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Muammar is so smart that he has .... problems in

English grammar.
A. little
B. a few
C. few
D. some


By the time Bayu reaches home, his wife .... all the
A. has cleaned
B. had cleaned
C. will be cleaning
D. is going to have cleaned


Since the early 1990s, the retailer .... vegetables and

fruits to the villagers.
A. has provided
B. had provided
C. has been providing
D. was providing


Soeharto .... resigned from his presidency due to

students movement.
A. was the second president of Indonesia
B. who the second president of Indonesia
C. he was the second president of Indonesia
D. the second president of Indonesia


. to International student conference in Canada,

Susan was very proud of herself.
A. Having sent
B. Have sent
C. Sent
D. Sending

6. The manager thought that Hendri deserved to be fired for

his .
A. totally irresponsible behavior
B. totally behavior irresponsible
C. behavior totally irresponsible
D. irresponsible totally behavior



Bambang was used to .... the violin when he was still in

Elementary School.
A. play
B. playing
C. be playing
D. plays
Finally, they decided .... in the debate contest after
getting the teachers permission.
A. taking part
B. to take part
C. took part
D. take part
The musical instrument .... used by the artist to make
the theater more touching is the piano.
A. in which
B. which
C. whose is
D. that is

10. Susie .... the dinner party, but she went there.
A. must have attended
B. cant have attended
C. shouldnt have attended
D. could have attended
11. According to the motivator, ones success .... on his
intelligence, but also on his attitude and way of thinking.
A. not only depends
B. depends not only
C. depends both
D. not only depending
12. Tantri sold her car .... she had needed money very
A. though
B. wish
C. as if
D. due to
13. Benny is looking forward to .... the new movie with her
A. watches
B. watch
C. being watched
D. watching
14. Charlie doesnt want to go upstairs as he is afraid of ....
A. gratitude
B. attitude
C. aptitude
D. altitude
15. It is essential that every student in the room ....
motivated to revise his or her lessons at home.
A. Are
B. is
C. be
D. will be
16. Only after explaining the reason that he came late to
class .... to get in.
A. was the student allowed
B. the student was allowed
C. the students allowance
D. the student would be allowed
17. Bored .... the seminar, both of the young men decided
to leave the hall.
A. of
B. at
C. with
D. on
18. The teacher seems .... your father well. They are talking
in the room at present.
A. having known
B. to have known
C. knowing
D. have known
19. I got the information from the man that we could enter
this building through ....
A. third gate


gate third
three gate
gate three

20. The manager had the new room .... before the end of
last week.
A. furnishing
B. to be furnished
C. was furnished
D. furnished
21. All of the equipment .... in Japan.
A. made
B. are made
C. has made
D. was made
22. The man served as mayor of the city two terms .... him
to be very popular there.
A. caused
B. causing
C. which causing
D. cause
23. The lecturer asked the student, Did you tell anyone
about the invention?
The indirect form of the sentence is .
A. The teacher asked the student what he told
anyone about the invention.
B. The teacher asked the student that he told anyone
about the invention.
C. The teacher asked the student if he had told
anyone about the invention.
D. The teacher asked the student whether he told
anyone about the invention.
24. The young man gave the girl .... that she felt very
A. such a beautiful doll
B. such beautiful doll
C. so beautiful doll


very beautiful a doll

25. The men forced the girl to enter the cave by ....
A. theirselves
B. herself
C. yourselves
D. himself
26. His not .... the lesson clearly makes the students
A. explains
B. explanation
C. explaining
D. explain
27. My uncle .... urged his son to take part in the entrance
test of the university.
A. strong
B. strengthens
C. strongly
D. strength
28. The student promises to answer all the questions ....
hard they are.
A. however is
B. however
C. however that
D. however it
29. Of all the participants of the political seminar, Mr.
Suratmin is .... of the graft case.
A. the most critical
B. the more critical
C. least critical
D. the one less critical
30. So lazily .... that he was sent home by the manager.
A. did the employee work
B. the employee worked
C. the employee had worked
D. does the employee work

Error Recognition
31. Mrs. Ayu got one of her staff (A) visited (B) the seminar and then asked him to buy (C) her some food on (D) his way
home to the office.
32. Bob Sadino, an Indonesian businessman, says that one of (A) the requirements needed (B) to be a success (C)
entrepreneur is strong Mentality (D).
33. By (A) the time Faisal arrived at (B) the hotel, Iman has (C) already left (D) the conference hall.
34. On (A) the mans opinion, both (B) of these books are so (C) inspiring that they are worth reading (D).
35. The musical talent (A) of Fajar was (B) discovered early (C) by his sympathetically (D) teacher.
36. The woman succeeded in (A) making her only son who is now studying (B) in this school spoke (C) honestly (D) about
the case yesterday.
37. While the old man is (A) telling (B the children a folktale, they (C) fell asleep (D).
38. The food tasted so deliciously (A) that (B) all the little boys ate it (C) greedily (D).
39. Fakar wishes his girlfriend has (A) bought something special (B) for (C) him on (D) his birthday.
40. She would rather spend (A) her money on (B) books rather than (C) waste it on games or other (D) useless things.
41. All of the teachers (A) decided to participate (B) in the threedays (C) workshop on (D) effective teaching methods.
42. Of the two new students attending (A) the class, Ibrena is the cleverest (B) at (C) mathematics (D).
Reading I
Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes. Sometimes, as the writhing, twisting funnel
passes over a house, the walls and ceiling burst apart as if a bomb had gone off inside. This explosion is caused by the low air
pressure at the center of a tornado.
The pressure at the center of a tornado is usually 13 pounds per square inch. However, inside the house the air
pressure is normal, about 15 pounds per square inch. The difference of 2 pounds per square inch between the inside and
outside pressure may not seem like much. But suppose a tornado funnel passes over a small building that measures 20 by 10
by 10 feet. On each square inch of the building, there is 2 pounds of pressure from the inside that is not balanced by air
pressure outside the building. On the ceiling, that adds up to an unbalanced pressure of 57, 600 pounds. The pressure on the
four walls adds up to 172,800 pounds.

If windows are open in the building, some of the inside air will rush out through them. This will balance the pressure
inside and outside the building. But if the windows are shut tightly, the enormous inside pressure may cause the building to
Unfortunately, heavy rain and hail often occur in thunderstorms that later produce tornadoes. So, people frequently
shut all windows to protect their property. This may cause far worse damage later. For the same reason, tornado cellars must
have an air vent. Otherwise, the cellar door might be blown out when a tornado passes over it.
43. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. How tornadoes can be prevented
B. When tornadoes usually occur
C. Where tornadoes are formed
D. Why tornadoes cause so much damage
44. In line 2, the word "funnel" refers to which of the
A. A bomb
B. A house
C. A tornado
D. An explosion
45. According to the passage, tornadoes can destroy
buildings because the .
A. force of a tornado increases the air pressure in a
B. air pressure at the center of a tornado is over
172,000 pounds
C. weight of a tornado can crush a building's roof
when it passes overhead
D. air pressure inside a tornado is less than the air
pressure inside a building
46. According to the passage, what is the difference per
square inch between the air pressure inside a building
and the air pressure inside a tornado?


2 pounds
10 pounds
13 pounds
15 pounds

47. According to the passage, the pressure on a building

during a tornado can be relieved by .
A. closing the cellar
B. opening the windows
C. using a fan for ventilation
D. strengthening the roof and walls
48. According to the passage, people close their windows
to prevent damage caused by .
A. tornadoes
B. thunderstorms
C. uprooted trees
D. bursting structures
49. In the last sentence of paragraph 4, the word "it" refers
to ..
A. wind
B. hail
C. cellar door
D. air vent

Reading II
By the late nineteenth century, the focus for the engineers and builders of tunnels was beginning to shift from Europe
to the United States and especially New York, where the rivers encircling Manhattan captured the imagination of tunnelers and
challenged their ingenuity. The first to accept the challenge was a somewhat mysterious Californian named DeWitt Clinton
Haskin, who turned up in New York in the 1870's with a proposal to tunnel through the silt under the Hudson River between
Manhattan and Jersey City.
Haskin eventually abandoned the risky project. But a company organized by William McAdoo resumed the attack in I
902, working from both directions. McAdoos men were forced to blast when they ran into an unexpected ledge of rock, but with
this obstacle surmounted. The two headings met in 1904 and McAdoo donned oilskins to become the Hudsons first
underwater bank - to - bank pedestrian. World's Work magazine proudly reported in 1906 that New York could now be
described as a body of land surrounded by tunnels Three one - way shafts beneath the Hudson and two under the Harlem
River were already holed through; three more Hudson tubes were being built. Eight separate tunnels were under construction
beneath the East River.
50. According to the passage, DeWitt Clinton Haskin came
A. Jersey City
B. Europe
C. California
D. New York
51. What does the author imply about DeWitt Clinton
Haskin's background?
A. It did not qualify him to handle explosives.
B. It was not something people knew much about.
C. It included diverse work experiences.
D. It included many inferior projects.
52. According to the passage, when did William McAdoo
begin to work on the Hudson River tunnel?
A. 1870
B. 1902



53. According to the passage, the workers tunneling for

William McAdoo were surprised to find which of the
following where they were working?
A. Oil
B. Silt
C. Rock
D. Shafts
54. The quotation from World s Work magazine in line 16
introduces facts about
A. cities that were building new tunnels to Manhattan
B. people' s concern eve the weakening of the city's
C. the role of New York City in promoting engineering
D. the number of tunnels being built at the time

Reading III
American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. To them, however, the dispute
between the colonists and England was peripheral. For American Indians the conflict was a war for American Indian
independence, and whichever side they chose they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a
Mohawk, the leader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow of Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian
Affairs. Her brother, Joseph Brant, is the best-known American Indian warrior of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted
even more influenced in the Confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the
English king, George III. When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada.
On the other side, Nancy Ward held position of authority in the Cherokee ration. She had fought as a warrior in the war against
the Creeks and as a reward for her heroism was made "Beloved Woman" of the tribe. This office made her chief of the
women's council and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the White settlers and supported the Patriots
during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.
55. What is the main point the author makes in the
A. Siding with the English in the Revolution helped
American Indians regain their land.
B. At the time of the Revolution, the Superintendent
of Indian Affairs had little power.
C. Regardless of whom they supported in the
Revolution, American Indians lost their land.
D. The outcome of the Revolution was largely
determined by American Indian women.
56. The word "it" in line 5 refers to .
A. side
B. revolution
C. dispute
D. independence
57. According to the passage, Mary Brant's husband had
been a .
A. government official
B. mohawk chief


revolutionary hero
cherokee council member

58. The word "he" in line 12 could be replaced by .

A. Sir William Johnson
B. the Superintendent of Indian Affairs
C. Joseph Brant
D. George Ill
59. To which tribe did Nancy Ward belong?
A. Mohawk
B. Iroquois
C. Cherokee
D. Creek
60. How did Nancy Ward gain her position of authority?
A. By bravery in battle
B. By marriage to a chief
C. By joining the Confederacy
D. By being born into a powerful family



A Kunci : C
Topik : Few/ A few
Few dan A few sama2 diikuti oleh benda yang jamak.
Bedanya dari ARTInya. A FEW : Beberapa, sementara
FEW: Hampir tidak ada/ hampir tidak. Dari konteks
kalimat, FEW yang tepat digunakan. Muammar is so
smart that he has FEW problems in English Grammar.
(Muammar begitu cerdas hingga dia HAMPIR TIDAK
mengalami kesulitan dalam tata bahasa Inggris).


Kunci : D
Topik : Tenses
Salah satu pola tenses:
S + Shall/ Will/ be going to + HAVE + Verb3


Kunci : C
Topik : Tenses
SINCE + Waktu lewat, S + Have/ HAS + BEEN + Verb
ING = Present Perfect Continuous. Sebenarnya pilihan
PRESENT PERFECT (S + have/ has + verb3) bisa juga
digunakan, tetapi jika ada present perfect continuous,
maka present perfect continuous yang diutamakan.







A Kunci : D
Topik : Appositive
Subject, APPOSITIVE, Predicate____.
APPOSITIVE memerlukan pola yang paling sederhana
A Kunci : C
Topik : Participle
Jika kalimat majemuk diawali oleh anak kalimat yang
berpola participle, maka VERB3 atau VERB+ ING bisa
digunakan. Yang membedakannya adalah jika VERB3
maknanya PASSIVE, VERB+ING maknanya ACTIVE.
SENT to international student conference in Canada
(DIKIRIM ke konferensi mahasiswa International di
Kanada, )
Kunci : C
Topik : Participle
Jika kalimat majemuk diawali oleh anak kalimat yang
berpola participle, maka VERB3 atau VERB+ ING bisa
digunakan. Yang membedakannya adalah jika VERB3
maknanya PASSIVE, VERB+ING maknanya ACTIVE.
SENT to international student conference in Canada
(DIKIRIM ke konferensi mahasiswa International di
Kanada, )
Kunci : B
Topik: Gerund
Subject (Orang) + TO BE + USED TO + (VERB+ ING).
Misal: The boy is used to EATING bread for breakfast.
Kunci : B
Topik : Infinitive
DECIDE + To infinitive.
Misal: She decided TO LEAVE the seminar.
Kunci : D
Topik : Adjective Clause
THAT atau WHICH yang artinya YANG harus diikuti
oleh TO BE + VERB3 jika bermakna passive.

Contoh: The book THAT/ WHICH IS written by the

entrepreneur is very inspiring. (Buku YANG DITULIS
oleh wirausahawan itu sangat menginspirasi).
10. Kunci : C
Topik : MODAL
SEHARUSNYA TIDAK dan digunakan untuk
menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan fakta
di masa lalu. Misal; You shouldnt have gone to the
party (Kamu SEHARUSNYA TIDAK pergi ke pesta itu),
berarti kenyataanya KAMU PERGI. Dalam soal: Susie
SHOULDNT HAVE ATTENDED the dinner party, but
she went there. (Susi SEHARUSNYA TIDAK
menghadiri pesta makan malam itu, tapi dia pergi
kesana). Sementara MUST HAVE + Verb3 = PASTI
TELAH. CANT HAVE + Verb3 : Tidak Mungkin telah.
11. Kunci : B
Topik : Parallel Structure
NOT ONLY ----- BUT ALSO ----- Kemudian jenis kata
yang terletak setelah NOT ONLY harus sama dengan
setelah BUT ALSO. Ones success depends not only
ON his intelligence, but also ON his attitude and ..
(Keberhasilan seseorang bergantung tidak hanya
PADA kecerdasannya, tapi juga PADA sikapnya dan)
12. Kunci : C
Topik : Subjunctive
Polanya adalah:
S + verb 1 + AS if / AS though+ S + verb2/were.
S + verb2 + AS if/ AS though+ S+Had + verb3
13. Kunci : D
Topik : Gerund
14. Kunci : D
Topik : Vocabulary
Gratitude: Rasa terima kasih
Attitude : Sikap
Aptitude : Bakat
Altitude : Ketinggian
15. Kunci : C
Topik : Subjunctive
ESSENTIAL + THAT + Subject (apapun subjectnya) +
BE. Misal: It is essential that
the boy BE here now. Atau: It is essential that the
boy STAY here now.
16. Kunci : A
Topik : Inversion
Kalimat yang diawali oleh ONLY + Preposisi/
Konjungsi/ adverb memerlukan pola INVERSI.
Temukan pilihan yang diawali oleh AUXILIARY (kata
Bantu) + Subject.
She will be here only at night (Kali. Biasa)
Only at night WILL she be here. (Inversi)

17. Kunci : C
Topik : Preposition
18. Kunci : B
Topik : Infinitive
SEEM + TO Infinitive.
Misal: She seems TO understand the problem.
19. Kunci : D
Topik : Ordinal/ Cardinal Number GATE THREE
(Gerbang tiga) atau THE THIRD GATE. Sama dengan:
CHAPTER. Jadi kalau yang digunakan adalah cardinal
number seperti ONE, TWO, THREE, dst, tidak perlu
menggunakan THE. Tapi, jika yang digunakan adalah
ordinal number seperti FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, dst,
harus menggunakan THE didepannya.
20. A Kunci : D
Topik : Causative
S + Have/ has/ had + Object (benda) + VERB3 (makna
Contoh: She HAD the room CLEANED. (Dia MEMINTA
ruangan itu DIBERSIHKAN).
S + Have/ has/ had + Object (Orang)+ KATA DASAR
(makna aktif).
Contoh: She HAD the boy CLEAN the room. (Dia
MEMINTA anak laki2 itu MEMBERSIHKAN ruangan
21. Kunci : D
Topik : Passive Voice
Pola kalimat pasif adalah:
Subject + TO BE + Verb3.
Karena equipment adalah benda yang tunggal, maka
TO BE yang digunakan adalah IS atau WAS.
22. Kunci : B
Topik : Participle/ Appositive
Salah satu pola appositive adalah:
Subject + Predicate+Object, APPOSITIVE.
APPOSITIVE jika diawali oleh kata kerja bisa berbentuk
VERB + ING (makna aktif) atau VERB3 (makna pasif).
The man served as mayor of the city two terms,
CAUSING him to be very popular there. (Lelaki itu
menjabat sebagai walikota kota itu dua periode, YANG
MEMBUATNYA (aktif) sangat populer disana).
23. Kunci : C
Topik: Indirect/ Reported Speech
Jika kalimat langsung diawali oleh AULIXIARY (pada
soal diawali DID), maka dalam kalimat tidak
langsungnya (indirect speech) menggunakan
WHETHER atau IF. Kemudian, jika kalimat langsung
berpola PAST TENSE, maka diubah menjadi PAST
PERFECT (had + verb3) dalam kalimat tidak
24. Kunci : A
Topik : Adverbial Clause
Diantara SUCH dan THAT harus ada NOUN.
Kemudian karena NOUNnya TUNGGAL (doll), maka
menggunakan article A atau AN.
25. Kunci : B
Topik : Reflective Pronoun

THEIRSELF tidak dikenal dalam bahasa Inggris (Pilihan

A salah). Kemudian karena reflective pronoun mengacu
kepada THE GIRL maka HERSELF yang dipakai
26. Kunci : C
Topik : GERUND
Possessive adjective diikuti oleh GERUND
(verb ING). Misal: Your COMING here makes me
happy. ATAU His LOVING the girl makesher proud of
27. Kunci : C
Topik : Derivative
URGE (mendesak) adalah kata kerja dan dimodifikasi
oleh ADVERB (Strongly).
28. Kunci : B
Topik : --HOWEVER langsung diikuti oleh SUBJECT +
Predicate. Atau HOWEVER + Adjective/Adverb +
Subject + Predicate
29. Kunci : A
Topik : Comparative Degree
OF ALL + noun, Subject + Predicate + THE +
30. Kunci : A
Topik : Inversion
Kalimat yang diawali oleh SO + Adjective/ADVERB
langsung diikuti oleh AUXILIARY (Kata Bantu baru
subject). Kemudian karena kalimat konsteknya sudah
berlalu (Bisa dilihat dari WAS), maka kata Bantu yang
digunakan adalah DID.
31. Kunci : B
Topik : Causative
GET + Object (orang) + TO INFINITIVE.
Berarti VISITED harus diubah menjadi TO VISIT.
32. Kunci : C
Topik : Derivative
SUCCESS: Keberhasilan (Kata Benda)
SUCCESS harus diubah menjadi
SUCCESSFUL (Kata sifat) karena memodifikasi kata
Successful entrepreneur (Wirausahawan yang
33. Kunci : C
Topik : Tenses
Pola Tenses: BY THE TIME + S + Verb2, S + HAD +
Verb3. HAS harus diubah menjadi HAD
34. Kunci : A
Topik : Preposition
ON harus diubah menjadi IN, karena OPINION
menggunakan IN. Contoh: IN my opinion, she is very
35. Kunci : D
Topik : Derivative
TEACHER adalah kata benda dan dimodifikasi oleh
ADJECTIVE (Kata sifat).
SYMPATHETICALLY harus diubah menjadi

36. Kunci : C
Topik : Infinitive
MAKE (Apapun bentuknya, dalam soal memakai
MAKING) + Object + KATA DASAR. SPOKE harus
diubah menjadi SPEAK.
Contoh: Dont MAKE the girl HATE me.

37. Kunci : A
Topik : Tenses
Salah satu pola Tenses: WHILE + S + WAS/ WERE +
VerbING, S + Verb2. Itu artinya to be IS pada pilihan A
harus diubah menjadi WAS.
38. Kunci : A
Topik : Derivative
TASTE adalah linking verb dan diikuti oleh adjective
(kata sifat). Maka, DELICIOUSLY harus diubah menjadi
39. Kunci : A
Topik : Subjunctive
WISH + Subject + HAD + VERB3 jika keterangan
WAKTU sudah lewat.
HAS harus diubah menjadi HAD.
40. Kunci : C
Topik : Preference
Salah satu pola Preference adalah: WOULD RATHER
+ Kata Dasar + THAN + Kata Dasar. Itu berarti
RATHER THAN dalam pilihan C harus diubah menjadi
THAN saja.
41. Kunci : C
Topik : Hyphenated Adjective
Jika ada kata sifat yang dibentuk dengan tanda
HYPHEN (-), maka tidak bisa jamak.
Karena itu, THREE-DAYS harus diubah menjadi
Contoh: It is a TWO-DAY seminar. Atau, She gave me
a TEN-DOLLAR bill.
42. Kunci : B
Topik : Double Comparative
OF THE TWO + Noun, Subject + Predicate + THE +
Misal: OF THE TWO books, this is THE THICKER.
Karena itu, CLEVEREST harus diubah menjadi

Kunci : D
Kunci : C
Kunci : D
Kunci : A
Kunci : B
Kunci : B
Kunci : C
Kunci : C
Kunci : B
Kunci : B
Kunci : C
Kunci : D
Kunci : C
Kunci : D
Kunci : A
Kunci : C
Kunci : C
Kunci : A

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