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Age of Exploration Master Outline

Chapter 2 Section 1 Outline

Master Outline (Chap 2 Sec. 1 & Guns, Germs, and Steel)
The Search for Spices
The Europeans throughout history have always traded with each other and with distant lands,
but it is until the 1400s when trade sparks explorations
Motivations for Exploring the Seas
A. The Europeans have always traded with the Asians
1. Black death disrupted trade
2. Post-Bubonic plagues population rises
3. The demand for spices grew
a) Moluccas, located in Indonesia is the chief source of spices
B. Italian and Muslim traders dominated oversea trade
1. Italian brings the goods Muslim brought from Asia to Europe
2. Europeans know and want to increase their profit by making direct trade
a) Renaissance gave them curiosity to explore
Portugal Sails East
Prince Henry led the way for exploration, first leading the Portuguese to take over islands south
and southwest of Portugal and then seizing control of North Africa and its ports
I. Mapping the African Coast
A. Prince Henry see great prospect in Africa
1. Convert to Christians
a) Seize riches the Muslim traders obtained in Africa
B. Prince Henry attempts to find route to Asia
1. Sail around Africa
2. Gather shipbuilders, sailors, cartographers etc. to get ready for the voyage
a) Cartographers: Mapmakers
C. Death of Henry didnt hold back Portugueses exploration
1. Bartholomeu Dias traveled around Africa
a) Cape of Good Hope

II. Seeking India

A. Vasco da Gama of Portugal went farther
1. Traveled past Cape of Good Hope and reach Calicut, India
2. But lost many sailors, ships on returning trip
B. Da Gamas trip was very profitable
1. Spices sold well
2. da Gama gathered another fleet
a) A treaty was forced upon ruler of Calicut
b) Portuguese merchants stayed in Calicut
(1) buy spices when cheap
(2) Bring back spices with ships
(3) Trading Empire settup
Columbus Sails West
Other Europeans see Portugueses success; Columbus wants to reach the East Indies (Asia),
so he traveled East, but the Earth was bigger than he thinks
I. Reaching Faraway
A. Columbus persuaded Spain to sponsor him
1. Spain conducted radical actions to strengthen
Catholicism, but lost intellectuals and rich people
2. Hope that Exploration can strengthen it again
B. Columbus set sail with three ships, but it took a long time
to reach land
C. Columbus thought he reached Asia and called the
Caribbean Indians
1. Returned three times to a heros welcome
2. People realized that there is an unexplored new world
II. Dividing the Globe in Half
A. Spain appealed to the Pope for support for their claims of the New World
1. The Line of Demarcation was drawn to separate non-Europe world
a) Portuguese can explore the right (Asia)
b) Spanish can explore the left (America)
c) Settled in the Treaty of Tordesillas
B. Other Europeans recognize the need to explore and make their claims
III. Naming the Western Hemisphere
A. Amerigo Vespucci explored Brazil, wrote a journal
1. German Mapmaker Martin Waldseemller labeled the region America
2. Columbuss exploration region because known as the West Indies
Spanish Power
I. Spanish King controlled 1/3 of European land
II. Fought Muslims away
III. Conquistadors conquers America
A. From small towns in Spain
Inca stretch the South American coast through the Andes
Difference between New and Old World
I. Old world have farm animals that give milk, leather, meat, and muscle power
A. Muscle power help make the old world develop by making farming efficient with plows

B. New World dont have that

II. Europeans can ride horses, too
A. Spanish maneuver their fierce horses fairly well
B. Different way to ride horses
C. A departure from the medieval style
III. Spanish has powerful weapons such as gun and swords
A. Gunpowder technology was crude
B. Swords have undergone a long development
1. Technology of steel passed to Europeans
2. Make long, rigid, but bendable swords
3. The swords Spanish use became dress swords because gentlemen would wear
them in their dress
a) Show the conquistadors greediness
IV. Spaniards had many experiences conquering people
A. Conquered the Aztecs
B. Written down in a book to teach about conquering
C. Spanish has libraries, but Incan dont
1. Incans do not have written languages because it was isolated
V. Technology spread easily in Eurasia because of the huge connected landmass
A. The fertile crescent was wide, so technology spread quickly
1. Printing technology, paper, ink, and written language spread this way
B. But even though the Mayans have language it didnt spread because America was long
and narrow, unlike the Euroasia landmass
VI. Eurasia is flat, so daytime, vegetation, and animals are similar
A. But America is narrow and jagged, full of mountains
1. Thus, there are many different kind of vegetations depending on the region
B. Animals and plants spread easily throughout Euroasia
VII. Germs
A. The Spaniards spread diseases that killed the native people of America
1. Small poxes spread in the population, and they died quickly
2. Virus decimated the Incas and made Spanish Conquest easy
B. Multiple disease outbreaks in Euroasia
1. Those people with genes that defy diseases can survive
2. Gradually, Europeans grow to have these genes that protects against the diseases
a) New world dont have contact with these Europeans, so they dont have the
genes to survive the diseases
3. People in the new world werent close to livestocks like the Europeans are
a) They didnt develop their own diseases because they are only developed by
close contacts with livestocks

b) Native American population emptied quickly

Spaniard Conquers Inca
I. Fransisco Pizzaro retired army captain
II. Went into the Andes
A. Incas awed by the sight of people riding horses
B. Send messenger to the Incan King at the palace located in Northern Peru, guarded by
80,000 men (army)
III. Incan king invites the Spaniards
A. Was a trap to kill the spaniards
B. Knew that the Spaniards are not god because of their strange behaviors
1. Wear wools on their faces and carry pots on their head
IV. Conquistadors arrive in the valley
A. Were disturbed because there are 80,000 men guarding
B. Pizarro sent a horseman to the King, to intimidate the Incans
C. The King had no reactions at first, but suddenly because explosive
1. The Spaniards were scared and debated on what to do
2. Decided to launch a surprise attack on the Incans
V. Incan King agreed to meet the Spaniards on November 16, 1532
A. Didn't have soldiers carry weapon because to defeat Gods without force makes people
respect you; celebrations and dances
B. When spaniards didnt show up, the Incan Officer said that the Spaniards are scared
C. The priest came and asked the Incan King to convert
1. The King said no and threw the Bible

VI. Spaniards attack incas

A. With horse, swords, and technology
VII. Massacred 7000 people and imprisoned the King
A. The King was cooperative: Learned Spanish and played Chess
B. Set up a court in the prison
C. Gave the Spaniards tons of Gold and Silver
1. King was killed when he became useless
2. Spaniards conquered the rest of Peru
VIII. Spanish river are filled with ships carrying treasures from America
IX. Europeans accidentally conquered the world with their geographical advantage
A. Conquered Africa, Australia and Asia later on
X. Conquered with Gun, Germs, and Steel
Uneven Power between Old and New World
I. Guns, germs, and steel determine the winners
The Search for a Direct Route Continues
I. Searching for a route to Asia
A. French, English, and Dutch looked for the Northwest Passage
1. Search the Arctic sea to reach Asia
2. Link between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
B. Vasco Nunez de Balboa of Spain reached Panama
1. Indigenous people took him across the region to the Pacific Ocean
a) Named The South Sea
II. Around South America
A. Ferdinand Magellan of Portugal set sail to South West
1. Reach the tip of South America
2. Look for bays to reach the Pacific Ocean
B. Found a passage that takes him to the Pacific Ocean
1. Strait of Magellan
2. Magellan named South Sea the Pacific meaning peaceful
III. Around the World
A. Magellan insisted of reaching the East Indies
B. Took four months to reach the Philippines

1. Magellan was killed in the Philippines

C. Crew returned to Spain with one ship of 18 sailors (came with 5 ships)
1. First to circumnavigate, or sail around the world

Outline Chapter 2 (pg. 90-97)

Turbulent Centuries in Africa (Sec 2)
Europeans from 1400s drastically changed Africa.
Portugal Gains Footholds
I. Portuguese wanted to trade with Asia
A. Didnt want to go through Muslims
II. Set up trading posts
A. These posts doesn't have much people, only enough to defend from attacks
III. Took over Mombasa and Malindi in East Africa
A. Took over Arabian trade networks in Africa
IV. Portuguese didnt enter Africas deep interior
A. Stayed by the coast
B. Resisted by Interior
C. Didnt leave great marks behind
The African Slave Trade Explodes
Slave trade became popular among Europeans; slave has been in existence for a long time;
Slavs were people enslaved by Romans from Russ; Muslim also captured slaves from Africa,
but those slaves can change their social status dramatically.
I. Europeans Enter the Slave Trade
A. Portuguese begun using slaves followed by other Europeans
1. Slaves were brought to work on plantations or household
2. Atlantic Slave Trade flourished
B. Europeans dont involve in slave raids
1. They buy already-captured slaves in coast
2. Trade for textiles, tobacco, weapons, etc.
C. Work on sugar, rice.. etc plantations with no hopes
II. African Leaders Resist
A. Alfonso I resisted
1. Taught by Christian Missionaries
2. Made Kongo Christian
a) Portuguese came to help make it Christian
3. Slaves were traded with Portugal
4. Alfonso attempted to end slave trade, but failed
B. Almany (religious leader) of Futa Toro
1. French Captain traded slaves in Futa Toro
a) Almany banned slave trade
2. Found another route to coast for slave trade
New African States Arise

Slave trade ended many small African states, but brought power to other major African
kingdoms; these kingdoms fought for dominance of slave trade
I. The Asante Kingdom
A. Osei Tutu conquered regions around his ruling read
1. United the Asante Kingdom
B. Asante rivaled with Denkyera Kingdom
1. Osei claimed his mandate is from heaven
2. United the people of Asante Kingdom and defeated the Denkyera
C. Select government officials based on merit
1. Efficient bureaucracy governed governments gold mine and slave trade
2. Trade with Europeans
D. Played European nations around to defend itself
II. The Oyo Empire
A. Begin with settlements
B. Gain wealth by slave trade to set up army
1. Use army to conquer other people (eg. Kingdom of Dahomey)
2. Continued to trade
The European Presence Expands
I. Portuguese power declined
A. English, French, and Dutch went into Africa
B. Took over Portuguese forts
1. Build permanent foot hold
II. Dutch took Cape Town
A. Dutch settlement
1. Refill supplies for ships going around Africa to East Indies
B. Calvinist
1. Look at Africans as inferior
2. Farmers push north
a) Result in wars with African groups
III. British search for source of Nile
IV. British set up African Association

V. French built forts

European Footholds in South and Southeast Asia (Sec 3)
Portuguese were the first to gain foothold in Asia; powerful cannons on ships allow control of the
Indian Ocean spice trade.
Portugal Builds an Eastern Empire
Albuquerque from Portugals ship reach the Indian Ocean; Mughals Muslims had
control over India; Portuguese promised uncontrolled Southern Indian prince the
protection from other Europeans to form alliance to fight Muslims
I. A Rim of Trading Outposts
A. Seized Goa and set up military and commercial base
1. Crushed Muslim fleets and massacre Muslims
B. Seized Malacca and massacre Muslims
C. Portugal built trading empire in Asia by setting up outposts
D. Controlled the spice trade
II. A Limited Impact
A. Couldnt convert Muslims to Christians due to resistance
1. Burned Hindu temples and massacre Muslims
2. Low conversion rates
Rise of the Dutch
Dutch competed with Portuguese for domination of Asian trade; Protestant Netherlands became
independent from Holy Roman Empire; compete for trade and influence oversea
I. Building a Mighty Sea Power
A. A ship full of pepper and traded goods cause frenzy for trade and foreign activity
B. Warships and vessel strengthen Dutch commerce
C. Set up colonies and trading posts
D. Cape Town gives foothold to the Dutch in the region
II. A Powerful Dutch Company
A. Dutch East India Company founded by wealthy Dutch traders dominates India
B. Has full sovereign from government
C. Can build armies, wage war, negotiate treaties etc.

III. Asserting Dutch Dominance

A. Dutch captured Malacca, winning power from Portuguese
1. Trade with China and controlled shipment of spices
B. Use military force for trading goals
C. Bonded with the region
1. Portuguese didnt bond
2. Merchants marry Asian women
D. English and Frenchs growing power caused the decline of Dutch power
Spain Seizes the Philippines
I. Magellan claimed the Archipelago for Spain
II. Named after King of Spain Philip II
III. Missionaries converted Filipinos to Christianity
A. Went up to China and Japan to convert also
IV. American ships send silver to Philippines
A. Use those silver to buy goods from China

Outline Chapter 3 (Sec. 1 & 2)

Conquest in the Americas
Columbus founded discovered American which brings drastic change to the Natives.
First Encounters in the Americas
Meeting with the Native Americans: Encounter, Conquest, and Death
I. Meeting the Tainos
A. Columbus first met the Tainos
B. The Tainos are people who are friendly toward the Spanish
1. Generous people

C. Columbus assaulted Tainos and brought some back to Spain

1. Forced Tainos to pay tax (gold)
D. Followed by Conquistadors who come to conquer America
1. Begun on Hispaniola, Cuba, and Puerto Rico
2. Rob the Native Americans gold
3. Force convert them to Christian
II. Guns, Horses, and Disease
A. Europeans have multiple advantages

1. Guns overpowered the weapons of native americans, along with their shield and
chest plates
2. Horses could carry supply and be ridden in battles
a) Scared native americans too
B. Disease killed more than 90 of native americans
1. Native Americans are not immune to these disease carried by the Europeans
a) Disease such as influenza, small pox, measles

Cortes Conquers Mexico

Inspired by famce, wealth, and religion, adventurers follows.
I. Cortes Advances on the Aztecs
A. Cortes is a land owner from Cuba
B. Heard of fierce native americans and failures to conquer them
1. But believe that he himself can conquer the native
C. Begun towards Technochtitian, the capital of Aztecs
D. Malinche translated for him
1. Helped organize alliances with people the Aztecs
II. Moctezuma Faces a Dilemma
A. Moctezuma, the King of Aztecs, thought that Cortes is an Aztec
1. Fear made Moctezuma send gifts while discouraging
Cortes to come to the capital
B. Cortes is determined to come to the capital for gold and silver
III. Technochtitlan Falls to the Spanish
A. Cortes scorned the Aztec religion and attempted to convert them to Christianity
B. Saw much treasures
1. Imprison Moctezuma for the treasures
2. Force Moctezuma to give up all land and treasure to Spanish
C. New Conquistadors arrived
1. In confusion, Cortes was driven out of the city, with Moctezuma dead
D. Cortes and native american allies launched an assault which killed the Aztecs and
destroyed Technochtitlan
1. Mexico City was built on top the the ruins of Technochtitlan
E. Small pox helped

Pizarro Takes Peru

I. Pizarro was inspired by Cortess success
II. Went to Incans and met the King Atahualpa who had just got his throne from his brother in a
civil war
A. Demanded the Incans to be the vassal and convert to Christianity
B. The king refused
III. Pizarro launched an attack, and Spaniards with better weapons, horses, diseases, easily
killed the Incans and kidnapped the king
A. Demanded ransom for the King
B. Ransom paid but killed the King anyway
IV. Conquered South American along Ecuador and Chile

V. Pizarro killed by rival Spanish faction

Effects of the Spanish Conquistadors
I. Spanish conquistadors made Spain the strongest country
A. Big chunks of land were conquered
B. Native American were forced to work in silver and gold mines in South America
C. These are used to finance the new Spanish Empire
II. Native Americans were harmed
A. Native American thought the world is ending
B. Suffered badly
C. Changed religion, but of no avail
III. Native Americans resisted control
A. Mayans fought Spanish
B. Revolts burst in Inca
IV. Native Americans preserved their own culture
A. Form Latin American culture
V. Spanishs conquest define the way the world is connected: by sea
Spanish and Portuguese
A new culture is made, which is a mix between African, European, and Native American culture;
Spanish settlers claimed land and use force to suppress opposition.
Ruling the Spanish Empire
Spain claimed lands from California to South America
I. Governing the Provinces
A. Set up Council of the Indies to pass laws for colonies
1. Overlooks viceroys to make sure they do not wield too much power
B. Appointed Viceroys who rules in the name of the king
C. Advisory councils of Spanish settlers help viceroy rule

II. Spreading Christianity

A. Church works with Spain to spread Christianity
B. Churchs power expanded along with Spains
1. Overlooks at settlers life
C. Jesuits and other missionaries are set up to baptize new converts





D. Spanish culture is imposed everywhere

1. Clothing
2. Language, etc
Controlling Trade
A. Gold and Silver were shipped back to Spain from American colonies
B. Spanish imposed laws that allows the colony to trade with Spain only
1. Couldnt trade with other countries or colonies
C. The introduction of Sugar Cane
D. Sugar cane is profitable
1. Need to be grown on plantations
2. Plantations need lots of workers
Encomienda- A System of Forced Labor
A. Conquistadors were granted encomiendas
1. Encomiendas is the right to demand force labour
B. Native Americans were forced to work (mine and plantations)
1. Those who dont were killed
2. Work in harsh conditions
C. Work in many silver mine shafts in Bolivia and Peru
D. Death of these native americans leads to new replacements of them
A Spanish Priest Speaks Out
A. Bartolome de Las Casas spoke out against econmienda system
B. Spain passed laws banning enslavement, but it is unenforced
C. Native Americans were forced in peon relationships with their landlord
1. Peon is when one has to work to pay off ones debt
2. Food and seed is given by the landlord so that the debt can never be paid of for the
whole lifetime
Bringing Workers From Africa
A. Las Casas suggested Spain to bring in workers from Africa because Africans are
immune to disease and have skills
1. Las Casas regretted this decision
B. African slaves were imported to work on plantations, mines, or houses
C. These African slaves sometimes earn enough money to buy themselves freedom
1. Some ran away or rebelled

Colonial Society and Culture

The Culture of Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans blended, producing a distinct
American Culture
I. Cultural Blending
A. Native Americans taught settlers to travel in canoes, eat native food, styles to build, and
artistic styles
B. European taught Native Americans Christianity and horses
C. Africans brought their beliefs into local Christianity, ways of cooking, drama, dances, and
II. A Layered Society
A. Peninslares were on the top of social classes
1. It comes from Iberian Peninsula (Spain)
2. They are often Church or government officials
3. They came from Spain
B. Creoles

1. These are people born in America but with Spanish blood

2. They own most of the mines, plantations, and ranches
C. Mestizos are Native American X Europeans (mix)
D. Mulattoes are African X Europeans (mix)
E. Mestizos and Mulattoes form the lowest social class
III. Lively Towns and Cities
A. Mexico City grew so fast that it soon became the largest Spanish speaking city in the
world by 1550
B. The cities are the center of European government, commerce, and culture
C. Government buildings, Churches, monuments, symbolize the European Culture and
D. Intellectual and Cultural life
1. Poetry
2. Architecture
3. Painting
IV. Emphasizing Education
A. Spanish Universities were establish for the Churchs need of educated priests
1. Dozens of universities were established
B. Women go to convents to study
1. Sir Juana Ines de la Cruz
2. Study Writing Poetry
Beyond the Spanish Empire
Much of America remains out of the Spanish control; Portugal claimed Brazil
I. Settling Brazil
A. Native Americans were wiped out by diseases
B. Portugal crowns granted Brazilian lands to nobles if profit is shared and land is
developed, who send settlers to build
C. Gold and silver is not the source of profit, but brazil wood is
1. Brazilwood produces a special dye, and the land is named after it
2. Indians and Africans were sent to work on plantations
a) Culture mixed, too

II. Challenging Portugal and Spain

A. Spain and Portugals wealth made them powerful
B. English, French, and Dutch were jealous
C. Smugglers traded illegally with Spanish and Portuguese colonists

D. Pirates roared the sea to steal the ships from America, some even with governments
E. Privateers (pirates) sail the coast of America to hunt for gold, treasure, and NW passage
to Asia

Section 3
England and France have different colonies in North American from Spain in terms of
governance, method of profit, and society.
Building New France
French fishing ships fish cod in the Newfoundland in 1500s, and in less than 200 years, France
has claimed the area around it.

Explorers and Missionaries

A. The French claimed much of Canada as France was in war in Europe
B. Jacques Cartier explored, discovered, and claimed land for France
1. St. Lawrence River
C. Jesuits try to convert the Native Americans into Christianity of no avail
II. Furs, Trapping, and Fishing
A. French explorers explored Canada with the help of Native American Allies
1. Eventually, the French claimed land from Canada all the way to present day
B. Rich French landlords bought large tracts of land and urge settlement
1. Very little people want to settle in France due to harsh climate
2. Only in 1608 begun the permanent French settlement led by Samuel de Champlain
in Quebec

C. French settlers abandoned farming for fur hunting and cod fishing
1. Fur trade grew and price was good
III. An Empire Slowly Expands
A. Louis XIV collected taxes from oversea empires
B. He sent soldiers and settlers to North American including women
C. As a catholic, he help spread Catholicism but banned Protestant religion
D. By 1700s, population grew as trade post, mission, forts were settled up
1. Still has tiny population compared to British Colony
The English Colonies
John Cabot claimed Newfoundland for the English; the English built colonies along the Atlantic
Coast as sea navigators failed to find the Northwest Passage.
I. Establishing the First Colonies
A. First English Colony is Jamestown
1. Meant to bring wealth, but many died during the harsh winter
2. Survived under Native Americans help
3. Grew tobacco for profit
B. Plymouth Colony
1. First founded for religious freedom
a) Protestant Pilgrimms
2. Massachusetts Bay Colony established after successful survival of first winter with
the help of Native Americans
a) Grew Corn
b) New waves of Protestant immigrants
3. Before the Mayflower left England, signed the Mayflower Compact
a) Agreement on how to govern
II. The English Colonies Grow
A. Two kinds of colonies
1. Commercial colonies for profits
a) New York, Virginia
2. Religious colonies for religious freedoms
a) Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland
3. Georgia and Carolina as gifts from monarch
B. After the first winter, with the help of Native Americans, survived
C. Gave up the Spanish way of profit and begun their own way
1. North: Timber, fishing, shipbuilding
2. Middle: Grains
3. South: Rice and Tobacco
D. Used slaves like the Spanish
III. Governing the Colonies
A. Spain, French, and Englands monarchs all asserted power
1. Appointed governors and have parliament pass laws
2. English Colony is relatively independent: Have their own colonial representative
assembly elected to advise governor
B. English is more independent because Englands parliamentary tradition
1. English citizens have certain political and legal rights granted by Parliament
2. American English Colonists expect to have the same right and fought for that right
Struggling for Power

Spain, France, England, and Netherlands fought for their national interest
I. Competing for Colonies
A. France has Canada and Central US
B. Spain has expanded northwards to Florida and Texas
C. English and Dutch have Atlantic coast colonies
D. Native Americans enter the conflict
E. European nations compete in the Carribeans for profitable sugar cane plantations
II. Bitter Rivalry Turns to War
A. British and French rivalry grew
1. In Africa, Asia, and America
B. Turned into Seven Years War and the French and Indian War
C. British attacked French
1. French won at first, but later lost
2. Canada was given up to British; land east of the Mississippi river was given to the
D. Treaty of Paris ended the conflict
E. Regained some Caribbean islands only

Section 4
Slave trade grew as Europeans colonized more of America.
Triangular Trade Across the Atlantic
A triangular shaped trade route forms connecting Africa, America, and Europe

Shipping People and Goods

A. EuropeAfrica
1. Manufactured goods such as guns, clothes, and cash are brought to Africa to
exchange for slaves
B. Middle Passage: AfricaAmerica
1. Slaves are brought to America from Africa to exchange for raw materials such as
molasses, sugar, and other plantation products
C. AmericaEurope
1. Raw products from America such as sugar, molasses, cotton, furs, salt fish, and rum
are brought back to Europe for profit
2. Profit: Buy commodities and journey to Africa again
II. Industries and Cities Thrive
A. Successful trade
1. Profit outweighs risk of the journey through Atlantic
B. Shipbuilding industries, colonial industries, and port cities thrive
1. New England shipbuilding thrives as a result of shipping industry
2. Tobacco, sugar, fishing all thrive
3. New port cities thrive along with old, established ones
Horrors of the Middle Passage
Horror for the slaves
I. The Trek to the Ships
A. Slaves were captured inland and forced to march thousands of miles to port cities to be
picked up by European slave traders
B. Attempts to escape is punished severely

II. Aboard the Floating Coffins

A. Slaves are packed under ships decks to be sent to America
1. Pirate raids, mutinies, and storms makes the journey dangerous
B. Disease such as small pox, dysentery kill slaves
1. Yet many died without apparent reasons
2. Up to half the slaves die
C. Suicide is a common choice, while resistance and attempts to control the ship are
prevalent too

Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade

A. Brought profit to merchants and labour to America
B. Torn African communities apart
A. Shorten and brutalize individual Africans life
C. Down to the numbers
A. 2,000 enslaved in 1500s per year
B. 80,000 enslaved in 1780s per year
C. 11 million total when slave trade ended
D. 2 million total died on the way
Section 5
Exploration mark the beginning of European dominance; changed Africa, Asia, and America.
The Columbian Exchange
Columbus begun the global exchange of plants and animals; settlers brought to America
I. New Foods and Animals
A. To Old World
1. Tomato, pepper, corn, potato, and pumploms
a) Potato help feed Europeans: Easy to grow and store
b) Corn became cereal crops
B. To New World
1. Plants
a) Wheat, grape, banana, sugar
2. Animals
a) Horses, donkeys, chickens, pigs, goats
b) Horses and donkeys help transport and hunt buffalos
II. The Global Population Explodes
A. Population increase as a result of disperse of American (New World) crops
B. Migration
1. Europeans to Africa, Asia, and America
2. African Americans to America as slaves
C. Population declines as disease kill Native Americans
1. Conflicts also decreases population
A Commercial Revolution
Opening the links to Africa, Asia, and America has economic consequence
I. The Price Revolution Strikes
A. The price of things in Europe increased because of inflation
B. Inflation was a result of more money

1. Gold and Silver flowed into Europe

II. Capitalism Emerges
A. A New economic system: Capitalism
1. Entrepreneurs with money take risks in order to earn profit
2. Capitalism grew as oversea trade trends
B. Capitalist take risks on oversea trade
C. A new business class in Europe: Capitalists and entrepreneurs
III. Exploring New Business Methods
A. Bookkeepings
1. Keep track of profits, losses, and other economic numbers
B. Banks
1. Keep money safe
2. Lend money to merchants with interest
C. Stock Companies
1. Pool money together
2. A huge amount of money is needed to fund a journey
3. Amount of stock holded equals to amount of profit/loss
IV. Bypassing the Guilds
A. Demand grows, but supply doesnt because of guilds
1. Guilds are small producers who dont produce much at a time
B. Merchants develop putting out system
1. Take wool to be woven
2. Take woven wool to be dyed
3. Take textile to be sold
C. Separates labor and capital
1. Later leads to the Industrial Revolution
Mercantilism Arises
Mercantilism develops as a result of the commercial revolution to compete with foreign
countries trade and empire; a policy which believes that a nations wealth is measured by gold
and silver; to be rich, need to export more than import
I. The Role of Colonies
A. Colony is believed to serve the parent country
1. Provide resources and raw materials
2. Provide as a market for manufactured goods
B. Strict laws passed to enforce mercantilism
1. No colonial industry
2. No trade with foreign countries
3. No foreign ships may be used
II. Increasing National Wealth
A. Set up national economies; monarchs have great control over them
1. Boost Production
a) Exploit resources
2. Set up standards
a) Currency
b) Weight
c) Measures
3. Sold monopolies
4. Set up tariffs

a) Reduce foreign competition from harming local industries

III. Impact on European Society
A. Elites
1. Nobles lose wealth (inflation)
2. Merchants earn wealth with foreign trade
B. Local
1. Peasants do not feel economic change
2. Local merchants and workers thrived in growing cities
3. Middle class family enjoyed life
4. Laborers and servants are still in poverty

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