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AC Philosophy Club

Are you interested in philosophy?

How about questions about Justice? Identity?
Meaning? Language?
Still nah?

How about what a liberal education is, and

what it might be good for? And whats love all
about anyway? And really arent we just random collections of atoms, with no inherent
meaning to our arrangements, and if so, then
what the heck are we doing if its all for nothing anyway?
If none of these things interest you at all; then come to Philosophy Club! (We want to understand why).
Also, if any of these things interest you; come to Philosophy Club!

Introductory Meeting
Friday, 11th September, 7pm
Kennick Room, Cooper House
(2nd Floor, white building-two down from Val along Route 9). There will be food!

Also, if you like Calvin and Hobbes come to Philosophy Club! (We do too.)
For more information contact Jayson Paul ( or Lucas Newman-Johnson

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