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College of Education, Process Improvement Research Budget Team,

30 Day Report
July 30, 2014

SOP - Louise Clause presented

Goal - map process and develop checklists and training process
SOP - Clarify/establish work flow and roles to support grants/contracts with 90 days
First 30 days to gather information
What did we do
Analyzed and mapped the various process in order to see where they can be streamlined for
increased efficiencies
Began with payroll link to salary
Finance Managers will share best practice
We can't talk about checklists until we analyze the various processes before we can distill - will
also need different checklists one for PI one for staff supporting PI's
Found overlap with IFA
Addition of financial and ops managers
GCA and Finance managers who aren't part of the tea
What did we find out about the project

It's more complicated than anticipated - will take more time and resources

The Plan - Andy Shouse presented

What did we want to do
Ensure college has structure that allows new procedures and flow of information to work
What did we do
Figured out what a finance manager's role, responsibilities and who reporting structure . Met
with PI's and other directors, still looking at what other colleges do as best practice,
Looking at policies/procedures - travel, food, honorariums/stipends, cost sharing, hiring
Started looking at data
Unable to accomplish and why
Time, travel and other commitments increase the challenges of the fast turnaround required of
this project
What did we find out about the project
We believe it will be helpful to have information and policies to be more transparent from the
college perspective - people need to be trained on them; PI's trickle down...
Training and education will be the key leverage point in making these policies and procedures
effective. Organizational will and continued support to implement new training and
accountability. Frequent communication

IFA: Naomi Wilson presented

What Did we Do
Took the process and pain points and began identifying the intersection and the activities that
are taking place at that intersection - we've started the process of what fits where.
IFA big buckets -

Invited faculty budget resource team to participate

What did we find out
Using the same language across the work groups - will be critical
Discreet things to accomplish in the next 30 days
Systematically share information and maximize time. Started thinking about it from both the PI
and Fiscal/Admin Staff
We realized we were being over complimentary in the work we were doing, not communicating
effectively with other work groups

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