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Padilla 1

Jorge Padilla
Jackie Hymes
English 113A
Apple Holiday Ad
The ad begins with a Family leaving their house in the suburbs. The ad then moves its
focus onto this boy whos constantly on his phone and throughout the trip hes just glued to his
phone. They go on a trip to visit their grandparents house. Its a snowy setting and they have the
car packed to the brim with luggage. As they arrive to the home of the grandparents the rest of
the family, that was already inside the grandparents home, come out to greet the arriving family
members along with dogs which can be assumed are pets that belong to the grandparents or
family members. As they hug and greet the arriving family is shown unloading while the
distracted boy is still fixated by his phone. More after, the family is then seen at the dinner table
associating with everyone else over a meal, while the boys attention is only being put into his
device. After each passing day the adolescent boy is still attached to his cell phone while
ignoring his siblings and relatives whom are all enjoying snow ball fights, sled races, ice skating,
tree decorating sessions, bonding events, and other holiday activities. Finally, Christmas morning
as the everyone has shared their gifts with themselves the boy turns off his phone; as he does so
he then turns on the living room TV where the entire family was opening their presents and
presents them a video. A video of his entire familys Christmas once the video begins the title is
presented, A Harris Family Holiday. The video then begins to play along with the Holiday
musical classic A merry little Christmas and the video portrays all the moments that hed
witnessed. The family greeting, the baking of the cookies in the kitchen, the snow falling, the

Padilla 2
icicles that were hanging on trees on the gutters, the snowball fights, the decorations being put on
the tree, the bundled up nights with all of his younger relatives and siblings, the sled races, the
making of snow angels, his baby sisters first Christmas, the moments his parents kissed, the
moments his grandparents kissed, and the moments he shared with his grandparents were all on
that video being shown to his whole family. In the end with tears of happiness in their eyes he
looks at his grandmother then to his mother and then to his father who then proceed to give him a

Padilla 3
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