The Story of Human Rights

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The Universal Declaration of

Human Rights

Listening Comprehension

Date :


(6 :14 7 :20)

List the 4 rights/articles mentioned.

Article 25
Article 19
Article 26
Article 4

Tick the numbers you actually hear pronounced in the recording.

a- 16,000
b- one every 4 hours
one every 5 seconds

one every 5 minutes

c- thousands thousand
d- over a billion over a million

over one billion

e- 17 million people 27 billion people

37 million people 27 million people
f- more than twice as much as
more than two times as many as
more than twice as many as
less than twice as much as
g- the eighteen hundred the eighty hundred the eighteen

What do all these numbers refer to ?



Identify the problem .

Focus on the stressed words in this short passage to answer the question
(5 :56 7:12)

How can we account for the current situation?



Fill in the


with the missing words

(5 :56 7:12)

finally agreed that the

should to .
And they happily ever after.

for one little .

If have the to

and shelter, why are

dying of every day?

If people have of , why are

thousands in for speaking their ?


to ,

are over a

unable to ?
If has truly been ,why are

people still enslaved

? than

as in the .

The is , it was
, the . of

did have the of

law. It was . And despite many more
, , and ,
its still a more than on a

.So, the is ,
will these a


(7 :19 9 :20)

Quote the 2 famous leaders and Human Rights activists


b What did they fight for/against ?


Quote the famous international organization mentioned


Identify the 3 time markers associated to both activists.

What do they refer to?


About todays HR activists :

WHO are todays activists ?


WHAT do they fight against?


WHAT are Human Rights according to them?



CLOZE TEST : Focus on stressed words and repetitions to complete Eleanor
Roosevelts Quote :
As Eleanor Roosevelt said , after all , do Universal
Rights ? In small , close to - so
and so that they cannot be seen on any
of the . Yet they are the of the

individual ; the neighborhood he in; the

or college he attends; the factory, or

where he . Such are the where man,

, and seeks equal ,

opportunity, , without . Unless these

have meaning there, they have

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