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Chapter 10 1 Plate Girder Bridges 10.1 INTRODUCTION ‘We have sean that when it comes to the question of design of steel beams. predefined rolled ‘beams can be selected (once the design moments and shea forces sv calculated fama variety ‘of sizes st forth inthe I specifications. Ie has been fet by badge bridges im general, and longitudinally continuous bridges in pa ‘economy canbe achieved by using pat gtdrs. A plate girders simply a girder (bear) made up of stel plates which are connected by rivets or welds Pate sider are poplar inthe onsevction of railway bridges. Eat, the elements of plate itder used to be riveted together using high srength rivets, which in tur have given way othe welded plate pied. Pate girders can be used for spans fom 20 mo 30 m. Figure 101 ilstates the important components of plate girder. Fig 104 Components fs pe se 188 Shar iil Plate Ginder Brides 4 108 'A hybrid girder isa plate ger which is made up of plates of differen strengths. for ‘xample. high srength steel for top and bottom Flanges and low strength ses forthe Web. A homogencous girder wil have stel plates of same stength throughout. 102 ELEMENTS OF A PLATE GIRDER AND THEIR DESIGN As late girders are prefered for consrcton of railway bridges, the loadings for thew bridges Follow the stipulations as Tai down by the concerned authority in the Railways, ‘he loads recommended by Indian Railway Standards foreach kind of tack are called Equivalent Uniformly Distbuted Loads (BUDL), These are listed in Table 10.1 ‘able 10. Egsivaemeifrmy stud ads (EUDL) (Fo bad gape mila tacks) Spor =) Talia ON, for BM) Bat ing Branch Tin 1 “38 36 2 ss 36 3 6 a a =” os 5 nas se é 2 ou 5 os ns 5 1086 m 5 Mad fe 0 10 oat 2 1409 104 5 96 i Fy am 1580 * aio 1880 » 20 ne o 5590 220 7 so 0 Giro @ suas aon. m0 sous ‘610 o no 30 oo a0 Sao 100 ‘00 oieo m0 somo as 1 sno 7198, 10 148s m0 1021 Web “The web of a girder can be of constant height or of varying height. The ginder with varying depth of web is called the hawnched girder. The focus of our study this chapter willbe on ides with constant depth of web. In designing the web ofa plate gnlr. we compat its depth (which is dependent on maximum beading moment) and is thickness (whichis dependent 0 1906 Desin of Brite Sra shear sess. The depth Binder tis given by Of the web can be decided based on “Economical depth of he pate bythe impact actor petmiwible bending ses in steel which is aken a8 L6G YB he yaa oe 10.22 Flanges ‘A Mange should preferably be sin “The width of may he ealculsted Based on ange is given by «1 depth of the web 1023 Intermediate stiffeners 4m order 10 avoid web failures (agonal bucli thichnes. the eb inst be a ‘ypes of sere, namely & Neti tifeners lacie ver the length ofthe un Beare witfeners laced at he supports ofthe few ‘The amangemen of itfener is depicted in Fi. 10.1 1024 Vertical stitteners “The venial ) swell as 0 comply with lower web lately suppor latealy by sifenen. Thee ar oe genee Me a provided at spacing mo greter than 15d and nts than 0.3%, Plate ine Bridges_¢ 494, tite iter rites 9901 where isthe depth ofthe web, The web pune dimension between two siffeners should not ‘be greater than 270 times the thickness ofthe web. The length of outstanding leg of the vertical stiffener may be taken as 12 times the thickness of the web. These vertical sffener: should Provide moment of inertia, which should not be less than sa’? i 1103) where ‘T= moment of inertia of the pir of stiffeners about the centre of the web or that of & Single stiffener about the face of the web 1 thickness of the web (¢= clear distance between vertical stfenes ‘depth of the web, ‘These sfener are connected tothe web plate $0 a to withstand the shear fare at the | imerfice between the weh and the silfener which is aiven by pay whore é ‘P= shear fore in Nim 1 thickness of the we in mm ‘r= ousand ofthe stiffener in mm. 102.5 End Bearing Stitfeners End bearing stiffeners are provided at the points of supports. The end hearing stifener strengthen the web and transit heavy reactive forest the Manges of the plate gicers The ‘end bearing stiffeners are designed as columns. The sectonal-aea ofan end bearing sifenet consists ofthe stiffener together with some length ofthe web (20 times the thickness of the ‘web) on either side ofthe centre line of stiffeners. This ar is used to determine the as of {mtion and to check the column seses. Finally, the lad beeing capacity ofthe sient sa column should be greater than the applied load or reaction. 10.26 Lateral Bracing for Plate Girders Lateral bracing i system of cross frames loated in the horizontal plene ad inne for connecting anges in oder to resist lateral deformation Lateral deformation i inde yond loads, which set nommal to the centre line of the web. Lateral bracing is rie the opan exceeds 20 m. Since the plate giles of railway bridges are considerably deep, thence or lateral braving is justified. This increased depth eretes a larger surface area ofthe weh over hich the wind fores ean act. EXAMPLE 10.1 Design 2 welded plate girder bridge fora broad guage railway line single tack), with splayed ‘ype wing walls serosa steam having the following erss-setonal deta 1926 Desin of ridge Sracres Dinan =) om 7501500 2250 3000 3790 0 50 «OO Grund sel(my) —16RT WES WLS 1808 Ia00 1810 12 1888 190 rd rok eve (m) 1812 181.0 1790 1785 171017401790 18001906 Formation level ofthe embankment: 189.0 m Discharge inthe stream: 140 ms ‘Maximum flo level: 186.00 Pecmissible alan: 1S em Permissible bending stress in stel: 165 Ninn? Permissible sear sites i sel: 100 Nima? Permissible bearing sires: 1878 Nim? Permissible shear stress in weld: 102.50 Nim? Design of the Linear Waterway ‘With refernce to Fig. 102, the length of the natural near waterway at maximum fod levels 248247158475 +75 +75 +334 = 3816 m a [FS] vf ip 102 Lina waterway we he bos (Example 101, Area of the natural waterway = (05 x 482 45) + 05x75 (45 +55) +05%75 6546) 205% 75 (6 +5) +05%75 (5 +38) +05 334 X34 38 tra mt Natrat velocity in the stream = 140/172.1 = 081 mis ‘Assuming an increase of 205 in velocity because of constriction of the waterwa lnder th bridge = 1.20 x O81 = 097 mis, Therefore, Aca of the artificial waterway = 1400097 = 144.32 m?. Thus, M432 =L@ +d) =L015 +6) Plate Girer Brides 4198 Therefor, L= 2346 m say 25 m [A span of 25'm may thus be adopted. © Dead Load and Live Load BAM. and SF. Dead fo ofthe tack: 7.5 KN/m Self-weight ofthe ginder = (026 + 1) =(02% 254 1 Total dead oad: 75 + 60) = 13.5 kN/m Live load (EUDL) for B.M, per tack (Table 10.1) = 2410/2 = 1205 KN Live load (EUDL) for SF. per track (Table 10.1) = 26272 = 1313.5 KN Impact factor = 20418 + L) = 20(14 + 25) = 0.51 = 050 BLM. owing to dead load = 135 x (258) = 1054.68 Kim BAM, owing to lve load = 1.51208 x 25Y8 = 5648.48 KN Design bending moment = 6703.12 KN: Dead load SF. 135 x 25/2 = 168.75 KN Live loud SF, = (15 x 1313.52 = 985.12 kN Design SF. = 1153.87 KN Dimensioning of the Plate Girder Section 50 KN i moins 2(or0s2 x10" =s ane, 1718.83 mm ‘A web thickness of 12 mm may be assumed, The minimum depth ofthe web required. hased ‘on permissible shea stess of 100 Ninn, ¢ obtained fom 11338710" _ AEST IO” 961.55 mm ‘Looking ino the above two values of depths (Le. 1718.83 ma and 961.55 mm) the dimension ‘oF H400 mm > 12 mam may’ be adopted forthe web. Flange Prates Approximate flange area required is given by a 4 Me Ae SOUL M2 4? fed 6168x1400 1946 Desion of idee Srucres _ Flange width may be taken at 140 to LAS = 25000140 to 2500015 = €25 60 55585 mm ‘lange width of 600 mm i adopted. ‘Therefore, the thickness of the pte required = 26 218/600 = 43.69 mm, say $0 mm, The ‘toss-scton of the girder i shown in Fig 103. f Hl i 1 Hl Hl 1 i H i 1 H H Hl i een im Fle 103 Costsccion of he seer Example 101). Check for the eros-sction adopted The tecking is done by veiping the bending stresses developed inthe ange and comparing ‘hem with the permissible ste, “Moment of inertia of the section with respect to the neutral exis teclangle each of dimensions 600 mm x1500 mm] | 294mm x 1300 mm | se | ‘sumac hee | 29613 _ 2029419) 1 iclex10 mat =0et Tt = 0034 mt =3.42510" eam Moment of eta with respect to yy ais tooo) [ates] = 2x005%06" | Laxo012 ss 901 18x10" mm Plate ink Bridges 4 196 ‘Are of eons-secton. & = 2x 50> 600 + 1400 x 12 = 76:80 mm? [ia _ fisxa0® Radius of gyration, =f = fx" = ‘A 76,300 ‘The girders are provided with cross ames at $m cl. Ths the length ofthe girder between {he cross frames = 5 m. Overall depth ofthe infer (D) = 15m, thickness ofthe lange (D = 50 mm. Then the elastiecritial sess canbe calculated by finding X and. Fo this the tatios, DIT = 1500180 = 30, and Lr = SO00153.1 = 32.65 are matched in Table 65 of 1S: 800, and from this table, we ths get X= 1728 and Y= 1656, ‘lane crite stress (i calculated using the formula (1S: 800) ‘ So = OC + bates) where h 153.1 mm coefficient whose value depends on ‘f, whichis the ratio of total rea of Ranges {atthe point ofthe least moment to the corresponding ara atthe point ofthe peatest ‘moment. In this ease, Y= 1, from Table 6. of 18-800, k= 1.00 ‘t= a coeticient to allow inequality of Manges, whose value depends on wm; Which i the "ito of MLL ofthe compression linge to that of sum of Ms. of flanges Inti ase w= 05, for which &y = 0. ‘The cj. are respectively the smaller and larger distances from the section neutral axis to the extreme fibres. In this case ey ele Therefore, Sis = 10728 + 0) = 1728 Ninn? From Table 62 of 18: $00 1984), for fy = 1728 and for f, = 250 Nima’, permissible compressive srs, Oi = 157 Ninn? “Maximum bending compressive sues is My 6703.12 10" 750 eT aaa KIO” 38710" 1400 512 ‘To obiain permissible average shear sires fom the code, dt and centre to centre spacing of stiffeners ae required to be known, ‘dr = 1400012 = 116.65 Assuming the spacing tobe 0.84. 0.8 x 1400 = 1120 mm or sty 1100 mm, from Table 6 6A (OF TS: 800, we get fe = 100 Nim? Hence the average shear stes is within limits, 1469 Nim? €157 Nim? Average shear stress in the web 689 Nim? 41966 ein se Sees Connection between the Flange and Web “Te consti sould be designed 0 tke up te orzontal shear force develope the mcm of he web an Tange Thi ven y VAY _ SAS 10" 600502750 7 32x10 ‘This shear frei oe then hy the weld roving cominaes eld om iter se he tong othe weld size h pen By e207 5x 1005 Tree, 2078 1S = 750.12, which gies = $29 mm 6 rm ie weld may be provi on ites 759.12. Nin Design of Intermediate Sutfeners 'As the cati dl = 10012 = 1166 i greater than 85, vera stiffeners need toe provide ‘Spacing tof ifenersstaken to be 1100 mm. However, tis spacing should not exceed 270 times the thickness of the web, i 270. 12 = 3240 mm, Vere stifeners of 10mm thickness with an outstand of 120 mm (his sul oat Be moe than 12x ¢-= 12 10 = 120 mm) are adopted. ‘Moment of incta provi by these (face ofthe web) = 10% 12079 = $762 1 mm ‘Bute per the code. the mini moment of inet, oe supplied hy the iene Fig. 105) a [en (vores Stine (@) Era BeangSioer Fig, 104 Sune (Example 10. Plate Ginder Brides 4197 fa1saPie 1.5400? x12 1100? ‘Therefore, the moment of inertia provided is more than the requirement, ‘Vertical Stifener to Web Connection ‘The welds connecting the vertical stiffener and the web are supposed to bear the shear forse at the interface, This shear force is given by = 494 x10 mm" Size ofthe weld i given by $0.7 x 10250 = 150 130 Sar 0030 Use 120 mm (should not be less than 10: = 10 12 = 120 mm) long an $m (ini) sized intermitent welds, The welds may be alternatively placed on either sie of the sine at 120 mim cb = =209 mm nd Bearing Stfener ‘Thc end bearing sifeer should be designed asa column to bear the rection ofthe girder as sn axial load Reaction 3.87 kN ‘The ratio it (oustndthickness) forthe stiffener should not be mre han 12. F the ‘outstand is 250 mm, then, ¢ = 250/12 = 2083 mm, say 20 mm. Bearing ares sctslly needed = 1153.87 x 10187 = 615397 mm? I wo plates ae used (one plate on each side of the web) the the hearing are actully provided = 2 250 x 20 ~ 10,000 mm However, the adequacy of the bearing ares provided should be checked se on the allowable axial compressive stess forthe column, tis assumed that along withthe beating stifene plates, a certain length of the web plate also patcipates in aking compressive stresses This length may be taken ss 20 tines the thickness of web, ie. 20 x 12 = 240 mm. The moment of inertia ofthe section with expect to the central axis ofthe web (Fig. 104) is 1220x512), 2230212? 2 2 12 20-4 280 2 12 = 15.760 mm? 2287108 mat ry Des fg Sees Effective length of the sitfener A= 91U/119.13 = 7.63, From Table 5.1 of 15: 800, we have dj = 180 Nim ‘Therefore. the area required = (1158.87 x LOVIS0 = 7693 mm? Design of Lateral Bracings “Two lateral brings can be proved at each end ofthe giedr to take up wind free. racking force and ceifgal force. A wind fore of intensity 2 Nin® may be asumed to prevail Tis ‘wind force will act nthe exposed area of the girder, The wind force on the other girder ‘eeward pide) may be taken a8 25% ofthe fore inthe windward direction. Refer Fig 10. 25m Mig 105 Lael acog (Example 10.0, ‘Wind fore on the sede (windward) = 2 « 1.5 x 25 = 75 KN Force on the leeward gider = 0.25 x 75 = 1875 KN Lateral load owing racking is assumed at 6 N/m. ‘Total racking force = 6 x 25 = 150 kN “Total design load = 150 + 75 + 18.75 = 24375 WN = 244 KN “hie ttal force acts in sich 9 way that half of i is atone end, Tis loading creates diagonal tension inthe member BC. Plate Ginter brides 4199 ‘emsile force inthe member BC is given by ‘Angle ISA 90 mm > 90 mm x 10 mm could be ted ‘Area provided = 2019 mmr, = 27.1 mm Effective length = 0.65 x 3.02 = 1.965 m Slendemess ratio. 2 = Lir,= 1.965 x 100027.1 = 7250 From Table 5.1 of 1: 800, permissible stress ge = 109.25 Nima? Safe loa on the member = 109.25 x 2019 = 220:57 kN “This loa is more than 217 KN, ‘Maximum compressive sess develops inthe member AC which sequal o reaction = 122 kN Blfetive length = 065 1.7 = 1.105 Design of Cross Frames (Fig. 10.6) {order t» mntan the alignment provided by girders and supplement attions lateral stability, cros frames are provided. Crss frames are provided for every 5m distance. ‘The lateral reactive free (owing to wind and racking) creates tension jn one of the agonal members (ADI. lg 106 Cro fame Example 101) ‘Are required = 158.7 x 1044016 x 250) = 105791 mn? ‘oa 10 men anges ay be sect. The aa povided by the ali 401 an, Teint fc profile, the ground level at the location of the 181 m and hardrock level as 179 me Tare sue! upto the ground level = 189.50 ~ 11.00 = 8.50 m Iie bak Eten maybe ma veil ads aero 6 may be provid atthe back ‘Top with ofthe abument = bearing + clearance + dit wal 0s ‘Bottom width of the abutment = top width + ‘The abutment is taken further down, is sketched in Fig. 107, ) congusten Fle 107 Abament desis (sane 10.1), Pe Ces srs 204 ‘The wing wall wll have tp width of 0.8 m and it slopes down to level, which s item above ‘he general zraud lve. The wing wal shall have » splay of 43°. The wing wall athe junetion ‘withthe abet will have the same foundation width that ofthe abutment. At the end, the ‘ving. wall wil have its top Fevel a 187.60. The hard rock level i at 179 m, £ srs ~ 1843) = 10m ont with ofthe wing athe end = 05 + £ ‘The plan showing the urangement ofthe abutment und the wing wall is shown im ig. 108. ‘The drawing details oF the bridge are shown in Plate 6. Pig 105 Absent an wing wl t ound vel ample 01) 2026 Dein of Brie Sractres DESIGN PROBLEMS Using the following particulars to design a pate gnder bridge for a broad gauge tack. Span: 20 m ‘op level ofthe railway embankment: 115 m Hed level ofthe stream: 100 m Ground level suitable for foundation: 98 m ‘Stream bund top lev: 101.50 m Using the following particulars, design plate girder bridge with suitable abutment nd wing walls fr broad gauge tack Span: 22 m ‘Top level ofthe rail: 111.20 m Bed level of the sear: 100 m High food level: 104 m Foundation level: 98 m Also, draw the following views of the bridge 1, Hatlongituinal section 2 Transverse section

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