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Assistant Professor Sport Management
Texas A&M University
4243 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
Ph.D. in Kinesiology (Sport Management and Policy): May 2015
M.S in Sports Administration: December 2000
J.D.: December 1998
B.A. in Communications; B.A. in English: May 1995
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (August 2015-Present)
Instruct undergraduate and graduate courses in Sport Management.
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (August 2011-May 2015)
Instructed graduate courses in Budget and Finance, Development and Revenue
Generation, Sports Law, Planning and Development of Sports Facilities, and
Entrepreneurship in Sport.
Supervised graduate student internships and practicum experiences.
Advised graduate students.
Established partnerships with industry practitioners.
Performed service duties for the Sports Administration Student Club and the
Department of Kinesiology and Health.
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (August 2008-August 2011)
Instructed graduate courses in Development and Revenue Generation in Sport, Budget
and Finance, Planning and Management of Sports Facilities, Sports Law, and Cultural
Aspects of Sport.
Provided academic advisement to current and potential graduate students.
Served as faculty liaison to the Sport Management Club.

Brison Curriculum Vita 1


Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (August 2000-December 2000)
Researched issues relating to the disabled population of South Africa and the
development of recreational programs as an empowerment tool.
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (January 2000-May 2000)
Aided in instruction of a graduate level Sports Law claw.
Researched current case law and developed an interactive Class Web page.
Formulated and administered quizzes and exams.
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (January 2010-May 2014)
Reviewed graduate applications for admission into the Sport Administration program.
Renewed current Agency Agreements for Graduate Assistantships.
Reconciled Sport Administration program foundation accounts and budgets.
Developed program reports related to program curriculum and enrollment.
Evaluated and recruited part-time instructors.
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (May 2009-August 2009)
Reviewed graduate applications for admission into the Sport Administration program.
Developed guidelines for bi-annual Student Orientation meetings.
Renewed current Agency Agreements for Graduate Assistantships.
Reconciled Sport Administration program foundation accounts and budgets.
Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA (January 2008 May 2008)
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (January 2007 August 2008)
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (August 2001-May 2002)
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (June 2001-August 2001)
Journal Publications
Brison, N., Baker III, T.A., & Byon, K.K. (2015). Facebook likes as endorsements: An empirical
examination of the National Advertising Divisions Coastal Contacts decision, Journal of
Legal Aspects of Sport, 25, 104-122.

Brison Curriculum Vita 2

Brison, N., Baker III, T.A., & Byon, K.K. (2013). Tweets and Crumpets: Examining U.K. and
U.S. Regulation of Athlete Endorsements and Social Media Marketing, Journal of Legal
Aspects of Sport, 23, 55-71.
Baker III, T.A., Brison, N., & Byon, K.K. (2013). Like it or notCoastal Contacts case sets
guidelines for Like-gating on Facebook, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 22(2), 59-62.
Brison, N., Baker III, T.A., & Byon, K.K. (2012). Going Global: What U.S. Sport Products and
Brands Should Know About Advertising Laws in China, International Journal of Asian
Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 10(1), 8-23.
Brison, N. (2012). False Advertising on Enhanced Water Labels: An Analysis of Ackerman vs.
the Coca Cola Company and Energy Brands Inc (d/b/a Glaceau), Sport Marketing
Quarterly, 21(3), 195-198.
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2012). False Advertising Claims: Analysis of Potential
Athlete Endorser Liability. ARIZ. ST. SPORTS & ENT. L.J., 2(1), 163-194.
Erturan, E., Brison, N., & Allen, T. (2012). Comparative Analysis of University Sports in the
United States and Turkey: A Review of the Organizational Structure of the National
Collegiate Athletic Association and the Turkish University Sports Federation. Choregia:
Sport Management International Journal, 8 (1), 5-24.
Book Chapter
Lu-Anderson, D. & Brison, N. (2013). Social Media and Sport Marketing. In Fundamentals of
Sport Marketing (4th Ed.). Pitts, B.G. & Stotlar, D.K. (Eds.) Morgantown, WV: Fitness
Information Technology.
International/National Conference Presentations
Cho, S., Baker, T. A., Byon, K. K., & Brison, N. (2015, October). The emerging influence of
brand image on trademark jurisprudence. Submitted and accepted (free communication)
to the Sport Marketing Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
Baker III, T. A., & Brison, N. (2015, September). OBannon v. NCAA: Its time to reconceptualize rule of reason application to NCAA athletics. Submitted and accepted (free
communication) to the European Association of Sport Management Conference, Dublin,
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2014, October). Hat-tricks and hamburgers: Premier
League endorser effectiveness in the U.S. through Twitter. Submitted and accepted (free
communication) to the Sport Marketing Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2014, June). Facebook likes as endorsements: The
impact of likes on sport brand image and purchase intention. Submitted and accepted
(poster) to the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Pittsburgh,
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2014, February). Tour de Fraud: Analysis of Stuztman, et
al. v. Lance Armstrong, et al. Submitted and accepted (free communication) to the Sport
and Recreation Law Association Conference, Orlando, FL.

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Brison, N., (2013, December 11). Tweeting to the masses: Using social media to enhance
sport tourism. Submitted and accepted (free communication) to the Sport Tourism and
Local Sustainable Development Conference, Lille, France.
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2012, November). Consumer false advertising claims and
endorsers: What sport marketers can learn by keeping up with the Kardashians.
Submitted and accepted (free communication) to the Sport Entertainment & Venues
Tomorrow Conference, Columbia, SC.
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2012, May). Putting the truth back in advertising: Case
analyses of Power Balance and Reebok. Submitted and accepted (poster) to the North
American Society for Sport Management Conference, Seattle, WA.
Brison, N., Baker III, T., & Byon, K. (2012, March). Advertising laws in China: The potential
impact on U.S. sport products and brands after the Beijing Olympic Games. Submitted
and accepted (free communication) to the Sport and Recreation Law Association
Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Pitts, B., Lu-Anderson, D., Brison, N., Bennett, D., Cheek, E., Cliatt, R., Collins, A., DeVito, J.,
& Fosnes, C. (2011, October). Extreme sports: Consumer behavior and market demand
of a new extreme sport from Supercross -- The Nuclear Cowboyz. Presented (free
communication) to the Sport Marketing Association, Houston, TX.
Brison, N., Moorman, A, & Pitts, B. (2011, June). Sport beverage labels: An analysis of FDA
guidelines and the potential legal implications for marketing in the sport industry.
Presented (free communication) to the North American Society for Sport Management
Conference, London, Ontario.
Brison, N. & Crowley, C. (2011, March). Ethics, sports agents, and the NCAA: Who is actually
at fault? Presented (free communication) to the Sport and Recreation Law Association
Conference, Savannah, GA.
Pitts, B., Danylchuk, K., & Brison, N. (2009, September). Instructional innovativeness in sport
management education: Ideas for enhancing student learning. Presented an Academic
Workshop for Teaching Issues in Sport Management (free communication) at the
European Association for Sport Management Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Brison, N. (2009, May 30). Utilizing mock trials to teach sports law to sports management
students. Presented at the Teaching and Learning Fair (poster) at the North American
Society for Sport Management Conference, Columbia, SC.
Stratta, T. & Brison, N. (2000, November). The impact of legislation on the status of black
women administrators of sport. Presented (free communication) at the North American
Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
University Research Symposium
Brison, N. (2011, April). False advertising and VitaminWater: A look at Ackerman vs. the Coca
Cola Company and Energy Brands Inc. Presented (free communication) at the
Department of Kinesiology and Health Research Symposium, Atlanta, GA.

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Invited Guest Speaker

Brison, N. (2014, April). U.K. and U.S. regulation of athlete endorsements. Presented to
University of Georgia Sports Mass Media course (undergraduate), Athens, GA.
Brison, N. (2014, April). Consumer false advertisement claims and endorsers. Presented to
University of Georgia Contemporary Issues in Sport course (undergraduate), Athens,
Brison, N. (2013, April). Sport, Society, and Technology Summit. Presented to Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2013, April). Introduction to athlete endorsements. Presented to Georgia Institute
of Technology Introduction to Sport Studies course (undergraduate), Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2012, March). Entrepreneurship and Finance Fair. Presented to Finance Club.
Henderson Middle School, Tucker, GA.
Brison, N. (2010, September; 2010, October; 2010, November; 2011, October). Financial
basics for student athletes. Presented in Georgia State University Athlete Orientation
class (undergraduate). Georgia State University Athletics, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2010, October). Financial basics for basketball players. Presented (undergraduate).
Georgia State University Mens Basketball, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2010, October). Entrepreneurship in sport. Presented to Finance Club. Henderson
Middle School, Tucker, GA.
Brison, N. (2010, February). Collaborating, networking and building a future sport career.
Presented to Sport Management Conference. California University of Pennsylvania,
California, PA.
Brison, N. (2009, January). Ever considered graduate school? Presented to Athletic
Department Graduate Program Fair. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2006, October). Entrepreneurship in the music industry. Presented to
Entrepreneurship in the Music Industry course (undergraduate). Georgia State University
Department of Music, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2005, December). Career Services Sports Careers Panel. Presented
(undergraduate). Georgia State University Career Services, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2004, October). Alternative revenue generation opportunities for entertainment
clients: Video game music licensing. Presented to State Bar of Georgia Entertainment &
Sports Section, Atlanta, GA.
Calloway, J. & Brison, N. (1999, September; 2001, October). Dealing with aggression on and
off the field. Presented to Freshman Athlete Lifeskills Program. Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Brison, N. (2001, August). National Kids Day Guest Speaker. Presented to Anderson Boys &
Girls Club, Marietta, GA.

Brison Curriculum Vita 5

Brison, N. (2001, August). How to conduct a grievance proceeding. Presented to National

Athletics Board of Review. USA Track & Field Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Funded Technology Grant Proposals
Co-Principal Investigators: Pitts, B & Brison, N. (May 2010). Proposal to replace/update
computers and equipment in the student/faculty research center for Georgia State
University Sport Administration students. Funded by the Georgia State University
Information Systems and Technology Department in the amount of $16,905.
Funded Service Grant Proposals
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Southern Soccer
Academy in the amount of $56,976.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Agnes Scott College
(Athletics) in the amount of $59,793.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Emory University
(Athletics) in the amount of $57,582.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University student. Funded by the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference in the amount of $15,407.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Georgia Institute for
Technology (Athletics) in the amount of $61,327.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by Oxford College at Emory
University (Athletics) in the amount of $5,111.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by LEJ Sports in the amount
of $15,407.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2014-August 2015). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by The Galloway School in
the amount of $5,366.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (January 2014-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by LEJ Sports in the amount
of $5,111.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (January 2014-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by Peloton Sports in the
amount of $5,111.

Brison Curriculum Vita 6

Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2013-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate

assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Southern Soccer
Academy in the amount of $17,995.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2013-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Agnes Scott College
(Athletics) in the amount of $49,828.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2013-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Emory University
(Athletics) in the amount of $20,523.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2013-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University student. Funded by the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference in the amount of $5,111.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (May 2013-August 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Georgia Institute for
Technology (Athletics) in the amount of $76,961.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (May 2013-May 2014). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by Oxford College at Emory
University (Athletics) in the amount of $5,111.
Principle Investigator: Brison, N. (January 2013-May 2013). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by Oxford College at Emory
University (Athletics) in the amount of $2,560.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2012-May 2013). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Agnes Scott College
(Athletics) in the amount of $50,025.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2012-August 2013). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Emory University
(Athletics) in the amount of $20,523.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (April 2012-May 2013). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Georgia Institute for
Technology (Athletics) in the amount of $68,040.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (April 2011-August 2012). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University student. Funded by the Junior League Golf in
the amount of $5,130.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (May 2011-April 2012). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by the Greater South Athletic
Conference in the amount of $6,413.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (May 2011-April 2012). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Georgia Institute for
Technology (Athletics) in the amount of $64,350.

Brison Curriculum Vita 7

Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2011-August 2012). Proposal to fund graduate

assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Emory University
(Athletics) in the amount of $37,197.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (April 2011-April 2012). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by The Galloway School
(Athletics) in the amount of $5,292.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (May 2011-April 2012). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (Marketing) in the amount of $10,261.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2010-May 2011). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by 360 Sports Academy
(Marketing) in the amount of $5,040.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2010-August 2011). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by Emory University
(Athletics) in the amount of $21,420.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (January 2010-December 2010). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University students. Funded by United Athletes
Foundation (Marketing) in the amount of $7,560.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2009-May 2010). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (Marketing) in the amount of $5,040.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (January 2009-May 2009). Proposal to fund graduate
assistantship for Georgia State University student. Funded by Allied Athlete Group
(Marketing) in the amount of $2,520.
Principal Investigator: Brison, N. (August 2008-May 2009). Proposal to fund two graduate
assistantships for Georgia State University students. Funded by the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (Compliance and Marketing) in the amount of $8,820.
Georgia State University
Masters Students: Thesis Committee Member
Shaina Ervin. Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University
Degree Conferred: Summer, 2012
Thesis Title: A comparative analysis of work-life balance between intercollegiate athletic
graduate assistants and supervisors
Electronic Address:
Current Job: Assistant Professor at Elon University
Matthew Blaszka. Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University
Degree Conferred: Spring, 2011
Thesis Title: An examination of sport consumers Twitter usage
Electronic Address:
Current Job: Assistant Professor at Indiana State University

Brison Curriculum Vita 8

Kendra Bayne. Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University

Degree Conferred: Spring, 2011
Thesis Title: Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing: An Experimental Inquiry on College
Students Awareness of, Interest in, and Intention to Participate in a Campus Recreation Special
Electronic Address:
Current Job: Louisiana State University Campus Recreation Social Media Director
Masters Students: Directed Readings Advisor
Jonathan Britt. (Fall 2014) Research Topic: Relative age bias in soccer.
Jack Kimber. (Fall 2014) Research Topic: Strength training in soccer: Observations and
Karai Lockley. (Fall 2014) Research Topic: Career choices for student athletes and potential
Thomas Petrich. (Fall 2014) Research Topic: Performance enhancing strategies for tennis
players: A review of literature.
Jordan Holmes. (Summer 2014) Research Topic: The socio-economic impact of the World Cup.
Jermaine Kermis. (Summer 2014) Research Topic: Examining current trends in sport
management career opportunities.
Julian Austin. (Spring 2014) Research Topic: Utilizing athletics to improve social aspects of life
in developing countries.
Christina Barniak. (Spring 2014) Research Topic: Effects, risks, and challenges of a parent head
coach for a youth sport team.
William Beaty. (Fall 2013) Research Topic: Developing a sport business in Costa Rica: A
feasibility study.
Jeffrey Diepenbrock. (Fall 2013) Research Topic: Does Title IX have a negative effect on
Division I mens non-revenue generating sports?
Junard Hartley. (Fall 2013) Research Topic: Pay for Play: An exploration into the NCAA policies
regarding paying college athletes.
Jacqueline Smith. (Summer 2013) Research Topic: The Sports and Military Intersect: Healing
veterans through sports.
S. Kyle Cooley. (Summer 2013) Research Topic: Sports Gambling in Georgia: A municipal
feasibility study.
Alex Chun. (Summer 2013) Research Topic: Do interscholastic athletes benefit a student
athletes education experience?
Lowell Cagle. (Spring 2013) Research Topic: The evolution and growth of golf as a spectator

Brison Curriculum Vita 9

Emanuel Shaw. (Fall 2012) Research Topic: Road to the top: The paths and obstacles to
becoming an athletic director.
Elizabeth Devine. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: factors influencing the non-growth of major
league soccer in the United States.
Emily Diekelmann. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: Analysis of UK advertising laws and their
impact on sport brands.
Shaina Ervin. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: Analysis of research methods in sport
Donald Kirkland. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: The illusion of amateurism.
Elizabeth Pangle. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: Sales techniques in collegiate athletic
development and fundraising.
Cassandra Pell-Dow. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: Analysis of sport related non-profits: Keys
to effectiveness.
Nathaniel Summers. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: Effects of lockouts in professional sports.
Justin Wheeler. (Spring 2012) Research Topic: How is soccer influenced by globalization.
Brandon Brice. (Spring 2011). Research Topic: sales tactics in professional basketball.
Curtis Clark. (Spring 2011). Research Topic: End of the line: A look at violence in the NFL.
Kelcey Roegiers-Jensen. (Spring 2011). Research Topic: the effects of adult violence in youth
Jennifer Urs. (Spring 2011). Research Topic: Recent updates in collegiate athletics and hazing.
Ryan Wetzl. (Spring 2011). Research Topic: sales tactics regarding sponsorship in professional
Rishaundra Gartrell. (Summer 2011). Research Topic: The effectiveness of youth athlete
development programs.
Aileen Taylor. (Summer 2011). Research Topic: Sophomore slump and implications for student
athlete advising.
Leshonda Lillard. (Fall 2011). Research Topic: How do sponsorship, branding, and the media
affect profitability of the Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA)?
Markeisha Cassidy-Dawson. (Fall 2010). Research Topic: Psychological and emotional issues
affecting athletes transitioning into retirement.
Markeal King. (Fall 2010). Research Topic: Applying leadership theory to coaching collegiate
Barbra Butler. (Summer 2010). Research Topic: Globalization and sport: A socio-cultural
Brison Curriculum Vita 10

Jacob English. (Summer 2010). Research Topic: Difficulties placed by collegiate and
professional athletes after career retirement.
Elizabeth Messner. (Summer 2010). Research Topic: The effects of promotions on game
attendance in collegiate athletics.
Joshua Segue. (Summer 2010). Research Topic: Minority hiring practices in for coaches and
administrative positions in professional and intercollegiate athletics.
Maurice Williams. (Summer 2010). Research Topic: Issues affecting wage and non-wage
discrimination in professional basketball.
William Edmonds. (Spring 2010). Research Topic: Soccer: Dividio (An examination of cultural
differences in Hispanic and American league play).
Mark Mathew. (Spring 2010). Research Topic: analysis of coaching and management styles in
collegiate basketball.
Charles Nieves. (Spring 2010). Research Topic: A look at the decreased academic performance
of African-American student athletes in the classroom.
Jon Snipes. (Spring 2010). Research Topic: Hazing and collegiate athletics: A review of state
statutes, regulations, and case law.
Bryan Crutchfield. (Summer 2009). Research Topic: Trademark infringement in the sports
industry: An analysis of cease & desist programs in the NBA, NFL, MLB, and the NCAA.
Breona Taul. (Summer 2009). Research Topic: The Uniform Athlete Agent Act: A review of
sports agent regulations and the league certification requirements
Camille Bolton. (Fall 2009). Research Topic: In depth analysis of the effects of recession on
ticket sales in the NFL.
Jennifer Biggers. (Fall 2009). Research Topic: A deeper look into the socio-cultural aspects of
sport in todays society: A focus on gender, violence/deviance, religion, and

Texas A&M University
Department of Health & Kinesiology, College of Education & Human Development
Sport Management, SPMT 333 (undergraduate)
Fall 2015
This course provides an introduction to techniques for proper management of
programs in physical activities and athletics.
Students discuss the meanings and applications of management and leadership in

Brison Curriculum Vita 11

Georgia State University

Department of Kinesiology and Health, College of Education
Introduction to Sport Management, KH 6380 (graduate)
Summer 2001
This course is designed to provide students with a general awareness of the nature,
function, and process of sport management.
Emphasis is placed on understanding job descriptions and evaluating the skills of a
sport management professional, specifically leadership as related to motivation,
operations, and interpersonal processes.
Budgeting and Finance in Sport, KH 6560 (graduate)
Summer 2007, Fall 2007, Summer 2008, Fall 2008, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Summer
2010, Fall 2010, Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall
2013, Fall 2014
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the various tools, techniques, and
other finance-related information students will need to understand and master in
order to handle complex financial concerns in the workplace.
Students apply the concepts by creating financial feasibility studies for a sport
Entrepreneurship in Sport, KH 6960 (graduate)
Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Summer 2012, Spring 2014, Spring 2015
The course offers an overview of the principles and state/national requirements
students need to understand and master in order to start a new business in the
sports industry.
Students learn to identify and evaluate opportunities, to write a business plan and
to develop a business model, and to build a successful team.
Sports Law, KH 7610 (graduate)
Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Fall
2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Fall
2014, Spring 2015
The course exposes students to legal regulations and concepts that impact
decision-making in sport management.
The course acquaints students with a broad spectrum of legal issues that have an
impact on sports and other related areas.
Development and Revenue Generation in Sport, KH 7150 (graduate)
Spring 2002, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Spring 2010,
Summer 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015
The course delivers an overview of the theories, techniques, and strategies used in
the production of revenue for sport organizations and entities.
Students discuss and apply components of sport fund raising and sponsorship
theoretical models.
Sport Marketing, KH 7410 (graduate)
Fall 2001, Spring 2002
This course introduces students to sport marketing theory and to the application of
marketing concepts and techniques in the sport business industry.
Students critically analyze and discuss sport as a product, the sport consumer
markets, and the exchange process that drives sport marketing.

Brison Curriculum Vita 12

Cultural Aspects of Sport, KH 7100 (graduate)

Summer 2001, Fall 2001, Summer 2007, Summer 2008
This course uses sociological, social-psychological, and cultural perspectives and
theories as a means for understanding American sport and physical activity.
Student analyze how sport interfaces with the media, and the resulting meanings
that emerge from these interactions.
Planning and Development of Sport Facilities, KH 7380 (graduate)
Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall
This course is an overview of facility management units and familiarization with
maintenance and design of sports related facilities.
Use of space, construction, economic factors, and community sustainability are
studied to provide a basis for understanding stewardship in the development and
design of sports structures mega-facilities.
Internship in Sport Administration, KH 7662 (graduate)
Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Fall
2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012,
Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Spring
This course is designed for students to receive practical administrative experience
in a selected sport setting approved by instructor.
Practicum in Sport Administration, KH 7690 (graduate)
Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Fall
2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012,
Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015
This course allows students to gain practical experience in various sport industry
organizations through a supervised and approved sport setting.
Directed Readings and Research, KH 7810 (graduate)
Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Fall
2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014,
Summer 2014, Fall 2014
With the assistance of a faculty member, the student plans and implements an
independent study/ research project.
Kennesaw State University
Department of Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science, Bagwell College of Education
Sports Information, HPS 2222 (Undergraduate)
The course familiarizes students with the field of sport information including mass
communication, the print media, the broadcast media, sports news releases,
interviewing, and public relations.
Athletic Marketing and Management LLC, Atlanta, GA
Director of Business Development & Partnerships (July 2009 Present)
Cultivate strategic business relationships with corporations.
Provide informational presentations and account summaries to clients.
Coordinate events and meetings for client procurement and retention.

Brison Curriculum Vita 13

Brison & Associates, LLC, Atlanta, GA

Entertainment/Sports Attorney (June 2002 April 2008)
Assisted clients with the formation of LLCs and other business entities.
Drafted and negotiated various contracts and licensing agreements.
Conducted workshops for businesses regarding revenue generation, drafting
sponsorship proposals, and developing marketing strategies.
Filed copyright and trademark applications.
Registered songs with performance rights societies and coordinate sample
228 Management & Consulting, LCC, Atlanta, GA
Marketing Coordinator/Director of Legal Affairs (January 2003 December 2006)
Advised entertainment and sports clients with respect to career development and
revenue generating strategies.
Initiated and facilitated music licensing and song placement opportunities.
Drafted and negotiated various contracts and licensing agreements.
USA Track & Field, Indianapolis, IN
Assistant Legal Counsel (August 2000 - April 2001)
Researched various sports-related legal issues and provided memorandums to
General Counsel and Executive Director.
Assisted with interpretation and revision of organizational bylaws and regulations.
Drafted event and sponsorship agreements.
Facilitated doping control program.
Acted as liaison between department and drug testing agency.
Conducted educational seminars for volunteer attorneys and member associations.
Monitored registration of copyrights and trademarks.
Southern League of Professional Baseball, Marietta, GA
Legal/Marketing/Corporate Contracts Intern (January 2000 - August 2000)
Reviewed Stadium Lease Agreements and Radio Contracts and created contract
provision summary charts.
Assisted with drafting sponsorship proposals and selling sponsorship opportunities
to corporations.
Atlanta Silverbacks Professional Soccer Team, Decatur, GA
Corporate Communications Intern (June 2000 - July 2000)
Developed promotional events for revenue generation.
Participated in marketing efforts and group sales.
Drafted press releases.
Assisted with game day set-up and operations.
Atlanta Braves Community Relations, Atlanta, GA
Career Initiative Trainee (May 1999 - August 1999)
Participated in the management of community out-reach programs.
Assisted with handling donations and promotional item requests.
City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation, Atlanta, GA
Recreation Instructor (March 1998 - November 1998)
Organized state and national basketball tournaments, camps, and clinics.
Drafted Post-Event Reports.
Developed SAT/ACT and GED tutoring program.

Brison Curriculum Vita 14

GSU UNIVERSITY CAREER SERVICES Panel: Graduate Programs in Sport Informational
Session (February 2012)
COMMITTEE MEMBER (November 2012-March 2013)
COMMITTEE MEMBER (November 2012-March 2013)
SPORT ADMINISTRATION ANNUAL BANQUET (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
THE GIFTED EDUCATION FOUNDATION Advisory Board, Atlanta, GA (November 2013 to
CHICK-FIL-A BOWL Ticketing Volunteer, Atlanta, GA (December 2010)
(July August 2006)
(May 2006)
KENNY ANDERSON FOUNDATION Celebrity Weekend (August 2002)
KENNY SMITH Pro-Am Summer League Volunteer, Atlanta, GA (July 2002; July 2003)
GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Professional Sports Advisory Council,
Atlanta, GA (August 1999-December 1999)
1999 BELL SOUTH CLASSIC NBC Sports Golf Scorer, Suwannee, GA (April 1999)
1998 UNITED STATES YOUTH GAMES Team Atlanta Girls Golf Coach,
Houston, TX (July 1998)
GSU MENS BASKETBALL OFFICE, Office Assistant, Atlanta, GA
(January 1998-March 1998)
Student Poster Presentation Winner (2014)
BERNARD P. MALOY STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD Sport and Recreation Law Association
DEPARTMENT OF KINESIOLOGY & HEALTH Outstanding Sports Administration Alumni
MIDWAY GAMES NBA BALLERS Recognized for music licensing contributions to the video
game and received plaque commemorating over 1 million copies sold. (2004)

Brison Curriculum Vita 15


Administration Graduate Student (2001)

North American Society for Sport Management (2009, 2011, 2012, 2014)
Sport and Recreation Law Association (March 2011 to present)
Sports Lawyers Association (2011)
Promotions and Marketing Association (2011, 2012)
State Bar of Georgia (December 2001 to present)
Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta Leadership Council (2009, 2010)
Georgia Coalition for Physical Activity and Nutrition Board of Directors (2008, 2009, 2010)
Share Our Strength Operation Frontline Atlanta Office Board of Directors (2010, 2011)
National Association Black Sports Professionals Atlanta Chapter Board of Directors (2011, 2012)

Brison Curriculum Vita 16

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