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argerdonoioug ssn sjaedbooioul sat0N aaa Ee eee ~aTanivs : ald IV's PAPER 1 Reading Part 1 Teacher's notes + In Part 1 the texts ae signs, notices, labels, emails, phane messiges, handwritten notes, messages on postit motes oF postcards, + The signs and aotices are mostly ones seen in public places, for example in shops, baie, stations, hotel, theatres, smruscums, schools, etc. and on public vehicles such as buses and trans. Sometimes there is label from a battle or packet fra notice on a school ar public noticeboard, + Thesigns often give instructions, earnings or information + Language in signs is usually quite focmal but certain words like the, ata) an the aurillacy verb to be are often omitted, +The messages are informal and usually make or charge arrangements, ask somenne to do something, ask Sor ‘information ee A photocopiable answer shect is on page 182. Strategy five ‘what each text says fon the answer sheet (but if students prefer, they can mark their answers on the exam paper and copy them when they Ihave finished this part) b) 2 telephone message in someone's house or fst, probably near the phone ait lbs tog Sate 0 meer Anita In te cate Leah will see Anita inside the cinema so she is definitely omg. {eat wll Rave a snack on the train, She says wif eat nat might at aasign In bus station of on a bus stop. buses; depart Tamorew fn tomorow means afer toy Yes the sign is about tomorrow. No ~ the buses will depart sore often not eaaiet 6 Buntlcamorow means “not after today’. Te doesn't say the bus, jucneys will take longer: 7 Carter txday is the same as fram tomorrows. The buses wil be very ten mimes instead every twenty mimes shee are more — tice as many. 8 C= Fram tomorrow, buses wll depart even’ £0 mimutes tsteud of bry 20 minutes TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY ~ TEST 1 Reading Part 1 key 16 2A. don’t nave clothes mJockers overight = You must remove your clothes trom the lockers by the end ofthe day ling her let Arna know thats feond her £50) 9 problem = ithe can't give her 950, {99 not giieue here = you shoulen’ queue here: tokots ‘ready pad or = you've paid fer your ticket why don't you = Is suggesting ead i frst = she reads the ‘book ater Gane Part 2 Teacher's notes + Port 2 tests students’ detailed comprehension of Factual Anformation. + The eight short texts are ahout one topic. They may be from tourise brochures, information leatles, catalogues, etc ‘There ate always three texts which are not nexded there is only one answer to each question, zach text can be used only once as an answer. The pictuces ace there to help students understand the descriptions + Students should by advised not to wile on the answer sheet tunil they have answered all the questions in case they change thele minds. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. Strategy five te goto a restaurant restaurants eight ‘which restaurant would be the most suftable for the people con the ansiver sheet (but see Teachers note shave) ‘ovo young women an elderly couple a womaa. and her theee cluldven 2 womau. and her elderly mother ‘young man 1 Kellan 2 inexpensive 3 Sunday iunedime 4 They will walk, They don't need a car park. 5 7 anice view Dennis and Jennifer want to deve to a quiet restaurant on Tuesday evening, They both love fish They don’t mind howe much they snend hos they hate waiting for tie {oa En 8 Rena has theee young children and she yants to take them cout for lunch on Tiuursay. Slie needs to pak er carat ths restaurant. The children enjoy playing outside when they get bored. 9 Chloe often nas lunca with her mother on EAGays ia tho cise gente, They like eating gutside and the cast sit importane ‘They walk orake 2 1. 10 Michael wants to go out with twenty frends fon Saturday evening. They doa't want to spend too much, Some of his Irends never eat meal, They'll deve lo Ue a) 1 A Bane. 2. Band G are inexpensive but only 4s open on Sunday lunchtime, 3Bis best. It serves Italian dishes, Isnt expensive and its open Sunday Tunehtime. Yes. 52 ko from the city centre wi 2. Yes IUooks over a lovely lake Reading Part 2 key 68 7 F tenga car park; there acan’t many fables so wveryons ‘served quicty, many fish dishes; open every evening «carpark a the font a farge back garden wit tabfes and ‘swings; gnan lunehtimes except Tusecays 8 © just of the Aarket Square: a sunny are atthe back wth fables; food s excolent but expensive; pen uechtimnes Monday-Friday ‘ely bess the y's maln car pak; a large roam Uupstars which can bo booked by groups: range cf oahes cluding vegeteran and none are expensive; pen from kay to migcight every day ae we Part 3 Teacher's notes + In Part 3 students’ ability to scan a toxt is usted. +The text may give infonnatioa, for example about a holiday ‘ofa couse ort may bea set of instructions or It may be a {esciption of something that happened, for example as historia! event ora journey. +The sentences come in the same order asthe information in the text, + Students do not need to understand everything to ansteer the (questions. For example, they may not know the word cod but this sentence is not tested + Students can sometimes guess the meaning of a word by reading the words around It, For example, they may nol know cabins, bt fom the sentence they can guess that they are some kind of bullding AA photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. Strategy tea the Lofoten Islands the text each sentence Is corrector incorrect IW the sentence is correct tthe sentence i correct 16 7 9 20 @ els 1 8) 15 hy 12 ) 8 p18 Reading Part 8 key ne WA 19 B You have to book ther the day before or by 10.30 atthe {atest onthe cay of te tno «minimum of five passengers for the tio rai vilages where nobody wants to ive any ore We also had the chen to eateh aur own fi ‘some ofthese are on osplay (huts = cabins} ring the rest of the year's pen irem Monday to Friday the eumber of farms has decreased inthe past 30 yoars fy trom tho Norwegian capital, Oslo, to Bede .. and then {ake a fight to Leknes Part 4 Teacher's notes + le Part 4, the text always gives an opinion as well as information + Some of the questions ask about the whole text autd some ask About one part of the text. For each question, help students to decide how much of the text they need (0 look at in order to find the answer. +The questions are not always in he same order asthe information inthe text. + Question 21 Is always a generat question. + Question 22, 23 and 24 ask about a detal in the text or the opinion of the waiter or someone else who is mentioned, + Question 25 is general. 1 caa sometimes bea picture, poster, + Encourage stusents to zead the text quickly to get an idea what itis about betore looking at the questions. Then students Sowld read the text again much more carey ‘A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. 4e BA we TA 168 A 2A the text and questions mark the comet letter A, B,C oF D (on your answer sheet 1 1 2 5 2 1a musical called ‘Bennie’ 2 ye 3 child ora teenager 4 the progeamme 3 1 2 3 4 5 why opinions a comparison opinion atthe beginning Reading Part 4 key a0 22 B they managed 1 make al he funry pats of the Bock 2 A fas suprise, threore, won Tease. tht ree ‘quarters of th poopie onstage wer a ist 40 or ovor 244 thas worth t 25.0 There is ofcourse aready both af anda hock called Banta | Part 5 Teacher's notes + The questions in Pat tes elther lexical or structural knowledge, + Students should be advised to waite thelr answers in the spaces in the text fist as this will help thera to suasp the Overall meaning, They can transfer thet answers when they hnave read the whole text and checked thelr answers TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 1 + Point out that there can only be one word which fits each space. For example, In Question 26 all the adjectives have a ‘Similar meaning but only full 's followed by of and flowers can't be Dy, + Sometimes an English word may look ike a srvlar word in ‘another language out mean something diferent, so students Should look carerlly at all four aptions, If they choose too quickly, they might make mistakes. ‘+ Smauents should check that they have chosen the right kind of \wotd for each space. in Question 29, the relative pronoun Which refers back to the Fg, + They can mark A, B, Cor Don the exem paper and copy them to the answer sheet later, A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. ‘strategy the text ‘the cortéet word foreach space Cop the answer shoct (but see Teachers note above) 10s probably a story. Something good happens (lucky’) It isa story, The good thing which happens is that they find a ring. a Because used to is followed by the infinitive without fo (sed 29 go), The other Wards ate not correc grammatically 8 “The meanings ate wrong but A, C and D ate also wrong grammatically ~ complete, Pasy nd crowded are nat flowed by of 3. Roth - vocabulary and grammar. Reading Part 5 key (lexcel/structuray {iodeal (iexcad (errr (lexeap (exicay (oxcal (emueta (exieat (erica) BESRESBBRE p>m0000>0m Teacher's notes + Tn Part 1, students have to rewrite five sentences using dliticent structural pattems bat staining tie same meaning. + ‘The artsver tay require one, two ox three words. One wr two sword answers are mest comion, +The ive sentences and the cxample are always about the same rome + frisextremely important that graromar and spelling re completely corzec i this pat + Trcourage stadents to write staight onto the answer suet it ‘they feet contiden¢ as this will save time and avold copying, cctors If they pete, they can. Uy out thelr kdeas on the exam paper frst. + TRitdents want to change something they have watten, they shoul cross i nit ily tate Uae sing (Bracket) TEAGHER’S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 1 + Fneourage students t9 read through and check thei work svhen they have finished, A photacopiable answer sheet is on page 183, Strategy five (and an example) ‘mobile phone Complete the vecond sentence so thet # means the same as the fist ‘no mote than three fn your answer sheet (but see Teacher’ note above) fy the massing words fan the exam paper v0 weeks ago {or two weeks Yes, does. The fits sentence tells. us ow long ayo Katie Jhought her phone (oso reeks) and the second! sentence tell us how long Katie has had her phone (two weeks} tar Ar vas smaller than all the other phones in the shop. Teas. phone the shop the smallest (My grandfather isn as old as my grandmother ‘Arnuighbour of mlae lent me this bicycle. ‘That sop sells magezines nov, ‘ete aze 1000 students in this school (Carrie has been atthe airport for £0 hours oeenersegege seee Writing Part 1 key the smallest hers has (got sed gave hor Part 2 Teacher's notes For a marking guide, see page 210. + fn Part 2, students write a shost note orem 2) The instuctions always say who they are wring to, way they ae vriting aol whet they rast ay + There ate always three tings they must mention to get fal marie. + Suggest that students practise writing 38-45 words as they lose mati if they write a very shert answer ~ less than. 25 words + Encourage students to write straight onto the answer sheet it they fel confident as this wil save time and avokd copying from. I they prefer they can fy oUt thelr ideas on te ea Paper fist + [edlucents wane to change something they have written, they show rossi out tly tater than using rackets) + Encourage students to ead through and check their work when they have finished, A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 183. Strategy 1 1 anemall 2 an English itiend 3 dhe ce between 35 and 4$ cop the ansover sheet (but see Teacher's note above) because you have [ust spent a weekend with your English flend and his fcally Suggested answer Thank you very much for a lovely weekend, Suageste ansver a meal in a restaurant; the past simple Suggested answer I'm going shopping with my ftleads; the present continuous (or future plans) BI the bese answer hecsuse it includes all three points and is the right length 2 Als the night length and includes the Ars ewo points ut the third point is wrong ~ Danny asks what his frend is domg, next weekend but fe doesa’t say what he Is doing. (Cis the right length but it does answer the second point, Lee says ne enjoyed the weekend but doesm't say What he enjoyed most. 4 1g 20 44) 49 5b) 60) 5 a) 1 Don't foxget 2 Imsony 3 Would you like me te ..2 4 Would you ..2 5 Tsuggest by 1 Don't forget 2 suggest 3 Imiony 4 Would you 5 Would you like me to ©) 1 Don't foxget 10 meet me on Friday. 2 I'm sorry for forgetting Your Pisthday 3. Would you like me to help you with Your project? 4 Would you send me your address? 5. Tsuggest you natch “Batman Begins 6 Suggested answer: Dear Emily “Thank you very much for the invitation to spend a weekend with your family. I'm really serry hut I can’t come Becatse mn) [grandmosher nas het 70 bithcay next weekend. My faraly will Tave a big party. Hape to see you again soon, Pedio Part 3 Teacher's notes For a marking guide, see page 210. + tm Part 3, students have to clioase une of two tasks: elther a letter to an English-speaking frlend, of astozy for which they are given tile or the opening wores + The instructions for the letter always say why they aze writing and tell them shat to write about. [Ls impoctant that they. keep to the topic or they will lose marks, They should not Include ‘preiearned text, whlch may not fit the topic. + The subject to be written im ene leer about is always 9 general bone so everyone has something to say about it, Shudents can tse their imagination as rach as they lke, +The story can be anything which fits the tite or beginning. given. can be an everyday incident ofa fantasy, provided that its complete and fits the task given. + Students should remember ta Keep their story simple so that it tan be completed within the word limit. An incomplete ot very overlength story is unlikely to get full maths. + About 100 wards = between 85 and 120 woud so students need not worry ¥ eney do net write exactly 100 + Students should fe encouraged to make notes and a pian on the exam paper but write thele answer directly on the answer sheet ta save time and avoid copying eran + .studenis want to change something they have written, they should cress it out ily rather than ising faeces), + Stucents get macks for using 3 range of tenses, appropriate expressions and different Vocabulary so they should be encouraged to be fairly ambitious. They will 30 lose marks fora few erro, whether in spelling, grammes 0¢ punctuation they do not affect communication Bncourage students to road through and check their work when they have finished A photocoplable answer sheet is on page 183, Strategy (letter) your English fiend letter your friend ‘where to go in your country and the best way Wo travel atound fon your answer sheet Lettes A does but Letter B doesn't say anything about how to rv Letter A is the right length, Letter is too short Leiter A has a suitable Beginning and encing, Letter B doesn. Letter B. because te sentences are very short and simple joining woud like but, so, and ee. agen't used, because it doesn't have a begmning and ending, tt doese’t answer the question about how to travel aroun st t00 Short but the language i» good. 7 Letter A: you must vor Jou Should Letter B: pou ought fo. you could You eouid EL are yo, Fa. 1 Its atovely city but it’s very het in August 2 You should go to the mountains too because they're very beautiful and it will be cooler there 3 Thenow you like sports s0 you could go te the lakes too where you can do watersports or swim, 4 The roads are very busy so ifs more relaxing to travel bp train, » 12and3 Dear foe “Thank you for your letter. You asked me for advice about ‘tavelling around my country ‘You must go to Rome. 1s the capital, les» lovely city. I's very hot in August, You should go-to the mountains too. They're very Desutiful twill be cooler there. T know you like sports You could {010 the Takes 109 whore you can do watersports or swim, The ‘ads are very busy. I's more relaning to txavel by tran, hope you'l vist me too when you come here I ook forward to heasing rom you again Marine 4 You must go to Rome as i's the capital o Stygestad answer: Dear Joe Thank you for your letter. You asked me for advice about travelling around my country ‘You must visit Rome as isthe capital. 1's a lovely city but it’s ‘extremely hot in August, You should spend a few days in the mountains too as they’ very beautifal and i will be cooler tere, I Know you like sports so you could also go to the inkes where you can do watersports oF swim, The 2oads are really busy 0 I'S more relaxing to tavel by teal hope you'll visit me too when you eome here. ook forward to hearing fom you again. Macina TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY ~ TEST 1 Strategy (story) astory the wrong address fan your answer sheet Story A. Yes. Story B. No. Nothing really happens. 2 Story A. Yes. Stary B. No. We don’t know why the person weat to the wrong address and theres no ending, 3 Story A. Yes Story B. Na 4 Sugested answer: Al the buildings in my feend’s treet look the same and last week Trang the wrong doorbell. & very old man opened the door aod Ihe thought | was his granddaughter. I stood and falged to him | because I felt sorry Zor him, He told mie about his ie which was very interesting. Alter half an hou [leit and Lent next door 10 iy friend's flat. We haa arranged to go out and I was very late. Al ‘ur frien were in the cigy centre so we phomted them ard ‘explained, We had a good evening out but { couldn't forget the ‘ole man, Strategy (choosing your question) bout 190 fn your answer sheet Jn dhe box at the top of Your answer sheet Writing Part 3 key Suggested answers: 7 Dear Boa “Thank: you or your later. | suggest you spend & wkend in Pragus because there are lots of tings to da there. You ought 10 vst the castle which is vey ol. In the cente there's a lovely square and you can ait ina cae there. Yeu could go shopping of ‘aurea the weather Is fre, you should goin a boat on the ver ‘The beat time of yea is spring because I's not too hot. taste very busy in sumer "ack forward to hearing about your weekend ith best wishes Eva a I went te stay with my grandmather last year; One evening | went ‘out to mact some fronds in the city centre and my grandmother {pave me a key booause she goes fo bed oa. arrived back but | ‘cuit nd the key n any of my pookes. I rang the bell ane shouted to my grancmether but she could't Rear ma. | nad my treble phone with ma sal phoned her Luckily she hes a prone ‘ont fo her bed and it woko her up so she came downstairs and ‘pened the door. She wasn't very pleased PAPER 2 Listening Part 4 Teacher's notes + tn Part 1 there are seven recordings. For eact one there Is ‘either one speaker or tro. + Fist students hear the instructions. They are the same as what they rea. + Each recording has a question and three picnures. + Students shoud tick the picture, A, 8 or C on the exam paper, ‘wich hest represents the anster to the question + The recording for each question is repeated before students eae the next recording. TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST! Students are given six minutes fWansfer them to the answer Test. +A beep on the recording in paused A photocoplable answer sheet is on page 18 i four tole look through the questions heck your answers fon the question paper ‘copy your answers onto the answer shect sx minutes three choose the correct piture and pret a tick inthe Box below it What will the gil buy from the shop? a Box Ais ticked atthe gil is doing ‘watching TV, listening to musi, doing homework allot them See key she wants to see a TV programme but she's not watching i She as alvesdy done ner homework I'm listening t0 music atthe moment, Listening Part 1 key 1 By tomorow ft wil be cloudy. ‘'m baung lessons on the crams |i come straight to the camera shop ater Fe parked the We close a 5.45 on Saturdays. Go streight an a ha crossroads, Then when you got to the main road tan ght... Take the fest tuning on the Joft. My sister ues in the block of Hats an the grt These two lettre and a posteard are or you. ‘Ope af thase ler Is for sormecns olso. Do you have & parce for me? "Sor That's al hore i." Part 2 Teacher's notes + Pare 2 usually consists of someone giving factual or descriptive information about themselves or a event oF telling » story, bften about something tat has happened to them, + Thee is only one main speaker, although sometimes there is shor Introduction by another speakee or an Intervicwer asks Guestions. +The instructions ate the same on the recording andl the exam paper + There is quite lot to read In Part 2 sv students have 45 seconds to read the questions before they isten, ‘+The questions come in Ihe tame orcer asthe information on the recording, ‘+ Students should mark the answers on the exam paper and copy them to the answer shoct later + A beep on the recording indicates where the tape should be pases A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 184. 2 3 4 ‘Strategy aman called Toby ‘hs [ob as an engineer seth a company called Atkins Fngineering puta tick In the correct box fer each question 4 5 2 ‘The interviewer asks questions 1 (12 What i disadvantage of the Job for Toby?) 410 When Toby hegan working, he was surprised to spend so uch time.) 5 (13 When Toby was at school, what job dla he want 10 have?) 6 (8 When cic Toby get a job with Atkins Eoglneering?y 8 (9 What is Toby working on at the moment?) 10 (11 Young people often don't choose enginccring because they think.) The interviewer does mot ask questions: 2 there's no question which suggests Toby Isn't worklng at present 3 there's no question about the fature 7 there's no question asking Toby's opinion of the people he works with 9 theres a question about the disadvantages of the jab, not about what Toby tikes best. 3 1 fora small company 2 for the same small company 3. at Atkins Engineering ») He is working on the airport now, Listening Part 2 key 8 C | stayed ther for six months and then I succeeded in geting 2 much better job at Akins Enainosting 9G Butshos | started hare Ive Spent all my time working on ‘the new airport. 10 & | was surprised to fd that | actually spend aot of my time dscusséng things with otter people. 41 B No it because young people tink its nt going to be intersting, 42 & What thd dificult is that | can't plan my fee time. 49. | was thinking of becoming a doctor Part 3 Teacher's notes + Ip Vare3, cheres only one main speaker: Sometimes thee is also a short introduction by another speaker +The instuctions ae the same on the recording and the exam paper +The questions may be in alist of a note. 4+ The information comes inthe right order for students to answer the questions. + Students do not need to understand everything they hear but, Should oniy listen for the answers 2 the questions as there ‘may be words they do not know. Reassute them that hey do ‘Rot have 10 Worry abou Ths as the answers are always common words + Students hve 20 second to res the questions ere they ste. 1+ Students should walt tne answers on the exam paper and ‘copy them to the answer sheet late + heep'on the recording indicates where the tape should be pause, A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 184. Strategy ‘4 man talking on the radio about a new sports and fitness 3. fillin the missing information in the numbered space for exch question 1 date or day — the preposition om tells you 2 noun because it nas the before the space — its prohahly 2 place, eg. town, river, lake, mountains 3 Sport es gymnasts, basketball, adimnton te says Ian) number because t says motes in ened 5 a place because it says of (ol could also come before a ume but the rest of the sentence doesn't make sense ~ dumeuw-booie epee 6 arnoun because Is followed by a verb itis probably a group fof people, eg. children, eldeny people, stedents, members Listening Part 3 key 14 16 Ch June / June 16 th) 18 bake 16 basketball 117 S0mty 18 reception 49 Students Part 4 Teacher's notes + Pastis always a conversation between two people, Both of them usually lve thelr opinions about something ard agree Dr disse ‘+The instuctions are the same on the recording and the exam paper +The questions come in the same order asthe infomation on the recorcing + Encourege stdents to read Unrough the questions before they listen to get a good idea of what they are going to hear. They are ven 20 seeonuls 10 do this ‘+ Students should mark the answers on the exam pipet and teopy them anto the ansiser sheet later. + A beep on the ecording indicates where the tape should be paused ‘A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 184 Strategy 4 six 2 two 3 Stephanie 4 her mum 5 clothes 6 decide if each seatence is corret 67 incoreCt and tck the box under A for yes or under B fox no 1. Sentences 23 and 25, 2 Sentences 20,21, 22, and 24 3 1 a pink jacket and a blue skirt 2. Stephanie’ job waite some emails Listening Part 4 key 20.8 haven't worn Ityot so take i ot, please. 21 A Ws my best one 30 |oniy wearit when | go somewhere very special 22 A put your own clothes on instoad of mine 23. Vm thinking of aving up that job arywey 24 5 Tha job you've got ls tne 25 A Can't you do them when we get back? {suppose so, TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 1 PAPER 3 Speaking Teacher's notes For notes and a guide to assessment, see page 211. 4+ The Speaking Tests taken im pales, although if there Is an od number ef students, the final thiee candidates may go [a together. 4+ Thore are always two examiners, but only one will Interact with the students. The other ll make notes, Resssure Students that they should not worry about this. + Ap Part L the examiner will adress each stucent separately, m Parts 2~ 4 the students talk mainly #0 each other + itis essential that stulents practise in pais, Ine exereises are ‘designed to help students get experience of fis. ts {important for students to know how 29 ask questions and tespond to answers as well 2s being able to give information and opinions. + Teis very sensible for students to Jeary useful expressions and vvocabulacy but itis not advisable for tem to prepare whole speeches as they will be penalised for this. + Candidates are assessed on their general ality to ‘communicate Thelt pronunciation should be at # evel of fccuracy that does not impede communication, They are not assessed on thelr general Knowledge or educational level ancl Should be reashuzed about this, Students should be prepared to talk about everyday subjects a relaxed atmosphere. They Will not be expected to discuss anything outside their own experience: +The sample Speaking Testis intended to illusteste the format ‘of the test ina realistic way. I fers only an example of the omtent and scope of possibie answers und can be used asa pedagogical tool Srudents should not be encouraged to Teara the conversations by heart but should be aware of what to expect It does ot contain any student errors in order tha It fein be used at a model. Students should be reassured that they do not have to speak as fast as these candidates and that ‘hey ean get Very good marks even if they make some _ratomatial, lexical or phonological errors. This sample test ‘would get full marks Part 1 Teacher's notes "+ Part 1 requires students to respond to questions from the examiner about themselves. Tae fist st of questions will Always be the same, then the examines will choose one ot two ‘questions fzom a possible range cask each eandl date + Studs will be asked to spell their surnames 1. Sample interview: examiner's questions a) 0,1,2, 45,6, and 19 » just isten 2 O1,24.5,6 3. Sango 3 3,7and9 2 Sample interview: candidate A: [live neat Rome. Ar Um asta A: Vesti at school Le Tam from Rome too. L L L | am at university Bnglish and itaian. 1 want 20 be & journals. Yes, of course It will be important lo speak Fnglish well for myn As Tike piaying football with my fends. When t'm at home, 1 listen to music and watch TV. Sometimes I go to the beach. TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 1 Part 2 Teacher's notes + tn Bare 2, students take par in a simulated discussion. They ane asked to make and sespond to suggestions, discuss “hitferent passihlties and ree or aisagree. + Teis not necessary for students to agree about everything as long as they have a sensible discussion + They ate given line drawings asa prop Tor thelr Ideas + Point out to students hat the examiner may offer to repeat the instructions and they will not be penalised if they say ‘yer. 1. Sample interview: choosing a present 2a) necklace, photo fare flowers, mug, CD, Pook 1) talk to each other about which present t0 buy a friend who Is leaving thelr English clas 9 Yes ‘Sample interview: giving opinions Think the X is bes, Tike the X (best rm not sure. T dat in Ton’ think the x Is 2 good \dea, I don't ike that Wea, necklace photo frame ? flowers x mug « ran x ook 5 ° They dom agree. Lucia nants to buy the necklace. Antonto wants, to buy the photo frame, 3 a 1 MRR E because its very pretty shell remember as theyll die quickly itvelllbe dithealt 20 carry them {till be difficult 20 choose a CD Wf we don't know what kind fof music she likes Part 3 Teacher's notes + In Pare 3, the stucents ate each given a colour photograph which they ate asked 10 describe + ach student shows the photograph to che ober student but only one student talks at a time. 2 Sample interview: Lucla a The examiner asks Lela to show her photograph to Antonto and to toi sho She sks Antonio 0 listen and says she'll give him a photograph ina moment. » 1 re caning 2 isusing 4 ispointing 4 Istelling 5 ‘looking 5 vestanding ©) sheuses the present continuous. ‘Sample interview: Antonio 4a) [esa group of people sitting beside 2 mountain path. The ‘examiner asks Antonio to show the photograph fo Lucia and $y what he can seein 1 think Took the word in English probehiy Techaps Maybe, I chink, probably, perhaps seem, look don't know the word in English a Part 4 Teacher's notes Jn Past 4, students are asked to respond to situations in the ‘Photographs, to talk about bkes and dislikes, experiences and ive opinions. + Skuaents shoutd talk to each other and ask each other's ‘opinions as well as giving thelr own, 1 Q sampie interview 2) ‘talk together about where you like to go on holiday and what you Ike 0 do. “To the beach in Tel Paris es. ‘To the mountains because the beach Is very hot. ‘To the north of taly where she goes walkifg or skiing Playing velleyball and football [No beeause she couldn't do wat she wanted, No, Yes if you haven't got much time, 2 @ sample interview: asking your partner's opinion What do you like? Do yow lke sing? ‘What about you? PAPER 1 Reading Part 1 For Teacher's notes, see page 185. A photocopiable answer sheet Is on page 182. ‘Strategy 1 1 bve 2 what each text says 3 on the answer shevt (but see second exam tip) 2 1 dpa notice 2 ina lbraryfstudy centee 3 Itisessental that; put everything back; when you have finished 4 The notice is not about borrowing books from the library. 5. The notice & nat about looking for a book a 1 eanote 2 Josh 3 concen 4 tere are si sickets avalable 5 get a ticket for Samir contact Josh / today 7 Cmeans the same ds the note. Same nas to contact Josh if he wants tick. 8 Ais wrong because Its not necessary for Samir to find out ‘whether Josh is interested In going ~ Tosh has said he val get the tickets, Bis wrong because Josh does not need to know whether Uketsaze available, Reading Part 1 key 1c 2B chock you have all your luggage ~ rememer to take al bags ‘A. wy dort we meat = a suggestion (whieh isthe main purpose) © make sure you have enough money = check you can pay bring some CDs = ake some music Part 2 For Teacher's notes, see page 185. A photocoplable answer sheet is on page 182 Strategy five to go om a walk In the counteyside h walk would be best fr 6 fon the answversticet person He wants 2 long walk, He wants to do some climbing but not anything too difficult ¥es, He wants to stop somewhere to buy lunch. ‘Anna wants a walk by the sea that aso provides her with some cot views. She would hike to do alle cimbing and she is interested in seeing some local wildlife 8 Hiro wants a fay short walk on a path that easy eo follow and doesn’: involve any climbing. He wants to stop Somebnere to buy lunch and also visits place of historical interes 9. Maya isan experienced walker and ean easly follow a map, She wants along walk that involves alot of climbing and aiso tokes her through woods countsside. 10 Toby wants a walk by the sea tat dossi' luvalye any. sdimbing. He would like route that is easy to follow and he ako wants (o Wisita building of histoxical intetst 5, D, G and H are long walks 1D, G and Hare long walks that involve some climbing His the only long walk with some clunbing that as 42 historical huilding, H ‘There i a ‘gentle’ climb up to Bezle, ‘There is a range of restaurant. Reading Part 2 key eu 7 © The walkis along the coast and there ae views from the top of the cfs. There are ale many sea birds nore, 8 A The walt is on love ground sa thers is no clmoing, You can also vist Sraemore House where theres 8 cate 8D The route i not marked and there some steeo climbing ‘The walk passes Uwough a forest 10 ©The walk is on fat ground along the coast and incudes Corfe Caste, Part 3 For Teacher's notes, see page 186. A photocoplable answer sheet is on page 182, TEACHER'S GUIDE ANO ANSWER KEY ~ TESTS 1 AND 2 g a ch Tor two ships ihe text Teach sentence is eoereet oF incorrect. TE the sentence Is correct. Te the sentence is not correct ayy p19 © 16 a) 38 2 20 5 13 g) 15 hy 2 a1 bn | Reading Part 3 key {sta day late, both ships sank ‘Despite numerous efforts, no ana was abe t thd them he could afford to setup bis own company ‘studied aaras and repors rom the 17th century and according to them the Atochs had sunk rere lyon redirected he search to the tiny Mleraueaas Keys that proved they came from the stock ‘concentrated instead on finding the Margarta and started ‘ooking in an area cated the Quicksands ‘stories about the tid appeared in newspapers ‘he was stil etermmed to fed the Moone ‘ivr coins ying on the seabed clase fo the Atocha Part 4 For Teacher's notes, see page 186. A photocopiable answer sheet Is on page 182, A 8 198 A ore por Strategy 1 1 the text and questions 2 mark dhe eoerect Ketter AW, C of D 3 on your answer sheet 2 1 eycling (mountain biking) 2. He enjoys it but he also gets nervous shout racing 3 Me wants to win a medal at the Olympics, 3 1 why 2. an experience 3 ieclings 4 opinion 5 sould say 2 22 D_ His rent tye stared to loge air nthe last part of the 23 A Liam kes @ hard race with steep climbs 24D. "The Olmpies ae har... But | eel confident, 25 C_ both successes and cisappointimants expect to be riding ntl my midethtos Part 5 For Teacher's notes, see page 186. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY ~ TEST 2 Strategy 1 the text 2 the correct word for each space 3 on the answer sheet cbut see Teacher's notes on page 000) 2 1 Yes 2 Something in the past (early writing) Anything related th pletute writing sod alphabets 4a 1A 2 Firsrisusea to indicate that something had not happened Dpefore, that chs was the fst time. Fst can be used hefore the verb, early cant, C and D do not refer to when something, Insppened, 3 Letests vocabulary, Reading Part 5 key (lexical (structural) (excel (ioxcat lexical {exicab (exicah (eructwra) % 2 28 2 20 2 32 a 36 35 B lexical c 3 8 1G fstuctural) 8 Aa > e PAPER 1 Writing Part 1 For Teacher's notes, see page 187. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 183, Strategy 1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same a the first. 2 Yes 1 Mana is shorter than hee aster 2. She cooked the meal on her own 4 Jenny mecueded in Gnishiag evervthing before 5 o'clock 4 You are not allowed to smoke in here § When Tim was younger he used to go 10 the zoo, Part 2 For Teacher's notes, see page 187. For a marking guide, see page 211. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 18S. 193 Strategy jacket {ay which room you left the [acket in — past simple Aescribe the jacket ~ present simple ask what time you ean collect it Cis the best answer, Ie covers all thece points ame is the ight ‘word length Dveloes not say which room It was left in, B does not describe Ue jacket 4 fe 2g 34 4a Sf 6b 5 Suggested ansner Dear ba When I came to see You al the weekend, I think [eft my bay bebiind, Have you scen it? I's 2 small black and red rucksack and 48s got my schoolbooks and pene ease mse, Toe’ Part 3 For Teacher's notes, see page 188. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 183. Strategy (letter) an Eoglishfelend a leter your fend 4 special day in your countey that everyone celebrates and ‘why you think celebrations are important ‘on tv answer sheet. T_Lettee 8 answers some of the question, (¢desesibes speciat ‘days but does not say why they are important, Leiter B ansvers the question. it describes what people do on special days and i also says why they are Impostant etter J fs a hit short ‘Letter 3 is the sight length 3 Letter Ao, Letter Yes. 4 Letter A. Yes, there are lot of grammatical mistakes, Letter No but see the exam tp, bb) Letter Bis better. 4 Snggested ancwer Dear Joc Thank you for your letter | was pleased to hear your news. You wanted! to know about special celebrations in my country Everyone likes to spend time with thet (sends and families on special days. Heople want to relax and have te In my country, there ate parties in the streets and people gata lot and listen to music. Sometimes there are spesches by politicians for famous people. Ar the end of the evening, we oiten have Brewwocks as wel, These are very popola, Soine people Jeave the city and go to visit thle celatives in the ‘Countryside, Then they have a big pfenic together “These celebrations are important because peoale enjoy time together away hom their work and spend move tlme wilh (hele {amniles.'m sure you would enjoy them! ith best wishes sven Strategy (story) 1 1 Tews the fst day ofthe sumer hota 2 your English teacher 3 dn your answer sheet 1 Story A. Yes, Story B. Yes. 2 Story A. Mostly the past simple but also the past continuous, past perfect and present simple Story fi Past simple. 3 Story A. Yes Story No, it abit short. 4 Story A. Yes Story B. No, they are too short, 5 Story A. Yes Story #8. Very few. 6 Story Ais better [eis the right length and there Is more descriptive language 4 1 cay 2 Sloxey 3 only 4 badly 3 really » 2 twas lovely/sandy beaulifulffantastic)gceat Beach the water was very clear warm Then we played a(n) great/exciting/lantastic game of volleyball In was grea/lovely/tantastic not having to study! ‘We met in the square and we walked to the beach, seas far sb if took LO minutes, ‘There weren't many people theze because it Was still easly ln the summer. The water was very nice and we all went fora sie, ‘My team lost but it didn’t matter. (enjoyed being with my friends and it was nice not having to study! o o Suagested answer: T seranges to meet » group of friends and go to the beach. We met carly in the square and we walked lossy 40 the beach, east far sot only took 10 minutes twas 2 heatrital heach, There weren't many people there because as stil quite early in the summer. The water a5 very coal And ‘well went Yor a swim. Then we played an exciting game of xolleyball My te ot bly but att mate a5 ony for ‘We spent all day on the beach. I ccally enjoyed! belng ich my feienes and it was great not having to study! Strategy (choosing your question) 1 1 one 2. about 100 words 3 on your answer sheet 4 in the box at the top of your answer sheet ‘Writing Part 3 key Suggested answers: 7 Deer Kate “Thank you for your tor. | hope you are well. You asked about the this that we caletrate in my family. ‘Of cours, we celebrate everyone's birthday. On these days, we ‘ive presents and we sometmes have # spacial mae ar w= go Cut to a restaurant. Next morth, iis my brothers 18th birthday and he s going to invite lt of fiends to a par Last year, my cousin was bom and & few months ater tho whole tammy was invited toa ceremony to name him anc give him presents, It was 2 lovely day and there was 2 party afterwards in ‘my aunt's garden. | think it is impariant te spand timo uth your family on these socal days, It ean le fun an It alga glee you something to remember, MEEE TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 2 @ | was going to Fora with my family. | was looking forward to the trp and now we were thaly ieeving. \We left forte sirport sary because ie didnt want to miss the Aight has along journey ut | slp or abit and watched some fms. \We spent three woke thera and visita alot ot places. In one park wo vted we saw some dolphins and whales. We got wet but nosocy minced oecause twas such a Rot day, In anther ark, | held 2 baby crocodile. | was scared al frst bul the racodila did't bite and | stopped verying. (We dia so many things that we were all ery tired when we got ‘back heme. I enjoyad te trp co much that | have asked my parents f we can go back nest summer 3a goup of new stucents Eta tick in the covrect box for exch question 5 tice 2 The teacher talks about 3,4, 6, 7 and 9 a a 1 plenty of time 2 Mes deel if yu knoe where ings sv as soon as you anv. 3 No they have plenty of time for this » 1 430 2 520 4 970 PAPER 2 Listening Part 1 For Teacher's notes, see page 189. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 188 Strategy 1 1 four 2 twice 2 ok theeugh the questions 4 check your answers 5 onthe question paper 6 copy your ansnvers onto the answer sheet 7 six minutes 2 1 seven 2 three 3. choose the corsect picture and puta tick inthe bux below it a 1 What is fist prize in the competition? 2A 3 Dox Ais ticked 4 1 where the man’s gloves are 2. tablejcar/shelf by window 3 allo them 4 See key 5 Ais wrong because the woman moved them Srom there {Bis werong because ihe man has checked the car and they'ce not there 7 Cis conrect because the woman says and pu dham om the shelf Dy the window Listening Part 1 key 1c 2. A. Shedogsn't wear lasses ard! shes tall with short, dark hi “The man says: thnk we should get the cheaper one the cheapest ane is E110). ‘The boy says: ve got heca CB. “The fight wil depart at 245, “Too gl says: My favorite tp was to the waterpark “The nature documentary ‘Dolan Watch’ wil be shown Instoad 2 o>mo Part 2 For Teacher's notes, see page 189. A phiotocopiable answer sheet Is on page 184 Strategy 1 1 2 atwacher TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 2 Listening Part 2 key You are among the 520 new students foning us ts your every month there are tats by professional artists ‘And this year the cologe has brought in rules about the tae ofthe conte's computers. towards the end of next term studants st their exams 0 the centre and it wl be closed for spo. {90 back to the departments you's interested in and speak 1 some ofthe students thor. Part 3 For Teacher's notes, see page 190. A photocopiable answer sheet Is on page 184 Strategy 1 i 2 fiman talking about a film festival 44 fllin the missing information In the numbered space for each question 14 a noun — probably a month, The notes indicate that Is the ‘ate that the festival sats, 15 aroun ~& type of film. The notes Indicate that its a Bim that has wort prize, 16 a noun ~a location, The notes indicate that it the name of a place where films are shown, 17 a noun, The notes Indicate thatthe missing word tells you Something shout the career of Marco Ross 18 the name ofa film. The notes inceste that is the name of the film that follows the talk telephone number, The notes indicate that iis the number ‘Pou call to hay ickers. Listening Part 3 key 14 lune 18 caroone 46 West Park 37 dirsctor 48 Throo Colours | 19 0735 260007, eee Part 4 For Teacher's notes, see page 190. A photocoplable answer sheet i on page 184 1 ax 2 to 3 chs 4 Amy 5 anew computer 6 decide ireach sentence is comet or incorrect and tik the box Conder A for yes or under 8 fore 2 20, 24, 25 21, 22 a 3a 1 (Cais has to pay the full east of s new computer himselt ‘Amy thinks it would! be better to buy a laptop. ‘Amy thinks the printer they look at Is expensive ‘Amy and Cris agree to retutn fo the lat shop they went to (Cris wants to buy a compute that iacuus some software Cris has to discuss his choice of computer wath his parenls, 2. whether Cris has to pay fa all of it hist 3. Amy’ opinion about a laptop and a painter 4 The last shop they went to. 5 software 6 talk to his parents Listening Part 4 key 20 8 They've avon me some maney fut tb rot enough 21 A. 801 would be ebay usotu 22 8 This one here is nthe see. ira not very much ata | 23.4 Shalwe go back there? .. That's good idea 24 A Thats wnat was looking or 25 B Thay oud | could got what I wanted PAPER 3 Speaking For Teacher's notes, see page 191. For notes and a guide to assessment, see page 211. Part 1 For Teacher's notes, see page 191. 1 ©) D- group 1; T group 1;)- group 4: B- group 1 2 by 1g 2f 3d de Se 6h 71 Bb 9 10a 1 Yes, 2 Yes, some of them give ext information. Part 2 For Teacher's notes, see page 191. 4 2 Lee 2=d)3-bj 4-955 2 ala 24 ac ab 7 Ba ot wa Ns Re by 1 would 2 Shout 5 could 4 ea 5 fare & Why 8 ane Part 3 For Teacher's notes, see page 191. 1 al There Isa guitar in the lofchand comer af the picture The windew ts between the mirror and the shelves. ‘There are some books above te bed. Tiaete ate shelves on the ight of the windows ‘There is 2 nig in the middle ofthe pletaze, ‘Thre in television below the mirror The lamp i8 on top of tte small table. Photocopiable answer sheets are om pages 182-184. Reading Part 1 ‘hese books can be borrowed = taking ane of these books away wth the permission ofa Poacher = Fou Nova 40 ask a teacher Ter hrs a racket = is asking to boron a racket; he can't play ennis with you tomonaw = ioe nei tennis game tomorrow This bridge willbe closed = twill not be possible 0 use Us budge owe midday = after midday ght be = Ana isn suse 2 yout want lo goto Einbuogh, pay £20 = Unless you pay £20, you wot be able to go to Edinburgh Part 2 OF book of te same mai; se He the 199 cont most ofthe cacors ae very wellknown 1s the purest haf hour his tarest TY sees famous guests fom the words of music; hear Mickey's hans Dia sre muste ‘kd flrs ree a the begining ofthe last century, people slag about ets daly ves fansrer questions on rage of subjects Dit mus: the atest nes Part 3 ma 24 18 “4 16 wa hy arady success cus groups he performers love ordinary circus SATs Dt hey wanted 10 make a ciffeeet Kind of how Only one of te anginal mambo of the ccs remus now ‘Ghreus Oz performers went to air wth acrobats frome Chis Nanjing Acrobat Troupe. Gres O2' fost tet was seen together By performers fn large basement is designed with few poles inside so people watching cam see beter than rcs. 1c show featres a Tive bard ‘Siaeks ancl des ae serve inthe Big Top bt nt full meus. ‘The Cicus Skis lass. aed i fred tn chien who ave area done few terns of Intraducton ro Cites, ‘There ia las fo 7-12 par ods ato wt a tease chats, Part 4 ae 8 D> 2 BR ‘The waiter s giving Information about the sexes ent ‘lzected at authors and it doesn’t compare diferent series. teenagers aren’ jst oie children bu aye not adults ether ‘But eny book has a fantastic cover whlch makes people wane to look inside Deca bookshops pus Hem inthe shitter section, os of feomagers won't find hens TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TESTS 2 AND 3 Last year ane publisher, Martins, tated publishing a eres call "Waves. Far this series wer ooking for new wis ‘ulo write especialy fr teenagers; H's a shame Benes no rumefction in the sees Part 5 B (exical) BD dextest A (lexieal) B (structural) © (lexical) B denical A (lexical) © (structucay 1D tructaral A (structural Seeeeeeeys 1% 2 an 3 gen 4 enough Bare Part 2 Fora marking guide, see page 210. 8 Sample ansyer: Deat Sophie Pm socey I aa’ play tennis with you on Saturday because my Eaully is having & party for my grandma’ birthday. Why doo't we play on Sunday instead? I could mect you atthe tennis Court at 10.30, Love Amelia Part 3 Fora marking guide, see page 210. T Sample answer Dear ela ‘Gn Saturdays 1 help my pacents hecause they havea shop whieh sells newspapers and magazines. In the evening | sometimes xo to te cinema with my [ends or we meet in sonicone’s fat. On Sundays Ido my homework and Hen we have big family: meat ‘with my aunties and my grandparents. My town i quite stall so Aheze Isn't much for teenagers to de. Thete's a seimming pool and {park whete you ean do some sports if you want, There ae some (good shops in the ety centre and two cemas, ‘Write back soon Love from Rosa 8 Sample annwer Tas soxprisea when opened the dooe The postman as holding a large box which was addressed 10 me. I usually only receive parcels on my birthday ant it wasa't my birthday. Track it inside and called my mother. We opened the box and inside was 3 Tange book, My ithe recognised the title. I way her favourite honk when she was my age and she fac lest her copy. She had never found another ane. We looked in the box again for a note ‘but there was nothing so we don'c knaye who sete, We bath enjoyed reading it though, Listening Part 1 1A. Mycomins re Bod and oer of tom wears sass 2B sos sora lovey view af de fl 3G Bur don koe where dhe siti TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TESTS 3 AND 4 4B ies stoereess asi gta ce he buon up the roe 5A. par shal ring nt of water, ms Ping yo cn mtn © Mge ack a 1225, FE abies have junta or ay ees had some tables cane Part 2 8A. I probably leave in Januar 9 CMynew Palins targer so Uc take more fet with me. 40. € Lenly got two hours slesp day which fn enous That was ‘oat problem for me (np fiat tip took some bk wits me but I never epee them 1a all wort Ir wher 1 Took own at te oceans and {ny tse the seven highest enountas In Be wort so eed to Sar before 1 gt 10 old Part 3 44 ratlway station 15 _ swimmaing poot we wa we 16 park AT Dinner 18 castle 18 July Part 4 20 A. Lm sure youre as ft as yom were Before. dont think so BAB But Fem wk mar to our house. That Save yore dat raving to dave ro my fa. 22 B Tim ner sony actualy because my dad always shouts and tes 2a A. Shes ying to fed anor Jadu Thope she finds one. 2A A She anid fare very star realy 25 Ft ater Jus go wr che park wit my frends ed play Hire Total listening marks = 25 Speaking For assessment and miarking guide, see page 211 Photocopiable answer sheets are on pages 182-184. Reading Part 1 1B Has ste changed her phiame momber? I'he has a new one bh isn't suce of Georga’s number need she homework next Wednesday instead (not Thursday) ‘Mas Jones wan the homework ealie than originally planned 18 Use other fit = Only one of the lifts is working 24 4 © woth go nackte of ume re ee ~ Tina pers che Ccampaite she usually goes t 5G durliy daytime = up t 6pm Part 2 6G trailers who haven't got alt of money: mc thinner han most guideooKs a 6 your packet eve of hostels ed Infvoion aba bes an tras, 7 information om wire to say, wher 0 eat and what wo do but Focuses om te ery ond ofthe marke 197, 8 aastancingphotegeaphys excellent maps; lnfrmation on many aves oF betes stdin Miso. © A. ais wish are harder cage f and ae therefore nots busy ‘large scan containing aps anu dette erections: the lists of tls and vests ave essential Fdp pot chose house or fa ich suits yor needs bof snnminy of each region, with a desertion and als of ings fede, Part 3 44. shure cre many other igh buitaings 42B- The ist sporting event he grournd asin 7848 vee racket match was unganised but Hast Punei ISB thatthe fist searing ara of $0 seats was bt. ‘is ttatranber woutd son Be rede Dy a Kw on say whack stopped people standing In stadiums te sugestion was 2 fd anther site somewhere te (Carel bud w new stadium, the whole stan sane covered if rans or the oof can Be ep open iis fine vnerever pou sin Oe stadt you have am exceed vew, ren if yon it ke ofthe carers “he stati justo few utes! walk fam the Centra Sesto wits Pu stops randy ‘iste changing wo, aly rooms ant mudcal ors Siadays ard pubic hots (frst tar departs TOune, tas toa parts dpm Sou should arive 20 minutes before dhe departive ofthe tour ana payment dive ypu ava 4 ‘he writer describes what happened to het one day. Soe doesn’t give advice about driving in the snow, she doesn’t ‘suggest visiting Prince Edward Island and she doosn’ say what she liked about it That anioune of sew was wrtesuat for the sand bet Fane Aesow tat xo Pawas' wore Tie ick fut og a whe lle oF snow dow fone che Sides ofthe road nto Dit veces A the petrol ange was showtag nearly empty and he was nies that We stl ad to goto hs bose © Hephonel ta ge an even anger truck to come and wesc ws all, Eventual ili. We finally aviv at his house at 44.30 the mornteg BA wa BA 165 wa wa 90 Part 5 (ecu) D (structural) B dexical) © dexical © lexical) A. dlexical) D a D 8 Alexical, (seructora) {structural (lexis!) SPERIERESB Writing Part 1 well has worked bay Part 2 For a marking gulde, see page 210, 6 Sample answer Dear Alan ‘Would you like to come fo the cinerma with me at the weekend? ‘There'sa good fia on called Spiderman 2.1 want to see i beruse 1 save the last one which was excellent Let me know if you can come sexe Part 3 or a marking guide, see page 210. 7 Sample answer: [study most subjects at my school. We have to study one foreign Jangusge but { want to study English anid Spanish at university so Fm saying tieee languages. "my studying frglish, Spanish and French and Spanish i my favourite, We have to study maths and, science, like maths but I'm not very good at science. We can ‘howe between music and art and I've chosen act, We do three hnoure of sport every week, In winter We Co Toothall, Rockey and ‘pasketbal and in surmener we do athletics and tennis. enjoy most spor a Semple answers “ast year T wasn't looking forward to my birthday because my patents were visiting ms older sister who lives in Australia. Sb 1 ‘was staying with my grandmother, She said {could invite a few friends but L wasn't allowed to have a party. In the afternoon here was a knock on the door and, when Lopened it, my parcots ete standing there. They came in and gave me a camera they'd bought. Then there was saotnce knock ane this free wher 1 ‘opened the door, | si ary sister | hadn't seen ner for !wo years 0 Tas very pleased Listening Part 1 4B The gil says: Heres no point you devas hee because theres ‘fra leave mates ST get tt. Fes ack hue Bie Das 2B The directions are: Go straight om ara! tae the second tug om the lef The post ofc i the eh and side 3G The woman says: The Sun came out when wearived ard ve ld’ see clad the whole time 4B The gil sive joid some on top ofthe tetevision. 5 The four guide says pend every morning betwee Band 10 bem fc 6 ©The receptionist says: OK. £4 Book pou ie for the Friday ome loshich iat 5.30) 7A The woman says: Lt got the frst ome f pick out (he'd ike tis ome wit some arses a ed. Part 2 Citas cry that tip # decided to change cover soul become @ photographer, © Fstarte on ongese a second tip, ws time to Asia instead af ‘fea. 10. 100k some wonder phous. Soin fact Ls realy gad tat the jury dk mac Hoer tha Hora 4B fea conc) never say Be oun 42 C there area few of my FNt tip Lo South Aficu haven’ ber back since ut Tm going next week 49 ont ofall my photos the one ke est way ake fom the tap ff manntin in Chia, Th sn 5 use sou dove aeoss the vl Part 3 16 Mondays) 48 Childrencs) 48 third 47 computer 1B cae 19 175 EI} TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 4 Part 4 2 BEERE Total listening marks A Wet, ena’ nor for ages. Tremeinber we alt went he enema Jase yearend tas Winter. That was Sophie’ bitty. ‘lem, tyre encomaghyg me to have one don tek so! au‘ eight {1 ask everyone to bring some fo My Dia’ om Sanday 18° ced 11 probably lo somesing sv mp fay ov ad Speaking For assessment and marking gulde, see page 212. Photocopiable answer sheets are on pages 182-184. Reading Part 1 A oso ‘Thre tems maxim = up to three Hes; charging ooms = place you ‘ity on” clothes flea days as Boone = the same tae as It was Thay only = shor pexiod Well wordh i= glad she made the effort Last Property= something lel behind; are Kept for one month = ene month to collect it. Part 2 8 7 e ° 10 " F : A atest CDs; details bingaphies: tow price guarantee CD imports tare extremely hare to fn possble to hear seco racks Pom CDS wwelnpresente site that also ser fendly customer teseus ‘are aula (I De talest CDs; Uk to ses slg tickets: delivery within “8 noses available 42s posse uo steno solectd songs before orlering; the Iasest CDs; delivery is fee Part 3 " 2 19 “ 6 16 ” 6 ® 20 8 A 8 Different types of camps ae avilable sone chive uttnd sing re dy oud runs ame ir the evening There are her jobs working wit children, however, that do hot requne special skis or quabcaions. Yor dd ot ave responsi french Be se roles, 0 yo ee have wore fee time in he evans. WE wl end you a Hs of nteritowars located ft your ae ‘and you nee to ste one to arrange convent time for an Ingeriow. ar cum apply ovine By visting our ‘How to Apply Seton’ on ur mai website Is alo essen that you are avalabte for work for a inns ef rie woot Ifyou are sexsi at cere, we wl Eom ye ‘nnd where you wil be working in dhe USA. The fs curenty $109 but can incense without notice. You may chose to travel arena the USA once your work has ished If yen nore, we ea arog erreur ih Part 4 BROS A B The texts about the career of Laura Davy and there ae uetalls ahout het worklng life at Quinto’s restaurant Restauraut work ws nt what she tended to do ‘She sometimes rgrts spring so rasch te ithe ofice wd misses being wit stores. TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TESTS 4 AND 5 24 25 ® D they ve already mace tet dectlon, tees ro pole saying aniing Se has made some mistakes andl she works Jong hours but she says tae she can't imagine doing anything else Part 5 26 2 S seeeesse € pruses exical) dexical) dlexicad) (seructural) {sicuetural) (structural) lexical) ‘Denicad) lexical), exieal) Part 1 1 2 3 4 5 taught hin fartom ‘warm enough pas / as nok IL wit nite Part 2 Sump aiswer esr Anne, Flea shopping with you and help you choose a new mobile pone if you lke why don't we go into town this Saturday? 111 meet you at your house if that’s alight with Fou. Lave, Brigitte Part 3 Sapte answer often watch 1 1 che evening ard at weekends. Sometimes 1 sit ‘with my family and we watel film together bat Taso have a TY ln iy bear When (' in may soem, T usually watch pop videos on diferent music channels. T don’t like all the videos but guite often there is something by bond that [like | often do other things, like homework, while L have a music channel on. 1 ike the fact that I can wate a smal amount of TV and also get on with somerting ese Sample unswer 2: Teotldir't helicve it, Everyone in my amily yas doing exactly ‘what Laskea them to ¢o. Tt seemed | had te power to contol them andi felt ikea King. tsimply’ cold my sister tw do something and she wuld lmmedately do it She didn't sryuve swath meas she norm does or tell me to go away, she just followed my orders Til have to do anything all day except play with my friends and do other things Wat enjoy. Tr was wonderful but It wasn't true! [ Woke up and realised i was just a ream, Listening Part 1 8 ‘The woman says, Pye Deom waiting atthe ds sp fr aboost hud an hor now and nothing is avved yet. There arent ‘ty traffic farms ra he road repairs on Park Set fished fast week “hae gil seys: 1 look fora new eh. He says 1 begins tis yenr on the 28th, ‘The gi suggests going to the pool and the boy says: AML rigs came with yo The ran says: Look fei is — isle your ache. The man wants a coliee and a sandwich and the woman wants 3 glass of coke and a sandwich,

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