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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Amanda Hart
1. Login to the CCBC Library website. Search for TWO (2) scholarly
journal articles in the library databases on a topic listed below.
a. List the keywords you used to find the articles.
Article 1
A keyword that I used was Privacy.
Article 2
The keyword that I used was Emerging Technology.
b. Identify the database you used.
Article 1
The database that is used is Business Source Premier.
Article 2
The database that is used is ScienceDirect.
c. Why did you choose this database?
Article 1
I chose this database because it is one of the ones that came up
in the search
Article 2
I chose this database because it is one of the ones that came up
in the search
d. Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format.
APA (TUCKER, 2014)
e. Cite DB article 2 in APA or MLA format.
APA (Rotolo, Hicks, & Martin, 2014)
f. Insert Screen Print
Article 1

Article 2

2. Search the Internet to find a current event article on the same topic.
a. Write a paragraph summarizing the article in 3-4 sentences.
Include the title of the article.
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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Amanda Hart
In the CCN article Spotify CEO apologizes for super-creepy new
privacy policy, the new policy of the streaming music company
can access its members contact list, pictures, and location while
sharing the information found to their advertisers. Spotify CEO
Daniel Ek states the reason for the collection of information is to
use the data to "tailor improved experiences" and create "new
personalized products for the future for their customers. Ek
affirmed "If you don't want to share this kind of information, you
don't have to. With your permission, we may collect information
stored on your mobile device, such as contacts, photos, or
media files,"
b. Cite Internet article 1 in APA or MLA format.
APA ( Goldman & King , 2015)
3. Find one additional Internet article on the same topic.
a. List the keywords you used to do the search.
I used the keyword Recent Privacy Articles in Google
b. Cite Internet article 2 in APA or MLA format.
APA (Apuzzo, Sanger, & Schmidt, 2015)
c. Run the same search (using the same keywords) on two
different search engines. Identify the search engines you used.
The other two search engines I used was Bing and Yahoo!
d. Create a table to compare the results from the two search
engines was one search engine better than the other, why,
how. How many search results did you receive?




The numbers of
results through
Google were not
as many as Bing or
Yahoo! Search.
Google did not
give articles
related to topic.
The numbers of
results through
Bing was the most.
Bing also
suggested articles
that were related
to the topic.
Yahoo! Search was
not as organized

Number of Searches
About 487,000,000 results

1,490,000,000 RESULTS

1,150,000,000 results

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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Amanda Hart
as Google or Bing.
Also offered
articles related to
the topic.
4. TRAAP your sources. Evaluate the Internet article you found in step
2 by answering the following questions:
a. Time when was it written? Has it been updated?
The article was written on August 21, 2015 at 11:49 AM ET. It
does not appear that the article was updated.
b. Relevance does it relate to your topic or answer your
The article does relate to privacy for today technology.
c. Authority who is/are the author(s)? Are they qualified to
write about this topic? How do you know?
The authors of the article are David Goldman and Hope King.
The website is does have a terms of service.
d. Accurate is the information trustworthy? Is it supported by
evidence? Has it been tested for accuracy
The information in the article is trustworthy because the
authors obtain the information from the source. The article
includes plenty of quotes as well as a video article with the
e. Purpose why was it written, to inform, sell, persuade? Is
there a bias or is the material objective?
The article is to inform the public of the possible of their
personal information may be used to their advertisers.
5. Compare the Internet and Journal articles.
a. Ease of access
The journal articles via the CCBC Library website was a lot
easier to access then that of the Internet searches. Using
single key word through the journal databases, the results
b. Timeliness
It took a little bit to locate an article via the CCBC Library site
at first but the internet searches took even longer since I had
to better define the keywords to get an article that was
c. Authority
The authors from the journal entries are students from colleges
and universities that would have researched the topic and wrote
about it from their point of view. The authors via the internet
searches can be anyone.
6. Formatting of document.
a. Place the title of the assignment and your name on the left
side of the header.
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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Amanda Hart
b. Place the page number in the center of the footer.

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