Tiger Cubs News - September 2015

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September 2015



Daily activities
for a typical day in Preschool
8:45 am
(Sign In & Name Tags)
9:00 am
Welcome Circle
(Story/Finger plays/Discussion)
9:25 am
Daily Craft
9:55 am
Free Play
(Centers and Tables Open)
10:40 am
Clean up/Transition/
Wash Hands
10:55 am
11:10 am
Circle Time
(Songs/Calendar/Show & Tell)
11:30 am
Transition to Gross Motor
(Outside, Weather Permitting)
12:00 pm
Home Time
(Sign Out)

Meet the Teacher

Hello and welcome to the Tilley Tiger Cubs Preschool. My name is

Shawna Ketch and I will be your childs teacher. Brooks has been home
to me for most of my life. It is where I grew up, went to school and met
my husband Bill. Now we are raising our three daughters Hope (19),
Karlee (17) and Emma (15) in that wonderful community.
I have my Level Two Certificate in Early Learning and Child Care from
Bow Valley College and I have been employed in the field of Early
Childhood Education for the past eleven years. I have taught at the
Tilley Preschool for two years and I also work at the Brooks Public
Library part time.
In my spare time, (what ever that is), when I am not running around
with my girls, I enjoy reading a good book and being involved with and
a director on the Newell County Band Association for the Junior High/
Composite High School Bands that my daughter Karlee plays in.
I am very eager to meet your children and get to know all the new
families as well as welcome back some second year students and some

While we try to teach our children

all about life, they teach us what
life is all about!
- Author Unknown

Character Education

There are six pillars of character; trustworthiness, respect,

responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Under each of those
there are many sub-pillars and each month we will focus on something
new but we will continue to explore as many as we can with the children
throughout the year.
For September, we will be talking about trustworthiness. These
discussions will include, making friends, sharing feelings, keeping
promises, telling the truth, following the rules, dont take things that
dont belong to you and doing the right thing. These concepts will be
introduced with the help of Tommy the Trustworthy Turtle.

What We Are

We will pick out nametags

to help with first name
Numbers 0 & 1
Shape - Square
Colors Yellow & Brown and
signing them
Letters: L, F & E signs, sounds
and letter building
Concepts: Patterning,
Counting and Sorting
We will be using a hands-on
school readiness program
called Get Set For School. My
favorite part of this award
winning pre-K curriculum
focuses on playful learning to
develop Readiness & Writing
in a step by step Handwriting
Without Tears philosophy
that engages children at their
level of development. These
activities will be letter building
(capital letters) with foam &
wood pieces and play dough.
We will be using magnetic
stamp and see screens, then
chalk on chalk boards and
eventually printing the letters.
We will also be learning to
draw with the same pieces
that we use to make letters.
This familiarizes them with
the pieces used, the language
and learning parts of the body.
Every week there will be
sheets that can go home that
will compliment what we are
learning in class. This program
will go hand in hand with a Fine
Fun program that will begin in
January. If you would like more
information, you can visit the
Get Set for School website:


For letter sounds, I love Jolly

Phonics. It combines the letter
sound into a song with an
action. Music is an important
tool for learning. You will soon
be hearing these new songs at
If you have any questions about
the program, please let me know.

Special Days

14th: Bring your favourite

stuffed animal to school with
21st: Yellow and Brown Day
Please come to school wearing
yellow and/or brown
24th: My Family - please send
a recent family photo with
your child to school on or
before this date. It does not
have to be professional, just a
snap shot will do and it should
be one that we can keep at the
school, but you will get them
back around Christmas.
1st (Oct): Fall Walk We will
be going on a short walk to
discover the changing season,
please dress appropriately
for the weather. Also, let me
know if you have something
special in your yard like fruit
or nut trees that you would
like to show the class or bring
in. Extra parent helpers are
welcome, please let Mrs. Ketch
know if you wish to help (sorry,
no siblings). It is also Hat Day,
so please come to school
wearing your favourite hat.

at a Glance


Welcome to
Making New Friends
My Family
Discover The
Changing Season

are like
wet cement.
falls on them
makes an
-Dr. Haim Ginott

Little Reminders

Due to fire safety and licensing regulations, shoes/slippers must be worn at all times.
Also due to regulations, we are not allowed to walk around with hot drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate,
etc.), during school hours.
Please be advised that this is a play zone and children paint, use markers and glue, take this into
consideration when dressing your child as stains are a possibility.
Please send a change of clothes with your child in their backpack (pants, shirts, underwear, socks and
shoes), as accidents do happen.
Doors at the Preschool do not open until 8:45; pick up time is 12:00, doors will remain locked until then.
When picking up your child please enter the school through the front doors and do not wait by the
classroom door if we are not in the class. This means we will be coming from outside or the gym and
supervision and safely is my main concern.
Please be sure to sign your child in at drop off and again at pick up.
On parent helper days, your child gets to bring a show and tell item. I ask that only one toy or item be
brought as we are often short of time. Furthermore, please make sure arrangements are made for
siblings when it is your day to help. Again, due to licensing regulations, other children in the class will
change our adult to child ratio.
Parents please assist me by not allowing your child or their siblings to play in the centres after class is
over as they may have already been cleaned up for the end of the day.
When it comes to crafts and art, I encourage children to use their imagination to create what ever they
wish. Please encourage and praise your child for their efforts and remember that at this age, it is about
the process of creating and not the end product. You will see how proud they are as they show off their
art or creation.
I would like to thank you in advance for respecting my privacy and that of the other students by not
posting pictures that include me or the other children in the class on social media such as Facebook,
Instagram, etc. without their parents permission.

From the Board

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of the Tiger Cubs! We

hope that this year is very special for you and that you will enjoy your
time with Mrs. Ketch.
We are excited to begin our fundraising! We will kick off the year with
the Little Ceasars Pizza kits. Last years pizza fundraiser was extremely
successful. As it turns out, this pizza sells itself, as we have people
already asking when they can start to order! So you can put out the
word knowing that your friends and family wont be dissapointed with
their orders!
We are still accepting registrations. If anyone you know is interested,
please have them contact Cassie Tollin at (403) 377-2633.
Be sure to check out the handbook you have received and if you have
any questions about the information there, contact the board.
Tilley School is a nut and kiwi free zone. Please be sure your childs
snack is appropriate.
We look forward to a great start of the year!


If you have any questions or

concerns throughout the year,
please feel free to speak to Mrs.
Ketch during pick up or drop off.
Texting or calling Mrs. Ketchs cell
will be the best way to contact her
during class time.
Mrs. Ketchs contact info:
home (403) 793-8296
cell (403) 363-5052
If you have a question, suggestion
or concern for the board, please
Cassie Tollin, President
(403) 377-2633



Canadian Child Care Federation


Coping with Separation Anxiety

Develop a goodbye ritual

ntering into a new child care

arrangement can be an emotional
experience for both parent and
child. However, careful planning,
and the knowledge that some separation
anxiety and tears are normal, can make the
transition from parent to caregiver as pleasant
as possible. How quickly the child adapts
depends on a number of factors including:
the childs age and stage of development;
the childs past experiences in the care of
others; the skills of the new caregiver and
appropriateness of the new setting; and the
adults ability to prepare themselves and the
child for the separation. Here are some
strategies to help make the process go

Rituals are reassuring, especially during

stressful times. Plan a special way to say
goodbye, such as a wave through the
window or a lipstick kiss stamped on the
back of the childs hand. You might ask your
older child, How shall we say goodbye?
A kiss or a hug? One hug or two? Giving
them choices in little matters helps them feel
that they have some control over what is

Take time to say goodbye

Share information with the caregiver

Share your childs unique likes, dislikes, fears,
eating/sleeping habits and anything else that
will help the caregiver understand your child,
ease the transition and provide care that is
reasonably consistent with yours.

Visit the new setting with your child

lunches and the selection and laying out

of clothes. For young children, a choice
between two items (e.g., white or blue socks,
grapes or an apple) is enough.

Something from home

Show children where they will be eating,

sleeping, playing and introduce the new
caregiver. Familiarity will make the actual
separation easier. Preschoolers may enjoy
having a book read to them about going to
child care.

Young children often use an object from

home (such as a favourite teddy or blanket)
to comfort themselves. Other children prefer
to put a family photo or parents familiar
scarf or glove in their pocket or backpack.
Eventually, the need for these cosies or
transition objects diminishes.

Shorten the first few days

On the way, the first day

Shorter visits will give your child more

time to adjust and will allow him to learn
by experience that you will return.

Build trust
Let your child see you and the caregiver
building a friendly relationship. Include the
three of you in a brief conversation or play
activity. Children often use their parents as
a bridge for developing a relationship of
trust with a new adult.

Prepare the night before

An unhurried, pleasant start to the day is
crucial to successful separations. If the child
is old enough, involve her in the packing of

Have a calm, positive attitude. Babies and

toddlers are especially sensitive to your
moods and are quick to pick up any tension
in your voice, face, touch or mannerisms.
Sing a favourite song or talk about what the
child or you will be doing today. A specific
detail (I will be taking the elevator upstairs
to talk to the boss) is far more interesting
than a vague comment (I will be working at
the office all day). In terms the child will
understand, explain when and where you will
be picking him up (After lunch and sleep,
I will come. You will probably be playing
outside then. I will know where to find
you). A common fear is that you will not
return or that you will not find each other.

Leave your child with a positive picture of

what you will do together at then end of the
day (Save a big hug for me when I pick you
up! Then well get your brother at school).
Regardless of how tempting it may seem,
never sneak out while the child is distracted.
This destroys trust and will encourage the
child to cling more on future occasions.

Avoid repeated goodbyes

Once you say Im leaving now and go
through the established goodbye ritual, then
go. Stalling can make the child more fearful
and clingy.

Accept and listen to negative feelings

If you or your child are feeling upset
about the separation, reassure yourself that
you have taken all the required steps to
place your child in a safe, nurturing and
stimulating setting. Telling children that
they are too big to cry or that they are
making a fuss over nothing only
aggravates their fears and fails to help them
understand their true feelings. Saying, I
know you are feeling sad. I will miss you
too, is more helpful.
Accept the fact that a temporary period of
adjustment and some feelings of parental
guilt or worry are normal. If it would
help, arrange for you and the caregiver to
communicate by phone during the day to
see how things are going. Stress from
separations and adjusting to new situations
can be a real strain for parents and their little
ones. However, with careful planning, the
adjustment period can be brief.

Written by Carol Wagg, Special Projects Coordinator, London Childrens Connection, London, Ontario. Permission is not required to make photocopies for public education purposes. Photocopies
may not be sold. To purchase or reprint this resource sheet, contact the CCCF, 383 Parkdale Avenue, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4R4. Phone (613) 729-5289 or 1 800 858-1412. Fax (613)
729-3159. Email: info@cccf-fcsge.ca Website: www.cccf-fcsge.ca. CCCF 2004

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