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COMMUNICATIO! BLA ELA.S.1.1 BLAS.1.2 ELAS.13 ELAS.1.4 ELAS.L5 BLAS.1.6 READIN ELAS ELAS.4.3 ELAS.44 ELAS.4.5 GRADES ELA QUARTER OBJECTIVES, Grade 5 ELA, Quarter | Objectives PEAKING, LISTENING AND MEDIA LITERACY 1 listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject-related group learning activities. (SOL 5.1) Participate in and cou ribute to discussions across content areas. Participate in a range of discussions building on others’ ideas and clearly expressing their own (¢.g., one-on-one, in groups, teacher-led). Follow rules for assigned group roles. Follow implicit rules for conversation during class discussions, such as taking turns, staying on topic, paraphrasing others’ comments, and drawing conclusions. Participate as active listeners in group learning activities by: * listening for main ideas; = listening for sequence of ideas; and * taking notes. Participate as informed contributors in subject-related group lear * asking and answering questions at appropriate times; responding to specitie questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborating on the remarks of others; communicating new ideas to others; clarifying confusing points; ‘* summarizing main ideas; organizing information from group discussion for presentation; preparing a prewriting tool (¢.g., outline, web, or graphic organizer) for presentation Prior to delivery; and summarizing a presentation orally prior to delivery. Organize information to present in reports of group activities. * Use organizational skills to prepare, present, and summarize information gathered in group activities. Summarize information gathered in group activities. ‘Communicate new ideas to others. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams, + Exhibit the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. Demonstrate the ability to work independently. * Demonstrate that they can work independently on group-related tasks, ig activities by: AND RESPONDING TO LITERATURE The student will apply knowledge of word study to expand vocabulary when reading. (SOL 54) Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words, including words used across content areas, Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Identify an author's use of figurative language. Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, and other word-reference materials, ELASS5 ELAS.5.7 ELA.S.S.8 FLAS.S.9 BLASS.10 ELASS.11 BLAS.5.12 ELA.5.6 ELA.5.6.3 ion, and poetry. (SOL 5.5) Make, contirm, or revise predictions + Use characteristics of genre to make predictions. + Refer to details and examples in a text when making, confirming, and revising predictions. Summarize during and alter reading and include supporting details. + Organize and record information, using graphic organizers to support summarizing (e.g. story map, sequence of events). + Use specific textual evidence, such as character description and plot development, to develop summaries of reading Describe the relationship (make connections) betweer: text and previously read materials and experiences. + Make connections between personal experienc actions and support thinking with spec and evidence from the text). * Connect knowledge ftom one text to story elements from other texts in order to develop greater understanding of characters, setting, and theme. Explain the author's purpose. + Use evidence from the text to identify and describe the author's purpose. Identify cause and effect relationships. + [dentily cause and effect relationships in plot and characterization, using the language because/so, when/then, and if/then. + Explain how a cause and effect relationship has influenced the characters’ feelings or motivation. Describe character development. + Apply knowledge of characterization by describing a character's attributes (traits, motivations, or feelings) and support with text evidence. Understand the main character has a conflict that usually gets resolved. Understand that characters are developed by what is directly stated in the text, their speech and actions, aind what other charaeters in the story say or think about them. Describe the development of plot and explain the resolution of confliet(s). + Apply knowledge of narrative text structures in order to improve comprehension. Retell a story in sequence, using transitional words or phrases that lead to the resolution for a problem (conflict). Understand that plot is developed through a series of events. Identify the conflict or problem of the plot and explain how it is resolved. Identify the events in sequence that lead to a resolution for a problem (conflict) in the story. Identify the main idea or theme and the major events and details that support the main idea or theme + Identify the main idea or theme of the text and summarize using supporting details. * Determine the main idea or theme of paragraphs and stories. ‘The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. (SOL 5.6) Use text features, such as type, headings, and graphics, to predict and categorize information in both print and digital texts. Use text features, such as special type styles (¢-g., boldfaced, italics) and color, captions under pictures and graphics, and headings of sections and chapters, to predict and categorize information in both print and digital texts. + Identify specific information in text that supports predictions. fe RE et et amen ac and characters’ feelings, motivations, and evidence (personal experience, prior knowledge ELASO4 Use advanced organizers (e.g.. chart, map, graph, table) to organize and record information. Jse prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge as context for new learning, Apply prior knowledge to make predictions sind build additional background knowledge as context for learning. Make connections based on prior knowledge (from previous texts, experiences, and studies). ELA.5.6.6 Determine important information to support main idea, opinions, and conclusions, ELA.5.6.6a Differentiate between fact and opinion. * Distinguish between interesting, important, and irrelevant information. * Skim material from print and digital text to develop a general overview oF to locate information, * Locate and use details to support main idea, and to justify opinions, predictions, and conclusions formed when reading nonfiction text. ELA.5.6.7 Summarize a nontiction reading selection, using important supporting details + Use tools such as graphic organizers, outlining, and notes to support summarizing, Determine important information and disregard irrelevant information in text, ELA.S.6.11 Identity the main idea of nonfiction texts, * Determine the main idea of a text and summarize supporting det ELA.5.6.12. [dentify new information gained from reading, ELA.5.6.12a Skim materials to develop a general overview of content and to locate specific information. * Understand and interpret how written text and accompanying illustrations connect to convey meaning (charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines). the author's purpose. Use evidence from the text to identify and describe the author’s purpose, ELAS.6.13 Expl WRITING ELA.S.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade, (SOL 5.7) ELA.5.7.1 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (CCSS.ELA-Literacy. W.5.4) ELA.5.7.1a Identify intended audienc ELA.5.7.1b Use a variety of prewriting strategies. * Consider points for both sides, as a means of prewriting, ELA.5.7.¢ Organize information to convey a central idea. ELA.S.7.1d Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea, * Introduce a topic, and group related information in paragraphs. ELA.5.7.1¢ Write multiparagraph compositions. * Apply understanding of paragraph structure (topic sentence, supporting details, and coneluding sentence) to develop multiparagraph compositions. Focus on a topic. grouping related information in paragraphs and sections. Use an effective opening and an effective closing/conclusion. + Maintain focus on central idea, * Provide a concluding statement or section related to the topic. ELA.S.7.1f Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea. ELA.S.7.1g Follow the organization for writing a letter to include date, greeting, body, and closing Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information. BLAS.7.2 Use precise and content-related vocabulary to inform and explain the topic. Consult thesaurus to identify and select precise words, SLA.S.7.2b Vary sentence structure by using transition words. + Include sentences of various lengths and beginnings to create a pleasant, informal rhythm. Use precise language and phrases to develop writing, such as consequently, especially, or specitically Incorporate transitional words and phrases to connect ideas. *BLA.5.7.3. Use available resources and technology for writing. rammar, Us: ELAS8 and Me 1e student will edit writing for correct grammar, capi sentence structure, and paragraphing, (SOL 5.8) BLA.5.8.1_ Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing (CCSS.ELA-I ey.L.5.1) Identify and use conjunctions. + Identify and use conjunctions in compound sentences. (Coordinating: And, Or, But, So) Form and use the perfect verb tenses (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I will have walked). Begin (o examine complex sentences, as appropriate to writers who use these constructions skillfully in their writing. (Note: Students in grade 5 do not have to study complex sentence structure.) (Subordinating Conjunctions: Because, Although, Since, Whenever, When, If) BLA.S.8.1b Use adjective and adverb comparisons. + Identify and use adjectives and adverbs. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives (e.g., It was an exciting, enjoyable movie.). + Use adverb comparisons (¢.g,, fast, faster, fastest). + Use adjective comparisons (e-g., big, bigger, biggest). + Use adverbs instead of adjectives where appropriate (¢.g., “He played really well.” instead of “He played real well.”). ELA.5.8.le Identify and use interjections. + Identify and use interjections (e.g., Yikes, look at that bug!) ELA.S.8.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. (CCSS.ELA-Literaey.L.5.2) ELA.5.8.2b Use quotation marks with dialogue. ELA.5.8.2d Use correct spelling of commonly used words. ELA.S.8.3 Edit for fragments and run-on sentences. + Use complete sentences by recognizing that a sentence must have both a subject and predicate, either stated or implied. + Avoid fragments. + Avoid run-ons (e.g., “L opened the door, the dog went out.”). + Use a comma to set off an introduetory element from the rest of the sentence. *ELAS.84 Use available resources and technology for editing, as appropriate. ization, spelling, punctuation, RESEARCH ELA.S.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources for a research product, (SOL 5.9) + Develop a question(s) for inquiry + Narrow the question(s) based on preliminary researeh Draw on information trom multiple print of digital soure tnswer to a question oF to solve a problem efficiently. (C * Locate answers (trom teacher, collaborative groups, digital sources, such as Destiny, Google, or index 9.2a Collect information trom multiple re ELA.5.9.2b Use technology as a tool to research, of information, demonstrating the ability to locate an S$, ELA-Literacy.RI.S.5) and individual) from multiple print and uurces including online, print, and media. rganize, evaluate, and communicate Gather relevant information from more than one source. Determine the best resource for a specific puspose. BLAS.9.2¢ Organize information presented on charts, maps, and graphs. ELAS A.5.9.2d Develop notes that include important concepts, summaries, and identification of information sources,

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