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Unit 1: Elements of

Short Stories
- with the incorporation of
fictional novel

In addition to the main plot, some stories have
Sub plot
Rick discounts his
uncles advice
then finds that he
really can use it.

A subplot is a plot that is part of the larger

story but is not as important.

Parallel Episodes

Some plots contain parallel episodes: repeated events

in a story.
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Ricks chain
slips off.

Ricks front tire

goes flat.

Jens brake
cable snaps.

Rick replaces
the chain, and
the race

Rick patches
the tire, and
the race

Rick invites Jen

to his uncles
bike-repair shop.

Lets say three small pink pigsRupert,
Rosemary, and Desmondare building
cottages when a wolf turns up and watches,
his eyes yellow and shifty.
The wolf says that the pigs are trespassing
and should find another site. The pigs protest
that they have a permit to build there. It was
given to them by a rabbit who had come by
earlier. The wolf declares that the permit is no
good, swallows it in one gulp, and says that
unless the swine are gone by evening, he will
blow their cottages off the map.
What nerve! says Rosemary. If we had
legal representation, he wouldnt be so quick
to gobble up our permit.

1. Describe
the conflict in
this story.

Thats true, says Rupert, but right now lets
keep our minds on construction.
Rupert hurries to finish his house with straw.
Rosemary finishes hers with wood, and Desmond
finishes his with fiberglass and aluminum siding.
Then each pink pig goes inside to await
Just as he promised, the wolf turns up as the
sun goes down. First he goes to Ruperts straw
house. Mr. Pig, you have five seconds to vacate!
Should you choose to remain, I will not be
responsible for your personal safety. Five, four,
three, two, one. The wolf huffs and puffs and
blows Ruperts straw house to dust. Rupert runs
to the hardware store to buy more building

2. What
have occurred
in the story so

Next, the wolf goes to Rosemarys house.
Ms. Pig, you have five seconds to vacate!
Should you choose to remain, I will not be
responsible for your personal safety. Five, four,
three, two, one. The wolf huffs and puffs and
blows Rosemarys house to smithereens.
Rosemary runs to the local university to enroll
in law school.
Finally the wolf goes to Desmonds house.
Mr. Pig, you have five seconds to vacate!
Should you choose to remain, I will not be
responsible for your personal safety. Five, four,
three, two, one. The wolf huffs and puffs, but
Desmonds house is unshaken.

3. What
subplot is
developed on
this page?

4. What
have appeared
in the story so

So, wolf, what will you do now? Desmond
called out the window.
Ill . . . Ill sue you for all youre worth!
cries the wolf.
Ill see you in court, Mr. Wolf, Desmond
replies happily. He knows that Rosemary is an
uncommonly fast learner.
Rupert, Rosemary, and Desmond live
happily in Desmonds house until the court
date arrives. Rosemary represents Desmond,
and a nervous sheep represents the wolf.
The judges decision comes as a
surprise to everyone. The pigs must move
their home five hundred yards eastonto
public landand the wolf must help them.

5. Which
contains the
6. The
boldface words
are the storys

My Plot Line
Directions: Create a plot line using any imagery your choice
(Behind Table of Contents).
Your creative plot line should include the term and definition
of each of the underlined terms.

Falling Action

Rising Action


Think of the plot of Broken

Chain as a ladder. Each
conflict that Alfonso faces
is a step on a ladder. In
the diagram below, some
of the steps tell what the
conflict is. Others give
clues about the conflict.

Identify the conflict

Alfonso faces at every
step up the ladder.


Between steps, jot down

what happens between


At the top of the ladder,

sketch the outcome: What
does Alfonso finally get
for all his struggling?

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