCP/IP.

How to Activate UUCP for

TCP/IP on page 523

Troubleshoot some common UUCP Use diagnostic steps to check for faulty modems or

How to Check for Faulty Modems

or ACUs on page 525


Adding UUCP Logins


Task Map for UUCP Administration




For Instructions

Use diagnostic steps to debug transmissions.

How to Debug Transmissions on

page 526

Adding UUCP Logins

For incoming UUCP (uucico) requests from remote machines to be handled properly, each
machine has to have a login on your system.

How to Add UUCP Logins

To allow a remote machine to access your system, you need to add an entry to the /etc/passwd
file as follows:

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /etc/passwd file and add the entry to identify the machine that is permitted to access
your system.
A typical entry that you might put into the /etc/passwd file for a remote machine that is
permitted to access your system with a UUCP connection would be as follows:

By convention, the login name of a remote machine is the machine name preceded by the
uppercase letter U. Note that the name should not exceed eight characters. Otherwise, you might
have to truncate or abbreviate the name.
The previous entry shows that a login request by Ugobi is answered by /usr/lib/uucp/uucico.
The home directory is /var/spool/uucppublic. The password is obtained from the
/etc/shadow file. You must coordinate the password and the login name with the UUCP
administrator of the remote machine. The remote administrator must then add an appropriate
entry, with login name and unencrypted password, in the remote machine's Systems file.

Coordinate your machine name with the UUCP administrators on other systems.
Similarly, you must coordinate your machine's name and password with the UUCP
administrators of all machines that you want to reach through UUCP.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Starting UUCP

Starting UUCP
UUCP includes four shell scripts that poll remote machines, reschedule transmissions, and
clean up old log files and unsuccessful transmissions. The scripts are as follows:


These shell scripts should execute regularly to ensure that UUCP runs smoothly. The crontab
file to run the scripts is automatically created in /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.crontab as part of
the Oracle Solaris installation process, if you select the full installation. Otherwise, the file is
created when you install the UUCP package.
You can also run the UUCP shell scripts manually. The following is the prototype
uudemon.crontab file that you can tailor for a particular machine:
#ident "@(#)uudemon.crontab
97/12/09 SMI"
# This crontab is provided as a sample. For systems
# running UUCP edit the time schedule to suit, uncomment
# the following lines, and use crontab(1) to activate the
# new schedule.
#48 8,12,16 * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.admin
#20 3 * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.cleanup
#0 * * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.poll
#11,41 * * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hour
Note By default, UUCP operations are disabled. To enable UUCP, edit the time schedule and

uncomment the appropriate lines in the uudemon.crontab file.

How to Start UUCP

To activate the uudemon.crontab file, do the following:

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.crontab file and change entries as required.

Activate the uudemon.crontab file by issuing the following command:

crontab < /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.crontab
Chapter 25 Administering UUCP (Tasks)


Starting UUCP

uudemon.poll Shell Script

The default uudemon.poll shell script reads the /etc/uucp/Poll file once an hour. If any
machines in the Poll file are scheduled to be polled, a work file (C.sysnxxxx) is placed in the
/var/spool/uucp/nodename directory. nodename represents the UUCP node name of the
The shell script is scheduled to run once an hour, before uudemon.hour, so that the work files
are in place when uudemon.hour is called.

uudemon.hour Shell Script

The default uudemon.hour shell script does the following:

Calls the uusched program to search the spool directories for work files (C.) that have not
been processed. The script then schedules these files for transfer to a remote machine.

Calls the uuxqt daemon to search the spool directories for execute files (X.) that have been
transferred to your computer and were not processed when they were transferred.

By default, uudemon.hour runs twice an hour. You might want uudemon.hour to run more often
if you expect high failure rates of calls to remote machines.

uudemon.admin Shell Script

The default uudemon.admin shell script does the following:

Runs the uustat command with p and q options. The q reports on the status of work files
(C.), data files (D.), and execute files (X.) that are queued. The p prints process information
for networking processes that are listed in the lock files (/var/spool/locks).

Sends resulting status information to the uucp administrative login by using mail.

uudemon.cleanup Shell Script

The default uudemon.cleanup shell script does the following:


Collects log files for individual machines from the /var/uucp/.Log directory, merges these
files, and places the files in the /var/uucp/.Old directory with other old log information

Removes work files (C.) seven days old or older, data files (D.) seven days old or older, and
execute files (X.) two days old or older from the spool files

Returns mail that cannot be delivered to the sender

Mails a summary of the status information that was gathered during the current day to the
UUCP administrative login (uucp)

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Running UUCP Over TCP/IP

Running UUCP Over TCP/IP

To run UUCP on a TCP/IP network, you need to make a few modifications, as described in this

How to Activate UUCP for TCP/IP

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Edit the /etc/uucp/Systems file to ensure that the entries have the following fields:
System-Name Time TCP Port networkname Standard-Login-Chat
A typical entry would resemble the following:
rochester Any TCP - ur-seneca login: Umachine password: xxx

Notice that the networkname field permits you to specify explicitly the TCP/IP host name. This
capability is important for some sites. In the previous example, the site has the UUCP node
name rochester, which is different from its TCP/IP host name ur-seneca. Moreover, a
completely different machine could easily run UUCP and have the TCP/IP host name of
The Port field in the Systems file should have the entry -. This syntax is equivalent to listing the
entry as uucp. In almost every situation, the networkname is the same as the system name, and
the Port field is -, which says to use the standard uucp port from the services database. The
in.uucpd daemon expects the remote machine to send its login and password for
authentication, and in.uucpd prompts for them, much as getty and login do.

Edit the /etc/inet/services file to set up a port for UUCP:




# uucp daemon

You should not have to change the entry. However, if your machine runs NIS as its name
service, you should make sure that the config/service of the
svc:/system/name-service/switch service checks for files before nis. If the
config/service property is not defined, then check the config/default property.

Verify that UUCP is enabled.

# svcs network/uucp

The UUCP service is managed by the Service Management Facility. To query the status of this
service, you can use the svcs command. For an overview of the Service Management Facility,
refer to Chapter 6, Managing Services (Overview), in Oracle Solaris Administration: Common
Chapter 25 Administering UUCP (Tasks)


UUCP Security and Maintenance

(Optional) If necessary, enable UUCP by typing the following:

# inetadm -e network/uucp

UUCP Security and Maintenance

After you have set up UUCP, maintenance is straightforward. This section explains ongoing
UUCP tasks that relate to security, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Setting Up UUCP Security

The default /etc/uucp/Permissions file provides the maximum amount of security for your
UUCP links. The default Permissions file contains no entries.
You can set additional parameters for each remote machine to define the following:

Ways that the remote machine can receive files from your machine
Directories for which the remote machine has read and write permission
Commands that the remote machine can use for remote execution

A typical Permissions entry follows:

MACHINE=datsun LOGNAME=Udatsun VALIDATE=datsun

This entry allows files to be sent and be received to and from the normal UUCP directories,
not from anywhere in the system. The entry also causes the UUCP user name to be validated at
login time.

Regular UUCP Maintenance

UUCP does not require much maintenance. However, you must ensure that the crontab file is
in place, as described in the section How to Start UUCP on page 521. Your concern should be
the growth of mail files and the public directory.

Email for UUCP

All email messages that are generated by the UUCP programs and scripts are sent to the user ID
uucp. If you do not log in frequently as that user, you might not realize that mail is accumulating
and consuming disk space. To solve this problem, create an alias in /etc/mail/aliases and
redirect that email either to root or to yourself and others who are responsible for maintaining
UUCP. Remember to run the newaliases command after modifying the aliases file.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Troubleshooting UUCP

UUCP Public Directory

The directory /var/spool/uucppublic is the one place in every system to which UUCP by
default is able to copy files. Every user has permission to change to /var/spool/uucppublic
and read and write files in the directory. However, the directory's sticky bit is set, so the
directory's mode is 01777. As a result, users cannot remove files that have been copied to it and
that belong to uucp. Only you, as UUCP administrator logged in as root or uucp, can remove
files from this directory. To prevent the uncontrolled accumulation of files in this directory, you
should ensure that you remove files from it periodically.
If this maintenance is inconvenient for users, encourage them to use uuto and uupick rather
than removing the sticky bit, which is set for security reasons. See the uuto(1C) man page for
instructions for using uuto and uupick. You can also restrict the mode of the directory to only
one group of people. If you do not want to risk someone filling your disk, you can even deny
UUCP access to it.

Troubleshooting UUCP
These procedures describe how to solve common UUCP problems.

How to Check for Faulty Modems or ACUs

You can check if the modems or other ACUs are not working properly in several ways.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Obtain counts and reasons for contact failure by running the following command:
# uustat -q

Call over a particular line and print debugging information on the attempt.
The line must be defined as direct in the /etc/uucp/Devices file. You must add a telephone
number to the end of the command line if the line is connected to an autodialer or the device
must be set up as direct. Type:
# cu -d -lline

line is /dev/cua/a.

Chapter 25 Administering UUCP (Tasks)


Troubleshooting UUCP

How to Debug Transmissions

If you cannot contact a particular machine, you can check communications to that machine
with Uutry and uucp.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Try to make contact:

# /usr/lib/uucp/Uutry -r machine

Replace machine with the host name of the machine you are unable to contact. This command
does the following:

Starts the transfer daemon (uucico) with debugging. You can get more debugging
information if you are root.

Directs the debugging output to /tmp/machine.

Prints the debugging output to your terminal by issuing the following command:
# tail -f

Press Control-C to end output. You can copy the output from /tmp/machine if you want to
save the output.

If Uutry does not isolate the problem, try to queue a job:

# uucp -r file machine\!/dir/file


Use the name of the file that you want to transfer.


Use the name of the machine that you want to copy to.


Specify the location of the file for the other machine.

Issue the following command:

# Uutry

If you still cannot solve the problem, you might need to call your local support representative.
Save the debugging output, which can help diagnose the problem.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Troubleshooting UUCP

Note You might also decrease or increase the level of debugging that is provided by Uutry
through the -x n option. n indicates the debug level. The default debug level for Uutry is 5.

Debug level 3 provides basic information about when and how the connection is established,
but not much information about the transmission. Debug level 9, however, provides exhaustive
information about the transmission process. Be aware that debugging occurs at both ends of the
transmission. If you intend to use a level higher than 5 on a moderately large text, contact the
other site's administrator and decide when to change the level.

Checking the UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File

Verify that you have up-to-date information in your Systems file if you are having trouble
contacting a particular machine. Some information that might be out of date for a machine is
the following:

Phone number
Login ID

Checking UUCP Error Messages

UUCP has two types of error messages: ASSERT and STATUS.

When a process is aborted, ASSERT error messages are recorded in

/var/uucp/.Admin/errors. These messages include the file name, sccsid, line number,
and text. These messages usually result from system problems.

STATUS error messages are stored in the /var/uucp/.Status directory. The directory
contains a separate file for each remote machine that your computer attempts to
communicate with. These files contain status information about attempted communication
and whether the communication was successful.

Checking Basic Information

Several commands are available for checking basic networking information:

Use the uuname command to list those machines that your machine can contact.

Use the uulog command to display the contents of the log directories for particular hosts.

Use the uucheck -v command to check for the presence of files and directories that are
needed by uucp. This command also checks the Permissions file and displays information
about the permissions that you have set up.

Chapter 25 Administering UUCP (Tasks)





2 6

UUCP (Reference)

This chapter provides reference information for working with UUCP. The following topics are

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529

UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File on page 536
UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File on page 542
Other Basic UUCP Configuration Files on page 546
UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File on page 548
UUCP /etc/uucp/Poll File on page 556
UUCP /etc/uucp/Config File on page 557
UUCP/etc/uucp/Grades File on page 557
Other UUCP Configuration Files on page 559
UUCP Administrative Files on page 561
UUCP Error Messages on page 562

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File

The /etc/uucp/Systems file contains the information that is needed by the uucico daemon to
establish a communication link to a remote computer. /etc/uucp/Systems is the first file that
you need to edit to configure UUCP.
Each entry in the Systems file represents a remote computer with which your host
communicates. A particular host can have more than one entry. The additional entries
represent alternative communication paths that are tried in sequential order. In addition, by
default UUCP prevents any computer that does not appear in /etc/uucp/Systems from
logging in to your host.
By using the Sysfiles file, you can define several files to be used as Systems files. See UUCP
/etc/uucp/Sysfiles File on page 547 for a description of Sysfiles.
The following is the syntax for an entry in the Systems file:

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File






Chat Script

See the following example of an entry in the Systems file.



Entry in /etc/uucp/Systems
Any ACUEC 38400 111222 ogin: Puucp ssword:beledi


Entry for the System-Name field. For more information, see

System-Name Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File on
page 530.


Entry for the Time field. For more information, see Time
Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 530.


Entry for the Type field. For more information, see Type
Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 531.


Entry for the Speed field. For more information, see Speed
Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 532.


Entry for the Phone field. For more information, see Phone
Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 532.

ogin: Puucp ssword:beledi

Entry for the Chat Script field. For more information, see
Chat-Script Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 533.

System-Name Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File

This field contains the node name of the remote computer. On TCP/IP networks, this name can
be the machine's host name or a name that is created specifically for UUCP communications
through the /etc/uucp/Sysname file. See UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529. In
Example 261, the System-Name field contains an entry for remote host Arabian.

Time Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File

This field specifies the day of week and time of day when the remote computer can be called.
The format of the Time field follows:

day Portion of Time Field

The day portion can be a list that contains some of the following entries.
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

For individual days.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File


For any weekday.


For any day.


Your host never initiates a call to the remote

computer. The call must be initiated by the
remote computer. Your host is then operating in
passive mode.

time Portion of Time Field

Example 261 shows Any in the Time field, which indicates that host Arabian can be called at
any time.
The time portion should be a range of times that are specified in 24-hour notation, for example,
0800-1230 for 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If no time portion is specified, any time of day is assumed
to be allowed for the call.
A time range that spans 0000 is permitted. For example, 0800-0600 means all times are allowed
other than times between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.

retry Portion of Time Field

The retry subfield enables you to specify the minimum time (in minutes) before a retry,
following a failed attempt. The default wait is 60 minutes. The subfield separator is a semicolon
(;). For example, Any;9 is interpreted as call any time, but wait at least 9 minutes before retrying
after a failure occurs.
If you do not specify a retry entry, an exponential back-off algorithm is used. This means that
UUCP starts with a default wait time that grows larger as the number of failed attempts
increases. For example, suppose the initial retry time is 5 minutes. If no response occurs, the
next retry is 10 minutes later. The next retry is 20 minutes later, and so on until the maximum
retry time of 23 hours is reached. If retry is specified, the value specified is always the retry time.
Otherwise, the back-off algorithm is used.

Type Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File

This field contains the device type that should be used to establish the communication link to
the remote computer. The keyword that is used in this field is matched against the first field of
Devices file entries.

Keyword With the Type Field






Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)

ogin: Puucp ssword:beledi


UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File

You can define the protocol that is used to contact the system by adding the protocol to the
Type field. The previous example shows how to attach the protocol g to the device type ACUEC.
For information about protocols, see Protocol Definitions in /etc/uucp/Devices File on
page 541.

Speed Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File

This field, also known as the Class field, specifies the transfer speed of the device that is used in
establishing the communication link. The UUCP speed field can contain a letter and speed,
such as C1200 or D1200, to differentiate between classes of dialers. Refer to Class Field in the
/etc/uucp/Devices File on page 538.
Some devices can be used at any speed, so the keyword Any can be used. This field must match
the Class field in the associated Devices file entry.


Entry in Speed Field


ACU, g



ogin: nuucp ssword:Oakgrass

If information is not required for this field, use a dash (-) as a placeholder for the field.

Phone Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File

This field enables you to specify the telephone number, known as a token, of the remote
computer for automatic dialers, which are known as port selectors. The telephone number
consists of an optional alphabetic abbreviation and a numeric part. If an abbreviation is used,
the abbreviation must be listed in the Dialcodes file.


Entry in the Phone Field


ACU, g



ogin: Puucp ssword:Passuan

ogin: nuucp ssword:Oakgrass

In the Phone field, an equal sign (=) instructs the ACU to wait for a secondary dial tone before
dialing the remaining digits. A dash (-) in the string instructs the ACU to pause four seconds
before dialing the next digit.
If your computer is connected to a port selector, you can access other computers that are
connected to that selector. The Systems file entries for these remote machines should not have a
telephone number in the Phone field. Instead, this field should contain the token to be passed to
the switch. In this way, the port selector knows the remote machine with which your host wants
to communicate, usually just the system name. The associated Devices file entry should have a
\D at the end of the entry to ensure that this field is not translated by using the Dialcodes file.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File

Chat-Script Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File

This field, also known as the Login field, contains a string of characters that is called a
chat-script. The chat script contains the characters the local and remote machines must pass to
each other in their initial conversation. Chat scripts have the following format:
expect send [expect send] ....
expect represents the string that the local host expects to receive from the remote host to initiate
conversation. send is the string that the local host sends after the local host receives the expect
string from the remote host. A chat script can have more than one expect-send sequence.
A basic chat script might contain the following:

Login prompt that the local host expects to receive from the remote machine
Login name that the local host sends to the remote machine in order to log in
Password prompt that the local host expects to receive from the remote machine
Password that the local host sends to the remote machine

The expect field can be composed of subfields of the following form:

The -send is sent if the prior expect is not successfully read. The -expect that follows the -send is
the next expected string.
For example, with strings login--login, the UUCP on the local host expects login. If UUCP
receives login from the remote machine, UUCP goes to the next field. If UUCP does not
receive login, UUCP sends a carriage return, then looks for login again. If the local computer
initially does not expect any characters, use the characters "", for NULL string, in the expect
field. All send fields are sent with a carriage return appended unless the send string is terminated
with a \c.
The following is an example of a Systems file entry that uses an expect-send string:
sonora Any ACUEC 9600 2223333 "" \r \r ogin:-BREAK-ogin: Puucpx ssword:xyzzy

This example instructs UUCP on the local host to send two carriage returns and wait for ogin:
(for Login:). If ogin: is not received, send a BREAK. When you do receive ogin:, send the login
name Puucpx. When you receive ssword: (for Password:), send the password xyzzy.
The following table lists some useful escape characters.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File


Escape Characters Used in the Chat-Script Field of the Systems File

Escape Character



Sends or expects a backspace character.


If at the end of a string, suppresses the carriage return that is normally sent.
Ignored otherwise.


Delays 13 seconds before sending more characters.


Starts echo checking. From this point forward, whenever a character is

transmitted, UUCP waits for the character to be received before continuing its


Echoes check-off.


Ignores one hangup. Use this option for dialback modems.


Sends a BREAK character.


Turns on CLOCAL flag.


Turns off CLOCAL flag.


Sends or expects a newline character.


Sends a NULL character (ASCII NUL).


Pauses for approximately 1/4 to 1/2 second.


Sends or expects a carriage return.


Sends or expects a space character.


Sends or expects a tab character.


Sends an EOT, followed by newline twice.


Sends a BREAK character.


Sends or expects the character that is represented by the octal digits (ddd).

Enabling Dialback Through the Chat Script

Some companies set up dial-in servers to handle calls from remote computers. For example,
your company might have a dial-in server with a dialback modem that employees can call from
their home computers. After the dial-in server identifies the remote machine, the dial-in server
disconnects the link to the remote machine and then calls back the remote machine. The
communications link is then reestablished.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File

You can facilitate dialback by using the \H option in the Systems file chat script at the place
where dialback should occur. Include the \H as part of an expect string at the place where the
dial-in server is expected to hang up.
For example, suppose the chat script that calls a dial-in server contains the following string:

The UUCP dialing facility on the local machine expects to receive the characters, INITIATED,
from the dial-in server. After the characters, INITIATED, have been matched, the dialing facility
flushes any subsequent characters that the dialing facility receives until the dial-in server hangs
up. The local dialing facility then waits until it receives the next part of the expect string, the
characters ogin:, from the dial-in server. When it receives the ogin:, the dialing facility then
continues through the chat script.
A string of characters does not need to directly precede or follow the \H, as shown in the
previous sample string.

Hardware Flow Control in /etc/uucp/Systems File

You can also use the pseudo-send STTY=value string to set modem characteristics. For instance,
STTY=crtscts enables hardware flow control. STTY accepts all stty modes. See the stty(1) and
termio(7I) man pages for complete details.
The following example enables hardware flow control in a Systems file entry:
unix Any ACU 2400 12015551212 "" \r ogin: Puucp ssword:Passuan "" \ STTY=crtscts

This pseudo-send string can also be used in entries in the Dialers file.

Setting Parity in /etc/uucp/Systems File

In some situations, you have to reset the parity because the system that you are calling checks
port parity and drops the line if it is wrong. The expect-send couplet, "" P_ZERO, sets the
high-order bit (parity bit) to 0. See this expect-send couplet in the following example:
unix Any ACU 2400 12015551212 "" P_ZERO "" \r ogin: Puucp ssword:Passuan

The following are parity couplets that can follow the expect-send couplet, "" P_ZERO:

Sets the parity to even, which is the default

"" P_ODD

Sets the parity to odd

"" P_ONE

Sets the parity bit to 1

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File

These parity couplets can be inserted anywhere in the chat script. The parity couplets apply to
all information in the chat script that follows "" P_ZERO, the expect-send couplet. A parity
couplet can also be used in entries in the Dialers file. The following example includes the parity
couplet, "" P_ONE:
unix Any ACU 2400 12015551212 "" P_ZERO "" P_ONE "" \r ogin: Puucp ssword:Passuan

UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File

The /etc/uucp/Devices file contains information for all the devices that can be used to
establish a link to a remote computer. These devices include ACUs (which include high-speed
modems), direct links, and network connections.
An entry in the /etc/uucp/Devices file has the following syntax:





The following is an entry in the Devices file for a U.S. Robotics V.32bis modem that is attached
to port A and is running at 38,400 bps.





Entry in the Type field. For more information, see Type Field in
/etc/uucp/Devices File on page 536.


Entry in the Line field. For more information, see Line Field in the
/etc/uucp/Devices File on page 538.

Entry in the Line2 field. For more information, see Line2 Field in the
/etc/uucp/Devices File on page 538.


Entry in the Class field. For more information, see Class Field in the
/etc/uucp/Devices File on page 538.


Entry in the Dialer-Token-Pairs field. For more information, see

Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File on page 539.

Each field is described in the next section.

Type Field in /etc/uucp/Devices File

This field describes the type of link that the device establishes. The UUCP Type field can
contain one of the keywords that is described in the sections that follow.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File

Direct Keyword
The Direct keyword appears mainly in entries for cu connections. This keyword indicates that
the link is a direct link to another computer or a port selector. Create a separate entry for each
line that you want to reference through the -l option of cu.

ACU Keyword
The ACU keyword indicates that the link to a remote computer (whether through cu, UUCP,
asppp, or Solaris PPP 4.0) is made through a modem. This modem can be connected either
directly to your computer or indirectly through a port selector.

Port Selector
The port selector is a variable that is replaced in the Type field by the name of a port selector.
Port selectors are devices that are attached to a network that prompts for the name of a calling
modem, then grant access. The file /etc/uucp/Dialers contains caller scripts only for the
micom and develcon port selectors. You can add your own port selector entries to the Dialers
file. See UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File on page 542 for more information.

System-Name Variable
This variable is replaced by the name of a machine in the Type field, indicating that the link is a
direct link to this particular computer. This naming scheme is used to associate the line in this
Devices entry with an entry in /etc/uucp/Systems for the computer System-Name.

Type Fields in Devices File and Systems File

Example 265 shows a comparison of the fields in /etc/uucp/Devices and the fields in
/etc/uucp/Systems. The keyword that is used in the Type field of the Devices file is matched
against the third field of the Systems file entries. In the Devices file, the Type field has the entry
ACUEC, indicating an automatic call unit, in this instance a V.32bis modem. This value is
matched against the Type field in the Systems file, which also contains the entry ACUEC. See
UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529 for more information.

Comparison of Type Fields in Devices file and Systems File

The following is an example of an entry in the Devices file.

ACUEC cua/a - 38400 usrv32bis-ec

The following is an example of an entry in the Systems file.

Arabian Any ACUEC 38400 111222 ogin: Puucp ssword:beledi

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File

Line Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File

This field contains the device name of the line (known as port) that is associated with the
Devices entry. If the modem that is associated with a particular entry were attached to the
/dev/cua/a device (serial port A), the name that is entered in this field would be cua/a. An
optional modem control flag, M, can be used in the Line field to indicate that the device should
be opened without waiting for a carrier. For example:

Line2 Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File

This field is a placeholder. Always use a hyphen (-) here. 801type dialers, which are not
supported in the Oracle Solaris OS, use the Line2 field. Non-801 dialers do not normally use this
configuration, but still require a hyphen in this field.

Class Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File

The Class field contains the speed of the device, if the keyword ACU or Direct is used in the Type
field. However, the Class field can contain a letter and a speed, such as C1200 or D1200, to
differentiate between classes of dialers, such as Centrex or Dimension PBX.
This differentiation is necessary because many larger offices can have more than one type of
telephone network. One network might be dedicated to serving only internal office
communications while another network handles the external communications. In such a
situation, you must distinguish which line or lines should be used for internal communications
and which should be used for external communications.
The keyword that is used in the Class field of the Devices file is matched against the Speed field
of the Systems file.



Class Field in the Devices file


D2400 hayes

Some devices can be used at any speed, so the keyword Any can be used in the Class field. If Any
is used, the line matches any speed that is requested in the Speed field of the Systems file. If this
field is Any and the Systems file Speed field is Any, the speed defaults to 2400 bps.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File

Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices

The Dialer-Token-Pairs (DTP) field contains the name of a dialer and the token to pass it. The
DTP field has this syntax:
dialer token [dialer token]
The dialer portion can be the name of a modem, a port monitor, or it can be direct or
uudirect for a direct-link device. You can have any number of dialer-token pairs. If the dialer
portion is not present, it is taken from a related entry in the Systems file. The token portion can
be supplied immediately after the dialer portion.
The last dialer-token pair might not be present, depending on the associated dialer. In most
situations, the last pair contains only a dialer portion. The token portion is retrieved from the
Phone field of the associated Systems file entry.
A valid entry in the dialer portion can be defined in the Dialers file or can be one of several
special dialer types. These special dialer types are compiled into the software and are therefore
available without having entries in the Dialers file. The following list shows the special dialer

TCP/IP network


Transport Level Interface Network (without STREAMS)


Transport Level Interface Network (with STREAMS)

See Protocol Definitions in /etc/uucp/Devices File on page 541 for more information.

Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the

/etc/uucp/Devices File
The DTP field can be structured four different ways, depending on the device that is associated
with the entry.
See the first way that the DTP field can be structured:
Directly connected modem If a modem is connected directly to a port on your computer, the
DTP field of the associated Devices file entry has only one pair. This pair would normally be the
name of the modem. This name is used to match the particular Devices file entry with an entry
in the Dialers file. Therefore, the Dialer field must match the first field of a Dialers file entry.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File



Dialers Field for Directly Connect Modem

hayes =,-, ""


Notice that only the dialer portion (hayes) is present in the DTP field of the Devices file entry.
This means that the token to be passed on to the dialer (in this instance, the phone number) is
taken from the Phone field of a Systems file entry. (\T is implied, as described in Example 269.)
See the second and third ways that the DTP field can be structured:

Direct link For a direct link to a particular computer, the DTP field of the associated entry
would contain the keyword direct. This condition is true for both types of direct-link
entries, Direct and System-Name. Refer to Type Field in /etc/uucp/Devices File on
page 536.

Computers on the same port selector If a computer with which you intend to
communicate is on the same port selector switch as your computer, your computer must
first access the switch. The switch then makes the connection to the other computer. This
type of entry has only one pair. The dialer portion is used to match a Dialers file entry.


UUCP Dialers Field for Computers on Same Port Selector


develcon ,""


\pr\ps\c est:\007 \E\D\e \007

As shown, the token portion is left blank. This designation indicates that it is retrieved from the
Systems file. The Systems file entry for this computer contains the token in the Phone field,
which is normally reserved for the phone number of the computer. Refer to UUCP
/etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529 for details. This type of DTP contains an escape
character (\D), which ensures that the content of the Phone field is not interpreted as a valid
entry in the Dialcodes file.
See the fourth way that the DTP field can be structured:
Modems that are connected to port selector If a high-speed modem is connected to a port
selector, your computer must first access the port selector switch. The switch makes the
connection to the modem. This type of entry requires two dialer-token-pairs. The dialer
portion of each pair (the fifth and seventh fields of the entry) is used to match entries in the
Dialers file, as follows.

UUCP Dialers Field for Modems Connected to Port Selector

develcon ""
ventel =&-%


\pr\ps\c est:\007
\r\p\r\c $

<K\T%\r>\c ONLINE!

In the first pair, develcon is the dialer and vent is the token that is passed to the Develcon
switch to tell it which device, such as a Ventel modem, to connect to your computer. This token

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File

is unique for each port selector, as each switch can be set up differently. After the Ventel modem
has been connected, the second pair is accessed. Ventel is the dialer and the token is retrieved
from the Systems file.
Two escape characters can appear in a DTP field:

\T Indicates that the Phone (token) field should be translated by using the
/etc/uucp/Dialcodes file. This escape character is normally placed in the
/etc/uucp/Dialers file for each caller script that is associated with a modem, such as
Hayes, and U.S. Robotics. Therefore, the translation does not occur until the caller script is

\D Indicates that the Phone (token) field should not be translated by using the
/etc/uucp/Dialcodes file. If no escape character is specified at the end of a Devices entry,
the \D is assumed (default). A \D is also used in the /etc/uucp/Dialers file with entries that
are associated with network switches develcon and micom.

Protocol Definitions in /etc/uucp/Devices File

You can define the protocol to use with each device in /etc/uucp/Devices. This specification is
usually unnecessary because you can use the default or define the protocol with the particular
system you are calling. Refer to UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529 for details. If you
do specify the protocol, you must use the following form:
Type,Protocol [parameters]

For example, you can use TCP,te to specify the TCP/IP protocol.
The following table shows the available protocols for the Devices file.

Protocols Used in /etc/uucp/Devices



This protocol is commonly used for transmissions over TCP/IP and other reliable
connections. t assumes error-free transmissions.

This protocol is UUCP's native protocol. g is slow, reliable, and good for transmission
over noisy telephone lines.

This protocol assumes transmission over error-free channels that are message oriented,
as opposed to byte-stream oriented, such as TCP/IP.

This protocol is used for transmission over X.25 connections. f relies on flow control of
the data stream and is meant for working over links that can (almost) be guaranteed to
be error free, specifically X.25/PAD links. A checksum is enacted over a whole file only.
If a transport fails, the receiver can request retransmission or retransmissions.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File

Here is an example that shows a protocol designation for a device entry:

TCP,te - - Any TCP -

This example indicates that, for device TCP, you should try to use the t protocol. If the other end
of the transmission refuses, use the e protocol.
Neither e nor t is appropriate for use over modems. Even if the modem assures error-free
transmission, data can still be dropped between the modem and the CPU.

UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File

The /etc/uucp/Dialers file contains dialing instructions for commonly used modems. You
probably do not need to change or add entries to this file unless you plan to use a nonstandard
modem or plan to customize your UUCP environment. Nevertheless, you should understand
what is in the file and how it relates to the Systems and Devices file.
The text specifies the initial conversation that must occur on a line before the line can be made
available for transferring data. This conversation, known as a chat script, is usually a sequence
of ASCII strings that is transmitted and is expected. A chat script is often used to dial a phone
As shown in the examples in UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File on page 536, the fifth field in a
Devices file entry is an index into the Dialers file or a special dialer type, such as TCP, TLI, or
TLIS. The uucico daemon attempts to match the fifth field in the Devices file with the first field
of each Dialers file entry. In addition, each odd-numbered Devices field, starting with the
seventh position, is used as an index into the Dialers file. If the match succeeds, the Dialers
entry is interpreted to perform the dialer conversation.
Each entry in the Dialers file has the following syntax:



The following example shows the entry for a U.S. Robotics V.32bis modem.


Entry in /etc/uucp/Dialers File

=,-, ""

dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A1&H1&M5&B2&W\r\c OK\r
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s14400/ARQ STTY=crtscts

Entry in the Dialer field. The Dialer field matches the fifth and additional odd-numbered
fields in the Devices file.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File

=,-, ""
Entry in the Substitutions field. The Substitutions field is a translation string. The first of
each pair of characters is mapped to the second character in the pair. This mapping is usually
used to translate = and - into whatever the dialer requires for wait for dial tone and pause.
dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A1&H1&M5&B2&W\r\c OK\r
Entry in Expect-Send field. The Expect-Send fields are character strings.
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s14400/ARQ STTY=crtscts
More of the Expect-Send field.
The following example shows sample entries in the Dialers file, as distributed when you install
UUCP as part of the Oracle Solaris installation program.

Excerpts From /etc/uucp/Dialers


=W-P "" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK





"" \r\p\r\c $ <K\T%%\r>\c ONLINE!

"" \005\p *-\005\p-*\005\p-* D\p BER? \E\T\e \r\c LINE
"" \pr\ps\c est:\007

\E\D\e \n\007 micom




"" \s\c NAME? \D\r\c GO

"" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT

# Telebit TrailBlazer
"" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=2\r\c OK\r
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s1200
"" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=3\r\c OK\r
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s2400
"" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=255\r\c OK\r
# USrobotics, Codes, and DSI modems
dsi-ec =,-,
"" \dA\pTE1V1X5Q0S2=255S12=255*E1*F3*M1*S1\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c
CONNECT\sEC STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff
dsi-nec =,-,
"" \dA\pTE1V1X5Q0S2=255S12=255*E0*F3*M1*S1\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT
usrv32bis-ec =,-, "" \dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A1&H1&M5&B2&W\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c
CONNECT\s14400/ARQ STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff
usrv32-nec =,-, "" \dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A0&H1&M0&B0&W\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c
CONNECT STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff
codex-fast =,-, "" \dA\pT&C1&D2*MF0*AA1&R1&S1*DE15*FL3S2=255S7=40S10=40*TT5&W\r\c OK\r
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s38400 STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff
tb9600-ec =W-, "" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=6\r\c OK\r
\EATDT\T\r\cCONNECT\s9600 STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File


Excerpts From /etc/uucp/Dialers


tb9600-nec =W-, "" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=6S180=0\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c

CONNECT\s9600 STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff

The following table lists escape characters that are commonly used in the send strings in the
Dialers file.

Backslash Characters for /etc/uucp/Dialers




Sends or expects a backspace character.


No newline or carriage return.


Delays for approximately 2 seconds.


Phone number or token without Dialcodes translation.


Disables echo checking.


Enables echo checking for slow devices.


Inserts a Break character.


Sends newline.


Sends octal number. Additional escape characters that can be used are listed in
the section UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529.


Sends or expects a NULL character (ASCII NUL).


Pauses for approximately 1214 seconds.




Sends or expects a space character.


Phone number or token with Dialcodes translation.

Here is a penril entry in the Dialers file:

penril =W-P "" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK

First, the substitution mechanism for the phone number argument is established so that any = is
replaced with a W (wait for dial tone) and any - with a P (pause).
The handshake that is given by the remainder of the line works as listed:


"" Waits for nothing, which means proceed to the next step.

\d Delays 2 seconds, then sends a carriage return.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File

> Waits for a >.

Q\c Sends a Q without a carriage return.

: Expects a :.

\d- Delays 2 seconds, sends a - and a carriage return.

> Waits for a >.

s\p9\c Sends an s, pauses, sends a 9 with no carriage return.

)-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) Waits for a ). If ) is not received, processes the string between the characters as follows. Sends a W, pauses, sends a carriage return, delays, sends an s, pauses,
sends a 9 without a carriage return, then waits for the ).

y\c Sends a y with no carriage return.

: Waits for a :.

\E\TP \E enables echo checking. From this point forward, whenever a character is
transmitted, UUCP waits for the character to be received before proceeding. Then, UUCP
sends the phone number. The \T means to take the phone number that is passed as an
argument. The \T applies the Dialcodes translation and the modem function translation
that is specified by field 2 of this entry. Then \T sends a P and a carriage return.

> Waits for a >.

9\c Sends a 9 without a newline.

OK Waits for the string OK.

Enabling Hardware Flow Control in the

/etc/uucp/Dialers File
You can also use the pseudo-send STTY=value string to set modem characteristics. For instance,
STTY=crtscts enables outbound hardware flow control. STTY=crtsxoff enables inbound
hardware flow control. STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff enables both outbound and inbound
hardware flow control.
STTY accepts all the stty modes. See the stty(1) and termio(7I) man pages.
The following example would enable hardware flow control in a Dialers entry:
dsi =,, "" \dA\pTE1V1X5Q0S2=255S12=255*E1*F3*M1*S1\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c

This pseudo-send string can also be used in entries in the Systems file.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


Other Basic UUCP Configuration Files

Setting Parity in the /etc/uucp/Dialers File

In some situations, you have to reset the parity because the system that you are calling checks
port parity and drops the line if it is wrong. The expect-send couplet P_ZERO sets parity to zero:
foo =,-, "" P_ZERO "" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT

The following are parity couplets that can follow the expect-send couplet:

Sets the parity to even, which is the default

"" P_ODD

Sets the parity to odd

"" P_ONE

Sets the parity to one

This pseudo-send string can also be used in entries in the Systems file.

Other Basic UUCP Configuration Files

You can use files in this section in addition to the Systems, Devices, and Dialers file when
doing basic UUCP configuration.

UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialcodes File

The /etc/uucp/Dialcodes file enables you to define dial-code abbreviations that can be used in
the Phone field in the /etc/uucp/Systems file. You can use the Dialcodes file to provide
additional information about a basic phone number that is used by several systems at the same
Each entry has the following syntax:



This field provides the abbreviation that is used in the Phone field of the
Systems file.


This field provides the dial sequence that is passed to the dialer when that
particular Systems file entry is accessed.

Compare the fields in the two files. The following are the fields in the Dialcodes file.


The following are the fields in the Systems file.






Chat Script

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Other Basic UUCP Configuration Files

The following table contains sample content for the fields in a Dialcodes file.

Entries in the DialcodesFile







In the first row, NY is the abbreviation to appear in the Phone field of the Systems file. For
example, the Systems file might have the following entry:
When uucico reads NY in the Systems file, uucico searches the Dialcodes file for NY and
obtains the dialing sequence 1=212. 1=212 is the dialing sequence that is needed for any phone
call to New York City. This sequence includes the number 1, an equal sign (=) meaning pause
and wait for a secondary dial tone, and the area code 212. uucico sends this information to the
dialer, then returns to the Systems file for the remainder of the phone number, 5551212.
The entry jt 9=847- would work with a Phone field such as jt7867 in the Systems file. When
uucico reads the entry that contains jt7867 in the Systems file, uucico sends the sequence
9=847-7867 to the dialer, if the token in the dialer-token pair is \T.

UUCP /etc/uucp/Sysfiles File

The /etc/uucp/Sysfiles file lets you assign different files to be used by uucp and cu as
Systems, Devices, and Dialers files. For more information about cu, see the cu(1C) man page.
You can use Sysfiles for the following:

Different Systems files so that requests for login services can be made to different addresses
than uucp services.

Different Dialers files so that you can assign different handshaking for cu and uucp.

Multiple Systems, Dialers, and Devices files. The Systems file in particular can become
large, making the file more convenient to split into several smaller files.

The syntax of the Sysfiles file is as follows:

service=w systems=x:x dialers=y:y devices=z:z

Represents uucico, cu, or both commands separated by a colon

Represents one or more files to be used as the Systems file, with each file name separated
by a colon and read in the order that it is presented

Represents one or more files to be used as the Dialers file

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

Represents one or more files to be used as the Devices file

Each file name is assumed to be relative to the /etc/uucp directory unless a full path is given.
The following sample, /etc/uucp/Sysfiles, defines a local Systems file (Local_Systems) in
addition to the standard /etc/uucp/Systems file:
service=uucico:cu systems=Systems :Local_Systems

When this entry is in /etc/uucp/Sysfiles, both uucico and cu first check in the standard
/etc/uucp/Systems. If the system being called does not have an entry in that file, or if the
entries in the file fail, then both commands check /etc/uucp/Local_Systems.
As specified in the previous entry, cu and uucico share the Dialers and Devices files.
When different Systems files are defined for uucico and cu services, your machine stores two
different lists of Systems. You can print the uucico list by using the uuname command or the cu
list by using the uuname -C command. The following is another example of the file, which shows
that the alternate files are consulted first and the default files are consulted if necessary:
service=uucico systems=Systems.cico:Systems
dialers=Dialers.cico:Dialers \
service=cu \ \

UUCP /etc/uucp/Sysname File

Every machine that uses UUCP must have an identifying name, often referred to as the node
name. The node name appears in the remote machine's /etc/uucp/Systems file, along with the
chat script and other identifying information. Normally, UUCP uses the same node name as is
returned by the uname -n command, which is also used by TCP/IP.
You can specify a UUCP node name independent of the TCP/IP host name by creating the
/etc/uucp/Sysname file. The file has a one-line entry that contains the UUCP node name for
your system.

UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

The /etc/uucp/Permissions file specifies the permissions that remote computers have for
login, file access, and command execution. Some options restrict the remote computer's ability


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

to request files and its ability to receive files that are queued by the local machine. Another
option is available that specifies the commands that a remote machine can execute on the local

UUCP Structuring Entries

Each entry is a logical line, with physical lines terminated by a backslash (\) to indicate
continuation. Entries are composed of options that are delimited by a blank space. Each option
is a name-value pair in the following format:
Values can be colon-separated lists. No blank space is allowed within an option assignment.
Comment lines begin with a pound sign (#) and occupy the entire line up to a newline
character. Blank lines are ignored, even within multiple-line entries.
The types of Permissions file entries are as follows:

LOGNAME Specifies the permissions that become effective when a remote computer logs in
to (calls) your computer.
Note When a remote machine calls you, its identity is questionable unless the remote
machine has a unique login and verifiable password.

MACHINE Specifies permissions that become effective when your computer logs in to (calls)
a remote computer.

LOGNAME entries contain a LOGNAME option. MACHINE entries contain a MACHINE option. One entry
can contain both options.

UUCP Considerations
When using the Permissions file to restrict the level of access that is granted to remote
computers, you should consider the following:

All login IDs that are used by remote computers to log in for UUCP communications must
appear in one and only one LOGNAME entry.

Any site that is called with a name that does not appear in a MACHINE entry has the following
default permissions or restrictions:

Local send-and-receive requests are executed.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

The remote computer can send files to your computer's /var/spool/uucppublic


The commands that are sent by the remote computer for execution on your computer
must be one of the default commands, usually rmail.


When a remote computer calls your computer and requests to receive a file, this request can be
granted or be denied. The REQUEST option specifies whether the remote computer can request to
set up file transfers from your computer. The string REQUEST=yes specifies that the remote
computer can request to transfer files from your computer. The string REQUEST=no specifies that
the remote computer cannot request to receive files from your computer. REQUEST=no, the
default value, is used if the REQUEST option is not specified. The REQUEST option can appear in
either a LOGNAME entry, so that the remote computer calls you, or a MACHINE entry, so that you
call the remote computer.


When a remote computer calls your computer and completes its work, the remote computer
can attempt to retrieve the work that your computer has queued for it. The SENDFILES option
specifies whether your computer can send the work that is queued for the remote computer.
The string SENDFILES=yes specifies that your computer can send the work that is queued for the
remote computer if it is logged in as one of the names in the LOGNAME option. This string is
mandatory if you have entered Never in the Time field of /etc/uucp/Systems. This designation
sets up your local machine in passive mode, but it is not allowed to initiate a call to this
particular remote computer. See UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File on page 529 for more
The string SENDFILES=call specifies that files that are queued in your computer are sent only
when your computer calls the remote computer. The call value is the default for the SENDFILES
option. This option is only significant in LOGNAME entries because MACHINE entries apply when
calls are sent to remote computers. If the option is used with a MACHINE entry, the option is


This option enables you to designate a unique UUCP node name for your computer in addition
to its TCP/IP host name, as returned by the hostname command. For instance, if you have
unknowingly given your host the same name as that of some other system, you can set the


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

MYNAME option of the Permissions file. Suppose that you want your organization to be known as
widget. If all your modems are connected to a machine with the host name gadget, you can
have an entry in gadget's Permissions file that reads as follows:
service=uucico systems=Systems.cico:Systems
dialers=Dialers.cico:Dialers \
service=cu \ \

Now, the system world can log in to the machine gadget as if it were logging in to widget. In
order for machine world to know you also by the aliased name widget when you call it, you can
have an entry that reads as follows:
MACHINE=world MYNAME=widget

You can also use the MYNAME option for testing purposes, as this option allows your machine to
call itself. However, because this option could be used to mask the real identity of a machine,
you should use the VALIDATE option, as described in UUCP VALIDATE Option on page 554.


These options specify the various parts of the file system that uucico can read from or write to.
You can designate READ and WRITE options with either MACHINE or LOGNAME entries.
The default for both the READ and WRITE options is the uucppublic directory, as shown in the
following strings:
READ=/var/spool/uucppublic WRITE=/var/spool/uucppublic

The strings READ=/ and WRITE=/ specify permission to access any file that can be accessed by a
local user with Other permissions.
The value of these entries is a colon-separated list of path names. The READ option is for
requesting files, and the WRITE option is for depositing files. One of the values must be the prefix
of any full path name of a file entering or exiting. To grant permission to deposit files in
/usr/news as well as in the public directory, use the following values with the WRITE option:

If the READ and WRITE options are used, all path names must be specified because the path names
are not added to the default list. For instance, if the /usr/news path name were the only path
specified in a WRITE option, permission to deposit files in the public directory would be denied.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

Be careful which directories you make accessible for reading and writing by remote systems. For
example, the /etc directory contains many critical system files. Remote users should not have
permission to deposit files in this directory.


The NOREAD and NOWRITE options specify exceptions to the READ and WRITE options or defaults.
The following entry permits reading any file except those files in the /etc directory (and its
subdirectories) Remember, these options are prefixes.
READ=/ NOREAD=/etc WRITE=/var/spool/uucppublic

This entry permits writing only to the default /var/spool/uucppublic directory. NOWRITE
works in the same manner as the NOREAD option. You can use the NOREAD and NOWRITE options
in both LOGNAME and MACHINE entries.


You can use the CALLBACK option in LOGNAME entries to specify that no transaction occurs until
the calling system is called back. The reasons to set up CALLBACK are as follows:

For security purposes If you call back a machine, you can be sure it is the right machine.

For accounting purposes If you are doing long data transmissions, you can choose the
machine that is billed for the longer call.

The string CALLBACK=yes specifies that your computer must call back the remote computer
before any file transfers can occur.
The default for the CALLBACK option is CALLBACK=no. If you set CALLBACK to yes, the
permissions that affect the rest of the conversation must be specified in the MACHINE entry that
corresponds to the caller. Do not specify these permissions in the LOGNAME, or in the LOGNAME
entry that the remote machine might have set for your host.
Note If two sites have the CALLBACK option set for each other, a conversation never is started.


Caution The COMMANDS option can compromise the security of your system. Use this option
with extreme care.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

You can use the COMMANDS option in MACHINE entries to specify the commands that a remote
computer can execute on your machine. The uux program generates remote execution requests
and queues the requests to be transferred to the remote computer. Files and commands are sent
to the target computer for remote execution, which is an exception to the rule that MACHINE
entries apply only when your system calls out.
Note that COMMANDS is not used in a LOGNAME entry. COMMANDS in MACHINE entries defines
command permissions, whether you call the remote system or the remote system calls you.
The string COMMANDS=rmail specifies the default commands that a remote computer can
execute on your computer. If a command string is used in a MACHINE entry, the default
commands are overridden. For instance, the following entry overrides the COMMAND default
so that the computers that are named owl, raven, hawk, and dove can now execute rmail, rnews,
and lp on your computer.
MACHINE=owl:raven:hawk:dove COMMANDS=rmail:rnews:lp

In addition to the names as just specified, you can have full path names of commands. For
example, the following entry specifies that command rmail uses the default search path.

The default search path for UUCP is /bin and /usr/bin. When the remote computer specifies
rnews or /usr/local/rnews for the command to be executed, /usr/local/rnews is executed
regardless of the default path. Likewise, /usr/local/lp is the lp command that is executed.
Including the ALL value in the list means that any command from the remote computers that are
specified in the entry is executed. If you use this value, you give the remote computers full access
to your machine.
Caution This value allows far more access than normal users have. You should use this value

only when both machines are at the same site, are closely connected, and the users are trusted.
Here is the string with the ALL value added:

This string illustrates two points:

The ALL value can appear anywhere in the string.

The path names that are specified for rnews and lp are used (instead of the default) if the
requested command does not contain the full path names for rnews or lp.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

You should use the VALIDATE option whenever you specify potentially dangerous commands,
such as cat and uucp with the COMMANDS option. Any command that reads or writes files is
potentially dangerous to local security when the command is executed by the UUCP remote
execution daemon (uuxqt).


Use the VALIDATE option in conjunction with the COMMANDS option whenever you specify
commands that are potentially dangerous to your machine's security. VALIDATE is merely an
added level of security on top of the COMMANDS option, though it is a more secure way to open
command access than ALL.
VALIDATE provides a certain degree of verification of the caller's identity by cross-checking the
host name of a calling machine against the login name it uses. The following string ensures that
if any machine other than widget or gadget tries to log in as Uwidget, the connection is refused.
LOGNAME=Uwidget VALIDATE=widget:gadget

The VALIDATE option requires privileged computers to have a unique login and password for
UUCP transactions. An important aspect of this validation is that the login and password that
are associated with this entry are protected. If an outsider obtains that information, that
particular VALIDATE option can no longer be considered secure.
Carefully consider which remote computers you are granting privileged logins and passwords
for UUCP transactions. Giving a remote computer a special login and password with file access
and remote execution capability is like giving anyone on that computer a normal login and
password on your computer. Therefore, if you cannot trust someone on the remote computer,
do not provide that computer with a privileged login and password.
The following LOGNAME entry specifies that if one of the remote computers that claims to be
eagle, owl, or hawk logs in on your computer, it must have used the login uucpfriend:
LOGNAME=uucpfriend VALIDATE=eagle:owl:hawk

If an outsider obtains the uucpfriend login and password, masquerading is easy.

But what does this entry have to do with the COMMANDS option, which appears only in MACHINE
entries? This entry links the MACHINE entry (and COMMANDS option) with a LOGNAME entry that is
associated with a privileged login. This link is needed because the execution daemon is not
running while the remote computer is logged in. Actually, the link is an asynchronous process
that does not know which computer sent the execution request. Therefore, the real question is:
How does your computer know where the execution files came from?
Each remote computer has its own spool directory on your local machine. These spool
directories have write permission that is given only to the UUCP programs. The execution files

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP /etc/uucp/Permissions File

from the remote computer are put in its spool directory after being transferred to your
computer. When the uuxqt daemon runs, it can use the spool directory name to find the
MACHINE entry in the Permissions file and get the COMMANDS list. Or, if the computer name does
not appear in the Permissions file, the default list is used.
This example shows the relationship between the MACHINE and LOGNAME entries:
MACHINE=eagle:owl:hawk REQUEST=yes \
COMMANDS=rmail:/usr/local/rnews \
LOGNAME=uucpz VALIDATE=eagle:owl:hawk \

The value in the COMMANDS option means that remote users can execute rmail and
In the first entry, you must assume that when you want to call one of the computers that is
listed, you are really calling either eagle, owl, or hawk. Therefore, any files that are put into one
of the eagle, owl, or hawk spool directories is put there by one of those computers. If a remote
computer logs in and says that it is one of these three computers, its execution files are also put
in the privileged spool directory. You therefore have to validate that the computer has the
privileged login uucpz.


You might want to specify different option values for remote machines that are not mentioned
in specific MACHINE entries. The need might arise when many computers are calling your host,
and the command set changes from time to time. The name OTHER for the computer name is
used for this entry as shown in this example:

All other options that are available for the MACHINE entry can also be set for the computers that
are not mentioned in other MACHINE entries.

Combining MACHINE and LOGNAME Entries for UUCP

You can combine MACHINE and LOGNAME entries into a single entry when the common options
are the same. For example, the two sets of entries that follow share the same REQUEST, READ, and
WRITE options:
MACHINE=eagle:owl:hawk REQUEST=yes \

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP /etc/uucp/Poll File


You can merge these entries, as shown:

MACHINE=eagle:owl:hawk REQUEST=yes \
logname=uucpz SENDFILES-yes \

Combining MACHINE and LOGNAME entries makes the Permissions file more manageable and

UUCP Forwarding
When sending files through a series of machines, the intermediary machines must have the
command uucp among their COMMANDS options. If you type the following command, the
forwarding operation works only if machine willow permits machine oak to execute the uucp
% uucp sample.txt oak\!willow\!pine\!/usr/spool/uucppublic

The machine oak also must permit your machine to execute the uucp program. The machine
pine, as the last machine designated, does not have to permit the uucp command because the
machine is not doing any forwarding operations. Machines are not normally set up this way.

UUCP /etc/uucp/Poll File

The /etc/uucp/Poll file contains information for polling remote computers. Each entry in the
Poll file contains the name of a remote computer to call, followed by a tab character or a space,
and finally the hours the computer should be called. The format of entries in the Poll file are as
sys-name hour ...
For example, the entry eagle 0 4 8 12 16 20 provides polling of computer eagle every four
The uudemon.poll script processes the Poll file but does not actually perform the poll. The
script merely sets up a polling work file (always named C.file) in the spool directory. The
uudemon.poll script starts the scheduler, and the scheduler examines all work files in the spool


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP/etc/uucp/Grades File

UUCP /etc/uucp/Config File

The /etc/uucp/Config file enables you to override certain parameters manually. Each entry in
the Config file has this format:
See the Config file that is provided with your system for a complete list of configurable
parameter names.
The following Config entry sets the default protocol ordering to Gge and changes the G protocol
defaults to 7 windows and 512-byte packets.

UUCP/etc/uucp/Grades File
The /etc/uucp/Grades file contains the definitions for the job grades that can be used to queue
jobs to a remote computer. This file also contains the permissions for each job grade. Each entry
in this file represents a definition of an administrator-defined job grade that lets users queue
Each entry in the Grades file has the following format:
User-job-grade System-job-grade Job-size Permit-type ID-list
Each entry contains fields that are separated by a blank space. The last field in the entry is
composed of subfields that are also separated by spaces. If an entry occupies more than one
physical line, you can use a backslash to continue the entry onto the following line. Comment
lines begin with a pound sign (#) and occupy the entire line. Blank lines are always ignored.

UUCP User-job-grade Field

This field contains an administrator-defined user-job-grade name of up to 64 characters.

UUCP System-job-grade Field

This field contains a single-character job grade to which User-job-grade is mapped. The valid
list of characters is AZ, az, with A having the highest priority and z the lowest.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP/etc/uucp/Grades File

Relationship Between User and System Job Grades

The user job grade can be bound to more than one system job grade. Note that the Grades file is
searched sequentially for occurrences of a user job grade. Therefore, any multiple occurrences
of a system job grade should be listed in compliance with the restriction on the maximum job
While no maximum number exists for the user job grades, the maximum number of system job
grades that are allowed is 52. The reason is that more than one User-job-grade can be mapped to
a System-job-grade, but each User-job-grade must be on a separate line in the file. Here is an
mail N Any User Any netnews N Any User Any

If this configuration is in a Grades file, these two User-job-grade fields share the same
System-job-grade. Because the permissions for a Job-grade are associated with a User-job-grade
and not a System-job-grade, two User-job-grades can share the same System-job-grades and have
two different sets of permissions.

Default Grade
You can define the binding of a default User-job-grade to a system job grade. You must use the
keyword default as the user job grade in the User-job-grade field of the Grades file and the
system job grade that it is bound to. The Restrictions and ID fields should be defined as Any so
that any user and any size job can be queued to this grade. Here is an example:
default a Any User Any

If you do not define the default user job grade, the built-in default grade Z is used. Because the
restriction field default is Any, multiple occurrences of the default grade are not checked.

UUCP Job-size Field

This field specifies the maximum job size that can be entered in the queue. Job-size is measured
in bytes and can be a list of the options that are described in the following list.



Integer that specifies the maximum job size for this job grade


Decimal number that represents the number of kilobytes (K is an

abbreviation for kilobyte)


Decimal number that represents the number of megabytes (M is an

abbreviation for megabyte)


Keyword that specifies that no maximum job size exists

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Other UUCP Configuration Files

Here are some examples:

5000 represents 5000 bytes

10K represents 10 Kbytes
2M represents 2 Mbytes

UUCP Permit-type Field

This field contains a keyword that denotes how to interpret the ID list. The following table lists
the keywords and their meanings.

Permit-type Field


ID List Contents


Login names of users who are permitted to use this job grade


Login names of users who are not permitted to use this job grade


Group names whose members are permitted to use this group


Group names whose members are not permitted to use this job grade

UUCP ID-list Field

This field contains a list of login names or group names that are to be permitted or denied
queuing to this job grade. The list of names are separated by a blank space and terminated by a
newline character. The keyword Any is used to denote that anyone is permitted to queue to this
job grade.

Other UUCP Configuration Files

This section describes three less-frequently modified files that impact the use of UUCP

UUCP /etc/uucp/Devconfig File

The /etc/uucp/Devconfig file enables you to configure devices by service, such as uucp or cu.
Devconfig entries define the STREAMS modules that are used for a particular device. These
entries have the following format:
service=x device=y push=z[:z...]
Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


Other UUCP Configuration Files

x can be cu, uucico, or both services separated by a colon. y is the name of a network and must
match an entry in the Devices file. z is replaced by the names of STREAMS modules in the
order that they are to be pushed onto the Stream. Different modules and devices can be defined
for cu and uucp services.
The following entries are for a STARLAN network and would most commonly be used in the



This example pushes ntty, then tirdwr.

UUCP /etc/uucp/Limits File

The /etc/uucp/Limits file controls the maximum number of simultaneous uucicos, uuxqts,
and uuscheds that are running in the uucp networking. In most situations, the default values are
acceptable and no changes are needed. If you want to change them, however, use any text editor.
The format of the Limits file is as follows:
service=x max=y:
x can be uucico, uuxqt or uusched, and y is the limit that is permitted for that service. The fields
can be in any order and in lowercase.
The following entries should most commonly be used in the Limits file:
service=uucico max=5
service=uuxqt max=5
service=uusched max=2

The example allows five uucicos, five uuxqts, and two uuscheds to run on your machine.

UUCP remote.unknown File

The other file that affects the use of communication facilities is the remote.unknown file. This
file is a binary program that executes when a machine that is not found when any of the Systems
files starts a conversation. This program logs the conversation attempt and drops the
Caution If you change the permissions of the remote.unknown file so that the file cannot
execute, your system accepts connections from any system.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP Administrative Files

This program executes when a machine that is not in any of the Systems starts a conversation.
The program logs the conversation attempt but fails to make a connection. If you change the
permissions of this file so that the file cannot execute (chmod 000 remote.unknown), your
system accepts any conversation requests. This change is not trivial. You should have good
reasons for making this change.

UUCP Administrative Files

The UUCP administrative files are described next. These files are created in spool directories to
lock devices, hold temporary data, or keep information about remote transfers or executions.

Temporary data files (TM) These data files are created by UUCP processes under the spool
directory /var/spool/uucp/x when a file is received from another computer. The directory
x has the same name as the remote computer that is sending the file. The names of the
temporary data files have the following format:
pid is a process ID and ddd is a sequential three-digit number that starts at 0.
When the entire file is received, the file is moved to the path name that is
specified in the C.sysnxxxx file (discussed subsequently) that caused the transmission. If
processing is abnormally terminated, the file can remain in the x directory.
These files should be automatically removed by uucleanup.

Lock files (LCK) Lock files are created in the /var/spool/locks directory for each device in
use. Lock files prevent duplicate conversations and multiple attempts to use the same calling
device. The following table shows the different types of UUCP lock files.


UUCP Lock Files

File Name



sys represents the name of the computer that is using the file

dev represents the name of a device that is using the file


LOG represents a locked UUCP log file

These files can remain in the spool directory if the communications link is unexpectedly
dropped, such as when a computer crashes. The lock file is ignored (removed) after the parent
process is no longer active. The lock file contains the process ID of the process that created the

Work file (C.) Work files are created in a spool directory when work, such as file transfers
or remote command executions, has been queued for a remote computer. The names of
work files have the following format:

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP Error Messages

sys is the name of the remote computer, n is the ASCII character that represents the grade
(priority) of the work, and xxxx is the four-digit job sequence number that is assigned by
UUCP. Work files contain the following information:

Full path name of the file to be sent or be requested.

Full path name of the destination or user or file name.

User login name.

List of options.

Name of associated data files in the spool directory. If the uucp -C or uuto -p option was
specified, a dummy name (D.0) is used.

Mode bits of the source file.

Remote user's login name to be notified on completion of the transfer.

Data file(D.) Data files are created when you specify on the command line to copy the
source file to the spool directory. The names of data files have the following format:
D.systmxxxxyyy systm is the first five characters in the name of the remote computer. xxxx
is a four-digit job sequence number assigned by uucp. The four-digit job sequence number
can be followed by a subsequent number. yyy is used when several D. files are created for a
work (C.) file.

X. (execute file) Execute files are created in the spool directory prior to remote command
executions. The names of execute files have the following format:
sys is the name of the remote computer. n is the character that represents the grade (priority)
of the work. xxxx is a four-digit sequence number that is assigned by UUCP. Execute files
contain the following information:

Requester's login and computer name

Names of files that are required for execution
Input to be used as the standard input to the command string
Computer and file name to receive standard output from the command execution
Command string
Option lines for return status requests

UUCP Error Messages

This section lists the error messages that are associated with UUCP.

UUCP ASSERT Error Messages

The following table lists ASSERT error messages.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP Error Messages


ASSERT Error Messages

Error Message

Description or Action


An open() or fopen() failed.


A write(), fwrite(), fprint(), or similar command, failed.


A read(), fgets(), or similar command failed.


A creat() call failed.


A dynamic allocation failed.


An attempt to make a LCK (lock) file failed. In some situations, this error is fatal.


A stat() call failed.


A chmod() call failed.


A link() call failed.


A chdir() call failed.


An unlink() call failed.


This is an internal logic problem.


An attempt to move some bad C. or X. files to the /var/spool/uucp/.Corrupt directory failed. The
directory is probably missing or has wrong modes or owner.


A close() or fclose() call failed.


The creation of a C. or D. file is attempted, but the file exists. This error occurs when a problem arises
with the sequence file access, which usually indicates a software error.


A TCP/IP call is attempted, but no entry is in /etc/services for UUCP.


The user ID is not in the password database. Check name service configuration.


Same as previous description.


A bad line is in the Devices file. Not enough arguments on one or more lines.


An internal table in gename.c overflowed. A single job attempted to talk to more than 30 systems.


Same as previous description.

RETURN FROM fixline ioctl An ioctl(2), which should never fail, failed. A system driver problem has occurred.

A bad line speed appears in the Devices or Systems file (Class or Speed field).


A bad line or option is in the Permissions file. This error must be fixed immediately.


The remote machine probably hung up. No action is needed.


The remote machine aborted in a nonrecoverable way. This error can usually be ignored.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP Error Messages


ASSERT Error Messages


Error Message

Description or Action


An internal problem has occurred. Contact your system vendor.


A problem with some file or directory has occurred. The spool directory is the probable cause, as the
modes of the destinations were supposed to be checked before this process was attempted.


An attempt to make a fork and exec failed. The current job should not be lost but will be attempted
later (uuxqt). No action is needed.

UUCP STATUS Error Messages

The following table is a list of the most common STATUS error messages.


Error Message



Status is acceptable.


Currently no device is available for the call. Check whether a valid device is in the Devices
file for the particular system. Check the Systems file for the device to be used to call the


A call was placed to the system at a time other than what is specified in the Systems file.




The login for the particular machine failed. The cause could be a wrong login or password,
wrong number, a slow machine, or failure in executing the Dialer-Token-Pairs script.


The conversation failed after successful startup. This error usually means that one side went
down, the program aborted, or the line (link) was dropped.


The remote machine never answered. The cause could be a bad dialer or the wrong phone


The machine called with a login/machine name that does not agree with the Permissions
file. This error could be an attempt to masquerade.


The calling device to be used is currently locked and in use by another process.


An ASSERT error occurred. Check the /var/uucp/.Admin/errors file for the error message
and refer to the section UUCP ASSERT Error Messages on page 562.


The system is not in the Systems file.


The device tried does not exist or the modes are wrong. Check the appropriate entries in the
Systems and Devices files.


The device could not be opened.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

UUCP Error Messages




Error Message



The called machine is reporting a different name than expected.


The called machine requires that it call your machine.


The remote machine has a LCK file for your machine. The remote machine could be trying to
call your machine. If the remote machine has an older version of UUCP, the process that was
talking to your machine might have failed, leaving the LCK file. If the remote machine has the
new version of UUCP and is not communicating with your machine, the process that has a
LCK file is hung.


The remote machine does not have the node name of your machine in its Systems file.


The login that was used by your machine to log in does not agree with what the remote
machine was expecting.


The remote machine rejected the communication with your machine for an unknown
reason. The remote machine might not be running a standard version of UUCP.


Login succeeded, but initial handshake failed.


This error is usually the same as DIAL FAILED. However, if this error occurs often, suspect
the caller script in the Dialers file. Use Uutry to check.

UUCP Numerical Error Messages

The following table lists the exit code numbers of error status messages that are produced by the
/usr/include/sysexits.h file. Not all are currently used by uucp.

UUCP Error Messages by Number

Message Number Description



Base Value for Error


Error messages begin at this value.


CommandLine Usage

The command was used incorrectly, for example, with the wrong number of
arguments, a bad flag, or a bad syntax.


Data Format Error

The input data was incorrect in some way. This data format should only be used for
user's data and not system files.


Cannot Open Input

An input file, not a system file, did not exist, or was not readable. This problem could
also include errors like No message to a mailer.


Address Unknown

The user that was specified did not exist. This error might be used for mail addresses or
remote logins.


Host Name Unknown

The host did not exist. This error is used in mail addresses or network requests.

Chapter 26 UUCP (Reference)


UUCP Error Messages


UUCP Error Messages by Number

Message Number Description




Service Unavailable

A service is unavailable. This error can occur if a support program or file does not exist.
This message also can simply indicate that something does not work and the cause
currently is not identifiable.


Internal Software Error

An internal software error has been detected. This error should be limited to
non-operating system-related errors, if possible.


System Error

An operating system error has been detected. This error is intended to be used for
conditions like cannot fork, cannot create pipe. For instance, this error includes a
getuid return of a user who does not exist in the passwd file.


Critical OS File Missing

A system file such as /etc/passwd or /var/admin/utmpx does not exist, cannot be

opened, or has an error, such as a syntax error.


Can't Create Output File

A user-specified output file cannot be created.


Input/Output Error

An error occurred while doing I/O on some file.


Temporary Failure. User is

invited to retry

Temporary failure that is not really an error. In sendmail, this means that a mailer, for
example, could not create a connection, and the request should be reattempted later.


Remote Error in Protocol

The remote system returned something that was not possible during a protocol


Permission Denied

You do not have sufficient permission to perform the operation. This message is not
intended for file system problems, which should use NOINPUT or CANTCREAT, but rather
for higher-level permissions. For example, kre uses this message to restrict students
who can send mail to.


Configuration Error

The system detected an error in the configuration.


Entry Not Found

Entry not found.


Maximum Listed Value

Highest value for error messages.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



Working With Remote Systems Topics

This section provides instructions for administering an FTP server and for accessing
remote systems in the Oracle Solaris environment.





2 7

Working With Remote Systems (Overview)

This chapter includes information about working with remote files.

What Is the FTP Server? on page 569

What Is a Remote System? on page 569
About FTP Servers in This Release on page 570
Differences From Standard ProFTPD on page 570
ProFTPD Components on page 570

What Is the FTP Server?

The file transfer protocol (FTP) server is based on the ProFTPD project. The software
implements the server side of the FTP protocol, which is widely used for distribution of bulk
data over the Internet and is the preferred standard for large FTP sites. For more information
about the ProFPTD project, see

What Is a Remote System?

For the purpose of this chapter, a remote system is a workstation or server that is connected to
the local system with any type of physical network and configured for TCP/IP communication.
On systems running an Oracle Solaris release, TCP/IP configuration is established
automatically during startup. For more information, see Oracle Solaris Administration: IP


About FTP Servers in This Release

About FTP Servers in This Release

The old FTP server based on the wu-ftpd distribution has been replaced by the proftpd server.
The migration of configuration information from the old service to the new is described in

Differences From Standard ProFTPD

The following list discusses the items that are different in the Oracle Solaris 11 implementation
of ProFTPD:

The Oracle Solaris version of ProFTPD runs in stand-alone mode only.

This release does not use the logrotate.d command to rotate the service logs.

ProFTPD Components
The following section provides information about the commands, files, and other important
components of the ProFTPD service.

ProFTPD Commands
The following table describes the commands and daemons that are associated with the
ProFTPD service.


ProFTPD Commands

File Name



Provides the user interface to the ProFTPD service. See the ftp(1) man
page for more information.


Shows the current number of connections per server, as well as per

virtual host or anonymous configuration. See the ftpcount(1) man page
for more information.


Controls the proftpd service daemon. See the ftpdctl(8) man page for
more information.


Displays the current status of FTP sessions in a continuously updating

format. See the ftptop(1) man page for more information.


Shows process information for all active proftpd connections and a

count of all connected users to each server. See the ftpwho(1) man page
for more information.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

ProFTPD Components


ProFTPD Commands


File Name



Restarts FTP connections by using the ftpshut -R command. See the

ftpshut(8) man page for more information.


Removes processes that are no longer live from the scoreboard file on
demand. See the ftpscrub(8) man page and
docs/howto/Scoreboard.html for more information.


Shuts down FTP connections at a given time. See the ftpshut(8) man
page for more information.


Provides FTP services. See the proftpd(8) man page for more

ProFTPD Files
You need several files to support the ProFTPD services on any system. The following table lists
many of these files and their functions.

ProFTPD Files

File Name



Provides an additional control mechanism for each virtual host. The file
should be placed in the home directory for the virtual host. See
localsite/Userguide/linked/x1021.html for more information.


Includes most of the configuration parameters that need to be defined in

order for the ProFTPD service to function.


Includes information used by the ftpshut command.


Lists the users to be disallowed FTP login privileges. Provided for

backward compatibility with the wu-ftpd service.


Lists log information for ProFTPD.


Includes tracking information for each current session, which is used by

commands like ftpcount, ftptop, and ftpwho. See for more

ProFTPD User
An ftp user and an ftp group are created by the ProFTPD installation process. The ProFTPD
server runs under these credentials.
Chapter 27 Working With Remote Systems (Overview)





2 8

Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

This chapter includes tasks to set up and administer an FTP server.

Administering the FTP Server (Task Map) on page 573

Administering the FTP Server (Tasks) on page 574

Administering the FTP Server (Task Map)

The following table describes the procedures that are needed to use the FTP server.

Task Map: Administering the FTP Server



For Instructions

Start the FTP server.

Follow this procedure after changing How to Start an FTP Server Using SMF on page 574
the proftpd.conf file.

Stop the FTP server.

Follow this procedure before

changing the proftpd.conf file.

How to Shut Down the FTP Server Using SMF on page 574

Shut down the FTP

server connections.

Use the /etc/shutmsg file and run

the ftpshut to shut down the FTP
connections during file system
maintenance or other events that do
not require that the service be
stopped but access to the files needs
to be denied.

How to Shut Down the FTP Connection on page 574

Reconfigure the FTP


Follow this procedure when

changing the proftpd.conf file.

How to Change the ProFTPD Configuration on page 575


Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

The following procedures show how to start and stop the FTP server, how to disable the FTP
connection and how to make changes to the ProFTPD configuration file.

How to Start an FTP Server Using SMF

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Start the FTP server.

# svcadm enable network/ftp

How to Shut Down the FTP Server Using SMF

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Stop the FTP server.

# svcadm disable network/ftp

How to Shut Down the FTP Connection

The ftpshut(8) command closes down the FTP server at a particular time. If you want to stop
serving FTP only, but not stop the daemon (so it can report the service is not available to clients)
then use this procedure. The ftpshut command will block connections and stop the current
connection, but not shutdown the server daemon itself.
When you run ftpshut, a file is generated from command-line options that specify when
shutdown occurs, the point at which new connections are refused, and when existing
connections are dropped. Users are notified of a server shutdown based on this information.
The location of the file that is created by ftpshut is /etc/shutmsg.


Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

Run the ftpshut command.

ftpshut [ -l min] [ -d min] time [warning-message...]


Command that provides a procedure for notifying users that the

FTP server is shutting down.


Flag that is used to adjust the time that new connections to the FTP
server are denied


Flag that is used to adjust the time that existing connections to the
FTP server are disconnected


Shutdown time that is specified by the word now for immediate

shutdown, or in one of two formats (+ number or HHMM) for a
future shutdown


Shutdown notification message; see the ftpshut(8) man page for

more information

Restore access to the files.

Use the ftprestart command to restart the connections to the FTP server. For further
information, see ftpshut(8) and ftprestart(8).

How to Change the ProFTPD Configuration

Most configuration variations are made by making changes to the /etc/proftpd.conf file. Use
the following steps when making changes to this file.

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Make changes to the configuration file.

See the simple examples below for suggestions about what information to add to the
configuration file.

Restart the FTP server.

# svcadm restart network/ftp

Example 281

ProFTPD Configuration File Changes for a Virtual Host

For a virtual host that is using a fixed IP address, use the following directive. You may add
multiple IP addresses separated by spaces if needed.

Chapter 28 Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)


Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

ServerName "My virtual FTP server"
Example 282

ProFTPD Configuration File Changes for Anonymous Access

To provide anonymous ftp access to your site, use these directives:
# Deny login access
<Limit LOGIN>
<Anonymous ~ftp>
# Allow anonymous logins
<Limit LOGIN>
</Limit> ....


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



2 9

Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)

This chapter describes all the tasks that are required to log in to remote systems and work with
their files. This is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

Accessing Remote Systems (Task Map) on page 577

Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin) on page 578
Logging In to a Remote System (ftp) on page 585
Remote Copying With rcp on page 592

Accessing Remote Systems (Task Map)

This chapter provides tasks that are described in the following table to log in and copy files from
remote systems.

Task Map: Accessing Remote Systems



Log in to a remote system


For Instructions

How to Search for and Remove .rhosts Files on page 582

Remove .rhosts files.
Use the rlogin command to access a How to Find Out If a Remote System Is Operating on
remote system.
page 583
How to Find Who Is Logged In to a Remote System on
page 583
How to Log In to a Remote System (rlogin) on page 584
How to Log Out From a Remote System (exit) on page 585


Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)


Task Map: Accessing Remote Systems




For Instructions

Log in to a remote system


How to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System on

page 586

Open and close anftp connection.

Copy files to and from a remote

How to Close an ftp Connection to a Remote System on

page 587
How to Copy Files From a Remote System (ftp) on page 588
How to Copy Files to a Remote System (ftp) on page 590

Copy remote files with


Use the rcp command to copy files to

and from a remote system.

How to Copy Files Between a Local and a Remote System

(rcp) on page 594

Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

The rlogin command enables you to log in to a remote system. After you are logged in, you can
navigate through the remote file system and manipulate its contents (subject to authorization),
copy files, or execute remote commands.
If the system you are logging in to is in a remote domain, be sure to append the domain name to
the system name. In this example, SOLAR is the name of the remote domain:
rlogin pluto.SOLAR
Also, you can interrupt a remote login operation at any time by typing Control-d.

Authentication for Remote Logins (rlogin)

Authentication (establishing who you are) for rlogin operations can be performed either by
the remote system or by the network environment.
The main difference between these forms of authentication lies in the type of interaction they
require from you and the way they are established. If a remote system tries to authenticate you,
you are prompted for a password, unless you set up the /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts file. If
the network tries to authenticate you, you are not asked for a password, because the network
already knows who you are.
When the remote system attempts to authenticate you, it relies on information in its local files,
specifically if one of the following is true:


Your system name and user name appear in the remote system's /etc/hosts.equiv file.

Your system name and user name appear in the remote user's .rhosts file, under the remote
user's home directory.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

Network authentication relies on one of these two methods:

A trusting network environment that has been set up with your local network information
service and the automounter.

One of the network information services that is pointed to by the remote system's
svc:/system/name-service/switch service contains information about you.

Note Network authentication generally supersedes system authentication.

/etc/hosts.equiv File
The /etc/hosts.equiv file contains a list of trusted hosts for a remote system, one per line. If a
user attempts to log in remotely (using rlogin) from one of the hosts that is listed in this file,
and if the remote system can access the user's password entry, the remote system allows the user
to log in without a password.
A typical hosts.equiv file has the following structure:
host2 user_a

When a simple entry for a host is made in hosts.equiv, such as the previous entry for host1, it
means that the host is trusted, and so is any user at that machine.
If the user name is also mentioned, as in the second entry in the example, then the host is trusted
only if the specified user is attempting access.
A group name that is preceded by a plus sign (+) means that all the machines in that netgroup
are considered trusted.
A group name that is preceded by a minus sign () means that none of the machines in that
netgroup is considered trusted.

Security Risks When Using the /etc/hosts.equiv File

The /etc/hosts.equiv file presents a security risk. If you maintain a /etc/hosts.equiv file on
your system, you should include only trusted hosts in your network. The file should not include
any host that belongs to a different network, or any machines that are in public areas. For
example, do not include a host that is located in a terminal room.
The use of hosts that are not trusted can create a serious security problem. Either replace the
/etc/hosts.equiv file with a correctly configured one, or remove the file altogether.
A single line of + in the /etc/hosts.equiv file indicates that every known host is trusted.
Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

.rhosts File
The .rhosts file is the user equivalent of the /etc/hosts.equiv file. This file contains a list of
host-user combinations, rather than hosts in general. If a host-user combination is listed in this
file, the specified user is granted permission to log in remotely from the specified host without
having to supply a password.
Note that a .rhosts file must reside at the top level of a user's home directory. .rhost files that
are located in subdirectories are not consulted.
Users can create .rhosts files in their home directories. Using the .rhosts file is another way to
allow trusted access between users' own accounts on different systems without using the
/etc/hosts.equiv file.

Security Risks When Using the .rhosts File

Unfortunately, the .rhosts file presents a major security problem. While the
/etc/hosts.equiv file is under the system administrator's control and can be managed
effectively, any user can create a .rhosts file that grants access to whomever the user chooses
without the system administrator's knowledge.
In a situation in which all of the users' home directories are on a single server and only certain
people have superuser access on that server, a good way to prevent a user from using a .rhosts
file is to create an empty file as superuser in their home directory. You would then change the
permissions in this file to 000 so that it would be difficult to change it, even as superuser. This
change would effectively prevent a user from risking system security by using a .rhosts file
irresponsibly. The change would not, however, solve anything if the user is able to change the
effective path to his or her home directory.
The only secure way to manage .rhosts files is to completely disallow them. See How to
Search for and Remove .rhosts Files on page 582 for detailed instructions. As system
administrator, you can check the system often for violations of this policy. One possible
exception to this policy is for the root account; you might need to have a .rhosts file to perform
network backups and other remote services.

Linking Remote Logins

If your system is configured properly, you can link remote logins. For example, a user on earth
logs in to jupiter, and from there decides to log in to pluto.
The user could have logged out of jupiter and then logged in directly to pluto, but this type of
linking can be more convenient.
To link remote logins without having to supply a password, you must have the
/etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts file set up correctly.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

Direct or Indirect Remote Logins

The rlogin command allows you to log in to a remote system directly or indirectly.
A direct remote login is attempted with the default user name, that is, the user name of the
individual who is currently logged in to the local system. This is the most common form of
remote login.
An indirect remote login is attempted with a different user name, which is supplied during the
remote login operation. This is the type of remote login you might attempt from a workstation
that you borrowed temporarily. For instance, if you were in a coworker's office and needed to
examine files in your home directory, you might log in to your system remotely, from your
coworker's system. However, you would perform an indirect remote login, supplying your own
user name.
The dependencies between direct and indirect logins and authentication methods are
summarized in the following table.

Dependencies Between Login Method and Authentication Method (rlogin)

Type of Login

User Name Supplied By















What Happens After You Log In Remotely

When you log in to a remote system, the rlogin command attempts to find your home
directory. If the rlogin command can't find your home directory, it assigns you to the remote
system's root (/) directory. For example:
Unable to find home directory, logging in with /

However, if the rlogin command finds your home directory, it sources both your .cshrc and
.login files. Therefore, after a remote login, your prompt is your standard login prompt, and
the current directory is the same as when you log in locally.
For example, if your usual prompt displays your system name and working directory, and when
you log in, your working directory is your home directory, your login prompt resembles the
Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

Then when you log in to a remote system, you see a similar prompt and your working directory
is your home directory, regardless of the directory from which you entered the rlogin
earth(/home/smith): rlogin pluto

The only difference is that the name of the remote system would substitute for your local system
at the beginning of the prompt. The remote file system is parallel to your home directory.
Effectively, if you change directory to /home and then run ls, you see the following:
earth(home/smith): cd ..
earth(/home): ls
smith jones

How to Search for and Remove .rhosts Files

Become an administrator.
For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in Oracle Solaris
Administration: Security Services.

Search for and remove .rhosts files by using the find(1) command.
# find home-directories -name .rhosts -print -exec rm {} \;


Identifies the path to a directory where users' home directories are located.
Note that you can enter multiple paths to search more than one home
directory at a time.

-name .rhosts

Identifies the file name.


Prints the current path name.

-exec rm {} \;

Tells the find command to apply the rm command to all files that are
identified by using the matching file name.

The find command starts at the designated directory and searches for any file that is named
.rhosts. If it finds such as file, find prints the path on the screen and removes it.
Example 291

Searching for and Removing .rhosts Files

The following example searches and removes .rhosts files in all the user's home directories
that are located in the /export/home directory.
# find /export/home -name .rhosts -print | xargs -i -t rm {} \;


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

How to Find Out If a Remote System Is Operating

Find out if a remote system is operating by using the ping command.
$ ping system-name | ip-address


The name of the remote system


The IP address of the remote system

The ping command returns one of three messages:

Status Message


system-name is alive

The system can be accessed over the network.

ping: unknown host system-name

The system name is unknown.

ping: no answer from system-name

The system is known, but is not currently operating.

If the system you ping is located in a different domain, the return message can also contain
routing information, which you can ignore.
The ping command has a timeout of 20 seconds. Effectively, if it does not receive a response
within 20 seconds, it returns the third message. You can force ping to wait longer (or less) by
typing a time-out value, in seconds:
$ ping system-name | ip-address time-out

For more information, see ping(1M).

How to Find Who Is Logged In to a Remote System

Find who is logged in to a remote system by using the rusers(1) command.
$ rusers [-l] remote-system-name


(No options) Displays the name of the system, followed by the name of users who
are currently logged in to it, including root


Displays additional information about each user: the user's login window, login
time and date, amount of time logged in, and the name of the remote system from
which the user logged on


Finding Who Is Logged In to a Remote System

The following example shows the short output of rusers.

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)


Finding Who Is Logged In to a Remote System


$ rusers pluto
smith jones

In the following example, the long version of rusers shows that two users are logged in to the
remote system starbug. The first user logged in from the system console on September 10 and
has been logged on for 137 hours and 15 minutes. The second user logged in from a remote
system, mars, on September 14.
$rusers -l starbug

Sep 10 16:13 137:15

Sep 14 14:37

How to Log In to a Remote System (rlogin)

Log in to a remote system by using the rlogin(1) command.
$ rlogin [-l user-name] system-name


(No options) Logs you in to the remote system directly, effectively, with your
current user name

-l user-name

Logs you into the remote system indirectly, effectively, with the user name
you supply

If the network attempts to authenticate you, you are not prompted for a password. If the remote
system attempts to authenticate you, you are asked to provide a password.
If the operation succeeds, the rlogin command displays brief information about your latest
remote login to that system, the version of the operating system that is running on the remote
system, and whether you have mail waiting for you in your home directory.

Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)

The following example shows the output of a direct remote login to pluto. The user has been
authenticated by the network.
$ rlogin starbug
Last login: Mon Jul 12 09:28:39 from venus
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8
February 2000

The following example shows the output of an indirect remote login to pluto, with the user
being authenticated by the remote system.
$ rlogin -l smith pluto
password: user-password


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)


Logging In to a Remote System (rlogin)


Last login: Mon Jul 12 11:51:58 from venus

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8
February 2000

How to Log Out From a Remote System (exit)

Log out from a remote system by using the exit(1) command.
$ exit


Logging Out From a Remote System (exit)

This example shows the user smith logging out from the system pluto.
$ exit
pluto% logout
Connection closed.

Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

The ftp command opens the user interface to the Internet's File Transfer Protocol. This user
interface, called the command interpreter, enables you to log in to a remote system and perform
a variety of operations with its file system. The principal operations are summarized in the
following table.
The main benefit of ftp over rlogin and rcp is that ftp does not require the remote system to
be running UNIX. The remote system does, however, need to be configured for TCP/IP
communications. However, rlogin provides access to a richer set of file manipulation
commands than ftp provides.

Authentication for Remote Logins (ftp)

Authentication for ftp remote login operations can be established by one of the following

Including your password entry in the remote system's /etc/passwd file or equivalent
network information service map or table

Establishing an anonymous ftp account on the remote system

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

Essential ftp Commands


Essential ftp Commands




Accesses the ftp command interpreter.

ftp remote-system

Establishes an ftp connection to a remote system. For instructions, see How

to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System on page 586.


Logs in to the remote system from the command interpreter.


Logs out of the remote system and returns to the command interpreter.


Quits the ftp command interpreter.


Lists all ftp commands or, if a command name is supplied, briefly describes
what the command does.


Re-synchronizes the command-reply sequencing with the remote ftp server.


Lists the contents of the remote working directory.


Displays the name of the remote working directory.


Changes the remote working directory.


Changes the local working directory.


Creates a directory on the remote system.


Deletes a directory on the remote system.

get, mget

Copies a file (or multiple files) from the remote working directory to the local
working directory.

put, mput

Copies a file (or multiple files) from the local working directory to the remote
working directory.

delete, mdelete

Deletes a file (or multiple files) from the remote working directory.

For more information, see the ftp(1) man page.

How to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System

Ensure that you have ftp authentication.
You must have ftp authentication, as described in Authentication for Remote Logins (ftp)
on page 585.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

Open a connection to a remote system by using the ftp command.

$ ftp remote-system

If the connection succeeds, a confirmation message and prompt are displayed.


Type your user name.

Name (remote-system:user-name): user-name

If prompted, type your password.

331 Password required for user-name:
Password: password

If the system you are accessing has an established anonymous ftp account, you are prompted
for an email address for the password. If the ftp interface accepts your password, it displays a
confirmation message and the (ftp>) prompt.
You can now use any of the commands that are supplied by the ftp interface, including help.
The principal commands are summarized in Table 293.

Example 295

Opening an ftp Connection to a Remote System

This ftp session was established by the user smith on the remote system pluto:
$ ftp pluto
Connected to pluto.
220 pluto FTP server ready.
Name (pluto:smith): smith
331 Password required for smith:
Password: password
230 User smith logged in.

How to Close an ftp Connection to a Remote System

Close an ftp connection to a remote system by using the bye command.
ftp> bye
221-You have transferred 0 bytes in 0 files.
221-Total traffic for this sessions was 172 bytes in 0 transfers.
221-Thanks you for using the FTP service on spdev.
221 Goodbye.

A goodbye message appears, followed by your usual shell prompt.

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

How to Copy Files From a Remote System (ftp)

Change to a directory on the local system where you want the files from the remote system to be
$ cd target-directory

Establish an ftp connection.

See How to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System on page 586.

Change to the source directory.

ftp> cd source-directory

If your system is using the automounter, the home directory of the remote system's user appears
parallel to yours, under /home.

Ensure that you have read permission for the source files.
ftp> ls -l

Set the transfer type to binary.

ftp> binary

To copy a single file, use the get command.

ftp> get filename

To copy multiple files at once, use the mget command.

ftp> mget filename [filename ...]

You can supply a series of individual file names and you can use wildcard characters. The mget
command copies each file individually, asking you for confirmation each time.

Close the ftp connections.

ftp> bye

Example 296

Copying Files From a Remote System (ftp)

In this example, the user kryten opens an ftp connection to the system pluto, and uses the get
command to copy a single file from the /tmp directory.
$ cd $HOME
ftp pluto
Connected to pluto.
220 pluto FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
Name (pluto:kryten): kryten
331 Password required for kryten.
Password: xxx
230 User kryten logged in.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

ftp> cd /tmp
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,34344)
(0 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
53 bytes received in 0.022 seconds (2.39 Kbytes/s)
ftp> get filea
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for filea (,34331)
(0 bytes).
221 Goodbye.

In this example, the same user kryten uses the mget command to copy a set of files from the
/tmp directory to his home directory. Note that kryten can accept or reject individual files in
the set.
$ ftp> cd /tmp
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ls files
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,34345)
(0 bytes).
remote: files
21 bytes received in 0.015 seconds (1.36 Kbytes/s)
ftp> cd files
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> mget file*
mget fileb? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for fileb (,34347)
(0 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
mget filec? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for filec (,34348)
(0 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
mget filed? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for filed (,34351)
(0 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.200 PORT command successful.
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

How to Copy Files to a Remote System (ftp)

Change to the source directory on the local system.

The directory from which you type the ftp command is the local working directory, and thus
the source directory for this operation.

Establish an ftp connection.

See How to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System on page 586.

Change to the target directory.

ftp> cd target-directory

Remember, if your system is using the automounter, the home directory of the remote system's
user appears parallel to yours, under /home.

Ensure that you have write permission to the target directory.

ftp> ls -l target-directory

Set the transfer type to binary.

ftp> binary

To copy a single file, use the put command.

ftp> put filename

To copy multiple files at once, use the mput command.

ftp> mput filename [filename ...]

You can supply a series of individual file names and you can use wildcard characters. The mput
command copies each file individually, asking you for confirmation each time.

To close the ftp connection, type bye.

ftp> bye

Example 297

Copying Files to a Remote System (ftp)

In this example, the user kryten opens an ftp connection to the system pluto, and uses the put
command to copy a file from his or her system to the /tmp directory on system pluto.
$ cd /tmp
ftp pluto
Connected to pluto.
220 pluto FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
Name (pluto:kryten): kryten
331 Password required for kryten.
Password: xxx
230 User kryten logged in.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Logging In to a Remote System (ftp)

ftp> cd /tmp
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put filef
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for filef (,34356).
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,34357) (0 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
60 bytes received in 0.058 seconds (1.01 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

In this example, the same user kryten uses the mput command to copy a set of files from his or
her home directory to pluto's /tmp directory. Note that kryten can accept or reject individual
files in the set.
$ cd $HOME/testdir
$ ls
test1 test2 test3
$ ftp pluto
Connected to pluto.
220 pluto FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
Name (pluto:kryten): kryten
331 Password required for kryten.
Password: xxx
230 User kryten logged in.
ftp> cd /tmp
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> mput test*
mput test1? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for test1 (,34365).
226 Transfer complete.
mput test2? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for test2 (,34366).
226 Transfer complete.
mput test3? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for filef (,34356).
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Remote Copying With rcp

Remote Copying With rcp

The rcp command copies files or directories between a local and a remote system or between
two remote systems. You can use this command from a remote system (after logging in with the
rlogin command) or from the local system (without logging in to a remote system).
With rcp, you can perform the following remote copy operations:

Copy a file or directory from your system to a remote system

Copy a file or directory from a remote system to your local system
Copy a file or directory between remote systems from your local system

If you have the automounter running, you can perform these remote operations with the cp
command. However, the range of cp is constrained to the virtual file system that is created by
the automounter and to operations relative to a user's home directory. Because rcp performs
the same operations without these constraints, this section describes only the rcp versions of
these tasks.

Security Considerations for Copy Operations

To copy files or directories between systems, you must have permission to log in and copy files.
Caution Both the cp and rcp commands can overwrite files without warning. Ensure that file
names are correct before executing the command.

Specifying Source and Target

With the rcp command in the C shell, you can specify source (the file or directory you want to
copy) and target (the location into which you will copy the file or directory) with either absolute
or abbreviated path names.

Absolute Path Name

Abbreviated Path Name

From Local System



After Remote Login



Absolute path names identify files or directories that are mounted on a particular system. In the
previous example, the first absolute path name identifies a file (myfile.txt) on the mars
system. Abbreviated path names identify files or directories relative to a user's home directory,
wherever it might reside. In the previous first example, the abbreviated path name identifies the
same file, myfile.txt, but uses ~ symbol to indicate the jones home directory:

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Remote Copying With rcp

~ = mars:/home/jones
The examples on the second line demonstrate the user of absolute and abbreviated path names
after a remote login. No difference is evident for the abbreviated path name. However, because
the remote login operation mounted the jones home directory onto the local system (parallel to
the local user's home directory), the absolute path name no longer requires the system name
mars. For more information about how a remote login operation mounts another user's home
directory, see What Happens After You Log In Remotely on page 581.
The following table provides a sample of absolute and abbreviated path names that are
recognized by the C shell. The sample uses the following terminology:

Working directory The directory from which the rcp command is entered. Can be remote
or local.

Current user The user name under which the rcp command is entered.


Allowed Syntaxes for Directory and File Names

Logged in to



Local system

The local working directory


The path and filename in the local working directory

The current user's home directory


The path and filename beneath the current user's

home directory


The home directory of user


The path and filename beneath the home directory of



The path and filename in the remote working


The remote working directory


The filename in the remote working directory


The path and filename in the remote working


The current user's home directory


The path and filename in the current user's home



The home directory of user


The path and filename beneath the home directory of


Remote system

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Remote Copying With rcp

Logged in to

Allowed Syntaxes for Directory and File Names





The path and filename in the local working directory

How to Copy Files Between a Local and a Remote

System (rcp)

Ensure that you have permission to copy.

You should at least have read permission on the source system and write permission on the
target system.

Determine the location of the source and target.

If you don't know the path of the source or target, you can first log in to the remote system with
the rlogin command, as described in How to Log In to a Remote System (rlogin) on
page 584. Then, navigate through the remote system until you find the location. You can then
perform the next step without logging out.

Copy the file or directory.

$ rcp [-r] source-file|directory target-file|directory


(No options) Copies a single file from the source to the target.


Copies a directory from the source to the target.

This syntax applies whether you are logged in to the remote system or in to the local system.
Only the path name of the file or directory changes, as described in Table 294 and as illustrated
in the following examples.
You can use the ~ and . characters to specify the path portions of the local file or directory
names. Note, however, that ~ applies to the current user, not the remote system, and that .
applies to system you are logged in to. For explanations of these symbols, see Table 294.
Example 298

Using rcp to Copy a Remote File to a Local System

In this example, rcp is used to copy the file letter.doc from the /home/jones directory of the
remote system pluto to the working directory (/home/smith) on the local system, earth:
earth(/home/smith): rcp pluto:/home/jones/letter.doc .

In this instance, the rcp operation is performed without a remote login. Here, the . symbol at
the end of the command line refers to the local system, not the remote system.
The target directory is the also local user's home directory, so it can also be specified with the ~

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Remote Copying With rcp

Example 299

Using rlogin and rcp to Copy a Remote File to a Local System

In this example, the rcp operation is run after the rlogin command is executed to copy a file
from a remote to a local system. Although the flow of the operation is the same as that of the
previous example, the paths change to allow for the remote login:
earth(/home/smith): rlogin pluto
pluto(/home/jones): rcp letter.doc ~

Using the . symbol at the end of the command line would be inappropriate in this instance.
Because of the remote login, the symbol would simply refer to the remote system; essentially
directing rcp to create a duplicate file. The ~ symbol, however, refers to the current user's
home directory, even when the login is to a remote system.
Example 2910

Using rcp to Copy a Local File to a Remote System

In this example, rcp is used to copy the file notice.doc from the home directory (/home/smith)
of the local system earth to the /home/jones directory of the remote system, pluto:
earth(/home/smith): rcp notice.doc pluto:/home/jones

Because no remote file name is provided, the file notice.doc is copied into the /home/jones
directory with the same name.
In this instance, the rcp operation from the previous example is repeated, but rcp is entered
from a different working directory on the local system (/tmp). Note the use of the ~ symbol to
refer to the current user's home directory:
earth(/tmp): rcp ~/notice.doc pluto:/home/jones
Example 2911

Using rlogin and rcp to Copy a Local File to a Remote System

In this example, the rcp operation is run after the rlogin command is executed to copy a local
file to a remote directory. Although the flow of the operation is the same as that of the previous
example, the paths change to allow for the remote login.
earth(/home/smith): rlogin pluto
pluto(/home/jones): rcp ~/notice.doc .

Chapter 29 Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)


Remote Copying With rcp

In this instance, the ~ symbol can be used to denote the current user's home directory, even
though it is on the local system. The . symbol refers to the working directory on the remote
system because the user is logged in to the remote system. Here is an alternative syntax that
performs the same operation:
pluto(/home/jones): rcp earth:/home/smith/notice.doc /home/jones


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



Monitoring Network Services Topics

This section provides step-by-step instructions for monitoring network services.





3 0

Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks)

This chapter describes how to monitor network performance. The following is a list of the
step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network on page 600

How to Send Packets to Hosts on the Network on page 600
How to Capture Packets From the Network on page 601
How to Check the Network Status on page 601
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics on page 604

Monitoring Network Performance

The following table describes the commands that are available for monitoring network

Network Monitoring Commands




Look at the response of hosts on the network.


Test the reliability of your packet sizes. This command can tell you whether the network is
delaying packets or dropping packets.


Capture packets from the network and trace the calls from each client to each server.


Display network status, including state of the interfaces that are used for TCP/IP traffic,
the IP routing table, and the per-protocol statistics for UDP, TCP, ICMP, and IGMP.


Display a summary of server and client statistics that can be used to identify NFS


Monitoring Network Performance

How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network

Check the response of hosts on the network with the ping command.
$ ping hostname

If you suspect a physical problem, you can use ping to find the response time of several hosts on
the network. If the response from one host is not what you would expect, you can investigate
that host. Physical problems could be caused by the following:

Loose cables or connectors

Improper grounding
No termination
Signal reflection

For more information about this command, see the ping(1M) man page.

Checking the Response of Hosts on the Network

The simplest version of ping sends a single packet to a host on the network. If ping receives the
correct response, the command prints the message host is alive.
$ ping elvis
elvis is alive

With the -s option, ping sends one datagram per second to a host. The command then prints
each response and the time that was required for the round trip. An example follows.
$ ping -s pluto
64 bytes from pluto (123.456.78.90): icmp_seq=0. time=3.82 ms
64 bytes from pluto (123.456.78.90): icmp_seq=5. time=0.947 ms
64 bytes from pluto (123.456.78.90): icmp_seq=6. time=0.855 ms
----pluto PING Statistics---3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/sttdev = 0.855/1.87/3.82/1.7

How to Send Packets to Hosts on the Network

Test the reliability of your packet sizes with the spray command.
$ spray [ -c count -d interval -l packet-size] hostname


-i count

Number of packets to send.

-d interval

Number of microseconds to pause between sending packets. If you do not use

a delay, you might deplete the buffers.

-l packet-size

Is the packet size.

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Monitoring Network Performance


Is the system to send packets.

For more information about this command, see spray(1M).


Sending Packets to Hosts on the Network

The following example sends 100 packets to a host (-c 100), with a packet size of 2048 bytes (-l
2048). The packets are sent with a delay time of 20 microseconds between each burst (-d 20).
$ spray -c 100 -d 20 -l 2048 pluto
sending 100 packets of length 2048 to pluto ...
no packets dropped by pluto
279 packets/sec, 573043 bytes/sec

How to Capture Packets From the Network

To capture packets from the network and trace the calls from each client to each server, use
snoop. This command provides accurate timestamps that enable some network performance
problems to be isolated quickly. For more information, see snoop(1M).
# snoop

Dropped packets could be caused by insufficient buffer space or an overloaded CPU.

How to Check the Network Status

To display network status information, such as statistics about the state of network interfaces,
routing tables, and various protocols, use the netstat command.
$ netstat [-i] [-r] [-s]


Displays the state of the TCP/IP interfaces


Displays the IP routing table


Displays statistics for the UDP, TCP, ICMP, and IGMP protocols

For more information, see netstat(1M).

ExamplesChecking the Network Status

The following example shows output from the netstat -i command, which displays the state
of the interfaces that are used for TCP/IP traffic.
$ netstat -i
Name Mtu Net/Dest


Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue

Chapter 30 Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks)


Monitoring Network Performance

lo0 8232 software

eri0 1500 loopback


1280 0
1628480 0





This display shows the number of packets that a machine has transmitted and has received on
each interface. A machine with active network traffic should show both Ipkts and Opkts
continually increasing.
Calculate the network collisions rate by dividing the number of collision counts (Collis) by the
number of out packets (Opkts). In the previous example, the collision rate is 11 percent. A
network-wide collision rate that is greater than 5 to 10 percent can indicate a problem.
Calculate the error rate for the input packets by dividing the number of input errors by the total
number of input packets (Ierrs/Ipkts). The error rate for the output packets is the number of
output errors divided by the total number of output packets (Oerrs/Opkts). If the input error
rate is high, at over 0.25 percent, the host might be dropping packets.
The following example shows output from the netstat -s command, which displays the
per-protocol statistics for the UDP, TCP, ICMP, and IGMP protocols.



= 60000
= 26952
= 1133
= 36186
= 803
= 14756
= 212
= 456
tcpTimRetransDrop =


= 200
= 420
= 315
= 56588
= 741


= 32759
= 6862
= 15065
= 763








Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Monitoring Network Performance


= 7565
= 19938

icmpInDestUnreachs = 618
= 313
= 477
= 103
icmpOutDestUnreachs =
= 477
icmpOutAddrMaskReps =


= 8723
= 1158
= 473





messages received
messages received with too few bytes
messages received with bad checksum
membership queries received
membership queries received with invalid field(s)
membership reports received
membership reports received with invalid field(s)
membership reports received for groups to which we belong
membership reports sent

The following example shows output from the netstat -r command, which displays the IP
routing table.
Routing Table:
Flags Ref
------------------ -------------------- ----- ----localhost

------ --------0 2817 lo0
3 14293 eri0
0 eri0
0 14142

The fields in the netstat -r report are described in the following table.

Chapter 30 Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks)


Monitoring Network Performance


Output From the netstat -r Command

Field Name



The route is up.

The route is through a gateway.

The route is to a host.

The route was dynamically created by using a redirect.


Shows the current number of routes that share the same link


Indicates the number of packets that were sent out.


Lists the network interface that is used for the route.

How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics

The NFS distributed file service uses a remote procedure call (RPC) facility that translates local
commands into requests for the remote host. The remote procedure calls are synchronous. The
client application is blocked or suspended until the server has completed the call and has
returned the results. One of the major factors that affects NFS performance is the
retransmission rate.
If the file server cannot respond to a client's request, the client retransmits the request a
specified number of times before the client quits. Each retransmission imposes system overhead
and increases network traffic. Excessive retransmissions can cause network performance
problems. If the retransmission rate is high, you could look for the following:

Overloaded servers that complete requests too slowly

An Ethernet interface that is dropping packets
Network congestion, which slows the packet transmission

The following table describes the nfsstat options to display client and server statistics.

Commands for Displaying Client/Server Statistics



nfsstat -c

Client statistics

nfsstat -s

Server statistics

netstat -m

Network statistics for each file system

Use nfsstat -c to show client statistics, and nfsstat -s to show server statistics. Use netstat
-m to display network statistics for each file system. For more information, see nfsstat(1M).

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

Monitoring Network Performance

ExamplesDisplaying NFS Server and Client Statistics

The following example displays RPC and NFS data for the client pluto.
$ nfsstat -c
Client rpc:
Connection oriented:
badcalls badxids timeouts
1595799 1511
cantconn nomem
badcalls retrans badxids
timers nomem
Client nfs:
badcalls clgets
1640097 3112
Version 2: (46366 calls)
getattr setattr
0 0%
6589 14% 2202 4%
wrcache write
0 0%
13297 28% 1081 2%
24 0%
0 0%
906 1%
Version 3: (1585571 calls)
0 0%
508406 32% 10209 0%
69201 4% 7615 0%
42 0%
rename link
929 0% 597 0%
3986 0%
4364 0%

newcreds badverfs


timeouts newcreds


0 0%
0 0%
3107 6%

Client nfs_acl:
Version 2: (3105 calls)
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
Version 3: (5055 calls)
0 0%
5055 100% 0 0%

11506 24%
0 0%

0 0%
0 0%

7654 16%
0 0%

readlink read
263441 16% 400845 25% 3065 0% 117959 7%
remove rmdir
16 0%
0 0%
7875 0% 51 0%
readdir+ fsstat fsinfo pathconf
185145 11% 942 0% 300 0% 583 0%

3105 100% 0 0%

The output of the nfsstat -c command is described in the following table.


Output From the nfsstat -c Command




The total number of calls that were sent.


The total number of calls that were rejected by RPC.

Chapter 30 Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks)


Monitoring Network Performance


Output From the nfsstat -c Command





The total number of retransmissions. For this client, the number of retransmissions is
less than 1 percent, or approximately 10 timeouts out of 6888 calls. These retransmissions
might be caused by temporary failures. Higher rates might indicate a problem.


The number of times that a duplicate acknowledgment was received for a single NFS


The number of calls that timed out.


The number of times a call had to wait because no client handle was available.


The number of times the authentication information had to be refreshed.


The number of times the time-out value was greater than or equal to the specified
time-out value for a call.


The number of times a read was made to a symbolic link. If this number is high, at over
10 percent, then there could be too many symbolic links.

The following example shows output from the nfsstat -m command.

pluto$ nfsstat -m
/usr/man from pluto:/export/svr4/man
Flags: vers=2,proto=udp,auth=unix,hard,intr,dynamic,
rsize=8192, wsize=8192,retrans=5
Lookups: srtt=13 (32ms), dev=10 (50ms), cur=6 (120ms)
srtt=13 (32ms), dev=10 (50ms), cur=6 (120ms)

This output of the nfsstat -m command, which is displayed in milliseconds, is described in the
following table.

Output From the nfsstat -m Command




The smoothed average of the round-trip times


The average deviations


The current expected response time

If you suspect that the hardware components of your network are creating problems, you need
to look closely at the cabling and connectors.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011



A version of PPP that was included with the operating system from the Solaris 2.4 to the Solaris 8 releases.
asppp supported asynchronous PPP communications only.

asynchronous PPP A form of PPP that runs over asynchronous serial lines, which transfer data one character at a time. The
most common form of PPP configuration, the dial-up link, uses asynchronous PPP communications.

The act of verifying the identity that is supplied over the network by a remote user or entity, such as a
program. Some authentication protocols enable you to build databases of authentication credentials from
potential users. Other authentication protocols use certificate chains of trust that are generated by a
certificate authority for authentication purposes. These credentials can authenticate users when they try to
communicate with you or use your site's services.


A data-link layer procedure that is used to transmit packets to every machine on a subnet. Broadcast
packets are typically not routed beyond the subnet.

Callback Control
Protocol (CBCP)

A proprietary Microsoft PPP extension that is used to negotiate a callback session. Solaris PPP 4.0
supports only the client (initial caller) side of this protocol.

channel service
unit (CSU)

A synchronous telecommunications device that provides a local interface to a leased telecommunications

line and terminates that line. In the United States, a CSU terminates a T1 line and provides a DS1 or DSX
interface. Internationally, the CSU is typically owned by the telephone company provider.
See also CSU/DSU and data service unit (DSU).


The Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol is an authentication protocol that can be used to

verify the identity of a caller on a PPP link. CHAP authentication uses the notion of the challenge and
response, where the machine that receives a call challenges the caller to prove its identity.
See also password authentication protocol (PAP).

CHAP secret

An ASCII or binary string that is used for identification purposes and is known to both peers on a PPP
link. The CHAP secret is stored in clear text in a system's /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file but is never sent
over the PPP link, not even in encrypted form. The CHAP protocol verifies that a hash of the CHAP secret
that is used by a caller matches a hash of the CHAP secret entry for the caller in the recipient's
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.

chat script

Instructions that tell a modem how to establish a communications link between itself and a remote peer.
Both the PPP and UUCP protocols use chat scripts for establishing dial-up links and dial-back calling.


Compression Control Protocol (CCP)

Control Protocol

A subprotocol of PPP that negotiates the use of data compression on the link. Unlike header compression,
CCP compresses all data within packets that are sent on the link.


A synchronous telecommunications device that combines the CSU and DSU devices and is used on a
leased-line PPP link. The CSU/DSU translates signals from a peer to a leased line. Most CSU/DSUs do not
need a chat script to establish the link. CSU/DSUs are often configured by the leased-line provider.
See also channel service unit (CSU) and data service unit (DSU).

data service unit


A synchronous telecommunications device that is used on a leased-line PPP link. The DSU converts
between data-framing formats that are used on telecommunications lines and provides a standard data
communications interface.
See also channel service unit (CSU) and CSU/DSU.

dial-in server

The peer that negotiates and establishes the recipient end of a dial-up PPP link after receiving a call from a
dial-out machine. Though the term dial-in server is in common use, the dial-in server does not function
in accordance with the client-server paradigm. Rather, it is simply the peer that responds to the request to
set up a dial-up link. After it is configured, a dial-in server can receive calls from any number of dial-out

dial-out machine

The peer that initiates the call to establish a dial-up PPP link. After it is configured, the dial-out machine
can call any number of dial-in servers. The dial-out machine typically provides authentication credentials
before the dial-up link can be established.

dial-up PPP link

A PPP connection that involves a peer and a modem at either end of a telephone line or similar
communications medium, such as a medium that is provided by ISDN. The term dial-up refers to the
sequence in link negotiation when the local modem dials up the remote peer by using the peer's telephone
number. The dial-up link is the most common and least expensive PPP configuration.

Directory Agent

Optional SLP agent that stores and maintains a cache of service advertisements that are sent by the service
agent (SA). When deployed, the DA resolves user agent (UA) service requests. The DA responds to active
solicitations from the SA and UA for directory advertisements. As a result, the SA and UA discover the
associated DAs and scopes. A DA sends periodic unsolicited advertisements through which UAs and SAs
discover the DA within shared scopes.


A scripting format that is used in PPP and UUCP chat scripts. The chat script begins with the text or
instruction to expect from the remote peer. The next line contains the response to be sent from the local
host after it receives the correct expect string from the peer. Subsequent lines repeat the expect-send
instructions between local host and peer until all instructions that are required to establish
communications are successfully negotiated.


A flexible way to record resource consumption on a task or process basis.

Internet Protocol
Control Protocol

A subprotocol of PPP that negotiates the IP addresses of the peers on the link. IPCP also negotiates header
compression for the link and enables the use of the network layer protocols.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

point-to-point protocol (PPP)

Internet Protocol See Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP).

Version 6 Control
Protocol (IPV6CP)
ISDN terminal
adaptor (TA)

A signal-adapting device that provides a modem-like interface for a dial-up PPP link over an ISDN
network. You use the same Solaris PPP 4.0 configuration files to configure an ISDN TA as you use for
configuring a standard modem.

leased-line PPP

A PPP connection that involves a host and a CSU/DSU that are connected to a synchronous network
medium leased from a provider. OC3 and T1 are common examples of leased-line media. Though easier
to administer, leased-line links are more expensive than dial-up PPP links and, therefore, are less

legacy services

A networked service that is not SLP-enabled. You can create a proxy registration to register a legacy service
with SLP. SLP-based clients can then discover legacy services (see Chapter 10, Incorporating Legacy


In PPP, the communications connection that is negotiated and established between two peers. Solaris PPP
4.0 supports two types of links: dial up and leased line.

link control
protocol (LCP)

A subprotocol of PPP that is used to negotiate the initial set of link parameters between the peers. Part of
the function of LCP is to test the link integrity, so many link-related problems manifest themselves as LCP

Microsoft CHAP

A proprietary Microsoft authentication protocol for PPP. Solaris PPP 4.0 supports versions 1 and 2 of this
protocol in both client and server mode.


A network layer procedure that is used to send datagram packets to multiple machines on an IP network.
Packets are not handled by every machine as is the situation with broadcast routing. Multicast requires
that routers be configured with special routing protocols.

protocol (PAP)

An authentication protocol that can be used to verify the identity of a caller on a PPP link. PAP uses a
cleartext password that is passed over the link, which makes it possible to store the password on one of the
endpoint machines. For example, PAP can use the login and password entries in the UNIX passwd
database on the machine that receives a call to verify the identity of the caller.
See also CHAP.


In PPP, an individual computer at one end of a PPP communications link, which consists of two peers that
are connected by communications media. You can configure many types of computing equipment as a
peer, such as a workstation, personal computer, router, or mainframe.

protocol (PPP)

A data-link layer protocol that provides a standard method for transferring datagrams over point-to-point
media. A PPP configuration consists of two endpoint computers called peers, and the telephone lines or
another bidirectional link that the peers use for communication. The hardware and software connection
between the two peers is considered the PPP link.
PPP is composed of a number of subprotocols, including PAP, CHAP, LCP, and CCP. Numerous PPP
implementations are available.


PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)

PPP over Ethernet


A proprietary protocol from RedBack Networks that enables hosts to run PPP sessions over an Ethernet
link. PPPoE is commonly used with Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) services.


A grouping of UAs and SAs that are arranged administratively, topologically, or in some other manner.
You can use scopes to modify how you provision access to services across the enterprise.


Information that is distributed by an SA that describes a service. A service advertisement consists of a URL
and a collection of attribute/value list pairs that describe a service. All service advertisements have a
lifetime. After the lifetime expires, a service advertisement is no longer valid unless reregistered.

Service Agent (SA) The SLP agent that maintains service advertisements for networked services. If no DA is available, the SA
answers multicast service requests from UAs. If a DA is available, the SA registers and, optionally,
deregisters services with DAs that support its scopes.
service URL

A URL that is used to advertise the network location of services. The URL contains the service type, host
name, or network address of the service host. The URL might also contain a port number and other
information that is required to use the service.

SLP daemon (slpd) The daemon process that acts as a DA or an SA server in the Oracle Solaris implementation of SLP. Service
processes on the host register service advertisements with slpd instead of maintaining the advertisements
individually. Each process contains an SA client library that communicates with slpd when the daemon is
configured as the SA server. The SLP daemon forwards all registrations and deregistrations to DAs. The
daemon times out expired service advertisements and maintains a table of the available DAs by
performing active and passive DA discovery. Through such mechanisms, DA information is provided to
UA clients. UA clients use slpd on a host only for DA information. You can optionally configure slpd as a
synchronous PPP

A form of PPP that runs over synchronous digital lines, which transfer data as a continuous stream of raw
bits. The leased-line PPP link uses synchronous PPP.

trusted callers

In PPP, remote peers that a dial-in server grants access to by including the peers' security credentials in the
server's PAP or CHAP secrets database.

User Agent (UA)

The SLP agent that acts on behalf of the user application. The agent queries for the identity of
corresponding scopes, directory agents, and service advertisements.


Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


Numbers and Symbols

& (ampersand), in autofs maps, 210

* (asterisk), in autofs maps, 211
\ (backslash) in maps, 194, 196, 197
- (dash)
dial-code abbreviation, 532
in autofs map names, 206
Line2 field placeholder, 538
Speed field placeholder, 532
. (dot)
rcp command syntax, 594, 596
= (equal sign), dial-code abbreviation, 532
+ (plus sign)
/etc/hosts.equiv file syntax, 579
in autofs map names, 206, 207
# (pound sign)
comments in direct maps, 196
comments in indirect maps, 197
comments in master map (auto_master), 194
/ (slash)
/- as master map mount point, 194, 197
master map names preceded by, 194
root directory
mounting by diskless clients, 74
~ (tilde)
abbreviated path names, 592, 593
rcp command syntax, 594, 596
~/.ftpaccess file, description, 571

-Ac option, sendmail command, 360

-Am option, sendmail command, 360
-a option
showmount command, 161
umount command, 151
access control list (ACL) and NFS
description, 76, 179180
error message, Permission denied, 127
access server (PPP)
commands and files for configuring, 499, 500502
configuring, for PPPoE, 446, 448, 502504
definition, 389
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets file, 504
/etc/ppp/options file, 503
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets file, 504
planning task map, 406
restricting an interface to PPPoE clients, 448
task map for configuring, 443444
accessing, NFS referrals, 114
ACU keyword of Type field, 537
address assignment
PPP, 495, 496, 497
administrative commands (UUCP), 515
administrative files (UUCP)
cleanup, 522
execute files (X.), 514, 562
lock files (LCK), 561
temporary data files (TM), 561
work files (C.), 561, 562
creating, 325, 326



aliases (Continued)
definition, 325
/etc/mail/aliases file, 340, 341
loops, 308
NIS aliases map, 341
verifying, 308
aliases.db file, 297, 330
aliases.dir file, 297, 330
aliases file, 330, 524
aliases.pag file, 297, 330
ALL value in COMMANDS option, 553
already mounted message, 122
alternative commands, sendmail command, 318
ampersand (&), in autofs maps, 210
anon option, share command, 157
anonymous ftp, accounts, 585
Any keyword
Grades file (UUCP), 558, 559
Speed field (UUCP), 532
Any Time field entry, 530
applications, hung, 126
ARCH map variable, 206
asppp, See asynchronous PPP (asppp)
asppp2pppd conversion script
converting to Solaris PPP 4.0, 510511
standard asppp configuration, 507
viewing files converted to Solaris PPP 4.0, 511
ASSERT error messages (UUCP), 527, 562, 564
asterisk (*), in autofs maps, 211
asynchronous PPP (asppp)
configuring UUCP databases, 517
converting to Solaris PPP 4.0, 510511
difference from Solaris PPP 4.0, 378
documentation, 378
files in a configuration, 507
asyncmap option (PPP), 475
audio files, mailbox space requirements and, 327
Australian National University (ANU) PPP,
compatibility with Solaris PPP 4.0, 378
auth option (PPP), 433
authenticatee (PPP), 388
See also authentication (PPP)
DH, 189, 190

authentication (Continued)
fixing common problems, 467
remote logins using ftp command, 585, 586, 587
remote logins using rlogin command, 578, 580,
direct or indirect logins, 581
/etc/hosts.equiv file, 579
network or remote system authentication, 578,
579, 581
.rhosts files, 580
RPC, 189
UNIX, 188, 189
authentication (PPP)
authenticatee, 388
authenticator, 388
configuring CHAP
See also Challenge-Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP)
dial-in server, 438, 440
dial-out machine, 442
configuring CHAP credentials, 441
configuring CHAP credentials database, 439
configuring PAP
See also Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
default policy, 387
example of CHAP, 403
example of PAP, 401
planning, 399, 403
prerequisites before configuring, 400
process diagram
for PAP, 491
secrets file
for PAP, 432
for PPP, 388
support for leased lines, 388
task maps for configuring, 429430, 430431,
trusted callers, 388
authenticator (PPP), 388
auto_direct file, 280
auto_home map
/home directory, 106
/home directory server setup, 107
/home mount point, 193, 194

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


administering maps, 102
browsability, 80, 112
consolidating project-related files, 108
features, 80
/home directory, 106
home directory server setup, 107
browsability and, 80
CD-ROM file system, 105
direct, 195, 196
hsfs option, 105
indirect, 197, 198
master, 193, 194
network navigation, 200
PCDOS file system, 106
pcfs option, 106
read-only file selection, 202, 205
referring to other maps, 206, 207
starting the navigation process, 194, 200
types, 102
variables, 206
metacharacters, 210
mount process, 201, 202
mounting file systems, 87
namespace data, 80
NFS URL and, 112
non-NFS file system access, 105, 106
operating systems
supporting incompatible versions, 110
overview, 73
public file handle and, 111
reference, 210, 211
replicating shared files across several servers, 110
shared namespace access, 109
special characters, 211
starting, 92
stopping, 93
troubleshooting, 120
unmounting process, 202
Automatic Call Unit (ACU)
Devices file Type field, 537
troubleshooting, 525
UUCP hardware configuration, 513

automatic mounting
/var/mail directory, 280, 327
automount command, 144145
autofs and, 73
error messages, 120
modifying autofs master map (auto_master), 103
overview, 199
-v option, 121
when to run, 103
automountd daemon, 133
autofs and, 73
description, 80
mounting and, 80
overview, 198, 199
avoiding problems with ACLs in NFS, 180

b escape character, Dialers file, 544
-bP option, sendmail command, 360
background file-mounting option, 147
backslash (\) in maps, 194, 196, 197
backslash escape character
Dialers file send strings, 544
Systems file chat script, 533
backspace escape character, 544
backups, mail servers and, 327
bad argument specified with index option, 124
bad key message, 121
bg option, mount command, 147
diskless client security, 190
mounting file systems, 86
Break escape character, Dialers file, 544
broadcast (SLP), 238, 246, 249
disabling, 112
overview, 80
browsing, with an NFS URL, 99
bye command (FTP), 587



C. UUCP work files
cleanup, 522
description, 561, 562
c escape character, Dialers file, 544
cache and NFS version 3, 74
call option (PPP), calling a dial-in server, 420
enabling dialback through chat script, 534
Permissions file option, 552
CALLBACK option of Permissions file, 552
can't mount message, 121
canceling, remote logins, 578
cannot receive reply message, 123
cannot send packet message, 123
carriage-return escape characters, 544
CD-ROM applications, accessing with autofs, 105
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
authentication process, 495
definition, 492
example configuration, 403
syntax of /etc/ppp/chap-secrets, 493
task maps for configuring, 437438
/etc/shells file, 306
.forwardfile search path, 305
CHAP credentials database
for a dial-in server, 439
for trusted callers, 441
chat program in PPP, See chat script
chat script
creating an executable chat program, 489
designing the chat script, 481
examples (PPP)
basic modem chat script, 481482
for an ISDN TA, 486487, 487
script for calling an ISP, 483484
UNIX-style login chat script, 414, 484486
invoking, in PPP, 488
Chat Script field, /etc/uucp/Systems file, 533
chat script for a terminal adapter (TA), 486487, 487
check_eoh rule set, sendmail command, 371

check_etrn rule set, sendmail command, 372

check_expn rule set, sendmail command, 372
check-hostname script, 282, 283, 334
check-permissions script, 334
check_vrfy rule set, sendmail command, 372
checking for unmapped user or group IDs, 180
Class field, Devices file, 538
clear_locks command, 145
client recovery, NFS version 4, 175177
client-side failover
enabling, 89
in NFS version 4, 184
NFS locking and, 184
NFS support, 78
overview, 183184
replicated file systems, 184
terminology, 183
client_versmax parameter, 135
client_versmin parameter, 135
clientmqueue directory, 335
See also mail clients, NFS clients, NTP client, and
PPPoE client
displaying information about, 599, 604, 606
tracing calls to servers, 599, 601
closing remote system connections, 587
collision rate (network), 602
command-line options from version 8.12
sendmail command, 358, 359, 360
execute (X.) UUCP files, 514, 562
hung programs, 126
remote execution using UUCP, 550, 552, 555
UUCP troubleshooting, 527
COMMANDS option of Permissions file, 552554,
VALIDATE option, 555
in direct maps, 196
in indirect maps, 197
in master map (auto_master), 194
compat_check FEATURE() declaration, 364
compilation flags, sendmail command, 316
confFORWARD_PATH definition, 305

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


configuration examples for PPP

CHAP authentication, 403
dial-up link, 395
leased-line link, 398
PAP authentication, 400
PPPoE tunnel, 407
configuration files
sendmail command, 339
UUCP, 557
configuration tasks for PPP
authentication, 429430
diagnosing configuration problems, 459
dial-up link, 409
leased lines, 423
PPPoE tunnel, 443
asppp links to UUCP databases, 517
mail gateways, 328
adding logins, 520
database files, 517
shell scripts, 521, 522
TCP/IP networks, 523
configuring for PAP authentication, 431, 434435, 435,
connect option (PPP)
example, 415
to invoke a chat script, 487
consolidating project-related files, 108
conversation key, 190
copying files (remote)
using ftp, 586
using rcp, 592, 596
could not use public filehandle message, 124
couldn't create mount point message, 121
CPU map variable, 206
/etc/shells file, 306
keyed map file, 298
NFS referrals, 114, 193
postmaster alias, 298
postmaster mailbox, 299
CHAP authentication, 439

credentials (Continued)
description, 189
PAP authentication, 431432
UNIX authentication, 189
crontab file, for UUCP, 521
crtscts option (PPP), 413
configuring, 424
definition, 386
fixing common problems, 467
cu command
checking modems or ACUs, 525
description, 515
multiple or different configuration files, 517, 547
printing Systems lists, 548
current user, 593

D. UUCP data files, cleanup, 522
D escape character, 541
d escape character, Dialers file, 544
-d option
cu command, 525
showmount command, 161
DA discovery (SLP), 239
DA heartbeat, frequency, 230
daemon running already message, 125
automountd, 133
autofs and, 73
overview, 198, 199
lockd, 134
mountd, 135
checking response on server, 117
not registered with rpcbind, 125
verifying if running, 119, 126
nfs4cbd, 135
checking response on server, 117
description, 135136
verifying if running, 119
nfslogd, 136137


daemons (Continued)
nfsmapid, 137143
reparsed, 143
required for remote mounting, 115
mount error messages, 125
statd, 143144
advertising, 230, 231, 233
DA logging, 246
deploying, 234, 245246
dial-up networks discovery, 231, 233
disable active discovery, 231
disable passive discovery, 231
discovery, 230, 234, 244
eliminating multicast, 231
heartbeat, 233, 235
multicast, 234
multiple DAs, 248249
removing, 233
without multicast, 249
dash (-)
dial-code abbreviation, 532
in autofs map names, 206
Line2 field placeholder, 538
Speed field placeholder, 532
data (D.) UUCP files, cleanup, 522
date, synchronizing with another system, 64
day entries for Time field, 530
-debug option for PPP, 454
UUCP transmissions, 526, 527
debugging PPP
debugging chat scripts, 461
diagnosing network problems, 455
diagnosing PPPoE problems, 464
diagnosing serial line problems, 463
fixing communications problems, 458, 459
fixing modem problems, 460
turning on debugging, 454
default keyword of User-job-grade field, 558
delay_checks FEATURE() declaration, 364
delay escape character, 544
delegation, NFS version 4, 177179

deleting, .rhosts files, 580

delivery agent flags from version 8.12, sendmail
command, 367
demand initialization script for PPP, 427
desktop-publishing files, mailbox space requirements
and, 327
/dev/nca file, NCA and, 57
Devconfig file
description, 516, 559
format, 559
device transmission protocols, 541, 542
device type for UUCP communication link, 531
Devices file
Class field, 538
description, 516, 536
Dialer-Token-Pairs field, 539, 541
format, 536
Line field, 538
Line2 field, 538
multiple or different files, 547
protocol definitions, 541, 542
Systems file Speed field and, 532
Systems file Type field and, 537
Type field, 536
DH authentication
overview, 189, 190
password protection, 188
secure NFS and, 96
user authentication, 188
diagnostics for PPP
-debug option, 454
dial-up link, 453
leased-line link, 453
log file for a PPPoE tunnel, 464
turning on
with pppd,, 453454
dial-code abbreviations, 516, 532
dial-in server
CHAP authentication, 438, 440
modem, 417
PAP authentication, 431432, 432, 433434
serial line communications, 419420
serial-line communications, 475

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


dial-in server, configuring (Continued)

serial port, 417
definition, 382
planning information, 395, 418
receiving calls, 420421
task map for configuring, 416
UUCP, 534
dial-out machine
dynamic, 495
static, 496
calling the remote peer, 420421
CHAP authentication, 440, 442
connection with a peer, 414416
modem, 411412
PAP authentication, 434435
serial line communications, 412413
serial port, 411412
configuring a serial line with
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname, 475
creating a chat script, 413
definition, 382
planning information, 394
task map for configuring, 410
dial-up link
authentication for the link, 388
chat scripts
example, 481482, 483484, 487
for an ISDN TA, 486487
template, 482483
UNIX-style login, 484486
creating chat scripts, 480
definition, 381
diagnosing common problems
network, 455
serial lines, 463
with pppd, 453
dial-up process, 384
example, 395
initiating a call to a peer, 420421
parts of the link, 382384
planning, 394, 395
task map, 409

dial-up link (Continued)

templates for configuration files, 410
CALLBACK option of Permissions file, 552
enabling through chat script, 534
Dialcodes file, 516, 546
Dialer-Token-Pairs field
Devices file
dialer types, 539
port selector connection, 540
same port selector, 540
syntax, 539
Dialers file
description, 516, 542
example, 543
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM),
for PPPoE, 391
dir must start with '/' message, 122
direct I/O mounting option, 147
direct keyword of DTP field, 539
Direct keyword of Type field, 537
direct link, UUCP configuration, 513
direct maps (autofs)
comments in, 196
description, 102
example, 195
overview, 196
syntax, 196
when to run automount command, 103
direct remote logins
indirect logins or
rlogin command, 581
using rlogin command, 584
directories (UUCP)
administration, 515
error messages, 527
public directory maintenance, 525
directory agent (SLP)
DA addresses, 230
load balancing, 248249
network congestion and, 234
SLP architecture and, 215
when to deploy, 247
where to place, 248249


autofs browsability
overview, 112
tasks, 112
.forward files, 304
large file creation, 88
mount access for one client, 89
NCA, 51
NCA logging, 51
discovery requests (SLP), 239
diskless clients
manual mounting requirements, 74
security during boot process, 190
displaying network information, 599, 600, 601, 606
DNS name service, sendmail program and, 284
DNS record, Federated File System, 9091
dnsbl FEATURE() declaration, 365, 366
domain directory, 332
domain names, Secure NFS system and, 96
definition, 96
remote logins and, 578
subdomains and, 322
DOS files, accessing with autofs, 106
dot (.)
in domain addresses, 323
in mailbox names, 324
rcp command syntax, 594, 596
drift file, 65
dropped packets, 601
DSL modem, 391
dynamic addressing, PPP, 495

E escape character, Dialers file, 544
e escape character, Dialers file, 544
e protocol in Devices file, 541
-e option, showmount command, 161
echo checking, 544
editmap command, 334
email, UUCP maintenance, 524

client-side failover, 89
NCA, 4851
NCA logging, 51
NFS server logging, 84
WebNFS service, 8384
enhdnsbl FEATURE() declaration, 365, 366
equal sign (=) in dial-code abbreviation, 532
equates for delivery agents from version 8.12, sendmail
command, 368
error checking message, 125
error locking message, 125
error messages
generated by automount -v, 121
miscellaneous automount messages, 122
No such file or directory, 126
open errors
NFS and, 74
Permission denied, 126
sendmail program, 311
server not responding
hung programs, 126
keyboard interrupt for, 115
remote mounting problems, 125, 126
write errors
NFS and, 74
errors directory (UUCP), 527
escape characters
Dialers file send strings, 544
Systems file chat script, 533
/etc/ configuration file, 507
/etc/auto_direct file, 280
/etc/default/autofs file, configuring autofs
environment, 101102
/etc/default/nfslogd file, 130131
/etc/default/sendmail file, 343
/etc/ftpd/ftpusers file, description, 571
/etc/hostname.interface file, NCA and, 57
/etc/hosts.equiv file, 579
/etc/hosts file, 57, 276, 277
/etc/inet/ntp.client file, 65
/etc/inet/ntp.conf file, 64
/etc/inet/ntp.keys file, 65
/etc/inet/ntp.leap file, 65

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


/etc/inet/ntp.server file, 65
/etc/inet/services file, checking for UUCP, 523
/etc/inet/slp.conf file
broadcast-only routing, 238
changing configuration, 229
changing interfaces, 251
DA advertisments, 232
DA heartbeat, 233
deploy DAs, 247
elements, 228
load balancing, 248
multicast time-to-live, 236
new scopes, 242, 244
overview, 221
packet size, 237
proxy registration, 257
random-wait bound, 241
SA reregistrations, 235
timeouts, 240
with static DAs, 231
/etc/init.d/ncakmod script, 57
/etc/init.d/ncalogd script, 57
/etc/init.d/slpd script, 257
/etc/mail/aliases.db file, 297, 330
/etc/mail/aliases.dir file, 297, 330
/etc/mail/aliases file, 324, 330, 340, 341
UUCP and, 524
/etc/mail/aliases.pag file, 297, 330
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/Makefile file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/cf/ file, 332
/etc/mail/cf directory, contents of, 331
/etc/mail/cf/domain directory, 332
/etc/mail/cf/domain/generic.m4 file, 332
file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/domain/solaris-generic.m4 file, 332
/etc/mail/cf/feature directory, 333
/etc/mail/cf/m4 directory, 333

/etc/mail/cf/mailer directory, 333

/etc/mail/cf/ file, 333
/etc/mail/cf/ostype directory, 333
/etc/mail/cf/ostype/solaris2.m4 file, 333
/etc/mail/cf/ostype/ file, 333
/etc/mail/cf/ostype/solaris2.pre5.m4 file, 333
/etc/mail/cf/ostype/solaris8.m4 file, 333
/etc/mail/cf/README file, 331
/etc/mail/cf/sh/check-hostname script, 334
/etc/mail/cf/sh/check-permissions script, 334
/etc/mail/cf/ file, 333
/etc/mail directory, contents of, 330
/etc/mail/helpfile file, 331, 372
/etc/mail/local-host-names file, 331, 373
/etc/mail/Mail.rc file, 330
/etc/mail/mailx.rc file, 330
/etc/mail/ file, 330
/etc/mail/relay-domains file, 331
/etc/mail/ file, 331
/etc/mail/sendmail.ct file, 373
/etc/mail/ file, 373
/etc/mail/sendmail.hf file, 372
/etc/mail/ file, 331
/etc/mail/statistics file, 331
/etc/mail/ file, 331, 358
/etc/mail/ file, 275, 331
/etc/mail/trusted-users file, 331, 373
/etc/mnttab file
comparing with auto_master map, 199
creating, 162
/etc/nca/nca.if file, 57
/etc/nca/ncakmod.conf file, 57
/etc/nca/ncalogd.conf file, 57
/etc/nca/ncaport.conf file, 57
/etc/netconfig file, description, 130
/etc/nfs/nfslog.conf file, 131132
/etc/nsswitch.conf file, 579
/etc/passwd file
enabling UUCP logins, 520
ftp and, 585
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets file
by sppp unit number, 497
static, 496


/etc/ppp/chap-secrets file (Continued)

for trusted callers, 441
definition, 470
example, for a PPPoE access server, 504
syntax, 493
/etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl template, 482483
/etc/ppp/options file
for a dial-in server, 419
for a dial-out machine, 412413
definition, 470, 473
/etc/ppp/options.tmpl template, 474
example PPPoE, 503
list of examples, 474
modifying for PAP authentication, 436
name option for CHAP authentication, 440
privileges, 472
/etc/ppp/options.tmpl template, 474
/etc/ppp/options.ttya.tmpl template, 476
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname file
definition, 470, 474
dynamic addressing, 495
for a dial-in server, 419, 475
for a dial-out machine, 413, 475
list of examples, 476
privileges, 472
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets file
by sppp unit number, 497
static, 496
for a dial-in server, 432
for a PPPoE access server, 449
creating for trusted callers, 435
definition, 470
example, for a PPPoE access server, 504
syntax, 490
/etc/ppp/peers directory, 470
/etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl template, 479
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file
for an endpoint on a leased-line link, 426
definition, 470, 478479

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file (Continued)

example, for a PPPoE client, 505
list of examples, 480
for a PPPoE client, 445
for PAP authentication, 436
privileges, 472
useful options, 478
/etc/ppp/pppoe.device file
definition, 502
for an access server, 449
syntax, 502
/etc/ppp/pppoe file
example, 501, 503
listing services, 447
modifying, 448
syntax, 500
/etc/ppp/pppoe.if file
for an access server, 447
on a PPPoE client, 444
definition, 498
example, 498
/etc/proftpd.conf file, description, 571
/etc/services file, nfsd entries, 124
/etc/shells file, 306
/etc/shutmsg file, description, 571
/etc/syslog.conf file, 310
/etc/uucp/Config file
description, 516, 557
format, 557
/etc/uucp/Devconfig file
description, 516, 559
format, 559
/etc/uucp/Devices file
Class field, 538
description, 516, 536
Dialer-Token-Pairs field, 539, 541
example, for an asppp configuration, 509
format, 536
Line field, 538
Line2 field, 538
protocol definitions, 541, 542
Systems file Speed field and, 532

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


/etc/uucp/Devices file (Continued)

Systems file Type field and, 537
Type field, 536
/etc/uucp/Dialcodes file, 516, 546
/etc/uucp/Dialers file
description, 516, 542
example, 543
example, for asppp configuration, 509
/etc/uucp/Grades file
default grade, 558
description, 516, 557
ID-list field, 559
Job-size field, 558
keywords, 558, 559
Permit-type field, 559
System-job-grade field, 557, 558
User-job-grade field, 557, 558
/etc/uucp/Limits file
description, 516, 560
format, 560
/etc/uucp/Permissions file
CALLBACK option, 552
changing node name, 550
COMMANDS option, 552, 554, 556
considerations, 549, 550
description, 517, 548
dialback permissions, 552
file transfer permissions, 550, 552
format, 549
forwarding operation, 556
combining with MACHINE, 555
description, 549
login IDs for remote computers, 549
combining with LOGNAME, 555
default permissions or restrictions, 549
description, 549
OTHER option, 555
MYNAME option, 550
NOREAD option, 552
NOWRITE option, 552
OTHER option, 555
READ option, 551, 552

/etc/uucp/Permissions file (Continued)

remote execution permissions, 552, 555
REQUEST option, 550
security setup, 524
SENDFILES option, 550
structuring entries, 549
uucheck command and, 515
uuxqt daemon and, 514
VALIDATE option, 554, 555
WRITE option, 551, 552
/etc/uucp/Poll file
description, 517, 556
format, 556
/etc/uucp/Sysfiles file
description, 517, 547
format, 547
printing Systems list, 548
samples, 548
/etc/uucp/Sysname file, 517, 548
/etc/uucp/Systems file
Chat Script field, 533, 535
description, 517, 529
Devices file Class field and, 538
Devices file Type field and, 537
dial-code abbreviations, 516
escape characters, 533
example, for an asppp configuration, 508
format, 529
hardware flow control, 535
multiple or different files, 517, 529, 547
parity setting, 535
Phone field, 532
Speed field, 532
System-Name field, 530
TCP/IP configuration, 523
Time field
description, 530
Never entry, 550
troubleshooting, 527
Type field, 531
/etc/vfstab file
automount command and, 199
enabling client-side failover, 89
mounting by diskless clients, 74


/etc/vfstab file (Continued)

mounting file systems at boot time, 86
NFS servers and, 86
nolargefiles option, 88
Ethernet, testing mail configuration on, 307
etrn script, 334
example, PPP configurations, See configuration
examples for PPP
executable maps, 207
execute (X.) UUCP files
cleanup, 522
description, 562
uuxqt execution, 514
exit command, 585
expect field of Chat Script field, 533

f protocol in Devices file, 541
-F option, unshareall command, 161
error message, 125
mount command example, 150
NFS support, 78
FEATURE() declarations in version 8.12
supported, 364
unsupported, 366
FEATURE() declarations in version 8.13 of
sendmail, 356357
feature directory, 333
Federated File System
DNS record for, 9091
mount point, 195
mounting, 9091
fg option, mount command, 147
file attributes and NFS version 3, 74
file permissions
NFS version 3 improvement, 74
WebNFS and, 99
file sharing
examples, 158
giving root access, 157
listed clients only, 156
multiple file systems, 160161

file sharing (Continued)

NFS version 3 improvements, 74, 77
overview, 156
read-only access, 156, 158
read-write access, 156, 158
replicating shared files across several servers, 110
security issues, 156, 158, 188
unauthenticated users and, 157
unsharing, 161
file-sharing options, 156
file system namespace, NFS version 4, 172174
file systems
network statistics for, 605, 606
file systems and NFS, 72
file too large message, 125
file transfer size, negotiation, 181
file transfers (UUCP)
daemon, 514
permissions, 550, 552
troubleshooting, 526, 527
work files C., 561, 562
files and file systems
abbreviated path names, 592, 593
autofs access
non-NFS file systems, 105, 106
autofs selection of files, 202, 205
consolidating project-related files, 108
file systems defined, 72
local file systems
unmounting groups, 153
NFS ASCII files and their functions, 130
NFS files and their functions, 129
NFS treatment of, 72
remote file systems
listing clients with remotely mounted file
systems, 161
mounting from file-system table, 153
unmounting groups, 153
find command, searching .rhosts files, 582
mounting file systems through, 8990
NFS access through, 79
WebNFS access through, 99

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


flow control hardware

Dialers file, 545
Systems file, 535
forcedirectio option, mount command, 147
foreground file-mounting option, 147
.forward+detail file, 343
.forward files
administering, 304
changing search path, 305
disabling, 304
for users, 342
.forward.hostname files, 342
forwarding operation (UUCP), 556
Frame Relay, 386, 423
ftp archive, WebNFS and, 98
ftp command
authenticating remote logins, 585
ftp command, description, 570
ftp command
interrupting logins, 578
opening remote system connections, 586, 587
remote logins compared to rlogin and rcp, 585
ftp sessions
anonymous ftp accounts, 585
closing remote system connections, 587
copying files
from remote system, 588
to remote system, 590
opening remote system connections, 587
ftp sub commands, description, 586
ftpcount command, description, 570
ftpdctl command, description, 570
ftprestart command, description, 571
ftpscrub command, description, 571
ftpshut command, description, 571
ftptop command, description, 570
ftpusers file, description, 571
ftpwho command, description, 570
fuser command, umountall command and, 153

g protocol in Devices file, 541
-G option, sendmail command, 360

-g option, lockd daemon, 134

gen-etc-shells script, 306
generic.m4 file, 332
generics_entire_domain FEATURE() declaration, 365
genericstable FEATURE() declaration, 367
get command (FTP), example, 588
gethostbyname command, 346
grace_period parameter, lockd daemon, 134
Grades file
default grade, 558
description, 516, 557
ID-list field, 559
Job-size field, 558
keywords, 558, 559
Permit-type field, 559
System-job-grade field, 557, 558
User-job-grade field, 557, 558
Group keyword of Permit-type field, 559
GSS-API, and NFS, 79

-h option, umountall command, 153
hard option, mount command, 149
flow control
Dialers file, 545
Systems file, 535
configurations, 513
port selector, 537
helpfile file, 331
sendmail command, 372
hierarchical mountpoints message, 122
hierarchical mounts (multiple mounts), 202
/home directory and NFS server setup, 107
/home mount point, 193, 194
HOST map variable, 206
host not responding message, 122
hostname.interface file, NCA and, 57
checking response of, 600
in /etc/hosts.equiv file, 579
sending packets to, 600


hosts (Continued)
unmounting all file systems from, 153
hosts.equiv file, 579
hosts file, 57
hsfs option, autofs maps, 105
HTML file, WebNFS and, 99
httpd command
firewall access and WebNFS, 99
NCA and, 5859
hung programs, 126
hyphen (-)
dial-code abbreviation, 532
Line2 field placeholder, 538
Speed field placeholder, 532

interfaces (PPP) (Continued)

configuring for a PPPoE access server, 447, 498
configuring for a PPPoE client, 444445
See also /etc/ppp/pppoe.if file
HSI/P configuration script, 425
plumbing PPPoE interfaces with
/usr/sbin/sppptun, 498
restricting an interface to PPPoE clients, 448
synchronous for leased lines, 386
interrupting remote logins, 578
IP routing table, 603
IPv6 addresses and version 8.12, sendmail
command, 373
ISDN on a PPP link, 384

ICMP protocol, 602

ID-list field of Grades file, 559
ID mapping fails, reasons why, 179180
IGMP protocol, 602
in.comsat daemon, 334
in.uucpd daemon, 515
inbound communications
callback security, 552
enabling through UUCP chat script, 534
index option
bad argument error message, 124
WebNFS and, 99
with share command, 83
indirect maps (autofs)
comments in, 197
description, 102
example, 198
overview, 197, 198
syntax, 197
when to run automount command, 103
indirect remote logins, 581
inetd daemon, in.uucpd invoked by, 515
init command, PPP and, 426
-intr option, mount command, 115
interfaces (PPP)
asynchronous interface for PPP dial-in, 384
asynchronous interface for PPP dial-out, 383

Job-size field of Grades file, 558


K escape character, Dialers file, 544
-k option, umountall command, 153
KERB authentication, NFS and, 78
kernel, checking response on server, 116
/kernel/fs file, checking, 130
keyboard interruption of mounting, 115
keyed map file, creating, 298
keylogin command, remote login security issues, 190
keylogout command, secure NFS and, 190
keys file, NTP, 65
Devices file Type field, 536
Grades file, 558, 559
NFS version negotiation, 170171

-L tag option, sendmail command, 360
-l option
cu command, 525
umountall command, 153

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


large files
disabling creation of, 88
NFS support, 78
overview, 185
largefiles option
error message, 126
mount command, 147
LCK UUCP lock files, 561
LDAP from version 8.12, sendmail command and, 370
ldap_routing FEATURE() declaration, 365
leading space in map entry message, 121
leap file, NTP, 65
leased-line link
authentication for the link, 388
communications process, 387
configuration, 398
configuring synchronous interface, 424425
CSU/DSU, 386
definition, 385
demand script, 427
diagnosing common problems
network, 455
overview, 466467
example configuration, 398
hardware, 397
media, 386
parts of the link, 385386
planning, 397, 398, 399, 425
task map for configuring, 423
legacy services (SLP)
advertising, 255, 259
definition, 255 library, 218
Limits file
description, 516, 560
format, 560
Line field of Devices file, 538
Line2 field of Devices file, 538
link types in PPP
comparison of dialup and leased lines, 385
dialup, 381
leased line, 385
parts of a link, 381
physical link media, 381

linking remote logins, 580

list of tasks, NCA, 47
clients with remotely mounted file systems, 161
mounted file systems, 151
shared file systems, 158
local area network (LAN), UUCP configuration, 514
local cache and NFS version 3, 74
local delivery agent, mail services, 320
LOCAL_DOMAIN() m4 configuration macro, 364
local file systems, unmounting groups, 153
local files, updating autofs maps, 103
local-host-names file, 331, 373
local_lmtp FEATURE() declaration, 365
local mail addresses, 324
local mail alias file, setting up, 296
local_no_masquerade FEATURE() declaration, 365
local option (PPP), 426
lock (LCK) UUCP files, 561
lockd daemon, 134
LOCKD_GRACE_PERIOD parameter, lockd daemon, 134
lockd_retransmit_timeout parameter, lockd
daemon, 134
lockd_servers parameter, lockd daemon, 134
locking, NFS version 3 improvements, 77
log file, for NCA, 58
log levels, file, 339
log option, share command, 157
displaying UUCP log files, 515
UUCP log file cleanup, 522
logging in
remote logins
authentication (rlogin), 578, 580
closing ftp connection, 587
direct or indirect (rlogin), 581
finding who is logged in, 583
ftp command, 586
interrupting, 578
linking logins, 580
opening ftp connection, 586, 587
using rlogin, 578, 584
logging out (remote systems), 585
login command, secure NFS and, 190


login option (PPP)

in /etc/ppp/options for a dial-in server, 433
in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, 436, 492
logins (UUCP)
adding, 520
privileged, 554
LOGNAME Permissions file
combining with MACHINE, 555
description, 549
login IDs for remote computers, 549
SENDFILES option, 550
VALIDATE option, 554, 555
lookupdotdomain FEATURE() declaration, 365
loops, aliases, 308
ls command, ACL entries and, 179

m4 directory, 333
MACHINE Permissions file
combining with LOGNAME, 555
COMMANDS option, 552, 554
default permissions or restrictions, 549
description, 549
OTHER option, 555
macros from version 8.12
defined macros (sendmail), 361
m4 configuration macros (sendmail), 363
MAX macros (sendmail), 363
mail addresses
% in, 324
case sensitivity, 322
description, 321
domains and subdomains, 322
local, 324
mail routing and, 344
mail alias files
administering, 294
description, 339
/etc/mail/aliases file, 340
.mailrc aliases, 340
mail clients
definition, 327
NFS-mounted file systems and, 280

mail clients (Continued)

setting up a mail client, 279
mail command, 330
mail commands, interactions of, 335
mail configuration
local mail and a remote connection, 276
local only, 275
testing, 307
typical, 270
mail connections to other systems, testing, 309310
mail domains
name service domains and, 346 file and, 345
mail exchanger (MX) records, 284
mail filter APIMILTER, 317
mail gateways
configuring, 328
definition, 327 file and, 328
setting up a mail gateway, 283
testing, 308
mail hosts
description, 326
setting up a mail host, 281
mail queue
administering the queue directories, 300
forcing mail queue processing, 302
moving the mail queue, 303
running a subset of, 302
running the old mail queue, 303
Mail.rc file, 330
mail routing, mail addresses and, 344
mail servers, 327
backups and, 327
description, 327
mailboxes on, 324, 327
setting up a mail server, 303
space requirements for, 327
mail services
changes to sendmail from version 8.12, 357
changes to sendmail in version 8.13, 349357
hardware components
mail client, 327
mail gateway, 328

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


mail services, hardware components (Continued)

mail host, 326
mail server, 327
required elements, 326
planning your mail system, 274
software components, 319
local delivery agent, 320
mail addresses, 321
mail aliases, 325
mail transfer agent, 319
mail user agent, 319
mailbox files, 324
mailers, 320
task maps
administering .forward files, 304
administering mail alias files, 294
administering the queue directories, 300
comprehensive task map, 273
setting up mail services, 277
troubleshooting procedures and tips, 306
mail transfer agents, 319
mail user agents, 319
mailbox names, 324
files for, 324, 334
mail servers and, 327
space requirements for, 327
mailcompat filter, 330
MAILER-DAEMON messages, 311
MAILER() declarations from version 8.12, 367
mailer directory, 333
built-in (sendmail )
[TCP] and [IPC], 371
definition, 320
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mailers, 320
Solaris mailers, 320
UNIX-to-UNIX Copy command (UUCP)
mailers, 321
mailq command, 330
.mailrc aliases, 340
.mailrc file, 326
mailstats command, 330
mailx command, 330

mailx.rc file, 330 file, 330, 332, 339 file, 332, 372 file, 333, 372
maintaining UUCP
adding logins, 520
mail, 524
public directory, 525
regular maintenance, 524, 525
shell scripts, 521, 522
Makefile file, 332
makemap command, 334
map key bad message, 122
maps (autofs)
administrative tasks, 102
automount command
when to run, 103
avoiding mount conflicts, 105
comments in, 194, 196, 197
direct, 195, 196
executable, 207
indirect, 197, 198
maintenance methods, 102
master, 193, 194
multiple mounts, 202
network navigation, 200
referring to other maps, 206, 207
selecting read-only files for clients, 202, 205
special characters, 211
splitting long lines in, 194, 196, 197
starting the navigation process, 194, 200
types and their uses, 102
variables, 206
MASQUERADE_EXCEPTION() m4 configuration
macro, 364
master map (auto_master)
/- mount point, 193, 197
comments in, 194
comparing with /etc/mnttab file, 199
contents, 193, 195
description, 102
overview, 193, 194
preinstalled, 106
security restrictions, 111


master map (auto_master) (Continued)

syntax, 193
when to run automount command, 103
MAXBADCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, 363
MAXETRNCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, 363
MAXHELOCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, 363
MAXNOOPCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, 363
MAXVRFYCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, 363
mconnect command, 309310, 330
message types, SLP, 262263
ASSERT error messages, 562, 564
checking error messages, 527
STATUS error messages, 564, 565
mget command (FTP), example, 589
MILTER, mail filter API, 317
minus sign (-), /etc/hosts.equiv file syntax, 579
mirror mounts
mounting all file systems from one server, 8788
mounting one or more file systems, 87
overview, 191192
mnttab file
comparing with auto_master map, 199
creating, 162
modem, fixing modem problems, 460
modem (PPP)
chat scripts
example, 414, 481482, 483484, 487
for an ISDN TA, 486487
template, 482483
UNIX-style login, 484486
dial-in server, 417
dial-out machine, 411412
creating chat scripts, 480
DSL, 391
setting the modem speed, 417
modem (UUCP)
direct connection, 540
port selector connection, 540, 541
setting characteristics, 535, 545
troubleshooting, 525

modem (UUCP) (Continued)

UUCP databases
DTP field of Devices file, 541
UUCP databases, DTP field of Devices file, 540
UUCP hardware configuration, 513
modifying, NFS referrals, 114
mount command, 146151
autofs and, 74
disabling large file creation, 88
diskless clients' need for, 74
failover with, 150
manually mounting file systems, 86
NFS URL with, 150
description, 147149
no arguments, 151
nolargefiles, 88
public, 90
using, 149
with NFS URL, 90
mount of server:pathname error, 123
mount points
/- as master map mount point, 193, 197
avoiding conflicts, 105
/home, 193, 194
/net, 195
/nfs4, 193, 195
mountall command, 152
mountd daemon, 135
checking response on server, 117
not registered with rpcbind, 125
verifying if running, 119, 126
all file systems in a table, 152
autofs and, 73, 202
background retries, 147
diskless client requirements, 74
examples, 149
Federated File System, 9091
force direct I/O, 147
foreground retries, 147
keyboard interruption during, 115
mirror mounts and, 191192
nfsd daemon and, 181182

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


mounting (Continued)
overlaying already mounted file system, 150
portmapper and, 181182
public file handle and, 182
read-only specification, 149
read-write specification, 149
remote mounting
daemons required, 115
troubleshooting, 116117, 119
soft versus hard, 115
/var/mail directory, 280
mounting file systems
autofs and, 87
boot time method, 86
disabling access for one client, 89
manually (on the fly), 86
mirror mounts and, 87
mounting all from one server, 8788
NFS URL with, 90
overview, 85
task map, 85
through a firewall, 8990
mput command (FTP), example, 591
mqueue directory, 335
MS-DOS files, accessing with autofs, 106
multicast (SLP)
changing interfaces, 250
DAs, 231, 233
if disabled, 249
multihomed machines and, 249
propagation, 236
service requests, 246
timeto-live property, 235
traffic, 245
multihomed hosts (SLP)
broadcast-only routing, 238
changing interfaces, 250
configuration, 249
proxy advertisement, 252
scopes and, 252
unicast routing disabled, 251
without multicast, 246
multiple files (ftp), 588
MX (mail exchanger) records, 284

MYNAME option of Permissions file, 550

n escape character, Dialers file, 544
N escape character, Dialers file, 544
name option (PPP)
for CHAP authentication, 440
in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, 436
with noservice, 504
name service domains, mail domains and, 346
name services, autofs map maintenance methods, 102
node name
UUCP alias, 517, 550
UUCP remote computer, 530, 548
accessing shared, 109
autofs and, 80
navigating using maps
overview, 200
starting the process, 194, 200
architecture, 5859
changing logging, 51
disabling, 51
enabling, 4851
files description, 57
httpd and, 5859
kernel module, 5859
list of tasks, 47
new features, 46
overview, 4546
requirements, 4748
socket library, 52
sockets, 48 library, 58
nca_httpd_1.door file, 57
nca.if file, 49, 57
NCA log file, 58
ncab2clf command, 57
ncaconfd command, 58
ncakmod.conf file, 49, 51, 57
ncakmod module, 5859


ncalogd.conf file, 49, 51, 57

ncalogd script, 57
ncaport.conf file, 57
file transfer size, 181
WebNFS security, 79
/net mount point, 195
net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval property, 231
definition, 230
net.slp.DAAddresses property, 233, 244, 248
definition, 230
net.slp.DAAttributes property, 235
net.slp.DAHeartBeat property, 233, 235
definition, 230
net.slp.interfaces property
changing interfaces, 252
configuring, 250
DAs and, 248
multihomed hosts and, 253
nonrouted interfaces and, 253
net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property, 238, 249, 250
net.slp.isDA property, 229
net.slp.MTU property, 237
net.slp.multicastTTL property, 235
net.slp.passiveDADetection property, 231
definition, 230
net.slp.randomWaitBound property, 241
net.slp.serializedRegURL property, 256
net.slp.useScopes property, 244, 258
definition, 242
netconfig file, description, 130
netstat command, 223, 601, 603
-i option (interfaces), 601, 602
overview, 599, 601
-r option (IP routing table), 603
-s option (per protocol), 602
network authentication for remote logins, 578, 579,
Network Cache and Accelerator, See NCA
network databases services, UUCP port, 523
network interfaces (SLP), nonrouted
considerations, 253
network lock manager, 77

commands for monitoring performance, 599
displaying performance information, 599, 600, 601,
client statistics, 604, 606
collision rate, 602
host response, 600
interface statistics, 601, 603
IP routing table, 603
server statistics, 604, 606
capturing from network, 599, 601
dropped, 601
error rates, 602
number transmitted, 602
reliability testing, 599, 600
sending to hosts, 600
tracing client calls to servers, 599, 601
hardware components, 606
high retransmission rate, 604
Never Time field entry, 550
newaliases command, UUCP and, 524
newaliases link, 334
newline escape characters, 544
commands, 144
daemons, 132144
version negotiation, 170171
description, 76, 179180
error message, Permission denied, 127
NFS administration, administrator responsibilities, 82
NFS cant support nolargefiles message, 126
NFS clients
incompatible operating system support, 110
NFS services, 72
NFS environment, Secure NFS system, 188
NFS locking, client-side failover and, 184
NFS-mounted file systems
mail clients and, 278, 280
mail servers and, 278
NFS referrals
creating, 114

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


NFS referrals (Continued)

overview, 192193
removing, 115
NFS server logging
enabling, 84
overview, 79
NFS servers
autofs selection of files, 205
daemons required for remote mounting, 115
identifying current, 119120
maintaining, 82
replicating shared files, 110
clearing problems, 116
remote mounting problems, 116, 126
weighting in maps, 205
NFS services
restarting, 119
selecting different versions on client by
changing the SMF properties, 9495
using the mount command, 95
selecting different versions on server, 9394
starting, 92
stopping, 92
task map, 91
NFS troubleshooting
determining where NFS service has failed, 119
hung programs, 126
remote mounting problems, 126
server problems, 116
strategies, 115
autofs and, 112
mount command example, 150
mounting file systems with, 90
mounting with, 79
syntax, 99
WebNFS and, 98
NFS V2 cant support largefiles message, 126
NFS version 4, features in, 171180
/nfs4 mount point, 193, 195
nfs4cbd daemon, 135
nfscast: cannot receive reply message, 123
nfscast: cannot send packet message, 123

nfscast: select message, 123

nfsd daemon, 135136
checking response on server, 117
mounting and, 181182
verifying if running, 119
nfslog.conf file, description, 131132
nfslogd daemon, description, 136137
nfslogd file, 130131
nfsmapid daemon
ACLs and, 179180
additional information about, 143
configuration files and, 138139
configuring the NFSv4 default domain, 141143
description, 75, 137143
DNS TXT records and, 140
identifying NFSv4 domain, 140141
precedence rules and, 139
NFSMAPID_DOMAIN keyword, 180
nfsmapid_domain parameter, 138
nfsref command, 162
nfsstat command, 119120, 163165, 604, 606
-c option (clients), 604, 605
-m option (per file system), 604, 606
overview, 599, 604
-s option (servers), 604
NIS aliases map, 341
NIS mail.aliases map, setting up, 295
NIS name service, updating autofs maps, 103
nnn escape character, 544
no_default_msa FEATURE() declaration, 365
no info message, 123
No such file or directory message, 126
noauth option (PPP), 415, 426
nocanonify FEATURE() declaration, 365
noccp option (PPP), 418
node name
UUCP alias, 517, 550
UUCP remote computer, 530, 548
noipdefault option (PPP), 415
nolargefiles option
error message, 126
in vfstab file, 88
mount command, 88, 147
Non-group keyword of Permit-type field, 559


Non-user keyword of Permit-type field, 559

NOREAD option of Permissions file, 552
noservice option (PPP), 504
nosuid option, share command, 157
Not a directory message, 123
Not found message, 121
nouucp FEATURE() declaration, 366
NOWRITE option of Permissions file, 552
nsswitch.conf file, 579
nthreads option, lockd daemon, 134
NTP client, setting up, 6263
ntp.conf file, 62, 63
NTP files, 64
ntp-keygen command, 65
NTP server, setting up, 62
ntpd daemon, 62, 63, 65
ntpdate command, 65
ntpdc command, 65
ntpq command, 65
ntpstats directory, 65
ntptime command, 65
ntptrace command, 65
null escape character, 544
nullclient FEATURE() declaration, 366
number sign (#)
comments in direct maps, 196
comments in indirect maps, 197
comments in master map (auto_master), 194

-O option, mount command, 150
-o option
mount command, 149
share command, 156, 158
octal numbers escape character, 544
open errors, NFS and, 74
OPEN share support, NFS version 4, 177
opening remote system connections, 586, 587
openssl command and sendmail, 289
operating systems
map variables, 206
supporting incompatible versions, 110

options (PPP)
asyncmap, 475
auth, 433
call, 420, 478
connect, 415, 487
crtscts, 413
debug, 454
guidelines for use, 469476
init, 426, 475
local, 426
login, 433, 492
name, 436
noauth, 415, 426
noccp, 418
noipdefault, 415
noservice, 504
option privileges, 472
parsing by the pppd daemon, 471
passive, 426
persist, 427
sync, 426
xonxoff, 419
options file, in PPP, 412413
options in sendmail command
command-line options from version 8.12, 358, 359,
command-line options in version 8.13, 354
configuration file options in version 8.13, 354356
PidFile option, 360
ProcessTitlePrefix option, 360
options.ttyname file (PPP), See
Oracle Solaris, UUCP version, 529
OSNAME map variable, 206
OSREL map variable, 206
ostype directory, 333
OSVERS map variable, 206
OTHER option of Permissions file, 555
overlaying already mounted file system, 150
owner- prefix, mail alias with, 325
owner- prefix and mailbox names, 324
owner-owner and mailbox names, 324

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


p escape character, Dialers file, 544
packet size, configuring for SLP, 237
PAP credentials database
for a dial-in server, 432
for trusted callers, 434435
creating for a dial-in server, 431432
Dialers file, 546
Systems file, 535
passive mode, 550
passive option (PPP), 426
passwd file, enabling UUCP logins, 520
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
authentication process, 491
on a dial-in server, 433434
trusted callers, 434435, 435, 436
creating a PAP credentials database, 431432
definition, 489
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets file, 490
example configuration, 401
planning, 430
suggestions for passwords, 490
task maps, 430431
using the login option, 492
authentication for remote logins
ftp command, 585, 587
rlogin command, 578, 581, 584
autofs and superuser passwords, 74
DH password protection, 188
UUCP privileged, 554
path names
rcp command
absolute or abbreviated, 592, 593
syntax options, 593
tilde (~) in, 592, 593
pathconf: no info message, 123
pathconf: server not responding message, 123
PC-DOS files, accessing with autofs, 106
pcfs option, autofs maps, 106

access server, 389, 406
authenticatee, 388
authenticator, 388
definition, 381
dial-in server, 382
dial-out machine, 382
leased-line peer, 386
PPPoE client, 389, 405
penril entry in Dialers file, 544
percent sign (%) in mailbox names, 324
Perl 5, introduction, 4243
Permission denied message, 126
copying requirements, 594
NFS version 3 improvement, 74
Permissions file
CALLBACK option, 552
changing node name, 550
COMMANDS option, 552, 554, 556
considerations, 549, 550
description, 517, 548
dialback permissions, 552
file transfer permissions, 550, 552
format, 549
forwarding operation, 556
combining with MACHINE, 555
description, 549
login IDs for remote computers, 549
combining with LOGNAME, 555
default permissions or restrictions, 549
description, 549
OTHER option, 555
MYNAME option, 550
NOREAD option, 552
NOWRITE option, 552
OTHER option, 555
READ option, 551, 552
remote execution permissions, 552, 555
REQUEST option, 550
security set up, 524
SENDFILES option, 550


Permissions file (Continued)

structuring entries, 549
uucheck command and, 515
uuxqt daemon and, 514
VALIDATE option, 554, 555
WRITE option, 551
Permit-type field of Grades file, 559
persist option (PPP), 427
Phone field of Systems file, 532
PidFile option, sendmail command, 360
ping command, 239, 583, 599, 600
plus sign (+)
/etc/hosts.equiv file syntax, 579
in autofs map names, 206, 207
Point-to-Point Protocol, See PPP
Poll file
description, 517, 556
format, 556
polling remote computers (UUCP), 517, 556
Port Selector variable in Devices file, 537
portmapper, mounting and, 181182
Devices file entry, 538
UUCP, 523
postmaster alias, creating, 298
postmaster mailbox
creating, 299
description, 324
testing, 308
pound sign (#)
comments in direct maps, 196
comments in indirect maps, 197
comments in master map (auto_master), 194
authentication, 387, 388
chat script examples, 414
common problems, 452
compatibility, 378
converting from asynchronous PPP, 510511
dial-up link, 381
difference with asppp, 378
DSL support, 389
file privileges, 471
ISDN support, 384

PPP (Continued)
leased-line link, 385
options for configuration files
See options (PPP)
overview, 377
parts of a link, 381387, 390391
See also pppd command
PPPoE, 389
problem solving
See also troubleshooting PPP
related RFCs, 380
resources, external, 379
summary of configuration files, 469
task map for PPP planning, 393
pppd command
definition, 470
initiating a call, 420
obtaining diagnostics, 453, 465
parsing options, 471
testing a DSL line, 446
turning on debugging, 454
pppdebug log file, 464
configuring an access server, 446, 448, 449
DSLAM, 391
fixing common problems, 464, 465
list of commands and files, 497
obtaining snoop traces, 465
overview, 389
planning for the tunnel, 405, 407, 408
providing services from an access server, 500502,
task maps for configuring, 443
PPPoE client
access server and, 505
commands, 504
configuring, 444445
defining an access server, 445
definition, 389
equipment, 405
/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file usage
(PPPoE), 505
files, 504

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


PPPoE client (Continued)

planning, 405, 444
task map for configuring, 443 shared object, 502, 505
pppoec utility
definition, 505
obtaining diagnostics, 465
pppoed daemon
definition, 500
starting, 447
.ppprc file
creating, 418
definition, 470
privileges, 472
praliases command, 330
preserve_local_plus_detail FEATURE()
declaration, 366
preserve_luser_host FEATURE() declaration, 366
list of remotely mounted directories, 161
list of shared or exported files, 161
problems with ACLs in NFS, avoiding, 180
process diagram, for CHAP, 493
processor type map variable, 206
ProcessTitlePrefix option, sendmail
command, 360
proftpd.conf file, description, 571
proftpd daemon, description, 571
proftpd.scoreboard file, description, 571
programs, hung, 126
projects, consolidating files, 108
protocol definitions in Devices file, 541, 542
proxy advertisement (SLP), 255, 257
proxy registration (SLP), 256, 258
multihomed hosts, 252
pstack command, 165
public directory maintenance (UUCP), 525
public file handle
autofs and, 111
mounting and, 182
NFS mounting with, 79
WebNFS and, 98
public-key cryptography
common key, 190

public-key cryptography (Continued)

conversation key, 190
database of public keys, 188, 189
DH authentication, 189, 190
secret key
database, 189
deleting from remote server, 190
time synchronization, 189
public-key map, DH authentication, 189
public option
in dfstab file, 83
mount command, 90, 149
share error message, 128
WebNFS and, 98
put command (FTP), example, 590

-qf option, sendmail command, 360
-qGname option, sendmail command, 360
-qptime option, sendmail command, 360
-q[!]Isubstring option, sendmail command, 360
-q[!]Rsubstring option, sendmail command, 360
-q[!]Ssubstring option, sendmail command, 360
-q option, uustat command, 525
queue (UUCP)
administrative files, 561, 562
cleanup command, 515
job grade definitions, 557, 559
scheduling daemon, 515
spool directory, 561
uusched daemon
description, 515
maximum simultaneous executions, 516, 560
queue features from version 8.12, sendmail
command, 369
queuegroup FEATURE() declaration, 366

r escape character, Dialers file, 544
-r option
mount command, 149


-r option (Continued)
umountall command, 153
uucp command, 526
Uutry command, 526
rbl FEATURE() declaration, 366
rcp command, 592, 596
copying between local and remote systems, 594, 596
copying directories, 594
description, 592
examples, 596
path names
absolute or abbreviated, 592, 593
syntax options, 593
security issues, 592
specifying source and target, 592, 593
rdate command, 64
read-only type
file selection by autofs, 202, 205
mounting file systems as, 149
sharing file systems as, 156, 158
READ option of Permissions file, 551, 552
read-write type
mounting file systems as, 149
sharing file systems as, 156, 158
referrals, See NFS referrals
registration lifetime (SLP), 223
relay_mail_from FEATURE() declaration, 366
relaydomains file, 331
remote copying
using ftp, 586
using rcp, 592, 596
remote execution (UUCP)
commands, 550, 552, 555
daemon, 514
work files C., 561, 562
remote file systems
listing clients with remotely mounted file
systems, 161
unmounting groups, 153
remote logins
authentication (ftp), 585
authentication (rlogin), 578, 580
/etc/hosts.equiv file, 579

remote logins, authentication (rlogin) (Continued)

network authentication or remote system
authentication, 578, 579
.rhosts files, 580
closing ftp connection, 587
direct or indirect (rlogin), 581
domains, 578
finding who is logged in, 583
ftp commands, 586
interrupting, 578
linking logins, 580
opening ftp connection, 586, 587
removing .rhosts files, 582
using rlogin command, 584
verifying remote system operation, 583
remote_mode FEATURE() declaration, 367
remote mounting
daemons required, 115
troubleshooting, 116, 118
remote systems
definition, 569
logging in, 578, 587
logging out (exit), 585
remote copying
using rcp, 592, 596
remote file copying
using ftp command, 586
verifying operation, 583
remote.unknown file, 560
remount message, 122
NFS referrals, 115, 193
removing locks, 145
reparsed daemon, 143
replicas must have the same version, 127
replicated file system, 184
replicated mounts, soft option and, 128
replicated mounts must be read-only, 128
replicated mounts must not be soft, 128
replicating shared files across several servers, 110
REQUEST option of Permissions file, 550
-request suffix and mailbox names, 324
Requests for Comments (RFCs), PPP, 380
retry subfield of Time field, 531

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


return escape character, 544

.rhosts files
deleting, 582
description, 580
remote system authentication process, 578, 580
searching, 582
security issues, 580
rlogin command
authentication, 578, 580
/etc/hosts.equiv file, 579
network or remote system authentication, 578,
.rhosts files, 580
description, 578
direct or indirect logins, 581
interrupting logins, 578
process after logging in, 581, 582
secure NFS and, 190
using, 584
rm command, 580
rmail command, 330
ro option
mount command, 149
mount command with -o flag, 149
share command, 156, 158
root directory, mounting by diskless clients, 74
root option, share command, 157
RPC, 604, 605
authentication, 189
DH authorization issues, 190, 191
overview, 188
rpcbind daemon
dead or hung, 125
mountd daemon not registered, 125
rpcinfo command, 165167
RS-232 telephone lines, UUCP configuration, 513
rule sets
testing, 309
version 8.12 of sendmail, 371
running SMTP with TLS
configuration file options for, 350352
description, 349354

running SMTP with TLS (Continued)

macros for, 352353
rule sets for, 353354
security considerations related to, 354
task information, 289293
rusers command, 583
rw=client option, umountall command, 156
rw option
mount command, 149
share command, 156, 158

s escape character, Dialers file, 544
-s option, umountall command, 153
SA server (SLP), 241
SAs (SLP), 244, 251, 256
scheduling daemon for UUCP, 515
scopes (SLP)
considerations, 244
DAs and, 233, 246
default scope, 244
definition, 215
deploying, 242245
multihomed hosts and, 252
proxy registration and, 256
when to configure, 243
chat scripts (UUCP), 535
basic script, 533
enabling dialback, 534
escape characters, 533
expect field, 533
format, 533
shell scripts (UUCP), 521, 522
.rhosts files, 582
users logged in to remote system, 583
secret key
database, 189
deleting from remote server, 190
server crash and, 190
secrets file for PPP, See /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file


Secure NFS system

administering, 96
DH authentication and, 96
domain name, 96
overview, 188
Secure RPC
DH authorization issues, 190, 191
overview, 188
applying autofs restrictions, 111
copy operation issues, 592
DH authentication
overview, 189, 190
password protection, 188
user authentication, 188
/etc/hosts.equiv file issues, 579
file-sharing issues, 156, 158
NFS version 3 and, 74
.rhosts file issues, 580, 582
Secure NFS system
administering, 96
overview, 188
Secure RPC
DH authorization issues, 190, 191
overview, 188
UNIX authentication, 188, 189
COMMANDS option of Permissions file, 552,
setting up, 524
sticky bit for public directory files, 525
VALIDATE option of Permissions file, 554, 555
security and NFS
description, 76, 179180
error message, Permission denied, 127
security flavors, 79
security mode selection and mount command, 149
SENDFILES option of Permissions file, 550 file, 331
alternate configuration for, 293294
building the configuration file, 285
description, 338339
log levels, 339
mail domains and, 345
638 file (Continued)

mail gateways and, 328
mail hosts and, 339
mail servers and, 339
mailers, description, 320
vendor setting, 318
version level, 318
sendmail command
alternative commands, 318
changes from version 8.12, 357
changes in version 8.13, 349357
changes to file name or file location from version
8.12, 372
command-line options from version 8.12, 358, 359,
command-line options in version 8.13, 354
compilation flags, 316
configuration file options in version 8.13, 354356
delivery agent flags from version 8.12, 367
description, 336
equates for delivery agents from version 8.12, 368
error messages, 311
/etc/mail/helpfile file, 372
/etc/mail/local-host-names file, 373
/etc/mail/sendmail.ct file, 373
/etc/mail/ file, 373
/etc/mail/, 358
/etc/mail/trusted-users file, 373
FEATURE() declarations
changes from version 8.12, 364
FEATURE() declarations from version 8.12
supported, 364
unsupported, 366
FEATURE() declarations in version 8.13, 356357
features of, 338
.forward files, 342
helpfile file, 372
interactions of NIS and, 347
interactions with NIS and DNS, 347
IPv6 addresses and version 8.12, 373
LDAP from version 8.12, 370
local-host-names file, 373
defined macros from version 8.12, 361

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


sendmail command, macros (Continued)

m4 configuration macros from version 8.12, 363
MAX macros from version 8.12, 363
MAILER() declarations from version 8.12, 367
mailers, built-in
[TCP] and [IPC], 371 file, 372 file, 372
name services and, 345
NIS aliases map, 341
queue features from version 8.12, 369
rule sets from version 8.12, 371
sendmail.ct file, 373 file, 373 file, 358 file, 372 file, 372
TCP wrappers and, 357358
trusted-users file, 373
sendmail.ct file, 373 file, 373
sendmail.hf file, 372 file, 332 file, 331, 334 file, See statistics file
serial port
dial-out machine, 411412
for a dial-in server, 417
configuring on a dial-in server, 475
serial unmounting, 153
server_delegation parameter, 136
server not responding message, 122, 123
hung programs, 126
keyboard interrupt for, 115
remote mounting problems, 125
server_versmax parameter, 136
server_versmin parameter, 136
See also NFS servers
autofs selection of files, 202
crashes and secret keys, 190
displaying information about, 599, 604, 606
home directory server setup, 107

servers (Continued)
NFS servers and vfstab file, 86
NFS services, 72
tracing client calls to, 599, 601
servers and clients, NFS service, 72
service advertisement (SLP), 234, 257
service agent (SLP), 230, 234
service discovery (SLP), 238, 239, 245
service requests (SLP), 246
service URLs
proxy registration (SLP), 256, 258
services database, UUCP port, 523
setfacl command, NFS and, 179
setgid mode, share command, 157
setmnt command, 162
setting SMTP to use TLS, 289293
setting up
local mail alias file, 296
mail client, 279
mail gateway, 283
mail host, 281
mail server, 303
NIS mail.aliases map, 295
virtual host, 287
setuid mode
Secure RPC and, 190
share command, 157
share command
description, 156160
enabling WebNFS service, 83
options, 156
security issues, 158
shareall command, 160161
shell scripts (UUCP), 521, 522
automatic execution, 521
running manually, 521
uudemon.admin, 522
uudemon.cleanup, 522
description, 522
uusched daemon execution by, 515
uuxqt daemon execution by, 514
uudemon.poll, 522, 556


showmount command, 161

shutmsg file, description, 571
single-user mode and security, 190
slash (/)
/- as master map mount point, 193, 197
master map names preceded by, 194
root directory, mounting by diskless clients, 74
advertising, 246
agents and processes, 216218
analyzing snoop slp trace, 223
architecture, 215
broadcast routing, 238
configuration file, 227, 228229
configuration properties, 228
configuring, 221222
daemon, 218
discovery requests, 239
implementation, 218
logging, 215
packet size, 237
performance tuning, 234
planning deployment, 221222
slp.conf file, comments, 228
slp.jar library, 218
SLP message types, 262263
SLP status codes, 261262
slpd.conf file, 230, 244
slpd daemon, 255, 256, 259
changing interfaces, 250
DAs, 241
heartbeat, 233
multihomed machines and, 249
proxy advertisement and, 252
removing DAs, 233
SA server, 241
scopes and, 244
static DAs and, 230
SLPv2, interoperability with SLPv1, 246
SMART_HOST() m4 configuration macro, 364
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
mailers, 320 file, 359


configuration file options for, 350352
description, 349354
macros for, 352353
rule sets for, 353354
security considerations related to, 354
task information, 289293
snoop command, 167, 599, 601
monitoring retransmission, 241
multiple SLP requests and, 250
SLP service registration and, 234
SLP traffic and, 248
using with SLP, 222, 223
snoop trace, for PPPoE, 465
sockets, NCA and, 48
soft option, mount command, 149
solaris-antispam.m4 file, 332
solaris-generic.m4 file, 305, 332
Solaris PPP 4.0, See PPP
solaris2.m4 file, 333 file, 333
solaris2.pre5.m4 file, 333
solaris8.m4 file, 333
space escape character, 544
special characters in maps, 211
Speed field
Devices file Class field and, 538
Systems file, 532
spool (UUCP)
administrative files, 561, 562
cleanup command, 515
directory, 561
job grade definitions, 557, 559
uusched daemon
description, 515
maximum simultaneous executions, 516, 560
sppp unit number, PPP address assignment, 497
spray command, 599, 600
autofs service, 92
enabling dialback through chat script, 534
NFS services, 92
turning on
echo checking, 544

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


starting (Continued)
UUCP shell scripts, 521, 522
statd daemon, 143144
static addressing, PPP, 496
statistics file, 331
status codes, SLP, 261262
.Status directory, 527
STATUS error messages (UUCP), 527, 564, 565
sticky bit for public directory files, 525
autofs service, 93
NFS services, 92
turning off
echo checking, 544
STREAMS, device configuration, 560
STTY flow control, 535, 545 file, 331, 332, 358 file, 332 file, 275, 331, 332 file, 332, 372 file, 333, 372
sun_reverse_alias_files FEATURE()
declaration, 367
sun_reverse_alias_nis FEATURE() declaration, 367
sun_reverse_alias_nisplus FEATURE()
declaration, 367
superusers, autofs and passwords, 74
sync option (PPP), 426
synchronizing time, 189
with another system, 64
synchronous PPP
See leased-line link
configuring synchronous devices, 424
Sys-Name variable of Type field, 537
Sysfiles file
description, 517, 547
format, 547
printing Systems list, 548
samples, 548
syslog.conf file, 310
syslogd command, 334
Sysname file, 517, 548
system authentication for remote logins, 578, 579
System-job-grade field of Grades file, 557, 558

System-Name field of Systems file, 530

/system/volatile/nca_httpd_1.door file, 57
/system/volatile/ file, 334
Systems file
Chat Script field, 533, 535
description, 517, 529
Devices file Class field and, 538
Devices file Type field and, 537
dial-code abbreviations, 516, 532
escape characters, 533
format, 529
hardware flow control, 535
multiple or different files, 517, 529, 547
parity setting, 535
Phone field, 532
Speed field, 532
System-Name field, 530
TCP/IP configuration, 523
Time field
description, 530
Never entry, 550
troubleshooting, 527
Type field, 531

T escape character
Devices file, 541
Dialers file, 541, 544
t protocol in Devices file, 541
-t option, lockd daemon, 134
TCP, NFS version 3 and, 76
TCP/IP networks
UUCP over, 523
TCP/IP traffic, 599, 601, 602
TCP protocol, 602
TCP wrappers, sendmail command and, 357358
telephone lines, UUCP configuration, 513
telephone numbers in Systems file, 532
telnet command, secure NFS and, 190
template files (PPP)
/etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl, 482483
/etc/ppp/options.tmpl, 474
/etc/ppp/peers/myisp.tmpl, 479


template files (PPP) (Continued)

list of templates, 410
options.ttya.tmpl, 476
temporary (TM) UUCP data files, 561
mail aliases, 308
mail configuration, 307
mail connections to other systems, 309310
packet reliability, 599
rule sets, 309
tilde (~)
abbreviated path names, 592, 593
rcp command syntax, 594, 596
synchronizing with another system, 64
Time field of Systems file, 530, 550
time synchronization, 189
timeouts (SLP), 239, 246
configuration file options for, 350352
description, 349354
macros for, 352353
rule sets for, 353354
security considerations related to, 354
task information, 289293
TM UUCP temporary data files, 561
tokens (dialer-token pairs), 539, 541
transfer speed for UUCP communication link, 532,
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and SMTP
configuration file options for, 350352
description, 349354
macros for, 352353
rule sets for, 353354
security considerations related to, 354
task information, 289293
transport protocol, NFS negotiation, 180181
transport setup problem, error message, 124
autofs, 120
avoiding mount point conflicts, 105
error messages generated by automount -v, 121
miscellaneous error messages, 122
mail aliases, 308

troubleshooting (Continued)
mail connections to other systems, 309310
mail services, 306
MAILER-DAEMON messages and, 311
networks, 604, 606
determining where NFS service has failed, 119
hung programs, 126
remote mounting problems, 116, 126
server problems, 116
strategies, 115
rule sets, 309
undelivered mail, 308
UUCP, 525, 565
ASSERT error messages, 527, 562, 564
checking basic information, 527
checking error messages, 527, 565
checking Systems file, 527
commands for troubleshooting, 527
debugging transmissions, 526, 527
faulty modem or ACU, 525
STATUS error messages, 527, 564, 565
troubleshooting PPP
common problems, 452
authentication, 467
chat scripts, 461, 462, 463
for networks, 457
general communications, 458
leased-line links, 466
serial lines, 463
with the PPP configuration, 459
obtaining diagnostics, 453454, 454
task map, 451
truss command, 167168
trusted callers, 388
configuring for CHAP authentication, 441
trusted-users file, 331, 373
trusting network environment
remote login
authentication process, 579
process after logging in, 581, 582
tuning SLP performance, 234
definition (PPP), 389

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


tunnel (Continued)
example configuration, 407, 408
task maps for configuring, 443
turning off, echo checking, 544
turning on
echo checking, 544
enabling dialback through chat script, 534
Type field
Devices file, 536
Systems file, 531

-U option, sendmail command, 360
UAs, requests, 234
UAs (SLP), 222, 246
requests timeout, 248
UDP, NFS and, 77
UDP protocol, 602
UDP/TCP unicast (SLP), 249
umount command
autofs and, 74
description, 151152
umountall command, 153
uname -n command, 548
undelivered messages, troubleshooting, 308
underscore (_) in mailbox names, 324
unicast routing (SLP), 249
disabled, 251
UNIX authentication, 188, 189
unmapped user or group IDs, checking for, 180
autofs and, 73, 202
examples, 152
groups of file systems, 153
mirror mounts and, 192
unshare command, 160
unshareall command, 161
unsharing and resharing, NFS version 4, 171172
unsharing file systems
unshare command, 160
unshareall command, 161
URL service types, WebNFS and, 99
Usenet, 513, 529

user agent (SLP), 230

User-job-grade field of Grades file, 557, 558
User keyword of Permit-type field, 559
user names
current user, 593
direct or indirect logins (rlogin), 581
finding users logged in to remote system, 583
user names, mailbox names and, 324
/usr/bin/cu command
checking modems or ACUs, 525
description, 515
multiple or different configuration files, 517, 547
printing Systems lists, 548
/usr/bin directory, contents of, 329
/usr/bin/ftp command, description, 570
/usr/bin/ftpcount command, description, 570
/usr/bin/ftpdctl command, description, 570
/usr/bin/ftptop command, description, 570
/usr/bin/ftpwho command, description, 570
/usr/bin/mail command, 330
/usr/bin/mailcompat filter, 330
/usr/bin/mailq command, 330
/usr/bin/mailstats command, 330
/usr/bin/mailx command, 330
/usr/bin/mconnect command, 309310, 330
/usr/bin/ncab2clf command, 57
/usr/bin/praliases command, 330
/usr/bin/rmail command, 330
/usr/bin/uucp command
debugging transmissions, 526
description, 516
home directory of login ID, 515
permissions for forwarding operation, 556
uucico execution by, 514
/usr/bin/uulog command, 515, 527
/usr/bin/uupick command, 516, 525
/usr/bin/uustat command, 516, 525
/usr/bin/uuto command
description, 516
removing public directory files, 525
uucico execution by, 514
/usr/bin/uux command
description, 516
uucico execution by, 514


/usr/bin/vacation command, 330, 338

/usr directory, mounting by diskless clients, 74
/usr/kvm directory, mounting by diskless clients, 74
/usr/lib directory, contents of, 333
/usr/lib/inet/ntpd daemon, description, 65
/usr/lib/inet/proftpd daemon, description, 571
/usr/lib/ library, 58
/usr/lib/net/ncaconfd command, 58
/usr/lib/uucp/uucheck command, 515, 527
/usr/lib/uucp/uucleanup command, 515
/usr/lib/uucp/Uutry command, 515, 526, 527
/usr/ntp/ntpstats directory, 65
/usr/sbin/editmap command, 334
/usr/sbin/etrn script, 334
/usr/sbin/ftprestart command, description, 571
/usr/sbin/ftpscrub command, description, 571
/usr/sbin/ftpshut command, description, 571
/usr/sbin/in.comsat daemon, 334
/usr/sbin/inetd daemon, in.uucpd invoked by, 515
/usr/sbin/makemap command, 334
/usr/sbin/mount command, See mount command
/usr/sbin/newaliases link, 334
/usr/sbin/ntp-keygen command, 65
/usr/sbin/ntpdate command, 65
/usr/sbin/ntpdc command, 65
/usr/sbin/ntpq command, 65
/usr/sbin/ntptime command, 65
/usr/sbin/ntptrace command, 65
/usr/sbin/showmount command, 161
/usr/sbin/sppptun command, definition, 498
/usr/sbin/syslogd command, 334
/usr/sbin/unshareall command, 161
uucheck command, 515, 527
uucico daemon
adding UUCP logins, 520
description, 514
Dialcodes file and, 547
maximum simultaneous executions, 516, 560
multiple or different configuration files, 517, 529,
printing Systems lists, 548
Systems file and, 529
uusched daemon and, 515
Uutry command and, 515

uucleanup command, 515

administrative commands, 515
administrative files, 561, 562
callback option, 552
adding UUCP logins, 520
running UUCP over TCP/IP, 523
overview, 514, 515
database files, 516, 561
asppp configuration, 517
basic configuration files, 517
description, 516, 517
multiple or different files, 517, 529, 547
description, 513, 529
administration, 515
error messages, 527
public directory maintenance, 525
displaying log files, 515
file transfers
daemon, 514
permissions, 550, 552
troubleshooting, 526, 527
work files C., 561, 562
forwarding operation, 556
hardware configurations, 513
log files
cleanup, 522
displaying, 515
login shell, 514
adding, 520
privileges, 554
mail accumulation, 524
maintenance, 524, 525
node name
alias, 517, 550
remote computer, 530, 548
Oracle Solaris version, 513, 529
overriding parameters manually, 557
passive mode, 550
polling remote computers, 517, 556

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011


UUCP (Continued)
privileged logins and passwords, 554
public directory maintenance, 525
remote execution
commands, 550, 552, 555
daemon, 514
work files C., 561, 562
COMMANDS option of Permissions file, 552,
setting up, 524
sticky bit for public directory files, 525
VALIDATE option of Permissions file, 554, 555
shell scripts, 521, 522
cleanup command, 515
job grade definitions, 557, 559
scheduling daemon, 515
STREAMS configuration, 560
transfer speed, 532, 538
troubleshooting, 525, 565
ACU faulty, 525
ASSERT error messages, 527, 562, 564
checking basic information, 527
checking error messages, 527, 565
checking Systems file, 527
commands for troubleshooting, 527
debugging transmissions, 526, 527
modem faulty, 525
STATUS error messages, 527, 564, 565
user commands, 515, 516
UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy command)
mailers, 321
testing the connection, 308
uucp command
debugging transmissions, 526
description, 516
home directory of login ID, 515
permissions for forwarding operation, 556
uucico execution by, 514
uucppublic directory maintenance, 525
uudemon.admin shell script, 522
uudemon.cleanup shell script, 522
uudemon.crontab file, 521

uudemon.hour shell script

description, 522
uusched daemon execution by, 515
uuxqt daemon execution by, 514
uudemon.poll shell script, 522, 556
uudirect keyword of DTP field, 539
uulog command, 515, 527
uuname command, 527
uupick command
description, 516
removing public directory files, 525
uusched daemon
description, 515
maximum simultaneous executions, 516, 560
uudemon.hour shell script call, 522
uustat command
checking modems or ACUs, 525
description, 516
uudemon.admin shell script for, 522
uuto command
description, 516
removing public directory files, 525
uucico execution by, 514
Uutry command, 515, 526, 527
uux command
description, 516
uucico execution by, 514
uuxqt daemon
description, 514
maximum simultaneous executions, 516, 560
uudemon.hour shell script call, 522

-V option, umount command, 151
-v option
automount command, 121
uucheck command, 527
vacation command, 329, 330, 338
VALIDATE option of Permissions file, 554, 555
COMMANDS option, 552, 554
/var/log/xferlog file, description, 571
/var/mail directory, 275, 276
automatic mounting of, 280


/var/mail directory (Continued)

mail client configuration and, 280
/var/mail file, 324
/var/nca/log file, 58
/var/ntp/ntp.drift file, 65
/var/run/proftpd.scoreboard file, description, 571
/var/spool/clientmqueue directory, 335
/var/spool/mqueue directory, 335
/var/spool/uucppublic directory maintenance, 525
/var/uucp/.Admin/errors directory, 527
/var/uucp/.Status directory, 527
variables in map entries, 206
vendor setting, specifying in file, 318
verifiers, RPC authentication system, 189
verifying, remote system operation, 583
version level, specifying in file, 318
version negotiation, NFS, 170171
vfstab file
automount command and, 199
enabling client-side failover, 89
mounting by diskless clients, 74
mounting file systems at boot time, 86
NFS servers and, 86
nolargefiles option, 88
virtual hosts, setting up, 287
VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE() m4 configuration
macro, 364
VIRTUSER_DOMAIN() m4 configuration macro, 364
virtuser_entire_domain FEATURE() declaration, 366
volatile file handles, NFS version 4, 174175

WebNFS service (Continued)

URL service types and, 99
weighting of servers in maps, 205
wide area network (WAN)
Usenet, 513, 529
work (C.) UUCP files
cleanup, 522
description, 561, 562
working directory, definition for rcp command, 593
write errors, NFS and, 74
WRITE option of Permissions file, 551

X. UUCP execute files
cleanup, 522
description, 562
uuxqt execution, 514
xonxoff option (PPP), 419

WARNING: mountpoint already mounted on
message, 122
WebNFS service
browsing, 99
description, 185186
enabling, 8384
firewalls and, 99
overview, 78
planning for, 9899
security negotiations and, 79
task map, 97

Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services November 2011

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