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Ste UF dh Gt eIhoE NIL UPd Lbs Kur L beet sb gte SAI IASB Lng bt GU Loe IRL sL sal eh bee r£L Joti Let sant 23 Lisle y Le torte Ko 22011 le Rte Pens Ein NS pgb ss KUEHL ELLE Veal n fof EIT EOLA GLE sity Fe et SRLS C5776 AN Cle sl LA Ge Le L FB Sill Lod ULlys a fetirbsle Gre JL 150 AL GM ALS 2 Er bf 5k S (Parkinsons) ot ,2008 -< OT Lite dedicinametr Lb be tee Wge uy Me Pei one CePA bso ues Let ESS A tS SA Ser yr lilaIgel SPALLING eT lunt iia F huge sl SUL IRI PY Un bbe Me Sibi Let EVIL hein fig (ete sooty sie IS RE Whe Sue FeLi Sir tee ELL be Sg LM orbit nniobi he Lite ee Us S13 G I Hil Goin Loin LG WL Le He Bt SPSS IAAL sy Lin LIGT L bo AQ AOP ta Te Wise SasiN esl AG Ue Fee Bnl ire SLi teh efuntS iyo me wif SELES ut Sores Vk be tobe Und unig JL Meso d A Sr7!
SG ote Sh WON eZ UIGI ot IIL LTP seg 3k SAUL ede LoL EBLE aL ee 197Sus niger Ps Sredesin Sib aly Zale PA bB ew Sie ste Md we ebak OP bys ce Sr Oy OO ads 210K GAP i3, Ae rae nbOgReZUIE ZH E SULT eslees ME AVS ISIE be Soteh eN AIPE 20077158 “LF it,” lath HEE 2H Crsslslerte hig abhor GYaveet Stl Glob Fue ADU? ey diy ans -11 ~13 -l4 ~15 ~16 AF ~18 20- Phyllis A.Balch," Nutritional Healing"4 th Edition 2006, Abery Penguin Group, USA 21- Dr S.R Jindal" Nature Cure", Institute Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Bangalore 2005 -~ Dr Walter Noder, M.D" Fitness Over 40", Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India 29 of A 23. 24_ 25- 26. 27. 28- 29_ 30. Dr Savitri Ramaiah" Headache", Book Station, New Delhi, India Dr Asim Mahmood," Proceedings of Seminar “Health - An Islamic Perspective" held at Shifa International Hospital, H-8 Islamabad,21st January 2005 Sultan Bashir Mahmood(S.1), Key Note Address" Seminar "Health - An Islamic Perspective"held at Shifa International Hospital H-8 Islamabad,21 January 2005 Dr Muhammad Ata,"Epidemics, Islamic Perspectives", Seminar "Health - An Islamic Perspective"held at | Shifa International Hospital H-8 Islamabad,21 January 2005 Ms Mauna Gohar," Health & IIIness", Clinical Psychologist & Faith Healer Khalid Latif," President A.B.L" Role of Faith in Illness", Personal E-mail Meenu Syal," Teach Yourself Yoga", Prerna Prakashan, C-13, Rose Apartment, Sector, 14 Extn, Rohini, Delhi, India Swami Ambikananda Saraswati" Healing Yoga", Health Harpony J.J Offset Printers,7, Printing Press Area, Ring Road, Wazirpur, Delhi, India 30 irik frente ashe bBik yt} Pan ie ct thts F Caza Li Sp Dla Sry Sa sseha tah He oy Glebe 2008 ht S aS yids = 3h olga ylplbcyeruedqubois 4b peal S esis S1ypd ta cie 5 clayton Sasa AWS ye S bbl tte 6k clyd phasa AULAIS plac’ deren 34 1 ees PE teulel7 Suri CB beside Soh re, LS 8eu sare (Nature eS UT Crier MISO ters NT oruidbide Soi tedilesie ¢ eben (ge Soltis Ser pu done purl Gupte wi hee Lyipice Ube Sui hee det Mir AG ude Vem tnd Living L SAT INL Fel er eb ul Aylin Bue utd aber Sopkidoe BEI LUISE Ve Frist LiterpwiL pel aves LL Ube Ue eS AS An yl abe 9F crab og ba 5 Gal Ly bles Sle SI SIM alyle gS cabal og shar 2 Gul LF Le gab pS gla Sl eb Gel ALE IWL IB 2LivkgtiQhe FSi Peer fle deer gt eRe S UIIL 2 bie Gr ger? we LEI Sei I UWL 2 awe 33 JrIGEL LAH 14 He GUM pesado ILI SEL NEF a Ln to Lit 2 Ls AG tL Vale Oi BELSL Sia t ete PIS Bebe bite 2b Weleetnyle Mg Stepped fh bins Ve mbie Lj dn Pie Pal peng MAL aid le, Sle tetewl Ist Fee The UF Puls duet ALES EE Wye Ses 8S qh Sle tL bay ene bat LE ay SPL Wig dbo rL Upaobit Seg LA viutdnte tele Lp Snot s a8 Sri be Fg 2S tt Ily 6 Ske PELE Fle SYK ES SFO (Sieraitnar pak ste that Vode -24 hunt £eravihemnguy art Cage EWE Nd se Stor isl 34 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PS 1.2 Ser Sib KI et LWA £ er Leiden, ibe te abe UIU Gl Je ee (EL oF ; WE tie (lel ESE DALEGYTAL et 6 os POLI EY OOM Ait bi he OG TL WL tis eK tec (HI bP tide dtee He IPE cs SSG LUL vise Ce buy a epg Hee te LoS urge ML Erie pede Aettltunet Ae Siebert e ELLE Ute NGG I of FE LSS aa GF 55 Yai 0 Sql giLF Ls GES cml pelt tg fab lo ase Sty lst Osgtias IG GLI tt NAL Ab tdi mtIL ALM Lovee” MOe eet th Any be <7 toe CR LWP VL lI Se ive EL oy OU ly Re edu th Z SU (62 - 632700 Ul) BIBER LA Lp izri Ie IWL fetbel Ju! eee Masse Piz estan to Pe the Gorge Uo SVU WILE palguslen 35 ririz 1.3 Fei 2) H(t) tured biti/LetL Wat Nour ger ei = Jaa oe Le BZ outa ei PS MiLe sr supe dltuideukte se Bip 6) PLS bbz sso te Sout se LW Se ~euiGh 2k Sete Aibnssse Mer Be - CU itt Gul Ge RLV Pe pig Nie veturiti WG Ie ct bt PL Heir rete Hate PEL Mine HA Msp Ssbeses Seu Gintacithe > SSS BSetooie Hust we tI rele MELE St FP Gb SF She cal glad a UF AT sa 1” ZIT 2S aeilyn ALS fuala cul (apt og seg)“ pe Sp? PGE ABS Ev seni Lc Souk 3507 SUL ALE IGF L LL Lr Lorard £ SC Su ATA ite ih SeLivte §Lies¢ WE My brbed £ ee Vibigurte CU UsT 36 ANTS 154 Joy AS RCIA RIFE vg Fg VG oN Yigal 5 iS lt by pica 0 550h5 SEU EAM Ne Pte ptt” FLU de Oy trot rt OL UI St Suits (188.2c 50 Fier )O'nZb ell le GILES 1S) S51 0 Gssea Li {Lig 1 Oa wert S855 61 MALI 1515 0 pgins Org gic obs! LBigi Gs Rue WELL UL GLa” be tuice wlOy JULI te us) Le Fev S2 GY Our f Add tether o£ SSN pga ar WH ogagar Yih pt ogltt Ai pil Sys Sota ae eee wiley wut Lar hie” (27S ecleFitw )"nbeopledd BIT wie 8 Hie is phsts Satis 9 oF SV GN BLAS 5 UL aig ils gj Ud | PONG 5 Ya eg BES Loi” gaia A 5S Col GadlitglS 5° ts a5 lag jabs 9 056 phe ay Rb5 ROSY Grits BS Sh oe ty pict Ju tg sts AY © csi SNgpoitg SoS ly S5fg © 635i © NS SU gig tains pil 11g gang YI ELS a hog IS” gS ob agtsy 0 493555 waz AT Mire re Nat” SPL pa Sy cir Ph re RUG ear ge op MSew te SAL wht SG Go BL SAS ush got ahh WU APrferulse i LuPGL SIL iene WK off nse eS bute de Sesry n Ab SEL ip ficJL WL Pia FINE wi pus EV Sle 9 Sgt ESI eso fon Syl be std EB bie er SPE ALns Ae 38 SNe INES Suc Po Gt uy 2 glen cd Ebene uldg MS sailigly) Jolt, Suis £ AL SiS AS21531 pbUiE)“ On SAe teees pn Meuivtle see bsbee elu) ttl Fee en See CS erie Pee IF Hegrthe Phere S LL KAZ Le wy WAL Fite bin PAGS cele MG ES pins ga laglee 55 S5 ae La ee” le pla orb ul a cach IF Se Jlany ya AF (ip og hee). Lag aS thine pF lin Joba PS SS pL Sin Sanita Le Sey WAIL Mh bas Cann SAS su Cast S yd a Slay cal” ALY ham aT glean ILS (Fay 0 tN eee a9) My AUS 2 pau ( Ala yd coal [3 pling AIT dye NS ai) My 095 S pau sgh ag lly a ap (aad eg seg)" a My Aly pagent a pau Dyyl aly Piso bi hae Srl dian dee PLU! aS lel £7 Gee 1S ayaa cgay I yhoo 29 plas Ly” 39 SF baa ala lela tog SF ots ay! ULES (apt shu). “Carel a Sl SBT tL cbr iL Sides PSG shed TUh oe baiGre pte sel b usc Ew Life SW Cinthege billetie citing te sen So hae rung tLe ie alr eS nig te Sup le Stoel or SB SZ WEIL wel Sol (UL Uy Sev Sarit eye WISPUIS prepoitvts Wt hE A Snes S ri SiL wise Arig ASCP L SLA Lote Viftne Se SSS! MSPS Sot Sine eS Lo test URE, PS bi ere Gil IIMIIPL date Buse Met PS ca UAPL p Liebe 3h Ferd Lijites tha, SY iu, ae (Ades et tiN bio ter Sue Iie ? SOP ge Sen? tes Gee Se pT Sl dada Sy AV aS ANS AUS thin NS we thay AD ny aten Spy pine ay egayh OF LS Sap dS larg SF Lb gS Save las 40 Sar Gl 2 tl Bunya AY pa Ulf ose 8 SE al og a 2S te A ald 59 Sy ya at Sgn hy 3 ul bg Bite (Mat Al gu, Gate Sih Che SS A lat ye Coys 95 5g) W gale ye (nyt gle a IS al Sov AoiriGsSPmucti he MAb LAE 1a, SAiPbadete Mite peut OWI tenet Soe Fr SSL eee iui a ated Bisbee LN Fe UE LUISE etl 1.4 te IL © Pw Wp ite BEER tH? Stp Lee tht tic GAA Wow ESEZOAST -< Sobre ST SA Soria OtUue Sbtule-e dul Aton! we Mie Ber tite deh - Sage bie Sy ApeingA£ pvr EF Matadttey 31S Ale Jagg aba ae la” SF ale HS pt ayl SF thay ays pn en bes halen 6S ns 31 F le awe S WS! Sp se aS oS our Sol Si 1 PL Sibi Pa PL Pe glia Yo Sb og ash gah te dp tiles Sy She” ptt ya LCE ce (Sires Mair, Se = ecu SUI Maze tle? —SAbIL PES deel AS using Shay) a Shy siglad Spare SS Ci plany AMT dye allt Lan oT py WS ADS em egal oS (lla alll ay LS 55 SYS unl an deny Sy stagmuen S yi day bein UF Ailes sles Alera IT Ld sai Fi, cats) Wes F gLUT ST pate USS SESE ST ye My opts thea asl ela ol Gul eal pm BUS IS Gul YL arte antl SiS re WLS yyy tey te ge (inyt ple ga Yysi les LSS sii, rr Str tee Sg Sure idan Sie Sinker teat de BEM dL Suit Sew PAS wy sty tie Mati faLyigty Bee SES pole eK LIel IIe AU-aLy Sr ptMr tdi S red Bnd 7 FLAK CH") ¢ tno VW te Atl bLiethrser os 42 eC LE bite tale ek Debio elle Sere HE Ie en PIA Le deur Oe Peg uieiS Ae thot rhe sige Hs bre LL A fed Mee Ulitgoss Lutte Phe UIE BOIL pr du SAS Bee et SAA Re LL eet leag -2Unec}’ (Superlative)e, oe ule eh Godin MOC S 1.5 EMAIL UA RS bred gate Ua of PLA UnE sisi foe ty SeersiDl SEL st boredl Sulit Le NG GL ine Vimar Seid Sibi UnE Maye Ler FAW Gal 0 Lig ILS go pe lal” SANs ces GIA yy Cale we die UA Ssle LULA? Palo A tote tri dove 2 LUE e7 APE fazer te ioL pigbet(Lethn ele hb-< sLenblte * ius the BL Sout 2 LL ner IS ie? LSU E oe bn Page prt ues tr a ein se WE ULE need feu des 43 Lutte see SS bai Su Le bun gush Tet Le NSS et Le ASW UL bos SUbl A hag 2 as sty Atal 3) Gaal ST oy a” NGA yg) pss SF pes MS naga Lag S514 ((gaal5 pauaat ) 0 ya jhaal Ae hate tyS orien WEL Wak MAL Morac gine de eeons pd bs PA LIL wns Set IE SSS) b= Spied Lee UE eo TN San 44 aot u Lins Ale 7 be La beuideu Sy rue fas ee Ho Pee Siesieinctuiiurzeutiisle (Urge week (ie tilgglubes Aug tolule Broa oh 48 IGS Vy pA LEAS Ga GLE Oys3 a al 4 sile HoS pig qd atl MASON E Ate tus” Cpe SP role irc oLeee (ALU se Farlow Fie Cale yest ere (Btect bros eae Mls oii ho gt LIE O eb be IS yah ols ILS § Le CF y 2S isbn tity” ae J Ge wo Be sg ur (16826 Fe ive) Ori WUE Sr3 Se PUI Sp ZN ete LE ne Sky Ptontandite ets Teste SI 45 i pL bs I LS Jot ag ci poh fo kal g” oS fo Cicily ii Sul tobe Zire eet” LuitWirole WoL e (we (Sechow Ur he Aisle plese. Mee 4 Sale le LEENA Khel eZ Vol hed gg ILE bP bltaibe fe eis bal, Ae Fi UKt wu ZIT Lass oF besides Suit topepFetern SPL Bi grbiSep AISA Luteo nL Wb tLe ali nthe ir toltic re» ~AGubeGr tS cig 2.1 PSA Abhi TSA A OIE Je -ebuifeant MoelL deri dwanturgle, Lvl d! whl WEIS Sate US e e bulden7 6 JA 46 Dai lg 3 fost oily oulg Malt pile Laps AES ialNg gh alls Mang a aL yk SWS RTS Ql GH Leg teeny * Bab OS” pV gdedicd ofg Ai Le PB SAAS I Rio 0 G58 iS G55 pal SABE I§ RL I LL apall opty cried” Wo prey AS Stig sks LE SGA tS "oS silts ek patos 3 3h! 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Set Ny LEAL at SSF BUG aren JF kg REE gS pS Lae O cya Coos FGI gb as 5 1545 Ppibini rie oily re eepice” 50 Bef So ANGI 8 ASP (31h sili OW wr Eevdn Coote l Ob Itscsbid Sgt Lull FE £ hee pV NI State IBF SoS ulirule- pills ele Le Us eb F ne x OWL Uristhe i stale ui Lei dui pik Forme EFI PL brie ea Sid Se sel bell SME Fa Pe tid city Ie L Ritu APL L Ie bw ALASKEi tio Ahmad Sakar, A muslim guide for food ingredients, USA PHL, 2 vb hue ot AstrEUPe Gun gusye 3 ( Preservatives Chemical) KE frL bd SoS A ebidhd Signer 6 Hie Le 5 wh 8 Bde Use = -7 a 10 fe 9 ne ante AKL Zoe -11 et lc ME yale eA 51 bole AL 2.3 So ehibn Biyiyd nSWe Vl Pug iL BUA One Ket Sin SO GER HAL We GRU SUI hc t lout WAS Sea XL AS del Sih pte ha? 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ANS ALS OPN be WHISK My LK Stat Ss Pp ion Suse et AIL Uy Plush eg Te DLW bai PNG AL we le unk -e ey robot SLU Stee Aton thle nl até DNS Se Ble RURAL ue hD ag Het th TT Calan AUT yy) a OUGS a ST SY yleLae” shaple ctl yt)" pa yay cay 9S Cinyey gan paw (Cy pl plan’ eg boy 6 at Stet He e sntndokrl wluiir 62 SECS ellie te OIL LAM teh Li izes rhe Ae ty be vr£ hz Ale thor Uitte SUe eur rif StL EAH 3.4 Ulett SM Side he OE VTL WIA eee thon fOr LWA LAGE eotod Tibi e CE Ser Wts SIVA LLM woe wordt fL£e SOs Bi Se on h-e bul GulsbtoAIn yah tie’ UE Le Sofa h7 ae ie SESE Bg Ses IBS feet LEP sit iyfonA Wel ALGk bg ale Met ANF phen? bho iz VE GB Ie a LM Heh Melia t BEE nf vsaebaeeLue ryt Fe Ke AP Mir ons urkedcAUA0L Abus -tebess Abd 3.5 Pitted Sur? eb Le Pr Ee Meise cp psn babh tee Ke Lv onde toy Fife LVF < bb be Ui Eb GL bbe 63 MPSEWishe® 3.6 Abt Recs die Aue PUTS bi urere li SWAB Hsin be NS Se uh ait Lote oT en Tt AS esl” 2F Ssd se oe AW platy F gaa ANS FA eae bya tin Shag) gS) ages 9S wees eS ean ot StS cule Vp re pat al thy rate go pay LLG” (debe ol gpd 3) LWA Le poe SranSbd le Vk Se PPLE WINS boi Gere ulitugie ese Bose F GZ We Sino thrtinewhoherSe 3 MEL ASS tA ah UB Se, LW Soiyt EL ois L AIP Le Le Hsin bii Peg LP GAs BwiLES 3.7 PBEM AE be tee Mi areg bids Le FILA Aa pg tl WA Se bir Sete c Me Sectve PS dei Sur Or EArt Se de 64 A ct te pal nash 1S ay Sag” ALL bitin Dr SAL Pree p WAGE» MES AM al STS sgh patra” ele ya pe aren Wy 4 Sparse (agp gba pt) wl ST te WL pl tpl Gr Vote te pe Be LWhe hoffe le Los LLa ORBLE L Woz INL hag FEIT =F ile tHE FA Ker tie Ve Enka Ke mbLe HLL WowitWA ted £ oe BHU pli fie wei ieumet ct iterd Le plesk epee SO 6 SIE bee St He Seve -< BWohie In Fb 7Z E Sisto MP Wetu ELS 3.8 Kegtleg LEW AL As Let esi ASOT tag SUpI Leet tu FL ye th Sbiidl Ue SPP ugh Se Soe PL PE he PIL LFA L Sort te LL we EI 65 Se SatsAsi tt Ste 2JPGE CLE! et gUKIL EL GIS MIL Mutter rb Lu)! Let ap pel pin Efe Ket iie nlc wie Pfu tive afb Bhd stay der we pL urrkte eb SHe CBS Miu Ate, Jive bette AR tl PIGLS AgiL sdtecgh AMi@ 6 PLS IL Pil edi OL eg 2 LE Ie ph eile BS Sih te MTA goat plein” tS eben AIT y Aude abt) plan Sly ga rae Speg Ayla seat FULL aL als (apf plats ig slag )“La Sar SH aS Aiki se Wile e Wibegtaleg Wi Po tL We VAL SGi dle eit 2 OPT UL bE blue Ue tet gl ebb APL Gren gent Ul Eb hod eS SUZ LOL win AWOL ett ewe pracleiw 3.9 AWA EWS e ae (Hib dV Che vn SLIPL SVE SOLA UNL LL Soho We 66 LPS t TUL WW Lt he Pew bey He SWAG AUS Ae pan ate tly a IS au pg” a atte atl Jal olan SS aya gly (agp plane) Ua GS Seen eat Hite tse) plea AIT dade Alt) asa SY jpn Leddy ne” SF Ay atleast bey toga es Gh GS AT yao allt pla GT gilt, 52 UL be alla at aghot bl pas Ld pa geet sp Ly SSS ee cst ST ctl ag IUS ee gts (aay plan’ y og slay) Stee SUEZ Ne pie Soli £ ebeo! bit Ke GB LIL et sre MEAL ILA aS ge PSR Aa vic & LUE tt boi FSG cr $ eS Sie 3.10 Eo he douitegeipailie hd LaF 2 Wie Crib Niece ell O js 5239 0 j4bd S85 67 nist Spe i SE FSW!” (4-52 litle) nF WIAA 2 eg Sai nF 6381 he Le Li SP Sie Me ISL ee LW St Fabio ede LG PWS Ga ref sh an? Bey LPL ASL baa H iylbhe YL), Mei EEE te te We RIAL LES WARE AS ba S TILE ON seuss ust in S AUS a) EL paw ala” (tapi egia 2)" acral FES LS pany PASS Iie Phe Pre MDS Pec dihd RLAB A UPL Le wer tid Me LV World Health Organization(WHO)Z fe be tid pig’ MP td LL WEA Sc GLA Sti ol SAS ie Se Jt ng 2 6erglie Sith neta titer /tsftw 3.14 AD pei Zp OUI Gide LSE th MNS Sp La ine Pf Le SIGE par MN pyar pl Si Abid Ash 68 collage Lalas pL ber alts tgs” (hap plane) ae prema Je AN il 9S ALS ul BeAr bbe pteL Ia Seo l glen Lind Weimar ie Of hige Mie tenth Ea Souda SeWo PL ELV vie EWE ab ia Sle P-Lbbo7zd Were ALE Wb spe ab py he PL MS Lele cele ae dye tal ALI Lad yy G1 aly OLS Gerd po” L Bath agS paale Sul pt AT alee the (esha teal aa a) 55575 Asis Lh ai” WE ge Ub Tue IL Mat bine? Ar WI Be Se 7b pede Wise! StL iN pS NU pve dics We =u SF hit e ete stl 3.12 OL We 2 SACI SOU Sr AGT PWC Ih HS Pot Bw Bee Meo Sat Ve UA Uh IRIS Sr ein AT Sete 2 es AA Ia ASL Slat Se LY 69 BUSHEL KAS LU SO A> Flen Mile Vo tad 2st be lyre bleil SEL ria iee» NG) a5 play aT teal ton Se” le ul SS WUT yy) the d gt a (eine pln). AS UN al A au Aiynae arin S ele bu Shel Wile He HL ge See? LAUAM UA wil LSP titer SWACIL Ait bt Mee eve SUG SES pu sila as ped pS cuts F” FES a ty ALS yee me Sip sf Bt asta aS AY al ale GUS SF GIS au gTila “alileyspemeatecit, Fw al (25}a ja) ening poh cde 5) Pole? bbe Her Kei ia aks pie Cnet gL SOS Ved IB enzymes he LEW Ar TEL Proof Sb£ Uist LGR eb Ake ton Kb reii Phe Ly ye Lifehe Pha tia SA th ob TU Weer Be Seton Uilege L Vet ix u¥h Bete Fyre tet We ote ho Wet Us 70 PRES Gt be SCL hasbigtin Wisi fu SB eRe te SRL Witla fe? TS Laas gS plan AT, dade alt laa aT 5 ga” As AA GLE gS play Tate aly te HF EWS Ghai SVS ou ope sy aide AS ILS pole glo api jst SF 13h play Ty aale abd) tae oT ys 87 WSs at abd St SIS pu an 9S os ped AUT yaad al phen aT yh AF a ated slat yyl (ap plans og Ley "LIS pig pany a play Letabts Hite het SEL Mow tren Ke tigi re SF ~heusZ Hea ALE 3.13 FLV Uys Ve Us Sb, IEW Ne SiS PD sta Leo Se Mss fash lag CO ees Stal het bey pal pas) pth py gly b pian” “pas Piri tirS tLe Seas Anita? Set “A oF rahe cate oben IT pa ang cal LLG” “2 Sp at gst AN lg lB ile ila, (a3la 31) WemLLLW 3.14 PLE AL VW Uy SW fore SET StS Sein PEL Mibe MEK Sle Key 2 2b te Posi ius Pdi ww gules SUL Seve EPI oS play alT aude aly plan 8” ae aT ALM ain, oat LUGS 19s LUGS LS Sy pg lth 9 63 TS sa OS ty SUS Ley nw “old a ASUS race tata ity cn, (Lay pb ig sley) Se Fer iLubut LWih uid rzt LWA HE 4S wlesre di tot le oA PS ce MVE Se oib7s ES AGL hte wal Sent fe tewdbdifsur het EASA LISLE pobre ab AP bonke jd file g ult tuduont UI SUK Ph ar i ISP Sine 72 slew Ml EOS a tap ye WEL RL LW titative bnenA os phasurt SSPE gidn Presswire fk (Calves & Thighs)ustjut Atte We Sie HIE tase fur Ute tet ESE lhe tle CAE SAE Bie si fer I St ea PT ASM S bth PE SFL Mii idne LIL Lstagttn shetulg het barr bAaseP See sat Ginbstex eer Gea ttle SF 3.15 < reel abe Sex inc sEl6 Le LUPO SET SARK LOA BEI gee tee tn BAS Pe feta KES engi GEw Led Ste GUM Seth PPS fee 2 Oe, ZEA CFI Fe Mir see te tre FT WELW Sure th Wipe yt tthe ew Pere ek tee lope 2 Ine SOM Pol eure Pe wir tese tie ny L£ cn he tiki -< Fonjgece Ve dw Sette ba PECL SWE etn ith bani ee boi blZLE LE 73 HLL 3.16 See SSSI LAI ALLE Stl Fyie Cae 2 Wt ercultzre Face Seu te Le Sit PLL WieL isle Pe tt SLE ge Hkiw He Fu art Dyspepsia ee Bee Pit ee 6 FE pial 2 plang AIT date al) phen SY yuna” cine Ala gt S US cal Atal 5S sill Clee Lyle dL LG BILS Fags tals “prey fis dedi Stiri Se edule Pty SAI asap ayes S88) 5 Spd” Crt ag al Tal yay SG Gul data at SIAM Tahar ALM pout 55S (ay ghana) of al anne Pitot PNG g elton SL Wind of AM Ion FBC rion Stn IAL Se bye -77U AUIS ESL W see Ge bn ESI 74 Naha thier eter etter stale pS lied fe skye Se pg IU Slee tort Mel tWrd the Atul eie tile Lie Subt Seb eet Niuit Cet thd pole utile We Fe SF SST beg H rectbas ee Se 2 thitci S 3.17 SSL LM AR A bint wil oh Mea KAGE hse PL be Ag Ct i cals Siggy pe gal Cally ty tly” (ay phat). LL i WAL it et Ure ue Bute > Bay he Sy as Lr Gig gg te LS” (staal 3359." << Curt £ Lila fir eu be bE ye HL IL LoS Ktuie EW odie le tem tie II LBL Kei AA i Pb SASer Efe id le Mi PO Mae Fefare ob ibue 75 WA bS 3.18 fear Sle he GUS EK TW SOE Stewie LEAL Pies Si? Loe Se NM STs lei a9) SOG Si gS HS ee SIs a” esas ot AUS SS gas a co slgue Spe ob oj LUGS pau Jae Gd OF cul yl ep tlage OT ott 72ST te Cin sale yl a Uy i bite ANG Se cele Bele Pyos51 SWAG (iat eg bees) ag FG” Lid den L IB Se Ene tesla) (ApS or Cet BE birt Sod S1 b6£ic ase ya Wok Ante DES R Sth suid AA Sided? (Duodenum)=:7b%e ewe EWN GB Pee EA Abe ve Cy pepel tee Aas 3.19 eZ LU HU Sinn Mate HEL Jui Hep LVeWVe LUA LUC Aslz ok albeys 76 Sew siti einSEL SBE cele Alex WS yp alas 41 TS pg ye Bagh 2 dS LS” adel Pathe Aa Sak Fae Le ntet NRC AHA Cede bAduz Le rLag iS nbiH bee eS tt denen! LUA efi Lyle Lia een (pee Ew Aiute &, ENS vk poe te -e thal? bi Sal LY 3.20 MLE le Saree 6S eo LULA ean edge sae the ihe Gat Su Av sianst eb StS ESL LL WA elven PSrb ier Zhe? SCV L Pe LE Ma FVL IZ nb Wee LUI es pais Sophias 9 Ula abt Salt ab Lacs (silagel dole cpl cdo aale ) ESIGN LSI SLL Sisley Ine hh el Py Pui LW 3.21 GAEL pSPALLVL gui Sh ba PA? eh ee bn Rt Be LE bet ie putup2 L£ bert tle de tive del fgve € -eCtrnlte 2 Lh ubic wit Sate fiuthbs Cab Sond rhevig burn He Vb ple Bune ven Seni SE teh Vhs Salis Te ne Heke Une thas MG Delt L uit Coal VSP then ne et (HS eS Ter uewtL 7 bo L (Stomach) we See Bee Fu FA6 (Gravityle Ho Sy be txt» Ut (Duodenum) ete Lk MLL i tle tutu LW 3.22 SLI Bese bE Vue tl Seve LL Lbs popu d Ve abt gut Sew bibennte elite wb wybieSUEL LAD NSO Sr Se Fx Ie Sul Ce EW Ure Stel BLS baiye gee MISA Lol Med yh U6 ie Phen or s9E nt scks Aug ba 78 lg (Gastro Enteritis) 2 Bes olwl EWI L et Picea SUL Seales bh Kote AL Ue lee Byte WIC le WIL Ute Pac £LVL Klebislot in oe aL bdr hurne ply! PELVE uridtunts Ke FUL eb tus SOU See SA Srdesih G, edk Le Lr bac Sy! shal PSone uw ie Seat beip Fou SW S al gt A Uh te ott S cgale Vert pe” 1 BS 540 FT S Gigs ae aay S vuln (pbuney ssl) ae UF Bout Pn Tt pL boda ur, LMetal Se LUO (Metal Poisoning)= Ue ie fuil hater Ft Pat eg UL Hare te et tel L Ay 3.23 ELIE Btw iotted CRUEL RS SO Pe elo Re Fb L ere sh SO GLI ihe wp Lar Sipsets-L/ eng VIEL EGOIE Kt beth PELL MIL ZOLA Sled by? LAL GIL ple bre LbuUpt Keb ulebs ke pr eheWere LWA ie Withee Ln -e SPW Kt LAP TIL GWA L Ap bi Stunt Lafzginle tL Moi" L EW pec FS pre Lat £ Wi SITE GR ie Kreger Lt ich cehse Medi the FE EMSA BLE Sire too BALL AiR bee SEO A Sle Tid iLole ret Po vend Ludeple SASbaP Sib VYuidsll 3.24 ShbiLe wiih Ge BEL INF, 6 SEI AE Se mS Morte eI Le Sse sot EN GSAPL & LVF UML Tee irike wo SEG SM tet tes Mine w Setter “BULL Bole tS eb YS, 0 He TEE, He oo 80 ae CII ele bad J the Sub Lefer wota IL tudes, WE LU Pict Fore he Webi on 62 “ Wet et I e bb et Syn Sodus Be xdeurd« Aa slams hoe he seca -— he beng Ela Peryr an v6er ii ATA tes eM ASR pb SS Le pele l Me sues tyes PE sil oi batolee pro fittest ethene CU dot wo ti Ne Sige Let qe bigh Se Veeuit FEC eral te MIG Re ef Zl LAE Uo Se Wels te SG Se ole Sec pr eS on£, The ten BOIS AW LL Ker eT Jb dey Unt Le iverelobisiieroMbte pede Cte UL Geer en trey th bai ge4 LEW ME Sioltaicbhe ftp! 81 igh See pbbeh 4.1 etiUrrait Leb SOP ralsntnart te Ll Hs bi PUL Sebuie AIL WILL pun/s SWIL Pitted KL tees Sarg re Soest iyo F glebane opty) globin pty S cre” (Ghat) ou ste Be OS Ups S od ge eB Seth Mair Se lve rpthe 2 (Maral NS NGI pa yen ek yee” F plang AT dade ALN ghee pany Flas LI (s3hagal) “US ala at Seid Mbit ibe AF ale ail ALA LS pera ea ciyed pawn” A alg ay! AUS als pee Spices (gph plana) Ale” = Sade h Stren Sr Stee wut fe? NIST AM ranale sabe SUS S ace” De ye OS yt gia Cilia Waid Ahead Lhe rela ye F Alb ya S cud WLataaje” Sl a Ge UT Ay 4) Cy es 82 Vat S dls S cine 5 ptacin eT eu Scuke cate dle 2 tl te ok te tan gt 9h (gph plane) eS, fe po tide Reick Se toe sce, Hee Be Auch bi Solty tO IL itet eel 2 bee 2 L Wb te fe Vise ee UA LIIEE Jide MMA, Ly Loss Se began Sabo be IL ha Galt Fe NL Gl vd Lethe (At nbn L basi LP LEE Lee Sd Le BUF Und Wty tot hus PES Neb POI i ble Pee, Ser Suge Just LF Ba Lt AANA S A esd Swe ts ba ebb! -e fete Gl Kel ue Blutes 4.2 UH ee SHS hPL Sb tess Korth Re tupe ne Wik Aitbti ht = Fone HSS LS Biihfed Lesfdure LIne eb hiner e bee wet 83 LUGS bl Lott LoL LIL pBubiisit edeetwk be Lobel Bu tetig-c te lite ww Phiie the RENE Jie te fount ec Meid SOS biIt Ny Arby AI) chew 43 wiles Sided Mo ee, WUT SI gee Gan aay rye seal cna” ctins S cal gh lly Al ya.ang AF ulepe SBM pad gr SF ih yy ly Ue” LMM Soren Let (Msi AP? AS iite wrth fe ting SLWLUEA -e SEL er SIS LSE Atul LW SP tre SPvle ed Lumut evialreh bi Feces th J Bap DEL ILL Serer LUIS UH Se SPIRE bo SH Ska hair e Pairing bie tissu LL pple isi Se ee FILS Tred OFLU cull’ 4.4 et eer LA fe ELL oh 84 WL A Sb ESL toe Pe eS gaa sal Ala US gone cies pun” AUS ALS pals ee Sui SWFA Lone Le nulla piipiLule MEMS baIt 2c Leow bsete blety Let Se IS ol AUS oats AT Nad Gar pe” relasse S50 S clogs aay AS pale va al ga Shy hot, Gaal LF ol he SF 3 S shay) (ALS Soros pe alily, athe SF olege ys) Clad yy) dian oily glige 09S ay i SF pn ye wal Gla S glyjee la (yf plundy op bey)" Ala Eas GY Gite WL WCW Ile t VAL SET nest SPS Sn be th GELS SWAAL Pi Se SELES cele type Pe At FF ays oe uae Adal crpea yh” S ts 429) Abe bs Syn eS Gynt oyl ile Lou Pla os al LS IG pa yea a Gated ae (35 Lag) F gala Hs Spy AF cals! Pets Sore tL Se fh ec FATVM sew 85 eSitle LM MeAS Tink bite etekut ae Nag aS iute WSs ba bUn£ sui geil Sie OS GF SUsyssh£ Sale prose dit a US SLOP Te gfe July? 4.5 CoP SUS Mtl Sh 2b led tle Pe Us Sule tet A Le tule bin eed hte 2G p IBLE Nile pS LIP fhe GUS GH LP ibe Kuta 6H thee MeL S SHON LAB UF He MIL ed ESS -Lb7 Wile dtg AL Mises Te Sot EPIL Lib leur ure cic Le thy yl en Sulre ie (Wy bee a Si nih Kyl lost BL ile? LoL eto Seve tl SW At Mth bine S Se UAL IT lige al perl aS pa cei eg pte da” Clb S Cady he FF YS paly pene jh (dale gl). ATS o jh 5 eS? 86 WH tes 46 LAWL ELS Be put ten Sh bint? et FLL PulQighe Fressle, p5prey! WL = Bypix WL ASL bp cere le bet SEW UE i SSE wR ud Vi Se S- LAW Se La teri frie br 2e-Lulehresx FukezdtuluLe Sbehedy WEL Pat PLE Leclue bbe tsheo LedbeIAe Se? LUA A inet bi ADL of Abioit SUARIL Mire PLT If tose laghit LS ase Se AUS eansle sanale p1ayli” US alld 3 play Ty ayte adlh aT 53 PS llaralth ysl yl SULT SSUES el A cet eg S Ube ay all pay gies Sd (s5hayeh) Spee a te SS CLUE Solsbeens ob Se Ox ve tee! She PM JGR OL Ot tr WoeclIL FE! ce Sie SASSI et SW ARIL Mate ean tie Stele Sa fe? AI ATUS dt oarale samabe SUS S face” (dig hin Ney pecan ST 87 (oo bites 47 SiS ein PLE SIL DG Loti BEY Ae PLO AGE MIE & VO EN Se yer Seid A thbin bidet cl amet AS gt le ba Ler oly d pts Gn” Sj) dla a abeols tua Geis tia A Site Sy) he pn AUS SG cay ul PLS pap tas lag Sule aap li 6,1 Fi Sin 9 4s Then AUS a dang gua $4 SI ATS Aun. Ae yararale SF cine aye at oul pm cr ST fal Lgl gta Lan Cage yg) a Us Lal git au AWS ote rsdasl (abe oil)" ya Spat ny tel & nisl? 4.8 DEAF Jinsle Evrent Bsc Syl Sk Ste Foire ros SUM LUA Sor Gat cfs -} Hite iole fe rer Se wuibk SETAE Sede Whe Pg ty tAP OIL Sera ule SAL Ash debi edie SA essa SF lS yh i” (eagle gl)" pa UT YAS US 9S 4 pany a cate Guin 88 HUTS indie SASH sh ban Pn £ dab, Lvl Hi thbii tei ie Ue SSE MEAL LLL BES R S0L ola? ~ethatbsttn bE Guputl bet Wwe 4.9 Sse Snead £ MPMI HER aA a oP Me SIE ee Indie x KS SL 22S ed GFL L Swe Some Aisi baid Ade, Somes ele Sune Ste nh et Si inet Ube we LE Ste 0M tee bein bX SALE Apples Lowe 1 LN lee voi hier utit ub Aue UPA LVL gre iyo 2 Ly UP LAC bold 6th bil bein, OL cap Sui Mise, Leh 2 LW AS aie tri Rye Be be ty suri a NIS eb bug Heid Ue eA KUT ESM SA Posen FF pS Wipe 2X Luiinkuie Wei -2 Vac vio bibezais eceietinlty -3 -£b 89 2b Sst Lely ic blr, 4 -EbY HA Pre bitspwlisl Ley 5 BAL ib tes le buretbidL Sor SSeS alot SL pe Wes bibs Lei IFL gl We Ct Pec iLiy signe ~» TE shen (oe | 90 Sot Were?” EW FLA nae GL Gul ein hos LP pels tei Secsblalyhec ZOU bre i Seid bet neuipocli ists Bet AJOL Leb fugse Solin SA Sse Tiley he dsr Sat ait 67 isi Lie, ssi eth Lectle sr Ath bir i tie Fy ett i Sibi WEL IP pubie IN Sede ti GL SIL Pi coi TIPLE A tle 2 LUMI KPA Ete Ve be CL WU A Le SAP LAE SLOP ibuctygb el BESINLLSG IP OM Sibi 122 LW eb asl A Jeg tase! alg BO en 2 Ox ALU AVAL GAEL ytd SALVE oR lA Lager irbte Wet hui Ag Sie woize Sia PLE tpscIh Shine APL Nag ehLeeserirt fee Kotler Sener Serb euides dil PAGEL wl 91 af 5.1 SUAtIL Mtr dente Pe elu the © Ko Sebel deere LW ests Vets AIP UCL Siti biG te Wer iL othe Ge Seth Sg osha (sims hy lta EIT yy sila SS yyhy al” SIGS otf CLM Pe Spd Sick IE WALI SET DS a Mae thie Hatred KAU E LET tink ie ey AMR Lor hui Mech Ir he AL AL Uetz tL by sle sz Set ls INE aye pa Scr al Cu SUS yy ake” “2a Erect Wir ke ALL wi E Mery (here sins) ge eS cat Sot aw te TELL Mp cana SF (gllar all bands ya. eo 5.2 Sires, Wa Eee dont 92 SACL Ka deci KL ietent KLIP Stock osha aw Cay gla Calle Spa yy gS” M2 ary Cia pi ANS Ja sy) pa LS SPELSA WL Se BL Se debi PA MAF BPS EL PFS t poli we ke Olea) su 5.3 cated Bt Bet Ih bah UL WAIL AS bine Seclne BA FEL SS’ 9 SUS cet StF” “albyag Ste? plang IT ate alt) tee alll tpn 5 op 5y2 SN” dete at plan Fh 5 at rie Scapa S Maa pti ay sins S55 2 unl Lgt glen SF pling AIT ite UTES LEE yl SF ga gun LS ple STS eS WS platy AT, ate dt ee Fe ISS pes il pla FNL plang AIT y dude Li} clin st SS ore pt jy ol 4 BUS SS tT Ups LS aay SEL Sr bi PEAS Secu "ge the? Maa SIS 5 SFGate Gal 975 UG poll 9 ag Title |” 93 Seely caagat ANS fo pied gS Ta Cay y SF (abt) 0 SSS AS bo tive ele trate eesblyt -< Ue (Depression ee sG7dez SU! (MAI )4? 5.4 Patti th bier fe cdue We? wet KILL AG Side KAS etbubn htt here FL bu tuner rbeeS Ine L3 MPa HZ Ly pspfol Pf be Boy. ~-S p> 7? 5.5 Se ecb 5) Ma Pte Sothforsrsle tg? Le SO weg bate rtie aid IL 8 -ut ELAS ine Sf 6A biph Post item Se dukdsbic AH tie 5.6 LW ALLL W eh bth ent Sale pe Spt a S plany Ty dade alt an pag” 94 dpb ably pe TS SI a Caly ul tga Lae (aan ghey) WSs aig nase aa a pling AIT, ven re 5.7 Pict dedi Batu fbi treat — PIE PI SUL bn foe L otuy Spas LAC Wile ster L541 20-2 WL ler = Sati Posie EA SiS cl ile > 95 bys 5 aw assis sae eS sly pana 1)” SH Fs S Maral iy jae AD unl ah A a8 NS glad 9S gla fA Pb Kt leben tuto WE SEA OSE Sel tf It utes peat i bade tafe fen tnt aie WSS Ge bb WPL uy eI UIele we Hee Sosa oh be USL ug raitul Sotme orn tbe nba ie be TASC mrad EL Opt bi toler tees SW ae LE See Solr Bocce Meu Sra yl RLU ELL Le wife Lorde SB Se LW SCAU ut Eile LAPS As AAMAS Mee LEA Lt E fre bP LL eit en feihE unit Fe Ke Me cobet Af bunt Sele be 95 MECN ES PSR eh Msi LiFPEL ur SPULLUTL-L Coline bam SR Zs It Se? or tb£ Sy 58 bu A Sirdedt GUE bite clue ae PiKodboz! SWAY See AS ya ALN 2a gl ap tgs AS” Ma yi Uae Secchi Uys Laas F plang alT, date alt tan abt yeas” AS pat cllen Lgad sae gallea plas Sad Win tee ALY shane 6 SV einen yy) LA lan crap ty AS pas” te ve Cots tt GIST jae gS plang AIT dae Weg Sen BUNUN ELS of 5.9 SAC ok Li jeg St hh th cba Mei? Waid Ast eit AP Se cde + Wise he? wt Scaled S ure ST ca cl ais re pte gS” “poke 96 %erluzs 5.10 PB ep Bhp sin En Kear sh Soden gt SES AML SF pt S onlay y SHUT opty She 1” way Bayh a sya shins (5taT at unl TLS (abil as) (2b tere KF ESCuL Upiee yes) KHL MSc? 5.11 FECA EG fare Gorh WIE Ue — teuth Oend Lumar baud Kev Lut utp etna sS tutiud be th babi he Sec Eile carbeg gS plang AIT due al -tinfadcay eee” I 55S edge Tested og Seay igs yy Ea pee Aah sha ct te Cie Se piu? 5.12 Se Secine She PLN pany AIT Aad Abt teen hguny Spl tL)” gt ty Cig ag 9 Subir diate” ash ed sS pling AIT date ally ple ait hy say” (agp og sls). UgT aay Lge 97 SAIL Midd Ht rig eclne Bat oie (aay ga). a ee S pgslan 8 ge te” sah ANS pSV Se IFO ier KN wt polit ue LAI SE SA tA ABEL abou! btaSP ene LL LSS Uap F thirty E Pus hBure wlbert Ueruet ult pte wR Lier SUF IL or BL je bel Teeter hie Sc wre Unibet zi SIF SL FBS Whe HP Gre phen E PLE 5x BA LY APOE Ly ttl act SUA i bret ec NPWeh L£ olen tune hf be Sut Mein LL bn tnsb te Aire! bel bile tenfite BL ke sof Getue AL bE ELT (EV buppe Ki SCuLupen uy?) x UJ ek w 393 6.13 Sirs KAA pobre PD ue Yo 2s 155) SF lads aay” SEIS LoS iLU RSE, Per ep SrebibT 2L Ala pe gs re FOLL SUR one Fuge pS ary "Son Sede HS Si? she FOF “5S abs 98 HsStbdi bee? 2 Ee wo, othe Br elazel SW ACL Gy TD go Filer bY S Gold Saay9” (pbaua eg slea)." 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