2012-Apr-11 Epa Reviews Bia Recommendation Pine View Estates Sewer

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Re: BIA-Pineview mtg

Aaron Setran to: David Albright

04/11/2012 02:11 PM

Cc: Rich Campbell


Aaron Setran/R9/USEPA/US


David Albright/R9/USEPA/US@EPA,


Rich Campbell/R9/USEPA/US@EPA

Grant Vaughn is from the Solicitor's office, representing BIA. Regarding their proposed surface
discharge, the end-of-pipe looks to be located off the property, so NDEP will likely issue such a
permit.....but there's quite a lot to be explored before such a plan could move forward. Re: UIC, Tetra
Tech asserts that the size, slope and make-up (soils) of the current leach area is insufficient to handle the
current and future wastewater loads. Not sure I'd entirely agree with them on this, but they seem
"hell-bent" on a surface water discharge, and who am I to rain on their parade, at least at this point.



Aaron Carr Setran

U.S. EPA, Water Division
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 972-3457
David Albright

Thanks. So PTP was present and accounted for...

04/11/2012 10:58:47 AM

David Albright/R9/USEPA/US
Aaron Setran/R9/USEPA/US@EPA
Rich Campbell/R9/USEPA/US@EPA
04/11/2012 10:58 AM
Re: BIA-Pineview mtg

Thanks. So PTP was present and accounted for. I see that Mark Kizer was present, as well as 4 people
"representing" him. Who is Grant Vaughn (SOL)?


David Albright
Manager, Ground Water Office
USEPA, Region IX
75 Hawthorne Street
Mail Code: WTR-9
San Francisco, CA 94105

Phone: 415.972.3971
Fax: 415.947.3549
Email: albright.david@epa.gov


Aaron Setran

Attached is a pdf of the sign-in sheet for yesterd...

04/11/2012 10:45:13 AM

Aaron Setran/R9/USEPA/US
David Albright/R9/USEPA/US@EPA, Rich Campbell/R9/USEPA/US@EPA
04/11/2012 10:45 AM
BIA-Pineview mtg

Attached is a pdf of the sign-in sheet for yesterday's mtg. Tetra Tech gave a presentation which basically
confirmed that the existing system is broken and the best plan of action is to replace it with a
state-of-the-art package plant (SBR), which discharges the final effluent to a tributary to the Carson River
via an NPDES permit. It appears that BIA will be providing the funding for the project, although some
complicating issues relative to the BIA lease, Kizer, PTP and HOA need to be worked-out.....thus all the


A follow-up mtg between Kizer, HOA and BIA took place after the main mtg, but it appeared that my
participation would have made things a bit awkward given the potential finger-pointing. So, I did not
attend this mtg., but told my BIA contact that I'd touch base with him early next week to learn about next
[attachment "Sign-inBIAmtg.pdf" deleted by Aaron Setran/R9/USEPA/US]
Aaron Carr Setran
U.S. EPA, Water Division
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 972-3457

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