The New Early Republic Ruchbook

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The Early Republic Ruchbook

The key to understanding the early republic period is to understand the personality and vision of individual
founding fathers. In order to assess this unit, we will construct a fictional social media site which reflects the
beliefs, values, and personalities of significant founding fathers.
This link is a great fakebook app. It will allow you to save and share
an embed code so that your work may be added to the class website. You are free to choose other templates or
re-create other social media sites if you choose. But find a way that they can be displayed on my webpage!!!!
The following is a checklist of requirements. You may construct a profile page for any ONE historical
character. Then construct posts/comments/pics/memes/video which illustrate your understanding of the events
listed under each character. You do not a separate section for each person, you may creatively weave all the
points in throughout the page to make a story.
Grading Tips!!!!
-Did you just list facts or did you weave them into personality exchanges on the wall?
-Did you clearly weave in the significance of bulleted events above?
-Did you talk to me individually to help explain difficult to understand concepts?
-Did you submit with an embed code or file type which I can post on the website?
-Did you make this authentic and seem to come alive?!?
1. George Washington (10 Points)
-unanimous elections of 1788 and 1792
-significance of choosing Hamiltons financial plan and details of the plan
-significance of Whiskey Rebellion
2. John Adams (10 Points)
-XYZ Affair
-Alien and Sedition Acts
-Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
-Adams refusal to wage war against England or France despite losing all hope of re-election
3. Thomas Jefferson (10 Points)
-Electoral tie in the Election of 1800 and how Jefferson hypocritically used Hamiltons support
-Marbury v. Madison
-Louisiana Purchase
-Lewis and Clark Expedition
-Embargo Act of 1807
4. James Madison (10 Points)
-Non-intercourse Act
-War of 1812
-Treaty of Ghent/status quo antebellum
5. James Monroe (10 Points)
-Era of Good Feelings
-Monroe Doctrine
-Foreign Policy Success of Secretary of State John Quincy Adams

6. Alexander Hamilton (10 Points)

-Financial vision for America
-Conflict with Thomas Jefferson
7. John Quincy Adams ((10 Points)
-Election of 1824
-Corrupt Bargain
-roles of Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, William Crawford, and Andrew Jackson in the election
-Battle of New Orleans
-Actions in Spanish Florida
-role in the Election of 1828
9. Napoleon Bonaparte
-Continental System and how it impacted American events
-Failure in Russia and escape from Elba impacting American events
10. Creative Bonus Fun:
-Would any of the wives such as Martha Washington, Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison have anything
to say about these Facebook conversations.
-Any other side characters need to post such as William Henry Harrison, Lewis and Clark, Ben Franklin,
Kings of England, France, Spain or anywhere?
-What pics and videos and memes would these guys share on the wall?

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