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ACTION ror A AUTISM eo National Gente for Autism India aw lifferen at. \ % Teren : a ‘ ~- ang Proucy oth i rouq OF it itZ Different. | -andg, Proud of it, ation] SM isa complex lfelong neurological lity, affecting the social and munication skills ofa person, ‘eause of autism is not yet known, tism or Autism Spectrum Conditions ) affects about 1 in every 68 people ‘which 80% are male. People with sa tism often have difficulties in ay processing information from their five ith their inhibited tation and empathizing bilities lead to challenges in learning ppropriate social b ‘though some individuals with ASC 0 on to perform well academically and may lead fairly independent lives, most acsoieelltiper. ad \" Action For Autis A non-profit organiz pioneered the ‘an emphasis on li AFA’s Vision Asociety that views: people of every abil AFA’s Mission — To facilitate a barrier the empowerment o their families; and a will enable perso participating. community. Twenty Years of Action... Inthe 1980s, autism was virtually unheard of in India. A diagnosis of autism was rare, and there were no serves Starting witha parent support group and informative articles in the popular media, AFA moved to counseling, education, research and training, and advocating for the leislative and social rights of persons with autism AFA has facilitated the start-up of several schools and allied services through its outreach programmes. It has made policy makers, service providers and the general population aware of the specific needs of individuals with autism. With the empowerment of autistic people and their families central to Its work, AFA has put autism on the map of india. Established the National Centre for Autism First specialist school for autism in South Asia First specialised sheltered workplace for adults with ‘autism First autism journal in india ‘Government recognised certified professional training for autism Founding member of the World Autism ‘Organisation Created awareness amongst paediatricians across the country Inclusion of autism in Indian legislation National Award for Outstanding Performance For ‘The Empowerment Of Persons With Disabilities Rotary Special Recommendation Award for Service ‘to Humanity Heartspring Award USA ‘Autism Award Denmark Naturally Autistic Award Canada ‘Autism Award Australia The Challenge... What After U Most persons with autism require life-long care and support. With extended family systems in india increasingly disappearing, society provides no viable alternative support mechanisms for when the parents are no more. There are no long-term specialist residences in India catering to the specific needs of individuals with Autism. Consequently, adults with autism often end up con the streets. Parents are alone and vulnerable as they grapple with their most mortal fear... “What after us?" Group Homes that provide a structured La environment and predictable routines are / Internationally considered the most suitable oe / ‘option for adults with autism, 7 i ANANDA, the word for ‘Happiness’ in Sanskrit, e ! will be a model residence for individuals with autism. ANANDA will provide opportunities for work and leisure in an ambience of dignity and respect, where every resident has rights as well as responsibilities, ANANDA will provide services, work and Income earning opportunities for the residents as well as for the local community through, Group Homes Eco-friendly environment and infrastructure ‘Sheltered vocational workplace and work ‘opportunities Vegetable and herb farming Health and sports facilities Leisure and recreational areas kitchen and cafeteria facilities Therapeutic services Medical centre Inclusive schoo! ANANDA...Work in Progress The Haryana Government has allotted ten acres (four hectares) of land in Gurgaon, in the National Capital Region of Delhi for ANANDA. ‘The construction of this transformational project has started, The construction ofthe first phase to house the inclusive school, the therapeutic services and the medical centre is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. Construction of the residential group homes wil startin early 2015 and is expected to be completed by December 2015. Estimated costs for building and operating [ANANDA for the firs five years is estimated to be about Rs. 60 crores ($ 11 milion), Make a Miracle Happe We need your continued help to make ANANDA happen. Please donate generously Donations to ANANDA are 100% tax deductible under Section 35AC of the Income Tax Act, 1961. For further detalls please contact: Reeta Sabharwal +91 9811103702, Our Grateful Thanks to: (Over the years AFA has received generous support from various entities who value our passion to ‘be the change we want to see’, Their confidence in our endeavours fuels our journey. Government of Haryana Panchayat of Gairatpur Bas Village Reliance Foundation Bharti Airtel State Trading Corp Mure Power Equipment Corp Mm Apollo Tyres Bharat Gears Charities Aid Foundation Hyatt Regency Irish Aid Multani Pharmaceuticals Raunag International Unitech ‘And many other generous individuals, and corporates a Unusual behaviour oF body movement such as ‘Napping hands oF rocking and jumping Ditieutty in mixing ana playing with other children How Do I Recognise Autism? Some Facts + One in 68 people has ASC + There are more than 10 million people with ASD in India. 80% of these are male + Autism knows no social, economic, caste, religious, or racial boundaries + We do not know the cause for autism; hence we do not yet have + Most individuals with autism require ongoing support throughout their lifetime beh Does not respond when called, ‘sometimes appears deat Does not point withthe Index fingor to indicat intorost Sometimes does not keto be hugged o touched tf 28 3 He Lack of pretend play or unusual ‘and repetive pretend play, ACTION For UTISM National Cer for Autism Inia Pocket 7 & 8 Jasola Vihar, New Delhi 110025 Tel: 91 14 40540991, 91 11 40540992, 91 11 65347422 Email: ‘Website: 20

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