Information To Students About The Worldinequality Dataset

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Information about the dataset: worldinequality.

The dataset contains country level information for one year (2008)
about gdp per capita of the country, population, average years of
schooling and the gini index for the country. In addition, for each
country the data shows the income levels (per capita) of each percentile
of the population. Therefor, in the dataset there are 100 rows for each
country where inc, lninc and group differ for each row, while the other
variables are the same for all 100 rows for each country.
The variables:
contcod = country three-letter World Bank acronym. You can find a
correspondence between the three letter code and country names here:
group = income percentile (running from 1=poorest percentile to 100=richest
percentile). A percentile contains 1% of a countrys population.
inc = real annual per capita income of a given country/percentile in the year
2008. The values are in 2005 international (ppp) dollars. These percentile
incomes are calculated from household surveys conducted in each country.
lninc = ln(inc).
gdpppp = GDP per capita for the year 2008; expressed in 2005 international
(ppp) dollars. The data are from World Bank World Development Indicators.
lngdppp = ln(gdpppp).
pop = population size (in million) of each country in the year 2008. The data are
from World Bank World Development Indicators.
gini = countrys Gini coefficient. Make sure you know how to interpret the Gini
coefficient, see for example
ayos = average number of years of education if age>15, by country; from 2012
World Bank World Development Indicators.

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