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DE AT YAY AH Lo// = 4 gfe / QUESTION BOOKLET 04 © ica 94 94 =. ! Code : 04 (Gente aien) «Number of Pages in Booklet: 16 } [ger A weet ot eee | «Number of Question ‘wa Time: 2.0082] Hours 7 Maximum Marks : 100 INSTRUCTIONS newer all questions, A questions carry equal marks. Griengamari oe een Br ach gan, ‘ore than one answers are marked it would be tented as wrong answer. 9 4 Each question tas four aliemative responses marked serially a 1, 3 4. You have to darken ely one eicle for bubble indicating the correct answer on the Answer Shect usog BLUE BALL POINT PRR 6. 18 part ofthe marlis) of each question will be deducted for each wrung answer, (Anions syswer means an ineatet answer or more than one answers for any question, Leaving athe Tkwant Caeles oe bekhe r ‘ay question blank wil ot be considered as wrong eases) 7. The candidate should ensure that Series Code ofthe Question Paper Bootet and Answer Sheet most be same fpr ih slope ae ey ren can me a ea sae sane sc. Candvte ims sal be ropesile ir Gee 04 8 Metile Phone o¢ any ater clotronic gadget in the examination ball strictly proibited A candidate found ith any of such objectionable material with hiner will be silly dat so por ine 9% Mle ety ill your Rll Number in OMI Shee. 3 marke wil be deducted fr ling yrong er incomplete Roll Nimber 10, I tere i aay sont of ambinuiystae ether of printing or factual nature tea out of Hind and English erion of the question. the English Version vw be treated se ston Morning fs candiae iy fund copying or it any unauersed material is found inher possesion, FL ‘ould be lodged against himvher inthe Police Station and hehe would bable tbe posecrted seks Section 3 of the RPE. Prevention of Unfhirmeans) Ac, 1992. Commnton mn ater sees nae hor permanently fm all fate examinations of he Cummesog fia 1 2 2 8 ser au + ea et & See oh ae HON ET 5 See core fed vt ame 1, 2.3, 4 afta Fear wen by onan at WA gee fe at i a : 7 3 * : 4 a i i : a 4 A i g id Scie wr orev at wher ot eT per a Brae fell ome a Heh at he ah fied ta oem Reon orn ara Frege ere eh eh ST RU ese oh eee cera sw or aN ES ath gar, 3 aia ce argh 9 10, oh net Fe wore hf em mt oem Dare dt 3 Aah men A a oth UR a 8 at secre a Save are a ara 0 ocd ap er 8 at ook me @ i wigs a a anh, ee ana Pee: avin of er mea fear 9 anf ed Sou shove, Dothan nase kee 4 2s a 8 or or ok ed HW ra oe Mba Feld Wt eo Ps ou nu 04 94, Zoning is defined as 04 (1) Regulation by law of the height @) Regulation by law of density of building 04 GB) Regulation by law of the use of Tand and building (4) All of the above 2 The major roads in Mohanjodaro town were laid in (1) North-South direction _@)_East_ West direction GB) Criss-cross pattern (4) Circular pattern 3 Intercity Roads are (1) The roads with in city limits (2) The roads connecting two cities @) Roads for through traffic (4) Roads giving access to various areas 4 Right of way means OA (1) Right to access 04 (2) Horizontal distance from one plot line to another plot in front of it (3) Right side of the road QA None of the above 5 Ribbon development takes place (J) Along the roads 2) Along the parks @) Around city centre (@)_ In satellite towns 6 Sir Patrick Geddes suggested (1) Six stages in town development (2) Classified the towns into three categories 3) Four stages in town development (4) None of the above 7 Yn ancient times the town planner or architect was known as (1) Shilp.shastri @)_Vishwakarma (@) Sthapati 4) Vastupati Qs Fo ausliy 8 metropolitan a ty must have a minimum population size of (1) 10 lakh (2) 1 lakh 04 @) $ lakh (4) 100 lakh 9 JAP /TRN2OM. AL 2 TNQEITI Contd... 9 Sir Patrick Geddes visited India in the year 94 (ly) 1915 @) 1920 04 @) 1925 (4) None of the above 10 DPR stands for 04 (1) District Project Report (2) Development Project Report @) Detailed Project Report (4) Distinct Project Report JL ‘Clover leaf is a term related to (Type of road 2) Grade separation 3) Road intersection @) Traffic signal 12 Recommended carriageway width for a single Jane without kerbs is () 25M Q) 30M @) 35M @) 40M 13 Megalopotes means (1) Beginning of the ‘end’ of the city life @) First stage in the development of a city 04 @) Emerging of city from group of villages @) None of the above 04 14° Roman 'Castrum' were 94 () High ranking cities (@) Towns which were conquered from others @) Military camp towns (4) None of the above 15 The ‘Axial System’ of planning was introduced by (1) Sir Christopher Wren 2) Lovenzo Bernini ) George Eugene Hausmann (4) Sir Ebenzer Howard 16 ITPI stands for (1) Indian Town Planners Institute @) Intemational Town Planners Institute (3) Institute of Town Planners, India (4) Institute of Town Planning, India 17 ‘Alexander the Great! Invaded India in 04 (1) Second Cent. B.C 2) Fourth Cent. B.C. @) Fourth Cent, A.D. (4) Second Cent. A.D. 04 94/°TPN29M_A} 3 UINNADA 1Contd... C4, 04 04, 20 a 04 04” 04 23 24 25 26 04» 94 Ancient town planning text of India is (1) Prastara (2) Mansara (3) Vastushastra (4) Padmaka The first ‘Garden City’ was (1) Webvyn Q Leteh worth @) Edinburgh (4) None of the above ‘The disadvantages of ‘Ribbon Development’ is (1) Increase in cost of various Utility services (2) The houses face heavy traffic and noise GG) The interior parts of the city are Teft undeveloped (4) All of the above Density of population is expressed as (1) houses per unit area (2) number of persons per unit area G) number of families per unit area (4) all of the above ‘Decumanus’ means (1) Two cross roads (2) Roads running east-west (3) Roads running north-south (4) City square The concept of "The Garden City’ was given by (1) Ebenzer Howard (2) Sir Christopher Wren (3) Barry Parker (4) Raymond Unwin The Author of the book ‘Cities in Evolution’ is (1) Lewis Mumford (2) Frank Lloyd Wright (3) Patrick Geddes (4) Le Corbusier ‘An urban unit or Town must have a minimam population of @) 10,000 @) $,000 (@) 50,000 (4) 1 lakh Color code’ for showing Residential Jand use in Master plan is (1) Red Q) Yellow G) Blue (4) Green Public and semipublic Jand use in master plan is shown in (1D) Red colour @) Violet colour (3) Blue colour (4) Yellow colour Q4™ J TPN29M_A] 4 HIME (Conta... 28 The ‘Utopian’ city proposed by Le corbusier was 04 (2) La Ville Centemporaine (2) Plan viosin 04 @) La Ville Radie use (4) All of the above 29 The concept of ‘Broad Acre! city was introduced by (1) Tony Garnier @) Le Corbusier @) Frank Lloyd Wright (4) Patrick Geddes 30 Slum is characterised by (1) Dilapidated buildings 2) Over Creweling @) Lack of Sanitation (4) All of the above 31 Accommodation density for any area is calculated as (1) Total population per total residential arca (2) Number of persons per number of habitable (3) Number of habitable rooms per unit area (4) Number of residences per unit area 32 CBD stands for 04 (1) Central Bus Depot (2) Critical Building. Density G) Central Business District (4) None of the above 94 33° Chandigarh City was planned in the year 04 () 1960 @) 1952 G) 1956 @® 1951 34 As per NBC (national building code) minimum atea of a room is (@) 10 sq. mus. 2) 9 sq. ms. G) 7.5 sq. mts, (4) 12 sq. mts. 35 A Household is defined as (1) Number of persons staying together (2) Number of persons staying together and taking meals fiom the same kitchen ) Number of persons staying ia one building (4) Number of persons staying in one room 36 IDSMT stands for (1) Isolated development of small and medium towns (2) Integrated development of small and medium towns (3) Industrial development of sinall and medium type (4) None of the above 94 /TPN29M_A] 5 ‘NOE tC 04,, 04 O45 39 40 04 Aa 04 42 43 44 04 94 O4" 1TPN29M_A} Which of the following cities have Grid-lIron pattern of roads ? (1) New Delhi (2) Chandigarh 3) Washington DC (4) Kolkata Charles E douard Jeanneret is the full name of @) Le Corbusier (2) Frank Lloyd Wright G) Charles Correa (4) Ebenzer Howard ‘Priority Intersections’ are () Where one needs to stop, look and go (@) Where traffic police is installed to watch the volume of traflic 3) Where traffic signals are installed (4) Where grade separators are provided Which of the following statements is incorrect for an apartment house ? (1) Ready made house where there is access to 3 oF more houses by a common lobby (2) Climatologically it is most suitable if placed in proper orientation () It is also called expandable dwelling (8) No change, alteration or improvements can be made in there houses In India class - II towns have @ population size of (1) 20,000-49,999 (2) 50,000-99,999 3) 1 lakh - 15 lakh (4) 10,000-19,999 Origin Destination survey includes (1) Observation of the registration numbers of the vebicles when they come in and go out of the town (2) Checking the trip time of vehicle GG) Assessment of number of vehicles going in one direction (4) Observing carriageway widths ‘The Radivs of a round about is governed by (1) Sight distance (2) Geometrical shape of the round about G) Weaving length of the vehicle (4) All of the above ‘Boulevards! are (1) Public parks (2) Footpaths made for pedistrians (3) Connections between large and medium sized parks (4) Multi legged junctions a TM (Conta... 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 The "Shum Areas Improvement and Clearance Act’ was enacted in the year a) 1956 @) 1962 @) 1948 @) 1972 ZEL UDPFI Guide lines, 1996 have been prepared by Q) Town and country planning organisation @) Ter G) Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment (4) Planning commission Sir Edwin Lutyens planned New Delhi in the Year Q) 1932 2) 1928 @) 1919 @) 1925 Accommodation Reservation is an Alternative of (1) Land acqui @) Land reconstitution G) Land subd (4) Land Pooling Which of the following is not a land information system ? 04 @ LIMs @) HARIS @) SARITA (4) SEED 9 4 Tick the in correct statement for ‘National Urban Housing and Habitat 04 Policy, 2007 () Encourage EWS and LIG to form housing cooperative societies @) 10-15% of land in every public/ private housing project to be reserved for EWS /LIG Housing @G) Special emphasis to be given on sium improvement programmes @ To acquire excess land from land owners Which of the following is not a stum improvement scheme ? qq) SUP Q) sie (@) SRS (SPP JNNURM stands. for Q) Jaipur Nagar Nigam Urban and Rural Management (2) Jawaharlal Nehru Urban and Rural Management (3) Jeipur Nagar Nigam Urbanisation and Redevelopment Mission (4) Jawaharlal Nehru National Usban Renewal Mission The Land Acquisition Act (Central Act) was enacted in the year C4. Q) 1864 (2) 1894 (3) 1857 (4) 1905 04 94/TPN29M_A] 7 MUMIA (Conta... C4, 04., National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy, 2007 is based on 04 (1) BOOT model Q) BOT model @) PPP model (4) BT model OAs woich of the following states was frst to introduce TDR (Transfer of Development Rights) ? (1X) Rajasthan (2) Uttar Pradesh G) Maharashtra (@) Haryana 56 MRTS means (1) Metro Rail ‘Transit System (2) Mass Rapid Transit System (3) Mono Rail Transit System (4) Mass Road Transit System 57 73% and 74!* Amendment of the constitutions of India resulted in (GQ) Amendment in Environmeatal Policies @) Changes in Municipal and other Acts in State Governments () Constitution of Development Authorities (4) Amendments in Development Controls Ass urbanisation teads to (1). Spatial Concentration QA @) Shi in Occupational Structure @) Transformation in Feonomic Structure 04 (4) All of the above 59° The town and Country Planning Organisation (CPO) was constituted afer merging following organisations @) CRUPO and UIT @) UIT and TPO @) TPO and CRUPO (4) None of the above 60 One of the following Acts was enacted to make land available for the poor (1) Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (2) Indian Registration Act, 1908 G) Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (4) Land Acquisition Act, 1894 61 TSS method 6f surveying means (1) Terminal Station Survey (2) Theodolite System of Survey G) Total Station Survey (4) Typical Sample Survey 462 The wild Life Protection) Act was enacted in the year Q) 1972 @) 1975 04 ®& 1967 (a) 1962 Ar /TPN2IM_AL 8 CE {Contd... 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 The period of 12! five year plan is 94 (1) 2010-2015 (2) 2011-2016 04 G3) 2012-2017 (4) 2013-2018 ‘Transfer of Development Right facilitates (1) The land owner is compensated in cash @) The land owner is issued a certificate of an additional FSL @G) The land owner is offered an altemative land (4) The land owner is asked to transfer ownership rights to government The idea of neighbourood was put forward by (1) Soria ¥. Mata 2) Ludwig Hilberseimer (3) Clarence Stein and Clarence A, Perry (4) Lewis Mumford Which of the following is not a heritage conservation approach ? (1) Redevelopment 2) Renewal 04 3). Reconstruction () Reconstitution 0 4 SEZ means (1) Special Ecological Zones (2) Special Economic Zones 04 (3) Special Educational Zones (4) Special Environmental Zones Regional Planning includes (1) Development Plan of a Region 2) Development Plan of a District G) Development Plan of a Metropolitan area (4) All of the above 'Skywalk’ means (1) Air route for travel @) Elevated walk ways for pedestrians (3) Elevated rail system (4) Elevated Highways In developing countries percentage of sums constitute following percent- age of the total population of the country © 20.50% @) 40.50% @B) 50-60% (4) 25-35% 04 94/°TPN29M_A] 9 MUMIA 1Conea.. C4. 04 4, 3 "4 1 18 ”» 04s 4 The ideal population size of the neighbourhood is (1) §,000-6,000 people (2) 4,000-5,000 people 3) 4,500-5,500 people (4) 10,000-20,000 people Land development cost does not include (1) Cost of provisions of water supply, drainage Q) Construction of roads, streets, lighting @) Landscaping and site levelling (4) Construction of buildings Cities share in GDP of the country is (1) more than 60% (2) more than 70% @) 40-50% ) 45-55% Green ‘Transportation Options help in choose the incorrect statement () Reducing Congestion on roads (2) Reduce dependence on cars (3) These are less cost effective (4) These are safe and help in saving our planet Number of million plus cities in India is a) 35 Q 3 @) 45 (@) 30 Which of the following states do not have regional planning practice 7 (1) Himachal Pradesh (2) Uttar Pradesh G) Rajasthan (4) Andhra Pradesh First green building of India is located in (1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore G) Pune (4) Hyderabad Which of the following is not a Government sided organisation ? (1) CAPART Q) NABARD @) CADAT (4) HUDCO City of Jaipur was founded in the year qa) 1717 (@) 1827 @) 1727 (4) 1817 City of Shahyahanabad is situated in (1) Agra Fort (2) Walled City of Delhi @) City of Hyderabad (4) Fateh-Par-Sikti 4% TPN29M_AL 0 TNE) (Conta... 81 The minimum plot size to have a rain water harvesting structure as/IDA 04 Bye laws is 04 (1) 500sq. mts, @) 750 sq, mts. G3) 250sq. mts, (4) 400 sq. mts. 04 82 Rejasthan ban development fund (RUDE) is set up for (1) Providing financial support to urban local Bodies (2) To provide for land management system (3) To develop urban infrastructure @) To develop land bank 83° Pick the correct statement from the following () Central NCR is an inter state metropolitan region @) Central NCR is an intra state metropolitan regions (3) Central NCR involves 5 states (4) Central NCR involves NCT and 2 states 84 Which of the following statement is in correct ? (2) Neighbourhood must have five minute walking radius from the contre @) Area of the neighbourhood must be half a square mile 04 () Density of Houses in a neighbourhood must be 12 houses per acre Schools shall be located half an hour drive away 04 85 Describe option for final disposal of municipal solid waste is 04 (1) Incineration @) Sanitary land felling G) Open dumping (4) None of the above 86 Socio Heonomic surveys are conducted to gather information about (1D) Community structure @) Conditions of commercial activity G) Allocation of various activities in any arca (4) Topography of the land 87 Which of the following is an apex body in multi Jevel planning system in India? (1) Planning commission 2) National Development Councit G) State Planning Departments 4) Ministry of Urban affairs 88 Who is responsible for framing five year plans in India ? (Ministry of Home Affairs (2) Planning Commission 04 (3) Town and Country Planning Organisation (4) Oflice of Prime Minister 04 94/ TPN29M_A] W JANIE. Conta... 04 D4. 04 04 90 a1 92 04 94 o4 OAs 04 Decentratization signifies (1) Shifting of certain activities from ope place to another (2) ‘Transfer of funds from center to the states (3) Transfer of certain powers and responsibilities (4) Clearing of one congested locality Development control regulations are (1) Tools for guiding and promoting development @) Tools for improving the quality of fife of people @) Tools to help conserve and promote public health and safety (4) All of the above The fraction of elected members to total members in Metropolitan planning committee shall be qa 23 (2) 34 @) WA @ 12 In one hierarchy of jurisdiction, which of the following is the smallest unit? (1) The District (2) The Municipality G) The ward (4) The state Informal sector activities increase with (1) Increase in urban area (2) Decrease in urban arca (3) Not affected by the urban size (4) None of the above Gross density is defined as (1) The average density of population per unit area of residential zone (2) The average density of population per unit of the housing area including roads encluding open spaces GG) The average density of households per unit of arce (4) The average density of houses per unit of area Programme Evaluation and Review technique is useful in (1) Surveying (2) Construction Management G) Performance Appraisal (4) None of the above The theory of conservatory surgery was advocated by (1) Raymond Unwin (2) Sir Barry Parker (3) Sir Patrick Geddes (4) Sir Christopher Wren QA tPN2w Al n TVA (Conta... 97 'Bkistics' is the science of 94 (1) Human Behaviour (2) Human Settlements 04 G)_ Human Anthropology (4) Spatial Organisation 04 98 Pick up the incorrect statement, the grid iron pattern of roads have (1) Roads crossing at rightangles (2) Regular Plot Sizes result G) Easy flow of traffic is maintained ) Through traffic is increased 99 Cul-de-sac means @) Kind of a street which stops at one end 2) A street with foot path on both sides G) An intersection of streets (4) Grade separator 100 City and Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO) was established in (2) Mumbai 2) Chennai 04 (G3) Dethi (4) Kolkata 04 101 Seventy Third Constitution Amendment Act was enacted in the year 04 (1) 1986 2) 1992 (3) 1994 (4) 1990 102 USAID's ‘FIRE’ project was launched in India to (1) Develop Infrastructural Facilities (2) Slum Improvement Programme (G) Broaden and Deepen the Capital Markets (4) To Facilitate Housing for Poor 103 IDSMT scheme was established by Government of India for (1) Slowing down the growth of metropolises (2) Providing employment opportunities G) Ensure a balanced distributions of urban population (4) All. of the above 104 Which of the municipal body is the biggest among, the following ? 04 (1) Municipal Council @) Nagar Panchayat @) Municipal Corporation (4) Municipality 04 94/°TPN29M_AJ 3 IMME (Conta... C4. 94, 0s 04 106 107 108 O40» 04 10 m 12 An urban village means () Village with @ population above $000 people ©) Village situated ina Municipal Area, hots more than 75% of Population engaged in primary sector G) Village which has industries, and 75% of the Population employed in these (4) None of the above Master plans are prepared for a period of C1) $10 years @) 15-20 years @) 20.25 years @ 10-15 years Embodied Energy of a Material means G) Energy used by material during construction Energy saved by materi when put in uae Which of the following is not included in Eco sensitive zone ? (Q) Forest land 2) Water bodies @) Sand dunes @) City parks Vulnerability assessment is helpful in (Preparing disaster management plan @) Planning of infrastructural faci G) Preparing Master pian @) AN of the above Select the plan period of first five year plan Q) 1955-1960 2) 1951-1956 @) 1948-1953 @) 1950-1955 The vulnerability of any area towards disaster will increase with () If the area is densely packed (If the ares is located on coastal delta (If the area is sensitive and exposed A) All of the above Tick the incorrect statement SEZ's are (1) Free trade zones @) SEZ's have completely different Set of administrates and taxation G) SEZ's aro cresied as closed markers with in a particular economical 4247 7PN20M1_ A] “4 TRUER. 1Conea,,. 04 113. Informal sector activities increase with (1) Increase in Urban area 04 2) Decrease in Urban area 3) Increase in Industrialisation 04 (@) Not affected with above changes 114 The Act which helps in making land available for poors and most common in practice is (1) Urban land (ceiling and regulations) Act 2) The tand Acquisition Act @) The Slum Areas Improvement and Clearance Act (4) Requisitioning and Acquisitioning of Immovable Property Act, 115 Land Speculation Occurs when (1) Demand of the Jand is more than supply of land (2) When there is excess liquidity in financial market B) Lack of opportunities for investors in other sectors of the economy @) All of the above 04 1146 When was the libralization policy initiated in India ? (1) 1995 Q) 1991 04 @) 2001 (4) 1985 04 117 One of the following is not a NCR state Haryana 2) Uttar Pradesh @) Madhya Pradesh (4) Rajasthan 118 The Estimated Percentage of Population to be living in urban areas in India by Year 2020 is G) 40% Q) 45% GB) 50% 4) 60% 119 Urban and regional planning function is the responsibility of (Central Government 2) State Government (3) Town and Country Planning Department (4) Ministry of Urban Development 120 As per year 2011 census, the number of cities and towns in India is 04 (1) 5,000-6,000 (2) 6,000-7,000 @) _7,000-8,000 (4) None of the above 04 94/'TPN29M_A] 15 (MUM, (Conta... 04 ® 94 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 94 04 94 04 04 04 04 Q4et TPN A} 16 ‘Me 7

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