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Global teacher


Personal Information
Teacher's Name: Jasmine Abby Arguelles
Age: 22
Status: Single
No. of Siblings: 4
Years of teaching: One
Where do you teach?: Pentecost Methodist Church Kindergraten
Education Background
Elementary Level - Aklan Inter Faith Academy 2006
Secondary Level - Aklan Valley High School 2010
College Level (Course) West Visayas State University, Bachelor in Elementary Education with specialization in
Early Childhood Education 2010-2014
Licensure Examination for Teachers Passer.
1. What are the reasons why you are teaching in other country instead here in the Philippines?
- To fulfill my dreams which is to have an adventure in an another country. Also to experience what is called
to be independent. I chose Singapore to work rather than in my own country because I want to have my own house
by the age of 30 and I cant do that if I stay in the Philippines. The salary of a teacher in the Philippines is not enough
for me.
2. What are the qualifications that you need in teaching in other country?

-The qualifications you need are 20 over plus units of Early Childhood Education. English as a medium of
instruction certificate. Work experience. And aside from certificates you also need to have the guts, strong
personality, you must be also brave, brave enough to face the challenges of an educator , emotionally stable and you
must have God because without him you cant make it alone.
3. Do you encounter some hindrance before you go to other country to teach?
- Of course I did encounter problems before I went here. I lost my passport. I was already hired by a child
care center here but they need to cancel my job order because they cant wait for my new passport but in God's
grace, a kindergarten school hired me and the school is willing to wait for me.

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