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It all began with an inflamed protester demonstrating against the mistreatment from

police in December 2010 that then the Arab Spring began early in the year of 2011. This was an
uprising of various nations citizens who wanted tyrannical power out and democratic power in.
The goals these nations optimistic citizens, which had sparked the uprisings, were: rights, an
end to suppression, and a voice in politics. However, it wasnt the ideal scene that these rebels
had imagined while trying to obtain their endowed rights. Many new governments aligned with
the philosophical ideals of Thomas Hobbes. Governments and armies intervened in the
demonstrations, due to the untrust of the competence of their citizens, which lead to turmoil
throughout the middle east.
Rebels for freedom were highly optimistic. They craved democracy and its pearly white
aspects such as: voting, rights, and freedom of speech. The outcome of these goals was not
idealistic. Armies that were still loyal to their dictators fought back against demonstrators for
Democracy as it states in the article Has the Arab Spring Failed? by Patricia Smith, Security
forces used armored vehicles, bulldozers, tear gas, birdshot, live ammunition, and snipers to
raze encampments of protesters who supported the deposed Islamist president. Moreover from
the same article by Patricia Smith it is said that, In Syria, the uprising has morphed into a civil
war thats left more than 100,000 dead, showing that even citizens turned against citizens in
the fight between Democracy or Autocracy.
As the rebellions for Democracy increased, so did rebellions of people that wanted the
original Autocracy they were used to. Some reasons that people rebelled against Democracy
were: they were loyal to their previous leader and some wanted a religiously influenced
government, known as theocracy, while others did not. An example is seen in Smiths article
where it is expressed that, The Arab Spring has worsened deep societal splits both between
secularists (those who want to keep religion and government separate) and Islamists; and
between different religions this is increasingly the case in Syria, where an originally prodemocratic uprising has evolved into a sectarian civil war. Another example from the same
article is of Egypts military rebellion due to Morsis close Islamist Law, Meanwhile, Morsi
enacted measures that restricted freedoms and moved closer to Islamist Law In response, the
Egyptian military removed Morsi from power and arrested him. This lead to how governments
philosophical ways came to surface.
In conclusion, new governments aligned with the Philosophical beliefs of Thomas
Hobbes because they couldnt trust the people to have power. This is shown with the
intervention of various countries militaries in the demonstrations of the Democratic activists.

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