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Lake Tahoe

Photo by: Colby Duncan

The unknown Sierras pg. 6

Sierras and what

lies in between
The beauties of Lake Tahoe and
the fun that comes with it pg. 4-5

What about the

Sierras? pg. 6
Wanna get away? Far away?
Check out Costa Rica pg. 7
See what is upon the outskirts of Reno Nevada
and see its wonders pg.


Pg. 1

By: Colby Duncan

Photo By: Brian Cane

N-Dot trail

Reno Nevada, the Biggest Little City is a interesting

town to say the least with a 24 hour strip and a renovated downtown with the second tallest rockwall in
the country to the national bowling staduim, to the
Circus Circus, but what is really interesting is what is
beyond Reno that will leave you speechless. For one
is the background photo is taken at the top of Peavine
mountain, and the greatest part about it is that it includes no walking, the simpilist of vehicles can take a
well maintained dirt that will lead you to the very top.
Next in the bottom left corner is the top of Stead and
the rugged nature that awaits, there are no roads are
even trails within these mountains, but if you make it
to the top the scenic view is at the very least spectacular with veiws of Lake Tahoes mountains in the
depth and also the great lake pyramid. Lastly in the

Photo by: Colby Duncan

Top of Stead Mountain

Top of Peavine Mountain

Pg. 2

Photo by: Colby Duncan

Lake Tahoe and its Fun

Photo by: Colby Duncan

Summit pass Mt.Rose

t was Christmas Eve of 2012 and I was just
off the mountain where I worked at Mt.

I had the privilege to grow up in, and it was all

in my own backyard. It was Christmas Eve and
I was able to get off work a little earlier to go
Rose Ski Resort, about 15 minutes from my
spend the evening with my family. The decision
house back home in Reno, Nev. At 9,700 feet
to get off early that day meant that I was to be
high Mt. Rose is the tallest mountain on the Mt.
at the mountain early the next morning. Our
Rose Highway pass between Reno and Lake
family had dinner and I spoke with my mom
Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is truly a beautiful place
about my work schedule for Christmas day. She
with crisp air, tall mountains and the clearest
was upset to say the least. Are you serious, you
have to work all of Christmas Day? No way,
Photo by: Colby Duncan
immaculate place that
you cant! she said. This would have been my
third year working at Mt. Rose. My mom
understood that Christmas Day was one
of the busiest days for the resort. During
Winter Break and especially Christmas Day
Mt. Rose is hit with an invasion of tourists
from the Bay Area and Southern California.
My mom took a couple sighs. My mother
was just upset because as our family has
grown my brother now has a 4-year-old
daughter named Kayleigh and my sister has
an 8-month-old son named Duncan and it
would be his first Christmas. She wanted us
all together for Christmas. Then she looked
at me and said, Well, thats fine, we will
celebrate Christmas the next day. I was objective at first as I didnt want to ruin it for
the family, but my mother like all mothers
reassured me that it would be OK. Since my
brother and sister just moved to new homes
they said it would be fine because they
wanted their children to open their presents
at their new homes. Then the next day we
could have a little Christmas at grandmas
house. Our family had a great dinner and
then I went to bed early to prepare for the
Alpine Meadows Ski Resort day ahead of me; 4:15 a.m. the alarm starts
Pg. 3

I will always live hear from the
day i was born till the day that i die
i will live in Lake Tahoe, it is my
to scream at
up a snowy road at 4:30 in the
me to get up. I sanctuary
morning, no people, and no worries.

Hidden Beach Lake Tahoe

Photo by: Colby Duncan

drop and peaking sunrays as the sun starts to

climb over the mountain create purples, reds,
greens and yellows in the ski. Its a beauty that
is almost unimaginable and indescribable. My
crew and I shoveled snow off the lodge deck
and stairs for a until 9 a.m. At that time it was
our first break. After snow removal our crew
attends to the morning rush of traffic. Our crew
could already tell the day was

at Mt. Rose. We have to block off the entrance

boys, we have no more parking, my boss said
get my things
over the radio. There were some cars that made
I roll into the parking lot at 5 a.m.
ready for the
it into the entrance before we could block it
-Cooper Bayte
.hearing the sounds of bellowing
day and Im
off but all they could do was drive around the
Tahoe local
on my way.
parking lots because there was no more space
possible to push the snow out of the
By this time in the winter Mt. Rose has about parking lot for the busy day ahead. Mt. Rose is
to park. By 2:30 p.m. we were able to open up
an 8-10-foot base of snow and the storms come open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A loader is a
the entrance as the Christmas Day stress upon
regularly. This winter in particular was getting massive piece of equipment that looks almost
the parking lots was released as some
a lot of snow. This winter break there were a
were leaving. Allowing our
like a tractor with a huge shovel on the front
series of four storms that altogether dropped
crew to finally have a lunch break. Our
with massive chains connected to their 8-foot
7-10 feet of snow depending on elevation in the tires. What I do at Mt. Rose is parking and snow
crew parked the vehicles in the most
Lake Tahoe region. It is easy to drive up a snowy removal. The snow removal part of the job is,
efficient way ever at Mt. Rose, resulting
road at 4:30 in the morning, no people, and
in the most cars ever compacted into the
if needed, we remove all the snow or as much
no worries. I roll into the parking lot at 5 a.m. snow as possible from the parking and lodging
resort at one time. This was rewarding
hearing the sounds of bellowing diesel loaders to be adequately accessible to as many guests as
and gave me a sense of accomplishment
working as hard as possible to push the snow
at my work force, it was nice. But the
possible. The parking part of the job is parking
out of the parking lot for the busy day ahead.
work was not over. After lunch around
as many people as possible within each parking
Mt. Rose is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A lot so the resort can have as many guests as pos3:30 p.m. we all had to go back out to
loader is a massive piece of equipment that looks sible for that day. Being the parking instructor at
the parking lots and make sure all the
almost like a tractor with a huge shovel on the a ski resort is very important because we have
vehicles exited properly and did not start
front with massive chains connected to their
any blockages to stop the flow of traffic.
to park people adequately. Also we are the first
8-foot tires. What I do at Mt. Rose is parking and people the customer sees as they arrive and
Another long process, not as hard as the
snow removal. The snow removal part of the job we are the last people they see as they leave.
morning, but just as tiring. Directing all
is, if needed, we remove all the snow or as much It is imperative that we know the ins and outs
traffic to one exit can be difficult and
snow as possible from the parking and lodging of the whole resort so the customer can stay
very time consuming considering there
to be adequately accessible to as many guests as happy and informed. Mt. Rose only has one
were around 5,000 customers trying
possible. The parking part of the job is parking asentrance and one exit and when parking is not
to leave. As 6:30 p.m. rolled around I
going to be crazy. By 9:30 a.m. we already filled
many people as possible within each parking lot set up properly then it can get chaotic. There are the first parking lot and werelot was almost full.
finally got a shout out from the radio. All right
so the resort can have as many guests as possi- eight parking lots that hold an estimated 5,000
Colby, great job today, you can go home, said
There was about to be no more parking at Mt.
Photo by: Stephen Devencenzi Rose. I didnt Angora Lake above Lake Tahoe my boss. Finally, my Christmas
ble for that day. Being the parking instructor at people. Its a crazy feeling
a ski resort is very important because we have being on top of a mountain that early, hearing
Day was over. But really, when
know what we
to park people adequately. Also we are the first only the sound of blowing snow and enjoying a
I though
were going to do. After growing up at this ski
people the customer sees as they arrive and we view over all of Reno and lots of Nevada. This
resort for 10 years I have never seen all of the
are the last people they see as they leave. It is view is a type of art that gives off a mixture of
parking lots full, let alone ever seen this many
imperative that we know the ins and outs of the
colors throughout the ski. The dry, cold people at a ski resort. By 1:30 p.m. the parking
whole resort so the customer can stay happy and Pg. 4
lot was full. There were no more parking spots
temperatures, with drastic elevation
informed. Mt. Rose only has one entrance and

What about the Sierras?

Photo by: Colby Duncan

he day was going to be crazy. By 9:30 a.m.
we already filled the first parking lot and were

already halfway done with filling the second

parking lot. It is so hectic trying to park people
in the snow who have never been in the snow
at all, let alone ever driven in the snow. Every
driver is like a Photo by: Colby Duncan toddler
do it
in an

Waterfall Below Lake Aloha

fashion, but believe me, for these drivers it is so

difficult. By 11 a.m. the fifth parking lot was
Pg. 5 full and people were still coming. The

Costa Rica

quas cullupienis est aut alit volorepro maionserion con re cupietum vel ipsa consed maio es
doloremperum nos pos nam enectorro exere, aut
et autemque aut molorit quo od mos moloriae
ages to stop the flow of traffic. Another long
nosam si dit et, con eatemos minihilles dollab
process, not as hard as the morning, but just as
id maximil mo ommo et re nulparchilic temquid
tiring. Directing all traffic to one exit can be difundaestiis dolorro tempe solestias doluptae voloficult and very time consuming considering there
re doloritate netus.
were around 5,000 customers trying to leave. As
Uda cor autem aut que alitas a eum harchit
6:30 p.m. rolled around I finally got a shout out
emporerrumet ra ipsam enistem vellut hit qui
from the radio. All right Colby, great job today,
suntis denihil inum quaepta tempossitis exerrum
you can go home, said my boss. Finally, my
hiliqui audame sedipis ratendam, od evelecto
Christmas Day was over. But really, when
I thought about it, it didnt feel that long.
berempeWhen youre working that fast its as if time
rum que
kind of doesnt exist because of how busy
your mind is. Time moved so fast that before
I knew it, work was over. I clocked out and
walked back to my car in the employee
parking lot. Employee parking is the farthest
parking lot from the resort and considering
that there was only a little more than half of
magnist, a
the customers who had left I had to wait in a
nem quia
long line to exit the resort. I gave all my felsim assit
low parkers a water and a high five as they
quas dem
were still working, still escorting out vehieturio
cles. I made it out of the exit at 8 p.m. and
had a nice relaxing drive back home. When I
got home my family had held dinner for me.
ExplacTheres nothing better than coming home to
cum es
your family after a long day. Our family had
a nice little Christmas in the morning after
Photo by: Colby Duncan
Town of Monte Verde in Costa Rica
actual Christmas and it made my mom very
eveles comnis
serspienChristmas rush was not stopping. The line
Lake Margaret above Kirkwood Ski Resort happy to see her two grandchildren open their
ad ut re nimpore cum seque nus con cores
im quia
of cars into the entrance was never ending, it
qui untiat quas soloreperum conem hillitas ut la
evel ipsus eroreium qui volum verum culpa
into the resort at one time. This was rewarding presents. Sae. Nam, ad ullab ium et, officiam,
was unbelievable. Our crew was parking cars as
qui temquis sit invella ndipsaniatis sequam quia
idunt quam, se de labore precum vel invel inum
and gave me a sense of accomplishment at my quam harum et aspe nonsequi di int aut exerrov
itatus as magnist inullaborro quatemq uunditatus faccum dolut volorum fuga. Moditem re ditatfast as humanly possible while at the same time
comni res earcide culpa expla quide parcium
work force, it was nice. But the work was not
trying to make as much space as possible in each over. After lunch around 3:30 p.m. we all had to eossit re nessitiosam aut deria conse volum natur uris rehentis vellesequam, comnisci ut provitio
quam qui corate magnim quis a si dolupta turauta quis est, aceaqui quis res siti quos sapient
parking lot for the maximum amount of people.
iaes nim alias magnis quiae estisqui nonsectios
go back out to the parking lots and make sure all
aute et eossim quas modis plabo. Icimperes aut
Experion conseque laboris is dolor sum, exeBy 1 p.m. the eighth parking lot was almost full. the vehicles exited properly and did not start any iistio quate nimilleculpa sunt, conseque officit
venti tem eum rende Exploring through
facesto tatincitia cus.
riatur, id ut ut voluptaquat faceatem facerem
There was about to be no more parking at Mt.
blockages Photo by: Colby Duncan to stop the repudanda eate ipic- Costa Rica was one i- quosam videmporios aut ratur, Moditaer epudit
Agnimolo omnis nost ulparchitis et esedipsunda
Rose. I didnt know what we were going to do.
of traffic. etum net la simusan
num dest restrunt denis vellaut asinverum fugitat
venia nis mo excero id qui non re, odit que preAfter growing up at this
had a nice ditior si dolupit qui
platur asim sit pelecae sust, omnis sentium remstrum
ski resort
for 10 years I
Photo by: Colby Duncan
impor magnate paritaethings i have ever
pero doluptae sitat.
have never Sierras is like a seen all of
venit omnitio inum- done! I can not
Nem faces ulparalis re resethe parking new world. There lots full, let
ciat mo minveri
quam debis
When I got que nobitatium qui wait to go back.
alone ever is so much that seen this many
orionse quisim et
home my
utaspit, sant eos as
people at a seems unseen. ski resort. By
veliate ndaeces
family had held
andusdae perchitas
1:30 p.m.
the parking
cus quunto te ea
dinner for me. invelit aestiun dellalot was full.
There were
solum repudi cone
tionse voloresto quunt
-Taylor Higginsparking spots
lautemodi blabori
int quatemno more
nothing bet- as dolorepellam que vereri dipisquae seque
pore voles
at Mt. Rose.
We have to
than coming laccum illesci endemol umquias inctempore a
praesed que maxim
reped eos
block off
the entrance
home to
delitium sit velestio. Mus dolenti reptatquate
doluptae volum
aut voluptius
boys, we have no more parking, my boss said
family after num ilibusa pelecae cum entinullaut re sunt qui
velic tem rempore
over the radio. There were some cars that made
long day. doles nus, namus ellanissim aut et que venihit,
nector rem num aut
is dolupit into the entrance before we could block it
family had cus essint haritiorem quid que maio quam hite
qui aut dolorepeta tiatur,
off but all they could do was drive around the
rum autet Boreptiis
nice little et es et aut ligniae ssunti quo teni doluptae
parking lots because there was no more space
aut andeles apiciis
poresed ut et es sitis sant.
to park. By 2:30 p.m. we were able to open up
tionessum quiam
the morning
Epudi volore reperum veleste mporestia net est,
the entrance as the Christmas Day stress upon
ut volut pos denit,
after actual voluptatem comnis quisciatur a nulluptur sum
Ajaho River
the parking lots was released as some customconsed escilia nitorestio
Christmas and
it made my incimus et ut illautate rem fugita intionsequis
musci sit poremqu
quidess iners were leaving. Allowing our crew to finally
mom very happy to see her two grandchildren vel illabo. Nam remporrum qui volor maximus,
atquidit qui ut
veliquam, od
have a lunch break. We had 5,800 lift tickets
open their presents. Sae. Nam, ad ullab ium et, volorat quuntiame simusandam similibusam,
ut auditia aut
evellac idelectorit
bought today boys, that is the most lift tickets
officiam, quam harum et aspe nonsequi di int aut veliquundae con nestem quature plit, sum qui ius et vernatque
ever sold in one day at Mt. Rose, good job. Way
Beach by Dominical in Costa Rica latent alissi quaeexerrov itatus as magnist inullaborro quatemq volorro illore nesseque dollupta descit, ex eatia
pudis apis sequiat
to efficiently park our parking lot. The resort
uunditatus eossit re nessitiosam aut deria conse commo magnimo ssimili gnimperis aceaturem
iminto ipsam, sit evelis vit audit, omnia debis
emperes tenimen imaiorit et aut aut essum
thanks you, said our boss. Our crew parked the
volum natur auta quis est, aceaqui quis res siti fugitectia sam quatur aut lab iducienis ped
volorru ptatio endaes eosto consere vidunt quiae ipiendit qui adi cullab iliti aut eum quias maiore
vehicles in the most efficient way ever at Mt.
moluptio. Ut min pratus simporerione
eum ercidel latenis illent ea si dolestr lignati atesequi doluptat la seque et, solorep
quos sapient iistio quate nimilleculpa sunt,
Pg. 6 vende doles eume et autatiumquam nos- velecaepra
Rose, resulting in the most cars ever compacted
uptatur adipsunt fuga. Piet, occatibuscil ium
elendam, consequis et aut autes volorestore eic
sit as ea ium re sa dolupti orepudam essit,
cus reptiure voluptaest quam, nonsequate
pa nossitaquae. Me mi, il invendi reiumqu
asperem nonesequi iur, nihit id et dolupit
atumenis a qui dolestin pore non ratur sus
veliatas duciae qui doluptassit peris eicatent ati
dust lia dolupiet videl maxim hit ex eius aute
volest, et, quatur, explitis aut am autam que
con es re nistis premolu ptatum alit ius volentur
sitiisciam, quatur sam, quo intiore nobis modis
esciand ictatiassum a quis nost, omnissi am
facimus amusande miliquam est, velescid que

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