CLM Rosentreter C

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PSII Classroom Management Plan

A. Building Positive Relationships
Teacher-Student Relationship Strategies
o Provide structure within the classroom with clear expectations and procedures
(this will include a seating plan, rules, expectations, etc)
o Teach with Enthusiasm and Passion Students respond positively when the
teacher is passionate about the content
o Always have a positive attitude Students feed off of positive attitudes
o Provide an environment that all students will feel comfortable by using:

Humor in lessons

Relating student interests with the content to increase participation with

the activities in the classroom

o Treat every student with respect which should be outlined at the beginning of the
year with what respect means in the classroom
o Show interest in the students lives outside of the school this shows the students
that you care and are interested in their lives
Student-Student Relationships Strategies
o Having a seating plan and changing it throughout the year This allows for
students to interact with different students
o Students will work in groups to interact and communicate with the whole class
o Having group presentations to work communication and cooperation skills
o Providing peer assessments to critically analyze other students work This can
provide insight into other opinions
B. Safe Caring Learning Environment
Always interact with the students by saying hi to students every morning and ask how
their night was. It is important to become engaged with student lives
Encourage positive behavior by praising them (eg. Good job, Excellent, etc.)
Create rapport with students so they feel comfortable talking about issues with the
Always be available to talk when students need it
Always provide assistance for students whether its in the classroom or not

Resolve issues within the classroom in an appropriate manner

A. Classroom Rules
1. Always show respect for everyone in the class
Respect will be enforced if the class defines the definition of the word. Respect can take
many forms for a variety of people. In the classroom the basic understanding of the term
will be as follows: treat others as you want to be treated. I have this rule in my
classroom because it is the essence of a well-managed class. If everyone respects others
then there will not be any problems. It will be introduced at the beginning of the year
talking about what it means to be respected by others. If the class begins to become
disrespectful we will look back at our definition of respect to refocus the class towards a
positive environment.
2. Do not talk when someone else is talking. Please raise your hand and wait until called
on before speaking
This rule is just common courtesy in the classroom. It only seems fair that everyone
should wait his or her turn before speaking. It relates to the above rule that students need
to show respect and by allowing everyone to have their space to talk is polite. This rule
would have been implemented in previous years but I would make sure that the class
knows from the start how we interact in my classroom. This one is an easy rule to
reinforce because if a student were to speak out of turn, letting them know that it is not
their turn to speak and letting the other student finish before turning your attention to the
student. By grade 8, most students have an idea about how the classroom works.
3. Come to class prepared with all materials
Students wills always bring all their materials to class. This ensures that class time is not
wasted looking for the materials required for the class. I would have the same courtesy by
having all my materials prepared before class. Students will be told of this rule at the
beginning of the school year and reinforced during the year by either providing them with
the materials (if essential for the lesson) or let the student deal without those materials for
the class. Students by grade 8 should start becoming responsible for their actions.
4. If you need assistance first ask your neighbors quietly and if you still need help raise
your hand and the teacher will assist you as soon as possible
This rule is a little unique. Some teachers would not want students talking in class but by
allowing them to ask their neighbors it gets the students to think together to solve a
problem. Also if it is a question that does not need the attention of the teacher then it
allows the teacher to assist other students with more difficult questions. It keeps the
unnecessary questions to a minimum while maximizing the attention towards the more
complex ones. This is implemented right at the beginning of the year. It will be a bumpy
road at the beginning because some students will take advantage of this rule but with
persistence from the teacher it can become a great tool in the class.

5. Always have a positive attitude and have fun!

Students should always have a positive attitude no matter the subject. Especially in math
where some students do not like the subject, it allows the positive environment to be
maintained. This rule will be hard to reinforce because some students will not change
their attitude towards a subject no matter what a teacher does but ensuring that they have
an open mind towards the subject matter will be key.
B. Procedures
1. Attention-getting procedure: Ok class and stand silently until the class is settled
before beginning the lesson (a hand can be raised to catch their attention)
In a grade 8 it only makes sense to get the attention of the class in a simple manner. By
calling on the class to settle down and waiting for the class to become settled seems like a
simple way to get the students to listen. Also by raising your hand will give a visual tool
that students will listen to as well. Other things such as a bell or gong can be used as well
if they are very rowdy. I will introduce the methods at the beginning and be persistent
with the methods to ensure that the students understand the meaning.
2. Question-answering procedure: Students will raise their hands and wait until they
are called upon to answer (They can speak when their name is called)
This is traditional in the classroom. Most students will do this already in a grade 8 class.
It is an easy way to identify students that want to share their opinion. As the teacher I will
only answer questions from students who raise their hands. I can also just remind the
students about the procedure to ensure that everyone understands.
3. Transition procedures: Have a structured lesson so students will always be occupied.
They will know what to do when they finish because it will be laid out for them on the
board (extra activities related to the content that is being taught). Have all materials set
up for each activity so there is a smooth transition between lessons
This is a very complicated procedure because it all depends on what is being taught in the
lesson. But in general I will ensure that the activities in class will take the whole time and
if they dont I will have extra that the students can do that would pertain to the content
being taught. It only makes sense to get the students to work on materials that have been
taught. The activities will be engaging for the students. Also when the students are
working on their activities I can be setting up for the next activity to reduce the transition
time between them. This ensures that there is no wasted time in the classroom because
every minute counts.
4. Individual seatwork procedures: Students will remain seated in their seats unless
they need assistance where they will raise their hands and assistance will be provided.
They may discuss with fellow classmates quietly but are limited to short conversations
and they must remain seated (Only interact with close neighbors)
Students will remain in their seats unless they need assistance because if everyone is
allowed to move around then the classroom will become quite chaotic. Allowing the
students to have short conversations with their neighbors allows for chitchat about the
activity but keeps the movement and noise to a minimum. As long as the student keep the

noise to a minimum I will not have to say anything but if the noise starts to get loud I
would remind them to keep it down. This one is most likely already implemented in the
classroom so being persistent with the students will ensure a lovely environment that has
a positive atmosphere to learn in.
5. Group procedures: All group members will participate in the group projects. The
teacher using a variety of tools such as the smart board will assign groups randomly.
The instructions will be explained before moving into the groups to avoid unnecessary
time wasted. Student may be assigned roles to clear up any confusion with a students
participation within the group. Students will need to stay on task in the group.
Students in a group are always a tricky task. As a teacher I would make sure to arrange
the groups to ensure that no one is left out. This can be done is a variety of ways. Before
showing what the groups will be I will explain to the class what is to be done in the
activity. This ensures that when the students get into their groups they will get right to
work. If I put them in their groups before I explain it may take a while to get the students
quiet to explain. I would do it this way because it just ensures that every student is
included and that time is not wasted in the process. Walking around the groups and
assisting as needed will be how I enforce this procedure. Also I can assess if the students
need help when walking around instead of all the students coming up to my desk and
crowding the area. It allows for quick formative assessment in the classroom.
6. General procedures:
Homework will be handed in on time unless discussed with teacher
There will be no personal electronic devices in the classroom (exceptions for
students who need them) but can be used at break times if needed
Students who arrive late to class will come in quietly not disrupting the class and
begin to become engaged in the class
If there are any problems the students will come to the teacher to help resolve any
issue. If the issue is personal then it will be dealt with after class time. Other
arrangements will be made to accommodate any conflicts
These procedures are quiet explanatory. Homework will need to be handed in on time
unless discussed with the teacher. There will be some circumstances that a student does
not hand it in and thats when I give them time (probably at their breaks during the day)
to finish the homework. In most cases I will not give too much homework. If a student is
late to class I want them to come into the class and sit quietly not disturbing others. To
reinforce this in the classroom I will remind them when needed by either asking them to
be quiet or by giving a hand signal. Personal electronic devices will not be in the
classroom unless they need them (such as a student with a disability). If the student is
caught with a personal device they will be asked to put it in their desk or in their locker.
They can also put it somewhere in the room where they can pick it up after class. The
teacher will try to assist problems as they arise.

C. Strategies for Responding to Inappropriate Behavior/Failure to Adhere to Rules and

1. Teacher will wander by the student(s) to see what the conflict is and possibly intervene (It
could be as simple as students talking during class or during an assignment)
Simply walking by the student may change their behavior because they know you are an
authoritative figure and should respect you. Most behaviors that can be changed by walking
or standing by the student would be that the student is talking or off task. If the issue is not
resolved then further action must be taken. Students will be aware of this action simply by
the presence of the teacher. The teacher may say something to the student to encourage them
to stay on task.
2. If the behavior persists then talking with the student about the problem in the possibility
of solving the problem
If the student is still not behaving then talking with the student may be an option. This can be
done simply at their desks or after class privately. Some problems are simple while others are
complex so getting to the root of them is essential. If the problem were personal then talking
to the student after class would be a better option than at their desk. As teachers we do not
know exactly what goes on at home so we can only keep our lines of communication open to
the students to talk all the time. Sometimes students just need someone to talk to. As a
teacher if there is anything we can do we should do whatever we can to assist each student.
Students will be made aware of this consequence simply by the actions of the teacher.
3. If the behavior is still a problem then moving the student(s) to a different location in the
classroom to improve productivity from the student(s)
If the problem is between two students then simply moving them may solve the problem. If
the students are not by each other they cannot bug each other. Moving the seating
arrangements fairly often can also solve this. Students will be aware of this by the movement
of the desk by the teacher. But if you do a seating arrangement often they may not understand
the reason. So by talking and actions the students can understand the consequences. This is a
good way to let all students interact with each other to create an environment that is
comfortable. When all students are friends it allows the environment in the classroom to be
4. If the problem persists even further then following the school policy on how to intervene
will be used
Depending upon the school policy will depend on what will happen next. The school has the
authority to make a decision that is right for the situation. Students will be made aware of the
consequences of their actions by the decision make by the school.

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