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Pythagoras Theorem - Introduction

Subject: Maths
Topic: Pythagoras
Year: 10
Teacher: Miss J Galambosi
Student Prior Knowledge:
To understand Pythagoras theorem
Basic Pythagoras
Apply understanding through various exercises
YouTube clip
Monitor student work when doing exercises
Learning Activities:
Introduction Welcome back to term 3, roll call
Academy - roll
This term we will be looking at area, volume, triangles and
Pythagoras. We are going to start with Pythagoras theorem this
week, and then jump back to area/volume so that we can integrate
the two.
20 mins
To start what do we know about Pythagoras already?
(Ask leading questions to draw out student prior knowledge)
Even if you think you know Pythagoras inside out, its always helpful
to refresh. The Pythagoras theorem dates back to 500BC and is
named after a Greek guy who came up with it.
He said that when finding the lengths of sides of right angled
triangles, we can use the formula: a2 +b 2=c 2
Lets have a look at this video clip demonstration
Some key notes
This theorem can only applied to right angled triangles.

YouTube water proof clip

When we are finding the long side (hypotenuse), we add

When finding the short side, we subtract
when labelling triangles, we have a generic widely recognised
convention. Vertices are labelled with a capital letter, and their
opposite sides are labelled with the same lower case letter.
(Draw on board)

So lets look at some examples together

(Run through a few on the board for them to write down)
20 mins

Text books
Your turn!
Exercises 1,2, 6 -8 pages 450-452

5 mins
Conclusion, heads up for whats happening next lesson

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