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Waikato Ki Roto o Poneke

Minutes of meeting held Sunday 13 September

Te Aroha Complex, 148 Whites Line East, Waiwhetu

Present: Mark Ormsby, Dale Morgan, Bub Konia, Erica Gregory, Miri Luke, Sue, Dallas Ratu, Donald
Apologies: Roimata Tauroa, Tau Huirama, Jane Taylor, Awhimai Reynolds
The hui was held to find out what whanau wanted to focus on for the next few years based on the
purpose of Waikato Ki Roto o Poneke which is:

Keeping in touch with whats happening in the tribe
Tautoko the Kingiitanga

Te Atiawa attending koroneihana

Those present shared their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities for the roopu.
Whanau are busy
The experience of those working with students
and whanau in the community is that many are
disconnected from the tribe through limited or
no knowledge of their whakapapa.

Connector to Tainui and Tainuitanga

Find out what the whanau want to do. Some

suggestions were: wananga on raranga,
karanga, kingiitanga, waiata, accessing tools to
help find out more about your whakapapa;
sports, kapahaka, behind the scenes at Te Papa,
Film Archive showings of footage relevant to
the Kingiitanga.
Clarify how the roopu can point people to
Tainui sign posts
Our own contacts with the wider Wellington
based whanau tells us there is a lot of
knowledge and experience out there. How do
we tap into this?
Action: Develop a brief survey for our email group that asks How can we connect you to your
Tainuitanga? Proposed questions are:

Age bracket: 16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-60, 61+

What are the issues?
What are the solutions?
Would you come to a WKRP hui?

The commitment of those present at the hui was to talk to our whanau about the survey
(particularly our rangatahi), capture their feedback and bring the korero to the next hui, or email it
to Roimata.
There was a question about how we make contact with members who dont have email (particularly
older members)? Pre-emails we used to have a phone tree. Can this be reinstated?
General Business
Mark Ormsby advised that he is standing for Port Nicholson Board. If successful, he will stand down
from WKRP.
Send out paanui about TriMaori event.
New date scheduled for our AGM:
Date: Sunday 18 October 2015
Time: 1pm
Venue: Te Aroha Complex, 148 Whites Line East, Waiwhetu

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