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A heroin addict finally overdoes on the

stuff he is addicted to. However, before

his slow, painful death he experiences
psychedelic hallucinations that have
spawned from the darkest corners of his
mind. He must try and fight these inner
demons to stay alive, or he must succumb
to them and face his death. In the end he
loses to the inner demons, which results
in him cutting out his own tongue.

This is going to be a 15 rated

opening sequence according to the
BBFC guidelines, which means
people under the 15 will not be
able to see it. The sequence is
going to contain strong violence
and drug use, thus the rating.

I will be every role, as I have

Decided to work by myself, from
director, to editor and to
cinematographer. The reason I have
chosen to work by myself is that
I can focus more on my work and
not get distracted or get let down
by me colleagues if that were ever
to happen.

Overdose Valley

Since I want this short film to have great

tension, I have also took inspiration from No
Country For Old Men (2007) and decided I may not
include any music in the production, as silence
could be much more frightening than generic horror
music. However if I do include music in my short
film I will make it low, industrial ambient noise,
like David Lynch films, as it makes the film way
more tense and


This is going to be a horror film as

there is scary imagery and violence.
I have took inspiration from Oldboy
(2003) which has a horrible, violent
climax. Even though it is a graphic
scene they mostly covered it up by
the use of clever camera angles that
include showing the eyes when he
eventually ends up cutting out his own
tongue. However this excessive
amount of violence has a context behind
it and a sense of purpose, which is
What I hope to accomplish.

Since I am a cinematographer I
Have decided to shoot the film
In black and white as it will
Make the final product scarier
And it will bring out more detail
In the actors faces, thus resulting
in better, more realistic

The people acting in

the opening sequence is
just going to be my
cousin, and me for a
tiny amount of it, so I
can focus more on
directing and
cinematography. Plus I
think focusing on only
one character is better
as it doesn'tt
convolute the plot and
we can sympathise more
With the lead.

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