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FPGA Architecture & Applications

1. Explain programmable logic devices

i. ROM
2. Describe architecture of CPLD, FPGA
3. Explain programming in FPGA
4. Implementing of LSI circuits using programming logic devices
5. Explain FPGA with logic blocks and Routing architecture
6. Design and architecture of Xilinx XC 4000 FPGA
7. Architecture of Altera Flex 8000/ Flex 10000
8. Architecture and properties of advanced FPGA Xilinx Vertex
9. Explain FSM with top down design and state transition table
10. Explain realization of state machine chart using PLA
11. Describe alternative realization of state machine chart using Micro programming
12. Explain linked state machine and encode state machine
13. Explain design of state machine centered around Shift registers.
14. Describe petrinets in detail ,basic concepts and properties
15. Explain system level design controller and datapath designing.
16. Explain digital front end design tool FPGA
i. Mentor
ii. Xilinx
17. Explain system level design using mentor graphics
18.Explain design consideration using FPGAs, parallel adder cell ,parallel adder sequential

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