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Security Council Press Statement on violence in the Central African Republic

The members of the Security Council expressed their deep concern about the upsurge of
violence over the recent days in Bangui, Central African Republic, and called for an
immediate end to such violence. They strongly condemned such violence, including all
attacks against civilians, violence between communities, as well as attacks against
humanitarian personnel, and recalled that those responsible should be held accountable before
justice. They reiterated their demand that all militias and non-state armed groups lay down
their arms and cease all forms of violence and destabilizing activities immediately.
The members of the Security Council reiterated their support for the Transitional Authorities,
under the leadership of Catherine Samba-Panza as the Transitional Head of State, and they
called on all armed groups in the Central African Republic to immediately and fully
implement the agreement for Cessation of Hostilities and Violence signed on 23 July 2014 in
Brazzaville, Congo, and lay down their arms.
The members of the Security Council underlined the importance of the holding of free, fair,
transparent and inclusive presidential and legislative elections, in accordance with the
transitional constitutional charter, by the end of 2015. They further stressed that an inclusive
national dialogue, as initiated at the Bangui Forum of May 2015, is the only way towards
reconciliation and lasting peace.
The members of the Security Council reiterated their decision to apply the asset freeze and
travel ban measures contained in paragraphs 4 and 7 of resolution 2196 (2015), to individuals
and entities engaging in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or
security of the Central African Republic, consistent with paragraph 11 and 12 of resolution
2196 (2015).
The members of the Security Council reiterated their support for MINUSCA to assist the
Transitional Authorities, which bear the primary responsibility to protect the population, and
the people of the Central African Republic in their efforts to bring lasting peace and stability
to their country, as mandated by the Security Council in resolution 2217 (2015).

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