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Mobile Technology

Julie Lewis

Mobile Technology
a. Mobile technology kids classroom.
b. Education source, Project MUSE, Academic OneFile, Expanded Academic ASAP, General
c. I chose this database because I have kids and wanted to see how mobile technology effects kids
in the classroom regarding their studies.
d. Grant, Michael (2015) Teaching and Learning with Mobile Computing Devices: Case Study in
K-12 Classrooms. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, Vol. 59
(Issue 4), p32-45. DOI: 10.1007/s11528-015-0869-3. (APA Format)
e. Rajan, Rekha (2014) Tapping into Technology: Experiencing Music in a Childs Digital World.
General Music Today, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p8-11. DOI: 10.1177/1048371314544169 (APA Format)
f. Screen Print of search results

Screen Print #1
Screen Print #2

Mobile Technology
Julie Lewis

2. a. Start up Front Row is making math fun in school

An educational mobile app is being recognized for its ability to help students, from K-8 grades, in better
understanding math as a whole, by making it tailored to each students knowledge of retaining
mathmatical problems. In determining whether a student learns at a slower pace, average or advanced
pace helps the teacher to know, through a dashboard, what skills that student may need help with or not.
This app has been beneficial by raising overall scores and increased better understanding in this subject.
b. Kavilanz, Parija (2015, September 10). Start up Front Row is making math fun in school, Retrieved
from (APA
3. a. mobile technology kids classroom learning August 2015
b. Pierce, Dennis (2015, August 30). 3 Ways Mobile Technology is Transforming Learning Spaces,
Retrieved from (APA Format)
c. Google and Bing
Search Engine

Number of pages listed


Number of articles listed

Relevant articles within


30 days on page 1

Mobile Technology
Julie Lewis

Google was the better search engine because it provided more relevant results while Bing listed older
articles with many ads to bypass in order to read the articles.
4. a. Time The article was written on August 25, 2015 with no specifications on being updated.
b. Relevance Yes, the article relates to my topic.
c. Authority Dennis Pierce is the author who is a freelance writer with 17 years of experience.
d. Accurate I believe this article is trustworthy because it is supported by evidence not only in the
educational benefit with the students but also in their behavior. However, the article does not specify
whether it has been tested for accuracy.
e. Purpose After reading the article, it seems this article was written to be more informative.
5. a. Ease of Access I found DB article #1 easily accessible while the internet article needed specific
information in order to list what I was looking for. Once I added more keywords to my search, the
internet was able to list more specific links. This made my search for the right article more easily
b. Timeliness I spent more time looking on the internet than in CCBCs library for my articles. The
internet articles not only gave me a lot to go through but in going through them found that even though I
was specific in month and year, articles from earlier years were listed. This also took up time because
having to go through the articles to verify how current it was.
c. Authority The authors in both articles speak of objective material. They show results of what is
rather than what they think. The information they provided talks of results in the link between mobile
technology in the classroom and educational benefits with students.

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