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In life there are many things that will trouble us.

When people do
things that hurt us, it is our nature to seek revenge on that person. In the
Count of Monte Cristo, written by Alexander Dumas, there were several
examples of revenge throughout the novel. Although there are many other
themes expressed in this novel, the most prevalent is how people who seek
revenge get more than what they expect.
In the letter Edmond sent to Maximilian, Dantes makes an interesting
quote about revenge. In his quote, he tells Maximilian to trust God with his
problems and let God handle your problems and dont let yourself feel equal
to God. The direct quote, Tell the angel who will watch over your life to
pray now, and then for a man who, like Satan, believed in himself for an
instant to be equal to God, but who realized in all humanity that supreme
power and wisdom are in the hands of God alone( ). This quote added in
the letter was not only inspirational but very interesting because it came
from experience. When a quote is said from experience, it adds more
importance to the quote. Dantes also shows how revenge is highly powerful
and such power should not be in the hands of man but in the hands of a
higher power.
Another quote mentioned within The Count of Monte Cristo that
involves revenge refers to the counts view on revenge. The count does not
believe that there are any extenuating circumstances. Revenge is revenge,
and nothing should interfere with it, even across generations. The direct

quote from the novel says, It is written that the sins of the father shall be
visited on the sons, even to the third and fourth generation.( ). Following
through with such a policy can easily lead to a long standing family feud.
This quote also shows how revenge is taken differently from person to
Another quote of revenge was more powerful than previous quotes in
this paper. This quote is from Villefort when Dantes is confronted with the
dead bodies of Villeforts wife and son. The quote directly from the novel
was, Look, Edmond Dantes; are you satisfied with your vengeance ( ). This
shows how revenge can easily go wrong. If you consume yourself in
revenge, you can severely harm someone else; in this case, Dantes killed
Villeforts wife and son.
In life there are many events where revenge faces us, nut it is up to
you to determine whether or not involving yourself is necessary and if you
can justify when too much has been done. It is always best to talk your
issues out with that person(s) or to seek other methods. Revenge can be
over exaggerated easily and taken out of hand, and is never for anyone.

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