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revert nal nua ois Ms a SE a eas Cee Sets eae Preteen Cmca Connon Nei Ieee Cn a Cone cues ae aCe UAL) Nn eee a z i = DS se Sener) Prue RCC Uo Layee ve Lae) Control stick Function ‘The Nintendo 64 Control Stk uses an analogue system o ceed the angles and directions of ts movement. This allows precson contal thatie not possible using the conventional + Control Pad \yimen turning the Control Deck pawer ON, co aot mave the Contr! ‘Sick rom ts neutral postion onthe controler tthe Control Sick held at an angled poston (as shawn the plete onthe at) thon the power is tued ON, tis postion wl be setae neta. This wil cause ~ ‘ames using te Cont! Sick 0 operate Toreset the netral postion once tho gamo has state, lt goo he Control Stick it the picture on the let) then press START while Noldng down the Land F Buttons, ‘The Conta Stick's precision insrument, make sure not to sp liquids or place any foreign objects int Holding the Nintendo 64 Controller While Paying the Godentye gam, wo re ‘ommend you use the hard pestons shown Stet By hating the conto ike hs you Gan operate the Contl St eey with our Jf hum, Using your ight thumb, you ean Your lot indoxtingr onthe Z Buton onthe Back of coal Connecting the Nintendo 64 Controller Upto tur payors can pay he gu. Connect each playa otro fo ‘Beginning on the ff, the sockets are for Player 1, Player 2, Player 3 and Payor ou cannot start the game i he frat controler sockets empty Ifyou change the connection ding he f2mo, you nll nea to her prose RESET Drum the power OFF to make the connec: Use two, thee oF four controller in order to play the THE GOLDENEYE STORY fan unusual disturbance believed to be the he discharge of t Goldenkiye weapon satell DEFAULT CONTROLLER INFORMATION Control Sek Sos apa ‘START LEAN Hold the Lor R Buon ond press C @ or CB ucx. Hold the Lor B Buiton and press C}® NOTE, To change the controler configuration, pause the ga TROL STYLE from the Options scree ‘RUMBLE PAK™ ‘The Goldentye game Is compatible wih the Rumble Pak accessory. Before using, make sure lo read the Rumble Pok accessory instuction booklet careful Ty. Make sure that the Control Deck is OFF when inserting the Rumble Pok accessory MAIN MENU Correctly insert the Goldenfiye Game Pak into your Nintendo 64 sys- team and move the POWER switch to the ON positon. When the Tile sereen oppears, pres eer START, he A or Z Buton to view the Main Men. CREATING A GAME FILE (On the Main Menu, use the Conta Sick fo move the Torgel Icon fo the desired game fla (four game files con be saved) Press START, the A or Z Buton to advance fo the Game Solect seroan. Choose “SELECT MIS- SION’ to ploy the mission bted gome or "MULTPLAYER® to play the mul-player gone, COPYING A GAME FILE js (On the Main Manu, move the Target leon fo he Copy lon ot he bok tom ofthe screen, Press START, the A or Z Buton fo active the copy command (press ihe B Buton to cancel), Move the Copy Icon tothe {game fle you with to copy fom ond press START, the A.or Z Button The gome fie you selected is copied 1 on empy game fe. IF thee is rot an emply game file, you must erase one before you con copy. ERASING AGAME FILE ‘On the Moin Menv, move fe Targe Kon othe Ere Icon othe bot tom of the screen. Press START, the A or Z Button to activate the erase command (press ihe B Buton 40 cancel), Move the Erase lon to he ‘gatne fle you wish to erase ond press START, the A or Z Button Highlight “CONFIRM” by pressing the Contl Stick or the + Control Pad othe ight, ox by pestng the R Buon, Press START, the Aor Z Buiton fo execu. The gome fe you selected is erosed MISSION GAME TING vo (On the Gome Select screen, choose ‘SELECT MISSION” fo ploy the one- ployer missionbosed game, Mi the Torge on to the desired mis- sion, Press START, the A or Z Buon to confirm and view the Dficully Mission SELECTING DIFFICULTY LEVEL On the Difculy screen, highlight he desired level wih the Terget ‘and press START, he A ot Z Buiton to advance. There are tree levels of diffe: Agent esis), Secret Ages (medium) ond 00 Agent (nest fica) BACKGROUND missions wil fake you ver the world. Maka eure to ead the background information to keep current onthe pending When you begin a level, make sure to pay aietion To the open sna scene as it may con- tain useful clues o help you Mil provide yo detailed bockground ink fon ‘O.BRANCH ‘Aside frome ground informs more book fon, Q will give he own on on pi Gre ae ' MONEYPENNY Don’ forget Moneypenny. Fo ‘each mission, she'll wish you well providing you with light hearted comments OBsEcTivEs Unite oer fistperon panpec par hace hs n't recesoriy to destoy tveryhing or everyone you Come into conic! wh, Some ageless the wrong person or dstray the song comput nd theron ark boa llr, Make wre toad frugh he listo objec fies fer ch mission. The foe Oe fre word depends on Q WATCH V2.01 BETA During the mission based gome, press START o'paise the game ond view the @ Watch, The G Watehiollaws you tvie infomation on ge weapons, controller configuration, ond MISSION STATUS SCREEN This isthe fit screen yous chor gresing START. Here, you an check your mision sous ts curon em inborn Life/Armor meter, Q a ABORT MISSION F you ind yourself sick Io an ‘rea with no way ou, oF the Ficuly level is jst too much yu, select ABORT MISSION ‘and ry ogoin. A alfferent 1] approach could be the key to WEAPONS & ITEMS SCREEN Select the desired weopen or item, then press the A or Z Buton fo equip. Press START of resume gone play. Highlight “CONTROL STYLE* or “CONTROLLER,” thon press & Buon fo activate and vate one ofthe ho options here Control Siyle- change your con setup to one of four eifer onfigurations Contrller- move the controller and te! the current eanrol sje sng sing hwo controllers nected to Sockets One and Two} and select ontoller configurations e of wo different ighlight the desied option, then press he A Boon b ado asic volume mete Lock upiéown Sight On-screen Look Ahead ‘Ammo On Screen just wolume of game music Hola/Togole Ont Onvott Ont FuluWidelCinema Normal/169 (best suited for arger or widesereen televisions gving On the Mission Obj Pad, Conttl Stick or C © or © @ Butlons fo view the difer Gf mission information, Press START lo resume game play. screen, scroll up oF down with the + Control THE BOND WEAPONS: ‘irawag tate Fang ate ou be cup Map Sone 6 107 si US As keno bread Ln Ret ahr Geena et es Tine ses rs Mes ARSENAL GADGETS ee Door eer Tie oid wi. Cea sand ebm one Fai fot x ‘alin ge fe vis ee og hee A sna easy cout nate pst wicca be ed wt & Sib 10S waa el dae. Te A Sanat mid tema ps se es. ot yma ee ety omega erring sane aes ak, wernt» Cn mate pS bl pe ‘nate ee uae ont ib acing Nas pat, atl by eceleat ae foe sep ap. sg Spel een Cate tt ws ee mi oc ser ‘She wer eer eet So mia gow ped une age, Bt rei Wa wget The srs Sev cps Thal, wha Smtr at leet p29 poe Apter eer echo en wh ar ties Toes ake use wl but oy ne ands of ee Tan gg ey map, Dvn agit ts sn esas, se sat e.g fected ie rene Mn dg, as € © aC a em ad ot epi cout an re, The ise seen 53 ‘itl 2 Sia Aves rem ce hg ot ses acon be et Nota si ‘etc yes. Ft ONT gt ey a os Hed ‘ea eng crn erode aly Apostle poy. sce on ety ui gue 9 ape Glee cte ey is matt cer as ange a haga, stove lt er gg ee rad at stage psn Ahr tha Compt mr, wn mal bm ty Frat si ‘tg pc hd daz opin ee. Can rea tug teat a re meses. Ashe ae pateenisve wh ie sei, (tah sada sag sr, Ut sp was But Amare drone Ontos bere hg ret compe GAME OVER FRIENDS, ENEMIES AND VILLAINS Teo many his from unriendy fire could prove fel wl also mean game over sis hoppens, you wil reurn to he Background screen FRuENos ‘where you wihave-afer cock at the mission. Make sure o pick ‘ay Sones Nemo propane et Sores ar up the body omer. While he tous trmratad Body armor wont make you en ony rc ey Bn ess ack tn iin i cad ae you he thomsen me beh. protection you need to complete us. eve ett ee en, & mission Dre Mister nie mete Pt ENEMIES ine This er ee Sees, oa st Jo eo th pt a We Seo tay xno Aas Seto eae Wh es Spc idee ‘he pong esl mn ems Cheese ne OTHER VILLAINS. Try and find thes les Arch, oh et a ed tay infer, it ery ‘stm get wh asa eal area Biren caus ar hh ac, tt e's eu a io ie an siya tr 1s ao dey, MULTI-PLAYER GAME On the Moin Menu, move the Target lean fo he desited game fie then press START, the A or Z Ballon. Use the Target leon fo highlight ‘MULTIPLAYER, ” then press START, the A of Z Buton options Use the Control Sik toggle between opins. To change se ngs, res the A Buton (pres the B Buon fo cancel). When youre tod to pay, press START. ‘The eight diferent game scenar- . 4\ The Mon With the Gelden Gan ios are 08 follows Whoever hs fe Golden Gun can }onemins 0 9 singe sho! 1) Normal 3 Siondord compaive made, 5) liconsed to Ki 2) You Only ve Fie vty hi fo ne Coch plover ves ice, Tho lost 6) Team: vs ployer ove wis 7) Team: 351 4) The Living Doydghs (og Te eos eeieee ste) the winner When carrying fhe og, ro abject ean be clleced or teed ier Ploy in one of severol diferent orcas, Gabe LeNsTh Flay for lime (10 or 20 minute 10.0¢ 20 poins| or the thal of ini, core tt player to 5, kill. e HARACTERS Thare are many different charocors ‘avcilable. Can you find them ole Wearous Choose from an ossortment of ‘weapons wea eck he game mcr ever, cu ho hal a a fr See, Von lyr on seco oe alloc Bele sc rene more rnveang Nove yeh am Figher hea level ey TIPS FOR SUCCESS + Some woapons het normally re a shot burs of buts wl freon ile shat when sig the im, The ingle sl willbe more accurate than ' bys because the weapons ecllspois your aim when you fe con fnwouey + Throwing lnives can be frown mere quchly if yu propore yours. * Some ofthe highpower weapons are obe a shoot Hrcugh cbc incudng door * ‘ccning is ideal when under heavy fre, Sond behind a eorne or cob tin, thn lean out leo ight and Bre off few rounds, CAUTION WARRANTY FOR THE NINTENDO 64 (GAME PAK) BY NINTENDO AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. The product is implied under the Act of Australia. Nintendo ants to NINTENDO 64 (‘GAME PAK’ ship. Ha original shall ‘and workn by this wa rs, Nintendo wi /AK) at its option, free of cha this warranty service, contact Nintendo's Head Orfice place the product will not apply if /A HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS: 48-52 Dunlop R 4, Mulgrave, Vitoria 3170 Australia ENDO HELPLINE CALL RAT 190 204 1001 SPER MINUTE 7 pubhe phones attract a high

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